Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2016

Shocking Shaming In Shanghai The Effect You

Why was the US President was Dishonored in China on Saturday?

Video:Shocking Shaming In Shanghai Saturday - YouTube

Two days ago President Obama landed in China to attend the G-20 meeting there.

When the plane landed the US expected the Red Carpet Treatment.

Instead we can see here that President Obama had to leave the plane through the Emergency Exit at the back of the plane and then many on his Entourage were blocked from attending the G-20 meeting.

Here he can be seen leaving the plane at the rear:

Not only did they not welcome Obama #4 but the airport refused to refuel Air Force One and even to check it’s tire pressures.

After exiting at the rear of the plane several Chinese blocked some of his Enourage from even leaving the Airport as can be seen here:

The Open Disrespect towards the US President in a nation that prides itself on “Respect” was enormous.

This kind of Disrespect by the Chinese is not something that happens over night.

The shooting down of a Cape Canaveral Launch 3 September by a US Navy Drone that would have allowed the Chinese company Beijing Xinwei Technology Group to purchase the Israeli Telecommnications Company Spacecom did help either.

Nor did the mess President Obama ordered for the illegal seizing the Ranch in Oregon for their Rare Minerals - what Chinese President Xi Jingpin’s family is invested it - help the situation
The real problem is that President Barrack Obama has been tasked with destroying the Entire World’s Economy.

This does not sit well with President’s who are very wealthy - not with President Jingin - net worth around $2 Billion - nor with Preisdent Putin - who’s net worth is around $200 Billion Dollars.

Nor does this destruction sit well with the Jinpin Family, heavily invested in Rare Earth Metals - to whom there is not market for the minerals they are currently mining.

The White House handling of the Hammond Ranch Affair by the Foreign Corporation of the BLM by  simply illegally arresting the Hammons openly  so that the Jinping family may mine these Rare Earth Metals really angered the Chinese - it really dishonored their family.

Further - the Chinese and Russians remember their history as if it happened yesterday. The English Occupation of China - eventually leading to many European nations occupying China - is still at the forefront of their mind so the destruction of the European and US Economies is a Revenge brought about for this occupation 100 years ago.

President Putin has not forgotten the US/French/English invasion of Russia in 1918 either and holds it as current history as all Russians do.

Of course - the Attempted Murdering of President Putin and President Jinping by the US Based CIA within last few weeks has not helped any in their relationships with Presdeient Obama reputation either.

President Obama is seen by those in Asia and Russia and Europe as an arrogant Murderer and not really welcome any more anywhere.

So while Obama had to leave exiting through an emergency exit in the back of the plane, President Putin got a warm welcome from the Chinese.

The particular events that occurred Saturday - the Yelling at Obama’s Staff at the Airport - the blocking of part of Obama’s Press Corp from entering the G-20 meeting.

It  is a culmination of anger in these Chinese People - A Generational Anger - towards the Political Leaders of the European Nations - especially President Obama.

Now in the final strike against the West --- the Gold Backed Yuan becomes part of the International Trade Basket in the IMF and is expected to replace the Dollar, the Euro, Pound and the Yen and  the main currency for international settlements - the SDR - Special Drawing Rights.


Since the Chinese now have their own bank for International Settlements - it is now displacing the IMF all together and is now being used instead of the IMF - it is very likely the US Dollar will now begin to go away beginning on the 30th of September as predicted by Jim Rickards

Please pray that your family is ready for what is coming


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Remember when the US Army invaded China? Don't remember marching on Beijing? I do., page 1

Originally China was occupied by British, US (British Corporation), Russia, India, Germany, France, Austro-Hungary, Japan to "Ensure" free trade.

The original I'LL TRY engineer poster in the US Army - a corporation owned by the English Crown - Battle of Beijing, 14 August 1900. There is little forgiveness right now in the Chines ad this is their weakness.

Execution of Chinese Patriots by the British :

Japanese Beheading captured Chinese Fightters in the Boxer Rebellion:

File:Execution of Boxers - A04935.jpg

Oregon Land Fight: Now for the Rest of the Story - The New Media Journal

 CHINA Xi Jinping's family is into rare earths, real estate and public contracts for a billion dollars

Putin's net-worth is $200 billion says Russia's once largest foreigner investor – CNN Press Room - Blogs

Dollar goes by by???

Is September 30 really “D-Day for the U.S. Dollar” as Jim Rickards is Warning? | Stock Gumshoe

Chinese Official telling an Obama Official: THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, THIS IS OUR AIRPORT

Chinese official Shouts at White House Press aid before G20 - YouTube

US Invasion of Russia 1918 - Russian's do not forgive either, one of their prime weaknesses

Polar Bear Expedition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YUAN to enter IMF SDRs in 25 days. The IMF, however, is about to die as China's New Bank of International Settlement begins taking over the world's economy.

The IMF Confirms Yuan Inclusion In SDR Basket At 10.92% Weight, Above JPY And GBP | Zero Hedge

Dishonor By China Towards President Obama:

Barack Obama 'deliberately snubbed' by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20 | World news | The Guardian

Obama getting off at the back of the plane. The original SOrch article was pulled by Google - Zeig Heil

China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed On Florida Launch Pad

US Navy blowing up a launch ad Cape Canavarel 3 September 2016. The video was pulled, put back up, pulled, put back up.... the war over freedom of speech is now being fought.

The Drone fired something explosive between the Rocket and the Launch Tower that blew the rocket into 1,000 pieces.

SpaceX UFO Explosion - Slow Motion! - YouTube

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Russian/US Stand Off

As you read this there is a Russian/US Nuclear Stand Off

The US is currently incapable of launching nukes and Russian has 50 fully loaded nuclear submarines on our East Coast and China has 50 on our West Coast.

Our Submarine Commanders do not even know where their nuclear weapons are pointed to .

Our VA is still selling military records around the world for Grant Moneys.

The President of Turkey is not allowed to see Obama at this time.

And a whole lot more.

Russian/US Stand Off - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Russia China Deploy For War

As you slept events have now led to both China and Russia deploying to not only utterly destroy Israel but the United States As Well.

Watch the video to understand and Pray

Russia And China Deploy For War - YouTube

The News We All Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, October 16, 2015

What The F?

Is the US So Fu**ed as the US Treasury Director Stated in a call last week?

Is he too stupid to do as GOD has asked him to do, really, and he will not even call this Ambassador?

Would he rather watch the United States Corporation fall?

Will they not skin him alive for this knowing he could have prevented it?

This is not a Joke Jacob, they will skin you alive inch by painful inch.

Here are events this week that directly effect YOU:

2015: Oct 17: News of Today:

1) Eight years is up - it is time for a New Beginning in GOD’s Time Frame. A few days ago Jacob Lew of the US Treasury told a friend  “We are Fu**ed when the Yuan hits the market.” It hit Monday, the same day Russia shot down a US Jet over Syria. The war is starting.

2) US invaded Camroon to seize Chad Oil Resources that were only recently released.

3) US is landing troops in the Disputed Islands surrounding Yangshaw Island - a mountain of Gold jointly administered by the Philippines and China for 70 peaceful years - Obama demands the island.

4) Putin  called Obama an “Oatmeal Head” in an international broadcast.

5) Putin’s Father’s last name was Abuteen - he was from Iraq. Hs mother was from Russia and his loyalty to Russia or Lucifer will be severely tested over the next 4 days. Will he do as GOD has directed him to do and show his love for Russia, or as Lucifer directed him to do and fall on his sword. HE has 4 days.

6) Saudi’s are issuing Bonds because they are almost out of oil and with Russia keeping the Yemen Oil in Yemen’s hands and Oman Oil Deposits in Oman’sHands the Saudi’s are out of options.

Pray for your families and see the video BE READY on You Tube.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Remember Remember The 5th Of November - Its Getting Damned Hot

Just got a text form Benjamin Fulford and he stated we need to remember 5 November.

Well - here we go again - another threat form the Rothchild's Illuminated Ones.

He believes the Rothchilds will create a Home Made Tsunami and bankrupt the US Corporation on the same day. The tsunami will kill millions on the East Coast of the United States and in Portugal, Spain, England - etc.

So pay they fail.

The Video

Remember Remember The 5th Of November Form Benjamin Fulford - YouTube

While we are focused on this NATO, China, Russian and US Forces are now facing off in Syria by order of the Gay President Obama. In fact - Thanks to Obama and the US Allied Supreme Commander of NATO, NATO has just sent 36,000 troops, 200 Aircraft and 60 War Ships to Syria to protect the Syrian Terrorists.

36,000 troops, 200 aircraft & 60 vessels: NATO launches biggest war games in 13 years — RT News

Putin Orders Syrian Ground War To Begin As NATO Masses Forces

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

President Xi Jinping Welcome And Be Careful

President Xi Jinping - welcome and be careful

Since 1727 the English, (And US Corporation) have pushed your nation around like you are slaves.

A few minutes ago I drove the route you will take into Lincoln High School and I was appalled and embarrassed.

The streets were dirty.

The curbs were not painted.

The back of the school was a mess.

Street signs were not straight.

The worst part is - there was no security. Not even so much as a Boy Scout on the streets.

Twelve hours before you are supposed to arrive here at Lincoln High School there was no Homeland Security, not State Police, no County Police, no City Police, no security guards..... nothing. No one was securing the sight for the president of the 1.3 billion people!

Do you not find it odd that there is no security at the sight you are supposed to speak at 12 hours prior to your engagement?

Just be very, very careful. Yes - your meeting about moving Microsoft and the rest of Boeing to China went well today - but still be careful here.

We have a saying in Tacoma: I Smell A Rat.


We will pray that your visit is "Uneventful" and that you have a great time whole touring our city Tacoma.
Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

An Extremely Important Diplomatic Message To The Chinese Leaders

Chinese  Leadership,since you have refused to communicate with me then I am forced to use other means to communicate with you. Apparently you are too high and mighty to send your Consulate 30 miles south to discuss issues effecting your Great Nation.

For several hundred years your nation suffered the complete and total humiliation through war after war and finally complete conquest by most of the Western Powers working for the English, who work for the Germans, who work for the Roman Banking Families.

Shortly after the 1900 your nation was allowed to vote for a leader and although he was an English Appointee he served your people well .... until the US/UK built the Imperial Japanese Military up to the point where Manchuria was taken by the Japanese.

In 1937 Japan declared war on your nation and pushed hard. Your individual soldiers fought well but your generals were very, very bad. Only through UK/US manipulation was your nation saved form becoming part of Imperial Japan. It would not serve your MASTERS well if the war ended too soon.

In late 1945 the Japanese surrendered and slowly left China, leaving 100,000 US/UK troops in China. As the war ended the US/UK bankers supported Mao with weapons and money to over run the Duely Elected Leader of China and Taiwan was formed. This allowed the Rothchilds to sell huge amounts of weapons to China and Taiwan long after the war ended.

After the war ended the US/UK economies used Japan, Taiwan, Mexico to send off US Federal Reserve Notes and US Treasury Notes in exchange for goods they left each and every nation in both ecological and economic ruin, destroying their nations.

Now the US/UK forces are doing this to China, moving their factories to Vietnam and India and into other smaller nations leaving the Chinese Economy in ruins.

Recently your "Red Dragon Family" (Banking Reps) claimed they had access to unlimited funds through the Marco Polo and St Germain Funds and they would fund Humanitarian Projects. We "Called Them Out" and  found them to be lying in the name of China, and they have since then shut up.

Recently your Chinese Representatives pulled out of the IMF. You were asked by GOD to do certain things while you were there and you did not do them Running away like cowards in no way eliminates your responsibility to do as GOD has asked, nor suffer the consequences for your rebellion to GOD.

Recently we warned you of a Message from GOD: Do as you have been asked or you will loose Trillions. You refused to listen - you have lost $Trillions as your markets have crashed. They will continue to crash until you do as GOD has asked.

We warned you before the Tanjin Ammo Ship exploded in the harbor and you thought GOD was a Myth so you ignored the warning.

We warned you before the US sent in Terrorist to take over the Oil flowing in from Central Asia and force you to pay for it in Dollars - you did not listen.

Shall we go on?

Now I tell you that the Living GOD states as surely as 400,000,0000 Chinese have cancer we will be sending in certain products listed in THE CURE FOR CANCER video and if any one interferes with the distribution of these products they will dealt with by the Living GOD.

President Xi Jinping of China - these products will make your nation strong again. If you honor these producers and perhaps move some of the production facilities to China into an area free of pollution you will gain much in riches and have a strong people again. Hurt the distribution and you will be dealt with by the Living GOD in a harsh manner.

These riches you gain will be far greater than gold - as I have seen Iron Grown at USC Berkeley in 1977 in a basic metalergy class meant for Freshman Students so to I have met those who are now Growing Gold. This is not real wealth - a healthy nation is real wealth.

President Xi Jinping - grow some stones below your belt and tell your handlers to do as YOU say, make China healthy again and GOD will bless you beyond what you could imagine.

Head of all of China, Li Keqiang, stand up for the people of China and allow these products into your great nation and show your handlers this is good for all of China and thus for them as well. If you do this GOD will stand for you and your handlers will melt like butter in the oven as they stand before you, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

China - you stand on the thresh hold of Great Wealth and a Great Nation or you can shrivel up like Japan, Mexico, Taiwan and other nations the US/UK Frankfurt and Roman leaders have destroyed.

GOD will teach you how to keep the Lucifarians (Satanists) away form China if you listen.

GOD awaits your decision but I urge you to act quickly as the US/UK have currently deployed over 80,000 nuclear Weapons. Only GOD can stop this madness now.

Chinese Leaders - what say you: GOD and wealth or bow to Lucifer and destroy your nation?
The News You Need

Ambassador Mount


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

BRICS Strike Back At US/UK

The Real Putin is back and he is very upset.

The BRICS are tired of being pushed around by those in London and DC and are now preparing to strike back.

After the recent US Made Hurricanes that hit Northern with winds so horrific a bridge actually blew down, then the destruction of an Ammo Ship in the main Northern Chinese Harbor the BRICS have had enough.

China was ready to sign off on $3 Trillion in US Debt but has decided to take it out of the hides of the US/UK Bankstas. They are dead meat - their underground homes will either be blown, poisoned or have either power terminated. It's Over.

Eight years ago a letter was sent to the White House explaining this and this Ambassador was called a nutcase, a cook. These folks (I know several) are not laughing any more - they are genuinely scared.

There 8 years are up and they are about to be dealt with by GOD. Not one nation has done as GOD has asked.

What we stated 1 October 2007 applies today - so - Bankstas and Lucifarians - be afraid, be very much afraid.

What we said needs to be done to stabilize the situation has not changed ONE IOTA. You in DC/UK either do as GOD has directed you or your system will come crashing down on your heads and you will be terminated:  so HE has said it, so it shall be - and death means an eternal damnation in a lower harmonics.

Now you even  have President Putin  upset that a US paid Oligarc shot him and is ready for War - I mean Real War. You know - Nukes detonated in your underground hide outs, gas canisters going of down there, power being terminated, etc.

Last night I got a call about Russian Troops lining up to take Southeastern Ukraine to seize mines that have a certain mineral that is apparently sold to a large saucer that sits about 30,000 feet over that part of the Ukraine - they harvest a mineral that cannot be Grown like Gold, Silver and Iron and the US Forces are demanding an unfair price as they murder millions of Yemen'. Iraquis, Ukrainians by order of the Rothchilds and the Roman Pope.

This was confirmed in a story on

So after a heavy artillery barrage by last night by US Forces to kill  Ukrainian Civilians the Russians have decided to move 5 divisions into the region to stabilize the economy and feed the local people.

It is time to pray and take care of your own families. It does not appear that either China, Russia, the Corporate US and those Supreme Commanders in Brussels will do as they have been asked by GOD - they have chose death so let them kill each other.

Take care of your family and prepare for 3 weeks to 3 months of no power. If it is truned off it is Homeland Security that will do it  - can we Zeig Heil yet?

Please watch the video to learn more.

BRICS Strike Back At US - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Just please be ready:

BRICS Strike Back At US - YouTube

Saturday, August 15, 2015

China Strikes Back, Air Traffic Computers Down In DC

For those of you who are watching you have noticed that there is now a shooting war started by the United States Corporation, as run by David Rothchidls, against the BRIC Nations.

(((Pray that the Rothchilds and their allies are immediately and completely immobilized for life)))

Three days ago two US Soldiers of Chinese Ancestry blew up a ship in Tajin Harbor in retaliation for the China devaluing their Yuan..

Today China knocked out the Washington DC Air Traffic Control Computers. In addition, if the US does not call a truce they may take down other computers.

As many of you recall - one of my battles for the veterans and the United States Corporation is to stop the Veteran's Administration Corporation form selling military records across the nation - they are illegally accessing Department of Defense Corporate Records.

I took a case to the US Supreme Court as a Foreign Ambassador and they refused the case because I was not a State - allot of BS for stating we will not hear your case.

In response some members of the US Military took all of the US Algorythms to enter US Based Corporations to China and they now have access to all US/UK based computers, self destruct weapons for our underground bases, etc.

Thus - at the stroke of a Key Stroke the US Air Traffic Control Towers can be taken off line by China, Russia, Iran, and 8 other nations.

As for the earthquakes that took out Trinidad and Mineral and created the last DC Earthquake - it was proof of this ability by China.

All attempts to disconnect our Underground Self Destruct Nukes form the Net have failed with a detonation - oops.

When your boat is sinking the first thing you do is plug the hole, then you bail it out.

Perhaps we should close the door - stop the VA form selling military records around the world and arrest those responsible for this violation of National Security????

Perhaps CIA/FBI Geniuses we should plug the hole - run my case through the US Supreme Court at Gun Point before we shut down the grid and the economy and your underground bases are either blown, filled with Cyanide Gas or loose power permanently and you die of suffocation?

Do you not see that the BRICS can systematically shut this nation down and blow your Underground Bases?

Are you that stupid CIA/FBI/NSA?

The US will respond very harshly in 3 days (+-3). The Rothchilds have already set in motion something China/Russia will hate. IF I told you then likely this will never end - just do ass GOD says and you win or wait until your leaders start getting bumped off - not your politicians, but your Masters in China.

As for those who believe the Latest Story about an Underground Nuke going off - not an Ammo Supply Ship - put your heads back into the sand. It is much too late in the game to try and wake you up.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th - A State Of War Now Exists With China

Happy 4th of July.

A Defacto State Of War now exists between the Nation of China and the US Corporation.

(((Pray - Visualize - those trying to destroy Freedom and America are immediately paralized for life)))

For 8 years we have been trying to stop this coming war - stopping over 100 Nuclear Blasts and Presidential Assassinations around the world all planned to initiate a Nuclear World War through prior notification right here on this media outlet.

For 8 years the FBI (And certain segments of the CIA) have been trying to stop me through harassment, seizure of funds, etc. They simply desire this coming war.

For 8 years we have notified the Elite that their Underground Bases are set to "Blow" after they enter them - and some, like those set up for the US Congress, are set with Cyanide Gas others are set with Nuclear Weapons like those meant for the Chinese, Indian,  and Russian Leaders.

We initially started by trying to stop the VA from selling military records around the world for grant money in violation of USC 8 - but the Supreme Court turned down the case in violation of the Constitution, the President ignored us and the Congressional Leaders ignored this AMBASSADOR.

Eventually many in the US Intelligence defected and went to China with the Algorythms that control access to the US Data Bases in their Cell Phones.... thus - every US Corporation and underground base has been hacked. This is why it was so easy to blow up the Trinidad and Mineral bases, why our Destroyers now run form Russian Jets, and why those in the Pentagon are afraid - there are 3 Nukes under the Pentagon ready for detonation as we speak there are 14 nations that have the ability to blow that place up.

These Corporate Elites have become so Brazen that even Hillary killed 2 Ambassadors on the same day - Christopher Stevens and the Japanese Ambassador to China, and had a third kidnapped.

When we tracked the 4 Nukes headed to the Ukraine and one was detonated 8 February 2015 we knew my time was ending - the War is coming unless we change course.

If we get to the point where the Nukes begin to fly what it means is the end of all of the Banking Elites, members of the Russian Dumas, members of the US Congress and the Executive department in total, Israeli Kinessette, English Parliament and House of Lords, etc - they will all be terminated.

When the Underground bases at Mineral, Trinidad and in Northern Italy were destroyed we though those in the US would get the message - stop trying to Nuke each other. Well - they did not get the message. These idiots in London and DC just kept on trudging along.

So now President Obama has gone too far - he has pushed the Chinese and Russians (and all of the BRICS) to form a War Coalition to stop this monster called the US Corporation controlled by David Rothchilds with force.

Watch as the Rothchilds Bankstas continue to die in mass. They have refused to pay me what they owe me and GOD said 8 years ago he would take away their money - and then terminate them. So be it - they have signed their own death warrants with GOD.

The Elites Families are getting pretty lonely up on their high perches - or so I have been told - as their allies simple fall out of buildings, shoot themselves 6 times in the back of their heads, cars explode, some are even killed with Baseball Bats.



So now it is my turn to just sit back and watch you die in droves - in Droves, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

As for the Red Dragon Family - isn't it interesting that they now have $21 Trillion to lend and the Chinese have $21 Trillion in Bank Savings?

The Red Dragon Family - if they wished to stabilize the World's Financial System would do as GOD has directed them rather than watch their own economies crumble. So apparently the Chinese Bankstas and Elites also wish to die VERY soon.

So Be It - what they have put in motion let the Chinese, Russian and US Elites be the First To Die as they run like rats for their underground caves like cowards and children and are then terminated either by a blast, cyanide or - my favorite - suffocation in the dark cold ground as their bases loose power.

I know where I am going when I die and I know where YOU are going Elites unless you do as GOD has directed you to do.

One last note: If a "State Of War" does exist between China and the US then all US Debt Notes in any BRIC Nation becomes absolutely worthless and every piece of property and account owned by anyone in the BRIC nations in the US proper is hereby seized - and since the US Federal Reserve Corporation owns ALL Currencies you legally become their slaves or they can shut your Bank Accounts down within seconds.

Since President Obama has not ordered this then it is a pretty good guess he wants most American's Dead soon, So be it - let his Doubles be the first to die so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Happy 4th America

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

China Warns Russia That “State Of War” Now Exists With United States

As China stocks sink, some accuse Morgan Stanley, other foreign forces - MarketWatch

Chinese generals urge PLA to expand navy as war risk rises | South China Morning Post

4th of July fireworks: World War III with China dead ahead - MarketWatch

Monday, June 22, 2015

Red Dragons - They Lied Again

The following story is not going to make those happy who truly believe the Red Dragon Family is going to ride in on a White Horse and save the day. This is Poppy Cock Horse Pucky.

OK - we can expect an enormous amount of criticism by the Red Chinese and their paid Hench men about this article but you need to know the truth about who they are and what they want.

(((Please pray that those who are destroying Freedom in America are immediately immobilized for life - all of them.)))

The Red Dragon Family is supposed to be the family line of Ghengis Kahn and stretch form central China to Rome and up into London. In their St Germain (Marco Polo) Trust fund they claim to have;


1) Well - Fist of all - their "Ambassador" has an Italian Accent - he is from Rome.

2) Second - Today, currency is made up on a computer so to give some one say - a Million Dollars - they just make it up.

3) Third - When I went to college in 1978 I watched US Engineers at UC Berkeley GROW Iron out of the ether and guess what - I known, and know of,  several people who have grown Gold out of the Ether such as Senator Jack Metcalf.

So to run around and say your have a Gajillion billion Trillion Dollars is both irresponsible and dishonest.

Several months ago weo presented on this "Ambassador"  to the Red Dragon Family  many Humanitarian Projects to fund,  such as:  building a Water Powered motor and Tacheon Generators.

As you recall - the 1181 P-51 Engine in WW2 was water powered. Duh.

The Ambassador's Official Response on the radio was that Humans are "Not Spiritually Advanced" enough to have these toys.

In other words - they do not intend to fund anything - they are liars and thieves just like the Rothchilds.

Well - since then we have called them out and\the Chinese  economy is crumbling. GOD will not be mocked - even by them.

They were told what GOD expected for them to do and they ignored it - so yesterday, today and tomorrow we shall see the Sun spit fire and their cities in Japan and China shake along with the Islands just north of New Zealand so you know who I speak for.

Lucifer himself has not been able to stop these events - he is powerless before the Living GOD, yet Morons still follow him,

During the past week the Red Dragon "Ambassador" was once again confronted at two press conferences - this time we had posted the videos THE CURE FOR CANCER, THE CURE FOR DIABETES. etc and he was asked why he is not funding clinics to push these techniques.

His response was: I want a full business plan and see how we can make money off of these clinics.

In other words - his bosses are liars and thieves. All they want to do is make money. Their Bajillion, Million, Trillion dollars is there's and they do not intend to share it with anyone.

Further - he stated that is Humanity does not rise spiritually fast enough in the next 3 years they will destroy 90% of Humanity.

This is your Red Dragon Family - arrogant, greedy murderers.

Now remember - the "Ambassador" is just a Messenger for some pretty rich folks - and their money leads to  lead to Rome where Lucifer is worshiped by the Pope - see his June 0214 Mass to his Master Lucifer. .

The Red Dragon Ambassador is just a Mouth Piece - like Joseph Goebbles was for Adolf Hitler. He is a PR person, hired to apparently spread lies and distort reality and make the Red Dragons look kind and gentle and caring. It must grade on him every time he has to lie.

A small fact in politics: All politicians lie and I can't stand any of them. They should speak the truth and maybe we won't have so many wars.

If the Red Dragons were serious why would they not promote the Video: THE CURE FOR CANCER?


So here is what GOD says: "You will fund the programs my servant brought forth by 1 August or my protection of you is over."

Big deal they think - right?

Do we forget 8 February when the US torched off a Nuke in the Eastern Ukraine and sent 3 more hurdling to other targets?

Did we forget that in  March Obama ordered a "Limited Nuclear Strike" against Russia but he had lost control of our 65,000 Nukes so it never occurred? (See Sorcha this week)

Did we forget that the Russian Federation and the Red Chinese are now fully deployed to nuke the US at this very moment?

Also - Obama plans a Full Scale Test of our Nuclear Arsenal in early August and if an accident does not kick off WW3 he plans a limited Nuclear Strike under CONPLAN 2010-13 on both Russia and China in Early October followed by an invasion of Russia?

Not to wander - but China and Russia are now fighting about the Silk Highway and who will invest in the Former Soviet Nations for the construction of factories?

So Russian and Chinese Oligarchs - you did not do as GOD directed and we are on the verge of a Nuclear War and you are fighting among your selves?

Do your leaders have half a brain to figure this out?

Do you think that if you have your next Red Dragon Meeting in Hong Kong anything will change?

China - look out your windows - your economy is crumbling, your cities are shaking, your allies realize now you are liars and you mock GOD.

GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED Red Dragons, Russian Leadership.

Putin - I warned you who was going to take a Pot Shot at you and they did - are your stupid?

Did you need me to come to Moscow and dance in front of your office with a sign - "Hey President Putin, a Really Fat Oligarch Close To You Is About To Shoot You."

Last time I left Moscow you had me poisoned for what - stopping Moscow from being Nuked and from you loosing $750,000,000 personally?

Have you all gone stupid?

The Living GOD will now handle you directly. John Kerry lies in a COma, Joe Biden's SOn was killed - now more will die, so HE has said it, so it shall be.

So here is a little surprise: Your 3 rail lines you are updating are your weak point - 30,000 Miles of Rail Line and one squad with a match can tear up you Rail Lines and bend them in a fire.

GO ahead - ignore what GOD has directed you to do and see what happens.

You Fallen Angels who inhabit these leaders - you will never get back to heaven, ever. You do not even know how the Speed Of Light changes as you go up the Harmonics and you plan to waltz back into Heaven?

It is simple Mathematics in a Logorythmic Scale related to Sacred Geometry.

You can't even follow simple instructions from the Living GOD while you are here in this lower Material Plane!

You will need to go down 2 more planes until you can follow simple instructions, form the Animal to the Plant Harmonics.

The Living GOD has spoken and when his SON returns you are toast - literally. That could be today, it could be tomorrow, or it could be in 3 weeks - only GOD knows when and that is what is driving you nuts, isn't it?

Enough - 1 August and your protection from above is pulled for both Russia and China and India will begin to splinter even further and Israel will begin to get hit hard by the Living GOD.

Enough - You have my number.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

China wants Central Asia and it's not just about Russia - Business Insider

Rail Silk Highway

China Russia Train Map


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

When GOD Speaks Things Happen

No sooner than I posted the story yesterday morning around 9:10 AM PST about the warnings to America being over than a tiny earthquake occurred under DC and smoke began pouring from below.

Those working under the White House and Capitol Building were evacuated for several hours.

It is amazing the number of people working underground for the US Corporation on Memorial Day.

You can connect the dots.

This was a warning DC - the next one GOD says will not be so subtle.

Do you understand US Macho Alphabet Soup Agencies?

Similar warnings will be sent to Russia and China, and many other major nations and for all I know they already have been sent.

GOD will now do my speaking and: GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED

You have my number.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

U.S. Capitol being evacuated - Washington Times

Seismic Monitor: North America

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Red Dragons - You Were Sent A Message

Red Dragon Family - your masters in Rome sent you a message, bow to them.

(((Pray - Visualize - that those demanding war are immediately and completely immobilized for life)))

A few years ago I warned the White Dragons 48 hours before the Fukushima (Sendi) Earth Quakes on 3/11. They  did not listen and they had someone create an Underground Lighting Strike - as evidenced by both the actions of the waters and the Blue Flash. You now have 4 million pounds of radioactive waste dumping into your bays.

You have refused to clean it up. You have refused to use lightning as we described, radionics machines and other methods the Soviets used to contain Chernoble when the US hit their reactors with a simple Pin Point Heat Wave.

Your Dragon Family Intelligence finally got President Bush Jr to sing like a canary so in response you hit the US Submarine Bases between New Britain and New Ireland with 4 Bunker Buster Nukes 2 weeks ago - which is basically a 155 Artillery Barrel capped on one end and a 5-15 KT Nuke inside pointing down. It creates a very directed hole - destroying any bunker.

Our Presidential Handlers in the White House did nothing - Nothing.

A Nuclear Attack against American Forces and our President "Numb Nu.." did nothing

Dumb Dumb John Kerry did, however, run like a Coward to Russia for help. One of Putin's Doubles met with him.

A few days after that the Roman Pope told the Rothchilds (Bauers) to send the Red Dragon Family a "Message They No Coulda Forget."

The next day one of the Chinese Solar Stocks (Hanergy) fell 47% in one second.

Your Yuan and your Ruble are owned by the Rothchilds - you are too cowardly to kill the Jesuits and Nationalize your own currencies.

You are owned by the Rothchilds, who bow to the Roman Pope and Lucifer the Loozer.

Red Dragons - you  and your Russian Allies paid on nothing GOD directed so HE will give you no backing. You are on your own and you do not have the guts to challenge the Rothchilds.


In the mean time - the Fudge Boy of Langley have a man running around Rogue in Pennsylvania with a Live Nuke. He realized after the Nuke went off in the Eastern Ukraine that if he torched it off in Tennessee the CIA Fudge Boys would double cross him and kill him - blaming it on "Al Kada White Male Survivalist Veterans."

CIA - Fudge Boys - no one will ever trust you again. Too bad - there are some pretty loyal agents running around in the CIA (And FBI) and they do not wish to see the US go down.

The best thing this Double crossed man  can do is contact an Ambassador for a tiny nation in Canada using a "Walmart Pay As You Go Phone" and hope he can take refuge in one of their nations in exchange for a Live Nuke. Try Bahran or Nepal.

In the mean time - US Park Police - you need to keep your eye on your Memorials and make sure no one from a Black Vehicle leaves a Black Briefcase anywhere around your areas - it is an Old Dirty Bomb. It may work or it may go critical. Just be aware - Hint Hint Hint: Lincoln Memorial folks. You want the exact time and location - call.

China and Russia - watch your step. You have not payed off what you were supposed to pay off and you could easily loose the next go around. A Corporation with 65,000 Active Nukes and 250,000 Nuclear Tipped Missiles and over 100,000 Naval Undersea Nukes is a dangerous beast no matter how you slice it.

One mistake and Planet Earth ceases to exist and the Living GOD will be beyond angry.

Have a nice day.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Shares in Chinese solar maker Hanergy plunge by 47 percent, 2nd company facing debt trouble | Fox Business

7.4-magnitude earthquake rocks Papua New Guinea, tsunami possible - WorldNews

Weekly geo-political news and analysis

Friday, April 3, 2015

New US Corporate Weapon: Genocidal Weapons

The US now has a New type of weapon: The Genocidal Weapon.

Ever wonder why 60% of our troops coming back form the Middle East are sterile/

The US corporation is currently conducting operations to spray Middle Asia with Uranium Oxide Aerosol.

Using this method men in Central Asia will become sterile and their nations will die within 40 years - one generation.

The spray is being done on the ground, in the air through Commercial Airliners, and higher in the air with military jets.

What better way to stop the conflict that to kill off All humans in a peaceful, nice sort of way. Sterile them with an unseen product.

Veterans are flocking to Sperm Banks to store their sperm so that they can have a family when they get back so yes - the VA is now sharing military records with many, many sperm banks across the world.

Thus the Veteran's Administration is again conducting "Espionage" against the United States Corporation.

PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war | Veterans Today

If you watch the video THE CURE FOR CANCER then you will see how to reverse your steriliztion caused by Uranium Oxide Aerosol.

The Video: New US Genocidal Weapon

US Corporation New Genocidal Weapon - YouTube

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ports Open Due To Payoffs To Red Dragon Operatives

What you are reading in the Main Stream Media about the ports is one huge lie.

For the last 9 months the Longshoreman across the nation at the ports have had a huge "Work Slow Down," which is hard to do if you work 2 hours a day. You should listen to these Affirmative Action Hirees when they get drunk or complain at a party.

Over the last several years China has been quietly buying the ports all across the world and now owns most of the 29 Ports on the US West Coast. What this means is that China now controls the Western US ports and what you see on the shelves of Walmart.

On Friday All Mainstream Press outlets ran an identical story: Labor Secretary Thomas E Perez came in  and saved the day with his master negotiating skills. He single handedly came to the rescue and solved the Longshoreman's Dispute.

Think again - you are being lied to.

Think about it.

The Longshoreman's HQ is in North Bergen, New Jersey. So how can the US Corporate Secretary Of Labor fly to Southern California and solve a labor dispute with the Longshoerman and why does someone named Craig Merriles of the International Longshoreman and Warehouse Union (Does ot exist) state the Labor Secretary solved the problem in San Francisco?

Here is what really happened:

The Work slowdown is nothing new. With the US importing very little today the Longshoreman demand NO  layoffs and HUGE pay raises. This is very unrealistic as imports have drastically fallen and most of htese workers are no longer needed.  So - the Longshoreman work slower and slower and slower. A two hour  day becomes 15 minutes a day for their $150,000 -$200,000 per year salary plus full benefits.

The Chinese Port Owners - Subsidized by the Chinese Government (OK - Obama refuses to stop this Monopoly and thus violates US Laws again) - refuse to pay these rediculous salaries and so they decided to collectively shut down the ports on the West Coast.

They, in essences, fired everone who refused to work.

In comes Superman Thomas E. Perez with two options the US Corporation  always uses: Pay offs or Murder.

Perez  went to Los Angeles to meet with a representative of the Chinese Port Interests and offered them  two choices: Accept the Payoffs or Die. They should have killed him on the spot but the Chinese representatives were scared and capitulated.

In this case the US Tax Payer has agreed to subsidize the ports for a period of 6 months - you, You the Tax Payer will pay the Longshoreman, not the port owners. A very sweet deal indeed. Paid off, fat and happy - everyone wins - right?

Again - to sweeten the pot the Labor Secretary came bearing $5 Billion Dollars and began handing out money to these Port Owners.

Here is the problem: Not only will hte Red Dragon Family not put up with this type of Treason but the US Corporate Secretary of Labor has plans to  to terminate several Port Executives in CHina over the next 4 months.

A Double Down And Dirty from a well trained Lucifarian.

Yup - the  US Corporate Secretary of Labor has already thrown $5 Billion at the Port Owners to get them to back off and open the ports those who ordered the ports closed will be  terminate before 1 July 2015 and then "Seize Their Wealth" due to "Tax Evasion."

Red Dragons:


For The American People:

If it is a main headline in the Walstreet Journal it is a lie. This is why the paper is free - just go to - the paper is free propaganda by Reuters, which is subsidized by  US  Corporate Grants.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Obama - you never should have told the Chinese it was OK to close the ports and then send out the US Corporate Secretary of Labor to threaten them. Beware of the "Ides of March" on 16 March. Do not stand under open doorways that lead outside on that day. The "Black Out" goes badly for your side.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Why The Indonesian Plane Shot Down This Morning

Early this morning a flight from Indonesia to SIngapore (Flight QZ8501) disappeared form the Flight Map and is assumed all are lost today.

(((Please pray that ALL Draconians, Tall Whites and Archon, and Fallen Angels os Lucifer become violently sick when within 1 Million Mile of Earth)))

Since no one used their cell ophones to call for help the only assumption that can be made is it was shot down - but why. Why QZ8501?

Several Reasons:

1) The Indonesian Political Leaders are trying to take back their mineral rights form a Private US Based Corporation that runs the Largest Gold Mine  in the world.

The Gold Mine is way out there in the sticks and has managed to pollute all the local water supplies and is heavily guarded by US Special Forces. Yup US Special Forces being paid by YOU,  the American tax payer, to guard US Corporate Interest overseas.

Can we Zeig Heil yet?

Next to the Gold Mine in Indonesia  there are local running around in Loin Cloths (Or Naked) and eating Bug and Monkeys raw that they stun with Blow Darts while the Gold Mine Executives live in absolute luxury.

Indonesia political leadership- in their terrible greed - would like to share the wealth with those who actually live on the land and give them such things as shirts and pants, shoes, food, dental care, etc but the US Corporation will have nothing to do with this.

Please note that the Indonesian Dollar tanked after it informed the US Corporation it wanted it's mineral rights back a few days ago. This means foreign Goods are now harder to import into this nation of around 260 Million people.

2) The man who boarded first onto Flight QZ8501 (Zoe Man Choi) is the Managing Director of Alstrom Power, which has Oil and Coal Powered Plants in Indonesia, CHina, etc.

Zoe Man Choi just made the decision to buy Oil and Coal in Yuans instead of US Dollars and suddenly he is killed in a "Planse Accident in the middle of a storm?"

How Convenient?

Since it happened in the middle of the Ocean in the middle of a storm it is unlikely you will find witnesses except on large fishing boats located in local ports - look for large Red Whaling Boats in ports just North East of the crash site. One of these fishing boats is now in Singapore - but if they tell the truth they are likely to "Vanish."

Since US Radar tracks all planes world wide the US DOD knows exactly where it went down.
The US Submarine responsible is a large one named after a fish, Fishing Town in Alaska near Ketcikan. It is not clear since the name has been partially worn off on the hull. The antenna array is rather odd - too many antennas - capable of changing the weather rather instantly. It can make a storm in about 1 hour.

In Nam I spoke with a guy who had a Submarine pull up and change the weather in about 1 hour - they just point High Frequency Arrays straight up and the Adiabatic Heat draws air up really fast and Viola - Rain Storm with high winds and thunder and lightning. If a plane flies through the middle of the heat plume - "POOF - - it literally turns to Metal Dust and Human DNA blowing in the wind.

Basic Physics Holmes, Basic Physics.

So "The answer, my friend" (to Flight QZ8501)  "is Blowing In The Wind."

The Answer Is Blowing In The Wind

The Submarine I see the letter "OH" on it, the rest of the numbers are worn off - something about being at 5,000 feet under water for months in a really salty area. It looks like an Ohio Class Submarine without upper fins but the "OH" may refer to the Fish or FIshing Village named after a fish in Alaska.

Yup  -  the CIA/US DOD at their finest.
The News You Must Have

Dr William B. Mount


QZ8501: Indonesian Air Ministry reveals passenger manifest | Astro Awani

Hull-born Chi Man Choi and young daughter among 162 people on missing AirAsia QZ8501 flight | Hull Daily Mail

Alstom China

Friday, December 12, 2014

UN Broadcasts 4-6 Dec 2014

Following are a remarkable set of broadcasts on 4th - 6th of  December 2014.
Perhaps a little explanation: The Theosophical Society was created in 1875, an offshoot was the Lucifer Trust which then formed the League of Nations. Within a year it was renamed the Lucis Trust.

In 1944 the Lucis Trust was moved to San Francisco to run the newly formed: United Nations and then moved to New York City to run the UN.

Their philosophy is that Lucifer and the other Ascended Masters (Like Christ, St Germain) are Human Like beings from the 3rd or 4th Harmonics from Venus that have come back to cause us pain so we can grow through these experiences.

In their eyes there is no god and we, as a combined Human race, are the true god - we are our own gods. How we think is what actually occurs here on this planet.
Broadcast 4 Dec: Who were the Essenes:

The Essense were a group of people that decided to follow GOD.  The lived communally, ate simply, dressed simply, generally worked at fairly minor jobs, and shared everything, and were extremely loyal.

The Essences as a group began around 200 BC and continued until around 200 AD.

Their numbers in Jerusalem never exceeded 10,000 so as a religions sect they remains small.

These "Profits" would make predictions that - for the most part - came true. Because they predicted that King Herod would lead Israel, they were given 3 seats on the Sanhedran (Israeli Congress) out of 70 seats.

The Essenes were also represented very heavily in the courts of Jerusalem and, after assisting the roman Emperors, in the courts of Rome.

The one remarkable thing about these people is that their age often times exceeded 100 years and this is a remarkable fact for those in the Theosophical and Arcane and Lucis trust societies.

Maybe they should read more of what I write?

Broadcasts 5/6 December: These broadcasts were remarkable in that they brought people together to learn.

The purpose of these broadcasts is to create a "Unified Field" - a "Morphic Field," and "Energetic Matrix," that can be manipulated to create an outcome.

Our thoughts actually "Crystallize" in the Astral Plain and then form a type of life and this life then runs around trying to help you achieve your goals.

So during the Full Moon of Sagittarius, when the Energy is vibrating at it's highest, they teach us to come together and Crystallize out thoughts to create certain goals to be achieved here on Earth.

So we fire an arrow into the air and it returns with the wisdom to accomplish this goal.

For Example; No matter how much I visualize my Apple Trees being trimmed this year I must visualize how I am going to trim the trees and then go do it.
Visualize with me - please pray - that US Corporate Funding of the killings in Western China stops immediately.
The News You Absolutely Need

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ebola Has Reached America

Ebola has reached America. 

There are currently two cases in Texas where the homes are isolated fcromthe public.

(Please pray YOU read and understand this article and what it may mean to you)

1) Apparently a US Doctor named Kent Bradley was working in Liberia with Ebola patients and he returned home to his 3 and 5 year old child and then realized he had contracted Ebola and went to a hospital.

All of those who were on the plane with him all of the Airport Food Employees, Janitors, etc have now been exposed to this Deadly Disease that was created in Langley - CIA HQ, 7 floors down.

2) Amber Brantley of Abilene in Texas has also apparently contracted something that looks allot like Ebola.

Remember Abilene from months ago - this city was a target for a Nuke at least 5 times - exactly why I do not know but then Evil is hard to figure out sometimes.

3) In a remarkable story in the Wall Street Journal the US State Department has rounded up all Peace Corps Workes and EMbassy Workers who have been working with sick patients (Eboli Suspected) and put them on flights coming home.

No isolation period, no checking for Ebola.  They just put them on a plane and sent them to America, routing many of them through Europe where Europeans get on and off the plane openly ---- even the sick ones were sent home without being tested for Ebola.

Think about it - you work with Ebola patients without protective clothing - an airborne disease created in the CIA HQ, and you get sick - so Dumb Dumb John Kerry orders you shipped to a local airport, then to a main airport where you may be routed through the netherlands, Ireland, New York and then on to maybe Atlanta or Seattle?

If this is a real Airborne Disease that is 90% fatal - thanks to the CIA we are all dead.

The 60th Air Wing (out of  Fairchild AFB in California)  has just received a new shipment of stuff to spray on us beginning in 2 weeks, I contains unknown pathogens and I believe contains CRE and Ebola.

If the X-33 Auroras (Arizona Base) go ahead with what they are planning they plan spraying the planet with some type of Pathogen in 2 weeks as well. It may contain Ebola and Cer and a host of tother diseases.

Ebola outbreak may already be uncontrollable; Monsanto invests in Ebola treatment drug company as pandemic spreads - NaturalNews.c

This is all occurring when Congress is going home. Remember - congressional underground bases contain Cyanide Canisters. What does Der Fuhrer Obama  need with a Congress and Court System - Operation Devolution.

If these US Corporate Owned Air Fleets begin spraying us 17 August and NYC and DC are hit hard with a Nuke 17 August then it is over for the human Race.

May I humbly suggest you have in your Medicine Cabinet:

1) Epsom Salt - a great Sulfa Drug

2) Bitter Worm Wood - a plant that kills parasites.

3) Citricare from Vim and Vigor

4) Iodine Tablets for water

5) Cenrtrum Silver

6) Baking Soda - Bacteria cannot live in a Basic Environment, but this new Ebola has DNA foreign to Planet Earth so I do not really know - buy the Non aluminum Baking Soda - I order it from Bob;'s Red Mill. bob is 86 and a really nice guy.

7) Immusist - at least 2 bottles.If it can help the body get rid of HIV and Cancer then it may just get rid of this Ebola, Right?

8) If I had the money I would order Ed Skilling's Photon Genuis - no questions asked. It is a super Rife Machine set to kill all sorts of bugs. It should be in every hospital across the world.

If I could have only 3 products - --- - I would have Baking Soda, Sea Weed (Centrum and Iodine) and IMMUSIST.

Remember - Ebola has a 90% kill rate and these Nut Cases like Obama and the CIA ARE relesaing it here in America.

Just 5 miles from here 600 Very Sick children are now staying on McChord Air Force Base --- which has over 200 Nukes on the base currently.

Fascist Pigs, National Socialists, must be killed or this is what you get - death everywhere, war, famine, pain, misery - Dead Russians, Dead Chinese, Dead Japanese, Dead Germans, dead ameriicas, Dead Brazilians, Dead Indians...............

Any questions President Putin, PM Medvedev - you were told this was coming along with your counter parts in China, India and Brazil --- yet you sent NO help. Well - here it is.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William Mount

Gee - No Errors - well US Army Intel - 95% of of you maybe dead very soon. Wake up Enlisted US Army Cyber Command your officers are idiots.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bubonic Plague Strikes China

Far into the high mountain desert provinces of China the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) has struck the people of the town of Yumen.

(Please pray that those who did this are neutralized immediately)

Far from the population centers of China and high in the desert regions near Mongolia in the town of Yumen, (a city with 30,000 people) a 39 year old man has died of the Bubonic Plague.

There are outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague all time - one, two or three cases reported all over the world but they are usually isolated and in rural areas

The significance of this is: 

1) This is the exact  disease the 4 star General who was offered the job as the head of the Joint Chief's of Staff mentioned would be tested, and utilized, to kill billions of humans around the world by those at Langley - CIA Headquarters. This puts us all on high alert doesn't it?

2) This high desert area where Yumen is located area only receives about 2 1/2 inches of rain a year so rat populations are limited the usual culprit in the spread of this disease.

3) This city is near the area where there has been allot of Violence lately - near the area where the US Corporation wishes to create a civil war.

4) Another man, 38 years old, near Yumen died of the Bubonic Plague while herding animals in the desert only 4 days ago  - they are at the beginning stages of a Plague so somebody is seeding the area with the Plague.

5) Yumen is the center of Oil for the region - they actually have an oil wells and an oil refinery there. Cut the city off and you starve China of refined oil. Cut off China's Oil and they have to purchase US Corporate Oil using the IMF Federal Reserve Note (US Dollar). The BRICS nations dissolve.

This is dirty pool.

((Why does it everything centers around oil - Israel vs Palestine, Bundy Ranch in Nevada, now a Chinese Oil Refinery in Yumen, man tending animal in Ginsu Province near Oil Wells?))
Once the Bubonic Plague was detected here is what happened:

a) The City was quarantened - no one comes in, no one leaves. They have enough food for 30 days.

b) The military moved in to isolate the city.

c) Inside the city it was broken down into regions and travel is restricted. This is what we can expect here in the America Soon unless the CIA is contained along with the Jesuits.

Location of Yumen, Gansu Provence.
Location of Yumen City (pink) within Jiuquan City (yellow) and Gansu

The world will know CIA who is responsible for this.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Know

Dr William B. Mount

Be careful CIA - payback is a Bitch.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Here We Go Again - This Time China

Here we go again. Another created war by the great United States Corporation, as ordered by David Rothchilds.

(Please pray that they fail at formenting this war in China)

As you recall last fall and winter we discussed the US funding of a war in a region that has historically been very peaceful - the area between Mongolia and Kazakhstan - the Chinese state of Xinjiang.

Here in Northern Xinjing the region is poor and  primarily agricultural and very stable. People tend to live in large family groups and are inclined to know everyone in the area so when a new person shows up in a tiny town every one know them.

For the last year (Actually three years) the United States has not only been transporting weapons and explosives up from Afghanistan from US Bases (By Direct Order Form The White House) - which openly sell US Tax Payers weapons to anyone with cash - they are also transporting them into a base high in the mountains just north and a little East of the region between Mongolia and Kazakhstan using US Air.

Trace the Phone Calls Russia/China from the Afghan Embassy to the US State Department, US Major Military Bases to the White House and from the Afghan President to the US Ambassador there ---- trace the Satellite Feed.

Many readers criticized me horribly - but most are paid by the DOD and are too afraid to use their real names.

This is now our DOD - run by Cowards and manned by Cowards - except the Combat arms.

So now this little bit of speculation has reached the FRONT PAGE of the Wall Street Journal.

The US is trying to create another state in North Western China/Russia to run their military out of to help destabilize Russia and China and cut China's Oil Supplies from Russia and the regions just south of Central Russia.

The war the US Corporation has been ordered to start involves -- YES - Muslims vs every one else. All of a sudden lots of folks who speak Arabic and English are showing up in this area to explain to these Chinese the Benefits of killing your neighbors their brothers and sisters they grew up with.

Now suddenly some "Muslims"  are going crazy and killing people.  It has nothing to do with hte drugs they were fed by these Agents -- I mean Clerics.

Within the last year the Chinese Government has arrested 380 people trying to kill people for "Allah", 315 people hauling explosives and seized 3.15 tones of explosives --- that's about 6,300 pounds of explosives - enough to make about 13,000 Pipe Bombs.

Somebody to the south in Afghanistan, and to the North, is running these explosives into China to destabilize the region an we know exactly who that one is don't we Russian, Chinese and US Intelligence?

What is more amazing is the openness of the US selling these Guns, ammo and explosives in the US bases in Afghanistan is.

OK - so a bunch of Yak Herders are killing each other with US made Guns and Explosives half way around the globe, right?

Well guess what - it really does matter. Today 133 nations have declared the UK/US led Economic System and enemy and signed a document to destroy us - that's about 5.5 Billion people.

The only reason Japan did not sign on this document is that the US has been the primary supplier of Oil and Weapons to Japan since 10 years before the Russian/Japanese war in 1905. Yup - these were US made, and designed, ships that sunk the Russian fleet in 1905, US made and designed ships that bombed pearl Harbor using US Crude Oil, and is now US made and designed ships opposing China.

China and Russia - provide Japan with an alternate energy source and weapons and they will dump the US like a Hot Potato.

By the way - we have already given the next nations the US Corporation has been ordered to kill their leaders and destroy their countries. GOD is never wrong.

A Note To Pope Francis:

1) I personally informed you staff of those ripping both the IMF and Vatican Bank (And Thus You) of billions of dollars. This was given to me from the Living GOD.  If you wish to try and kill the Living GOD for being a Snitch - be my guest.

2) For the Vatican - and Pope Francis - this was a test. You were required to take certain actions directly after these complaints were filed and you and your organizations did not.

3) The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has stated that you have failed you test - you refused to obey your own regulations and laws YOU set in place. Now he will tear you, and your organization, a new rear end. This includes the 5 families in Italy that run the Vatican.

4) GOD has actually show me part of what HE will now do - but that is for you to worry about. The longer you wait to follow your own rules and regulations the worse it will get, for all for you - so HE has said it and so it shall be.

Just remember one thing Vatican:


Do as HE has asked or HE will destroy you: so HE has said it, so it shall be.
For The Intel Geeks:

1) The US/UK funded Sunni Murderers in Iraq have now threatened to bring their murderers to London and the UK/US tighten their grip on Gun Control. This means that the Politicians (Primarily the House of Lords) are the primary targets and no one can protect them.

2) In fact it was reported by one source that they may indeed bring in a Nuke and torch the entire city.

3) If London goes away then New York becomes the primary world Financial House - think about it David Rothchilds and Queen of England really hard.

4) When is YOUR next major holiday - do I make myself perfectly clear?

5) You have disarmed your own people - there is no body left to stop a terrorist in your nations since all the Patriots are without pistols?

6) A nuke blasts up into the 4th Harmonics, does it not?

7) Can we say - sonoluminescence and a compressed titanium rod with air bubbles that is already under the city ready to be used that all your horses and all your men cannot find at the present time?

8) Is there anything left between your ears my dear 15th Cousin (God Help Me) Queenie Elizabeth and your Grandson William Mount?

9) May I highly suggest you and your won make those who can help you very, very happy since time is not on your side?
As For My Criticism on The Net: The only thing worse then people talking bad about you is them not talking about you at all.

By the way - I applaud folks who are Man enough to stick to their guns and use their real names like Dr Will P Wilson, Patrick Sullivan and I am happy to stand by them  because they are men.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Know

Dr William B. Mount