Saturday, June 14, 2014

Iraq Falls Apart, Another Told You So By GOD


The situation in Iraq is degrading rapidly thank again to US interference directed by President Obama

(((((Please pray for Peace in Iraq)))))

Several months ago I met a man at a Home Builder's Show who's son was openly selling weapons to all sides in Iraq- Sunnis, Shi'ites, Kurds, Syrians Rebels----- whoever and US Dollars got what they want.

A US Fleet was currently loaded with these weapons and the second the US Dollars were transferred through the SWIFT system (Rothchilds get 10%) the weapons were brought in using US Troop Assets - that YOU the American Tax Payer paid for.

Well - guess what.

Just like we stated, thanks to GOD and the media outlet of APFN, the situation in Iraqis critical.

 When US Combat Troops in Uniform left Iraq they left the Shi'ite Muslims behind. This sect believes that the Quaran may not be Infallible and that the laws created by their New Calif are really what they should be following.

Many in this sect accepted the teachings of the west - educate women, use Cocaine, Sleep with Prostitutes....

It is believed that about 5% of Iraq is Shi'ite.

The vast majority of people in Iraq 980%) are Sunni Muslims. They believe that the Quaran is the Holy World of God (Allah, Bedoine God of War) and that they should kill those who do not feel the way they do.  Much like our people until the coming of the TV, these Sunnis believe that the government is an extension of their Holy Book. They murder all who do not believe that god is called Allah and who do not swear on the holy name of Mohammed.

These folks are so radical and murderous that president Obama has endevoured to ship millions out of the Middle East and into Europe and America at YOUR expense and then take YOUR guns away while shipping them massive amounts of guns both in the US and in the Middle East.

What you are about to look at is a picture in the Wall Street Journal today showing the angry Shi'ites fighting back. Please notice that a man on the right side is wearing Military Riffle Clip Holders and is wearing a white robe. He has no beard, there is no sweat marks on his shoulders from the gear (110* weather) and in the lower right you will see a brand new pair  of Blue sneakers - New Blue Sneakers.

The Picture is a fake, staged to get us back into war in Iraq.

So her it comes - the Staged Wars in the middle East, the killing of Millions as ordered by the Roman Pope through the Roman Knights of Allah and Jesuits, and the full scale destruction of the world's economies just like Albert Pike stated it would happen so many years ago.

Please also note that the ruling Shi'ite fighters the US supported for a decade is carrying Russian made weapons and the Evil Sunnis are carrying US made weapons.

Please explain that Mr Dumb Dumb John Kerry - why did your State Department not react and stop selling weapons to the Sunnis when this was exposed 2 months ago you murdering coward?

Here is the picture:

Please also note that all their clothing is washed and they are freshly shaved-----a no no in the Muslim religion.

The photo was staged - it was a lie.

So now even the front cover of the Wall Street Journal is a lie.

The News You Are Not Supposed to Have

Dr William B. Mount

Spell checked 4 times.

Do your best to discredit me US Army Cyber Cowards.


Friday, June 13, 2014

What Is Al Kada?

Al Kada is batted around by the leaders of the US Corporation as a Muslim outfit connected to the Muslim Brotherhood that wants to kill all Americans.

(((Please Pray you mind is opened)))

Al Kada is Lucifer's First Temple in Mount Hebron.

Mount Hebron is the mountain just North of Israel where the Jordan river comes from.

Under Al Kada are a series of underground bases - but tat is for another day.

So the CIA came up with the name Al kada (Al Quada) to be hte name fo the Bad Muslims.

The Jewish Story is that the Tribe of Benjamin went north and interbred with the Fallen Angels or the Watchman and created the Giants. What was left traveled to Greece and then to Rome to set up this New World Order  2,500 years ago.

The original temple looked just like the Temple to Artemis in Greece:

 Note: The White House

Tel Dan 3,000 years ago, we think:

Tel Dan

Richard Rockefallar (Banksta) Dies In Plane Crash

Richard Rockefeller Dies

I am sorry to say that yet another Banksta has bitten the dust. This time Richard Rockefellar.

(((Please pray that these folks have their eyes opened before it is too late)))

This morning Richard Rockefellar was taking off in his Piper PA 46 Turbo Prop when it lost power and crashed into some trees just outside of a New York Airport. Out of 351 built only 19 have crashed.

Richard had attended his father's (David Rockefellar) 99th Birthday Party and was headed home when his plane swerved down into the trees.

Richard was on the Board of Directors for both the Rockefellar Trust Funds and Doctors without boarders.

Richard was a devotee of the Doctors without Boarders, helping to raise funds to vaccinate people around the world with the "Bill Gates Vaccinations."

I have met several doctors form Doctors Without Boarders and they are completely devoted to helping people all around the world regardless of the conditions. They ignore politics. It is a shame that their leadership is corrupt.

Richard was also a man who not only taught Medicine at a University but openly opposed the "Cures" that would have effectively ended Cancer, Heart Disease, Malaria, HIV.

Yesterday the 5PM deadline ended for the IMF and it's Bankstas to do what GOD had asked them to do and they were told that they were now in GOD's Hands.

I am not told what the Living GOD will do to these Bankstas on a case to case basis - but this  appears to be the First Casualty in what may be a long line of deaths associate with GOD's work. What I believe you will now see is GOD severely disciplining these Bankstas for ignoring HIM.

The Rockefellar's control the North American Finances for the Rothchilds and Richard was set to inherit this role when his 99 year old father dies.

I am sorry for the loss and even more sorry that those who could have followed GOD's request but chose not to - Richard was at the top of the Food Chain on this one so GOD took out the Top Dog.

On paper they own nothing --- but they control everything through Irrevocable Living Trusts

What happens now is up to GOD, but if I were the Bankstas I would be very, very afraid. Their Chief just died.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Read

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, June 12, 2014

UN Broadcast 12 June 2014

UN Broadcast 12 June 2014

This was one of the most remarkable broadcasts I have ever heard.

(((Please Pray that you take away form this what you are supposed to.)))

For those critics - I have been through the Bible many many times and that is in Greek and Hebrew - the way it was written. I have also read many of the books the Roman Pope cast off and would not allow into the scriptures. I have also been through the Koran and in Abram 28 it states: First there were the Profits, then Yeshua, then GOD had so say it all over again with Mohammed. 

Please understand that these broadcasts are taken with those beliefs as a foundation.

Please also understand that most Muslims and Christians have never fully read the Bible or Koran in it's Original Language and therefor have a hard time understanding these books.

With that in mind:

The Broadcast began asking the question: What would happen is The Christ, Yeshua, came back today with all his Flames and Glory in this day of Mass media and Instant News?

Would there be Mass Paranoia, Hysteria, Panic, Collapse of the Financial System?

This Day Of Good Will Celebration today is the last Main Holy Day of the year for the New Group Of World Servers - on the Full Moon that happened around 1 hour ago.

By the way - nothing happened - business as usual.

"The Sun Came Up and the Sun Went down."

For a little explanation for those of you who are new:

There are 12 Dimensions with 12 Harmonics between each Dimension. 

The Beings from the 4th Dimension came to the 3rd Dimension and used 7 "Sacred" Sounds (Vibrational Frequencies) to cause Gas Bubbles to form Suns and then spun off the suns to form planets and thus "Life."

As the Earth enters the Age Of Aquarious the Solar System passes up and through the upper regions of the Milky Way Galaxy and through some pretty stupendous Magnetic Interference - that interferes with these 7 Sacred Sounds.

As these frequencies are interrupted they cause the Earth to not only expand (To Some Degree) but to also allow the barriers between the various harmonics to begin to collapse.Also - our sun goes a little nuts.

These changes not only cause Great Earth Changes but we begin to see the beings from the higher harmonics and into the IR and UV spectrums.

The immense energies now associated with thunder storms and Hurricanes are associated with the Increased Energies associated with these barriers coming down.

In many areas the Life Forms from the Higher Harmonics (Many are very large) are now being seen in clouds and in the storms.

This increased energy and rise in frequency is causing some pretty interesting things to occur - the Middle East is falling apart, what was is being brought down in preparation for what is to come.

The year of 2015 is the United Nations Year Of Light - remember, like Dr Will P Wilson says on the All Day Live TV Show - All Matter is light that has been slowed down.

It is estimated that by the year 2025 the 4th Harmonics will merge with the 6th Harmonics they will have all have some down to this Physical Plane. In other words - life is about to get really really exciting.

There are structures all across this Solar System that are being build in Higher Harmonics that will aid in this crashing together of the higher Harmonics.

The thousands of Pyramids here on Earth have something to do with this change since the Earth sems to do this every 36,000 years.

To put it in plane English - the 3rd Dimension is collapsing because the 7 frequencies have been disrupted and we will be pulled up into the 4th Dimension. Life is going to get a bit strange.

Here in the energy of Gemini things you have been hoping for happen - here is where we can do things on the Physical Plane we have been designing on higher planes.

We must learn Pure Reason without Emotion, to think with "Intelligent Love." This is what the New World Teacher will come to teach us.

The coming Christ will teach us how to live in these higher Harmonics and create a New Earth through using these new tools available when as these energies rise. Those tied into these energies will begin to literally Glow as they reach the higher energies in their bodies. They will act as Conduits and literally draw this energy down form above.

These Planetary Crisis caused by these rising energies will bring about a temporary Caos and then there will be a Divine Order that will be established by the Divas (Spirits) that come with the merging of the different planes in the Harmonics.

The Third Eye is opened when you use not only your Pineal Gland but also your Petuitary. You must form a Shield of White Light and merge these two glands to use this eye.

So now the United Nations will begin to change it's way of reaching out to Younger People as the energy rises and the Vail Is Torn Asunder  between this physical plane and the energy planes.

I would like to thank those at the United Nations who entrusted me with writing this brief summery of the Broadcasts today.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Read

Dr William B. Mount

Anti Muslim Film Maker Worked Directly For Eric Holder

Eric Holder paid Anti-Muslim Film Maker to Make The Film

As you recall - a few years ago the Muslim World was up in arms about a film showing M the Profit Mohamed in a negative way. There is now proof that the film maker produced this film as a direct employee for the US Corporate Attorney General Eric Holder.

(((((Please pray that the truth now comes out)))))

The Anti Muslim Film President Obama clai,med was responsible for the death of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens on 11September 2012 was made was paid directly by Eroc Holder.

Testominy now come from Walid Shoebat, Ben Barrack, and Ken Davies.

The film was used as a cover story to kill Amabssador Christopher Stevens for taking some Commission for selling hte Muhujadeen Al Kaleek (MEK) 400 tons of Munitions 100 tons went to kill Russians in Dagastan and 300 tons were shipped to Syria to kill Syrian Soldiers.

In addition - Several US Special Forces Troops were also killed by this planned First Degree Murder of an Ambassador by Hillary, Eric Holder and Barack Obama.

as you recall - not only did these Perverts watch form the Consulate Camera the assault but the hour the Ambassador dies Hillary Clinton (US States Dept Head) removed the MEK form the US Corporate Terrorist Watch List.

The same night the Japanese Ambassador was ordered beaten to death in the capitol of China by US Corporate Agents to prevent a Peace Deal concerning the Japanese/Chinese disputed islands. They had both agreed to abide by the 1950 UN Treaty but the US Corporation demanded war so Hillary ordered him killed. His body was found 3 blocks from the Japanese Embassy.

ow these Barbarians have ordered a Hit of Pres Putin and Chinese Military Officers in the Chinese Capitol and have sent severe flooding to Serbia (Russian Allie) and Central Siberia.

Never before in history have there been thugs like this in office.

Even Fascist Pigs like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mousolini respected the office of the Ambassador.

These thugs who currently run the US Corporation have no respect for anything but power and money. They will kill you just for fun.

So while all of this is going on Drunken Chuck Hagel (DOD Director) and General E.D. Dempsey (Head of US Chief of Staffs) are so inept they do nothing.
For You Intel Geeks:

You did not meet their 5PM deadline and they are in GOD's hands now. If I were to say what GOD is about to do to them I would be arrested - but can we say it is not going to be pleasurable?

The IMF is going down, way down, and so are their employees.

Good News:

So - for some good news to end your day with: We are getting more and more calls from people who are not only reversing their Blindness, deafness Alzheimers, Cancer and stroke Damage by eating Sea Weed (Kelp) and adding a surfactant to their diet. My favorite is Immusist.

I am stunned at how easy it has become to get well once you stop eating Wheat, Dairy and Canola Oil and add Kelp and Immusist to your diet.

If you have to have bread - Costco has some fairly tolerable Gluten Free Bread and Famous Dave's Killer Bread has a great Spelt Bread.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

SS Stroms Kalispell

The Department of Homeland Security - a Privately owned corporation operating on American Soil - has now massed on the tiny sity of Kalispell, Montana.

(((Please pray that those who sent these thugs are made completely inept by hte living GOD before they can do any more harm)))

The tiny City of Kalispell Montana is the latest recipient of the Homeland Security Troops intended t search out, and destroy, terrorists around the world - terrorists like President Putin of Russia and President Yanakovich of the Ukraine.

Apparently the White and Free American that holds a Bible in one hand, the constitution and bill Of Rights in the other Hand and a pistol n his hip is a threat to t Thugs like US Corporate Attorney General Eric Holder.

Fascism (NAZI) fears freedom and GOD - it is inherent in their nature.

So two days ago the Corporation of the Department (Fascist Agency by definition) massed on Kalispell - a tiny town right in the center of Montana.

The Montana Governor;'s Reaction was: "Huh?"

The "US Corporate" plan here is two fold:

1) Give away all of the land around Hamilton Montana to some Native America Tribe and set up "Plantations" (Obama's Term) and allow manufacturing plants to move in without pollution controls and destroy the land.

2) Hunt down "White Supremesists" - which, according to this corporation,m are Whites that own a  rifle and more than 3 days of food in their pantry ----- we have already seen the FBI Corporate Manuals describing this.

The Department of Homeland Security(SS)  is your enemy. If they come to your home  --- they plan to arrest and kill you.

Call the Local Highway Patrol, film everything and post it on You  Tube, and run like heck.

These Fascist Pigs Hate You.

Anyone who believes you can negotiate with Fascists has a screw loose - do not engage, hide the silver ware run. They will pillage everything they can find.
For You Intel Geeks:

1) GOD says time is up 5PM COB tomorrow. There are no further negotiations.


2) Benjamin Fulford, as well as the rest of the world, now knows that the precepts of the Bretton Woods Agreement are over as of 14 July 2013. Although it was extended by 12 months  by hte US Corporation and the IMF - this means the end comes 14 July 2014 ---- no other nation will extend this contract to these Fascists in the United States Corporation.

My father was in World War 2 and fought the NAZIs and he called them the "Fascist Pigs." That is what they are.

3) Benjamin Fulford has stated that the time is up for the US Corporation. The Federal Reserve Dollar will be denied everywhere for use in purchasing anything around the world and the US Corporate Attempts to Seize African Assets to back the New US Treasury Notes with is also doomed.

((Oops - that was top secret. I temporarily give all readers a Super Duper Top Secret Security Clearance - General Dempsey - and Hague - Your minds leak especially when you drink) )

4) North Eastern Corner outside Moscow Proper - Nuke in tunnels near subways reaady to detonate by English folks.

5) President Putin - in 7-10 days there is a Russian Holiday or celebration you  are scheduled to speak at. Look out over the crowd and on your left --- 11 O Clock - shooter, one rifle, one bullet --- will be spun as a Ukrainian.Second shooter just under him o1 or 2 floors.

Change your location for the speech the day before.

Funded by US DOD with E.D.

6) Another shooting today - ths time in Oreon - white male (No Pictures) - Whte SUpremisist.. At first he had a single shot rifle, then it was an AK47, tehn he yelled hte N word in a mall - the story gets more and more convoluted as time goes on. The cops and victim's parents and victim can all be found at Sandi Hook, Boston and now in Oregon.

7) Remember - another shooting (Fake Shooting)  every 2 days.

8) 15 Jun Assassination Attempt on an Obama Double.

7) Atlanta False Flag 17 June (+- 3 Days)

8) 12 False Flags in US 21 June - see Simpsons TV Program.

9) The Rothchilds (Pope) and other western Bankstas are desperate and are trying everything to get this war started -- nukes, chemical weapons, Illegal Aliens on US Military Posts with nukes, war between China and anyone who will fight, war in Russia.....

10) At the Temple of the UN there will be enormous prayers to bring in Lucifer's Christ at 9:13PM Western Standard Time  - as  the moon wobbles the time of the Full Moon has now changed just in the last 2 days by 2 minutes.

I leave it to you to determine if this is good or bad.

11) GOD is not done yet, the sun today on

The news You Are Not Supposed To Read

Dr William B. Mount


Thanks APFN - we may win this war yet. GOD may come to our aid. Time will tell.

Tomorrow: maybe the power structure of the Immuminati, including the Rothchilds Round Tables and their religious structure --- or maybe a summary of the UN meetings.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The New Electric Vehicle


We all know what the news is - so let's hear something good a change.

((((Pray that you learn and remember what you are about to read and can use this information to make your personal situation better))))

For years we in our Northwest Solar Group worked with Alternate Energy as a hobby. We are builders and enjoy tinkering.

We have personally built, and helped install:

1) Solar Panels for homes both on and off the grid
2) Water heaters both using Glass Tubes and the old copper tubed ones.
3) Assisted in retrofitting 3 cars to be electric - a 2006 Honda Acura and an old VW Rabbit.
4) Helped install a hot water system to heat a home.
5) we looked at, and inspected the wiring, of a wind mill that produced power.

Not only was this allot of fun but I learned allot about connecting plumbing and electrical wiring.

I have about 500 watts of solar on my house and it is plugged first into a battery bank and the excess power is sold back to the grid.

For every watt I have I make 1 Kilowatt Hour each year. This means that each year I make 500 Kilowatt Hours and the state pays me $.18 per Kilowatt Hour - so I am being paid 18 cents plus the 7 cents I do not have to pay - a total of .$25 per Kilowatt hour.

Thus the 500 watts pays me as if I actually had 2,000 watts of solar panels.

I use 26,000 Kilowatt hours a year. So to offset my power bill completely i would need to add another 6,500 watts of solar panels - or about $10,000 worth of solar stuff.

The additional $10,000 pus the initial $7,500 = $17,500 investment and would offset a power bill of around $2,000 a year - which is around a 11.4% return every year --- of a 9 year payoff for my system.

Recently my wife and I went to the Puyallup Mother Earth News Fair.  and assisted in our solar booth - but there was plenty of tike to see the rest of the fair. The caliber of people that attended was very good and many of these attendees were very serious about installing solar on their homes.

Way back in the corner were some electric cars. The one that interested me the most was a Utility Pick Up. This little gem is built out of non-rusting material and sports Lithium Ion Batteries.

The current range of this Utility Truck is only about 40 miles (40 in the Dead of Winter) but additional battery packs my be added to increase the range to around 300 miles.

About 90% of my driving is to the Home Depot,  the Grocery Stores and to shops like Macys.

The truck has a maximum legal speed of 35 MPH in Washington State but most folks modify them tot go around 40 MPH. If modified actual speeds can exceed 60MPH - but this is not recommended.

The advantage here is if the power goes out not only do I have Wood Stove Heat I also can drive around town no matter how long the power is out.

The other thing I like about this truck is that it is large and solid - something desired in case of an accident.

Maintenance costs on these Electric Vehicles is small - no oil changes, no spark plugs, no gas - and great winter heaters and batteries that are set to last about 20 years and can be changes one battery pack at a time.

The Base Cost is around $30,000 and can run upwards of $40,000 with all the bells and whistles - but remember --- no gas.

Assuming nothing major breaks, not including new tires and breaks:

1) Initial Cost of my S-10 New: $28,000
My Yearly Pick Up Truck Cost:
Gas  for my truck for 10,000 miles: 400 gallons, $1,600
Four Oil Changes plus Fuel Filter, Air Cleaner, Misc: $400 Easily
Total: $2,000
Over 10 years: $20,000

Total = $48,000

2) Initial Cost of the Electric Vehicle: $30,000
Cost on an Electric Vehicle:
Electric Cost for 10,000 miles: $200
Oil Changes, Misc: $0
Total: $200
Over 10 years: $2,000

Total = $32,000, or around $42,000 with all the bells and whistles.

If you live off the grid or in a major city you can see how the cost savings add up quickly - especially since this is no Compact Car and since the electric car has much better pick-up at an intersection that any gas powered car.

I have looked at allot of Electric Vehicles - form the Tesla to a home made Honda Acura that can go 70 Miles Per Hour  for about 200 miles we built in an old garage using hand tools that had  Lithium Ion Batteries (1950 Technology).  

One last little fact: In the outlying area like Montana and Alaska these little puppies can be modified to provide your home with power when your lines go down ---- and thus you have an extended battery pack to run your lights and freezers and then you can charge the entire system with a small generator in the day time or drive into town and go to work and charge your vehicle at work  and then drive home.

When I get the funds I will purchase one and if the power goes out I will drive to Fort Lewis to go shopping (7 miles away) and charge my vehicle on post, drive home, and run my freezers to make Ice for my neighbors.

It is not about being a survivalist and hiding in the woods - it is about always being prepared for the unexpected like our grandfathers were, ready to help a neighbor who is not prepared. The Electric Utility Vehicle is just part of the entire picture.

You need to think about Food (Meds, power for your refrigerator), Water , Power, Ammunition, Heat and Communications.

So if you get a chance - stop reading the news for a minute and look at something positive ---

The E-ride Industries

Here are some pictures:

 e-ride Refuse Hauler with can tipper video

With the ability to haul people and get work done, the EXV4 is what your job site is missing. Click here for more information.

The Website is as follows:
The News You Are Not Supposed to Have

Dr William B. Mount