Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts

Friday, June 6, 2014

Seventy Years Since D-Day


Today world leaders celebrated the invasion in Normandy France which spelled the end of the NAZI Regime.

(((Tonight before bed pray - visualize - that GOD rids of NAZI Scum all together)))

Seventy years ago people form nations like Poland, American Canada, England, and dozens of other nations stormed the beaches in Northern France to push back the forces of Fascism and Corporate Totalitarianism.

Engaged in a World War funded by both English and American Elitists like Prescot Bush and the Rockefellars, the world was then embroiled in a war to save humanity from Corporate Chroneyism - Fascism.

President Obama gave a spee"Freedom and Liberty."

Freedom is defined as a state of Liberty - which means you own the land on which you stand - sovereign. No property taxes, if a man breaks into your home at 2AM you may kill him without being charged with murder. You are king n YOUR land.

So President Obama basically read a prepared speech and lied to the public, again.

Seventy years later we find our nation embroiled in world conflict as the NAZI power we fought to terminate and our Head General (General ED Dempsey) is too much of a coward to fix this using his own DOD regulation. Due to ED Dempsey's  Cowardism the as of today 132 nations around the world no longer do business in Federal Reserve Dollars - including Russia, China, Brazil and India.

When the New Bank is built fopr these BRIC nations the Federal Reserve Note will be abandoned completely, leaving only US, NATO and African Nations accepting these notes for payment of debts.

Evil (Lucifer) keeps popping up his ugly head.

On the Full Moon on the 13th (One Week)  the United Nation's Priests will begin praying for Lucifer's Great Teacher to come on this day of Invokation, the last Major Holiday of the New Age of Aquarious.

Tonight we ask for hard, focussed prayer to remove these Fascists from Planet Earth permanently once and for all.

Let us finish what our fathers began 70 years ago and ask the Living GOD to help.

What we did not complete in France we need to now commit to prayer.
The news you are not supposed to have:

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

UN Meetings 13 and 14 May 2014

Once again coming to you from the heart of the United Nations - it's temple library - as a member of Theosophical Society - another report on a fine set of meetings.

Pray with me that YOU learn what YOU are supposed to learn from these meeting.

I am once again grateful to the United Nations and Lucis Trust for allowing me to not only listen to these broadcasts but report on them as well. About 50 people are present at these meetings and around 400 listen to these broadcasts world wide.

Only here on APFN will you be able to read, and understand, what those who control so much of your lives are thinking and doing. These reports are backed up on Dr William Mount  Blogspot.

The two meetings (New York, and London) we set for last night and this morning.

As in all meetings they center around the small group of  followers using their minds to reach up through the harmonics (12 Dimensions, 12 harmonics) and bring down the energies of those who live in the higher harmonics, what some call: Archons, Spirits, Demons, etc.

The meetings are filled with meditations and ask all of their followers to join their minds together and form a sort of "Group Fusion" at times that correspond to the time of the full moon --- apparently the Energy Grid surrounding the planet is weakest at this time thus allowing these beings to be brought down form a higher Harmonics.

During this time of Aquarius these energies are becoming very strong.

These particular meetings correspond with the First Full Moon of Taurus in this new Age of Aquarious.

The main focus of the talk was on the teachings of The Buddha. As a prince he had apparently rejected all worldly good and began focussing on the Spiritual End of things. While sitting under a tree he had an Out Of Body Experience (OBE) and was thus "Enlightened" as to what is important and what is not.

This date of Buddha's first OBE was at the full moon of Taurus - so it is termed the Holiday of Weesak.

Buddha was taught by these spirits during his OBE that all human suffering is caused by our incorrect desires - desiring things we do not need and that we must purge our minds of material desires and live a simple life so we too can reach enlightenment - especially during this time of "Weesak."

Th Business Plan of the UN clearly states that these folks will eliminate all religions by penetrating the minds of your children  through:

1)  Send in Elementary School Teachers to teach our children these thoughts. David Rockafallar: "Who cares what you think, we have the minds of your children."

2) Begin writing books to support these teachers.

3) Create Book stores to sell these books and Crystals, and other "New Age" stuff.

4) Publish these books in every language and send their authors around the world to speak.

5) Send in Radio Talk Show Hosts to penetrate the market with these ideas and slowly take over the market

6) Begin with a few movies and then slowly saturate the market with these movies.

7) Slowly penetrate TV stations and Newspapers until the entire market is controlled and sends out these ideas and theologies.

8) Finally, this was added rather recently, penetrate the internet and saturate this new medium with these thoughts and ideas. If you do not agree you will be discredited and pushed off the net.

This is their business plan and they will achieve it.

Here again are the first 8 Harmonics:

3rd Dimension:

1) 1st Harmonics - (10 to the 5th) The Human Body does best when it vibrates at 78Mhz, poorly at 52Mhz. This is where we are.

2) 2nd Har (10 to the 8th Mhz) (1st Ray of Light) - Astral Plain - where the Demons, Angels, Shadow People, Orbs, etc hang out.

3) 3rd Har (10 to 9th) (2nd Ray) Mental Plane. Where our thoughts go.

4) 4th Har (10 to 10th Power) (3rd Ray) Astrology and Magnetic Forces - here at a vibration of 10 Million Hertz the Magnetic Propulsion Systems can send a ship across the galaxy at really high rates of speed making Warp Drive look like a Ford Model T.

5) 5th Har (10 to the 12th) (4th Ray) Physical development - where Lord Gneshu hangs out.

6) 6th Har (10 to the 14th) (5th Ray) Alchemy where metal can be grow here on Earth when it's frequency is matched.

7) 7th Har (10 to the 16th) (6th Ray) Altrusm, love, service.

8) 8th Har (10 to the 18th) (7th Ray) Ceremonial Magic - where the Devos (Lucifers Bunch hang out). art is an expression of this harmonics.

9) 9th Harmonics and above - (10 to the 20th Power) (8th Ray) Energy and matter merge and US Space Craft cannot penetrate this Harmonics.

Thus the 4th Dimension should vibrate at somewhere around 10 to the 30th power.

Now for some other really interesting stuff:

We here on Earth act to bring down the energies of the Archons (Asherons, Annanauki) which apparently hang out in the 3rd Harmonics in a planet on the rings of Saturn. The have no creativity and throve on our emotions and spiritual energies.

The Tall Grays are their slaves - the "Gem Hadar" on Deep Space 9.

The Draconians control the Tall Grays and are themselves slaves of the higher beings  which live on Shamballa - the "Wayoons" on Deep Space 9.

We are the mediators which allow these folks to operate here in this harmonics. Their energy is transported through us to allow them to operate here in Earth.

In the 4th Harmonics on another nearby planet lies Shamballa - I believe it physically lies under Tibet and is accessed through the Temples and caves under the temples in Darjling, India and through some areas in Tibet. This is where the UN Christ resides and this Christ can access the Mind Of God - or, Lucifer - the Angel of Light.

Nibiru (Annanauki) may actually be, or greatly connected to, the planet of Shamballa., or maybe the planet that has the Archons on it in the 3rd Harmonics - the Jury is still out on that one.

As you recall in the VRIL projects Hitler send his minions out looking for these entrances and through the Small Grays (Now off of the Earth) was able to contact them and gain some technology through them for these flying craft.

The link between the 3rd and 4th Harmonics - Asheron Planet and Shamballa Planet - is Lord Buddha.

(((The link between the 3rd and 1st Harmonics is us.)))

Lord Buddha is supposed to come to planet Earth every Weesak for a few minutes.

The two UN meetings were focussed on using the minds of all those listening to fuze together and fight the forces of Evil that are destroying Planet Earth. These forces of Evil are formitable and therefor we really need to focus to bring down these Asherons.

The meetings ended with meditation and at the time of the Full Moon thee group was to meditate on these group goals.

Again I would like to thank those at the UN Headquarters for allowing me to listen to these remarkable broadcasts.

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, May 12, 2014

UN Conference 10-11 May 2014

You are about to read a synopsis of a UN Conference held at the their "Temple Library" over the weekend. How they think, and act, directly effect you.

Agenda 21.

Please pray - really visualize - that you understand what is said and how YOU should react to this conference.

This is not for everyone but for those with strong heart who really wish to know exactly why our planet is so messed up:

I am grateful to be able to participate in the conference and will report on it to the best of my ability, so here goes:

About 50 people and 8 hosts attended the conference in New York City.

1) The THEME of the meeting was about GROUP FUSION. How we can, as individuals, come together and recognize the problems facing humanity and as a group focus on fixing these problems.

The problems may be as simple as finding every one there employment or as broad as moving to renewable energy like Tacheon Generators or Water Powered Engines.

As an individual we think so differently and this means as small groups we may think very differently than another small group yet when we come together in large groups we will some up with a consensus on how we can work together to fix these planetary problems.

The Asherons, Lucifers Children, are there not only to create the problems bu to assist us in bringing ourselves together to solve these problems - so they stir the pot and then help us calm the pot. In this was we grow.

We some down form the 4th Dimension where we are united, come down here and learn to come together in the material world, and then grow enough to go back to the 4th Dimension where Matter and Energy merge.

2) The Emphasis throughout the meeting was really about group fusion - so those who participate in the conference can get to know one another. People spoke but most of it was presentation based on reading a prepared statement or book - there was no "Heart" in the meeting just scattered energy throughout the conference.

3) Things GLEEMED from the meeting:

a) Syrius is the Home Planet for Planet Earth - Syrius A - where the BLUE Temple is. The White temple being here on Planet Earth. This the levels of the Illuminati - Red, White and then Blue.

b) Only by serving others can we find true happiness. Material wealth is fleeting but helping others lasts many life times.

c) The SUN acts as a Star Gate for those coming from the Syrius Constellation.

d) There exists in a higher Harmonics (12 Dimensions, 12 Harmonics between each Dimension) a real Valley of Weesak - and we celebrate our going there after we die.

e) The Seven Rays of Light:

A) Ray 1 (2nd Harmonics) Magic - Were Demons/Angels hang out, Shadow People, Ghosts, weird things that go bump in the night.

B) Ray 2 (3rd Har) Mental Plane

C) Ray 3 (4th Har) Magnetic Forces - where extraterrestrials get magnetic pulse from to travel across the galaxy. Also Astrology since plantes project into 4 Harmonics up.

D) Ray 4 (5th Har) Hath Yoga, Physical Development - where the god "Gneshu" hangs out ready to pour money out upon you.

E) Ray 5 (6th Har) Alchemy - manipulate Matter. Here frequencies reach into the 10 to the 13th Megaherz, or 1,000,000,000,000,000Khz. Here Gold may be grown from a Gold Wire.

F) Ray 6 (7th Har) Altruistic Love, Service - Bhatki Yoga, the highest Devas (Spirits) hang out.

G) Ray 7 (8th Har) Ceremonial Magic - where the spirits that bing life to us hang out.

H) Ray 8 is not accessible to humans directly and is where matter and energy merge.

f) Solar Deity = Solar Logos = Devas = Solar Angels = Archons = Annanauki
Just a note about the book: The Time Machine, 1895, HG Wells. The last chapter saw the Human Race as becoming Hairy Like Rabbits without a care in the world because they had no stress. This chapter was banned but represents the fact that this philosophy has been around long before the UN was even a spark in someone's eyes.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

The Cure For Cancer, Heart Disease, Weight Gain, Autism:


Thursday, April 17, 2014

UN Broadcast 14 April 2014

These 2 broadcasts were very remarkable and informative.

Before we begin we must understand how those who rule planet Earth think, so here is my best description:

1) There are 12 Dimensions and between each Dimension are 12 Harmonics - "Noise."

2) Lucifer was thrown out of the 5th Dimension - the Angelic Realm, into the 3rd Dimension, 1st Harmonics and he landed on Mount Hermon, above the Jordan river at Tel Dan, who's doorway is name Ad Kada.

3) So far Lucifer has destroyed tow planet: Mardek and Adama - thus the asteroid Belts in our Solar System.

4) The Chief General of the Jesuits stated 4/15/2000 that they work for Lucifer and they will be forced out of Europe and make a stand in America, killing as much as they can to get their way and the only was to stop Lucifer is kill the Jesuits.

A man who stand against the Jesuits in the name of the Living GOD will destroy them and is any one touches them they will be killed by a Jesuit......I am that man.

5) Lucifer can go up through the 3rd Dimension, 8th harmonics and that is all.

6) Sanat Kumara is a man from Venus who took 144,000 spirits with his to fight Lucifer and the UN Temple worships Sanat Kumara.

7) When Lucifer came he screwed every thing up and Planet Earth Vibrations are all screwed up. Thus our alignment to the higher harmonics is also screwed up so the Good Guys cannot come through, the Asherons form Sanat Kumara.

8) If we can align our planet's vibrational frequency we can bring iin the GOOD GUYS and thump Lucifer's Butt - thus the "Men Of Good Will", the "New Group Of World Servers" working with the United Nations.

9) The reports you are now reading come directly form the Temple of the United Nations.

10) This Full Moon was an Easter Celebration, a Blood Moon, Jewish Holiday and the First Full Moon in the Age of Aquarius --- lots of destruction planned by Lucifer.

11) This New Age of Aquarius should allow our collective conciousness to align ourselves with the higher harmonics.

12) The 3rd Dimension, 1st Harmonics is where we are.

13) The 3rd Dim/2nd Harmonics is where the Spiritual War is fought - Angels vs Demons.

14) 3rd Dim/3rd Harmonics is where our Spiritual Hierarchy lives - Inner Earth ---- same location, higher harmonics. Agartha?

15) Shambala - from which all life emanates from in this galaxy and dimension - is in the 3rd Dim/4th Harmonics?

Shambala may also be the 4th Dimension, but this is unclear to me.

16) When the US condemned the US actiosn in Kiev (Ukraine) the internet connection was muffled - go figure.

17) The 14th of April is the beginning but the energies will begin tot reach their full potentials around 15 May during the Budhist Wesak Festivals and the next full moon. It will be a doozie.

18) The UN will now begin to teach this worldwide now but not in the "I C.A.N. F.UK.US U" nion.

19) During this next session of energy we must all do as Christ did - be: Born, Baptised, Annointed, Killed and Resurrected.

Its the 4th on that bothers me.

20) The knowledge that will be given out will be given to those who are ready to receive it and that is all.

21) When the Christ Like Figure comes the information will be made available to all who seek it.

22) On 15 May we will be at the end of a 3 year cycle, a 9 year cycle and a 27 year cycle of Consolidation of Knowledge, Expansion of Knowledge and Spiritual Growth. This means huge amounts of energy flowing down from above that we can use to eliminate evil.

23) The US has written goals they will accomplish to teach us these things using YOUR money.

24) The forces of Pisces will try and hold on to the Old World Order (Rothchilds) and it must be thrown out and the New world Order brought in.

25) I am the reporter for the Temple of the United Nations and APFN has been chosen to be their site to report on. If you interfere with this any more Google, DOD, Allied Signal, etc you may face soem pretty powerful foes - Sanat Kumara and his bunch.

26) My guess is because of what they have stolen form me and placing me in a very tenable situation through theft and lies - this energy is coming down on them pretty hard - the "Six Zeroes" will strike very hard soon.

I would like to thank APFN for hosting this story.

I would also like to thank those who run the Temple of the UN for being patient with me in my reporting.

As a reporter I must report in such a way as to reflect what is true and accurate and eliminate my own bias and prejudices. This has been a real challenge for myself and I hope my reporting on your two incredible broadcasts are proving to be accurate ant true to teh best of my abilities.

You Heard This First here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, March 23, 2014


We have already discussed the NWO plan to again re-initiate Operation Bite starting 16 April 2014 and what that means.

Unbenounced to the UN I received a personal message concerning the coming FIRST FULL MOON in the Age Of Aquarius - which began 16 March 2014 at 10:09 Seattle time. We have passed through some Galactic Plain and are now in the "Cumbaya Stage" - yea, right.

The First Full Moon of this New Age Of Peace in the heavens (War On Earth) will be 15 April at 43 Minutes GMT.

What they discussed is what this Full Moon is all about. Let me summarize it:

1) We pray and focus on bringing down the New World Teacher.

2) New Birth of the Plant through fire and destruction, a form of Cleaning by Fire. "Jungles of Expanse are set on fire.....The path stands clear and an unobstructed view stands before us."

3) Reuniting us with our Spiritual Selves. "We must now rise forth form the Tomb of Matter and go to the Immortal."

Never before have I seen such a call for "Going to the Immortal."

Whatever this NWO is planning is huge.

Visualize with me that Lucifer Fails in his plans.


1) Belgium (National GDP 100 Billion) went form owning $166 Billion in US bonds to over $300 Billion in 8 months. They jut add Zeros to their bank accounts.

2) Israel has just closed all embassies world wide - the Rothchilds consolidated the Jews in Israel in WW2 to wipe them out completely in WW3.

The Israeli Defense Force (Army) now realizes this fact but will not come forward for GOD's Word to save their nation.

Jews are now being killed world wide thanks to an order given by the White House and through the IMF to companies like the CIA and Avanti, Black Water, etc.

3) The US has closed over 21 Embassies just in August of last year - and several more since them. Most were closed in the Middle East.

4) The Dollar is climbing in value at an alarming rate - making it profitable to import everything. The world does not like being the slaves for the "I F/UK/US U" nion Welfare State any more. They work and we sit back in the Lap of Luxury. GOD says it is time to end this.

Pray (Visualize) that as Lucifer Falls and all of his plans fail the working man is not harmed.

4) The US has now stirred up so much garbage around the world the US State Department has place a Travel Alert in over 20 separate nations due to an organization the CIA Arms - AL Kada - the name of the doorway to Lucifer's First Temple at Tel-Dan.

Something is again panned to happen that is not good in just a few short weeks and after receiving this private communication from the UN it scares the Hell out of me.
Just a Personal Note:

I began all of this 1 Mach 2005 when I went to the VA hospital as a 100% physically disabled vet and the head of Orthopedics looks at a lump in my left hand and said: "WE WANT TO WATCH IT GROW."

I later found out the VA sells military records around the world to get grants to study diseases. Watching a tumor grow gets these individual doctors lots of bonuses through Grant Research.

Nine years later here I am.

If the VA had removed the lump in my left hand none of this would have been revealed. Since I have no more Health Care from the VA - it was terminated when I refused to participate in another MRI study) it is likely I will dig up even more stuff in the days to come.

On April 2007 I opened an Embassy in the Ukraine and began negotiations to start this new nation I was part of and my life took a left turn.

You cannot tun the hands of time backwards, can you?

So here I am.

Whatever these folks have planned for mid April is big and we need Your prayers and visualizations to stop this Lucifer and his minions to stop it.

Maybe the Age of Aquarious is all about uniting the world into one Gigantic Focused Planet to rid this world of this evil.

We are the only News Agency capable of doing this APFN.

So step up and join is in praying - visualizing - World Peace.

Maybe Dr Will Wilson is right after all - (All Day Live TV Show).

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, March 10, 2014

US Corporation Loots Ukrainain Gold This Morning

This morning an unmarked Jet from the United States pulled into the Ukrainian Airport and loaded all of the gold from the Ukraine.

The Gold was, I believe, was loaded from the Ukrainian Central bank next to the Large Angel Statue in the center of Kiev and then transported along the river to the main airport and then moved to the US.

Along the route were posted about 1,800 US Mercenaries hired by the Avanti Corporation to kill - a subsidiary of the CIA. They are paid HIT MEN, mostly Jesuits.

This gold - all of what the Ukraine had - belongs to the Ukrainian Church and was the gold stripped from the churches and hid underground in the caves during WW1, the Revolution, and WW2.

Since this gold belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, and since this church is legally centered in Russia (St Petersburg by Treaty) the US Corporation - under orders from the Roman Pope - just stole 40 large boxes of Russian (Not Russian Federation) gold.

This is an ACT OF WAR

The US Corporation will now loot the Russian Church Silver and Art Work and send it to - more than likely - the underground base we talked about under Nebraska for redistribution.

It is not about the fact that they can grow gold and have stolen most of what exists around the world - it is about control. They steal your gold, put in 2,000 Mercenaries, kill a few hundred people, and the Ukrainain Generals Bow Down to the US Corporation like Children and Voila - another take over.

If the Chinese and Russians really wanted to stop this they would - but they are (I Believe) simply part of this march towards war - Putin included.

Whatever technology these idiot Grays and Blues and Purples (Etc) gave us we will now use it to destroy ourselves.

Non-Intervention my rear end.

We have tried giving the world the Cure For Cancer and very few people took it to heart. I spoke with a friend this after noon and they had a hard time even believing Cancer IS reversible even after reading all the stories and testimonies.

We have tried Praying - really visualizing - that this war ends yet few of the readers really even tried.

Now on the verge of Nuclear War most readers even have a hard time believing we are so close.

So what more can be done.

As for the engagement over Alpena Michigan a few weeks ago:

Well US Corporation --- the folks you engaged over Alpena Michigan a few weeks ago were not impressed and took out a major underwater base yesterday about 60 miles off of Ferndale, California. That is why we had about 50 quakes - one was a 6.9. I am not sure about the quake off of South Western Mexico but it may be connected.

Scared yet US Corporation and New World Order - you had better be. There is another one scheduled to be taken out in about 43 days, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. You also stole some money and need to return it or those who are unimpressed by your actions over Alpena will take out another base. It is all interconnected.

Understand US Corporation and Rothchilds?

Will it be the one under Cambridge with over 35,000 Radionics Machines?

Will it be under South Central Nebraska?

Will it be under Denver - your precious Alternate HQ you are currently moving?

Will it be on your Super Duper Top Secret alternate planet in the Second Harmonics?

My GOD is a powerful GOD and will let this happen and then HE will deal with your souls.

Two Last Things the Living GOD will now do:

1) The American Indians who trusted Obama will now begin to loose everything - especially those in Wyoming. You will answer to GOD now.

2) Obama and his doubles will all now get sick - and I mean sick. GOD has had enough - so HE has said it, so it shall be.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, January 6, 2014


UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World


Nick Meyer | AltHealthWORKS

Even as the United States government continues to push for the use of more chemically-intensive and corporate-dominated farming methods such as GMOs and monoculture-based crops, the United Nations is once against sounding the alarm about the urgent need to return to (and develop) a more sustainable, natural and organic system.

That was the key point of a new publication from the UN Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) titled“Trade and Environment Review 2013: Wake Up Before It’s Too Late,” which included contributions from more than 60 experts around the world.

The cover of the report looks like that of a blockbuster documentary or Hollywood movie, and the dramatic nature of the title cannot be understated: The time is now to switch back to our natural farming roots.

The New UN Farming Report “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late.”
The New UN Farming Report “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late.” Click here to read it.
The findings on the report seem to echo those of a December 2010 UN Report in many ways, one that essentially said organic and small-scale farming is the answer for “feeding the world,” not GMOs and monocultures.

According to the new UN report, major changes are needed in our food, agriculture and trade systems, with a shift toward local small-scale farmers and food systems recommended.

Diversity of farms, reducing the use of fertilizer and other changes are desperately needed according to the report, which was highlighted in this article from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

It also said that global trade rules should be reformed in order to work toward these ends, which is unfortunately the opposite of what mega-trade deals like the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the U.S.-EU Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are seeking to accomplish.

The Institute noted that these pending deals are “primarily designed to strengthen the hold of multinational corporate and financial firms on the global economy…” rather than the reflect the urgent need for a shift in agriculture described in the new report.

Even global security may be at stake according to the report, as food prices (and food price speculating) continue to rise.

“This implies a rapid and significant shift from conventional, monoculture-based and high-external-input-dependent industrial production toward mosaics of sustainable, regenerative production systems that also considerably improve the productivity of small-scale farmers,” the report concludes.

You can read more about the report from the Institute by visiting their website here.

Dr William B. Mount