Showing posts with label DEEP STATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DEEP STATE. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

US & Russia Talk Peace - Media Goes Bonkers


(344) US & Russia Discuss Peace, Deep State Media Goes Bonkers - YouTube


Welcome to the Smartest, Most Active audience in the world.



The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.



THANK You GET THE TEA for making THE GIRLS happy.

Happy, girls, happy wife, happy life.

You heard that right.

The Helsinki Summit between Putin and Trump, along with a few Chinese representatives, is discussing  peace across the globe.

As the sun enlarges and crops begin to fail world wide we will either unite as a planet or face potential breakdown of our society - beginning in the inner cities across the planet.

Many of the world leaders are now walking up out of their slumber and the real facts begin to surface about what is coming.

Even Iran, which has been in full cooperation with Russia opn their Nuclear Program, may begin cooperating with the US Nuclear Inspectors.

In this conference the Russians, Chinese and Americans are now discussing Peace openly.

For example: As the US Trade Deficit declines rapidly the money China is sending to the Middle East to control this planet is drying up as the are now looking at cheaper, cleaner oil from Russia, Tagikistan and the United States. This means that the dollars spent on Terrorism and creating the “Cold War 2” may now be drying up rapidly as the Middle Eastern Oil Dollars will now be drying up and what is left will go towards their own survival - like for creating water as their Aquifers across North Africa have all dried up.

In a recent statement in trying to Drain the Swamp President Trump stated that Former CIA Director John Brennan’s Actions are nothing short of Treasonous.

With his Intelligence “Buddies” being silenced this means that the Organized Terror Strikes causing this constant War Drum are ending very quickly.

The difficulty in ending this Permanent War Footing is now coming from several Military Contractors and their bought, and paid for, media and Congressman in the Democratic Party.

Demo Congressman Steve Cohen just stated: “Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!”

David Stockman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget 1981-1985, said that this conference is a “Glorious Blow For Peace.”


“With the Warfare State desperately needing an enemy to justify it’s $800 Billion Dollar Annual mugging of American Tax Payers, this summit was the single greatest blow to the War Party since it turned Imperial Washington into a colossal menace bent on Global Hegemony when the Soviet Union slithered off the pages of History in 1991.”

What he failed to say is that all of this is being controlled out London and out of the Vatican and that when the Former Soviet Union fell the London Bankers traded control of the Soviet Resources for food.

President Putin has now manage to re-secure those Mineral Rights across Russia and return them to the people as of about 6 months ago and now is ready to move forward to peace.

Unfortunately people like CNN Commentator and Democrat Philip Mudd just stated: “The Shadow Government should take Trump down.”

Further - Democrat Scott Dworkin, a Fund Raiser for the Democrats, just openly stated that  President Trump and Vice President Pence should be removed from office and replaced by Hillary Clinton.

He must be dumber than a rock not to know the original Hillary is dead.

Further - Democrats Robert Mueller and Assistant US Attorney’s General Rob Rosenstein are attacking the President in an attempt to force him into Military Actions against Syrian and Russia.

Unfortunately for the War Party it is all unwinding as the whereabouts of these $400 Million Dollars stolen from Russia and given to the Hillary Presidential Campaign is being unwound and those guilty of taking part of it may go dawn very hard very soon.

So those in the Main Stream Media who have been paid off to demand War, the deaths of our soldiers over seas, to support Big Pharma in their attempt to kill people world wide, and overall supporters of these Democratic Socialists (NAZI’s) is about to be made public.

The main stream American Press who have been supporting those who demand the killing of 7 Billion Humans is about to go public.

So the Liberal American and European Main Stream Media is in a fight for their lives and they will do anything to destroy, destroy, destroy.

So hang on folks - enjoy the show.


1) Since  April of this year the 1,600 National Guard on the Mexican Boarder has assisted in the arrests of over 10,000 Illegal Aliens crossing the boarder and confiscated over 12,000 pounds of Dope.

2) If you are groped by a TSA Agent you may no longer sue - according to the Federal Appeals Courts in Philadelphia - the Birth Place of Freedom.

When you fly on a plane you submit to their rules as a Private corporation.

Yes they are a monopoly, but you can take a train, drive or swim to your destination so flying is only one option.

Pray this ruling is overturned immediately.

3) The IRS has just rescinded 362,000 passports.

Yup - if you owe the IRS anything, or you owe Childs Support you may now travel outside the Corporate Controlled Unites States of America by ruling of the IRS.

Thank you President Obama - a bill signed 2 years ago.

4) A Lawsuit has shown that the Vaccine Safety Reports required by Congress 30 years ago were never filed or even required by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The Director of the HHS is not now, nor has even been held responsible for this grievous violation of Federal Law leading the Murder of thousands due to Vaccines.

Pray hard he and his staff pay for their crimes of murder immediately.

5) Radiation from WIFI has been shown to increase miscarriages by 50%.

Researchers at Kaiser Permanente used 913 women in the study and found that normal Miscarraige Rate of 10.4%, and increased to 24.2% when exposed to Microwave Frequencies now used in Cell Phones.

6) The company now producing lab Grown Meat for Hamburgers “Mosa Meat” was just given $8.8 Million Dollars by Mearsk to being the meat to the market.

What they do not say is that this meat is grown in blood - but they do not say where the blood comes from.

7) Jeff Bazos - who is now worht over $150 Billion Dollars thanks to Government Subsidies for his companies - Thank You US Tax Payers - has cause such a bad situation at Amazon that workers are now on strike across Europe.

So if he stole over $150 Billion TAX DOLLARS why won’t any US Federal Agency control the working conditions at his distribution points?

Pray the Federal Agencies htat control working conditions in America are all defunded immediately.

8) Finally - Expect - without direct intervention from those in the White House - a complete lock down of the Internet by big corporations.

Pray that those censoring the Internet are themselves neutralized immediately and Permanently.

Please pray for the safety of President Trump - and for tomorrow for Vice President Pence.

From our desk to yours:

See you tomorrow

The Wall  Of Truth


“Deep State” Rallies Behind Now Exposed Russian Spy John Brennan With Call For US Military To Overthrow Trump

Trump Calls Off Cold War II - Pat Buchanan

Iran Hints at Nuclear Cooperation with U.S. | One America News Network

John Brennan: Trump-Putin press conference “nothing short of treasonous” - Vox

National Guard Contributes to Over 10K Arrests of Ilegal Immigrants at Southern Border | One America News Network

IRS To Revoke 362,000 Passports From US Citizens | Zero Hedge

Lawsuit Proves HHS Hasn't Filed Required Vaccine Safety Reports with Congress IN 30 YEARS

Radiation from wi-fi and cell phones increases pregnant women’s risk of miscarriage by nearly 50% –

As Bezos Becomes Richest Man in Recorded History, Amazon Workers Go on Strike

If you think the tech giants merely want to ban Infowars, think again: Here’s the list of what they’ll ban next –

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Deep State Now Melting Down


(192) Deep State Melt Down Occurring World Wide - YouTube


Welcome to the Smartest, Most Active audience in the world.

You are the Salt of the Earth and it is your prayers that are changing things around the world.



The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.

Here you get more news in 15 minutes than anywhere else on the planet.


Noble Gold - thanks for helping us get ready

The Deep State Lefty Loony’s are literally in a Melt Down.

Apparently the man they call THE DARK STAR - President Trump - who refuses to go along with the killing of 7 Billion Humans - dos not back down on the issues he was elected on because a few Nut Cases at the top scream and holler.

Here are some examples of what is really going on:

1) The FBI Funded ANTIFA in Portland, Oregon are once again rioting after House Bill 6054 was passed - clearly stating that a masked person causing injuries or threatens anyone will spend up to 15 years in Prison.

Please pray that the FBI Funded Terrorists get their funding cut to nothing.

2) Rob Rosenstein -- Deputy US Attorney’s General - has requested 100 additional attorneys to investigate President Trump’s new US Supreme Court Justice Pick and did so before he was even picked.

This Lefty Loony - why is he still employed by the US Justice Department?


3) Obama Officials are freaking out after President Trump told NATO Members they need to pay what they agreed to pay according to the Contract they signed when NATO was formed.

Former Secretary Of State John Kerry #2 (Wide Chinned) criticized the President at a NATO Meeting. So why is he even there - he represents no one, right?

Former CIA Director John Brennan, a Huge Drug dealer, was also at a NATO Meeting representing no one spoke against President Trump.  criticized President Trump at a NATO Meeting.

The list goes on and on and on.

Why are these people not in jail for murder?

Yet they are all chiming in on everything - even criticizing the President on the New US Supreme Court Appointee before they knew who it would be.

Since the President will not arrest these Murderers and liars - pray that GOD flattens these former Obama Officials and Neutralizes them for life.

4) Over 10% of the US Treasury Department International Affairs Unit has resigned and many of them are leaving this country - running like scared pups.

With a REAL HIRING FREEZE instituted by President Trump they cannot be replaced.



In order to keep up the fervor against the Presidnet Stormy Daniels was arrested fro violating regulations at a strip club.

Her scummy attorney got her off - but look closely.

Look very closely.

One storm Daniels has Ear Lobes and Evil Eyebrows, the other does not.

So now the Democrats are going to have to turn ot Hollywood to find a candidate to run against President Trump

It’s over for the Democratic NAZI Party.


1)   3D Printing of Guns and Gun Parts is Constitutionally Protected according to the US Justice Department under “Freedom Of Speech.”

2) A Federal Court has ruled that taking away one’s Driver’s License for failure to pay Court Fees is Unconstitutional.

Further - in a recent ruling the Federal Courts ruled that the Tenessee Law allowing Debtor’s Prison is unconstitutional as well/

This means NO jail time for unpaid Child Support.

3) The US Nuclear Industry is in a freefall.

Long Term cost for operating Nuclear Power Plants is absolutely Astronomical and out Nuclear Plants are old and falling apart.

What we will be left with is a crumbling pile of a Nuclear Waste Sites that will remain radioactive for several Million years.


We did not get into Politics to tell lies, get hits and make money - we got into it to stop the Full Scael Nuclear War these Lefty Loony’s have demanded since 2006 - Demon Possessed Men like Comey, Mueller, John Kerry 1 & 2, etc.

So buckle up folks and learn the truth and be ready.

The FBI Confirmed over 22 Terrorist Camps in the US as of 6 years ago - but the number is actually around 55 scattered across this nation.

Today I watched a ship come in to port loaded with anything but what it said it had.

From Coast to Coast the FBI leaders still working for Comey/Mueller are importing mass amounts of weapons into these camps - from in the hills above Boise to near Pendleton Oregon to the caves in Florida.

Weapons imported include Nukes up to 5KT and many, many .1KT Nukes, Pistols and Machine Guns.

So the Conexes come into port, are sold to the Port and then resold to these NGO Corporations and distributed using US Special Forces and FBI Vehicles.

If Benjamin Fulford is correct and the Mass Arrests begin in August, the truth breaks loose in September and the Economic Reset begins in October the FBI will be poised to shut down the Electrical Grid and create huge Riots across the nation AND kill tens of thousands of Farmers, Loggers and Ranchers.

The FEMA Camps will be used to kill those who fight back. Modeled after Auschwitzs in Germany these FEMA camps are meant for you to enter but never leave.

We need to pray that those now receiving these weapons are stopped, the 800 + FEMA camps are dismantled, and the 55 FBI Funded Terrorist Camps are destroyed and those who are in them are sent to Prison Forever.

I have been Hyper Critical of President Trump because I have been personally injured both physically and financially while saving his life - as those who follow this channel are already aware of.

Yet despite these efforts those who a breathing today do not assist me and it is becoming harder and harder to locate these Assassination Attempts and Nuclear False Flags where I currently Live.

Despite my feelings GOD has a plan for Donald Trump as President so despite my Personal feelings we must pray that he is safe and effective in taming this insane bunch of Lefty Loony’s now trying to destroy Planet Earth.

To the Coolest, must active and smartest audience in the world - see you tomorrow when THE WALL OF TRUTH  returns


Alt-Left Melts Down Over "Unmasking Antifa" Act | Zero Hedge

In Unprecedented Move, Rosenstein Asks 100s Of Prosecutors To Review SCOTUS Pick's Records | Zero Hedge


Obama Officials Freak Out After Donald Trump Calls Out NATO

Treasury Department Responsible For Trade Policy Rocked By Wave Of Departures | Zero Hedge

Stormy Daniels Arrested In Ohio Strip Club | Zero Hedge

Charges Against Stormy Daniels Dropped On Technicality Amid Human Trafficking Investigation | Zero Hedge

President 'Rock'? Dwayne Johnson Says "Absolutely" Considering A Political Run | Zero Hedge

Printing 3D Firearms and Accessories Now Protected as Free Speech

Federal Court Says Taking People's Drivers Licenses Away For Failure To Pay Court Fees Is Unconstitutional

US "Asleep At The Wheel" – As Nuclear Industry Faces Collapse | Zero Hedge

Exclusive: FBI Confirms Jihadi Training Camps in America | Clarion Project

FBI Identifies 22 Islamic Terrorist Camps Located In US.....

Monday, July 2, 2018

Deep State Going 6 Feet Under Very Soon


(526) Deep State About To Go Under - YouTube

As the planet begins to awaken we are realizing that this battle is not about the left vs. the right, or Socialism vs. Capitalism - it is about whether or not Planet Earth will survive.

Keep in mind that the smaller Nuke headed towards the UN Headquarters on the 12th (+-3 Days) for a High Noon Detonation it could very easily set off a “Doomsday Bomb” currently being completed at the Norfolk’s Top Secret Navy base and crack this planet up into a million pieces.

Not kidding.

The Fallen Angels would then just take their Super Duper Top Secret Space Program and begin again on another planet - but ours would become a mere meteor Shower blowing in the Celestial Wind.

On the other hand - as the Sun changes and gets larger we either unite as a planet and begin to use the formulas GOD gave me or our life on the surface will soon cease to exist. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.

So - now that we are in the right frame of mind….what is being done to unite this planet to burry these Elites before they burry us?

To date the US Department of Justice has issued over 40,000 indictments that can be seen if you subscribe to Nexus/Lexus or Wesmar or Pacer.

Normally this number is about 1,000 a year - but has accelerated in order to put the Deep State Under.

Further - US Federal Jude District Judge Thomas Selby Elis 3rd has issued a ruling that will send Robert Mueller’s (Son of Heinrich Mueller, head of the NAZI Gestapo & SS) Russian Investigation down in flames.

Further - as you recall President Trump signed an Executive Order placing the United States Corporation in a National State Of Emergency.

Further - there was an Indictment against West Virginia’s Supreme Court Justice Allen Loughery on 22 Criminal Charges that would put him away for the rest of his life. Apparently this Supreme Court Judge is directly connected to Senator Traitor John McCain and the creation of the fake Russia Investigation.

What is so funny about this whole thing is I hold Russian Passport AA-0029 and I am very Pro Trump. In fact - I was the first You Tuber to support him wholeheartedly.

Further - there are now 50 Senator’s and Congressman that have not returned to Congress after the last break. They have been “TOLD” not to return or face real Jail Time for they involvement in selling America down the river.

There are also now investigations into President Obama’s eligibility to be President and if determined he was not eligible ALL of his Judicial Appointments go down in flames. 

Officially Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya as I have a Certified copy of his Birth Certificate - but he was actually born in Indonesia.

So as Justice Kennedy retires and a new US Corporate Supreme Court Judge is appointed what really matters, in accordance with the Organic Constitution of 1971 - is how the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules isn’t it?

So as the fight to save Planet Earth from total extinction continues we shall see what plays out.



1) Trump will never run for president


2) Trump will never win


3) Trump will never release his financials


4) Trump will never win New Hampshire

5) Trump will never deport illegal aliens

6)Trump will never bring back manufacturing jobs

7) Trump will never beat ISIS

8) Trump will never bring about peace in the Koreas

9) Trump will never build The Wall


Trump will never arrest those 40,000 who committed Treason


Wanna Bet?

Even Andrew Coumo - Governor of New York - is now being taken down as you read this


As the Democrats begin to turn on themselves like Rabid Dogs going down with the Sinking Ship Maxine Waters is screaming at Chuckie Schumer saying:

“He’ll Do Anything for His Power.”


(Thank GOD for Noble Gold - where we can invest without being destroyed)

1) TELSA is now tanking as  Investors begin to realize that Elon Musk stole the Tesla Company and then stole his Investor’s Dollars.

2) Amazon - a Company that his almost 100% supported by OUR TAX DOLLARS now accounts for about 1/3rd of all returns on the S&P.

3) Twitter gets word of the New Trump Bill called the US Fair And Reciprocal Tariff Act - FART.

So this FART Bill will level the playing fields in international trade.

So a good FART Bill is needed to eliminate the stench of the Democrats selling out OUR nation.

4) Finally - after spending over  $580 Million Dollars to outfit the Officers in the 101st Airbiorn division with the New M-17 Sig Sauer Pistol the US Army Chief Of Staff said openly that if he had a Credit Card he could have outfitted the entire division for around $17 Million if he bought the pistols at Cabelas Sporting Goods Store. - and he would get a Discount on the Bulk Buy as well.

Pray that whoever misused this 580-17 = $563 Million Dollars is forced to pay it back immediately.


Pray for our President’s Safety and that they fix the Loose Bolt in the center of the rotor of this Military Helicopter immediately and the loose wire on the Pilot’s Headphones in the left ear piece. ==========

Don’t forget to subscribe ad make a difference

See you tomorrow

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Trump Cut Off Deep State At It's Knees


President Cuts Off The Deep State At The Knees - YouTube


Ever since we can remember the boarders of America have been open to whoever wishes to enter.

It was not until after WW2 that the idea was developed to create a Welfare State to destroy America by those very NAZI’s we fought and beat in 1945.

In 1966 the Cloward-Pivens model was developed at Columbia University and then adopted by the International Bankers on order to develop such a Huge Welfare State here in America that our economy collapses sometime around the year 2010 - under the last President.

Part of the Cloward-Pivens Model was to pay people to cross our Southern Boarder, get on welfare, and destroy America.

To this end over the last 20 years over 3 Million Illegal Aliens/yr have crossed this boarder every year - of which about 40% of them were not from South America but from Iran, Iraq, India, etc.

That amounts to around 60 Million Illegals. Further - the World’s Jails were emptied out into America in order to destroy us from within.

Cooperation with the last 8 Presidents has allowed this to happen.

In addition to the Welfare Load there have been millions of children who have been sold by their parents into Slavery and Sexual Prostitution all along our US/Mexican Boarders.



In addition - these children of these illegals were moved up through the nation - across the northern Idaho Boarder - into the Underground NSA Base to make Child Porn and Snuff films by none other than the Frazzled Rat and Mitt Romney’s Wife - See Retired Colonel Field McConnel’s Website.

If you swear loyalty to Lucifer you are sent Stock Tips and when you open them - these films are secretly posted onto your computer. You step out of line -- you go to jail for Child Porn.

I have opened some of these Stock Tips but never acted on an of them because you cannot trust Lucifer.

This is why a film was released clearly showing Huma Abadeen and the Frazzled Rat torturing and Murdering a young 8 year old little girl.

So as the World’s Ecology Collapses and food production falls world wide President Trump is bound and determined not to move 100 million refugees into this nations every year over the next 8 years to destroy America.

The UN Leaders, the Lucifer Trust Leaders, and the Pope call President Trump selfish for doing this.

The Lefty Loony’s say President Trump has no heart for not destroying this nation.

So now when the Men are arrested for committing a Felony for illegally crossing the boarders they are put in men’s Prisons, Identified and sent home.

When Women are arrested for committing a Felony and crossing the boarders they are identified and sent home.

This means that the Immigration Sweat Farms where Illegal’s get $1 a day to work 10 hour days is over.

No more Grafting - no more Illegal Money Laundering by ICE Agents.

When the Children cross the boarder illegally they are Identified and are - for the first time in 40 years - accounted for and then returned to their parents.

No longer can these children be sold into American Slave Labor Camps.

No longer can the Loony Liberals move these children into their Porn and Snuff making factories just North of the Idaho Boarder.

We took away the Democrat’s Slaves in 1865 and we are taking them away here in 2018 and the Democrats are Hopping Mad.

President Trump has just cut off a Huge source of Slaves and Child Sex toys for the Perverted Deep State.



Pray that this accountability remains forever.


Peter Strozak - Perverted FBI Agent who wrote the entire Fake Russia narrative - was just escorted out of the FBI Building. He is still, however, employed by the Son of the NAZI Gestapo - Robert Mueller.


1) In order to justify the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin out of Bethesda Maryland President Trump has just created the Unconstitutional US Space Force - thus breaking it away from the US Navy and Air Force.

Rupert Stadler - Chief Of VW Luxury Arm Audi, was arrested for the actions he took sever years ago when he flipped a switch and over 2,500 cars in America got over 250 miles per gallon.

To take a car and increase it’s mileage tfro - say - 22 MPG to 40 MPG like I did with a 1972 Chevy LUV Pick Up Truck is a Felony and you will be prosecuted for this.

In my case I gave the car away. In the case of VW they are arresting the man who threw the switch.

All New Cars in America are capable of getting 250 MPG but are not allowed to. Pray Lucifer and his minions in charge of this are immediately neutralized for life.

3) Over 22 people were shot druing a Gang War during an Arts Festival in New Jersey on Sunday.

Since it does not fit the Narrative of the Loony Lefty Media it will never be discussed -- even by FOX news.

4) The economy is doing so well in Russia that they have raised the Average Age for retirement to  abover the Average Age of male life expectancy.

Pray that the Governments across the Americas shrinks down to a manageable sizes and all the those Lonny Liberals who worship Lucifer are put out of office.

It’s time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety, sit back and enjoy the show.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Drumbeat of opposition to family separation grows; Trump not budging | One America News Network

Immigrant Children Separated From Parents At The Border: What We Know : NPR

Arizona's 'concentration camp': why was Tent City kept open for 24 years? | Cities | The Guardian

i.webp (800×532)

Federal document: Immigrant children trafficked and worked as slaves under Obama administration >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds

"The Whole Thing Is A Scam": Trump Unloads On "Deep State" Enemies During Fiery Speech | Zero Hedge

Cloward–Piven strategy - Wikipedia

FBI's Peter Strzok, author of anti-Trump texts, escorted from building

Trump Orders Pentagon To "Immediately Establish A Space Force"

Audi boss arrested in Germany over diesel emissions scandal

American Medical Association Calls for Nationwide Ban of All Assault Rifles and High Capacity Guns

22 People Shot During a Mass Shooting Sunday, But it Doesn’t Fit the Narrative, So Media is Ignoring It

Russia to Raise Retirement Age Above Male Life Expectancy

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Storm Is Here As The Deep State Melts Down


The Storm Is Here - The Elites Are Melting Down - YouTube

After the Lucifarian Child Molester Canadian Prime Minister’s Eyebrows fell off during an Anti-Trump Speech


After seeing Angela Merkel sitting with Adolf Hitler and a 15 year old Macron kissing his 40 year old teacher - we used to call that Child Molestation


That video of Hillary and Huma Abadeen torturing and murdering that little girl should clue us all in as to how evil these Deep State leader really are and how much they must hate our President right now.

It should be clear to everyone that these world leaders are not who they say they are.

That interview with Noble Gold was something yesterday - and it brought forth the real battle going on here in America.

This is who, and what,  President Trump and Vice President Pence are up against to re-stabalize the World’s Monetary System.

These Lucifarians are powerful, they are rich, and their entire Power Structure is coming down as we pray that they are neutralized Immediately and For Life World Wide.

Wherever these cowards are hiding they are being exposed and brought down.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat.

Even the head of the United Nations Lucifer Trust said once we unite against these Fallen Angels they must then leave.

So today


This is why you are so very important - it is your prayers that are literally changing our planet as you hear and read this - YOU.



1) Robert Mueller - Son of NAZI SS Leader Heinrich Mueller - and Special Council of the Attorney’s General - has just announced that Defendants no longer have the right to see evidence against them. He has gone insane - openly insane.

Like how daddy said to Adolf Hitler - “We will make a Hell on Earth”

2) US Special Forces, led by a Lucifarian - are now planning a Special Gas Attack - a real one this time using I believe a very new and toxic gas just developed - in Western Syria in 22 days (+-3 Days) as forces loyal to the Deep State send in more armed combatants to this region.

3) The world leaders - except those in the G-6 of course - are fully supporting the Peace Process in Singapore and the re-set of the World Monetary System.

4) Robert De Niro - a man born a girl like PM Trudeau of Canada -had a Girly Temper Tantrum on stage ranting and raving against President Trump at the Tony Awards and the popularity of his movies has hit the toilet over night as other actors told him to “Get Lost.”

5) As the Justice Department (Under Jeff Sessions) hires 300 Prosecutors it has also just busted an Internet Child Sex Offender Ring under Operation “Broken Heart.”

What this really means - since “Insiders” have child porn imbedded into their hard drives when they get Stock Tips from the Deep State - the Justice Department just arrested 2,300 key members of the Deep State.

Once they begin talking the other 35,000 + can be arrested as GITMO in Cuba gets a Face Lift.

Further - as the Illegal Aliens are sent home from our Federal Prisons - there will be plenty of room for those who are trying to literally crack this planet in half.


5) In Sweden Anti-Muslim Immigrant Democrats soar in the polls. The age of brining in Muslim Terrorists into their country is coming to an end.

6) China‘s Central Bank, in cooperation with the US and Russian Central Banks, has  pulled in the reins on credit - Liquidity Injections - overnight as they prepare for the summit in 2 days in Singapore.

Pray this Summit in Singapore between the World Financial Leaders goes well for us the Little People.


 Apparently the meting between President Trump and King Kim Jong Un  of North Korea went very well. Apparently Kim Jong Un spent 4 years in a private school in Bern Switzerland being raised by a woman named Ruth Bell - a Presbyterian Missionary - who later married Billy Graham.

In 1992 Billy Graham and his wife became the first religions leaders who were allowed to preach in North Korea unabated.

So the leaders of North Korea are Christian - which is why the Rothchilds wish to destroy this nation and kill it’s leaders.

There in Switzerland the leaders of 150 nations gathered in 1973 to write the Lausanne Covenant to praise GOD and sign this covenant.

So in 2011 Kim Jong-Un became the Supreme Leader of North Korea and has been working with both Donald Trump (Now President)  and the Russian Special Forces to not only feed his people but to protect him from assassins.

In the last 7 years over 300 old “Pro-Chinese Guard” have been removed form leadership positions in North Korea.

So as the Main Stream media portrays the leader of North Korea as a Retarded Fat Boy Demanding War” - he has actually been working with World Leaders to put an end to this insanity.

Within a few days the world Leaders of China, US and Russia will meet in an undisclosed location to work out the Coming Economic Reset.

We are asking everyone to be ready for a supply chain disruption.

We may also see all Credit Card Systems go down for a bit on Friday.

Remember - GOD does hear your prayers and this can all be changed in a moment.

Thanks to the cooperation between the two leaders President Trump sent over a man named David Beasley - who was appointed the “Food Programme Director” - who has been coordinating Food Shipments into North Korea to help feed the hungry children of this Hermit Kingdom.

King Kim Jong-un has been secretly praying for this meeting with President Trump for 7 years - and here it is.

Folks - do not let up for even one second in your prayers to take down those Luciferian and his Minions.

We know who wins.
It’s time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety, sit back and enjoy the show.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

“Deep State” Goes Into Full Meltdown After Historic Trump-Kim Summit With Shocking Call For “Star Chamber” Secret Trials—And Stunning Move To Ignite World War III

(1917) See the promotional video the White House made for the Trump and Kim Jong-un summit - YouTube

Jeff Sessions Goes on Hiring Spree: Over 300 Prosecutors for DOJ

The Lausanne Covenant - Lausanne Movement

More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart” | OPA | Department of Justice

Chinese Shadow Bank Lending Unexpectedly Crashes, Sending Total Credit Creation To Two-Year Low | Zero Hedge

Friday, June 1, 2018

Deep State In Panic Mode


(1611) Deep State In Panic Mode - YouTube


Everything the Deep State is doing seems to be backfiring.

GOD is pulling the plug on their little world.

From trying to start a Huge Nuclear Conflict to blocking the North Korean Peace Process - they are failing just as GOD said they would.

Their GOD - Moleck or Lucifer - is a Pinhead and being contained as we speak.

As for the meeting between Kim Jong Un of North Korea and President Trump we warned the President of the dangers in Singapore so the meeting was moved to Vladivostok - where Rothchilds Submarines will be blocked and the gutters will be checked 3 blocks North and East of the meeting place 3 days before the meeting for Rogue Large Nuclear Weapons.

Further - Air Force One will be accompanied by 3 Fighters and will take a rout not going over much ocean - a “Surprise Route” to avoid missiles suddenly appearing out of the Ocean from “Unknown Rothchild’s CIA Submarines”  bearing the US Flag and based at a Super Duper Top Secret US Navy base in Ketchikan Alaska tied to the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin out of Bethesda Maryland.

Somebody in the US Space Program has Grand Children and has an IQ above room temperature and wants peace.

So expect the Super Duper Evil Main Stream Media - which is loosing viewers by the Millions - to work with SERCO and try to stir up all sorts of trouble over  the next few weeks.

After that it may be open season on Loony Lefty’s and Limousine Liberal Elites who run the Deep State.

GOD will now turn up the heat on these Limousine Liberals and on President Trump to arrest and contain these Freaks and Deep State Elites. So HE has said it - so it shall be.

Further - GOD will now turn your Human and Animal Sacrifices against you - you Lucifarian Liberal Nut Cases, so HE has said it - so it shall be.


1) The US Debt Clock confirmed that over the last 30 days another 904,000 Full Time Jobs were added in America.

2) The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics stated another 223,000 Full time Jobs were added last month - but their data is not even compiled yet.

SERCO Sent out the story through their Program Deamon.

3) In yet another Deep State SERCO NAZI report it was reported that 95.6 Million Americans were not in the labor force - the highest number ever.

4)  To Top things off with Humor - California Congressman Nancy Pelosi openly stated that more full Time Jobs are bad for Americans.

Apparently adding almost 1 Million Full Time Jobs in America last month spells the Doom for America in her Twisted, National Socialistic (NAZI) mind.

Go figure.


1) In a move that makes the National Education Center very happy - more than 8 million America Kids are now taking some sort of Prescribed Mind Altering Drug.

Further - another 12 Million use Illegal Drugs and alcohol daily.

So somewhere around 20 Million Children - or around 3/10 children in America - are “High” all the time.

As for us Adults over 60 - who are supposed to lead by example - Jane and I cannot think of anyone except ourselves who are not using Mind Altering Drugs like a Statin or Prozac.

We in America are the most Drugged Out generation and nation in history and there is no excuse.

2)  President Assad of Syria has once again demanded the US Troops leave his nation immediately but no one listened.

3) Denmark has outlawed Burkas. Finally somebody has some common sense.


Mount Kilauea in Hawaii is getting worse.

Unfortunately the Idiot Lefty Loony Governor Igeee has ordered Mandatory Evacuation.


Zeig Heil you Lefty Loony Freak.

 Why were you not ready when
you were personally warned about this last month you freaky Liberal?

It’s gonna get worse Governor “Igeeee.”

What is even worse is that the Lefty Loony Governor has ordered those protecting their homes from looters to be arrested.

Don’t arrest the Looters - arrest the Homeowners protecting hteir homes.

Typical Lefty Loony National Socialist (NAZI) thinking. Destroy, destroy, destroy. No different that Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Pray that President Trump gets the guts to arrest this Loony Lefty Governor for Murder and Treason just as soon as Humanly Possible.


Pray with us that America - Including President Trump and Jeff Sessions - Wakes Up and prepares for what is coming.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Trump-Kim Summit Move To Russia Warned Set To Explode American Political Landscape

Putin, Abe Vow To Seek WWII Treaty, Solution To Island Dispute

Russia and Japan Sign Peace Treaty on Disputed Islands

The US Added A Record 904,000 Full-Time Jobs Last Month | Zero Hedge

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

May Jobs Surge By 223,000 Smashing Expectations; Jobless Rate Hits Historic Low As Wages Beat | Zero Hedge

Record 95.9 Million Americans Are No Longer In The Labor Force | Zero Hedge

Pelosi Pans "Strong" Jobs Numbers As "Meaningless... Bad For Middle-Class" | Zero Hedge


PSYCH DRUG America: More than 8 million children now on mind-altering psychiatric medication –

Mind-altered America: How drugs like Ambien are turning America into a nation of hallucinating psychos –

Reality Check: Major Corporations Influencing Gun Control?

"Here To Stay" - Assad Declares It's The Americans Who Must Leave Syria | Zero Hedge

Mueller Probe Has Cost Taxpayers Nearly $17M | One America News Network

Danish Parliament Passes Ban on Burqa and Niqab

Denmark Approves Burka Ban | Zero Hedge

"Heed Evacuation Order Or Face Arrest" - Hawaii Eruption Begins More Violent Phase | Zero Hedge

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

US Deep State Now Unwinding


(1201) US Deep State Now Unwinding - YouTube

Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Trading Company for Serious Trader

The entire Deep State here in the US appears to be unwinding.

A few weeks ago we read about the arrest of a man named Keith Raniere.

Keith was a friend of the Clintons when Bill was the Governor of Arkansas guarding the Mina Air Force Base - the primary import spot of Cocaine for the US Air Force.

Keith was sent down to live in Mexico by the Clintons. From there he set up a Sex Slave Ring and used his money to Black Mail people across the world and then funnel that money from Mexico into the Clinton Foundation.

Kieth was arrested here in the US and went to a “Special Prison” and has turned over the list of all of his Sex Slaves, those who used his services, and his Financial Records - everything - to President Trump’s Personal Intelligence Agency.

So when the Deep State - through Montana Senator Jon Tester - tried to get rid of President Trump’s personal doctor and replace him with the NXIVM Sex Cult Member - a sexual Pervert put on the Watch List while serving in the Military - Honey Pot Jennifer Pena - it was instantly recognized by the President’s Intelligence Staff and was promptly dealt with.

Now - when Sex Cult NXIVM actress Allison Mack raised her  head against President Trump she was promptly arrested.

Keep in mind that this NXVIM is headquartered in the Capitol of New York State - Albany - and incorporates most of the leading politicians in this state - like the retired new York Attorney’s Eric Schneiderman.

Eric Schniederman then popped his head up against the President and promptly had 4 separate women accuse him of all sorts of Lude behavior - like keeping his own Personal Sex Slaves.

Keep in mind that this former AG of New York is - was - good friends of the Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The plot now thickens as these individuals - Keith Raniere, Eric Schneiderman and Senator John Tester would rather sing than go to jail - and singing they are.

Everything - every sexual encounter - every perverted thing - who they blackmailed money out of - it is now being gathered by the President’s Own Intelligence Agency - to include the NSA and their master computers.

Keep in mind that these people kept every financial record, copies of every sexual encounter and every private meeting - all recorded and stored as an “Insurance Card” to keep them out of jail.

Now the President’s Staff has all of it - on every single pervert in Congress.

Expect allot of resignations in both parties immediately.

So please pray for President Trump’s Safety.


1) Deutsche Bank has lost money every month since they ignored what we presented to them.

Every month.

Go figure - maybe GOD does not lie after all - right?

2) There is a very small and quiet submarine sitting in the Puget Sound. It is apparently the size of our early 1914 Nautilus Submarine and carries 15 men tops with 2 Missile Tubes.

It uses a new type of Nuclear Pack for power, a special engine design that magnetically attracts water to the rear of the boat, and can sit at 1,000 feet for up to 3 months using only 4 crew members and re-breather technology. It just traveled around FOX Island and you could not detect it.

3) The Crab Die Off in the Puget Sound is officially caused by “Gasses” being released from the “Tectonic Plates.”

What is really happening is two things:

…..a) The toxic levels of chemicals have reached the threshold life can no longer tolerate.

…..b) The Department of Defense will now begin to dump Radioactive Waste throughout the south sound.

Further - the Arctic - just off of Anchorage and near our bases both in the North Pole and South Pole - will now become dumping grounds for toxic waste to kill the Krill, and this will then kill whatever oceans we have left on this planet.

The US Department of Energy Corporation (Subsidiary of the US Department of Defense Corporation) is already dumping Used Nuclear Rods in shallow water in these areas to create massive kill zones in what remains as the last real live areas of the oceans.

As a confirmation of this we will see Oil Tankers and ships carrying Toxic Waste meant to pump back into Oil Wells dumping their loads in the Alaskan Waters in the next 5 - 6 months - just like they have been doing off the coast of North Western Washington.

Some of these may be declared as “Accidents” - just like the train of Toxic Waste from New York that now sites leaking in Arkansas to pollute their Ground Water.

4) As for the Fluoride Contamination now existing in over 126 Military Bases - that was intentionally done by dumping these chemicals across the posts and especially by using a Fluoridated Foam for fire fighting.

5) Just like the US Treasury Bonds sold through Puerto Rico went into default, just like the Russian Bond I hold Russia refuses to cash, and just like a dozens other nations, we will see Japan refuse to honor some of it’s Sovereign Bonds within the next few months as the Yakuzu loose control of the Yen. It can be avoided…


The continued eruption of the Hawaiian Island Volcano is happening new across the globe.

Either we unite as a planet immediately or there may not be a planet in the near future.

Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Report: Keith Raniere, leader of NXIVM sex cult in Upstate NY, arrested by FBI |

Anti-Trump AG in New York resigns amid reports he beat, abused women: Another white, male Leftist falls from grace –

Montana Senator Jon Tester Liked To Vile “Honey Trap” Plot Against President Trump


NXIVM: The Sex Slave Cult Linked to the Clintons — FULCRUM

Is NXIVM a Cult? What We Know - Rolling Stone


New York State Capitol - Wikipedia

NXIVM leader Keith Raniere charged with sex trafficking - Times Union

Trump Blasts "Always Negative" 'Fake News', Threatens To Remove Credentials | Zero Hedge

Evacuations Continue On Hawaii's Big Island As New Fissures Open | Zero Hedge



Saturday, May 5, 2018

Deep State Rats Are All Cornered


(1122) Deep State Rats Backed Into A Corner - YouTube

Brought to you by Get The Tea.

We give out their bottles of Ceylon Cinnamon to diabetics, hint hint.

These Deep State Rats are being exposed at every level - who they are, what they are doing, where they live - it is all coming out.

People like Dave of the X-22 Report, Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog - the are all calling them out.

Jim Willie exposing their financial plans.

There are literally dozens of others like Natural News, Aim 4 Truth, Blacklisted News, and What Does It Mean who are brining all of these people to the forefront.

Here on this show we focus on exposing their Dirty Deeds so we can garnish prayer to counter these Evil Little Fallen Angels - as they call themselves.

We also focus on  stopping Presidential Assassinations and Nuclear False Flags.

These little School and Mall incidents involving Trained Snipers put on by people in the FBI are boring and second rate using the same victims over and over again both here and in countries overseas gets old.

The head of Lucifer Trust once said that once they were all exposed they have to leave.

Bye Bye - don’t let the door hit you in the rear.

Pray they leave without any more damage to us here on this planet anyway.

Companies like Facebook now planning to eliminate the Free Media across this planet - Pray these Fallen Angels and CIA Puppets are immediately and completely neutralized for the rest of their existence.

As for the “Twitter Error” where they just sold 330 million records - including your Bank Account Numbers and Social Security Numbers:

Either President Trump will take immediate action and arrest the leaders of these Corporations such as Google and Facebook and the VA for compromising National Security for selling our records around the world (and Hillary and Huma Abadeen for Torture and Murder) or GOD will take away every thing near and dear to President Trump.

So HE has said it - so hit shall be.

He will remain as President but he will loose what he loves most.

Yes - we still support and pray for President Trump’s Health but doing things like sending additional Special Forces to Saudi Arabia yesterday was not a good thing.

Either he listens to GOD or he does not.


1) General Motors is now firing it’s Full Time Employees and moving to hiring Part Time Workers - under 32 hours a week. In this way they do not have to provide them with Health Care, Days Off, Sick Leave, etc.

2) ESPN - along with most other Cable Companies - are now loosing customers hand over foot.

Over the last month - ESPN has lost over 500,000 customers and what is most amazing is they cannot figure out why.

All that money these executives  spent to get educated on marketing and they literally cannot figure it out why they are loosing customers.

Watch this show ESPN Executives and learn as your income dwindles. GOD will open your eyes.

3) The White Hats in Syria - a George Soros Owned NGO Corporation - made up the entire Gas Attack a few days ago.

It was complete with Make Up and Fake Doctors.

President Trump finally figured out that the US Tax Payer is paying for this NGO this Soros NGO and cut off their funding.

Why did he not cut off the US Funding of corporations like SERCO, ABC, NBC, CBS , CNN and PBS, World Vision and the Red Cross as well and thousands of others sucking off the Tax Dollars and creating conflicts around the world???

4) Socialism At It’s Finest, home of the Democratic Party of Hitler, the National Sozhaleest Party (NAZI) this experiment in socialism in Argentina has failed miserably.

The Peso of Argentina is now collapsing.

Up until around 2002 the Peso was about 1$ US Dollar per peso but somewhere around 2014 it began to dump to where it is today at around 22 Peso’s per dollar.

Another National Socialist (NAZI) Nation now falling apart because they ran out of someone else’s  money.

5) Deutsche Bank - the Bank of the Roman Empire for over 1,000 years - is losing their Houston Branch and laying off not 4,000 but around 9,000 employees.

Further - so many CEO’s of this bank have simply --- Vanished.

They made a really bad move about 3 years ago and now they are slowly being squeezed financially and until they fix that mistake they will continue to go down hill.

So HE has said it, so it shall be.


First - the Ocean Dead Zones are enlarging - now we are seeing them across the Middle East our oceans are dying due to Chemical Pollution brought on by going to an All oil Economy.

The entire Gulf of Oman Is dead - that regions between Iran and Oman.

Second - As the sun enlarges we will see more and more volcanic eruptions. Yesterday the Main Hawaiian Volcano erupted.

Unfortunately Google pulled the video off the internet in part of their efforts to Censor the Net.

Its time we pray for your family and pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


ZUCKED UP: Facebook announces new plan to completely destroy the independent media –

CENSORSHIP: Facebook Will Ramp Up 'News Suppression' Ahead Of 2018 Midterms

Green Berets Are Now On The Ground Assisting The Saudi War On Yemen In "A Marked Escalation"

Twitter says glitch exposed 'substantial' number of users' passwords | Daily Mail Online

“Deep State” Coup Against Trump Erupts Into Open On US Television As Iran Readies “Auntie Cockroach” Nuclear Defense Of Shiite World

GM Is Hiring More Part-Time Workers To Slow Job Cuts | Zero Hedge

ESPN Loses 500,000 Subscribers In 30 Days | Zero Hedge

Trump Cuts Off Funding For Syria's "White Helmets" | Zero Hedge


Argentine Peso Plunges To Record Low - Breaks Central Bank Line In The Sand | Zero Hedge

Argentine Peso Crashes Most Since 2015 Free-Float Despite 600bps Rate-Hike | Zero Hedge

Argentinean Peso | 1992-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

'We Have A Problem' - Deutsche Bank Shutters Houston Office

"The Ocean Is Suffocating": Mysterious "Dead Zone" In Arabian Sea Far Worse Than Expected | Zero Hedge

Dramatic Drone Footage Shows Fountains Of Lava From Mount Kilaeua Eruption | Zero Hedge

Glucose Maintenance | Life Change Tea

Sunday, March 4, 2018

New Exec Order Allows Mass Arrests Of Deep State

Here you get more news in 15 minutes than anywhere else on the planet.



(145) New Exec Order Allows Mass Arrests of Deep State - YouTube

We could not do our story without Virtual Shield - Too Much Interference. This morning the already killed the story once - then I loaded Virtual Shield

Three days ago President Trump signed a Sweeping Executive Order allowing Civilians to participate with the Military in arresting, and prosecuting, civilians for Treason.

The key to this executive order is found in Section 12 of the:

2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-martial, United States

Here it clearly allows both Homeland Security and the Attorney’s General to participate in these arrests and trials.

Further - 10 USC 311 clearly states that all able bodied men aged 17 to 45 men, and women in the National Guard, who are US citizens are members of the militia.

(((A well regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.)))

This law further states that this age limit may continue - allowing all those who have declared them citizens of the United Staes to be subject to the UCMJ - Military Justice.

In other worlds - the Elite Civilians - including Judges,  Ambassadors, and Presidents, may now be arrested and tried for treason. 

We stated earlier that we thought these laws would begin to pass and that all would be revealed in March and after the Next Full Moon at the end of March (2 in Jan, none in Feb, 2 in March) the way would be clear for President Trump to begin the arrests of these Elites.

Time will tell as already over 10,000 Sealed Federal Indictments have been issued - demanding a reply to criminal activities.

Whether President Trump goes through with these arrests. Or not, time will tell.

Either way - the Elite Rat Ben Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Advisor to the last President, has gathered together an Alternate Government made up of former Obama Staff for when he thinks President Trump will be ousted.

Ben Rhodes is very upset that the Opium Fields in Afghanistan are being burned and North Korea is about to unite with South Korea - eliminating almost $1 Trillion Dollars in Drug Trade that has fundrd the Democratic Party for decades.


$800 Billion/Yr Opium Afghanistan
$20Billion/Yr Narcotics N Korea
$200 Billion/Yr Cocaine, Columbia

Further - the Heavy Oil we get from the Middle East - which is very expensive to pump and refine, is about to be replaced by Light Crude from Russia, the US, and Cuba - thus cutting off a major supply of their money.

The elimination of funding to the Middle East for their oil will put a nail in the coffin of these regional Conflicts and cut off the last of the illegal moneys to these Elites.

Those who wish to destroy  this planet - not kidding - are not only loosing their people but their funding as well.

That’s a good thing - right?

In other words - Ben Rhodes, and his “Alternate Government,” have committed High Treason for planning the take down of a standing President and the murder of 7 Billion People.

If President Trump does not now act swiftly and decisively and with force they will. As God has shown me many things, this I also have been shown.

Please pray that President Trump can act decisively and with force and can contain these Traitors before they contain him.

We stand ready and willing to assist  President in any way we can.

We have also been told privately that parts of the Internet and the Supply Chain may also be interrupted for a short period of time as these arrests begin.

In additions to This You Tube Channel we also post on 5 other video channels and 3 news sites.

All money earned through the internet is given away so we are not dependant on the advertising by You Tube.

We have been in the Media now (TV, Radio, Videos, Print) for over a decade and as an Ambassador we have a unique look at what is really going on.


1) Washington State is about to pass a law Monetizing the womb.

The Democrats in Washington State have pushed through a law that clearly states your child is not only a Ward (Slave) of the State but this child belongs to the state of Washington.

What this does is it legalizes the selling of Baby Parts from Abortion Clinics - which constitutes a Federal Felony.

None of the Democrats, or the Governor Jay Ensley, have been jailed for this Treason as of yet. Pray they are very quickly.

2) Spending on Booze, Drugs and Ladies of the Night has dropped sharply since October and is not expected to recover any time soon.

Even if the Bush/Clinton/Obama Opium Fields in Afghanistan were replanted there is no one left to buy their goods.

3) In a new Scandal the Public Television Stations in Britain are trying to create many landlords are advertising “Free Rent For Sex.”

Many of these ads are for Gay People - so in a way the BBC is now discriminating against these Gay folks.

Apparently several BBC reporters were rejected by their Perspective Landlords for this arrangement, got angry, and did a story in it.

4) Russia has turned off the Natural Gas to those in the Ukraine - Again.

 This constant war created by the Space Program to get COLTON Ore is getting very old and the leaders of the Ukraine need to evict the foreigners and sell it legally.

Please pray that those creating War to get the COLTON Ore are either changed or neutralized immediately and those Ukrainian politicians profiting from this War are neutralized as well.


Pray for President Trump’s safety.



YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.





Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Trump Signs Sweeping Executive Order Clearing Path For Mass "Deep State" Arrests By US Military

2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

10 U.S.C. § 311 - U.S. Code Title 10. Armed Forces § 311 | FindLaw

Persons Who Can Be Tried by Court-Martial

Ben Rhodes (White House staffer) - Wikipedia

Trump’s opium war: US begins bombing Taliban drug labs as new Afghanistan strategy takes hold | South China Morning Post

North Korea sends rare announcement to all Koreans, calling for unification

Washington State to 'Monetize Wombs,' Legalize 'Baby Selling,' Redefine 'Parent'

Spending On Hookers, Drugs And Booze Tumbles | Zero Hedge

'Rent-For-Sex': Landlords Exploit Thousands Of Broke Millenials | Zero Hedge

Ukraine Freezes After Russia Halts Gas Deliveries | Zero Hedge







Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Intel Report + New Marijuana Laws Effecting you

Here you get more news in 15 minutes than anywhere else on the planet.





(26) Intel Report + Update On Local Marijuana Laws Nationwide - YouTube


First - an Update on the latest Marijuana Laws.

We stopped in to the local state Liquor Control Board - which manages laws on Marijuana and had a long talk with an agent.

Further after Exhaustive Research - this is what it boils down to: What the Local Police in the area will do.

The State Liquor Control Board is tasked with ensuring stores that sell marijuana are licensed and they test the drugs to ensure their quality.

The Local Police enforce the laws and they are enforced differently across the states.

In Seattle, for example,  if you smoke Dope on the streets you get a $12 ticket. If you smoke it in another town you may get 6 months in jail - so you are playing Russian Roulette with your freedom.

It is still a violation of Federal Law to smoke and transport any form of  Marijuana anywhere in the nation and if arrested for driving impaired with THC in your veins - you may go to jail for a long time.

As for CBC Oil - Most states consider Marijuana to be any substance that contains .3% THC or greater, all the rest is considered Hemp.

So in 49 out of 50 states CBC oil is “Legal” as it comes form Hemp Kansas being the last hold out. However - that being said - check with tour local states before buying the oil.

We recommend Ancient Life Oil because it Organic and contains almost no THC - at least, we can’t find any.

A friend drank a whole bottle of the 250Mg and tested negative for THC.


1) Great Speech by President Trump last night - set the Democrats on their heels. They, and their buds in Hollywood, are afraid as the arrests. I could sense the fear in Traitors like Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schummer.

2) Did you like looking at that 25 year old Hillary reading out of that book in the latest Holly Wood Awards Ceremony. Her days are numbered, and so are her doubles and handlers. So HE has said it - so it shall be.

2) Monsanto Employees will now get sick - it’s called Instant Carma - so HE has said it - so it shall be.

3) Look at the Sun - it is getting hotter and shooting out lots of Plasma Blasts despite NASA trying to hide it.

4) As the sun gets worse - despite NASA Lies - so too will the Confusion and Anxiety build here on this planet as the Cell Towers are set to these frequencies.

5) As this confusion grows so too will the Micro Storms as the Chemtrails have destroyed our Ozone Layer - leading to crop failures World Wide. Apparently GMO Crops are highly susceptible to storms.

6) Allot of things will now be exposed as the world leaders - Pres Putin, Pres Xi Jinping, Deutsche Bank Board of Directors - have ignored GOD. It’s payback.

A good example of this is the Pending Bankruptcy of a $55 billion Dollar Chinese company called the HNA Group.

7) Banks like Deutsche, HSBC, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, etc are literally broke and held up by the Federal Reserve System. We shall see the results of these CEO’s “Sucking” their banks dry with Huge Billion Dollar Bonuses very soon - and it will not be good for the members of their Board of Directors.

8) What I see is confusion building in every part of people’s lives - from their kids going to Satanic Schools, to their Finances, to their personal lives. Sort of like a Bowl full of marbles being shaken constantly.

This “Confusion” is leading to many, many Murdering CIA Sponsored Terrorists throwing down their weapons and going home.

9) If President Trump does not wimp out, there should be arrests of thousands of those liars in the media, at least 35 Governors, 130 Congressman and 382 Mayors initially.

10) If these arrests begin here in the US - then they will also begin overseas shortly afterwards - beginning with these Leaders Loyal to Lucifer who are ordering in Massive numbers of Muslim Immigrants and arming them - like Angel Merkel of Germany.

Her goal is not only to create Terrorism in their own nations but who’s real purpose is to kill the Jews - a NAZI’s Dream.

11) Good Riddance Comey, Meuller, and McCabe. We have stopped your Nuclear False Flags for years and are tired of your attempts to kill the standing presidents and to bring about a Full Scale Nuclear War.

We pray you are all Immediately and Completely Neutralized for life.

12) The Medical Community is about to loose huge amounts of Federal Funding as President Trump will now be forced internationally to Balance the US Budget.

This little stunt by Jeff Bazos, Warren Buffet & JP Morgan ARE being directed by the Top Secret US Space Program to create another Health Insurance Company - but it is not enough to stem the tide of Federal cuts.

They will implement our Procedures we have enumerated in out You Tube Videos or they will all fall into the Dustbin of History if you catch my drift. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

Enough - More for tomorrow.


On 27 March the Elites are planning some sort of shut down of our banking Grid using Low Yield Nukes - just enough to knoch out the Banking Centers.

Minneapolis - for example - is the Banking Center for the North Central Region and one small hand held Nuke would eliminate this Banking Center for months.

Since the US Treasury Department is so smart - and refuses to work with us - they can figure our t the other 5 cities targeted for 27 March (+-3 Days).

If you are wrong Treasury Department - your kids and Grand Kids will suffer horribly as it will take at least 30 days to bring back our Banking Systems. My viewers are ready.

Finally - A Dump Truck was hit by a Private Train loaded with Republican Lawmakers in Virginia this morning.

The Collision killed 1 of the 3 Passengers in the Dump Truck.

Have you ever seen a Dump Truck carrying a Driver and 2 Passengers?

The train was on the way to  White Sulfur Springs for a 3 day retreat where President Trump and Vice President Pence were to appear.

Two of the Dump Truck Passengers lived and they will be held in custody until they reveal exactly who told them to do this - then there will be all He.ll to pay for this crime. This is now a Homicide Investigation and with McCabe out of the way - it just may go forward.


Pray for President Trump’s safety.

Those who stand in his way will fall to the wayside - so GOD has said it - so it shall be.



YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.





Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


AG Letter to WA State Officials: Cole Memorandum Allows DOJ Enforcement | Marijuana

Hillary Clinton Reads From ‘Fire and Fury’ in Grammy Bit – Variety

The Seeds Of Suicide: How Monsanto Destroys Farming | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization


SOHO Real Time GIF Movies

Deputy FBI Director McCabe steps down | TheHill

Minneapolis-St. Paul: Capital of the New North? |

One Dead After Train Carrying Republican Lawmakers Collides With Dump Truck | Zero Hedge