Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dear President Obama;

Dear President Obama (CIA Handlers);

This is a message to all the Obama Doubles and their CIA Handlers who sign the bills ad call the shots:

Your Protege' and Savior has now been in office for about 6 years and has done more harm to America than all the Presidents in the past, including the Bush's and Clinton's.

Today the US is running a Deficit of around $4 Trillion Dollars a year with another $4 Trillion being spent by this insane US Corporation - thus the real GNP is not $16 Trillion but around $8 Trillion.

While Gold is selling for around $1,200/ounce in America real gold is selling for around $2,400 an ounce in the rest of the world - if you can find it. In other words when the Dollar falls it will fall to about 50% of it's current value and the Bankstas who run the Western Banking System will be rounded up and arrested. The US, and it's allies, will then experience a great economic change - a huge fall.

In addition, your Gay Fascist Freaks who run the White House have started more wars in the last 6 years than all US Corporate President's since the Corporation took over the united states of America in 1871 and openly killed, or bribed, it's leaders, and for these ambitions you were given the Nobel Peace Prize.

Better the Nobel Prize had been given to a Rat than a Fascist Pig. 

You have also allowed the VA to sell military records around the world and compromised US Security beyond belief - with traitors every where in the Corporations like the CIA and FBI. Traitors.

You have openly killed a US Ambassador for taking Hillary Clinton's Arms Sales Commission of Arms sold to the Muhujadeen Al Kaleek (MEK). The seciond Ambassador Steven was dead the State department (Run By Hillary) took the MEK off the Terrorist Watch List and transported 400 tons of weapons to these murders - and Hillary got the commission on these Arms sales.

OK- So you are only following the Directives put out by the US State Department Office of Population (Control) and killing people to reduce populations as approved by the President (CIA Handlers). You Freaks are still murders.

For some reason GOD has allowed me to spare your life Mr President well over 6 dozen times - with NO thank you, just a hearty balling out by the Secret Service, FBI Freaks, and the US Marshals as these US FBI Freaks who stole my home and savings. For these crimes you will be stripped of your wealth and nation - so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come. 

Recently one of your Destroyers in the Black Sea was disabled by one tiny old rusty Russian Destroyer named the Vargus - all your High tech Gear from Aegis - shut down in a matter of seconds.It limped to a port in Romania.

Over the weekend you, Mr President and Handlers,  reached a new low as you launched three Nuclear SBML missiles from submarines at Saudi Arabia because the Saudis  no longer listen to your White House handlers in the CIA.

You see Mr Obama (and Handlers) - as you recall the Rockefellars and the like sold their Oil Stocks and then drove the price of oil down and you got angry - being the Stupid CIA handlers you are - you forgot about these actions taken only a few short weeks ago. The purpose  of selling their Oil stocks was to "Short Them" and force the price of oil down and make billions.

Unfortunately the White House Pukes and Handlers forgot to sell their stock because you have an entire staff made up of Liberal Idiots - Fascist Pigs.You and your handlers, Mr Obama, are loosing Billions of US Dollars and it spells the END of your Empire. 

Fascist Pigs and Liberals are never know for their intelligence, they are however know  for their Evil.

So over this weekend somebody in the White House ordered three Nuclear Launches on Saudi Arabi by US Submarines.

Stupid Move CIA (Mr Obama) - Stupid Move.

These Submarine Nuke Missiles were neutralized a few seconds after take off.

About 3 years ago a Pyramid sent off a signal near Bimini Florida - an SOS signal - we did that and they are here. Their technology dwarfs that of your your "Allies" and "Friends."

You can no longer launch a Nuclear Attack through the air and your pre-positioned 876 Nukes in large cities across the world are being identified and neutralized - along with your  ICBMs.

It will not take long to neutralize your freezers full of Atomic Hand Grenades and Bullets and your old Davy Crocketts and Nuclear Artillery Shells.

Remember CIA Handlers - you denied my US Supreme Court Case to plug the leak and now YOU are paying for it by being unable to start a Nuclear War - best you plug the leak and run my case though the courts "Voluntarily" before you are made to do it.

I am not sure you in the CIA are smart enough to take Pre-Emptive actions to prevent what is coming --- you may be that stupid and arrogant so maybe I will simply burn the copies of my Supreme Court Case and ensure your empire falls and you go away permanently.

Your underground "Hide Outs" are being Neutralized.

Your "Off World" bases are being neutralized.

Lockheed Martins Blue Origin (See You Tube) can no longer go off world - too bad, so sad, Touche'.

Your Lockheed Martin's Ships are also being severely restricted in their travels and your Space Junk "Shield" will not shield you from what is coming.

Now you will have to wait and see what is coming next - may I highly suggest you do as you have been asked to do by this messenger on all fronts since it costs you nothing and may save your lives - or face what is coming. You have little choice in this matter, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
Blue Origin Anti Gravity Craft using Magnetic Drive at a Vibrational Frequency of 10 to the 14 HTZ in their engines:

Joint US/Russian landing on Mars, 1962:

Three Nuke Launched on Saudi Arabia:

Joint Nuke Launch on Saudi Arabia:

Oil Prices driving the wars - created by the Rockefellars:

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Another Banksta Bites The Dust, Yeahh

In yet another surprising turn of events and other Banksta has bitten the proverbial Dust.

Matteo Cassani, age 41 (Looked 65)was found dead in front of his 4 story building yesterday morning.

Initial reports say he was foudn dead after "falling" form the top floor of his building.

Matteo (Italian) was the director of two of ENEL generators located in Romania and they were supplying power to Eastern Romania, Moldov (translvania) and into ----- the Ukraine.

The initial reports have him falling out of a sealed Bullet Proof window - and there is no connection to the Murder (I Mean Suicide) and the US Sponsored War in the Ukraine.

No connection what so ever - none, get that out of your mind.

He just fell though a Sealed Bullet Proof Window accident - and don't you forget it.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Doing Business in America, Think Again

Think of relocating a factory or business in America?

1) Consider Missouri:

Are you being smozhed by Governor Jay Nixon for special tax advantages in this state?

This governor Jay Nixon goes in the same category as Governor risk Snieder the Pervert of Michigan, who is still forcing Organic Pig Farmers to shoot their own Piglets and then "reviewing The films" in his mansion.

(Pray - ( Visualize) the scum involved in this incident are terminated immediately)

In the case of this Murdering Governor Jay Nixon he allowed his Missouri Police Officers to illegally seized property form Jeffery Weinhause's House, set up a rendezvous to return his property, and then gunned him down with several Back Up Patrol Officers nearby and a pack of FBI freaks in the parking lot to ensure he was killed.

Jay Nixon the Murderer for President?

Granted - Jefferey did threaten the President, he smoked Dope, and he did  carry a gun - but it was a set up and the Governor knew about it.

Jeffery did manage to live, so he was then sent to prison 25 years for getting shot by a Missouri Cop 4 times. They called that "Resisting Arrest."

His stolen property was never returned.

(My back door neighbor has 4 felony convictions of Child Rape, 1 of 1st Degree Murder, a rap sheet a mile long,  he was in prison for a couple of years, and now he is living with a 13 year old girl)

So if you plan to do business in Missouri, or Michigan, or California with Governor Moon Beam - think again. Your property can be seized for no reason other than the fact the cops wanted the property, your children raped with no prosecution, and your money stolen in transit to the bank with no record of the stop.

America is no place to do business any more.
2) Further - if you fly through America you had better not be carrying a Potato.

Yup - Homeland security has hired Affirmative Action Employees with dogs to patrol the airports to ensure no Non GMO potatoes are brought into America in a person's luggage. See yesterday's Wall Street Journal.

They are Homeland Securities Potato Police, paid for by Your, the tax payer.

Apparently Non-Genetically Modified Foods are no longer allowed into America.

It appears that these Fascist Pigs in the Obama Administration simply and plainly wants you dead.

So - why set up a corporation in America - the New Fourth Reich?
3) Further - the US Treasury just issued $1.04 trillion Dollars in New Treasury Bonds in the last 8 weeks and only took in 4$341 Billion.

That leaves an annual debt of around $4 trillion dollars - ,meaning that out of a 416 Trillion Dollar GNP 25% of it is created by debt ---- meaning a Long Term Inflation rate of 33% per year.

This means we are about to hit a period of Hyper Inflation, does it not?

Don't Worry - the US Treasury has issued the $1 trillion Dollar Coin, Despite their claims they have not. 

So - why do business in America
4) Finally - consider Obama care - where the Average Family of 4 will soon pay half their income into Medical care - or you as the Employer will have so subsidize this amount or have your property seized and perhaps be shot over and over again.

can we ZEIG HEIL yet?

So why take the risk?
There are good people ion America - it is just the WHITE HOUSE RAT PACK and their leaders like the Rockefellars are murders, rapists, and evil to the core.

Evil must be purged, you cannot negotiate with it.

Pray - Visualize - the Evil is purged form Planet Earth immediately.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Ebola - Follow The Money

So - with the FBI confirming that 225 members of Congress are actively raping children and the FBI Leadership is so filled with Child Rapers (Pedophiles) and Cross Dressers I suppose the next set of  facts will not surprise you.

Just keep in mind that the FBI is actively arresting those with "Child Porn" on their computers but they will not arrest those in Congress raping little children.

(Please Visualize (Pray) that these scum are removed form Earth immediately)

The question arises - Why SARS, MERS,  Swine Flu, Ebola?

So what do we know:

1) We know that after 9/11 the US Corporation started wars and killing Americans to bolster Weapons Sales.

2) We also know that during the SARS, MERS, and Swine Flu outbreak companies that manufacture Vaccines were paid a whole bunch to create "New Vaccines" to combat these diseases - and they all contributed healthy amounts to the Congressmen who rape these little children.

Why do you suppose a man will spend $5 million dollars to get elected  into an office where he brings home less than $200,000/yr?

3) We also know that these diseases can be traced back to US Weapons Manufacturers and that no Biological  Weapon is released by the US Corporation without a vaccine already in stock for these Corporate Bosses - yet the Vaccination Manufacturers were paid Billions to create an already existing vaccine?

You paid for this.

4) We further know that at least 5 Presidents have told us that they get huge sums of money to "Look For The Cure for HIV" even though we have the cure for HIV and if they release the Cure they said they would be killed by US Forces - CIA/FBI/DOD/BATF/NOAH .........and any other US  ABCDEFG Department. 

5) We also know that NO filter stops a Biological Agent so the "Space Suit" they wear while treating EBOLA victims are absolutely useless.

6) We also know the EBOLA is spread by outfits like: Doctors Without Boarders, Red Cross, US Organizations, and the American Embassy Workers.

7) We know these facts because not only have we discussed each and every one of these on Pravda and APFN, I helped write the First NBC SOP in the DOD so my knowledge may be limited but basic concepts are pretty simple.

So who benefited form EBOLA?

The manufacturers of Protective Gear, like Dupont and others. In fact - these companies that make these Chemical and Biological Suits cannot keep up with the orders - despite the fact that they are absolutely useless.

So there you have it -Kill a few thousand people, pay off a few folks in Congress who rape little Children, and the money rolls in hand over fist.

Lust read yesterdays' Wall Street Journal, page A7.

For You Intel Geeks

1) Bad job with Furgeson Missouri - you only had about 100 Black Rioters, the rest knew the truth.

If you look on Yesterday's Wall Street Journal you will see a Black Man on the right side of the picture wearing a Rabbit Fur Mat and Glasses - this is the DOD Agent Saboteur - he was given piles of Hundred Dollar Bills to give out to make these riots happen and the local cops were told to let these 100 rioter burn whatever they wanted --- so all night you could follow the Furgeson Rioters through the Police Calls as they were ordered not to touch these DOD paid rioters.

These DOD agents come out of Pima Arizona - an acting school run by the DOD. Look for him in ohter Black Riots soon.

As for the thousands of New York City Rioters - you could look as the Live Times  Square Camera - no rioters, the TV lied again.

2) If you have a Bond you are so screwed. We have tried to cash several Old US Bonds, a Peruvian Bond and a Russan Bond - Forget it. NO ONE honors these bonds - not even the US Treasury.

If you buy a Mutual Fund featuring Bonds - OK.

If you buy a US Savings Bond or Russian or Brazilian or Chinese Bonds - they were issued without the intent to pay out. No one will honor them.

SO consider the US Debt - bonds issued with NO intent to pay out. We owe no one, they never intended to pay on these bonds. It is all a paper work scam. 

There are only two safe havens for your money - either Freeze Dried Food in your Pantry or directly form a Silver from a silver mine.  Current US Gold and Silver may be  fake.

Yesterday it came out in the press that  banks like Deutch Bank are trying to force the US Corporation to seize Gold and Silver from the American Public as "Unused Capitol" and a host of other names.

Evil cannot be negotiated with - it must be purged - killed. You cannot negotiate with people who rape children - like the current Prime Minister of England and Canada and 225 US Congressman. They must be terminated.

We were listening to a Radio Program - the same one you heard last night if you read my story - describing the Next Human Sacrifice in England by the Prime Minister and No One - No One - would arrest these Child Rapers and Murders even with pictures and films.

Evil must be purged - they must be killed or put in a FEMA camp forever - all of these Demon Possessed Freaks. There is no other way.

These "US/UK/Canadian Leading Politicians  Rape and then Murder tiny little children and refuse to honor even their own bonds.

Even holding Russian Passport aa-00023 and a Russian Knight of Malta and a Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in St Petersburg  I cannot get the Russian Central Bank to honor a simple little bond.

They must be purged.

3) Bet you wish more details on 17 December -  where the Nukes are going, who is to be assassinated - too bad, you trashed my bond. 

You want war US/UK/Canadian Leaders -

Please pray with me -Visualize - that  Langley, DC and New York City, and London are  the first 4 places that get hit with a huge Bunker Buster Bomb - dead center.

They want war - they can be the first to go, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to go.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS - another threat to my life today.

See: Wall Street Journal; US Buys Up Ebola Gear: Little Left For Africa

See: Front Page Wall Street Journal 25 November 2014.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

42% Of congress Are Pedaphiles

The FBI determined that 20 years ago 39% of all of the 535 members of Congress were Pedophiles.

What this means is that they Rape and Torture children.

Today the FBI has concluded that this  number has risen to 42% of Congressional Members with a cross dressing Gay First Lady in the White House and a man who bends over for other men as the President.

An 89% disapproval rating and a 97% reelection rate?

To be blunt: Your Gay Congressmen (And Women)  is raping your children, bending them over and having sex with children as young as 6 months old.

The FBI feeds them the children and keeps records and tapes of the incidents and controls congress with these records. I was invited into 5 of these cults now and offered incredible positions - alas - I belong to GOD and would tear them up rather than do what they asked me to do.

This is why my $551 Million bond was denied  - I refused to join. Problem is the Russian Orthodox Church looses 218 Million Rubles a month forever based on their decision. We shall see what Putin and the Orthodox Church does about this one - maybe nothing, maybe every thing.

Evil cannot be negotiated with - it must be purged, either rounded up and put in a FEMA camp or killed.

Fascist Pig Pedophiles must be purged.

(((Pray that these Pigs are removed form Planet Earth immediately)))

Any questions Red Dragon Family?
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS: I cannot confirm the Nuking of a city in Pennsylvania except that when the Nuclear exchange is supposed to occur most of the Cities in America will be nuked by Jesuits in America using old Soviet Nukes. This is what Evil does.

Hanz Kovlenback, Chief General of Jesuits: Apr 15, 2000: "You want your country back, you want your money back kill all the Jesuits. World leaders are afraid to do this, especially Wimpy Gimpy Putin."


Monday, November 24, 2014

Secretary of Defense Fired

After receiving  news of a dozen Nukes being transported to the Eastern Ukraine the Secretary of Defense waas fired by an Obama Double.

In Retaliation for stopping over a dozen nukes from being detonated in Russia and killing Million of Russians the Russian central Bank called Deutch Bank - which I am working with on a $551 Million Dollar Russian Bond - and told Deutch Bank to place a copy of the bond on line and sell copies out of Deutch Bank HQ as fake Bonds.

So in retaliation for saving over a million Russian Lives Russia retaliated and refuses to honor a bond that was headed for their own church - 80% of it.

Thus for stopping the nuking of Russians the Russian Orthodox Church in St Petersburg looses about $42,000,000 per year - or around 218,000,000 Rubles per month forever.

You loose.

218,000,000 rubles per month, forever.

The order either had to come from Putin or Medvedev for this kind of thing to happen.

They can reverse the order - it makes me physically ill.

Sorry Russian Orthodox church - you loose the proceeds form over $400,000,000.

You do the math - $551,000,000 times 80% at 9 1/2 percent/Yr  Russian Bond = ?

Either Putin or Medvedev - no one else would have the power to destroy this bond.

I am so sorry st Petersburg Church, so sorry.

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, November 23, 2014

US Corporation Has Gone Over The Top

The US Corporation has gone over the toop - again.

What you are about to read has made me sick - physically ill.

(((Please pray - Visualize Hard - these evil Minions in the US Corporation leave Planet Earth Immediately)))

As you read this the US corporation is sending two plane loads of weapons to the Ukraine.

The proposed rout is through Ireland and then into the Kiev Airport at Boryspol?

The money for these arms was routed through Saudi Arabia and into the US Arms Manufacturers. Many of the weapons were purchased overseas. PM Abe of Japan has his fingers in this - which is why he is calling for an immediate election in Japan because it was rigged in his favor by the Saudis to start this war.

If the two US Transports have a Very Cold Freezer on board then they are carrying the more Atomic Bullets (A few Nuke Hand Grenades and two working Brief Case Nukes from Laurence Livermore))) - many of which have degraded and do not work.

The Mercenaries that will be given these Special bullets - Red in color I Believe - will be dead within a month after using them - radiation leakage.  

The US Transports are carrying "Medical Supplies and Humanitarian Aid" from the UN and Red Cross.

Did we mention the Orange Bullets loaded with Sarin Gas also in this inventory.

It will be wholesale Slaughter - Genocide, the start of WW3.

It is like watching the start of WW1 in slow motion crying: "No, Stop, No, No" - and no one is listening.

When I found this out I became physically ill because I see what is coming.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount