Sunday, April 20, 2014

Another Banksta Bites The Dust

Another major Banksta has died.

As we read this article please focus on - Pray - that those who follow Lucifer are unsuccessful in everything they are trying to do to destroy America.

We think of Banksta as those who work specifically in a Bank, yet most Digital Money is held by Mutual Funs and large Financial Institutions.

You will also notice that there is a moratorium on reporting Dead Banksta - the Rothchilds have given the orders to make everyone believe the economy is doing well - just as GOD stated they would do at this point in time 5 so many months ago here on APFN and on PRAVDA.

This Banksta was the manager of Franklin Growth Fund -

Vivian Jerry Palmieri was still at the helm of this very conservative funds when he passed away on the 6th of April at the age of 85.

Form this day forward ALL news that exposed the collapsing economy and the murders of those in the financial world will be hidden by the US Army Cyber Command/Allied Signal Group - both controlled by the CIA.

You will now have to dig for the real truth, really dig.

Stories will now be posted all over the net to not only discredit APFN and it's writers, but disinformation will also be posted here on APFN.

Already the DOD relentlessly harasses Internet sites like PRAVDA with their lies and innuendos.

If you examine my stories closely and then go to my website you will find that the stories on my website have NO spelling errors or errors in grammar, yet here on APFN they are often loaded with these errors.

Remember - there is a good spell checker here on APFN.

So read these stories but verify everything.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Another Banksta Bites The Dust

Another major Banksta has died.

As we read this article please focus on - Pray - that those who follow Lucifer are unsuccessful in everything they are trying to do to destroy America.

We think of Banksta as those who work specifically in a Bank, yet most Digital Money is held by Mutual Funs and large Financial Institutions.

You will also notice that there is a moratorium on reporting Dead Banksta - the Rothchilds have given the orders to make everyone believe the economy is doing well - just as GOD stated they would do at this point in time 5 so many months ago here on APFN and on PRAVDA.

This Banksta was the manager of Franklin Growth Fund -

Vivian Jerry Palmieri was still at the helm of this very conservative funds when he passed away on the 6th of April at the age of 85.

Form this day forward ALL news that exposed the collapsing economy and the murders of those in the financial world will be hidden by the US Army Cyber Command/Allied Signal Group - both controlled by the CIA.

You will now have to dig for the real truth, really dig.

Stories will now be posted all over the net to not only discredit APFN and it's writers, but disinformation will also be posted here on APFN.

Already the DOD relentlessly harasses Internet sites like PRAVDA with their lies and innuendos.

If you examine my stories closely and then go to my website you will find that the stories on my website have NO spelling errors or errors in grammar, yet here on APFN they are often loaded with these errors.

Remember - there is a good spell checker here on APFN.

So read these stories but verify everything.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, April 17, 2014

CIA Funded Cuban Twitter To Destroy Cuban Government

As you read this please pray that the CIA attempts to shut down those who speak the truth fails.

as we all have read on the APFN Website the US Corporation has maintained the funding of organizations, like Allied Signal Group and US army Cyber Command in Fort Belvoir Virginia, to harass those who seem to speak the truth.

IE - My last story had a letter removed from the title.

The CIA is also using Twitter and Facebook to destroy the reputations of those who apparently do not bow to their Fascist Regime's Ideas.

For Example: Apparently all APFN Writers have 35 wives and about 500 children all over the world and are rotten racist Fascist Communist Pig Nut Cases, bla, bla bla.

It has come out that the CIA has also been using YOUR TAXES to fund a Twitter Campaign to take down the Evil Cuban Regime.

Using such companies they own such as "US Aid", "World Vision", UN NGOs" and dozens of other Front Corporation this CIA Corporation (Owned by the Queen of England) sent it's employees into Spain to hire folks to Twitter about the Castro Regime torturing their relatives, stealing their money, etc.

The real threat began when these Hired Internet Thugs threatened to do harm to the leadership of Castro - which amounts to an ACT OF WAR between the UK and Cuba.

Now Cuba has signed the BRIC treaties so these harassments tantamount to an ACT OF WAR against 140+ nations, like Russia, CHina, India, Brazil, Vietnam, etc.

If the BRIC leaders pushed the issue there would be necessarily a boycot of the entire English Island, and they would be under treaty obligation to do this.

I am not saying Castro and his staff are not utter pigs and when they visited a friends house back in the late 50s to give a speech at Princeton did not poop under the couch cushions, pee behind the curtains and wipe their behinds with the curtains.

Castro was welcomed by our personal friends openly and returned the kindness with the filth that they are. His entire house had to be gutted when these Castro Pigs left Princeton, New Jersey.

Regardless of how barbaric and ungrateful this Pig Castro is he and his nation have a right to exist without US Corporate, or English Crown, harassment.

American Taxes do not need to be used to harass the Castro Regime.

What is most amazing about this story is that it was exposed.

This was supposed to be a "Top Secret" operation and it was completely exposed for all to see.

Perhaps the selling of US Military Records by the VA records helped expose this little escapade?

Either way -- the CIA Dirty Laundry is once again exposed for the world to see. Names and addresses of the perpetrators, employment locations, companies names - all open for inspection and retaliation by foreign nations.
You heard it first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Security On Fort Lewis Was A Joke

Please pay - visualize - with me that the United States Corporation gets new leadership fast.

today we decided to go onto a local Army Post - Fort Lewis. My Car Tags had expired and they needed ot be updated.

We went to the Main Gate and presented the Military ID card, Car Insurance and Reqistration papers and were told: "We no longer look at these papers - we just look at your ID card."

No Reqistration or Insurance Check?

As we drove through the Main Gate the guard had us swipe my Military ID through a reader and the gate automatically opened -

No one checked to see who was in the car with me.

No questions or signage about taking weapons into the post.

No scanners looking for Nuclear Weapons.

No one even looked at my Wife's ID card.

No one even looked at my wife - and she was wearing sun glasses and a hat.

As I drove away my wife's jaw dropped.

Here we are supposed to be on the verge of a Nuclear War and our security is "LA DEE DAH"?

Is the President MAD - Utterly MAD?

Is the Commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff utterly MAD?

The only answer to that question is YES - those who run the US Army, the DOD and the US Corporation are completely MAD.

Who in their Right Minds would not secure Nukes?

There are Nukes on Fort Lewis. My security Clearance is higher than Gen Dempsey's - commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - and I know that there are active Nukes under the Air Field and we just: "Drove on post, La Dee Dah, no big deal."

Hello Joint Chief's of Staff?

Your Nukes are unsecured!

OK - you are worried about Russia buying 500,000 Barrels of oil from Iran a day and flooding the market with Gold Backed Rubbles - that's about $1.5 Billion Dollars a month, for 15,000 barrels of Crude Oil per month --- or around $100 for a 42.5 gallon barrel of Crude Oil.

That's about $2.20 a gallon for Crude.

You are worried that Russia is currently building 2 Nuclear Reactors in Iran, but the CIA will not be able to mess with them and to to them what they did as Chernobyl.

Much of this can be found at: THEGOLDENJACKASS.COM

As Commander of the Joint Chiefs of Staff don't you think you should be a little bit concerned with security on posts that have Nukes?

General Dempsey - get your head out of your rear end - you have "Octal Rectal Itis with a Cranial Inversion" so bad that you have to polish your belly just to see straight.

Secure your Nuclear Bases.

While you are at it stop the VA from selling military records around the world you MORON.

This nation is in big trouble because of YOU.

Get off your proverbial rear end and fix it. You can't have Hoochie Coochie because you have Erectile Disfunction so use that time to do what you are paid to do ----- oh - your MASTER Lucifer won't let you, will he.

Well - his kingdom is collapsing around his ankles. You might want to jump ship before it is too late.

Your Nuclear Sites are not secure.

Your records are being sold around the world by the VA.

Your Launch Codes for your nukes have been compromised.

You have 20 soldiers a day committing suicide.

You have to call a lawyer in Afghanistan before you can engage.

Your bases are openly selling weapons in Afghanistan to whoever has the cash.

Your staff let someone take a Nuke and it is headed to Boston in a few days.

Your and your staff are a disgrace to the Nation, a threat to the US Corporation, a threat to the United States of America and a threat to Planet Earth.

General Dempsey

1) Secure your Nuclear Bases
2) Secure your Nukes
3) Secure your Records
4) Secure Your President (6 Doubles) from 11-17 April.

If we have an incident (Seattle, Boston) YOU will be held responsible, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

Please pray with me - really visualize - that this Joke of a General is replaced by a Real Man, not some Mealy Mouthed politician who worships Lucifer.
You Heard This First here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Fascist Double Cross of Washinton's Governor By Boeing



There has been a "Fascist Pig Double Cross" of Governor Jay Enslee of Washington State by Boeing.

Please pray that this exposes the underbelly of those Fascist Pigs in office and that all they do to destroy America fails.

For years the state of Washington has been giving large corporations like Boeing and Weyerhauser huge tax breaks to stay here in Washington.

These are the same tactics FASCIST PIGS like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mousolini used to bolster their economies before, and during, WW2.

A few month ago Gov Enslee of Washington State gathered with his Democratic Senators and used Hitler's Tactics again to help keep a Boeing Production Facility here in Western Washington.

In a "Special Session" of the legislature WE PAID FOR the state granted Boeing all sorts of concessions like: New Roads, Rail Lines, Electrical Upgrades, Tax Breaks, Retirement Incentives.....all paid for by YOU THE TAX PAYER, Zeig Hiel.

The next day after Bowing was granted these special tax breaks the Engineers Union had a "Special Election" of striking engineers and they agreed to end the strike by 1 vote - a vote that 1 week earlier was 75/25 opposed to ending the strike.

Suddenly the strike was ended by 1 vote?


A Beautiful play right out of Hitler's Handbook of Fascism.

Money Talks, BS walks.

So today Boeing announced it is eliminating 1,000 engineering jobs in Washington State by mid-2015.

These engineers have the ability to apply for an Engineering Job in Long Beach California and then move with the company.

Here is the Double Cross.

Here in Washington they assemble Commercial Airliners - 727, 747, 767, 777, 787, etc.

In Long Beach, California, they assemble the C-17 -- which is done to Military Specs ---- completely different than Civilian Specs. If you are not retrained in US Military Specs you do not qualify for the job in Long Beach.

So lets say you do interview and get hired to work in Long Beach, California. You pick up and move there with your family and buy another house.

Here is the second part of the Double Cross: The Long Beach Plant is scheduled to shut down in Mid-2015 with the completion of the C-17 Transport.

Production Facilities for US military Jets are being moved to -------wait for it -------- China.

My neighbor runs a Boeing Factory in China.

A "Fascist Pig Double Cross" pulled off by Boeing again.

Governor Jay Enslee of Washington State - you look like a Moron.

How is it a Governor and two Liberal Senator's were out smarted by Boeing?

Greed - Boeing and the Engineers Union promised to donate to their respective Political Campaigns, it was on the radio - KIRO Radio to be exact.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Bundy was not killed on Monday - Keep Up Your Prayers

Following is an article published a few days ago - and so far we are willing, thanks to YOUR support and YOUR prayers.

We have been calling around to find out what is happening in Nevada an all of the Directors of the Agencies and all Nevada Politicians are unavailable.

Please pray Lucifer fails his attempt.

Apparently someone in the White House has ordered the arrest of BUNDY and then Suicide him with a Heart Attack.

The same Jesuit snipers and Avanti killers the CIA used in Kiev are now here in Nevada to infiltrate and kill.

In the mean time the Fed Dept of Wildlife is stealing Cate and killing Turtles with Machine guns.

The area is supposed to be a Turtle Wildlife Area so these freak need to make the Turtle Endangered by killing most of them to justify the killing of Clive BUNDY.

The Governor will do nothing, Senator Harry Reid will do nothing.......they have been ordered to let him be killed.

Murder by Pres Obama of another law biding American Citizen.

These Federal Agents have one goal: Kill Americans.

Pray these thugs are refunded.

You heard this first here on APFN

Ambassador Mount

Turkish/US Backed Al Kada use Poison Gas in Syria 3 Times

Before we begin let us pray hard - I mean really visualize - that the orders given by the Directors of Home Land Security fails and the Bundy's are not killed or harassed in any other way and htat their 300 cattle are returned the BLM stole.

Pray also - really visualize this - that the Director of Homeland Security and the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are placed unarmed in a room with just me - Mono E Mono. They are cowards hiding behind their dresses.

It has just been brought to my attention that the Al Kada groups funded by Turkey and the US Dollar have just used US supplied Nerve Gas in 3 cities in Syria.

The nerve gas was used not to kill Syrian Military Troops but to kill civilians in a most hideous way. This is our Allie: "Al Kada."

Remember "Al Kada" - the Doorway to Lucifer's First Temple to Himself on Mount Hermon at "Tel-Dan"?

The US - YOUR TAX PAYERS DOLLARS - under orders from the IMF, funds these Lucifarian Murdering Freaks.

The particulars of who they killed, mainly children, is given in the story below.

Since the images of "Tel-Dan" will not transfer to APFN I will leave it to you to investigate this Lucifarian Human Sacrificial Temple to you.

We will say this - there is a huge plan to kill millions as a sacrifice to Lucifer this First Full Moon (+-3 Days) in the Age of Aquarius 14 April 2014.

Please pray that these sacrifices all fail and Lucifer is left powerless after this full moon.

One last note to the Russians: Your Rubble is down 25% and your markets are not doing well. Did you not understand the messages from the Living GOD about hos to make your economy recover?

Russian Leaders - are you that Arrogant and Ignorant as to ignore the Living GOD After things go to pieces in your Mother Russia?
You Heard It First Here On APFN

Dr William B. Mount