Showing posts with label President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Autism Speaks Through Gello

Saturday, March 25, 2017

President "O" - Going Down For Treason


Pres "O" & Cronies - Can We Say Treason? - YouTube

As the last President remains in a foreign nation far, far away from the United States evidence is building that he and his staff are guilty of Treason on so many levels.

First - let’s discuss why YOU are here.

We went to a friend’s house for dinner last night and FOX news played on the TV from 6PM to 9:30 PM and they covered 2 stories - same stuff for 3 ½ hours. Pure unadulterated Dribble.

The two stories covered were:

First - Illegal Aliens murder Americans, over 9,200 Americans a year since the Early 1980’s. There was an Immigrant defending these murders on Sean Hannity’s program.

Second - they discussed why Congressman Paul Ryan would not allow the vote in Congress to end Obama Care.

Thee two stories can be summed up as follows:

1) Those here illegally need to be shipped home and the Laws must be followed - all 15 Million. Period

2) President Trump wants Obama Care to implode and he needs to allow the Medical Exchanges to fail and Obama’s Friends to shut down their businesses.

What you get here on You Tube in 15 minutes Fox News cannot cover in a month - and most of it is off limits to these TV Moguls.

So here is the news today:

First - Congressman Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, stated that President Trump was indeed spied on and President Trump and his Associated and this information was widely disseminated among the intelligence communities.

Congressman Nunes will continue to investigate who, what, when, where, why and how.

All of this is already published and is known by the Congressman so know so Nunes is merely waiting until President Trump gives the word to begin the arrests and tribunals.

Second - the US Supreme Court turned against President “O” over the appointment of Lafe Solomon and the head of the National Labor’s Relations Board from 2010-2013 as this was Unconstitutional. Perhaps a minor ruling but one that clearly indicates the tides have turned against those wishing to destroy Planet Earth.

Third - In Bizarre move reminiscent of Adolf Hitler and his NAZI Regime someone is trying to shut down the train into Manhattan, and out of Manhattan  from New Jersey.

Perhaps because Trump has office in Manhattan.

Please keep in mind that George Soros owns all Rail Lines in America where Amtrak runs and maintenance, and security, on our Rail Lines is horrible today.

…a) 18 Sep 2016 a Bomb blew up on a  train headed into  Manhattan, shutting down service.

…b) 17 March 2017 - Man struck by train claims he had a bomb on a train headed into Manhattan

…c) 19 March 2017 - Man with bomb found headed into Manhattan

…d) Amtrak Train derails on Train Line headed out of Manhattan on a Friday Night

…e) I am told that I have missed at leat a half a dozen other Bomb Threats on this Train Line over the last 6 months.

Somebody is going to a lot of effort to shut down Manhattan as we believe that the Black Live’s Matters Rally that begins 15 April 2017 across the globe is now targeting primarily New York, London, Berlin, Sofia and Paris.

Fourth - We may also see the FBI Protected “NO GO ZONES’ across the nation filled with Muslim Terrorists be released to conduct Terror across America as they implement “PROJECT CONTAINMENT” to shut America down. This is why all the Check Points have been set up across the nation - especially in the Southern US.

So now you know where the FBI is and why Director Comey lied to Congress a few day ago - he expects to unleash Hell On Earth in America in exactly 21 days.

Pray that he and his Evil Satanic NAZI Cronies fail.

Fifth - What we will also be seeing is the end of Sea Life all across the Pacific Ocean as Oxygen Levels begin to plummet and Sea Food shrivles up to nothing. Combined with the Spraying, forced fertilization using  contaminated fertilizers across the planet, and bad weather, we will see Global Crop Production fall horribly.

All of this can be easily reversed - we just need the Will to do it in the White House so we pray that President Trump can, and will, end these things that are happening.

Sixth - What we just saw yesterday was President Trump outlawing Fracking - no more injecting poisons into the ground for no good reason. One does not inject 5 gallons of Benzene to extract one gallon of Oil unless the goal here is to Kill Humans - it’s called Murder.

Let’s pray - Visualize - President Trump orders the arrest of all those guilty of Fracking - and put thems on trial for First Degree Murder.


I have received many phone calls and texts asking me why I take 2 Liquid Advil every morning.

Since this is YOUR channel - we seek out answers to YOUR questions - thank you.

We are pushing the Anti Aging to the Max - forcing our DNA to add Telomeres to their ends - thus changing the Molecular Structure of our DNA. These molecular changes can cause allot of pain - something we are now just learning about from our friend in the Seres Agenda book.

So we are increasing our doses to force these molecular changes and countering the pain with Liquid Advil.


1) Immusist - 22 Drops per day
2) Citricare - 3 Drops per day
3) Sea Weed - One Tablespoon per day
4) Vitamin C and D

5) Get The Teas:
…a) Life Change Tea
…b) 8th Element - 1/day
…c) Pine Bark Extract - 1/day
…d) Grape Seed Extract - 1/day
…e) Two Ceylon Cinnamon in our coffee or tea every morning.

A few extra secret ingredients.

We eat all non-GMO and organic when we can get it.

The Top 3 ingredients we use to reverse Malaria, Lyme’s Disease, Autism,  Cancer, … Diabetes … pick a corner.

Please pray that the Trump Administration has the will to arrest those who are committing Treason and throws away the key.

Please also pray that your families can weather what is coming and BE READY - just like your grandfathers were.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Congress CONFIRMS Surveillance of Trump by Intel Agencies!

Whoa! Supreme Court Rules AGAINST Obama, Says He Violated Constitution By Appointing NLRB Counsel Without Senate Approval - USA related news

Donald Trump To Undo Obama-era Anti-Fracking Regulations - USA related news

Live Bomb Found, Detonated Near New Jersey Train Station, Shutting Down Transit Service From NYC (UPDATED) | Mediaite

FRESH BOMB THREAT: Explosion at New Jersey train station day after New York blast | World | News |

Man struck by train in Hillsdale allegedly claimed to have a bomb |

How do you get struck by a train and then claim you have a bomb????'

Chairman Nunes Comments on Incidental Collection of Trump Associates | U.S. House of Representatives

AMTRAK Train Derails in PENN STATION; Smashes into NJ Transit Train - ALL Train Service in-out of Manhattan HALTED

The Deep Pacific Ocean Is Broken/Dead; Devoid Of Life For Thousands Of Miles, Where It Used To Be Filled With Life, Tide Pools From Mexico To BC Sterilized, Devoid Of 99 Percent Of What Used To Be There | A Green Road Journal

Dead Zones - YouTube





Monday, March 6, 2017

Obama Caught Leaking Secret Trump Info To Hillary

Obama Caught Leaking Secret Trump Info To Hillary

Busted: Obama Leaked Secret Trump Info To Hillary - YouTube

President Obama has been caught leaking Top Secret Information about the Trump Campaign in October to the Clinton Campaign.

As you recall - way back in 2016 it was announced the FBI Sought, and obtained, a warrant by a FISA Court in October to Tap all of President Trump’s Private Lines and the information was then handed over to President Obama’s Handlers and then given to then Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton‘s Handlers.

Fast forward to today and the New Article clearly states that FISA began wire tapping the Trump Telephone Lines in October and days later the Hillary Campaign leaked information that was released during these Wire Taps as several lines were involved.

This one little fact makes President Obama, Hillary, and many members of the press guilty of both Election Fraud and Treason under USC 18.

What they did not know is that the Intelligence Community set them up to commit this Treason - and they all took the bait Hook, Line and Sinker to preserve their little NAZI regime.

Their Handlers are powerful, not smart.

So lets look deeper into what really happened:

These private Corporations like FISA are merely created, licensed, staffed,  and given authority by some Private Federal Court Judge to issue these Warrants by tying into the computer programs “Nexus/Lexus” and “Wesmar” as Full Subscribers and are then able to issue these Warrants.

So if you had a few hundred thousand dollars to spare you could make up your own ‘Federal Agency” corporation with arrest capabilities and issue warrants.

Since all Telephone calls are routed through 3 companies in Israel you merely pay them a fee and you have access to any calls you wish and they will record them for you.

Now also please keep in mind that both Obama and Hillary are merely Actors and they do as they are told - like good little Slaves.

What is really going on here is that President Trump, working with some really powerful folks,  is routing out the Real Traitors behind these Paid Actors and those who oppose preserving Planet Earth.

These traitors are either going to Repent and turn States Evidence or go away permanently very, very quickly by replacing them with Doubles or Clones.

What happens to the Original Humans is none of our concern. - but can you say “DOG FOOD.”

So the real headlines should read: President Trump routing out Traitors who would destroy Planet Earth.


Due to what is going on in the sun - Either we unify as a Planet immediately or we go away as the Human Race.

This means those in our Top secret Space Program go away as well - all of them.

So now you know the rest of the story.

Please pray that those trying to destroy Planet Earth are stopped.

Please pray that your families are ready for what is coming.

Jane’s stomach was In knots last night and so she put some of Get The Tea’s Colostrum and Immusist in some warm water and drank it. An hour later - no problem.

We have stopped the Anti-Aging formula for a couple of days and our soreness is gone.

Also our backs were hurting so we started putting Diatamatious Earth (Pinch) in our coffee and our backs feel fine - it took about 2 weeks. Apparently it helps rebuild the bones and the Cartilage between the bones. The teaspoon of Sea Weed is just not enough.

Live and learn - go figure.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



All 100 Senators Contacted Russian Government This Week



It's a God Thing Productions

EXCLUSIVE: FBI 'Granted FISA Warrant' Covering Trump Camp's Ties To Russia

BOMBSHELL! Obama caught leaking secret Trump info to Clinton!? - The Horn News

Missing in Charlotte: One backbone





Tuesday, December 6, 2016




Are the current us oil pipelines the key to peace in the Middle East?

Could it be that if the United States begins flooding the world with oil at $9 a barrel - less that half to a third of the price of middle eastern oil - it could dry us the revenue for the Middle East???

No money, no weapons, no weapons, no war???

Most of the revenue to buy weapons all across the Middle East is coming from Oil Revenues - they have almost no other revenue, right?

So if you sold weapons - and you knew the Keystone Oil Pipeline would end your Weapons Sales - would you not block the Pipeline?

When Hillary lost the election George Soros held a meeting at the Mandarin Hotel in DC and gave away hundreds of millions of dollars to organizations that are trying to disrupt the US Economy thorough riots, protests, etc. We did a story on this. George then immediately flew home and - we believe - promptly died.

Immediately afterwards the organizers of the Oil Pipeline Protest in North Dakota were given $5 Million to run a camp of now more than  7,000 protesters who are blocking roads and making an overall mess.

The Corp of Engineers was planning to run the last 1,174 feet of the pipeline through a Souix Burial Ground and under a reservoir - what a bunch of Idiots. Then they told protesters to get of the Federal Land or they would arrest them 5 December - then did not arrest them.

So my Alma Mater - the US Army Corps of Engineers - is not only filled with idiots but cowards. I am ashamed of their leaders and their Engineers. LT General Semonite and Major General Stevens - we are ashamed of your leadership.

So the Corps is going to allow the pipeline to be relocated.

On the other side of the world the leaders of Turkey are trying to take over not only the nation of Syria but also seize 25 Greek Islands to start an internal war within NATO.

War sells weapons and Syria has allot of oil to fund these weapons sales. Further - it was reported that many of these Islands Turkey is trying to seize have oil under them.

If the US Oil Pipeline in dispute is completed - if the Idiots in the Corps of Engineers would listen to the Sioux - then the price of oil should fall and displace all Middle Eastern Oil.

By the way - I am part Sioux and the Army Corp of Engineers needs to respect their “Sacred” Burial grounds.

Unfortunately - Crude Oil cannot be sold by the United States as it is unprocessed - so we will have to wait until Trump takes office to see these wars die in the Middle East.


Then - the next step - the P51 Aircraft was run on water in 1941 - water only. So - guess what comes once the Middle East calms down???

And yes - the US State Department did send the Minister of Foreign Affairs an invitation to Hillary’s Inauguration. Unfortunately - as an Ambassador - the US State Department not only does not follow protocol of any kind and threatens other Ambassadors and Presidents on a daily basis - their employees also lie all the time.


Please pray that those in charge of Turkey stop their advances against the Syrian Army. They want their Oil Wells to earn money to buy weapons as Turkey sells allot of weapons.

Please pray your family is ready for what is coming.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount








NationStates • View topic - Turkish Foreign Minister claims Greek islands are Turkish

DANGEROUS GEOPOLITICS: 25 Greek Islands of Aegean Sea TURKEY IS CLAIMING as Theirs. – InvestmentWatch

The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency

After Dakota Access Pipeline Protests, Army Corps Blocks Final Permit, Will Explore Other Routes : The Two-Way : NPR

Google Image Result for

Pipelines 101: An Introduction To North American Oil & Gas Pipeline Routes and Safety Concerns | DeSmogBlog

Keystone Pipeline - Wikipedia

Erdogan: Turkish forces are in Syria to end Assad's rule — RT News

Oil - production - Country Comparison

Most smuggled ISIS oil goes to Turkey, sold at low prices – Norwegian report — RT News

Economy of Turkey - Wikipedia

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Trump Front: Elites At War


VIDEO:   Trump Front: Elites At War - YouTube

Apparently there is a "Little Internal War" going on among the elites. So hang on folks - it could get rough.

First:  After hearing about the Soros Funded Riots planned for President Trump’s Inauguration apparently 2 Million Bikers are headed to DC as well

If these NAZI Soros Nutcases break out in some sort of Riot the Bikers plan on doing what they do best - stopping them in their track

Second: Presidential Elect DonaLd Trump told the New York Times that the Clinton Investigations are not off the table. Period.

Third: Way back before the election the FBI began raiding a Sex Traficing Slave Ring on October 28th but it was not allowed into the news until yesterday. The sex rings were revealed on Anthony Weiner’s Computer regarding Emails sent, and received, by Hillary.

Somebody suppressed these stories until after the election - so it appears that the FBI Director is guilty of trying to sway an election by holding back news - it’s called Treason.

Fourth - Angela Merkel (Hitler’s Daughter) declared war on “Fake News” and is trying to ban all sorts of Web Sites form Germany - including most Russian News Outlets.

Angela Merkel has gone so insane that she has placed Russian News Agencies in the same category as ISIS, Al Kada and other US Funded Terrorist Groups.

These moves by the German STAZI (NAZI) Elites is in violation of their treaties with both the UN and the EU and could call for the immediate arrest of PM Angela Merkel by Interpol for violating these treaties.

I supposed the recordings what she has said in private from the cell phones form her Security is enough to sizzle a roast. She is so guilty of Treason and these recordings will so be released to the public.

Her Office is bugged and her primary Living Room is bugged in the top left of the room above her fireplace. Further - some of the Jewelry she had picked out for her to wear is also bugged. So if these “Private Talks” are released by the Russians, or Finish, or Iranians, etc she may be out of office and in court for Treason against the German People.

Angela - your earrings were bugged, and my wife says they were so cute - your favorite pair.

Too Funny.

Funny how the Tables are turning, isn’t it?

Sputnik News has already appealed to the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe and several other agencies.

We shall see what the future holds


We see about 6 months to 1 year of hard times coming to America. For example: Over 67% of all people will do their Black Friday Sales and Christmas Shopping on line this year as Retail Sales will remain flat.

Please pray with me that the Elites either change for the good of the people or they are immediately and completely immobilized for life.

Please also pray your family is ready for what is coming.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount












Merkel Declares War On "Fake News" As Europe Brands Russia's RT, Sputnik "Dangerous Propaganda" | Zero Hedge

United States foreign aid - Wikipedia

USA drops bags of money in Russia that vanish without a trace - PravdaReport

THEY'RE CONNECTED! FBI Director Comey Announces Child Sex Slave Arrests on Same Day as Re-Opening Hillary Clinton E-Mail Investigation

"No." Trump PERSONALLY Tells NY Times he is NOT taking Clinton Investigations Off the Table

Two Million Bikers to Attend Trump Inauguration - Will Confront Liberal Protesters "In the only language they understand"

Monday, October 10, 2016




You guessed it - we can’t say his name but we will call him The Big B - Or, Billy C.

Apparently the Israeli Massod has been setting up politicians all over the world so they can Black Mail them to support Israel.

This is what Satanists (Lucifarans) do - they will create the most perverted, sexually decrepit situation and lead politicians into this trap and then they record it and hold it over their heads in the future.
So these Lucifarians (Satanist) place in political office those that they can control.

In this situation - now that everything is being exposed - the Massod is attempting to kill the Hillary’s Campaign because she plans on a full scale Nuclear War as soon as she is elected and these Massod Agents - as perverted as they are - do not wish to die in a Nuclear Blast.

In this little Israeli Massod extravaganza the Bill Clinton’s  Sex Tapes are now about being released and apparently Hillary destroyed the women who objected to being raped.

Next - as we stated would happen years ago -  all of Hillary’s Sex Tapes are about to be released if she does not step back. She, and her 3 doubles, are furious.

Apparently Donald Trump never had sex with underaged women although he apparently does like women.

So here is the Democratic National Committee (Democratic Socialist Party) Email that explains their campaign strategy and due to the release to more Hillary Emails it has backfired.

((((Democratic Socialist Party - Nazhional. Zozhaleesm. -  NAZI, Supporter of the KKK, Congressman Robert Bird one of Hillary‘s Mentors and Grand KKK Masters - Ring a Bell???)))

To add insult to injury Donald had 4 Clinton Victims who had all been raped - 3 by Billry and 1 by a friend of Hillary’s who she defended and - despite his admission of guilt in court - Hillry got him off Scott Free.

People are waking up now - we are opening our eyes and we do not like what we are seeing

During the debate last night these women sat up front. What you should notice is that the woman sitting behind them still supports Hillry despite sitting next to the Clinton Victims?????

The 5% that still support Hillary do not care how evil and corrupt Billry and Hillry and their handlers are - they have NO morals.

Whether they are Draconians or Demon Possessed does not really matter. What matters is that they are evil to the core. They do not feel like you and I and what is in them is from the Pits Of Hell.


So we pray that GOD intervenes - first by exposing them and next by either turning them back to GOD or throwing them back into the pit from whence they came.

Until this evil is eliminated they can still do allot of damage.

By the way - thanks in part to your prayers the storms over Florida and Japan have been diverted. Hurricane Mathew is dead.

If you pantry is full and you feel good you will have so much more ease about life.

So please pray that your family is ready for whatever these Evil Ones can throw at us.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Video Showing Bill Clinton Rape Of 13-Year-Old Girl Plunges Presidential Race Into Chaos

Donald Trump unveils FOUR Clinton 'sex victims' before the presidential debate | Daily Mail Online


FRONT ROW SEATS: Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathy Shelton were given prominent seats by the Trump campaign


GHOSTS FROM THE CLINTONS' PAST: (L-R) Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Donald Trump, Kathy Shelton and Paula Jones held a photo-op in St. Louis, Missouri on Sunday before the second presidential debate


Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Video and Audio:   VP Biden Propositions A 13 Year Old On Tape - YouTube

In the White House, in front of he Presidential Chair. Vice President Joe Biden whispers into a 13 year old girl’s years:

By The Way….Do you know how horny I am to have a 13 Year Old girl standing right next to me?

She is 13 years old folks

And all the people standing around think it is funny.

He needs to resign immediately

Pray this goes viral and he resigns immediately and then turns to the Living GOD.

Pray your family is prepared for what is coming

The news You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Joe Biden Pedofile - Do you wanna know how horny I am?! on Vimeo

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hillary Collapses In Manhattan - Its 79 Degrees



Video:  HLLRY Collapses In 79* Heat - YouTube

According to the Clinton Campaign she “Overheated”

This means she had Heat Stroke

This Healthy 68 year old Democratic Candidate had Heat Stroke in in Manhattan in 79 Degree Weather in the shade while leaving a 9/11 Memorial

Not much more can be said except she left a shoe behind - so
“Cinderella” has collapsed

The Clinton Campaign said she was rushed to her daughter's apartment and she in fine - she "Overheated."

Pray that she turns towards GOD immediately.
The News You Need

 Dr William B. Mount

Clinton Campaign Issues Official Statement: Hillary "Overheated" During 9/11 Ceremony | Zero Hedge

Video Emerges Of Clinton Fainting During "Medical Episode" | Zero Hedge

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Putin - We Tried To Warn You - I Am Truly Sorry


Video: Pres Putin - You Were Warned - I Am Sorry For Your Loss - YouTube

.A)..President Putin you were warned that the attacks on your life would be increased.

We tried to warn you about last Thursday and Friday, then on Monday several days ago but we were blocked from warning you through

On Tuesday we were finally allowed to post - but the warnings came too late.

We were blocked from warning you on:::

1) Google

2) Facebook for Putin

3) Facebook for Medvedev

4) Through stories we wrote and then posted in various places. The stories were rewritten several times and when we reposted them but the warnings had to be  removed.

5) Even your private letter service was blocked as someone forced me to log in and created a Password I do not know

6) We even tried PRAVDA but our face book page was blocked from commenting there - you need a New Head of Pravda who understands that YOU and YOUR STAFF need to remain alive and unblock my posts.

You were given a Russian Bond that would have allowed us to move to a more secure place where we can get information to you earlier and more precisely - but your staff did not honor this bond - and now your close friend is dead

You also need a New Russian Central Bank Director who understands YOU and YOUR STAFF should remain alive and cash this bond

It is your life, and the life of YOUR staff, that is at risk now.

These evil people will now target your close family and your close staff - hte ones who do not seem to understand YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT, as is PM Medvedevs - who controls much of ht finances of Russia.

That was attempt  #8 on you and the next one will be at some sort of Ball Very, Very soon ..

Your staff appears to the world now as “3 Bricks Shy Of A Full Load” - when they allowed these warnings to be blocked form YOU and your 2 doubles.

If YOU and YOUR STAFF are this Stupid  so as to blocking me from helping YOU stay alive and in power - then my work is done with you. Make peace with your maker.

Wen I met with your staff 7 years ago - as low as they were - they understood my role was to stop Nuclear War and Presidential Assassinations - that is all. To this end I have given my life - to save lives.

Yes - Google and You Tube have begun blocking me - which means they need to be purged of those who are now trying to start a Full Scale Nuclear War by stopping these warnings - that's your department.

My department is to warn you but if I cannot get through then what is the use?????

Very few people will risk their own lives to save others - if you have not noticed - I am one of them. YOU need to take actions to protect those who are loyal to this task or your life is worth nothing.

I believe the man who died was as close to you as a "Son"  - a loyal friend  - I am sorry, truly sorry for your loss.

White House Staff and CIA - you have a very, very foolish thing.

.B)..President Xi Jingpin - you can expect huge Financial Blocks in your family Real Estate and Mining Operations.

The Killing and incarceration of those connected to the Hammod Ranch is beyond the pail and makes your family look like Butchers and YOU STAFF reads this and will now know how vicious you really are.

You did not do as GOD directed so now, as of 1 September, there is a personal Curse from the Living GOD placed on your family (Just like on the Russian Leadership) until you do as GOD has directed. The 9 years is up.
.C)..Do not think India is in the clear. Like a dozen nations now - your leaders are at risk. You - PM Modi care about your people - and have trusted the wrong entities. Now you are fair game as these entities you have trusted want you and your leaders 6 feet under.

We will have over 1 million people praying for you PM Modi, President Xi Jingpin, President Putin, PM Medvedev and for the US President who’s name we are no longer allowed to say (due to censorship) for you all to remain healthy and do as GOD says, not Lucifer and his Evil Minions.


Please pray that these leaders wake up and do as GOD directs them.

Please also pray that your family is ready for what is coming.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Vladimir Putin's presidential car driver who died in car crash was 'killed in political assassination'

Counter-Terrorist Operation Declared in Coastal City of Russia’s Dagestan

US Under Ground Base going by by about 5 miles NW of the Pawnee Airport under some very strange buildings:

Minor earthquake - Oklahoma on September 3, 2016


Head on crash kills President Putin's favourite official driver - YouTube

He was 100% loyal to Putin - the crash was meant for YOU President Putin. We can build you THE CAR - but you will have to work with me. I nknow who you are and why you are there - but for some reason GOD wants you alive --- but if you continue to be stupid and block me - hten there is nothing more that can be said. OODACHIE.

The drivers were both dead before the crash and the autopsies will show this. they were driven with computer precision - by a computer. 

Please be ready folks "SH.." is about to hit the fan.

Be ready folks:


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!



Essential Oils | Uncle Harry's Natural Products




Jane Mecklenburg - Thrive Life Consultant

Putin - We Tried To Warn You - I Am Truly Sorry


Video: Pres Putin - You Were Warned - I Am Sorry For Your Loss - YouTube

.A)..President Putin you were warned that the attacks on your life would be increased.

We tried to warn you about last Thursday and Friday, then on Monday several days ago but we were blocked from warning you through

On Tuesday we were finally allowed to post - but the warnings came too late.

We were blocked from warning you on:::

1) Google

2) Facebook for Putin

3) Facebook for Medvedev

4) Through stories we wrote and then posted in various places. The stories were rewritten several times and when we reposted them but the warnings had to be  removed.

5) Even your private letter service was blocked as someone forced me to log in and created a Password I do not know

6) We even tried PRAVDA but our face book page was blocked from commenting there - you need a New Head of Pravda who understands that YOU and YOUR STAFF need to remain alive and unblock my posts.

You were given a Russian Bond that would have allowed us to move to a more secure place where we can get information to you earlier and more precisely - but your staff did not honor this bond - and now your close friend is dead

You also need a New Russian Central Bank Director who understands YOU and YOUR STAFF should remain alive and cash this bond

It is your life, and the life of YOUR staff, that is at risk now.

These evil people will now target your close family and your close staff - hte ones who do not seem to understand YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT, as is PM Medvedevs - who controls much of ht finances of Russia.

That was attempt  #8 on you and the next one will be at some sort of Ball Very, Very soon ..

Your staff appears to the world now as “3 Bricks Shy Of A Full Load” - when they allowed these warnings to be blocked form YOU and your 2 doubles.

If YOU and YOUR STAFF are this Stupid  so as to blocking me from helping YOU stay alive and in power - then my work is done with you. Make peace with your maker.

Wen I met with your staff 7 years ago - as low as they were - they understood my role was to stop Nuclear War and Presidential Assassinations - that is all. To this end I have given my life - to save lives.

Yes - Google and You Tube have begun blocking me - which means they need to be purged of those who are now trying to start a Full Scale Nuclear War by stopping these warnings - that's your department.

My department is to warn you but if I cannot get through then what is the use?????

Very few people will risk their own lives to save others - if you have not noticed - I am one of them. YOU need to take actions to protect those who are loyal to this task or your life is worth nothing.

I believe the man who died was as close to you as a "Son"  - a loyal friend  - I am sorry, truly sorry for your loss.

White House Staff and CIA - you have a very, very foolish thing.

.B)..President Xi Jingpin - you can expect huge Financial Blocks in your family Real Estate and Mining Operations.

The Killing and incarceration of those connected to the Hammod Ranch is beyond the pail and makes your family look like Butchers and YOU STAFF reads this and will now know how vicious you really are.

You did not do as GOD directed so now, as of 1 September, there is a personal Curse from the Living GOD placed on your family (Just like on the Russian Leadership) until you do as GOD has directed. The 9 years is up.
.C)..Do not think India is in the clear. Like a dozen nations now - your leaders are at risk. You - PM Modi care about your people - and have trusted the wrong entities. Now you are fair game as these entities you have trusted want you and your leaders 6 feet under.

We will have over 1 million people praying for you PM Modi, President Xi Jingpin, President Putin, PM Medvedev and for the US President who’s name we are no longer allowed to say (due to censorship) for you all to remain healthy and do as GOD says, not Lucifer and his Evil Minions.


Please pray that these leaders wake up and do as GOD directs them.

Please also pray that your family is ready for what is coming.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Vladimir Putin's presidential car driver who died in car crash was 'killed in political assassination'

Counter-Terrorist Operation Declared in Coastal City of Russia’s Dagestan

US Under Ground Base going by by about 5 miles NW of the Pawnee Airport under some very strange buildings:

Minor earthquake - Oklahoma on September 3, 2016


Head on crash kills President Putin's favourite official driver - YouTube

He was 100% loyal to Putin - the crash was meant for YOU President Putin. We can build you THE CAR - but you will have to work with me. I nknow who you are and why you are there - but for some reason GOD wants you alive --- but if you continue to be stupid and block me - hten there is nothing more that can be said. OODACHIE.

The drivers were both dead before the crash and the autopsies will show this. they were driven with computer precision - by a computer. 

Please be ready folks "SH.." is about to hit the fan.

Be ready folks:


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Jane Mecklenburg - Thrive Life Consultant

Monday, September 5, 2016

Shocking Shaming In Shanghai The Effect You

Why was the US President was Dishonored in China on Saturday?

Video:Shocking Shaming In Shanghai Saturday - YouTube

Two days ago President Obama landed in China to attend the G-20 meeting there.

When the plane landed the US expected the Red Carpet Treatment.

Instead we can see here that President Obama had to leave the plane through the Emergency Exit at the back of the plane and then many on his Entourage were blocked from attending the G-20 meeting.

Here he can be seen leaving the plane at the rear:

Not only did they not welcome Obama #4 but the airport refused to refuel Air Force One and even to check it’s tire pressures.

After exiting at the rear of the plane several Chinese blocked some of his Enourage from even leaving the Airport as can be seen here:

The Open Disrespect towards the US President in a nation that prides itself on “Respect” was enormous.

This kind of Disrespect by the Chinese is not something that happens over night.

The shooting down of a Cape Canaveral Launch 3 September by a US Navy Drone that would have allowed the Chinese company Beijing Xinwei Technology Group to purchase the Israeli Telecommnications Company Spacecom did help either.

Nor did the mess President Obama ordered for the illegal seizing the Ranch in Oregon for their Rare Minerals - what Chinese President Xi Jingpin’s family is invested it - help the situation
The real problem is that President Barrack Obama has been tasked with destroying the Entire World’s Economy.

This does not sit well with President’s who are very wealthy - not with President Jingin - net worth around $2 Billion - nor with Preisdent Putin - who’s net worth is around $200 Billion Dollars.

Nor does this destruction sit well with the Jinpin Family, heavily invested in Rare Earth Metals - to whom there is not market for the minerals they are currently mining.

The White House handling of the Hammond Ranch Affair by the Foreign Corporation of the BLM by  simply illegally arresting the Hammons openly  so that the Jinping family may mine these Rare Earth Metals really angered the Chinese - it really dishonored their family.

Further - the Chinese and Russians remember their history as if it happened yesterday. The English Occupation of China - eventually leading to many European nations occupying China - is still at the forefront of their mind so the destruction of the European and US Economies is a Revenge brought about for this occupation 100 years ago.

President Putin has not forgotten the US/French/English invasion of Russia in 1918 either and holds it as current history as all Russians do.

Of course - the Attempted Murdering of President Putin and President Jinping by the US Based CIA within last few weeks has not helped any in their relationships with Presdeient Obama reputation either.

President Obama is seen by those in Asia and Russia and Europe as an arrogant Murderer and not really welcome any more anywhere.

So while Obama had to leave exiting through an emergency exit in the back of the plane, President Putin got a warm welcome from the Chinese.

The particular events that occurred Saturday - the Yelling at Obama’s Staff at the Airport - the blocking of part of Obama’s Press Corp from entering the G-20 meeting.

It  is a culmination of anger in these Chinese People - A Generational Anger - towards the Political Leaders of the European Nations - especially President Obama.

Now in the final strike against the West --- the Gold Backed Yuan becomes part of the International Trade Basket in the IMF and is expected to replace the Dollar, the Euro, Pound and the Yen and  the main currency for international settlements - the SDR - Special Drawing Rights.


Since the Chinese now have their own bank for International Settlements - it is now displacing the IMF all together and is now being used instead of the IMF - it is very likely the US Dollar will now begin to go away beginning on the 30th of September as predicted by Jim Rickards

Please pray that your family is ready for what is coming


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Remember when the US Army invaded China? Don't remember marching on Beijing? I do., page 1

Originally China was occupied by British, US (British Corporation), Russia, India, Germany, France, Austro-Hungary, Japan to "Ensure" free trade.

The original I'LL TRY engineer poster in the US Army - a corporation owned by the English Crown - Battle of Beijing, 14 August 1900. There is little forgiveness right now in the Chines ad this is their weakness.

Execution of Chinese Patriots by the British :

Japanese Beheading captured Chinese Fightters in the Boxer Rebellion:

File:Execution of Boxers - A04935.jpg

Oregon Land Fight: Now for the Rest of the Story - The New Media Journal

 CHINA Xi Jinping's family is into rare earths, real estate and public contracts for a billion dollars

Putin's net-worth is $200 billion says Russia's once largest foreigner investor – CNN Press Room - Blogs

Dollar goes by by???

Is September 30 really “D-Day for the U.S. Dollar” as Jim Rickards is Warning? | Stock Gumshoe

Chinese Official telling an Obama Official: THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, THIS IS OUR AIRPORT

Chinese official Shouts at White House Press aid before G20 - YouTube

US Invasion of Russia 1918 - Russian's do not forgive either, one of their prime weaknesses

Polar Bear Expedition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

YUAN to enter IMF SDRs in 25 days. The IMF, however, is about to die as China's New Bank of International Settlement begins taking over the world's economy.

The IMF Confirms Yuan Inclusion In SDR Basket At 10.92% Weight, Above JPY And GBP | Zero Hedge

Dishonor By China Towards President Obama:

Barack Obama 'deliberately snubbed' by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20 | World news | The Guardian

Obama getting off at the back of the plane. The original SOrch article was pulled by Google - Zeig Heil

China Enraged After Obama Orders SpaceX Rocket Destroyed On Florida Launch Pad

US Navy blowing up a launch ad Cape Canavarel 3 September 2016. The video was pulled, put back up, pulled, put back up.... the war over freedom of speech is now being fought.

The Drone fired something explosive between the Rocket and the Launch Tower that blew the rocket into 1,000 pieces.

SpaceX UFO Explosion - Slow Motion! - YouTube

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cruz Afraid Of Exposure Drops Out Of Race

Why Ted Cruz Dropped Out Of The Race

The Real Reason Cruz Drops Out Of The Race - YouTube

Why did Senator Ted Cruz drop out of the Presidential Race?

The truth is coming out and it is destroying Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton - they are absolute scum.

1st) Ted Cruz lost the last 7 Republican Primaries and that means Donald Trump is assured the win as the Republican Candidate

Ted Cruz is still accepting donations to his political campaign even  though he has resigned. Are you surprised?

2nd) Donald has hired a team of lawyers and is threatening to sew any State GOP Party that commits fraud against it’s voters - so if the Exit Polls indicate Donald won 80% of the votes but the results come out with a Cruz win he is already to file suit.

3rd) Ted Cruz was sworn in as a US Senator by VP Biden as a Canadian Citizen - making both Cruz and Biden guilty of conspiring against the US Corporation once this news was released.

Keep in mind Hillary was sworn in as a New York Senator even though she never lived in New York  by VP Al Gore - thus making them both guilty of Conspiracy to bring down the US Corporation.

As a member of the Joint Economic Committee - he was directly responsible for these Treasury Bonds issued through the Unincorporated Puerto Rico and  thus their eminent default of these US Treasury Bonds.

In other words - as soon as the US Treasury Bonds issued through Puerto Rico Defaulted he resigned.

4th) There seems to be a connection to Ted Cruz and the Defaulting of US Treasury Bonds 36 hours ago - Since he is on the Joint Economic Committee and was more that likey partly responsible for the US Treasury Notes that defaulted 36 hours ago issued through Unincorporated Puerto Rico.

5) The Caveat  Emptor- his the National Enquirer shows a picture of his father - Rafael Cruz - handing out Pro-Castro pamphlets in 1963 with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans- a known CIA Agent.

6) Since Ted Cruz’s wife was a member of the Council of Foreign Relations and is now a Regional Director of Goldman Sachs - perhaps the were also part of this Treasury Bond Default which now implicates Ted.

7) Perhaps that is why he punched and elbowed his wife after is resignation speech?

8) A little history  about Ted Cruz’s Father Rafael Cruz: He was born in Puerto Rico and was seen passing out Pro-Castro literature with Lee Harvey Oswald and then went to work for Zapata Oil a company owned by George Bush Sr.

9) Zapata Oil, Bush, Bay of Pigs, Bin Laden Oil - all names that ring a bell?????

Allot of questions and no answers.

10) Rick Wiles of True News called both Rafael Cruz and Ted Cruz and offered to have them on the program and got no answer.

11) Governor John Kasich will announce his resignation from the Republican Campaign tonight. He is so dirty -- but that is for another story and another time.

GOD has stated: Those who come against Donald Trump and against America are now cursed by the Living God, so HE has said it so it shall be. They will be cursed hen they rise and when they lay down. They will be cursed in all that they do form now until eternity.

The Muslims that came to America and now vow to take her down are cursed by the living GOD now and for all eternity. Their wives will be cursed , their children to the 5th generation will be cursed in all they do. Those who support them will be cursed and those who bring them into America in violation of a 1957 law will be cursed is all that they do. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

These curses will be in every aspect of life:  financially, in their health and in their personal relationships.
Future Events:

MK Ultra Reps state that by September the US will be in a full scale rebellion - Road Check Points, Mandatory Chipping. At that point US Military funding is scheduled to go up 250% as the dollar crashes.

Keep in mind that something is going on as 3 Japanese Underground Bases were just destroyed by the US Corporation about 10 days ago and there was a large explosion at Edwards Air Force Base Bout 5 days ago in their S-4 Supply are - area 51.

GOD is now going to make the 6 CERNs go haywire as the Illuminati tries to open up Gateways to escape through.

Apparently a large number of very high ranking Illuminati tried to leave this planet and they are now scattered across the Solar System as of  21 April.

There is a large amount of Methane as just under the Gulf of Mexico the US Corporation is attempting to blow - if this is detonated life on, and in,  Planet Earth will cease.

Pray that these plans to blow the Methane Pocket fail.

Finally - there will be 3 open attempts to kill Obama and one to kill Biden before the elections in November. Obama was stupid enough to allow Muslims to be hired into his White House. Maybe he deserves what he gets?

Obama: 11 Aug, 12 Sep and around 3 November buy a Muslim Woman. (+-3 Days)

Biden: 12 Sep - this may be a Nuke brought in by White House Staff Car driven by - yes -a Muslim (Mohamidian) man who practices his religion with a group of fanatics. The FBI has infiltrated this outfit and, in part, has funded it. FBI - Take it down along with the 39 Muslim Military Training Camps in America or GOD will deal with you ever so harshly. Does HE make HIMSELF perfectly clear FBI Director?

Air Force 2 - fix that Engine - actually - just replace it.

Pray for your families

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Thank You To Each And Every Viewer

Thursday, February 4, 2016

US Republic - Biggest CIA Lie In History

For over 7  years the CIA has been lying to the public about this "Coming New US Republic."

The latest lies involves the very life of the  President of the United States, Inc. so now I am fully involved to warn his staff of the danger presented to him and his staff.

By tonight this story will be around the world.

US Republic - The Biggest CIA Lie In History - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

If they actually do announce this New US Republic this video will be pulled.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Illuminati Chain Of Command

The Illuminati is very well organized and funded using YOUR money and the video shows exactly hos this organization is organized.

The Video:

Illuminati Power Structure - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

White House - The last nuke you found was on 25 May next to Madison and 5th.

Last year on 21 Sep your NCIS found one near 4th and Capitol 12 hours from detonation.

You found one way back on 21 April 2008 at the Lincoln Memorial - the First I found in DC

So  far that makes about 12 next to the White House and One as found under the House of Congress - on the Democratic Side of course. Remember that one?

Still - you gave no thanks.

So - the next one (#13) should be delivered in about 10 days for detonation., I am feeling it will be parked near either Louisiana and D or 4th and Capitol. If they change locations in the next 10 days - Oh Well. Your loss, not mine.

I grow weary of dealing with Ungrateful people who stole everything I owned and laugh about it.

I will only go so far for the Living God.

I have had enough of this game.

The Living GOD will now deal with you and your staff. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

President Xi Jinping Welcome And Be Careful

President Xi Jinping - welcome and be careful

Since 1727 the English, (And US Corporation) have pushed your nation around like you are slaves.

A few minutes ago I drove the route you will take into Lincoln High School and I was appalled and embarrassed.

The streets were dirty.

The curbs were not painted.

The back of the school was a mess.

Street signs were not straight.

The worst part is - there was no security. Not even so much as a Boy Scout on the streets.

Twelve hours before you are supposed to arrive here at Lincoln High School there was no Homeland Security, not State Police, no County Police, no City Police, no security guards..... nothing. No one was securing the sight for the president of the 1.3 billion people!

Do you not find it odd that there is no security at the sight you are supposed to speak at 12 hours prior to your engagement?

Just be very, very careful. Yes - your meeting about moving Microsoft and the rest of Boeing to China went well today - but still be careful here.

We have a saying in Tacoma: I Smell A Rat.


We will pray that your visit is "Uneventful" and that you have a great time whole touring our city Tacoma.
Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What In The World Is The US Doing Killing Civilians In Central Asia?

What in the world is the US doing killing people in Central Asia?

Why are US troops stationed half way around the world in Central Asia  giving weapons, dollars and ammunition to terrorist in this remote region of the world?

What possible motives could the Obama Regime have in killing these peaceful people?

Let us start from the beginning.

(((First - please pray for the repentance of America.)))

The US Corporation is tasked with the awesome responsibility of destroying Governments that do not meet their population goals as set by the Rothchilds in London in accordance with the Bretton Woods Agreement. As such all currencies are owned by the English Bankers and this allows the US Dollars to be used world wide to kill, main and otherwise destroy both foreign governments and foreign economies.

This Bretton Woods agreement was initially signed by 50 nations, including China and Russia, on  14 July 1944 and ended 13 July 2013 - a 70 year corporate agreement later accepted by every nation that signed onto the United Nations Charter.

(((By the way - the United Nations officially began in San Francisco in 1944 with a grant from the Rockefellars so how can the Obama Regime be celebrating it's 70th anniversary of the United Nations this month?)))

With the recent attempted destruction of the World Markets by the Obama Regime(Russia's Stock Market is Down) in an attempt to start a Nuclear World War 3 the United States has sent  it's troops across the globe to kill people in almost every nation in accordance with the will of the Rothchilds, the leaders of the United Nations, and the Roman Pope as Lucifer Incarnate as the Pope declared himself in 1869.

Central Asia has been relatively peaceful for a very long time until the United States broke apart the Soviet Union. Even still - it has remained fairly peaceful due to it's rural atmosphere until rather recently. This "Underbelly of Russia" has remained fairly loyal to the Russian Motherland and has been largely supported by Russia even today.

When the US invaded Afghanistan because it wanted the Opium Trade the US Army began setting up bases in the northern Mountains and selling weapons for cash.

So the US moved into these Central Asian Nations and began handing out US Money and local currency for locals to go to Northern Afghanistan and purchase huge quantities of weapons - M16s., US made AK-47s, Stinger Missiles and the US Generals pocket the cash.

So basically - you and I pay for the purchasing of these weapons and when they are sold the Generals poclet the cash - of course they do not want to get out of Afghanistan. They also take a cut of the Opium Markets while the privates come home injured to deal with a VA that hates them.

Now these weapons are showing up in mass quantities in nations such as Tajikistan, Khazikstan, Northern Pakistan and many of these Newly Armed People are being paid by US Corporations supported by the US Department of Defense Corporation like ISIS and ISIL to kill.

We warned the President's and Prime Ministers of these coming terrorist strikes right here and in other media outlets - including on You Tube. Now they are hear and soon to also be in Japan and China, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

Take Takjikistan for example. Here in this nation when they broke away from the Former Soviet Union all of their mineral rights belonged to English Companies. Through a series of maneuvers all of the  resources were transferred back into the hands of the Russians. There is a  Huge Oil Pipeline being built from Tajikistan into China is owned by Gazprom, a Huge Russian Oil Company and one of the few companies in the world that can produce these huge pipes.

If the United Sates can destabilize this nation and kill it's president and Prime Minister then they can seize control of the Oil Pipeline and force China into buying this oil with US Dollars - the US Corporation Lives On. To this end generals and politicians of all sorts are being paid huge amounts of US Dollars in exchange for their loyalty in the elimination of all opposition to the US Corporate Goals - to own the Oil Pipe Line and keep their Empire alive.

Thus, in this little nation of about 7 Million People we see their own generals killing their own police. This murdering General in Tajikistan, of course, hopes to soon be the National President - General Abduhalim Nazardoza. If he is arrested by the Tajikistan President the US Jesuits will try and murder the Tajikistan President Emmomalii Rhamon.

So Emmomalii is asking himself: Do I do what is right: Throw the US Embassy out of Tajikistan and kill all Jesuits Scum there and stabilize my nation and help my people out of our poverty and be a National Leader with Courage, or do I bow to my Lucifarian Masters in the US Embassy and screw my people.

Further complicating matters is that the US is spraying small amounts of Uranium Oxide Powder all over Tajikistan and introducing GMO Killer Wheat to reduce birth rates and kill older people.

So far the population has only increased by 1 Million People in 45 years  and until money began flowing into Tajikistan several years ago for the Oil Pipelines the Birth Rate was dropping tremendously.

Do not feel alone - the US is at risk form these White House Nut Cases as well. In 9 days the Oppenheimer Weapon should be complete and the US Naval Forces will begin towing this weapon from just south of DC to it's target 100 miles South and East of Houston and the AMEC Corporation is readying their 850 KT Nuke under Yellow Stone for detonation on, or near, 23 September 2015.

In a recent call to Wyoming Government offices the Wyoming Governor (Matt Mead) is not to keen about watching his state, and himself, be vaporized.

This is international politics at it's finest.

Multiply this by 192 other nations and 49 other states and you can see that the Obama Regime and the US State Department Corporation are very, very busy devising new ways to sterilize land and kill people all over the globe.

We shall see if the BRICS have the guts to counter this madness.

If they do as GOD has asked them to do then we know they grew some stones below the belt. Otherwise GOD will destroy whatever they do and those who are doing it.

Birth rate - crude (per 1;000 people) in Tajikistan

Toward a New Framework for Peaceful Settlement of China's Territorial and ... - Junwu Pan - Google Books

ystery Surrounds Wealthy Tajik General Accused Of Attacks

Obama Trains and Supports ISIL:

Obama Slips Up: "We're Training ISIL" - YouTube

Obama's Wife Is A Transvestite:

Obama Refers to His Wife as "Michael" - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS - Pete Santilly Radio Talk show Host is still marching on John McCain's Office in Phoenix.

Operation Detain McCain | The Pete Santilli Show

Thank You US Army Cyber Command - only 12 spelling errors between saves - you are getting lazy, or you do not wish to die soon.

Monday, June 1, 2015

UN Broadcast 1 June 2015

Today the Heart of the United Nations had yet another meeting - they just get better and better. The more you learn the more you realize how little you know.

Today is the Gemini Full Moon festival - which corresponds  to the World Invocation Day and the International Day Of Prayer.

One gathers together in groups to meditate and focus on the Life of Christ.

At this time the energy is the greatest for this day of Prayer. The full moon being at 12:20 in the after noon tomorrow Eastern Standard Time.

Please consider that the Full Moon Time is now 2 hours and 2 minutes off every 30 days now - so the Full Moon is 122 minutes late this month - it is getting worse by the month. GD said hte Earth would wobble to and fro and it is.

This time also represents the time of Samadhi - a time of meditation where the union of the Divine is reached. Divine meaning not of this world. So through meditation you do an Out of Body Experience and contact some spirit outside the Earth.

This energy during this Gemini Full Moon is so strong that 70 years ago on 5 June at the time of the Full Moon the allies (US, UK, France and the Soviet Union) signed the Final Peace Treaty with NAZI Germany.

 Much of the meeting was spent meditating.

You can criticize me relentlessly for participating in this --- this is where GOD has sent me and this is how YOUR world leaders think and move.
On a personal note: After we helped Divert the Rogue Nuke form DC a few weeks ago apparently someone on Fort Lewis erased my Retirement Orders that were written by the Secretary of the Army.

When I tried to get an updated Retired ID Card a GS nothing Affirmative action Employee refused to return my Driver's License and Military ID Card - she simply refused to return it --- she - for a time - seized this Ambassador's ID after I identified myself as an Ambassador. She refused to return my Drivers License.

I then went to the Fort Lewis Legal Office (JAG) where I spoke with a man who was about 50 and took in New Clients for Fort Lewis and he stated to me that the legal offices on Fort Lewis do not give a HOOT about Diplomatic Protocol and Diplomatic Immunity - the JAG Office for I Corp.

So the Legal Position of the 1st Corp Commander for Fort Lewis is that the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations is not to be followed on post and if they Arrest (or Detain) an Ambassador, member of Foreign Royalty of Knight of Malta so what - who cares.

We then contacted the protocol Officer on Fort Lewis (Bonnie) and she simply "Filed A Report" with security. That's all. An Ambassador has his Driver's License  and Military DD Form 2A (ID Card) Seized by a low level GS Employee and she filed a report with the First Corps.

So - who erased my Retirement orders after we tried to stop DC from being Nuked tow weeks ago - who wants DC in ruins and the President dead?

Who erased the orders written by the Secretary of the Army and thus told the Secretary of the Army his office is Full Of Sh.... and does not matter?

Why does Fort Lewis allow some low level GS Employee to seize and Ambassador's ID?

Do we need a different Three Star General to run Fort Lewis who will eliminate these problems?

GODs Recommendation: If you have an embassy in the United States - get out. There is NO respect for your Ambassadors (GOD help your consulates) - not by the US Army First Corps Three Star General, not by the local Police. Get out before you get arrested or killed. The US is going down. Get out.
The News You Need

Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount
No longer retired Captain Mount
Russian Knight of Malta
Bishop, Russian Orthodox Church, Russia

PS - there is nothing wrong with the sun, ignore the Black Spots and Sun Spots. Look into the camera and be happy.