Thursday, May 12, 2016

Unbelievable Political Developments In The Last 2 Days

Unbelievable Political Developments Over Last 2 Days


Video:Unbelievable Political Developments In The Last 2 Days - YouTube

In an Unbelievable series of events the United States Corporate Government  has been made to look like a bunch of wimpy unbelievable fools

“Keystone Cops”

“Bumbling Boobs”

Not including Ted Cruz’s Wife allowing US Treasury Notes (Savings Bonds) to default through Puerto Rico:

First - in an unprecedented act the Obama Administration has refused to allow the Benghazi Ring Leader to be given the Death Penalty

Hillary - the one who ordered the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens along with the  death of  Ambassador Sinichi Nishimiya (Japanese Ambassador to China)  the  same day is a Presidential Candidate?????

In the Last Days Right will be Wrong and Wrong will be Right

Second - while mustering additional support Secretary Of State John Kerry #2 had his face Rearranged in Rome --Again

No one trusts the United States Leadership

No one will put up with their constant War Making

It is the US Corporate Government that is the problem and we need to pray they are severely reduced in size due to budget constraints

Intel Community:

One last note - I have been texted, Emailed and called about a threat to Donald Trump by Hillary 23 May 2016 (+-3Days) - another Hillary Sniper.

Pray that those who are trying to Kill Donald Trump are themselves caught in their own traps.
Hillary and your doubles - 1 June. You have committed murder, killed two Ambassadors and murdered 200,000 Soldiers who were exposed to your Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons you sold Iraq through the La Farge Company.

Hillary - Your Question And Answer Periods are a joke - especially in your latest answer to Benghazi and the failed Health Care System - couldn’t answer could you?????

In Hillary’s Emails she has demanded Nuclear War over and over again - planning to Nuke the Family of Nations - Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Syria in a pre-emptive strike because she does not like their policies. She and her handlers are  insane and suicidal and now the world knows.

Hillary’s Handlers  - there a price for reducing the hits of those who tell the truth on You Tube and in the Print Media. GOD will  now deal with those who are doing this ever so harshly. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
Pray that she, and all her doubles, are dealt with by the Living GOD immediately for her crimes.

John Kerry Almost Beaten Up in Rome for Fostering the Expansion of ISIS - Fort Russ

Benghazi Attack Ringleader Will Not Face Death Penalty - TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles

Japan's ambassador to China dies amid rising tensions - Telegraph

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Operation Scorched Earth - North America

Operation Scorched Earth - North America


Operation Scorched Earth - North America - YouTube

Under Jade Helm 2015/2016 there is an Operation called Scorch Earth - America which involves burning down the forests in North America

We showed this last year in the video Jade Helm - Why

Here forces of the UN and the Obama Administration are burning down as much of North America as they can

Carbon Dioxide is changed into Oxygen on this planet primarily through Sea Weed and Young Growth Forests

Old Growth Forests are a net zero in terms of oxygen production
So the idea here is to

1) Kill the oceans through toxic wastes and radiation poisoning

2) Burn the Forests Down in North America

3) Turn the Forests of the Amazon into farmland and burn out the rest

4) Set huge fires in Siberia - although these forests are so cold they produce little Oxygen

Under the Guise of  “Creative Destruction” Oxygen Levels will fall below 18% and life of all Mammals on Earth will cease to exist
When Biodome 2 was in operation they had to abandon this operation because Oxygen Levels fell below 18% and the Researchers got sick and brain damage began to set in.

Apparently in this closed system they failed to realize Cement absorbs Oxygen for 60 years.

In Forestry School in 1978 (1976 Data) we measured World Wide Oxygen Levels at 23%, today they are down to 21%. In many cities they have fallen below 18%.

That means that in 40 years levels have fallen 2% worldwide.

So if we keep killing the planet by dumping toxic Waste and Radiation in the ocean and on the forests and keep building with Cement and Burning Fossil Fuels it is estimated that in 2 years Oxygen Levels will fall below 18% - the Critical Kill Zone.

Pray that those responsible for Fossil Fuel Burning (And Nuclear)  rather than using Tacheon Generators, water powered motors,  or Permanent Batteries are pushed out of the way and those who will release these alternate energy products are allowed to.

Pray for your families

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Expect more harassment form Internet Trolls as we get closer to the return of Yeshua

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

My Video 13 months ago:

Other References:

US Patents For Cannabis - Dope - Marijuana

Monday, May 9, 2016

Drop Dead Date 1 June 2016

This is a message meant for the leaders of the world - the President's, Dictators, Bankstas., etc

Video: Drop Dead Date 1 June - Here It Comes - YouTube

Your were politely asked by the Living GOD to do certain things for the last 9 years and you have responded by spitting in GOD's Face.

The Drop Dead Date for GOD is 1 June 2016

After that you are in GOD's Hands

Look up and be afraid, be very, very afraid

If you are with GOD then don't worry about it - GOD's got it handled.

Pray, prepare your family, and Be Ready.

It should be fun

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Intel Brief - Congress Is In Deep Sh..


Video:::Another Intel Brief - Congress Is In Big Sh.. - YouTube

First - It’s Mothers Day - we are going out AND I am buying her a $150 Food Bucket from Food for Liberty

 Second: Presidential Transition Act
1st - Passed when Garfield Was Shot
2nd - Passed when Roosevelt Died in Office
3rd - Passed after Kennedy Was Shot
4th - Amended after Reagan Was shot
5th - Re-issued after Obama #2 was killed on 17 December 2015 in the White House

Finally - Apparently Pres Obama you watch our videos and watching politics today IS like watching a Pre-Scripted Reality Show

Obama #4 you are pretty good at your role - but you have 2 warts not one - a dead give away

Now - Back To The Main Story

Congress is in big trouble for violating the original charters that formed this Free and Independant Nation

1606 Virginia Charter - Establishing the Nation

1609 Virginia Charter- Stating Sea To Sea dominance of England

1612 Virginia Charter- Includes Islands to the East
1620 Mayflower Compact - Giving America to the King of England, not the Queen

The Charter of 1620

Ordinance of Constitution of Virginia of 1621 and many others

The Treaty of 1783 between the US and England (United Kingdom) Illegally Signed by Benjamin Franklin (since he was not an Ambassador Plenipotentiary)  and had no right to sign the Treaty of 1793 is thus an illegal treaty and no renumeration needs to paid to any foreign nation or Corporation from this day forward
Fast forward to the US Constitution of 1789 after the Revolution - recognizing all former laws and charters - unfortunately it recognized the Illegal Treaty of 1783 - which continues to this very day

After the War of Rebellion in 1865 Congress removed the Charter’s Provisions that only Freemen can vote and thus illegally proceeded with the destruction of America
Organic Constitution of 1871 - which originally was valid but illegally extended from Coast to Coast by President Grant  and his successors - thus Killing and replacing descenting Governors and illegally replacing by force said states with Corporations

In 1913 the Printing of “Currency” (Federal Reserve Dollar) for the US Corporation was moved to a European Bank owned by the Rothchilds

In 1939 the Trading with the Enemies Act made American’s enemies of the United States Corporation, thus illegally forcing us to be licensed to operate a business in our own nation

In 1972 the Federal Reserve System and US Treasury - a Private corporation owned by the Rothchilds - in violation of the Bretton Woods Agreement and subsequent treaties went off the Gold Standards
Pray with me that those in the White House and in Congress and in the Supreme Court are held accountable by the Living GOD

So - According to the Intel Folks I am supposed to make a Proclamation and things will happen to fix this Republic

Kind of a another Strange Intelligence Brief

“I ask you now  GOD” with the Titles of this world that you have given me that you  immediately and fully hold those in the US Corporation  accountable for the Charters and laws they have broken and return our Republic Immediately and place it back in the hands  of Godly Men.

We ask this in you name and in your son’s name Yeshua

So according to the Intelligence Community all these titles GOD gave this proclamations will make  Huge difference

We will see what GOD does

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Financial End Game Is Here US Savings Bonds Have Defaulted

The Financial Endgame Is Here

Video: Financial End Game Is Here - YouTube

Her is what is happening before our very eyes as you loose your savings and ability to work

1) European Nations have been forced into debt. Their Sovereign Bank Bonds  (Backed by the Vatican Trust - Note the Roman Laurels on most bonds) are no longer payable.

2) The European Central Bank will now Purchase these “Bonds” in Europe ------ just as the Federal Reserve Bank has stepped in to but US Treasury Bonds, both owned by the Rothchilds which are the Bauery Boys from Frankfurt Banks, which all  answer to Rome - the Vatican Trust.

3) Thus the European Central Banks will control all of Europe just as the Federal Reserve Bank controls all of North America.

4) The BRICS nations will center around Astana Kazakhstan and include all Asian Nations and wiill be controlled out of Rome.

5) The United States Economy will now begin to crash and the nation will be put in absolute turmoil and the North American Zone is formed and we all become slaves to those running the nation living under Denver

6) Thus, as in the book 1984, three great land masses will be run by 3 dictators and will be at constant war with each other - not to take land but to keep people in constant bondage.

7) History will be changed to reflect whatever the Ruling Class wants it to say.

8) Soldiers at war will become your “Heroes” but when they return will be terminated by corporations like the Veteran’s Administration so they do not speak out and tell the truth.

9) You will have the Right to do as you are told and be happy. You will drink their drugs, eat their drugs and loose your ability to think through the Television Frequencies. You will do exactly what the television tells you to do.

10) Populations will be controlled through drugs in your food and through spraying overhead by US Planes. Also - there will be planned regional disasters to terminate regions.

11) Population will be brought down to between 500 Million to 1 Billion people through man made disasters and US/NATO Planned Terrorist Attacks -

IE - A “Gas Drill” in the New Your Tunnels planned for next week so expect a real Poisonous Gas Leakin about 45 days orchestrated through Homeland Security and the CIA

12) You will be a happy little slave

You will not complain or protest or you will be sent away - far away - and never return. There are over 800 FEMA camps nation wide.

Army Regulation 210 - the US Army is authorized to have a Prison Labor Force of 10 Million

The Mark Of The Beast Is Not The Chip - God knows who you are and no chip can remove your relationship with the Living God - it is the New Flag you will Pledge Allegiance to.

Most people will worship the Image Of The Beast openly and even fly the New Flag
Pray that those leading this charge are completely and immediately immobilized for life and their plans are completely blocked by GOD

Please also pray that those blocking your ability to get this information through this channel are immobilized for life

Pray for your families

Prepare for what is coming

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The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

The New Flag ready To Be Produced In Mass your children will be taught to worship:


Image result for new north american Union flag already in production

What it’s like at the largest mock bioterrorism drill in California’s history

DHS to orchestrate fake terror attack, release gas in NYC subway for bioterrorism drill » Intellihub

Showdown! In Leaked Letter IMF Tells Germany “Debt Relief For Greece Or IMF Drops Out” | Zero Hedge

Greek bank stocks could rise 90 percent on bailout cash deal: Morgan Stanley | Reuters

Anthrax: As many as 51 labs in 17 states, 3 countries, received live samples - LA Times

Puerto Rican Bonds are US Savings Bonds - they are in DEFAULT...

People of Puerto Rico