Showing posts with label Silver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Silver. Show all posts

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Huge Army Exercise Begins Today



Video: Huge Army Exercise Begins Today - YouTube


A HUGE us Army Exercise named UWEX-16 changes course today and begins it’s Unconventional Warfare (UWEX) phase

Not much is known about this new exercise except it is designed to get the public used to seeing soldiers in the populated areas.

The exercise to control the US Food Supply ended yesterday and is currently wrapping up with great success

What the US Army leadership is worried about is the fact that the US Dollar may crash within 60 days and this means the Food Distribution Network may break down - empty Grocery Shelves across the nation

In response to the planned economic collapse the Over 800 FEMA camps are now ready as holding cells for around 10 Million US Citizens as a Prison Labor Force to support certain Corporations Owned by the United State Corporation - Per US Army Regulation 210-35.

If things get really bad really fast you will need to be ready

If Welfare and Food Stamps get cut it will devastate the Minority Populations as Whites generally receive around $15-30/month and many Minorities receive over $450/mo per person

Food riots will ensue and those rounded  up will be placed in these FEMA Camps permanently

If FEMA authorizes a General Round Up then here are the four phases that will occur:

1) Looters will be rounded up and permanently detained in these camps.

2) Leaders of Militia Groups will be rounded up. Those they do not find will have Warrants put out for their arrest and the local Police will do the rest

Keep in mind - FEMA Leadership HATES Cops - no matter what you are told in their classes. Police are to be used as Cannon Fodder - they are considered “Local Yokuls”
3) Political Leaders who support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc will then be quietly Dealt With just as the Past Director of the United Nations was dealt with the day before he was to testify against Hillary - Morgan Lykketoft

By the way - Lucifer - Marcel Lazar - the one who hacked Hillary’s  Emails - disappeared yesterday out of a High Security Lock Down Prison

This is why we pray for Hillary - that she turns back to GOD

4) General Round Up - You speak out against those who oppose the Bill of Rights - you will be rounded up.

So - how do you think they will deal with 50 Million People in camps designed for 10 Million People?

Rethink Gas Chambers - Hitler….and 35,000 Guillotines

On each FEMA camp is a large Warehouses  with 15 - 20 Gas Mains coming into the building and No Heaters and cameras on the ceilings

Either way folks - be ready for what is coming.

We gave up our freedoms for security and now we have neither

Please pray that those in charge turn back to GOD immediately - what many call the Prime Creator, King of Kings and Lords of Lords

The Living GOD will now shake the Financial Foundation of the world to wake up the leadership of Planet Earth and show them they must do as GOD says or face the consequences - so HE has so it, so it shall be.

The course they have taken will lead to their own destruction very soon - they need to wake up

Pray that your families are not effected in this coming Melee

In fact - pray instead that this Melee is cancelled

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

For you Intel Geeks:

Operation Choke Point: Shutting down of US Silver and Gold Dealers - like they just like they did yesterday to the largest Gold and Silver Dealer in Sweden - Tavax Guld and Valuta

Their Bank Accounts were seized Thursday without notice

Pray that Operation Choke Point fails as well

US Army FEMA Camp Opens In Arizona:
FEMA's First Concentration Camp Officially Opens In Arizona | National Report

FAMA Camps Nation wide:

FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Corresponding Executive Orders! - The Last Great Stand

Huge Army Exercise Begins Today



Video: Huge Army Exercise Begins Today - YouTube


A HUGE us Army Exercise named UWEX-16 changes course today and begins it’s Unconventional Warfare (UWEX) phase

Not much is known about this new exercise except it is designed to get the public used to seeing soldiers in the populated areas.

The exercise to control the US Food Supply ended yesterday and is currently wrapping up with great success

What the US Army leadership is worried about is the fact that the US Dollar may crash within 60 days and this means the Food Distribution Network may break down - empty Grocery Shelves across the nation

In response to the planned economic collapse the Over 800 FEMA camps are now ready as holding cells for around 10 Million US Citizens as a Prison Labor Force to support certain Corporations Owned by the United State Corporation - Per US Army Regulation 210-35.

If things get really bad really fast you will need to be ready

If Welfare and Food Stamps get cut it will devastate the Minority Populations as Whites generally receive around $15-30/month and many Minorities receive over $450/mo per person

Food riots will ensue and those rounded  up will be placed in these FEMA Camps permanently

If FEMA authorizes a General Round Up then here are the four phases that will occur:

1) Looters will be rounded up and permanently detained in these camps.

2) Leaders of Militia Groups will be rounded up. Those they do not find will have Warrants put out for their arrest and the local Police will do the rest

Keep in mind - FEMA Leadership HATES Cops - no matter what you are told in their classes. Police are to be used as Cannon Fodder - they are considered “Local Yokuls”
3) Political Leaders who support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc will then be quietly Dealt With just as the Past Director of the United Nations was dealt with the day before he was to testify against Hillary - Morgan Lykketoft

By the way - Lucifer - Marcel Lazar - the one who hacked Hillary’s  Emails - disappeared yesterday out of a High Security Lock Down Prison

This is why we pray for Hillary - that she turns back to GOD

4) General Round Up - You speak out against those who oppose the Bill of Rights - you will be rounded up.

So - how do you think they will deal with 50 Million People in camps designed for 10 Million People?

Rethink Gas Chambers - Hitler….and 35,000 Guillotines

On each FEMA camp is a large Warehouses  with 15 - 20 Gas Mains coming into the building and No Heaters and cameras on the ceilings

Either way folks - be ready for what is coming.

We gave up our freedoms for security and now we have neither

Please pray that those in charge turn back to GOD immediately - what many call the Prime Creator, King of Kings and Lords of Lords

The Living GOD will now shake the Financial Foundation of the world to wake up the leadership of Planet Earth and show them they must do as GOD says or face the consequences - so HE has so it, so it shall be.

The course they have taken will lead to their own destruction very soon - they need to wake up

Pray that your families are not effected in this coming Melee

In fact - pray instead that this Melee is cancelled

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

For you Intel Geeks:

Operation Choke Point: Shutting down of US Silver and Gold Dealers - like they just like they did yesterday to the largest Gold and Silver Dealer in Sweden - Tavax Guld and Valuta

Their Bank Accounts were seized Thursday without notice

Pray that Operation Choke Point fails as well

US Army FEMA Camp Opens In Arizona:
FEMA's First Concentration Camp Officially Opens In Arizona | National Report

FAMA Camps Nation wide:

FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Corresponding Executive Orders! - The Last Great Stand

Thursday, May 19, 2016

US Seizing Gold and Silver Mines Across America



It appears that US Silver and Gold Mines are being seized across the nation

The reasons for these DIRECTED Seizures seem to fall into several categories:

1) Law Suits --- where the court just shut down an outlet or the mine itself

2) A “Federal Agency” (Foreign Owned Corporation) like the EPA just walks in and shuts it down

3) Operating costs are higher that their sales. Thus by suppressing Gold and Silver prices these Bankrupt Mines can be purchased by the Rothchilds bankers - this is a real problem today

One gold miner told me he was threatened by Bankstas to sell his mine to them or end up dead

3) The permits needed to open a mine are incredible - my experience with the US Forest Service so after a mine is “Mined Out” you cannot reopen it or start a new one

4) In a Sick move by the Department of Energy one truck driver form Hanford Nuclear Reservation and another Combat Engineer of mine stated that they dump their Nuclear Waste (Dissolved Nuclear Rods) down at least a dozen old mine shafts on the Spokane Indian Reservation  -- a fact confirmed by their Water Department. So - how do you reactivate a Silver mine that is highly radioactive?

Now - let’s see what the price of Gold and Silver should be by looking at the US Debt Clock

Without input of New Gold and Silver into the US markets Obama has set this nation up for a complete economic Melt Down

Wake Up America and pray that every thing the New World Order does fails starting right now.

Every thing

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dollar Margin Call = No Trade

If there is a Margin Call on the US Dollar international trade dies - look at the port.

If there is a Margin Call on the Dollar on Silver and Gold - the US Dollar dies that moment.

What that means is Hyperinflation, Depression, Product Shortages, Violence

Be ready folks.

Dollar Margin Call = No International Trade - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Be Ready Folks

 BE READY - YouTube

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Make Colloidal Silver Cheap

The following video teaches us how to make a life time supply of Colloidal Silver for under $20.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Please Pray -Visualize - that those spending money on Colloidal Silver watch this video and that those tryign to make us sick around the world are immediately flattened for life.

Will Wilson  - love your stories

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dear President Obama;

Dear President Obama (CIA Handlers);

This is a message to all the Obama Doubles and their CIA Handlers who sign the bills ad call the shots:

Your Protege' and Savior has now been in office for about 6 years and has done more harm to America than all the Presidents in the past, including the Bush's and Clinton's.

Today the US is running a Deficit of around $4 Trillion Dollars a year with another $4 Trillion being spent by this insane US Corporation - thus the real GNP is not $16 Trillion but around $8 Trillion.

While Gold is selling for around $1,200/ounce in America real gold is selling for around $2,400 an ounce in the rest of the world - if you can find it. In other words when the Dollar falls it will fall to about 50% of it's current value and the Bankstas who run the Western Banking System will be rounded up and arrested. The US, and it's allies, will then experience a great economic change - a huge fall.

In addition, your Gay Fascist Freaks who run the White House have started more wars in the last 6 years than all US Corporate President's since the Corporation took over the united states of America in 1871 and openly killed, or bribed, it's leaders, and for these ambitions you were given the Nobel Peace Prize.

Better the Nobel Prize had been given to a Rat than a Fascist Pig. 

You have also allowed the VA to sell military records around the world and compromised US Security beyond belief - with traitors every where in the Corporations like the CIA and FBI. Traitors.

You have openly killed a US Ambassador for taking Hillary Clinton's Arms Sales Commission of Arms sold to the Muhujadeen Al Kaleek (MEK). The seciond Ambassador Steven was dead the State department (Run By Hillary) took the MEK off the Terrorist Watch List and transported 400 tons of weapons to these murders - and Hillary got the commission on these Arms sales.

OK- So you are only following the Directives put out by the US State Department Office of Population (Control) and killing people to reduce populations as approved by the President (CIA Handlers). You Freaks are still murders.

For some reason GOD has allowed me to spare your life Mr President well over 6 dozen times - with NO thank you, just a hearty balling out by the Secret Service, FBI Freaks, and the US Marshals as these US FBI Freaks who stole my home and savings. For these crimes you will be stripped of your wealth and nation - so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come. 

Recently one of your Destroyers in the Black Sea was disabled by one tiny old rusty Russian Destroyer named the Vargus - all your High tech Gear from Aegis - shut down in a matter of seconds.It limped to a port in Romania.

Over the weekend you, Mr President and Handlers,  reached a new low as you launched three Nuclear SBML missiles from submarines at Saudi Arabia because the Saudis  no longer listen to your White House handlers in the CIA.

You see Mr Obama (and Handlers) - as you recall the Rockefellars and the like sold their Oil Stocks and then drove the price of oil down and you got angry - being the Stupid CIA handlers you are - you forgot about these actions taken only a few short weeks ago. The purpose  of selling their Oil stocks was to "Short Them" and force the price of oil down and make billions.

Unfortunately the White House Pukes and Handlers forgot to sell their stock because you have an entire staff made up of Liberal Idiots - Fascist Pigs.You and your handlers, Mr Obama, are loosing Billions of US Dollars and it spells the END of your Empire. 

Fascist Pigs and Liberals are never know for their intelligence, they are however know  for their Evil.

So over this weekend somebody in the White House ordered three Nuclear Launches on Saudi Arabi by US Submarines.

Stupid Move CIA (Mr Obama) - Stupid Move.

These Submarine Nuke Missiles were neutralized a few seconds after take off.

About 3 years ago a Pyramid sent off a signal near Bimini Florida - an SOS signal - we did that and they are here. Their technology dwarfs that of your your "Allies" and "Friends."

You can no longer launch a Nuclear Attack through the air and your pre-positioned 876 Nukes in large cities across the world are being identified and neutralized - along with your  ICBMs.

It will not take long to neutralize your freezers full of Atomic Hand Grenades and Bullets and your old Davy Crocketts and Nuclear Artillery Shells.

Remember CIA Handlers - you denied my US Supreme Court Case to plug the leak and now YOU are paying for it by being unable to start a Nuclear War - best you plug the leak and run my case though the courts "Voluntarily" before you are made to do it.

I am not sure you in the CIA are smart enough to take Pre-Emptive actions to prevent what is coming --- you may be that stupid and arrogant so maybe I will simply burn the copies of my Supreme Court Case and ensure your empire falls and you go away permanently.

Your underground "Hide Outs" are being Neutralized.

Your "Off World" bases are being neutralized.

Lockheed Martins Blue Origin (See You Tube) can no longer go off world - too bad, so sad, Touche'.

Your Lockheed Martin's Ships are also being severely restricted in their travels and your Space Junk "Shield" will not shield you from what is coming.

Now you will have to wait and see what is coming next - may I highly suggest you do as you have been asked to do by this messenger on all fronts since it costs you nothing and may save your lives - or face what is coming. You have little choice in this matter, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
Blue Origin Anti Gravity Craft using Magnetic Drive at a Vibrational Frequency of 10 to the 14 HTZ in their engines:

Joint US/Russian landing on Mars, 1962:

Three Nuke Launched on Saudi Arabia:

Joint Nuke Launch on Saudi Arabia:

Oil Prices driving the wars - created by the Rockefellars:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Japan Demands Access To It's Gold

Yesterday Japan demanded access to it's gold from the World Bank/IMF. It is currently being held in a

Trust Account by the Global Debt Facility to "Benefit All Of Man Kind. Wolfgang Struck is the authorized signature for this account.

Please pray that the World Leaders either do as GOD has directed or they are replaced by GODLY men immediately.

This request is the first form the BRICS nations - all 140 of them - and stems from the fact that world debts are now being made in gold.

The problem here is Japan has now bought into the idea of QE to Infinity and has thus purchased over $2 Trillion in Federal Reserve Bonds, that were distributed to Japanese Banks and then converted into cash. 

Unfortunately rather than going towards debt reduction or to the people 90% of the $2 Trillion (200 Trillion Yen) has gone into the pockets of the leading 1,000 industrialists in Japan.

This formula has been repeated in dozens of nations around the world in order to continue the English Empire, using US Forces to support these top Bankstas.

Leading the way in the destruction of the English Empire are Russia and China - now demanding payments in Gold. Other nations that signed the BRIC treaty are now also beginning to follow suit.

The answer to Japan is now on hold, but the US Treasury Corporation has already been told how to respond and has sent a memo stating that: No Nation Has The Right To Access Their GOld, It Is Held in Trust For All Humanity."

Since the United States is a corporation it is not bound by any treaty.

Further - Human is defined as:" Not Able To Inherit Anything, A Hu Monster, first created when King Richard made babies on his way to the Crusades. his children could not inherit any part of his kingdom and were called Hu-Monsters....Humans." The term came form India where Humanan is the Monkey GOD.

In other words Japan - You Can't Have Your Gold Back and there is nothing you can do about it without severe consequences. 

To further complicate matters Investment Grade Silver is now running out in China and Japan - which means they are also running out of Industrial Grade Silver. In order to stimulate additional production these BRIC nations will needed to run their own Gold/Silver exchanges and drive the price up to around $50/oz for Silver and $2,000/oz for gold. If their economies recover then this price will likely double.