Showing posts with label Dollar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dollar. Show all posts

Friday, April 15, 2016

Huge Billion Dollar Boondoggle Perpetuated By Washington State

Here it is - the evidence

They never planned to finish the project - just continue it forever.....

Huge Billion Dollar Boondoggle Using Federal Grants - YouTube

Wake Up America

The News You need

Dr William B. Mount

Please pray all their evil deeds fall back on their own heads immediately....

Friday, April 8, 2016

In 4 Days Dollar No Longer Needed For Worldwide Trade

On the 19th in China the AIIB comes on line and the US Dollar looses it's worldwide Reserve Status.

See for yourself:

 In 4 Days Dollar No Longer Needed For World Trade - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, February 29, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

West Coast Shipping Is Dead, Sunk - See For Yourself

Shipping is dead on the American West Coast - See For Yourself.

No one wants the Dollar.

No one has any money


West Coat Shipping Is Dead - Sunk - See For Yourself - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

China Depegs From The Dollar - This Is It

This is the EVENT that will cause the US Dollar to begin to fall apart and lead to WW3.

No one can afford to use the Hollow Dollar any more.

The Unholy Alliance: New York, DC, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vatican Bankers alliance is falling apart. We warned them 9, 8 years  - even two days ago  - but they are ignorantly arrogant. As GOD told them: Do As You Have Been Asked To Do Or Your Blood Is On You Own own heads. 

Video: China Depegs Form Dollar - This Is It - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

I am told that there will be a huge event soon - like Watergate - that will expose someone in the United States that will destroy the moral in this nation  we shall see.

.China’s worst-kept secret: Yuan is unpegged from dollar - MarketWatch

Eurasian Economic Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dow Jones 100 Year Historical Chart | MacroTrends

Gold Mining Company to Pay Indonesia $30 Million - New York Times

Chinese Yuan | 1981-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

Foreign Trade: Data

Ukrainian Hryvnia | 2002-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

Dunford CJCS - Joseph Dunford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friday, February 12, 2016

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

US Dollar About To Crash - Intel Brief

This video will outline my Intelligence Briefing for the coming economic crash for 2016.

Pray they fail at destroying the economy.

The Briefing:

What's Coming: Intel Brief 6 Jan 2015 - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Pray they fail. We can stop this.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Petro Dollar Ain't Dead Yet

The Petro Dollar is not dead yet.

We hear about the devaluation of the US Dollar and the death of the Petro Dollar.

we hear about the Alternate Energy Machines coming on line  like the Water Powered Motor (P51 Aircraft WW2), the Tacheon Generator (Powered a Limo in 1930), the N-1 Generator (In India) being mass produced - yet they are not on the market yet are they?

Nor can you build a tiny generator in a creek to power you home without over 21 different permits. 

Mobil Oil and Shell Oil in England (Both run by the Rothchild's Bankers) has over 60,000 Mercenaries and an unlimited budget and when combined with the US Military can destroy any nation they please and force them to use the US Dollar forever.

No one is Man enough to stand up to these bullies: Not China, Not Russia - No One.

See exactly what these Bankers have done just in the last 2 weeks to keep their power alive:

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

See How The Economic Reset Effects You

A if the month of September was not scary enough here comes an economic reset.

See how it will effect you...

Economic Reset 20 Oct 2015 - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, July 10, 2015

Greece To Leave Eurozone, Already Billing In Drachmas

Coming form Bloomberg (New World Order) Greece has decided to leave the Euro Zone.

(((Please pray that those trying to stop the Greek People from freeing themselves from this Slavery are completely and immediately immobilized for life)))

Apparently Bloomberg states it verified this fact as a Hotel (Athens Hilton)  is already billing customers in the Drachma.

With the arrival of the "US Killer Angel" Victoria Nuland (Sherwin Nuland) form the US state Department Corporation the entire process has been sped up in order to avoid the assassinations of Greek Leaders.

 Under the original Maasticht Treaty forming the Euro Zone the United States Corporation illegally used it's 300 tons of stolen gold to back both the Euro and tied it to the US Treasury Note - the "US Dollar" and the Japanese Yen.

Over the last few years the White Dragon Society has taken China's 300 tons of gold back and now the Euro and Dollar and Yen as so tied together and they are backed by nothing but thin air.

If the US really showed the gold they have in reserves they would have to admit that Senator Jack Metcalf showed the US Corporation how to grow it and they now have huge supplies in reserve and to do that they would have to reveal their hand -- so they would rather trash the economy and destroy millionsof lives than admit the truth. Sound Familiar?

(((If you think this false - way back in 1997 I watched Iron being grown in a metalergy class at US Berkeley as we sat in class over a working Nuclear Reactor - which is under Evans Hall at the University. It is grown at 10 to the 14th hertz, the exact frequency I do not know.)))

So under the UCC and International Contract Law if Greece has a beef with the Maasticht Contract (Treaty) they have the right to write off their debt every 7 years and pull out of this contract ---- a little thing they left out of the treaty - Oops. Apparently the US Treaty Writes are 3 bricks shy of a full load?

What this also means is that this New Drachma does not belong to the Rothchilds. This will be the first currency in decades that does not belong to the Rothchilds and they are going to be plenty angry. You can bet they are going to try and change this with either Hit Men or War. That's all they know.

If the Greeks, supported by Russia and China, are successful in freeing Greece form Rothchild's Slavery then more than likely Portugal, Spain and Italy will follow in that order. Then we shall see France, Germany and the US and Japan follow in that order.

Wait until it is revealed that JP Morgan sold twice as many US Treasury Bonds as were issued - they double sold each bond and got away with it. It will not be too awful long until we see the US Treasury Dollar collapse and the New World Order Currency follow.

The two videos that follow will show the New World Currency.

Medvedev Shows Off Sample Coin of New World Currency At G8 - YouTube

Global Economic Crisis New World Order Currency Announced by Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev - YouTube

The Article showing the Hotel Receipt using the new Drachma in Greece.

NO DEAL; NO BAILOUT! Greece to Exit EURO on Sunday, banks & Businesses already told SWITCH TO DRACHMA; CDS Unwind imminent

The News You Need Today

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ukriane's Eastern Provinces Are Voting To break Away

As you read this the two Eastern Provinces of the Ukraine are voting to break away from the Ukraine in accordance with their 1991 treaties with Both the Soviet Union and Mother Russia.

(((Please continue to pray (Visualize) for Continuous Gentle Rain in the entire American South West  - as it is raining in Sante Fe right now, and continue to pray (Visualize) that Lucifer and his evil bunch are completely immobilized here on Planet Earth)))

WHen the former Soviet Union was torn apart by western Bankstas in the early 90's each nation that broke agreed to let their individual Counties within their countries the right by vote to either rejoin Mother Russia or become it's own, Independent Nation. President Yushenko was aware of this, President Yanakovich was not. The member of the Ukrainian Legislature are also not likely to remember these treaties as well...which make implementing them rather tough.

I remember them.

Crimea was the first and voted to rejoin Mother Russia - but for now they are treated as The  Independent Nation on Crimea.

The two Western Provinces - the Donesk and Lugants region will, in a few hours, vote with an over-whelming margin to leave the Ukraine.

The leaders of the Pro-Ukraine troops that are currently raping and murdering children have openly stated that if the Ukraine does not fundamentally change they will then go after the the current leadership in about 6 months. These are the men the US COrporation has funded - murders and rapers.

So the situation remains tight. Once the vote is counted the area may then be fully protected, in accordance with their international treaties, by the Russian Federation.

Both NATO Corporation (Formed to sell weapons form the US to Europe) and the UE COrporation have condemned the elections - as has the US Corporation. All three corporations lead right back to David Rothchilds as the owned, which is controlled by the Frankfurt Bankstas, which are controlled by the Vatican Trust and controlled by the Roman Pope.

Please pray (Visualize) hat these Vatican Controlled Corporations become totally inept immediately and forever.
A Note For US Corporate Air FOrce One

Your porcelain wires are cracking.

In the current Air Force One sit in the Plot's Seat and place your right hand on the Instrument Panle near the top - lean forward a bit. Kind of hot.

Those "Top Secret" Porcelain Wiring and Harnesses are beginning to crack. Some idiot subcontracted them out to South East Asia.

Further - you have some Kevlar Core Wiring - right?

Kevlar surrounded by an Iron Sheath, then covered with rounded Copper Nickle Wire, then graphite coated with a silicone topping, then a fiberglass braid over them and then top coated with more Silicone?

Like Spark Plug Wires they wear out and need to be changed yearly.

You forgot about that in your maintenance manuals - didn't you?
As for dead bankers:

Sorry about the incorrect name of one of the last bankers who dies - the name was changed after I posted the story - busy CIA I guess.

These two stories are from What Really Happened and are as follows:

1) 14:23: Banker SHot Dead Wife turning the Gun on Himself After Custody Dispute WHile 13 Year POld Child Watched Form The Car.

Scott Gamble, a Deutch Banker who started City Wide Mortgage and was currently working for FPZ bank as their Chief Executive Officer went a little insane.

2) 13:58: B of A Banker Arrested in Hong Kong for Double Murder of Two Prostitutes, One Victim Was Stuffed In A Suit Case.

That is pretty self- explanatory. Unlike here in the US where I have a 4 time convicted Child Rapist and First Degree Murder living behind me collecting welfare from the Prison System (AUX, GAU) - the penalty for First Degree Murder in China is Death.

GOD warned these Western Bankstas they would meet GOD's Demands on 12 June or start dying. Personally - I am enjoying the show.

As for the Red Dragon Family, which recently took over the IMF, These Bankstas have already been rattled by GOD and will do as they were asked by Full Moon 6 November for GOD will begin dropping them like flies.

If they had any brains they would look around at what is happening to the Rothchilds (Lady Rothchilds and David Rothchilds Son both dead in the last 60 days) and their Bankstas and do as GOD is directing.

Based on the Arrogance of your Red Dragon Ambassador - my guess is that your noses are pretty high in the air so you are not likely to comply with GOD so now the Living GOD will  have to cut your nose down to size.

Maybe after 8 or 10 members of the Dragon Family Drop Dead you will listen?

Fine with me - ignore GOD - I will enjoy the show.


You will obey international laws and do as the Living GOD has asked you to do or your family members will start dying, so HE has said it, so it shall be. The longer you wait - the more HE will hit you.

Is that perfectly clear Red Dragon Family?

All that you have done, all those years you have worked to get to where you are, all will begin to unwind because of your arrogance; completely unwind.

Since your "Ascended Masters" have not been able to touch me consider that My God is apparently much higher up the Galactic Food Chain than these Great White Spirits.

What you do is up to you - but may I suggest you meet with me and do as GOD has directed.

6 November.

Look up Red Dragon Family - you will not like what is coming if your ignore the Living GOD. He has a big stick.
The News You Need

Dr William Mount


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lucifer You Have Been Outsmarted

Lucifer - You have been outsmarted again.

(((Please continue to Pray (Vizualize That)  there is Gentle Rain in the American South West and Lucifer's Evil Minions are destroyed and that the world wakes up as to the Cures for all these horrible diseases)))

GOD made you Lucifer and understands all that you are. You are arrogant beyond belief and in this arrogance is weakness.

Suppose that I was not supposed to get paid anything based on what I did.

Suppose I was to distract you and in your Arrogance you did not pay me and this allowed me to expose all that you are doing, and about to do.

While you were ensuring that I would not prosper GOD was allowing me to expose all that you are.

All of your Alien "Allies" are now being destroyed by you and will now begin to turn against you - all of your allies - from the Draconians to the Tall Grays and Archons.

For example:

1) You kept me from receiving the rewards from 14 Waste, Fraud and Abuse cases with the VA and as a consequence the Va has been exposed as a Private Corporation using Vets as test Cases for their new drugs. Changes can now be made.

2) You kept me from receiving money from 14 US Treasury Form 211s and in doing so have exposed the fact that your Treasury Department Lies and does not honor it's debts.

3) You kept me from receiving my money from the US Treasury Form 5444E and in doing so exposed your hands at the London Stock Market to the BRIC nations. Now your dollar is collapsing.

4) You kept me from receiving a 15% reward from exposing the money from the $2 trillion Dollars we exposed stolen from the US Treasury by bank account numbers from the Tom Flocco Web site despite filing the appropriate forms to do so. In doing this the BRIC nations tracked the stolen moneys and were able to identify the Banking  fraud you have been committing world wide by account and by name - they BRIC Nations are now ready to take action against these Evil Bankstas and GOD will not allow you to protect them --- So HE has said it, so it shall be.

5) When we identified the stolen $76.5 Trillion Dollars -- stolen by the US Treasury Department- and stashed around the world and you refuseD to pay the legal 15% reward despite filing the appropriate forms the BRIC Nations identified where the dollar went and just how big your Banking Fraud is.

6) When Putin refused to pay the Legal 15% on the $750 Million dollars of False Bonds your FBI printed back in 2007 in Foster City (CA) (Using my stolen money) you exposed just how corrupt the Russian's are ---- this is why they are never going to lead the world financially. They are not honorable and GOD will therefor not allow it, so HE has said it, so it shall be until they repent. 

We could go on ---

Did you not consider the fact that GOD had you place these incompetent evil people in these places to do exactly what GOD wanted to them to do?

Arrogance is a very big weakness.  It leads to Haughtiness, hate, jealousy and anger and these emotions clog the mind.

While your minions were watching me - using all their energy to see if GOD was really real - your entire kingdom was exposed and exactly how to destroy you through the use of higher frequencies was also exposed.

GOD says you and your minions can either run or face the final death - complete destruction through higher frequency disruption. All is in place. All it takes is the GOD to give Go Ahead for your complete destruction and HE has the right based on your actions - doesn't HE?.

You have been outsmarted Lucifer.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sorry for any errors - the spelling is changing as I write it but the message will get through.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

IMF Ignored Warning now 133 Nations Vow To Burry Dollar

Right here on APFN and Pravda the IMF was warned that they must finally meet a deadline set by the Living GOD - the failed. Two days later 133 nations met to bury the Federal Reserve Dollar.

((Please Pray that this US Corporate Take over of America ends))

A few weeks ago we contacted the IMF that there was a 12 June deadline set by the Living GOD and they should meet it or 132 nation will reject the dollar.

Well - as it turns out there were 133 nations (132 Plus China) that met to terminate the Federal Reserve DOllar from being the World Reserve Currency.

GOD is never wrong.

Here are some other startling developments that can be found either in the Wall Street Journal or

1)  China has agreed to trade with the British Empire using British Pounds, not the Federal reserve Note or the Euro. The Queen is part of the Dragon Society.

2)  Deutch Bank has pulled away from the English Banks and will now begon to set iit's own price for Gold and silver.

3)  Eric Holder is now going after PNC Bank and the US Bank for International Trade and fine them an amount equal to their Net Worth AND arrest their leaders if they do not pay.

Apparently killing thousands of Mexicans and Americans is not enough for this Fascist Pig. Now he wants ALL the money from every bank he can get his grubby little hands on.

4)  Eric Holder hinted at seizing YOUR large bank accounts like they did in Europe (Hungary, France, Greece...), and offering instead their option to have their accounts back or collect Social Security at 62. No more IRA's, no more savings - all gone.

The Empire is falling simply because the leaders of the IMF did not listen - they were Arrogantly Ignorant.

What surprises me is that the United Nation is leading the way. The Group of 77 Plus China are now recognized as a Huge Economic Force.

Hold on to your dollars America - it is going to get rough, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. Our laziness is about to bite us in the rear.

A note on the quote form President Obama at the conference he spoke at: A Democracy ends up with a Sovereign Leader, a King more or less, and only a Republic maintains it's individual rights. President Obama knew exactly what he was saying whn he spoke those words.

Just keep in mind - Michelle has an Adams Apple - she is a Transvestite.
A Note To The Roman Pope:

Your IMF did not do as GOD asked - now you will loose Trillions of Dollars.

The longer they wait to act the worse it will get for your Vatican Bank, which is supposed to control the IMF.

It is your world, not mine - but your allies (Reptilians, Greys, etc) are about to get their rear ends kicked out the door.

Just a suggestion - do as GOD even though it is too late.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Know.

Dr William B. Mount

Triple Spell Checked.

Do your best US Army Cyber Command Freaks.