Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Safe Zones In America And Almond Joy Brownies

Here we describe Safe Zones in America and how to make YOUR Current Home into a Safe Zone

It may be too late to move - the Riots are upon us - but you can turn your home into a Safe Zone for you and your family

Food and Water and are the most important things now - and a way to keep them safe - until things die down again.

Do not forget the Comfort Foods....

Video: Safe Zones and Almond Joy Brownies - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Safe Zones In America And Almond Joy Brownies

Here we describe Safe Zones in America and how to make YOUR Current Home into a Safe Zone

It may be too late to move - the Riots are upon us - but you can turn your home into a Safe Zone for you and your family

Food and Water and are the most important things now - and a way to keep them safe - until things die down again.

Do not forget the Comfort Foods....

Video: Safe Zones and Almond Joy Brownies - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, May 6, 2016

Hillary's Emails Released - She Has Taken America Down

Hillary’s Emails Exposed - She Has Taken America Down

Video: Hillary's Emails Exposed - She Has Taken America Down - YouTube

Hillary participated in the killing of Ambassador Christopher Stevens

Hillary sold Nuclear/Biological and Chemical Weapons to Sadam Hussein in Iraq (A CIA Employee) through the La Farge Company that killed 200,000 of our soldiers
- Senator Riegle put out a US Senate report on this and fined the La Farge Corporation $5,000 for violation of the Commerce Act

When Ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed Hillary and President Barack Hussein Obama blocked rescue forces from intervening - it was all over the press

These reports - and films of the weapons found in Iraq - can be ordered from the Websites of Captain Joyce Riley at the Power Hour - we will leave the link

Now your “Erased” emails have been hacked and are in the hands of both the FBI and Russian TV

Wikileaks alone has released over 30,000 of Hillary’s  Emials

Even Hillary’s  “Husband” stated “If you win the election I am leaving the country”

Bernie asked Hillary - “If you are indicted will you leave the race”

To which Hillary replied -”Oh Bernie, you know that’s never gonna happen”

She feels so superior to the law and that she can do anything and get away with it - from mass murder of our troops to destroying America through Back Door Deals
If  President Obama and the US Attorney’s General Loretta Lynch block Hillary’s  immediate prosecution for murder and Treason against the United States Corporation then the Living GOD will go after those who block it

Hillary and her doubles are going down, so GOD has stated it, so it shall be.

Much of this may be theater to hide the fact that US Treasury Bonds are now in default
This Hillary Mess and The Saga Of  Donald Trump is like watching a Reality TV Show to take our eyes off the real story - we are broke and no one is accepting the dollar

Keep in mind that Puerto Rico is Unincorporated so the Bonds they defaulted on must be  US Treasury Bonds

A good example of what is really going on is that when the US Navy was denied access to the Port in Hong Kong this week it was because China no longer accept the US Dollar - Fuel and Docking Fees must now be paid in Silver or Gold.
So - how is the military going to get new parts for their ships, tanks, and Nuclear Weapons if they are all made in China?

We have been screaming about this for years

In fact we had a meeting way back in 1991 with the Command Staff of the Washington State National Guard Association as a young Lieutenant and again with the Army Reserve Center in Seattle in 1995 about this very fact - and the Joint Chiefs of Staff poopooed these thoughts presented to them by these Three Star Generals

Now here we are

You see - the Dollar and US Treasury Bonds are not being accepted by people around the world - not even by the US Navy

Pray that those who have committed Treason in our Government are immediately contained for life

Get your family ready for what is coming

Like Jim Willie says - clean out our Safe Deposit Boxes and Bank Accounts - They belong to the Banks. If the bank goes down you loose everything

Paper Money may be declared fairly worthless

Watch the video Be Ready

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Obama Executive Order 16303 - you are SLAVES

Wikileaks: WikiLeaks

Libyan Oil, Gold, and Qaddafi: The Strange Email Sidney Blumenthal Sent Hillary Clinton In 2011 | VICE News

Kremlin War Erupts Over Release Of Top Secret Hillary Clinton Emails

The Panama Papers · ICIJ

Hillary Clinton's 'hacked' Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE — RT America
Guccifer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China Blocks U.S. Navy Flotilla’s Visit to Hong Kong - The New York Times

Confirm 200,000 Dead Soldiers thanks to Hillary: The Power Hour

Hillary Clinton's deleted 'personal' emails recovered by FBI: report - Washington Times

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Bowls Of Wrath - What Can You Do?


The Bowls Of Wrath - YouTube

























The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Dollar Begins To Burn As Dark Cloud Moves Over America

A dark cloud has moved over America

We woke up to a Greg Hunter/Jim Willie video talking about the collapse of the US Dollar

Dollar Begins To Burn As Dark Cloud Moves Over America - YouTube

Dollar Begins To Burn As Dark Cloud Moves Over America - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
Dr. Jim Willie - Secret Meeting at the G20 to Take Down the US Dollar | Politics

G20 - China 2016

There was a secret meeting at the G20 to 'take down' the dollar

Monday, January 25, 2016

Republic About To Be Restored ???

We are reading reports and talking to people across this great land that are telling us the Republic is about to be restored.

Watch and learn and keep and keep watching us we will give information about the monetary exchange and the currency revaluation - and especially how and where to turn in your Dong and Dinari.

Video:Republic About To Be Restored??? - YouTube

The News You Need:

Dr William B. Mount

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has specifically stated al;ready that they are doing this in their way not GOD's way so it will fail - and they know it. It is a distraction --- so what are they hiding?

The large Meteor Shower coming, Nibiru?

Thank You Blogsspot

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Bankstas - You Were Warned 8 Years Ago

Bankstas - you were warned 8 years ago what was coming and you took no actions to avoid this calmaty that we all must face now.

(((Please pray that those destroying America are immediately and completely flattened)))

I was yelled at by the FBI, US Marshals and Secret Service for interfering with your Nuclear War and attempts at assassination presidents around the world. Your response was to allow some Freaks in the FBI to steal my money and make this Ambassador Homeless --- so I used the back of my Pick Up Truck and a portable computer to find out exactly why.

Eight years is a time of Completion for GOD. You had 8 years to make it right and you have used every excuse to come against me.

It's GOD's turn now.

I have been told by two different  sources that it is getting very lonely up top with the lead Bankstas - it will get worse every day until you do as GOD has directed. So here is how it began:

1) A few week ago your Red Dragon Ambassador was called out in a conference in Virginia about these promised Prosperity Funds and he backed down, stating he would use the funds to invest in solid business deals - the idea of Prosperity Funds was a lie. His Family Members lied about the St Germain (Marco Polo) Funds.

2) I warned the Red Chinese here in this media that their markets would fall unless they called. Do not give me an excuse and a Chinese Consulate Lap Dog lives 30 miles north of this Ambassador.

3) Voila - just like they were told their markets are falling and will continue to fall hard --- they still need to call me yet they ignore me --- their excuse: Their Is No God, the hundreds of Presidential Assassinations and Nuclear False flags stopped was all a ---- Coincidence.

Well - GOD was not impressed with their excuse as their markets fell again today

4) In retaliation for their markets crashing they took down the New York Stock Exchange today - so it was shut down until the Chinese Hackers were shut out of the NYSE. The rest of the World Markets will now follow.

5) What do you  think the Rothchilds will now do to the Chinese Markets - considering their Yuan belongs to them - as do all currencies world wide?

Yeah - it has begun - the Financial War - and the heat will be turned up by the Living GOD as they attack each other relentlessly.

The White Dragons will now have a hard time keeping the members of the Chinese Bankstas alive until they do as GOD has directed them to do.

(((Wait until the Rothchilds figure out the FBI lost them Trillions today)))

In the mean time the CIA and FBI seem awful busy as they have been attacking the US Infrastructure.

There were 11 attacks on the US Electrical Infrastructure last month by these FBI paid Mercenaries and they also have been destroying one train a week in the US carrying chemicals they are exploding in America and destroying America's Ground Water and killing hundreds of Americans.

Than you FBI for randomly killing more Americans for fun.

Further - the Ukraine has mover 2,500 National Guard Troops from their "NAZI Battalion" to Fort Collins to begin training on how to detonate Nuclear Weapons and Chemical Weapons using time delayed fuses. They answer to the US State Department Corporation not the Department of Defense Corporation, they have been regulated to a secondary role.

These are the troops they will use to set of Nukes around the world.

Finally - it appears that the US SS - Homeland Security - has killed 5 doctors that practice Alternate Medicine here in America. It's Called Murder directed form the White House.

Doctors - Arm Yourselves and please remember - the local Cops are filled with these  "SS" Hit Men so always call in a routine stop to find out if you are being stopped by real cops and NEVER travel alone. Never.

And please do not forget to Zeig Heil.

One Last Note Bankstas - You Cannot Hide. There is no place on Earth that is safe until you do as GOD has directed you to do.

Just as surely as Obama ran form the White House 4 July on a warning from GOD - so to YOU have been warned by the Living GOD and please remember - Hell (and Dimension, 10th Harmonics) is forever.

Please also keep in mind Bankstas - when the Nukes Fly YOU will be first - GOD does NOT lie. may i suggest you do as GOD has asked to you to?

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Hipknowsys: Benjamin Fulford - July 6, 2015: Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

China shares: Regulator takes action after slide - BBC News

Dow ends down 261 as NYSE shutdown stuns markets

All spelling errors brought to you by the Rainbow Boys of US Army Cyber Command.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Obama Missed The Tomato

Several weeks ago we stated that if Obama #2 stayed in the White House for the 4th of July he would more than likely get hit with a Tomato in the face.

((Pray that those trying to destroy Freedom and America are themselves immediately and completely immobilized for life))

Well - Obama #2 Ran from the White House to the Underground Command Center in the Pentagon on the 4th after the Russian Defense Department issued a War Order that if the attack in South Western Russia (Chechnya) as planned (And Funded) by the United States Corporation occurred then Russia would respond by sinking the USS Porter - DDG 78.

Russia further not only put it's Black Sea Fleet on High Alert but placed their base near Gyumri Armenia on High Alert - the same base that cripple a US Destroyer not to long ago - the 102nd military base.

Russia us further taking action in Greece as the US States Department Corporation just send Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs for the US Corporation, to Greece with a limited Budget to kill the Greek Leaders starting with PM Alexis Tsipras and then institute a Coup and a revolution - as she did in the Ukraine. With over 300 CIA operatives now in Greece  being paid by either the US Embassy in Greece or Macedonia in Euroes this should be an easy kill, right?

The riots and killings in Greece should be kicked off within 3 weeks and follow the format used in the Ukraine -killing, destruction, riots - all paid in local dollars.

In Comparison the US Funded Coup in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) despite warning the world here on this media outlet was a breeze a few weeks ago ---- an easy take down..

Victoria Nuland has a Nick Name: "The Killer Angel" because she brings death to any one who stands in her way. She is Evil to the core.

Set aside for this operation is around $500 Million Euros in Cash (200 in Greece, 150 in Macedonia and 150 hidden in US Embassies in Albania, and various places throughout cities to the north of Greece - especially Mosques) with a top out of about around $3 Billion.

If successful the Entire Monetary system will be reset in accordance with US Protocols 14 September 2015 and the people of the world will become slaves to the Rothchilds.

If unsuccessful the UN Protocols go into effect and the Rothchilds loose their Debt Control over the world.

It is likely that the US will resist and like the Giant Bahemoth will need to be killed to end the evil reign of the United States Corporation. If they go down - like the Giant Bahemoth - they intend to take as many people with them as they can.

In the mean time we see the next expected hit on Obama #2 will be 17 June 2015 ( +- 3 days)  by CIA paid "Shooters." It would be best it he hid underground like a rat in a cave or took a trip to --- say --- Boston or some other really liberal gay city on that day. Unfortunately few citizens are armed there and if shots were fired no one is left to defend the President so maybe he does need to go underground.

If the US does not bow to international pressures then the combined forces of Russia and China, and all their allies above our heads we never see, plan on taking out the United States Corporation 12 October 2015 with Nuclear Weapons - starting with DC, NYC, Atlanta Underground, Under Denver, Seattle and under South Central Nebraska. If this coordination fails and the US Corporation (Rothchilds, Rockefellars) the next Nuclear Strike date is set for 17 November 2015.

The Rothchilds and Rockefellar's Underground Bases will also be detonated.

The actual Nuclear Strike Map is the same as what we showed a few days ago.

The Jewish High Command believes the White Race is from Lucifer and Adom in the book of Joel is North America and Europe and it will be completely destroyed in this coming Nuclear War - which is why they feel OK about plundering these areas and than when THEIR Messiah returns 14 September he will make the Jews the Master Race. I just got a briefing and I am sick about it.

Much to their surprise the land of Adom refers to the land where Adam was born - Iraq and Quiwait. This is consistent with other prophesies claiming the Nile and Euphrates will dry up in the last days as we see them today.

Either way - it should prove to be a very eventful year.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Stunned Obama Flees To Pentagon After Receiving Putin “War Order

Rectified_Languages_of_Europe_map.png (733×599)

The Giant Behemoth Trailer - YouTube

PS APFN - you have 18 viruses on your website. Run Spybot to remove them. You can also download Malware form Filehippo to do the job as well - but it only works  30 days.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

It Has Begun - The Destruction Of America

The convoy speaks for itself - an attack group deploying in Early July. Thank you

So - it can't happen hear - are you mad?

Please - focus like a laser beam - that those wishing to destroy america are completely and totally immobilized for life, and so too their doubles and handlers.

Fascist Pigs at work again , a reprint form this article:

  • In 2009 the National Emergency Centers Act (H.R. 645), was introduced in Congress, mandating the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations for the purpose of providing “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” according to the bill. In addition to emergencies, this legislation is designed to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” an open-ended mandate which could mean just about anything they want it to mean, including the forced detention of American citizens in the event of widespread rioting after a national emergency or total economic collapse.
  • In February of 2010 the Internment and Resettlement Operations (FM 3-39.40) was leaked, a U.S. Army manual outlining policies for processing detainees into internment camps both globally and inside the United States. That is against the Law of Nations.
  • In 2009 the National Guard posted a number of job opportunities looking forInternment and Resettlement Specialists (31-E) to work in “civilian internee camps” within the United States, with the job description: “Internment/resettlement specialists are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility.”
  • In December of 2011 Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR), a government defense contractor, issued a Project Overview of anticipated requirements in “establishing a National Quick Response Team for our current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) work,” and was specifically seeking sub-contractors to staff and outfit “emergency environment” camps located in five regions of the continental United States.
  • In 2006, KBR was contracted by Homeland Security for $385 million to build detention centers designed to deal with “an emergency influx of immigrants into the U.S.,” or the rapid development of unspecified “new programs” that would require large numbers of people to be interned. Does that ring a bell? It should. It’s called “Immigration Reform,” and they have been planning this for a very long time.
  • Soon after KBR’s announcement, a little-known Army document surfaced, entitled Civilian Inmate Labor Program. The unclassified document describes in detail Army Regulation 210-35, first drafted in 1997, which underwent a “rapid act revision” in January of 2005 and now provides a policy for the creation of labor programs and prison camps aboard Army installations and other U.S. military bases.
  • Congressman W.G. “Bill” Hefner (D-NC) wrote a now infamous letter to Zell Setzer of Setzer Insurance and Associates, Salisbury, NC, on March 24, 1997, regarding information “pertaining to the Army’s policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor program and civilian prison camps on Army installations.” Congressman Hefner confirmed to Mr. Setzer that “the program has been funded, staffed, and does not reflect current Army policy,” denoting a preconceived future agenda. That is the very definition of a conspiracy between two or more people.
  • Under the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act For Fiscal Year 2011, which was signed by Barack Hussein Obama on New Year’s Eve of 2011—when most of the Congress was home on Christmas vacation—American citizens can be legally (not lawfully) kidnapped and detained indefinitely without charge or trial, and subjected to extreme rendition with no due process of law. The Guardian, a London paper, called the NDAA an “historic assault on American liberty.” Forbes called it the “greatest threat to civil liberties Americans face.” The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the indefinite detention provision of the NDAA ever since, refusing to follow the Supreme Law of the Land, which is the Constitution for United States of America, compelling Tangerine Bolen to write concerning Pulitzer prize-winning reporter Chris Hedges’ and other prominent journalists’ lawsuit against the federal government, “We are no longer a nation ruled by laws.”
  • The U.S. Army Military Police training manual for Civil Disturbance Operations(FM 3-19.15), describes the “operational threats of the civil disturbance environment,” the “general causes for civil unrest,” weapons deployment, the legal considerations of “control force operations,” the legal considerations of “apprehension, search, and detention,” and recording the “number of cadre and inmates injured or killed.” This 115-page manual represented at the time of its publishing a shocking new insight into how the U.S. military plans to violently quell unrest in the aftermath of a total economic collapse or other national emergency, with rules of engagement regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents,” which were made disturbingly clear with the directive that a “warning shot will not be fired.”
  • Currently, the ongoing and expanding United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) Jade Helm 15 is underway, the Realistic Military Training (RMT) exercise conducted throughout the American Southwest and in 11 states to “Master the Human Domain” via “unconventional warfare.” This so-called exercise declares Texas, Utah and Southern California hostile territory, driving Texas Governor Greg Abbott to deploy the Texas State Guardto monitor the very questionable operation on non-federally owned land.
  • The acronym for Jade Helm has been deciphered thus: Joint Assistance for Deployment and Execution (JADE) Holding Element (HELM). Other credible researchers have deduced that HELM actually stands for “Homeland Eradication of Local Militants.” Are “militants” those rugged Western Americans who would be expected to fight against such a plan?According to Dave Hodges, “Jade Helm is a dissident extraction drill involving members of special forces who are practicing ‘infiltration techniques.’ And it’s also a martial law drill . . . All military activity in this country is falling under the purview of Jade Helm.”
    • Also at present and more recently, the U.S. Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) Operating Concept 2022 is being deployed on U.S. soil to “operationlize the CONUS [Continental United States] base."
    • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Photos: Massive Raider Focus convoy loaded with razor wire seen near Trinidad, Colorado – Intellihub

Be Ready for 90 days of No Food, Water of Electricity and the coming Obama Planned Riots to kill as many Blacks as possible and remember - all Fascists are pigs.

Be Ready: BE READY - YouTube

Dr William B. Mount

May GOD keep you and protect you in the coming years and GOD bless the Mormons for warning us about all of this coming destruction.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

America - The Days Of Warning Are Over

America - The days of warning are over.

Pray - Pray - that you are not caught up in this coming war.

For Eight years GOD has warned the world of False Flags and Disasters and through this has stopped countless loss of life, including those lives in DC, Moscow, Beijing and countless other cities.

For years there has been help in stopping these disasters form those around the world who do not wish to see a Full scale Nuclear War. At the forefront of assistance has been the Russian Intelligence Agencies working across the globe to stop these US Made "Trigger Points."

One of the things the Fallen Angels believe is that is they die in a Nuclear Blast they die - go away forever: their very essence vanishes.

All of the major players have been contacted through this medium, through the TV and by radio stating exactly what the Living GOD wishes them to do financially to avoid this coming conflict and not one has responded.

Exactly when and how the Living GOD will judge I will not reveal - only that the time for warning is up.

It began with stopping a presidential assassination  and Nuking of Salt Lake 4 and 6 April 2007 and ends today. The first TV show clearly showed "Operation Devolution" - the operation of the US Government without a surface population.

The warnings end with a confirmation of exactly what was said by Sorcha a few days ago - that the US openly killed 9 motorcycle "Gang Members" (US Veterans) in Waco Texas last week and also the British are getting really upset about this coming war. London and DC (And Langley) will be the First such casualties - along with their underground bases.

Think about it - US Special Forces purposely targeting US Veterans - their leadership has gone insane.

The confusion in the Spirit World (Demonic Realm) is over whelming as the Gates of Hell are opened.

The destruction of the 4 Submarine Bases in New Britain about 2 weeks ago by Nuclear Bunker Buster Bombs in retaliation for the 311 attack on Japan (as described by Benjamin Fulford) and the Non-Response by the Cowardly Fascist Obama-Nation Regime should be indicative of coming events.

Now the Living GOD will do my speaking for me.

If I you in a leadership position in any of the major nations that should scare the living daylights out of you. Your underground bases and you off world areas are all Fair Game in a Nuclear War and remember the US NAZI Firepower.

No world leader will be spared if the "lights go out" - so says the Living GOD.

GOD will now speak. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but HE WILL SPEAK.

In the name of the Living GOD, and HIS SON YESHUA - no power on heaven or Earth can stand against the Judgement of GOD. So HE has said it - so it shall be.

You have my number, more importantly - you have GOD's number.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Obama Massacres Innocent Waco Bikers Over Putin Fears

British Leader “Begs” Putin To Spare UK In Coming Nuclear War

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why Operation Jade Helm?

Every country has military exercises in the summer, but US Operation Jade Helm is unlike anything you have ever seen before.

Tell everyone about this and and pray (Visualize) that the those ordering the destruction of America become so violently sick they cannot even speak for the rest of their time on Planet Earth.

Video: William Mount WHY JADE HELM

The News You Must Have To Live

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, April 18, 2015

And So The Destruction Of America Begins

While most of America is nestled down in front of the Television bringing these Perverted Movie Stars into their homes the SS (Homeland Security) is busy destroying the Land of the free.

(Please pray the living GOD protect you and your family)

Seventy Years ago the forced of America stomped on the Third Reich - and the remember this so on the 70th anniversary of their defeat they have launched a the destruction of the United States.

Today we see:

1) Huge fish die off on the California Coast caused by the SS (DHS) allowing the dumping of millions of barrels of Toxic Waste just off the coast and turning on the cables under the coast line in to fry their brains. These chemicals are created in the manufacturing of Nylon and other plastic found in YOUR house.

2) The sky is filled with all sorts of parasites, heavy metals (Including Uranium), viruses, bacteias, and fungi meant to make your day very special.

3) You eat GMO foods designed to kill you. Primarily: Wheat, Soy Bean Oil, Canola Oil, Beet Sugar and corn.

Take Canola Oil - it comes form the Rape Seed Plant and this is toxic to cattle - and you eat it - really?

4) WE have published the video: THE CURE FOR CANCER and yet you go to the doctor for cancer treatment because the average doctor lives to the age of 56?

5) Fracking pollutes the ground water and kills Americans.

6) A few days ago there was material form a dirty bomb stolen from Mexico and the NAZI SS (DHS) is has allowed this to be transported into the US - it his headed to the North East for a US Dirty Bomb Drill to start Marshal Law.

7) The FBI is currently counterfeiting $20 bills to destroy the currency within the United States by order of the White House Fascist Pigs.

8) The droughts in the South West being created by Evergreen Aviation are being done to not only kill Americans but to allow the Rothchilds to simply create more money on their computers and buy the parched land so that when the killing ends they will own large tracts of prime farmland and no one is Man enough to stop them.

9) Finally - for this segment -  the US "SS" (DHS) in conjunction with the Langley Fudge Boys and Girls (CIA) have just released a virus meant to cripple you r dog and kill American Poultry.

If you watch THE CURE FOR CANCER you will have the cure for this new US SS Created Virus.

Remember - you, the Armed American Public - are the worst enemy the SS (Department of Homeland Security) has.

Do not expect any help form outside the United States. Apparently the leaders of China, Russia and the rest of the world are scared little pups afraid to tackle these Fascist Pigs swarming all over America today.

Even the Famed Red Dragon Family appears to be cowards when faced with the SS. Oh - they have HIT MEN, but their leaders are down right cowardly. Why else would they not pay what they owe?

The Red Dragons appear to hide behind their skirts just like the Russia General Staff.

Prove me wrong Red Dragons and Russian Staff - Prove your selves as Men! GOD challenges you, I challenge you.
For You Intel Geeks:

1) FBI - You stopped the Obama Assassination 14 April despite the rumble in the White House that night.

2) Hope like heck you get 17 May correct and maybe -well - we shall see about June of July but know this: Fascist Pigs in London never rest.

3) As a side note - the reason the US Military is seizing Walmarts is because they use the same computer logistics programs the US Army does. You can actually order a Nuclear Weapon or a Helicopter through the Walmart Ordering System.

You can expect more Walmarts to be seized in the near future as the Obama Handlers move to destroy more and more of America.

Home Depots may also be seized as well very soon. If you work there you will be fired with NO unemployment - you are so screwed.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

CIA-ISIS Bio Attack Warned Spells Death For All Dogs In America

Dirty Bomb Material Thefts In Mexico-Drills In The U.S.

Mass Animal Deaths 2015 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs

Monday, June 9, 2014

Were We Ever Really Free


Were the citizens in the Great "united states of America" ever really free?

(((Please pray that we regain our republic and our finances from Lucifer)))

All we really ever hear about is freedom, land of the free, be free --- free, free, free yet people like Senator Harry Reid are killing people over the oil on the Bundy Ranch -- and the Governor of Nevada and US Marshals and DOD are letting him do it.

Let us look at our freedoms since the founding of America:

1) Virginia Charter, 1706, giving all of the land in North America to the English Crown.

2) The Rothchilds (Bauers, answer to the Roman Pope, the Legal Roman Emperor) own the English Crown lock, stock and barrel.

3) The Treaty of 1783 that ended the Revolutionary War gave the treasury of the United states of America, France, England, Scotland and Ireland to the English Crown to be managed by the Rothchilds.

4) In 1793 the first UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Corporate) coin was printed.

5) Seventy years later (Corporate Bankruptcy Laws) in 1863 (Two years before the end of the American Civil War) the Southern States were placed under "Redevelopment" by the UNITED STATES Corporation.

6) In 1871 President Grant sold the united states of America to the English Bankers and they ran in form the Corporate UNITED STATES Headquarters in DC.See: Senate Report 93-549.

The Organic constitution was signed and the original IS Constitution was thrown out.

Here in Washington we had a 1887 and 1889 constitution one for the state, one for the corporation which replaced the real state - the one for the "State of Washington", and one for the "STATE OF WASHINGTON CORPORATION".

The business license for this corporation may be found on the right wall as one enters the Washington State Governor's Office --- been there, seen it.

Apparently it took a couple of decades to kill and replace all the original governors.

7) Seventy years later on 9 March 1933 the US Corporation went into redevelopment by the ENglish Corporation.

8) The Bretton Woods agreement was signed 14 July 1944, placing the UNITED STATES CORPORATION under redevelopment by the International Monetary Fund Corporation - 54.% owned by David Rothchilds. See; USC 2, Sec 286; also USC 5, Sec 101-105.

This agreement also made the Federal Reserve Note the world currency. America was set to go into deep debt to spread the dollars worldwide.

10) Around 1960 the Cloward-Bivens Model was adopted for the destruction odf AMerica but not fuloly implemented until President Obama took over.

11) In 1972 the UNITED STATES (United States) Corporation violated the Bretton Woods Agreement and dropped the Gold Standard.

12) The UNITED STATES CORPORATION came out of Bankruptcy 9 March 2003 - notice no more circle around the Presidential Heads on the $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills.

13) The Bretton Woods agreement is up - the 70 years are over. As of 14 July 2013 (Extended until 14 July 2014) the Federal Reserve Dollar is no longer the World Currency so the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations began building a New Currency Mint to print both Rubles and Yuan that are backed with gold.

Argentina,m the Catholic Church's Alternate Head Quarters, may also joint the BRIC nations.

14) Since last year the US Treasury Corporation (Owned by the IMF) began printing $100 bill switch US Treasury stamped on them backed by unharvested oil -or - Thin Air.

15) Knowing this the Rothchilds, using the Jesuit Scum, have been trying to create such a Nuclear Flag as to send Planet Earth into the Stone Ages  - to which end I am involved.

16) The Seven years of Peace and War were supposed to begin 30 September 2006 with 12 US cities being Nuked - but thanks to the FBI these plots were stopped. Fear not - those who stopped the nukes form going off have been severely disciplined.

17) The next set time for a Nuclear False Flag was 4 April 2007 - which is when I got involved.

18) Somewhere around 80 Presidential Assassinations and Nuclear False Flags later here we are - all documented like the Nuke in DC 21 Sep (See NCIS Newspapers), 16 Dec Nuke in Swedish Embassy in DC, Sorchi Nuke found under the stadium in the caves, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuke......The list just goes on and on.

19) Since Lucifer is supposed to bring in the New World Teacher on the Full Moon 9:11PM Western Standard Time the New World Order is in a Panic Mode. They do not have the Caos to bring in this New World Teacher - yet it is the First Day of Invokation and the Day Of Good Will on this coming Full Moon ------ the Last Major Holy Day for Lucifer in this New Age Of Aquarious.

Add to this Senator Harry Reid's attempt to get the Oil form the Bundy Ranch through murders and False Flags, and Senator Dian Feinstein's "Snitch Law" and you have some real events coming up like:

a) Vega Shooting Yesterday. Gee - the Cops sure look like the Cops at Sandy Hook Elementary don't They - and the Flag placed over the victims a White Male Supremisist?

The shooter got kicked out of the Bundy Freedom Fighters because he not only had a criminal record but was working for the BLM ?

Gee - did you not read this in my blog a few weeks ago?

GOD is never wrong.

b) Expect a shooting to hit the news every other day now. When the shooters are Black the race will not be mentioned but if the shooters are White they will be: White Supremisists.

Keep the Whites hating the blacks hating the oriental hating the - while the Rothchilds rob you blind.

c) The 15th there is a staged killing of Obama at Martha Vineyards again. Obama's doubles need to stay home for the week.

d) Staged Atlanta False Flag Nuke - most likely a Dirty Bomb (Green Gas) with no radiation - full Lock Down and Marshal Law in Georgia as they look for "Two Russian White Supremisists or Seperatists."

The stories are already written by the way.

e) The SIMPSON'S TV show had a small scene where the 22nd was used to bring in some Nuclear Dirty Bombs to 12 US cities and create utter Caos.

f) The 31 August torch off of Yellow Stone by AMEC using an 850 KT Nuke already in place.

The list that these evil doers just goes on and on.

No one - not the Golden and Black Dragon Societies, not DOD Commanding General Limp D.... Dempsey, not the NCIS - no one seems to be man enough to stop the Rothchilds and those in the White House.

They will have their Nuclear World War and Marshal Law - Unless we ask GOD collectively to stop this madness to neutralize Lucifer and evil his minions.

Yes - more prayer.

Hay - if you have any better ideas I am all ears.
A Message for Walmart:

You have destroyed one too many small businesses purposely.

"GF Joes" was the last straw.

Your profits will fall horrible, so says hte I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come. It has been decided.

A Note to the US Intel Geeks and Idiots:

Thursday by Close of Business - GOD says you will do as instructed or your economy is toast and there is no going back. If you are that stupid and have forgotten what I am referring to you may call and ask.

Remember: Adama, Marduk, Mars and now Earth. Your Underground bases are utterly useless and this time you will not be allowed to roam the Galaxy any more but you and your allies will be permanently placed in confinement forever.

The best way I can describe this permanent confinement is like a "Fart in a Jar."

This includes you President Putin and PM Medvedev, and leaders of the Dragon Societies.

Test GOD - please, test the Living GOD --- be stupid.

Do not meet the Thursday 5PM Western Standard Time - please David Rothchilds,  David Rockefellar  and your Demon Possessed staff - be stupid.  I am asking you to ignore the Living GOD.

I want to watch.

I will personally draw great pleasure in watching you being slowly ground up the Living GOD and spit out along with all your "Allies"  after all the pain you have caused through out the Galaxy.


The News You Are Not Supposed To Read

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, January 20, 2014

Our Dispicable America

What happened to our America?

When I was a kid criminals were prosecuted.

If a man raped a child the parents would tar and feather him or bury him in their back yard. We could leave our front door open when we went to school and the windows down in our car because if someone stole something they did hard time - and they were punished in jail - not "Rehabilitated" and given welfare and housing upon release.

Today I have a convicted First Degree Murderer and Child Rapist living behind me and he is living with a 12 year old girl and the local cops don't care.

Our President married a former OSU Male Football Player (1983, #44, Mike Ramsey) and came into this nation as an Illegal Alien.

I got a nail in my left front tire so I had to go to Firestone to fix it. While I was waiting I walked into the Tacoma Mall and here is what I saw:

1) When I went to the Children's Play are I saw on the Video Screen: A Nirvana Film, a film of Pornography, and a film of people being blown up.

The parents were oblivious to the Porn and did not seem to care.

2) A Whole Mall filled with non-working people who had new cars -- and about 30% of them did not speak English.

3) A FIAT dealers desk with a 19 year old blond acting as a rep - with a couple of guys sitting on top of her desk trying to date her. Obviously she did not care about her job.

4) I ate food contaminated with Aspertane and MSG - which caused me to become really Lathargic.

5) People gathered around table selling Sea Hawk Jerseys while the Porn played on in the nursery.
Here are a couple of more stories and let's see if you can connect the dots:

1) Last week my wife and I went to a very fancy restaurant and had an appetizer and Ice Tea. The folks sitting next to us are builders (And City Planners) and their goal is to turn the entire city of Tacoma into Welfare Housing - Non-Profit Welfare Housing that pays NO property taxes.

So - who is going to pay for road repair?

Those few who still own homes.

Short Sighted Profit Making Lucifarians.

2) The Port of Tacoma will soon be closing it's doors. That means that all those city taxes will no longer be available.

So who will pay for street repairs and schools?

The few remaining home owners.
2 Timothy 3: "In the Last Days they will be lovers of themselves and lovers of money: Boastful, proud, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, brutal, treacherous, loving pleasure and not GOD, having a form of Godliness but denying it's power."

Sound familiar?

GOD will now take this nation down to it's knees until we repent and see the errors of our ways. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
For You Intel Geeks:

CIA: I do not know whether to thank you or call you Jack Asses for setting the Kansas City Chiefs up to get knocked out of the Playoffs from bad calls from the refs.

Granted - the Kansas City Stadium had no football game two days ago - but they lost to the Colts based on several really bad (Paid Off) Ref calls - like the intercepted fumble that Brown lost in the last quarter of the game. That was clearly a paid off call - clearly.

If someone watching the game did not pickup on that they were just plain dumb.Bad ref call after bad ref call, and injury after injury for the Chargers. Duh.

Clearly somebody paid off the refs - and now rather than facing the problem head on it has been move to New Jersey in 2 weeks, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

Your call - but postponing the investigation through payoffs - well, I suppose that is the way of the CIA.

One last note - good to see you back Butlincat.
Please pray that YOU are not hurt in ht e coming economic garbage coming.