Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Guess Who's Spending $143,000 A Second?


(564) Guess Who's Spending $143,000/Second? - YouTube



Welcome to the Smartest, Most Active audience in the world.


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.
Brought to you by the Denas Pain Relief Store. We use it so we don’t have yo pay for Doctor Visits.

We - the American Public - are actually spending around $143.000 per second

$143,000 X 60 Sec/Minute X 60 Minutes/hr X 24 Hours/Day X 365 Days/Yr = $4.5 Trillion Dollars.

Of which around $1.5 Trillion is in debt.

This deos not include

1) Money designated for the Top Secret Space Program around $6 Trillion/year

2) The $50,000 a second for military over runs - Around $1.5 Trillion/Year.

3) Social Security for over 80 Million Refugees - of which 40 million live overseas - which amounts to around $110,000 a second - which is around $3.5 Trillion/Year.

Keep in mind Social Security is a Foreign corporation owned by the Stewart Trust which is controlled by the English King.

Although Congressman Ron Paul underestimated the numbers - his warning should be heeded.

This type of fiscal irresponsibility will not end well - not for the Americans Public and not for this planet.

The secret to all of this is there are no GOOD GUYS that are going to ride in on White Horses to solve this problem. We will have to face this Government Created debt.

Yes - under Cadio Fujisoria we do not actually owe the debt because unelected officials created it - but watch how it is being manipulated to hurt the Little Guy.

All of the things GOD has asked President’s Trump and Putin to do have been ignored - everything. They are trying to solve this problem on their own and it was created as an Unsolvable Problem without a Massive Nuclear Exchange.

Whether or not we look like Venezuela soon remains to be seen as a cup of coffee now costs in excess of 1.5 Million Bolivars - as devaluation we are now seeing in nations like Turkey an Argentina as well.

We are also seeing both Private and Government Pension Funds nearing collapse as their Political contributions to the Democrats have drained their principles.

So what we will see over the next year is either huge tax increases to support these Pensioners or a collapse of their Pension Funds.

Be assured that this was orchestrated by the Democrats - but whoever did this the problem remains. Many these pension funds are going broke very quickly.

When we looked at CALPERS Pension Funds it appears the have enough money to run for 3 more years and then it will go bust.

What is so sad is that the Fraud Committed by the US Treasury Department in letting these funds give away so much for Political Contributions in violation of their Insurance Contracts is that no one in the US Treasury will have to go to jail for these crimes.

No one.

So while President Trump is considering pulling A few Security Clearances of those who committed Murder and Money Laundering the American Pension Program - including Federal Pensions - are about to go belly up.


Our Medical Care of our Veterans has reached Rock Bottom.

Across the VA we have many VA employees who do a Great Job and many who were hired under Affirmative Action who actually HATE our veterans. It’s amazing what you hear when you wear a Suit to the VA for an appointment.

Again - many of the VA Employees - especially among the younger doctors - HATE our veterans.

What is even more disgusting is that if you ask for Mental Help at the VA there is a good chance that under Title 18 USC 922d the VA will contact the FBI and have your rights - all of your rights  taken away.

If you are collecting VA disability for PTSD the VA is about to send the FBI a list of all of these individuals and have their rights pulled away.

In 2017 alone the VA provided the FBI with an additional 167,815 names of individuals the FBI the removed their rights to Keep and Bear Arms, buy a weapon or even go hunting.

So you, as a veteran, protected their rights and, the VA hires a foreigner who barely speaks English who receives 100 hours of training and is  then called a “VA Doctor” and they eliminate your rights because they do not like you.

What is even worse is that Nurses who do not speak English and are not yet American Citizens are hired and given 10 hours of training and called “Nurses” and also can remove your Constitutional Rights --- and they can’t even say the world “Constitution!”

Not kidding.

The number of wrong prescriptions sent out by the VA is incredible. Call the pharmacy and you may speak to someone filling prescriptions who barely speaks English!!!

So to them what is the difference between Doxycycline and Tetracycline?

So suppose you have a problem and you can’t get through to the VA or even get an appointment for, say,  a broken toe.

You decide to call the VA Suicide Hot Line to get help navigating this insane system and within a few minutes the Cops show up at your house and remove whatever they please - rifles, pistols and even cooking knives.

No warrants, no written notification, no court hearing - they just show up and steal your property.

All together now - the VA has sent the FBI their names and medical records over 367,000 Veterans who they believe should have their rights stripped from them.

If you wish to challenge what some Foreigner “VA Doctor” says about you the legal costs will run around $100,00 and no one ever gets disciplined.

The VA is a Rogue Corporation that spends 98% of it’s time now dealing with Mental Disabilities - not physical disabilities and a Veteran is stuck.

The local Medicare Employees here in Seattle tell me that they actually now take all 100% physically Disabled Vets and put them on Medicare the VA health care is so bad.

Please pray that the VA Either hires 100% Veterans or disbands their hospitals and sends everything out into the community.


Yet another vaccine Scandal - this time in China.

This time - the company Changchun Changsheng violated the standards by mislabeling up to 250,000 doses of the Diptheria, Tetanus and Whooping Cough vaccines.

Exactly what they sent out for use in their children is at this point unknown.

These Vaccine Scandals are getting worse and worse.


The Top Voting Machine Vendor, Election Systems (ES&S) , admitted in a letter to a Senator Ron Ryden (OR) that their machines have a Back Door where the actual votes can be controlled remotely.

In other words - your vote no longer counts.


Please pray that this insane use of Voting Machines stops and the FBI gets the guts to arrest those where were actually caught committing Election Fraud in 2016.

Please also pray that President Trump gets the guts to arrest the FBI agents who refuse to do their job.

Please pray for President Trump’s Safety.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


USA Headquarters for DENAS Products, Support & Training

$52,000/Second: Ron Paul Warns Washington's Spending Its Way To A Fiscal Crisis

The Good Guys Are Not Coming To Save Us | Zero Hedge

Venezuela Surpasses Weimar As Hyperinflation Expected To Hit 1,000,000% By Year End | Zero Hedge

Two Giant US Pension Funds Admit There's A Big Problem | Zero Hedge

In China, Vaccine Scandal Infuriates Parents and Tests Government - The New York Times

Voting machine vendor admits that remote-access software was installed on “some” systems

Top Voting Machine Vendor Admits It Installed Remote-Access Software on Systems Sold to States - Motherboard

Deep State Ignites Methane Pockets Across The Globe -This Will End Humanity

Monday, July 23, 2018

Deep State Igniting Methane Pockets Across The Globe



(546) Deep State Ignites Methane Pockets Across The Globe - YouTube


Welcome to the Smartest, Most Active audience in the world.


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.

While we are all focused on silly investigations like The Russian Probe what the Elites are doing across the globe may spell the doom for Humanity over the next 5 years.

For the last 50 years the Elites, using primarily US Commercial and Military Jet Liners, has been spraying our upper atmosphere with chemicals such as Defoliants like Agent Orange and heavy metals like aluminum to kill the vegetation and stop the rain.

About 5 years ago we began reporting on fires across the US that were being started by either United Nations or US Departmento f Defense Employees.

Over the last 4 years these same nuts have been ordered to begin causing fires across Siberia and the Northern parts of Canada.


In order to ignite the methane Pockets across the Northern Tundra and kill off Humanity.

Currently the Earth’s atmosphere holds around 500 Giga Tons of carbon while the Arctic holds about 1,500 Gigatons of Carbon in the methane.

If these people in the Deep State are successful then within a few years Humanity will be doomed no matter what we do.
The combined release of excess carbons with the combustion of Oxygen and Methane will result in an atmosphere that we cannot survive in.

Over the last few days the Sun was completely darkened across central Sibeia and fires were set across the tundra that is now causing over 10 Million people to pray for help.

If you look at the Fires frm an aerial photo you will be stunned.

Further - one pocket in the arctic that is currently being drilled into by the elites holds an estimated 50 Gigatons of carbon and if ignited - this may spell the doom for Humanity.

This would be a similar result of what killed off the Dinosaurs some 50 million years ago when a Meteor torched off a Fire Storm on planet Earth and wiped out the Dinosaurs.

…a) Forget about the FBI paying for the entire Russian Dossier and James Clapper - former head of the Defense National  Intelligence (DNI) ratting on the Obama administration.

…b) Forget about retired Admiral Michael Flynn, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency - DIA - leading the investigation against these Treasonous nutcases.

…c0 Forget about Nathan Larson being funded to run for Congress in Virginia as a Pro-NAZI, Pro Pedaphile candidate

…d) Forget about the fact that Hillary’s Head turned around 360 degrees at the last rally yesterday in Central Park - pretty Bizarre…

If we do not come together as a planet over the next few weeks even the Underground Bases will be destroyed.

These Demon Possessed Nutcases need to be contained immediately.

Keep in mind that there are about 140 Dooms Day Bombs now on planet Earth. One rogue nuke may cause this planet to detonate like a fire cracker and if humans are dying in the streets - someone will begin to throw these Nukes.


The New 5G Cell Towers are now hot enough to fry your brains and cause rashes across your body in about 15% of all Americans.

What is happening in China is about to happen here.

The US is about to embark on a project to put large metal plates all along the freeways to recharge Electric Cares using 2 GHTZ as a Frequency.

What this means is that your little Electric Car with a range of a mere 100 miles will be able to drive along the highway and be self charges.

What this also means is that if you drive your chances of Brain Cancer in your life time just multiplied to almost 100%.

This will not be like the Breast Cancer Scam where hale the women diagnosed with Breast Cancer and have their Breasts removed are FAKE cases of cancer.

Besides - we have already published the video THE CORE FOR BREAST CANCER - which covers ALL cancers.

This will be bonafide real brain cancer as your eyesight and memory are literally destroyed within a few years.

So - in a Deep State attempt to test out their attempt at Mass Murder the city of Zhenjiang China will be erecting the First Electric Superhighway with Autonomous Cars.

And UBER will now be testing a fleet of Self Driving Cars in Arizona.

If successful - all of these tests will lead to DARPA being able to tie the Human Brain into a Computer to help guide Lockheed martin’s “Starships” around our Solar System.

All funded by the Stock and Bond Holders at TESLA - which is why so many cars are now sitting unsold. No one wants them.

It appears that Elon Musk has just gotten away with not only stealing the TESLA Company from it’s owner in 2010 but also draining it’s investors of their investments to bolster his other companies - thanks to Lucifer and the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by the Advanced Technology Department Director Robert Mandlebaum of Lockheed Martin in Washington DC.

Advanced technology Section being nicknamed “Skunkworks Productions“ from the old cartoon Alley Oop!

The same folks that support Alex Jones.

Keep in mind the P-51 fighter in WW2 was Powered by a Merlin V-12 Motor.

Please also keep in mind that also 40 years ago we had electric cars in the military that had a range of 3.500 miles.

It’s not about advancing Humanity - it’s about killing us.

Ephesians 6: 12; We fight not against Flesh and Blood but against “The World Rulers Of Darkness, The Spiritual Evil in the Heavenlies”

Pray they are all neutralized immediately and for eternity.

Please pray for our President’s Safety and that he does as GOD directs him to do.

The Wall Of Truth

See You Tomorrow

Dr William B. Mount


Terror Struck Russian Natives “Cry To God” And Sun Goes Dark In Middle Of Day—As Apocalyptic Fears Strike Capitols Of Entire World




Amazing video of exploding under-ice methane gas in Siberia - YouTube

Clapper: Obama Was Behind The Whole Thing | Zero Hedge

Documents Confirm The FBI Paid Christopher Steele for the Phony Pee-Pee Dossier

He’s Pro-Incest, Pedophilia, And Rape And Is Running For Congress From His Parents' House

New York Daily News Fires Half Of Its Staff | Zero Hedge

Hillary Clinton Cyborg Short Circuits In Central Park - YouTube

Trump Campaign Ad Mocks "Short-Circuiting" Robot Hillary Clinton | Video | RealClearPolitics

Claim: WiFi radiation from Fitbits can cause rashes, illnesses, and blood sugar fluctuations – NaturalNews.com

Mobile devices are on track to destroy the eyesight of an entire generation, scientists warn – NaturalNews.com

Experts: Electric highways that charge cars on-the-go through wireless technology will bathe passengers in cancer-causing electropollution – NaturalNews.com

Breast cancer gene SCANDAL: Half the women who undergo mastectomies found to have harmless gene variant, NOT cancer – NaturalNews.com

Shocking study finds that mobile devices can zap your MEMORY – NaturalNews.com

Chinese city of Zhejiang to build first superhighway for autonomous vehicles

Uber’s self-driving big rigs starting to move freight in Arizona – soon without human backup

DARPA Researching Mind-Controlled Troops Connected to Weapons Systems


Why Are "Thousands" of Teslas Sitting In a Field in California? | Zero Hedge

Deep State Slips A Cog - Goes Too Far

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Deep State Slips A Cog - Goes Too Far



(527) Deep State Slips A Cog - Goes Too Far - YouTube




Welcome to the Smartest, Most Active audience in the world.


The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.



So sit back and enjoy…

1st) Former Director of the National Intelligence Agency James Clapper - one of over 78 US Intelligence Agencies - told Anderson Cooper - Another Tranny - that President Obama is responsible for the entire Russia Dossier and the “Russian Investigation.”

Apparently the entire Rat Pack that surrounded the last President is turning on him - and there is not one loyal rat in his pack.

As Operation Crossfire Hurricane is exposed Clapper is now exposing all - who was involved, what they did, where they went, where they got money from - everything.

The entire Treasonous Plot -  the Complete Destruction of Planet Earth - it’s all coming out.

This could be fun folks so continues to pray these Rats are exposed and stopped.

2) In their constant push for a Massive World Conflict President’s Putin and Trump are about to sign new treaties limiting Nuclear Warheads.

What has not been discussed is that Russia, China and the US have agreed not to follow the United Nations Program called “Atoms For Peace” and make more Nuclear Weapons for smaller nations like North Korea and Pakistan.

3) Further - the Deep State FBI Plot to arrest the Russian Student sent to America  to uncover a plot to kill President Trump and be used to block the latest Supreme Court Nominee  Judge Brett Kavanaugh is backfiring because the truth is now coming out.

Despite the Main Stream media’s lying about the entire trial those that matter are beginning to see the bigger picture - cooperate with the Lefty Loony Deep State and die in a Ball Of Fire as a Nuclear Conflict erupts or cooperate with President Trump and stop this march towards destruction.


3) Sanctuary cities are in big trouble state wide.

Here just south of us in Oregon a new group has arisen - one knowing these Lefty Loony’s are funded by the FBI.

In response a new groups is now pushing for a measure on the ballot that will force Oregon Police to cooperate with ICE.

Why the Governor Of Oregon has not been arrested for treason speaks volumees about our worthless Federal Justice Department.

Anyway - folks are fed up with these Loony’s and going back to basics and taking it tot the local state levels.

4) In the streets of America the Lefty Loony’s have been pushing free drugs and free needle exchanges for years now.

The new synthetic Fentanly the left is allowing to be developed is around 10,000 stronger that Morphine.

This year the CDC estimates over 100,000 deaths will occur due to illegal drugs.

So now this Lefty Policy of Free Drugs is destroying our nation.

After I worked with the Russians on pulling 360 US made Nukes out of Iran and stopping the US/Iran Nuclear Was  the FBI made me homeless for around 6 months.

Real homeless numbers are about 10 Million here in America - about 150,000 just in New York City alone - and about 1 million of them die every year - mostly from drugs.

Keep in mind that here in America over 106,000 people here in died from legal prescription use and about 784,000 died from medical mistakes.

Now do you understand why we support

Get The Tea


Denas Pain Relief Store

5) Overseas - the Red Communist Party has discovered the have pushed too hard.

In their latest initiative called “MADE IN CHINA 2025” the Chinese are spending Billion on subsidizing industries that will destroy overseas manufacturing of Electronics and Electric Train Parts.

In response to these Socialist Policies the rest of the world is apparently placing Tariffs on Chinese Made Products - not just the United States.

So the Leaders - not wishing to inflame the Trump Administration - have ordered their press to not put out any negative stories about him.

Finally - we are all waking up to the fact that Globalism is about a one world religion following Lucifer.

They have gone too far and we are all waking up.

Please pray for our President’s Safety and that he does as GOD directs him to do.

The Wall Of Truth

See You Tomorrow

Dr William B. Mount


Clapper: Obama Was Behind The Whole Thing | Zero Hedge

Putin-Trump Race To Reach Critical Nuclear Agreement Smashes Into Warfare State Doomsday Machine

Sanctuary Cities Suffer An Unpredicted Setback, And In A Very Liberal State

Leave Trump alone, says Beijing - Inkstone

Fentanyl-Related Deaths Double In Six Months; Officials Warn The Third-Wave Will Be A "Crisis" | Zero Hedge

Prescription Drugs Kill Over 100,000 People Each Year – Health Freedom Idaho

Globalism Is Anti-Christ, Demonic, Theologians Argue

Dems In Congress Turning Against Their Party - It's Too Evil

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Dems Afraid Of Their Own Party Now



Dems In Congress Now Trurning Against their Party - YouTube


Welcome to the Smartest, Most Active audience in the world.


Thank You Get The Tea for your Gymnema and Apple Cider Vinegar - our now order just came and the Guirls will be here for Pick-up on Monday.

The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.

Many Democrats across the nation are beginning to wake up and realize what their party really stands for - the killing of 7 Billion Humans and the One World Government led by Lucifer.

Of course - this means an immediate Nuclear strike on Washington DC and New York City AND Chicago just to get things going and this means - of course - they die in a Full Scale Nuclear Blast.
Can we say 17 December (+-3 Days) US Intel?

May include Moscow and Silycone Valley as well just East of Hunters Point ant High Noon?


In a vote in Congress it was just reported that 18 Leading Democrats voted for the bill to spend more money on “The Boarder Wall” and increase funding for ICE along the boarder.

They are beginning to realize what an additional 800 Million Muslim Refugees from Africa would mean to North America over the next 8 years as their water runs out and their farms dry out.

Not a pretty picture.

Of course -  you may never read about this because companies like Facebook have directed traffic away fm news sites that tell the truth by over 93% as the Monopoly Google continues to destroy any competition.

Here on our videos for every 120 hits our video channels receive Google gives us 1 hit - so Our Traffic has been reduced by about 99.2%.

As long as the Feds do nothing to enforce the anti-monopoly laws - this will accelerate.

So as the New Leading Star of the Democratic Party Emerges nbad news gets censored in HIS/HER run for Congresswoman/Man in New York State -  the Crossdressing Man Ocasio-Cortez is beginning to scare folks as they are waking  as to what she really stands for and -

They do not like it.

To sum it up in her own words:

Open Boarders

No rights to the public

No freedom of Speech

No right to keep and near arms

No right to privacy

Everything belongs to the state - Cars. Houses, property, even your clothes.

Raising taxes to support Illegal Aliens - thus forcing most US Corporations to close their doors

Absolute Tyranny and Terror across the nation until we reach a poin t in the Cloward-Pivens Plan where America is utterly destroyed internally and begins lobbing Nukes.

The death of 7 Billion Humans

Thus is the New Face of the Democrats - a Crossdressing Transvestite who wants you dead.

Either These Freaks will be arrested by the Weeenies in the US Justice Department or they will tear this nation down Brick By Brick.

That is their goal.

For fun this CIA Funded Crossdresser running for Congress shows a sign where she cuts off President Trump’s Head.

This Nuclear war they are demanding would kill Jeff Sessions and everyone in the FBI Headquarters as well.

Please pray these Misfits like Jeff Sessions, the Directors of the FBI and 77 other US Intelligence Agencies, and those in the White House actually wake up really soon.

So while President Trump is actually preparing another SALT Treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) and a new INF Treaty(Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) with Russia in an attempt to reduce the threat of Nuclear War these Democrats are trying to start one.

Many Democrats in Congress are beginning to shy away from supporting this idea of their own deaths, the deaths of their wives, hteir sons and daughters and their grandchildren as well as their Moms and dads.

For those of you who think this fight is about spending more money on Welfare or Healthcare vs. cutting taxes you are sorely mistaken and completely uninformed.

As you recall - on the 12th
Of July (9th +-3) a Nuclear Weapon did not go off next to the UN Headquarters in Hells Gate in an attempt to start WW3.

To this end of preventing a massive Nuclear Exchange President Trump has invited President Putin to the White House to sign these historic treaties.

Unfortunately - The Planet is up against some pretty entrenched Lucifatrians who are impossible to reign in so please pray those pushing for War are immediately immobilized for life..


Over the last week US Arms Dealers celebrated the sales of more weapons in the First 6 Months of 2018 than all of last year at over $47 Billion and the Defense Department Budget just keeps going up and up and up.


As Russia dumps the US Dollar their credit Rating seems to be going up and up according to the S&P global Credit Rating Agency.


The Chinese Economy seems to be imploding - and the Swiss have no plans to return the Chinese Gold they borrowed during WW2 and used to back the Euro.

This may lead to - of course - a very slow time table in the introduction of any Real Gold Backed Yuan for international trading.

Without a stable currency and without their gold the creation of this Yuan as a Gold Backed Trade Note will lead to a Fake Currency - another Fiat ready for collapse.

The Chinese, like so many other nations - were duped into spending their Tax Dollars on their Military rather than their Infrastructure.

It should get interesting from here on out.

Sit back and enjoy the show.

Please pray for our President’s Safety and that he does as GOD directs him to do.

The Wall Of Truth

See You Tomorrow with a really special story that may shock all us as we dig up the truth about ….

Dr William B. Mount


18 Big Dems Just Turned On Party To Support ICE, Terrified Of What's Coming Without Trump’s Wall

As Democrats Panic Over "Rising Star" Ocasio-Cortez, "Abolish ICE" Beheads Fake Trump | Zero Hedge

SHOCK STUDY: Facebook Has Eliminated 93% of Traffic to Top Conservative Websites Since 2016 Election

TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy - Russia, US holding closed-door consultations on New START, INF treaties — ambassador

Trump Invites Putin to White House for Second Summit - News From Antiwar.com

The New Handmaids of the Warfare State – Dems and the Liberal Media - Antiwar.com Original

Lobbyists rejoice as US sells more arms in 6 months than in whole of 2017 — RT US News

S&P affirms Russia's credit rating, says Moscow is able to weather new sanctions — RT Business News

CIA official: China is waging a 'cold war' against us - CNNPolitics

China GDP Growth Slows After Record Contraction In Shadow Banking Credit | Zero Hedge