Tuesday, June 21, 2016

CIA Assassination Attempt On Trump Fails

Trump Assassination Attempt By CIA Fails


Many of you call to ask for verification of what I do and since this is YOUR channel we will discuss this

Video: CIA Assassination Attempt On Trump Fails - YouTube

YOU come up with my news stories

YOU have a voice - thank YOU for subscribing

The Cure For Arthritis - we produced this based on YOUR calls

So now we discuss what YOU want

What we are about to do is to show you is how Title 41 RAW INTELLIGENCE works:

I get information from various sources and try to pass it on in stories. I am a Retired Captain and do not work for anyone, I report only to GOD

We focus on stories about who is trying to kill whom, what bomb is being sent where, where Munitions are being sent. and how to stop these shipments

People like the Secrets Service and Russian SVR (KGB) listen.

These horrible things are stopped through this release of information.

It all began about 10 years ago the two senior 1st Special Forces came to me to tell me they were being deployed to kill President Bush on 4 April 2007 and Nuke Salt Lake City two days later. They came to me because they thought I could stop it. Me - a disabled vet and retired no body - but they were watching me try and stop the VA from selling Active Duty military records around the world in Federal Court

A year later I had a list of titles that was very impressive but the FBI had stripped me of every thing I owned - a price we must pay to preserve Freedom.

What amazed me at the time is that NO Federal Agency Cared about Treason - Not the FBI Corporation, Not the CIA Corporation, not the other 78 US Intelligence Corporations - not even the Secret Service Corporation - no one.

The rest is history - we have stopped over 150 assassination attempts on Presidents around the world and over 100 Nuclear False Flags through Prior Notification through TV, Internet, and You Tube stories like this one.

I do not work for any one, I have no contacts, and for the most part, I feel the “Federal Agencies” (Foreign Corporations) are inept and filled with very bad people. They know how I feel but this is my country and we all have a responsibility to preserve her the best way we can despite these inept Agencies.

I actually have contempt for most of these Foreign Owned Corporations like the BLM, CIA, FBI, or any other ABC Corporations.

On the other hand we have reached a point where now they must care or be caught up in a Huge Nuclear War and even if they survive those living in Caves under the Earth will reject them harshly. They are being forced to care to they, and their families, will die.

So today Sorcha (Joint CIA/KGB outfit) came out with a story showing how the man who killed the British Member of Parliament (MP) Joe Cox (Thomas Mair) on te 16th and the man who attempted to kill Donald Trump (Michael Sanford) on the 18th in Las Vagas both have ties to the CIA and British Intelligence.

Thomas Mair has already claimed in court to be White Male Survivalist who have rights, and Michael Sanford will do the same and they will both be sent to a “Mental Hospital” and then sent out overseas by the CIA to be reused to kill within a year.
Just like we said would happen about 45 days ago. GOD is never wrong.

We talked about the New York Office of the CIA (Fusion Center) organizing and funding the Orlando “Fake Shootings” (2 Shootings) about 6 weeks ago and now it comes out that this was correct - they also funded the murder of British Parliament Members and the attempt on Donald Trump.

How do they get paid?

Digital Money created on a computer.
The DRUG money they collect is used to pay off people to topple governments that “Disagree” with their point of view - like in Venezuela and Brazil. We warned them - but they failed to listen. Shame on them.

That’s how it works.

So - now that the other nations “Intel Agencies” know who is doing this they can go to work dealing with them in an ever so harsh way.

I wish you all the best - thank you for watching and subscribing as profits go to helping people reduce the costs of products that Cure Cancer, Alzheimers, Lymes Disease, etc.

Please pray that Hillary’s Handlers  - the focal point for these murders -  are themselves changed to follow the Living GOD and that Hillary and Billary see the light.

As a former President - If Billary comes we will help heal his Parkinson’s Disease - his brain is dissolving and his Brain Implants are not working well. This can be reversed so easily…

Thank you for watching.

Dr William B. Mount

For You Intel Geeks:

For those of you in these agencies who are trying to stop this insanity - good, keep on keeping on. Your directors are cowards and, for the most part, Weird Cross Dressers. There will be change now starting at the top

Notice the Pyramids of Ceres, the Huge one under the Himalayas, and the other 2 that just appeared on Planet Earth?

Nothing you have can touch them - nothing.

There will be changes for the better. Hang on.

By the way - War Plans to invade Russia in 12 days have just been “Terminated” by someone very, very powerful

A reminder for the Rothchilds - they know where you are hiding and can destroy you at any moment - they know about the 128 US Underground Bases, and every cave you have chosen to hide in.

They are coming to change you - to release you from Demons placed on you - so hang on.

We are all praying that you are changed to follow GOD without the interference of these Tryants who have enslaved you so you will be able to make the decisions YOU know YOU should make

You will be changed - for the better - and freed from the Tyrants Control
Folks - Be Ready For Some Turmoil - so get what YOU need NOW.


The CIA New Russia After The US Planned 2016/2017 Russian Revolution:

Whimsical Future Map of Siberia Siberians Actually Want More Independence

CIA Attempt To Break Russia Up So They Can Murder At Will With No Opposition:


The man in behind the Murder of Joe Cox and attempt on Trump  - out of the New York CIA Office:

Where the CIA Murderers are Reprogrammed:

CIA Document Showing How They Create A Murderers:

CIA Murdered Joe Cox:

Labour MP Jo Cox, a mother of two, has died after being gunned down in an attack near Leeds. Police are pictured with a man near the scene

Labour MP Jo Cox dies after being shot and stabbed as husband urges people to 'fight against the hate' that killed her

Assassins Who Killed British MP Jo Cox And Targeted Donald Trump Tied To UK Military, CIA

CIA Document Scan On Creating Mind-Controlled Assassins | ThereAreNoSunglasses

Man arrested for wanting to 'kill Trump' in Vegas was in US illegally — RT America

What to Know About Jo Cox’s Murder Suspect Thomas Mair | TIME

Man arrested for wanting to 'kill Trump' in Vegas was in US illegally — RT America

British man tried to take officer’s gun to kill Donald Trump at rally, police say | US news | The Guardian

Monday, June 20, 2016

NATO Maneuvering For War - Why?

NATO Maneuvering For War - Why?

NATO Prepares For War - Why?



Within the last week NATO has mover around 100,000 troops to the Russian Boarder - including around 60,000 US soldiers

The Russia Deputy Defense Minister has recently learned that the Launch Targeting Array on the US Missiles in Poland and Romania have recently has been changed form Defensive to Offensive - targeting what he believes is Russian Cities - but the US refuses to share any information about this to Russia

In addition, over 50,000 US/Nato troops are conducting exercises on the Russian Boarder in Poland and the Baltic States

If the US launches any Nuclear weapons at Russia there will be an automatic response - the world ends that day.

If a nuke goes off in the wrong place - good by planet Earth

What are they hiding - what are these leaders trying to suppress and not allow you to access?

Why are they trying so hard to keep the British Exit from the EU?

Why are all the Rothchilds - according to Banjamin Fulford - all in hiding and why is McChord Air Force Base flying re-supply missions to the Far East at an alarming rate?

Could it be that Deutch Bank - worth over 75 Trillion Dollars of worthless Derivatives - the Bank of the Vatican Empire - is about to break so they are trying to create a war to hide this?

GOD warned them, they did not listen, now they are ready to fall apart. Their Bankstas will be skinned alive - not a joke…

The economy is now tanking thanks to the leadership running both Europe and the United States, who’s $16 Trillion Dollar GDP includes $6 Trillion in government Spending - which leads to a real GDP of around $10 Trillion

The Obama and EU administrations have killed small businesses in America - have you ever had a small business?

China’s Economy is also tanking - there is no one to produce for - no one is paying.
Remember Basic Economics - for every dollar the Government taxes it takes $6 out of the economy?

For every $1 Trillion Dollars in taxes $6 Trillion In Real GDP is eliminated.

Just as a side note - look at the sales of Caterpillar Tractors over the last 18 months…..

Again - 65% of the US stock Market Trading is done by Artificial Intelligence. Do not expect a BIG crash - expect the dollar to go away as Economist Jim Willie says. It would not hurt you to subscribe to his website.
So we pray that the Evil is converted to good, that GOD returns with HIS angels quickly to fix this mess these leader’s handlers have created.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

For You Intel Geeks:

Want to know why a Growing and Glowing Pyramid is on the planet Ceres?

Want to know who put it there and why?

Stay tuned, subscribe.

Russia: UN Coded Message: War to begin Taurus Full Moon, watch for assassination attempts against Putin that day along with the Power Brokers like Sergio.

Taurus - Bull Headed, War...

The NAZI's invaded Russia two days before the New Moon, you do the astrology and math on that one. The Obama Handlers are insane, suicidal and absolutely crazy.

Taurus Full Moon 19 July 2016 - Moon Giant

Taurus New Moon - in about 13 days?

Watch Tibilsi for US (Muslim) actions headed North and Gulf of Ob for strange things.

U.S. and Russian Jets Clash Over Syria - The Daily Beast

CAT Retail Sales LT.jpg (1138×649)


Caterpillar | Retail Statistics

Sears and Kmart closures: Here's the full list | OregonLive.com

NATO’s Gamble With World War III: Peace Is Possible Only with Russia and China!

Hillary Clinton Push For War Beings World To Brink

The Elephant In The Room: Deutsche Bank's $75 Trillion In Derivatives Is 20 Times Greater Than German GDP | Zero Hedge

Sunday, June 19, 2016




Here we show how to “Cure “ Arthritis.


1) What is Arthritis?

The Greek Word Arthritis means Disease of the Bones.

For most of us it means stiffness, and pain with eventual crippling effects.

Several  doctors told me personally that 95% of all patients tested were positive for one of the 500 different types of Relapsing Fevers like Lymes Disease.

Relapsing Fever is almost always associated with Malaria, Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis, although there is almost no studies available to the public confirming this. This author was allowed to search through the Restricted VA Library but not allowed to print these articles.

This is similar to 99% of the Autistic Children we are working with - they all have in their blood:

1) Nangalese - which damages the nerves tremendously
2) Lyme Disease (Relapsing Fever)
3) Uranium in their blood
4) Most have Malaria

2) What does Arthritis do?

Now that we know what it is - what does it do?

It cripples you with pain through out the body

The deformation found in the hands is almost identical to that found in those who have nutrient deficiencies, specifically of Calcium and Magnesium.

These deficiencies are associated with Cancer, Autism, and almost every other disease and in many cases are caused by the drugs that are supposed to “Cure” you of these diseases

3) How do you get rid of  Arthritis?

Well - like any disease you never really get rid of it completely but once you knock it back and begin to eat right the products below help your body to remain healthy so you feel great.

So here is what you do:

a) Stop Eating GMO Foods - Period. No Bread (Spent is OK), no GMO Soybeans, No Canola Oil, No GMO Corn, no Dairy of any kind, etc.

Keep in mind - Organically grown GMO is still GMO so no matter how well they package it the food is still poison - especially wheat and Canola Oil.

b) Add a Super Food like Sea Weed to your diet. We eat 1 teaspoon of Dulse Flake form Main Coast Sea Weed daily

c) Add Immusist (Surfactant) to allow your water to stop clumping and allow the nutrients to get inside the cells.

d) Add Cirticare (Contains Surfactant know as Glycerine) to your diet to get rid of infections like Yeast

e) Be careful with all of this as the Surfactants Immusist and Citricare will enhance the effectiveness of the Drugs you are taking

Personal Notes:

So - like my wife says - Arthritis is cause by a Nutrient Deficiency cause by bad food, drugs or a bugs like Lymes Disease.

The procedures, especially eliminating GMOs and adding Sea Weed and Immusist, have ALWAYS produced positive results for the last 26 years.

A Note about Lupus: One doctor told me 95% of his Lupus Patients lost their Lupus after eating I Teaspoon of Diatamatious Earth for 30 days - in these cases the Lupus was caused by Intestinal Worms.

The Overseas Medical Association recommends Bitter Worm Wood (Artimesia Annua) to eliminate parasites. Be careful as this is a very powerful herb.

Below are the phone numbers of the products we showed:

Main Coast Sea Vegetables: 207-565-2907, 207-412-0094
Immusist: 888-02-3315
Citricare: 800-622-8446
Uncle Harry’s Breathing Oil: 866-781-0815

A complete list can be found on the video : THE CURE FOR DEPRESSION


I do not receive and form of Compensation from these companies and I do not think even think Uncle Harry’s or Main Coast Sea Vegetables even know I exist.

Forget about the reference on this story - we are breaking new ground.

I appreciate each and every viewer and subscriber.

Arthritis Hand:

Hands Of A Person With Nutrient Deficiencies:

Almost identical?

Cure the Nutrient Deficiencies, stop eating the GMOs and drugs that cause these deficiencies with Sea Weed and Immusist and Citricare and please  allow yourself to breath freely with Uncle Harry’s Breathing Mix and the Arthritis will begin to subside

As a side note - we use the Uncle Harry Breathing Mix to make our house smell good naturally - it really helps with my Athesma.

It is a very slow process - but what are your choices?

More drugs, crippling Arthritis?

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Links below this video can help you buy products that are non GMO foods and help detoxify your body,

Please pray that GOD helps you eliminate your Arthritis and that he provides you the funds to get the products that help YOU heal.