Sunday, August 10, 2014

Run Away, Obama, Run Away

"Run Away, Obama, Run Away! Its vicious - its a rabbit and it has fangs! Prepare the Holy Grenade of Antioch." - See the movie: Monty Pithon and the Holy Grail.

(Please pray that his superiors can do no more harm to America and the world)

This is a great time to get away from New York and DC. With all the efforts the IMF has put into warning us about the actions against these two cities on the 16th (+-3 days) of this month is it no wonder he has gone and run away like a Cowardice Little Child?

His chiefs in the DOD will also run away from the Pentagon for the same reasons - cowards.

You in the US military fight for blithering Corporate Cowards in the Pentagon and the White House.

So here is what the Rothchilds have planned to start this new war: 14 August a team of CIA (I Mean White Supremists, or Islamic Extremists, Whatever.....) plan to shoot an Obama Double at Martha Vineyards on 14 August. Two days later two things are planned: A Plane lands in DC with the Plague of some type - likely Ebola - and a nuclear missile is planned to be launched  at New York City - a very large Nuke.

Look specifically at planes coming into France and maybe Berlin with numbers like: 17, 50, 369 - or 777, 888 ---- odd sequences these Rothchilds targeted to carry Ebola.

Keep in mind we have the cure.

I suppose if I had two CIA shooters after me, a Nuclear missile and a Plague I might think twice about staying in town but then - I do not command the DOD.

Oh Yea - USC 5, Sec 101-105 - The IMF (Rothchilds) command the DOD, I forgot.

This is the IMF's last chance to spare their mighty Roman Empire. The bankers of the BRIC Nations plan on drying up the IMF and thus interest rates should begin to rise in September - but since they are pre-set by the Rothchilds Banking System in London we shall see what happens.

I had no idea the Rothchilds controlled Nukes directly form their banking head quarters - wow. 

In the mean time Russia has had at least a dozen long range bomber incursions over the Pacific North West in the last Month and the US DOD and our Coward and Chief ED General Dempsey has done nothing to stop these incursions, nor has President Obama.

So I suppose we are ripe for destruction.

If foreign Intel Agencies  and their militaries do nothing for about 1 week we could have a dead President's Double, New York City will be gone, and Dc will be locked down for an Ebola Outbreak as the USAF 60th Air Wing again sprays this city with a very powerful disease - Ebola ans CRE.

Then we can have a complete Nuclear War just like the Rothchilds Banking System has been ordered to do by the Roman Pope and the Great Ahseron White Spirits.
For You Intel Geeks - 6 Zeroes Strikes Again

There is a Nigerian Congressman who invited a certain high ranking Nigerian Banksta over to his place last night. They got a little Friskie and she cut his private parts off with a knife. The Congressman bled to death. The official story is that the Congressman began bleeding from the mouth and died in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waste - yeah, right. Why would he wrap his private parts with a towel if he was throwing up blood?

The certain Banksta is being held on charges of murder. So what do you suppose some Muslim Judge will do to this female Banksta?

Another Banksta bites the dust. 12 June and you missed it. The longer you wait the more Bankstas that will die.

Who's Next?
The News You Are Not Supposed To Know

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, August 8, 2014

US Patent For Nuclear Tunneling Machines

Following is the US Patent for Nuclear Tunneling Machines.

(Please pray these stores go viral)

Imagine connecting cities with underground trains and roadway systems where the transportation network is completely protected form outside influences.

Well - the USASF has been doing this now for about 42 years and here is the patent:

US Patent Number: us 3693731 A, Method For Apparatus For Tunneling By Melting

Now for the tough questions: What do you really think this underground civilization needs with US, Russian, Chinese... politicians when the Proverbial Poop hits the fan?

Nothing. They will be terminated. The Senators, Prime Ministers, members of the Foreign Cabinets, Ambassadors, FBI, CIA, NSA - htey serve no role for these underground cities and are a liability because of what they know so they will be terminated.

We either learn to live together on this planet or we will all go together when we go and that will be very soon.

One last question: No filter removes Biological Weapons so what happens when the sun goes nuts and genetically modifies the US Made Ebola, HIV, Hepatitis C-G, and other  US made bugs - what happens when they filter underground into these DUMB bases?

Those living underground die from pandemics.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

(Please also pray for gentle rains for California and the American South West - the rain will allow these US Made Bugs to filter down into these underground bases and expose these folks to the same thing we are being exposed to - so pray for gentle rains)

Patent US3693731 - Method and apparatus for tunneling by melting - Google Patents

What an open mind can learn: Tunnels under the USA and Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

US Patent For Swine Flu

US Patent For Swine Flu: # 8124101

Patent Granted November 2009.

Application date for the Patent: 1 June 2004.

The swine flu outbreak was April 2009.

So all of these diseases were made in the USA

1) Swine Flu
2) HIV
3) Ebola
4) Hepatitis C, D, E, F, G

5) Chemtrails
6) GMO Foods meant to kill - like wheat.
7) Many, many  more like the T-4 Nanobot, Morgellons, etc.

The US Corporation is legally responsible for all deaths and damages caused by these diseases.

The US COrporation is owned by the IMF, which is owned by the Rothchilds, which is run for the Vatican Bank, which is owned by the Roman Catholic Church, who's leader is still the Emperor or the Roman Empire,the 4th Reich.

Patent US8124101 - Genetically engineered swine influenza virus and uses thereof - Google Patents

The News You Are Not SUpposed To Have

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Any Questions?

US Patent For HIV

The US Patent for HIV is: US 4747773

The US Patent for the Cure For HIV US: 5676977

The Cure is Colloidal SIlver.

So here is how you make Colloidal Silver.

When you brush your teeth wet your tooth brush. Rub it into Organic Non-aluminum Baking Soda.

Scrub a Canadian Silver Coin with the baking soda mix and swallow.

How much silver do you get?

The patent did not say what the "Cure Rate" was for HIV - or more commonly know as Sheep Wasting Disease not form Norway but from Montana. I have the original college text book on it's creation. Yup - in the 1970s it was in ca few College Manuals.

We use Sea Weed and Immusist and out of 5,000 people positive for HIV taking 45 drops of Immusist a day for 35 days they all 5,000 remained negative for HIV after 6 months.

Who knows - maybe it will come back - but 5,000 out of 5,000 is a pretty good sample, right?

(((Please pray Lucifer's US Corporate Forces stop blocking their website.)))

Wow - words are appearing in the story all by themselves.

Good Job US Army Cyber Command. You missed the 12 June Deadline. The longer you wait the more of you that die ----  a 2 star general yesterday in Afghanistan?

More to come.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr WIlliam B.Mount

Poland Mobilizes For War

Poland gave the orders to mobilize for war about 12 hours ago.

Russia gave orders to Mobilize 46 hours ago.

(Please Pray That Eastern European Leaders Really Listen and Do As GOD Asks)

In the last few days as President Obama ordered US troops into the Ukraine to kill Ukrainians and Russians and the US Corporate Air Force to bomb Iraq as the world mobilizes for a full scale war.

Our troops spend 20 years in Iraq and build up lasting friendships and rebuild a nation we utterly destroyed and then a Nut Case like President Obama and Erectile Disfunction General Dempsey (Chief of Staff) orders the US to bomb Iraq while we still have US troops there protecting arms shipments to the Kurds. These leaders like Obama and Dempsey are Murdering Nutcases - Off Their Rocker, Absolutely and Completely Utterly Insane and no one in hte military seems man enough to stop these Fascist Pigs.

We stopped them in 1945, we can stop them again.

I am urging the leaders of Eastern Europe to rethink your full scale mobilization.

A Full scale War will mean the deaths of YOU and your people.

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldov, Bellarus - you have always been run over by the major powers in World Wars and your leaders killed. The presence of US troops and missiles in your countries make you a target for the 177 BRIC nations.

This war is not about you - it is about the expansion of English Fascist Power - the 4th Reich centered in Rome and run out of London.

May I suggest you work with the BRIC nations rather than antagonize them.

OK - the Former Soviet Economic Block can never form as long as The Blessings of Russia reside in the United States - but you can come to an agreement to work with the BRIC Nations, can't you?

Think about it - Norway and Sweden were allies of Hitler and are now staging weapons for the US War Machine.

Remember - the IMF owns the US Corporation and thus funds the Department of Defense.

The IMF is located in London, not DC.

President Obama and his 6 doubles are mere Puppets, Marionettes, controlled by the IMF.

You are not at war with the American People, or the Russian People, or even the English People. You are at war with those who lead the IMF.

Eastern European Leaders - Man Up - face your real enemies. Face the people who run the Fourth Reich and destroy "Zeig Heil"once and for all.

Remember the symbols of Fascism - they are on the walls of the Hermitage. Go there and ask GOD to show you. Then look up and see the 14 foot high Roman Chariot on top of the building - the Legal Home of the Roman Empire. Under this building in an ancient chamber are the papers that confirm this statement. When it is time they will be revealed, or not.

Poland - Stand Down.

Bellarus - Stand Down.

With the help of dozens of Intel Agencies around the world we have stopped this US Formented War for 7 years now.

We can no longer stop this war without your assistance. When the US Corporation again pushes for Nuclear War through a False Flag 17 August do not fall for it. At this time their Intel Agencies are so fragmented their plans are in shambles - but they know they must have a False Flag on 17 August (+- 3 Days).

I recently spoke with a Buddhist Master and they saw a Nuclear Missile flying into New York City and they permanent War work wide after that for hundreds of years. Brothers killing fathers, Mothers killing their children. No time frame was given, just one of many visions we can stop.

Gentleman - stop this madness before GOD does. You will not like HIS methods.

Work with Russia - with with their Economic Council and their military.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

US Patents Creating Hepatitis C, D, E, F, G

Following is a link to a US patent stating Hepatitis C,D,E,F,G and all created in the US Bio Weapons Labs.

This is US Patent Number: US5874563

We had the cure since before Vietnam.

Any questions?

Patent US5874563 - Hepatitis G virus and molecular cloning thereof - Google Patents

Dr William B. Mount

The Cure For Autism Update 14

As you may recall we have walked 202 children out of autism to the point where the kids can go back to High School and complete their degree.

(Please pray that this story dgoes Viral among parents with Autism and that they follow these procedures we outline today. It worked in 202 out of 202 children, and for gentle rains in the South Western usA)

The Cure Definition - you create a situation in your body where it heals itself.
Here are the steps to Cure Autism:

1) Eat NO wheat, Cow Dairy or Canola Oil.

2) Eat no chemicals - like MSG, Diulegualamtate, Propylene Glycol,  Bla Bla Bla.

3) No sweetners except Stevia and Xyletol to harder their teeth.

4) No Artificial Anything - like Food Coloring made of Oil.

5) Eat Daily: 15 drops of Immusist per day - start with 1-2 drops per day and work up.

6) Eat Sea Weed. I think one ounce per week per person is a good start. Vary the types.

This will cure Ebola (Use 45 drops per day), Cancer, HIV, reverse stroke damage, regrow alomst dead kidneys and livers and pancreases, reverse diabetes..........and every other malady we have used it on except Nano Chips like Morgellon's Diseaase.

For Morgellon's Disease  we wear magnets to confuse these little man made bugs and we use a foot bath (Ion Cleans) to pull them out of out bodies.
Back to the story - as you recall we have been tracking two children with Autism.

In this case the now 12 year old Little Girl is the daughter of a Doctor. We introduced her mom to Immusist 18 months ago when the child was able to speak or even look someone in the eyes or ride a bike.

Within a month she began to speak and ride a bicycle - 15 drops per day.

Last weekend her neighbor was having a party and had set up a huge Water Slide. The Little Girl asked her mom if she could go over and play with the neighbor kids.

1) She then dressed herself and put on a bathing suit and they went over to play.

2) Before crossing the street she looked both ways for cars.

3) She talked with the neighbor children.

4) She waited her turn in line.

5) She went up the ladder by herself.

6) She slid down the water slide by herself.

7) She got in line again and did it again all by herself.

8) She actually led her little brother and taught him how to do it.

9) She came home and showered herself without help.

10) She put her bathing suit in the clothes hamper all by her little self.

11) The she came down for dinner.

Not bad for an incurable nonfunctioning autistic child.

Total cost to the mom per month: About $30 per month.
APFN: Isn't it great to be part of something great?

The News You Must Hear

Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malta - Russian
Russian Bishop, Orthodox Church, St Petersburg, Russia.
Cpt (Ret) USA