Showing posts with label HIV Patent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HIV Patent. Show all posts

Thursday, August 7, 2014

US Patent For HIV

The US Patent for HIV is: US 4747773

The US Patent for the Cure For HIV US: 5676977

The Cure is Colloidal SIlver.

So here is how you make Colloidal Silver.

When you brush your teeth wet your tooth brush. Rub it into Organic Non-aluminum Baking Soda.

Scrub a Canadian Silver Coin with the baking soda mix and swallow.

How much silver do you get?

The patent did not say what the "Cure Rate" was for HIV - or more commonly know as Sheep Wasting Disease not form Norway but from Montana. I have the original college text book on it's creation. Yup - in the 1970s it was in ca few College Manuals.

We use Sea Weed and Immusist and out of 5,000 people positive for HIV taking 45 drops of Immusist a day for 35 days they all 5,000 remained negative for HIV after 6 months.

Who knows - maybe it will come back - but 5,000 out of 5,000 is a pretty good sample, right?

(((Please pray Lucifer's US Corporate Forces stop blocking their website.)))

Wow - words are appearing in the story all by themselves.

Good Job US Army Cyber Command. You missed the 12 June Deadline. The longer you wait the more of you that die ----  a 2 star general yesterday in Afghanistan?

More to come.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr WIlliam B.Mount