Showing posts with label Arcane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arcane. Show all posts

Thursday, November 6, 2014

UN Broadcast 6 November 2014

Coming to you from the heart of the United Nations is a broadcast form the Lucis Trust arcane Library in London.

(Please pray the Living GOD opens you mind to the truth and lies in every thing)

The broadcast focused on what is really out there and began with a story about Dr Alexander.

This Neuro Surgeon had no real beliefs about religion but as a Neuro Surgeon he believed in getting into hte Human Body and fixing it.

Dr Alexander also did not believe in Out of Body Experiences he thought they were caused by an Oxygen deprived Brain - Until......

He caught a very bad bacteria and went into a coma very rapidly. At this point he was taken around by an "Angel" or "Orb" and shown many things about the higher planes of existence.

When he came out of his come he remembered nothing until - he saw a picture of his dead Half Sister,. He knew he had one, but never knew what she looked like. This woman was the "Angel" that took him in to the higher harmonics for about 7 days - all the memories came flooding back into his mind.

After we die he described the plane where our souls are as a plane of Orbs, very happy and content Obs, all glowing with happiness and radiating love.

Our goal here on the material planes is to come down here and over come our desires for material goods and then, once conquered, return to this plane and progress up into the higher harmonics.

Almost all Seances are Spirit-ists who can contact spirits from the Astral Plane (3rd Dim, 2nd Harmonics) and these spirits who come down are Mimickers - liars. They pretend to be a lost loved one but in fact remember parts of your dead ones lives because they were there to cling onto them, suck off of them like parasites.

When these Mimickers come down into this plane they suck off of your pain over your desire to speak to you lost love ones.

(Be careful - once called they do not like to return. They hate Harp music.)

Once we give up these material  desires we can often hear from those who have passed on before us trying to guide us, help us, understand what is real and not real.

Mars currently rules Planet Earth and this means our 5 senses are very heavy right now. Mars is going away and our ability to reach into the higher planes is returning. The Veil is being rendered between the Harmonics.

Once we learn to master the higher energies then death and decay cease. We will be able to manifest on this physical plane all that we need and merge the Spiritual Planes with the material planes.
These were the teachings of the United Nations "Teachers" today and I am grateful to be one of about 400 of us to attend via the internet.

Apparently these teachers  meditate 3 days before and 3 days after the Full Moon and the meditation rooms are not always quiet.

During the hums I noticed non-human sounds and a large amount of dis-unity from these spirit beings - they were highly agitated.

 Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, August 17, 2014

UN Broadcasts 10/11 August 2014

There were two more interesting UN broadcasts over the weekend. Sometimes they take a while to sink in.

(Please pray that you learn what you are supposed to learn)

The two broadcasts were centered around the Full Moon - the largest Full Moon in 15 years with the moon being only about 221,904 miles form the Earth.

This is a Full Moo Broadcast and as such the Group gathers together, either by Computer, hone, or physically  to create a form of Group Fusion -- kind of like combining prayers.

As a group, for example,

1) We pray for light and gentle rains (as we read this story) across the Pacific South West and they happen - and are continuing to happen - to refill the aquifers.

2) We pray that those destroying Freedom and America (As we read this) are destroyed and they are being killed world wide.

So last weekend the UN group came together to support the group effort in changing Humanity to accept the New Christ coming from Shamballa.

The latest broadcast centered around the Leo Full Moon as represented by: "I Am That And That I Am."

During this full moon we extend our souls to reach up the Harmonics and across the galaxy through Shamballa and the Sun and into Syrius - the star that gave Earth it's life - our overseers so to speak. SO thus we go a distance and up through the Harmonics by a factor of 2 I believe.

The three levels of the illuminati are Red (Bottom) White (Middle) Top (Blue) with the top temple  - the Blue Temple - being on the Syrius A star system.

Red/White /Blue

The alignment with Shamballa and Syrius A allows up to reach up more easily and draw down energies form above.

By the way - the Full Moon was 30 minutes late as calculated 30 days ago - so things in the Heavens are really screwy right now.

As members of the New World Religion we must learn to emulate Ghandi and remember that we are not of this world and this is all temporary and an illusion. We walk on this Earth but do not belong to it.

Some of the most interesting speakers come to these events. So here are some random thoughts:

For Example:  When dinosaurs roamed the Earth the Earth had not full formed and gravity was much less. This is larger creatures roamed the Earth. Today gravity is much stronger because the Earth has condensed and  so today the creatures are very dense so creatures are smaller.

As we move into this new age we will os man's ability to perceive what is out there increase exponentially for some, and not at all for others. We must be open to the gifts that will be bestowed upon us.

The UN believes that the Astral Plane may begin to Open up to all of us by the end of next year so hang on Boys and Girls because it may be a fun ride.

OK - Enough for now.

I would like to thank the UN for trusting me as a member of the press to report in a true manner what is said within the walls of the UN and their meetings.

Maybe through these broadcasts we can learn a bit.
The news You Want To Read

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Lucis - Festival of Leo Talk