Thursday, May 31, 2018

Trump Strikes Back At Heart Of The Deep State


(1595) President Strikes Back At Deep State - YouTube


After the recent story where the Council of Foreign Relations openly stated that propaganda (lies) are acceptable and the CIA lied to their friends in the media (Run By SERCO) to try and start yet another World Conflict in the Korean Region.

Further, the fact that “Jeff Sessions” and the US Department of Justice refuses to arrest both Huma Abadeen and the Frazzled Rat for openly torturing and murdering a young child on video it is clear he must strike back at the heart of the Beast - their Underbelly - their Money.


First - it was released that Deutsche Bank - the Bank of the Roman Empire - is in trouble financially.

You see - Deutsche Bank holds over $7 Trillion Dollars in Hedge Funds that are worth exactly $0 - nothing - zip - and they were told they would go down if they ignored GOD.

So President Trump knows that this Curse from GOD for not filing a $10 item allows him to take them down - and with it the entire Deep State Financial System connected to Deutsche Bank.

A little more of a push and “Poof” goes the worldwide control of these Bankstas and the Roman Lucifarian Pope.

President Trump may be a greedy ungrateful oaf but he is an absolute Genius.

He may loose what he loves most for not doing the few things GOD has asked him to do - but he will take down his enemies and Living GOD will protect him while he does it.

Second - the Judges President Trump is putting in place will replace the Loony Lefty Freaks with judges that believe in the Constitution and since the US Dissolved 9 March 1933 and has never been “Re-Established” these Judges can ignore English Maritime Law and follow the Constitution.

Third - President Trump has called into his office Kim Kardashian-West (A Transvestite with 60 Million Twitter Followers) to get her help in exposing this Deep State “Lucifarian Limousine Liberal NAZI‘s” now ruling the planet.

Fourth - President Trump just hit these Limousine Liberals NAZI’s with $7 Billion Dollars in tariffs for their subsidization of companies meant to destroy America.

Fifth - President Trump just pardoned Dinesh D’Souza for being prosecuted for exposing the last President and his entire staff as a Traitors and Mass Murderers.

Sixth - In a direct aim at the Elite Pig Prime Minister Angela Merkel Of Germany (A Devout NAZI) President Trump is considering banning all Mercedes Autos from the United States - the same way Germany bans many US Products from being sold there.

Further - Since the US Marshal Plan (from 1945) funds were terminated the second President Trump took office - Government Supported Businesses in Germany are in big trouble.

Tit For Tat - Even Playing Field

Seventh - For the third day in a row US Leaders have been meeting with leaders of North Korea to discuss reuniting the two Koreas once again after 73 years of separation.

Eighth - President Trump has ordered the Kurds out of Syria and Turkey to end the Syrian Conflict.

Finally - Working with the US Supreme Court the latest ruling allows people not to pay their Union Dues.

Try supporting the Democratic Loony Lefties NAZIs without Union Money stolen from their workers?

Not bad for one day, right?


Not that it matters - but:

In a news article no longer available on Google thanks to Censorship, in 2011 the Kardachians admitted to being Transvestites - Men in Woman’s Dresses, along with Paris Hilton.

So as you lust after these women please realize they are really men and have Men Parts.


GOD says that Lucifer is the Father of Lies - or, Deception.


1) The Ozone Layer is severely depleted and as such Winters are colder, summers are hotter.

The Midwest has just gone from the Coldest Winter on record to the Hottest Summer on Record.

2) TESLA’s artificial Intelligence Models are failing as a Parked Car just started itself all by itself and slammed into 5 parked cars in Belgium.

Elon Musk may be part of the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program run by Lockheed Martin out of Bethesda, Maryland but his theft of Billion of Dollars from Tesla’s Stocks and Bond Holders has not gone un-noticed by the living GOD and HE is now dealing with it in HIS way.

3) The Mystery Booms continue unabated across the nation as the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program continues to build more underground caverns to live in as they destroy the surface of our planet.

4) Mount Kilauea in Hawaii continues to get worse as those in Honolulu are now smelling the Volcanic Gasses and the Lava Flow now increases.

Governor - please evacuate the East side of the Island and prepare to evacuate most of the West Side as well due to Toxic Gasses.

If you listened in the First Place Governor Ige of Hawaii you could have been ready for this and would not be scrambling to evacuate people - would you?

Pray that Governor Ige listens better and acts accordingly to benefit the people of Hawaii.

5) These Lefty Looney’s are going nuts as their world collapses around them - especially in Hollywood.

Apparently it’s OK to use foul language in reference to President Trump - except the Advertisers are now fleeing these Lonny Lefty Shows in mass.

Apparently a few days ago Smantha Bee (A man with a Huge Adams Apple) really cussed out Ivanka Trump and her advertisers left her show in mass - so she apologized.

When we go to the Doctor’s Office or go to get our Oil Changed there is always a Television on and they are always playing some Lefty Loony Talk Show.

I simply write down the advertisers and boycott their products.

Further - why would anyone pay say -  $15,000 - to advertise on a show with only 20,000 viewers when we have almost one million a day?

Advertisers - who are running out of dollars - will either change with the times or be swept under the bus very quickly as people who have money to buy turn away from TV ad Radio.

Pray with us that America - Including President Trump and Jeff Sessions - Wakes Up and prepares for what is coming.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


The Council On Foreign Relations Says Domestic Propaganda Is Necessary | Zero Hedge

CIA Undermines North Korea Summit By Leaking Report To Media Asset | Zero Hedge

As Its Stock Crashes To All Time Low, A Shocked Deutsche Bank Issues A Statement | Zero Hedge

Trump Moves In For Kill Against Europe While Driving Stake Into Heart Of American Leftists

Trump will hit EU with steel, aluminum tariffs: report | TheHill

Bye-Bye Benz: Trump Planning Ban On Luxury German Autos | Zero Hedge

US, Turkey Said To Reach Deal For Withdrawal Of Kurdish Forces From Key Syrian Town | Zero Hedge

Kim and Khloe Kardashian: Our Dad Turned Us Into "The Biggest Trannies" - Us Weekly

(1595) Kim Kardashian is a Man|Kim Kardashian Transvestigation - YouTube

Kim Kardashian Says She And Her Sisters Are �The Biggest Trannies� - X17 Online - X17 Online


Wicked Weather: Midwest Jumps From Coldest April To Hottest May On Record | Zero Hedge


Tesla Model S Crashes Into Parked Cars After Starting On Its Own | Zero Hedge

Mystery Booms Heard Across Pennsylvania Continue To Baffle FBI, Local Authorities | Zero Hedge

Police: Over 20 Explosions Caused Mysterious Booms Reported In Bucks, Lehigh Counties « CBS Philly

Samantha Bee Apologizes For Calling Ivanka Trump A "Feckless C**t" As Advertisers Flee | Zero Hedge



US & Chinese Re-Education Camps Now In Full Operation

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Unbelievable Evil Actions By The Queen Of England

US & Chinese Re-Education Caps Fully Active


(1578) US & Chinese Re-Education Camps Now In Full Operation - YouTube

In Red China there are perhaps as many as a Million People now detained in what they call Re-Education Camps, in what used to be called “Concentration Camps” a few short years ago.

Here they are beaten, raped, tied up for extended period of time, fed large amounts of Brain Altering Drugs and harassed at every level until they state god does not exist and the State is their god.

When they die they are cooked in ovens just like the NAZI’s used to do.

Red China is currently targeting Christians, Jews and Muslims for “Re-Education.”

Further - the technique many of these Godless Red Chinese use is to seize children away from those parents professing in god and forcing them to Deny God to get their children back and force massive vaccinations on the children before they go to Mandatory Schooling - much like is happening across the United States.

Here in America we have over FEMA 800 Detention Camps in areas where there is a large amount of Fluoride in the causing the local population to act in very stupid was.

So here in America it was determined that the entire population is so compliant, so stupid that we will take their vaccinations, accept the Chemical trails put out by NASA, and eat the poisonous Genetically Modified Foods and watch the Television and have our minds altered through this medium.

Why have Concentration Camps when we have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN  and FOX pummeling our brains with Frequencies and Sounds to fry our brains and a President who refuses to arrest those committing Treason against America?

Further - it has been reported over and over again that through lies and deception Internet Monopolies like Google and Facebook are using frequencies and sounds to dumb people down worldwide and - Again - we have a US President who refuses to take actions against these thieves, murderers and Traitors?

Now DARPA has just announced the release of Retroviruses to make us totally compliant and shut down our ability to reason - but again we have a US President who refuses to take action against these Treasonous people.

Monsanto is now taking over a Company that admits to purposely giving thousands of children HUIV and sentencing them to death - and again we have a US President who refuses to arrest these folks who admit to Mass Murder for - “FUN.”

So the Elite Limousine Lefties - those who tell the Lefty Loonies how to think - have an open door to destroy this nation.

The few who resist Vaccinations, have no TV and  live in areas away from Cell Towers are so few and far between they are not even worth dealing with.

These “Resisters” to the New World Order will eventually be hospitalized for something - broken leg, kidney infection, etc where they can be implanted when they get there through Mandatory Vaccinations required now for Hospital Treatments.

So apparently we are so brainwashed that we are convinced a Massive Wind Storm is about tto hit Puerto Rico.

Look at “Meteo Earth” and their Traffic Cameras.

Pray that Lucifer and his evil Minions are neutralized immediately across the globe permanently.


1) The Trucker’s Strike in Brazil  is in it’s 10th day and there is no end in sight as Livestock such as Chickens and Turkeys begin mass die offs die to a lack of feed. The nation of Brazil is crippled as goods no longer move anywhere.

Pray the Government stops stealing so much money from the people and  gives back what they have stolen immediately.

2) Yet another TESLA on Auto Pilot caused an accident. This time the car veered and rammed a parked Cop Car. Thank god no one was seriously injured.

3) The Spokesman for the UN World Health Organization Tarik Jasarevik began discussing how Ebola could enter any nation - including the USA.

In other words - someone in the Rothchild’s Family in the CDC Headquarters is planning a New Vaccine containing Live Ebola Viruses.

Will it be your children that receive the virus?

Pray the man with the Mustard Stain on his collar organizing this is stopped in his tracks immediately.

4) No Mamma - it is not safe to roast marshmallows over Hot Lava.

It is Official - the “US Geological Service Volcano Watch Branch” has officially stated that it is not safe to roast any Marshmallows over hot Lava or over Hot Lava Vents.


Here he stands - America’s Last   Loony Lefty President - with a Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif planning to give Iran more of OUR dollar - a man who was just caught on camera yelling “Death To US, UK, Israel.“

We used to call these actions Treason. Today we reward the Elites for their Treason agaisn America.

If President Trump refuses to act the Living GOD will - and it will not be pretty in the White House - so HE has said it - so it shall be.


In 1832 the first Electric Car was built by Scotsman Robert Anderson and had a range of 40 miles.

Today, 185 years later, Chevy just completed a new electric car called the Volt and on a cold night it has a range of 28 miles.

Think we are being lied to?

Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Communist China’s re-education camps use “forced medication” to alter the minds of prisoners… sounds a lot like America, doesn’t it? –



More Than Half The World's Population Is Now Online: Key Highlights From Mary Meeker's Internet Report | Zero Hedge

Resident Evil? DARPA Unveils Genetic "Tuning" To Fight Chemical, Radiation Attacks | Zero Hedge

The Company that Is Taking Over Monsanto Knowingly Gave Thousands of Children HIV - Interactive 3D globe brings weather to life

Brazil Commodities Slammed As Nationwide Strike Intensifies, GDP Estimate Down 38% | Zero Hedge

"Why Do They Keep Doing It?" Tesla On Autopilot Crashes Into Parked Laguna Beach Cop Car | Zero Hedge

No, it’s not safe to roast marshmallows over Kilauea volcano, in case you wondered — RT US News

Video proof Obama and John Kerry are actively working with radical terrorists who hope to destroy America with nuclear weapons –

Iranian FM caught chanting death to US, UK, Israel

First Electric Car Invented - History

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Unbelievable What The Queen Of England Just Did


(1564) Unbelievable Evil Actions By The Queen Of England - YouTube


What you are about to hear is not for the light of heart but gets right into the meat of things.

The Queen of England is dead and her doubles not wonder the halls of Buckingham Palace by someone in the palace. The royalty of these houses of Europe come from the Ashkans - the Children of Babylon and with them they took their worship of Molach - or “Baal.”

Thus they are all called ‘Ashkanazis” - who used Lucifer’s Minions to seize power across the globe.

Here are the sequence of events in recent years:

1)  2001:  Mass slaughter of 40,000 Pregnant Sheep and Goats in the Netherlands to the Persian god Molech followed by the attack on 9/11 of the World Trade Center in New York.

2) 2002: Mass slaughter of 10 Million animals in Britain to Molech, followed by the US Invasion of Iraq in 2003.

3) 2009: Sacrifice of Lambs to Molech to begin the Global War in 2010 to kill every Christian World wide in what began as the Obama Murdering Spree called “The Arab Spring”

4) Cuurently: The Queen has ordered New Zealand to sacrifice 150,000 cows to their GOD “Molech” (Lucifer) -  in exchange for the death of President Trump and the destruction of America.

 In response - the Prime Minister of New Zealand - the Evil Jacinda Ardern - has announced New Zealand will comply.

The official reason for this slaughter is because of a bacterial Infection of Micro Plasma - but since that infects cattle world wide - we know the murder of these cows is for some other reason.

I raise my hands right now and all that you have  done - Oh Leaders of Mighty England and your Slaves the Rothchilds - will backfire and fall on your heads immediately. No sign will be given to you Workers of Iniquity and Evil save one - the Upset in your own house. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.

All you who have participated in destruction of America will now have your sins heaped upon your heads and consequences will immediately follow - so HE has said it, so it shall be.


1) Amazon devices developed using OUR TAX DOLLARS are now being sold that record your conversations.

For Example: The recently sold “Alexa” speakers now record your telephone conversations and have the ability to randomly send these recordings to other people who have telephones.

Further - Amazon is now taking a pictures of your home every time they make a delivery.

Then they sell the data to the highest bidder

2) Facebook was set up to be a massive spy program. Not only can it record you through your computer camera (Unless you have Virtual Shield) it also records your conversation through your computer speakers, tracks your location and even records what you buy - all paid for with OUR TAX DOLLARS.

Then they sell the data to the highest bidder.

3) Starbucks is not only closing over 8,000 stores while they give their employees “Sensativity Training” they also have installed cameras that record your movements and voices developed using OUR TAX DOLLARS.

They then sell this the highest bidder.

4) Finally - Knowing what you say, what you buy and where you go a New Holographic Kit the size of a backpack developed using OUR TAX DOLLARS can now porject a hologram into your brain.

Using a new technology developed at UC Berkeley this “Holographic Brain Modification” will actually be able to fill your brain with images  from a distance. Further - Holographic Brain Implants are now being tested to improve Brain Functions at the University to create what we call the “Super Brain.”


Italy is ready to get out of the Euro nations and as a consequence their stocks are crashing and bond interest rates are increasing.

First Greece, then Italy, next Portugal and Spain - the PIGS nations.

This is well planned to create maximum pain so please pray those creating this disaster are themselves immediately neutralized permanently.



These Haaacherians” are large beings from a much higher vibrational frequency that have been brought here to this planet to suck off excess amounts of energy from our planet and send in to another place. The excess energy lit                                                                                                                                                            erally passes through them and gives them - indigestion.

They have been brought here because of our use of Oil, Natural Gas and Coal for fuel. Apparently Humans are releasing large amounts of Energy and it is about to -- “Short” this planet out - much like Lucifer did to Mars.

So these “Haaachurians” were sent here to help our planet survive.

They thin, they feel, they communicate, they reproduce and they are very, very powerful and make Lucifer look like a Pin Head in comparison.

Our attempts to communicate with them are so rudimentary we appear - very stupid to them - and they want nothing to do with Humans.

So basically - GOD is trying to stabilize our planet and keep it in one piece and these beings agreed to come and help.
Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. MounT


Britain Orders Mass Burnt Offering Sacrifice Of 150,000 Cattle In Occult Bid To Kill President Trump



Amazon devices RECORD your private conversations and surreptitiously send them to others –

Starbucks shuts 8,000 stores for anti-bias training | One America News Network

Laser holography kit that can fit in a backpack can project holograms into your brain –

Italian Banks, Bonds Crash As Di Maio Calls For Protests Against "The Arrogance Of Institutions" | Zero Hedge

Italian Bonds, Stocks Crash In Furious Reversal As Political Drama Explodes | Zero Hedge

US To Impose 25% Tariff On Chinese Tech Goods | Zero Hedge

Sprite (lightning) - Wikipedia

The Fabulous World of Lightning: Sprites, Dwarves and Elves — Steemit

Red Sprite Lightning

What Is Gravity A& What Are ET 'Sprites"

Monday, May 28, 2018

What Is Gravity & What Are ET Sprites?

A letter to a friend:

(1547) What Is Gravity A& What Are ET 'Sprites" - YouTube

Your real question boggling your minds at Lockheed Martin is that on the use of Gravity. First - you must understand what Gravity is exactly.

Since the Wisdom of the ages - from all species in the Material Plane - is stored on the mental plane ascertaining this fact was a simple task. So here goes:

Gravity is a synergistic effect of attraction created by 2 or more atoms that gather together.

Equation: 1+1=3

Or More Correctly:


The addition (?) is created by other matter we cannot see coming together with these 2 atoms - or what we call Dark matter.

The particular configuration of the atoms create either an attraction or repelling of in a magnetic field.

For example - Silver and Gold repel a magnet - Iron is attracted to a magnet.

The lower the frequency applied the denser the gravity and in other Alternate Universes (144) where time seems to travel at a different speed - the faster the perceived time the less the gravity.

Of course- as frequency is increased other band widths of life appear - both up and down the spectrum. By increasing our vibrational frequency we should be able to reach these places fairly quickly.

As one progresses up the vibrational frequencies the life forms enlarge and the distance between stars thus decreases.

Increase the vibrational frequencies, increase the density of the particles used in the Magnetic Drive on a Star Ship, and use the Gravitational Force of other stars to pull you forward.

All thoughts are store in a form of matter on the Thought Plane and subject to slow decay - but a though takes years to degrade and can still be read very clearly for many years. All thoughts - meaning the Secrets of the Universe - are stored in the Mental Plane.

Modification of the Human DNA to allow Space Travel through the use of Retroviruses will backfire. One simply needs to vibrate the inner core of a Starship art 7.68 Htz for 1 hour a day and increase the outer hull vibrational frequency.

For travel - if one pushes on a rod the other end moves instantaneously. Use this theory to move Dark Matter and your travel becomes instantaneous.

Vibrate the hull at a much higher frequency and then “Push It.”

Even future thoughts are stored on the Mental Plane - which is exactly why I can do what I do on You Tube, APFN, Before Its News and a dozen other channels.

Congradulations on your retirement - now you will be busier than you have ever been.

As a side note - we are working on extending the human Life out about 7 times and have just put the missing piece into the Equation.