Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dallas Shooting - Orange Pistol, Blank Adapters?


Cops Carrying Orange Training Pistols, Blank Adapters on their rifles and pistols, Different Weather Pattern - you FBI/CIA Idiots - how can you be so stupid?

Video:Dallas Shooting - Orange Pistol, Blank Adapters? - YouTube

Last night at around 9PM there was supposedly One Sniper who took out 12 Dallas Police Officers.

First - how does one sniper kill 5 and wound 7 Police Officers with a Bolt action Sniper Rifle?

Second - since the “Shooter” had felonies - where sis he get the rifle

Third - some of those on TV look awful familiar - like the Boston Bombing people - same actors

Fourth - why are there people standing around when there is a sniper?

Fifth - how could the Suspect tell police he DID THIS ALONE - if he was blown up using a Drone carrying a bomb?

Sixth - The weather shown is a few of the photos did not match the weather report - meaning the photos were made on a  different day. Unbelievably careless CIA -

Seventh - People - just Mulling around after shots rang out from 3 different locations

This is shooting number 9. We thought it would be Amarillo or San Diego - but Dallas had an Anti Police Rally - an opportunity the CIA could not pass up and they may still be planned as well.

Again - we believe the CIA Office in New York City ran this shooting as well, just like the Orlando Shooting.

Time will tell.

Now expect all kinds of Gun Control Laws passed by Executive Order by President Obama

Pray that Congress turns to GOD

The News You Need

Dr William Mount

Be Ready Folks:

Non GMO Survival Foods that are cheaper than Safeway Meals:
Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -

Teas to clean your body after we get Chemtrailed:

Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -

Stock Market Investing:

Earn Extra Income From Weather Patterns With This Secret System!
  • Category


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!


Weather did not match, people mulling around....

Micah X. Johnson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Dallas sniper attack: 5 officers killed, suspect identified -

The Orange Pistol and Blank Adapters On 2 other Pistols????

See it for yourself - a picture taken at least one hour before the shooting:::

Five police officers killed in Dallas, seven others wounded during shooting at protest - The Washington Post

CIA - an Orange Pistol - really?

The Cry will be: All Vets Have PTSD and are mentally disabled::::

Please notice the noses are different: the one on the Left is a CIA Operative and has a flat ear, the one on the right is an old photo of a Soldier and has a small protrusion on his lower ears and has thicker eye brows and his mouth is bigger.

Closes CIA - but no Cigar. You  really flubbed up on this one.

Shooter's Name: Micah Xavier Johnson.

Shooter's Middle Name: Xavier, See "Xavier's Grave."

Xavier: CIA Meaning: Fake Out, False Flag, Are you stupid Enough to believe this one folks?

Hit us with a shooting to take our eyes off of Hillary and the Arm,y dumping raw Mustard Gas into the ground in Pueblo....Nice try Fudge Boys of Langley - you fudged it up again so we will pray for you that you see the light and turn to GOD.

micah johnson, micah x johnson, micah johnson dallas, micah x johnson dallas

Dallas Shooting - Orange Pistol, Blank Adapters?


Cops Carrying Orange Training Pistols, Blank Adapters on their rifles and pistols, Different Weather Pattern - you FBI/CIA Idiots - how can you be so stupid?

Video:Dallas Shooting - Orange Pistol, Blank Adapters? - YouTube

Last night at around 9PM there was supposedly One Sniper who took out 12 Dallas Police Officers.

First - how does one sniper kill 5 and wound 7 Police Officers with a Bolt action Sniper Rifle?

Second - since the “Shooter” had felonies - where sis he get the rifle

Third - some of those on TV look awful familiar - like the Boston Bombing people - same actors

Fourth - why are there people standing around when there is a sniper?

Fifth - how could the Suspect tell police he DID THIS ALONE - if he was blown up using a Drone carrying a bomb?

Sixth - The weather shown is a few of the photos did not match the weather report - meaning the photos were made on a  different day. Unbelievably careless CIA -

Seventh - People - just Mulling around after shots rang out from 3 different locations

This is shooting number 9. We thought it would be Amarillo or San Diego - but Dallas had an Anti Police Rally - an opportunity the CIA could not pass up and they may still be planned as well.

Again - we believe the CIA Office in New York City ran this shooting as well, just like the Orlando Shooting.

Time will tell.

Now expect all kinds of Gun Control Laws passed by Executive Order by President Obama

Pray that Congress turns to GOD

The News You Need

Dr William Mount

Be Ready Folks:

Non GMO Survival Foods that are cheaper than Safeway Meals:
Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -

Teas to clean your body after we get Chemtrailed:

Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -

Stock Market Investing:

Earn Extra Income From Weather Patterns With This Secret System!
  • Category


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!


Weather did not match, people mulling around....

Micah X. Johnson: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Dallas sniper attack: 5 officers killed, suspect identified -

The Orange Pistol and Blank Adapters On 2 other Pistols????

See it for yourself - a picture taken at least one hour before the shooting:::

Five police officers killed in Dallas, seven others wounded during shooting at protest - The Washington Post

CIA - an Orange Pistol - really?

The Cry will be: All Vets Have PTSD and are mentally disabled::::

Please notice the noses are different: the one on the Left is a CIA Operative and has a flat ear, the one on the right is an old photo of a Soldier and has a small protrusion on his lower ears and has thicker eye brows and his mouth is bigger.

Closes CIA - but no Cigar. You  really flubbed up on this one.

Shooter's Name: Micah Xavier Johnson.

Shooter's Middle Name: Xavier, See "Xavier's Grave."

Xavier: CIA Meaning: Fake Out, False Flag, Are you stupid Enough to believe this one folks?

Hit us with a shooting to take our eyes off of Hillary and the Arm,y dumping raw Mustard Gas into the ground in Pueblo....Nice try Fudge Boys of Langley - you fudged it up again so we will pray for you that you see the light and turn to GOD.

micah johnson, micah x johnson, micah johnson dallas, micah x johnson dallas

Army Pours Raw Mustard Gas On The Ground


Video: Army Dumps Raw Mustard Gas - YouTube

First of all - The Dallas Shooting of 5 Cops is shooting #5, it was done by the CIA using an FBI provided Rifle and there were 3 shooters. By tomorrow morning the truth will come out.

Now comes the Gun Control - pray Congress and Obama fail at this.

Dallas sniper attack: 5 officers killed, suspect identified -

Thank you CIA for the Exciting, Fake News. Now onto the real news:

What you are about to learn will shock you, anger you and then make you feel very, very upset.

Give it over to GOD, learn the truth and pray these actions stop immediately.

Unbelievable how evil these US Generals really are

We got a few calls concerning the US Army Pueblo Chemical Agent - Destruction Pilot Plant in Pueblo Colorado -  and how they are eliminating tens of thousands of artillery shells filled with Mustard Gas.

Actually - 10% of them are filled with Molasses - a way to cheat the military since Molasses weighs the same as Mustard Gas

First - we must ask ourselves why Dupont is still making Mustard Gas if it illegal to manufacture and sell world wide?

Second - why have they not been arrested for manufacturing an outlawed product and why are they still shipping it over seas?

Lets talk about how to dispose of these weapons - stories we have already done…………

1...We know about the Umatilla Oregon and Pine Bluff Arkansas plants burning BZ Gas (Speed, LSD) where their burn rate is 80% - so 20% of it floats across the land depositing itself on the dirt and ending up in wells and rivers in gardens, on farmland - tens of thousands of pounds of LSD and Speed and Burned Leaded Oil Paint.

2...We know the nuclear Rods are dissolved at Hanford and then dumped onto the Yakima and Spokane Indian Reservation to pollute the ground water.

3...We know that at Angel Island there is a spot where liquid radiation was dumped for decades on the beach

4...We know that in Los Angeles Nuclear Rods melted their way down to the Oil Table and are now steaming out Radioactive Burning Crude Oil into Los Angels.

5...We also know that the Rocky Mountain Arsenal just outside of Denver Colorado buried incredible amounts of Radioactive Material allover the post

6...We also know the US Department of Energy (Part of the Department of Defense) has been injecting chemicals into well for years

7...We also did a story 7 years ago on TV concerning FEMA injecting Phosgene Gas into Thunder horse - the Oil Wells Under the Southern Mississippi River

What we are now learning is that:

Here in Pueblo Colorado they do it a little different

They began building Incinerators but soon learned that if 20% of the Mustard Gas blows into Pueblo people will just drop over dead - hard to cover that up

So here at this plant that used to be called the US Army Pueblo Arms Depot  they do three things:

1) Some is processed creating even more toxic chemicals and then dumped into the ground water

2) Some is just dumped into holding tanks with no bottoms which allows it to the seep into the ground water

3) Some is sent to the Cancer Labs across the nation and used on you to treat your cancer - so rather that teaching you to et Sea Weed/Immusist to get rid of the cancer 100% of the time they now inject you  with frikin Mustard Gas with a choking agent in it so when you put on your gas mask you puke and drown

A French Farmer tree cutter cut down a tree in 1970 in the Ardennes Forest and sat on the stump to rest. Several hours later his but blistered - a reaction to the Mustard Gas sprayed on the Ardennes Forest 52 years ago - Mustard Gas does not degrade or break down folks. Once in the ground water it stays there.

The level if Evil of these Generals and Lucifer never ceases to amaze me

Mustard Gas for cancer - can’t get much more evil than this.

Unbelievably evil

Folks - please pray that those ordering these evils are turned back to GOD immediately

This is why we have the links below - so you can get rid of cancer, filter your water, order GMO free foods and clean your blood

This one really stuns me - really….

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Be ready folks - buy rice and:

1) Food:

Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -

2) Tea:
Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -

3) Extra Income - I have not tried this yet:

Earn Extra Income From Weather Patterns With This Secret System!


Immusit - I eat 22 drops per day minimum.

IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!


Be ready folks -

The U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity (CMA) - Pueblo, CO

CDC - Chemical Weapons Elimination - Methods Used to Destroy Chemical Warfare Agents


Rocky Flats Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Millions of Gallons of Hazardous Chemicals Injected Into Wells, Report Says - The New York Times

Rocky Mountain Arsenal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What Chemicals Are Used | FracFocus Chemical Disclosure Registry

Mustard gas – from the Great War to frontline chemotherapy - Cancer Research UK - Science blog

Clinton Death Count Rises - Pray


Video: Clinton Death Toll Rises - Pray - YouTube

With the death of Gucifer toll rises again. Intel  reports indicated he had his throat crushed because he was going to speak out against Hillary.

Gucifer, as you recall,  just released the hidden Emials that indicate Hillary is guilty of Treason

Julian Assange released enough enough Emails on Wikileaks to hang Hillary 7 years ago - we read many of them on TV.

As you recall - the former Director of the United Nations was found dead a few days ago with a crushed throat because he was to testify against Hillary the next day.

What Really Happened covers the hundreds of people found dead who opposed the Clintons - or should we say the Rockefellars

These recent “Presidents” are not who you think they are:

…..George Bush Senior was renamed after being adopted from a high ranking NAZI official and was renamed Bush

…..William Jefferson Blyth (Rockefellar) was renamed Clinton

…..Barry Soetorro was renamed Barrack Obama

See the pattern?

Despite all the Murders the Clintons are connected to and all the treason they are both guilty of they are both still walking around aren’t they?

Senator Riegle implicated  Hillary and the La Farge Company of treason in a Senate Report 21 years ago - and now one went to jail or was even prosecuted

Even the FBI and US Department of Justice have bowed the these Elites when the FBI Director claims Hillary was not guilty of any treason?
Please keep in mind that all of the people who were killed surrounding the Clintons signed non-disclosure agreements to get to where they are and all of them worship Lucifer.

If You Sleep With The Dogs You Get The Fleas
Also keep in mind that:

1) The Clintons are merely Pawns in a huge Chess Game and Bill has enough on every politician to hang them.. Blackmail. This is how it is played at the top.

Never remove your clothes for anyone, never take bribes and they will still will make stuff up about you so they can control you.

Murders, lies, worshipping Lucifer by human sacrifice - it’s all there

GOD is your only refuge.

2) Keep in mind also that it is not the Clintons ordering the murders but their CIA Handlers - who - on many occasions - have not exactly appeared to be human. The Clintons are trapped and around them circles huge amounts of Evil

3) Even when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas protecting the Mina Air Force Base’s Main Drug Distribution Center is was the CIA/FBI that killed the people - thousands of them - who opposed these murdering drug dealers in these Foreign Agencies like the CIA - Owned by the English Crown and the FBI - owned by the IMF in France

4) So both  the CIA and FBI are foreign mercenaries selling drugs, counterfeiting, etc.

5) If you sign a non-disclosure agreement and decide to come out and speak out - you are dead

6) The CIA and FBI transport, and sell, over $3.5 Billion Dollars of  Illegal drugs per day

7) The CIA/FBI force on the world about $7 Billion dollars of Legal drugs per day.

8) To do as Benjamin Fulford Proposes - to offer $5 million per person to capture 52 key Players - that is not even one hour of Rothchilds Drug Sales for these Monsters on top…. But we all pray Fulford is successful and the White Dragons take down these evil folks, but it is not likely

9) The FBI was set up to take over the Mob’s Drug Trade and they have been competing with the Black Dragons (White Dragons Now) for over 80 years.

10) Three nukes would destroy their Command Structure: One under Langley, one under the Brazilian Jungles in their underground city, and one in the Congo at their third base - but that will not be allowed to happen will it???
Rather than getting angry and feeding into their world wide web through their satellites we can pray

Let it go - take a deep breath - and let it go. The Demons feed off of your anger.

Despite what You Tube shows we have around 1 million people hitting our You Tube channel daily and YOUR PRAYERS ARE making a difference

First - their Empire is being exposed

Second - it is unwinding

Third - the leaders are finding out this week that their entire system is about to unwind and these Banking Elites are now targets by those they trusted - they are the ones to be killed first.

So what can you do to change all this?

a)  Keep praying with us that those on top either leave or turn back to the Living GOD

b) Prepare your family for at least 3 months of no grocery stores or electricity. That makes you less controllable and more independent.

c)  Keep in mind that GOD is now in charge

YOU DO make the difference

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Survival Foods We Eat Daily:

Tea we drink daily to clean our bodies


Clinton Threat To “Destroy Everyone” Throws Washington Into Chaos



President UN General Assembly:

Admiral Jeremy Boorda:

[Admiral Boorda]

Chairan, DNC Ron Brown:

[Ron Brown]

CIA Director: William Colby

[William Colby]

Clinton Fund Raiser Hershell Friday:

[Vince Foster]

Penthouse "Pet":

John F Kennedy Jr:

Mary Mahoney, White House Intern:

[Mary Mahoney]

Lieutenant General McCloud:

The list goes on and on

Pray that Billary and Hillary are freed from this Tyrannical Control they are now under.

Clinton Death Count Rises - Pray


Video: Clinton Death Toll Rises - Pray - YouTube

With the death of Gucifer toll rises again. Intel  reports indicated he had his throat crushed because he was going to speak out against Hillary.

Gucifer, as you recall,  just released the hidden Emials that indicate Hillary is guilty of Treason

Julian Assange released enough enough Emails on Wikileaks to hang Hillary 7 years ago - we read many of them on TV.

As you recall - the former Director of the United Nations was found dead a few days ago with a crushed throat because he was to testify against Hillary the next day.

What Really Happened covers the hundreds of people found dead who opposed the Clintons - or should we say the Rockefellars

These recent “Presidents” are not who you think they are:

…..George Bush Senior was renamed after being adopted from a high ranking NAZI official and was renamed Bush

…..William Jefferson Blyth (Rockefellar) was renamed Clinton

…..Barry Soetorro was renamed Barrack Obama

See the pattern?

Despite all the Murders the Clintons are connected to and all the treason they are both guilty of they are both still walking around aren’t they?

Senator Riegle implicated  Hillary and the La Farge Company of treason in a Senate Report 21 years ago - and now one went to jail or was even prosecuted

Even the FBI and US Department of Justice have bowed the these Elites when the FBI Director claims Hillary was not guilty of any treason?
Please keep in mind that all of the people who were killed surrounding the Clintons signed non-disclosure agreements to get to where they are and all of them worship Lucifer.

If You Sleep With The Dogs You Get The Fleas
Also keep in mind that:

1) The Clintons are merely Pawns in a huge Chess Game and Bill has enough on every politician to hang them.. Blackmail. This is how it is played at the top.

Never remove your clothes for anyone, never take bribes and they will still will make stuff up about you so they can control you.

Murders, lies, worshipping Lucifer by human sacrifice - it’s all there

GOD is your only refuge.

2) Keep in mind also that it is not the Clintons ordering the murders but their CIA Handlers - who - on many occasions - have not exactly appeared to be human. The Clintons are trapped and around them circles huge amounts of Evil

3) Even when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas protecting the Mina Air Force Base’s Main Drug Distribution Center is was the CIA/FBI that killed the people - thousands of them - who opposed these murdering drug dealers in these Foreign Agencies like the CIA - Owned by the English Crown and the FBI - owned by the IMF in France

4) So both  the CIA and FBI are foreign mercenaries selling drugs, counterfeiting, etc.

5) If you sign a non-disclosure agreement and decide to come out and speak out - you are dead

6) The CIA and FBI transport, and sell, over $3.5 Billion Dollars of  Illegal drugs per day

7) The CIA/FBI force on the world about $7 Billion dollars of Legal drugs per day.

8) To do as Benjamin Fulford Proposes - to offer $5 million per person to capture 52 key Players - that is not even one hour of Rothchilds Drug Sales for these Monsters on top…. But we all pray Fulford is successful and the White Dragons take down these evil folks, but it is not likely

9) The FBI was set up to take over the Mob’s Drug Trade and they have been competing with the Black Dragons (White Dragons Now) for over 80 years.

10) Three nukes would destroy their Command Structure: One under Langley, one under the Brazilian Jungles in their underground city, and one in the Congo at their third base - but that will not be allowed to happen will it???
Rather than getting angry and feeding into their world wide web through their satellites we can pray

Let it go - take a deep breath - and let it go. The Demons feed off of your anger.

Despite what You Tube shows we have around 1 million people hitting our You Tube channel daily and YOUR PRAYERS ARE making a difference

First - their Empire is being exposed

Second - it is unwinding

Third - the leaders are finding out this week that their entire system is about to unwind and these Banking Elites are now targets by those they trusted - they are the ones to be killed first.

So what can you do to change all this?

a)  Keep praying with us that those on top either leave or turn back to the Living GOD

b) Prepare your family for at least 3 months of no grocery stores or electricity. That makes you less controllable and more independent.

c)  Keep in mind that GOD is now in charge

YOU DO make the difference

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Survival Foods We Eat Daily:

Tea we drink daily to clean our bodies


Clinton Threat To “Destroy Everyone” Throws Washington Into Chaos



President UN General Assembly:

Admiral Jeremy Boorda:

[Admiral Boorda]

Chairan, DNC Ron Brown:

[Ron Brown]

CIA Director: William Colby

[William Colby]

Clinton Fund Raiser Hershell Friday:

[Vince Foster]

Penthouse "Pet":

John F Kennedy Jr:

Mary Mahoney, White House Intern:

[Mary Mahoney]

Lieutenant General McCloud:

The list goes on and on

Pray that Billary and Hillary are freed from this Tyrannical Control they are now under.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

CIA Destroying Venezuela - Why??


Video:...CIA Destroying Venezuela - Why? - YouTube

Why is the CIA using US Tax Payer Dollars to destroy the once prosperous Venezuela

Why have most of the people been moved into the cities, farms being destroyed at an alarming pace, and food now being cut off to the over 30 Million people there?

Why is the Oil Money not being allowed to be distributed to the people to solve their food crisis?

Where are the relief agencies - UN, World Vision, Red Cross, Baptist Churches not there assisting with Food Distribution across their nation?

(((((Perhaps they are too busy trying to destroy Russia and China?)))))

The nation is 96% Catholic, where is the Catholic Church Relief Agency?

Why is this now spilling over into Brazil and what awaits us here in Europe and America?

The answer may lie here - in the US Geology and Mineral Resource Assessment Of the Venezuelan Guyana Shield conducted by the United States in 1993



There is enough Gold and Diamond resources in Venezuela and now Brazil to over turn the New World Order Financial System

If the people of South America, or here in America, were allowed to mine know mineral resources the amount of gold  and Diamonds in the world may Quadruple within a decade

The entire New World Order plan of Complete Economic Dominance would collapse.


Did you really expect it to be anything else, really?

Please pray that the CIA is routed out of the back country of Venezuela and all traitors in the leadership of Venezuela are removed immediately

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
For you Intel Geeks:

Contain the NGOs, American Embassy and Russian Red Cross, heavily watch those from the West coming to make “Oil Deals” and Medvedev may be safe….maybe……

You asked for this Russia (And Pres Xi of China) by ignoring what GOD told you to do, now your lives may be at stake.

What good is all your riches when you are dead???????

Grocery Store Shelves:


What awaits North American's if we Loot and Riot:

Food Lines:



The World Factbook

CIA Destroying Venezuela - Why??


Video:...CIA Destroying Venezuela - Why? - YouTube

Why is the CIA using US Tax Payer Dollars to destroy the once prosperous Venezuela

Why have most of the people been moved into the cities, farms being destroyed at an alarming pace, and food now being cut off to the over 30 Million people there?

Why is the Oil Money not being allowed to be distributed to the people to solve their food crisis?

Where are the relief agencies - UN, World Vision, Red Cross, Baptist Churches not there assisting with Food Distribution across their nation?

(((((Perhaps they are too busy trying to destroy Russia and China?)))))

The nation is 96% Catholic, where is the Catholic Church Relief Agency?

Why is this now spilling over into Brazil and what awaits us here in Europe and America?

The answer may lie here - in the US Geology and Mineral Resource Assessment Of the Venezuelan Guyana Shield conducted by the United States in 1993



There is enough Gold and Diamond resources in Venezuela and now Brazil to over turn the New World Order Financial System

If the people of South America, or here in America, were allowed to mine know mineral resources the amount of gold  and Diamonds in the world may Quadruple within a decade

The entire New World Order plan of Complete Economic Dominance would collapse.


Did you really expect it to be anything else, really?

Please pray that the CIA is routed out of the back country of Venezuela and all traitors in the leadership of Venezuela are removed immediately

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
For you Intel Geeks:

Contain the NGOs, American Embassy and Russian Red Cross, heavily watch those from the West coming to make “Oil Deals” and Medvedev may be safe….maybe……

You asked for this Russia (And Pres Xi of China) by ignoring what GOD told you to do, now your lives may be at stake.

What good is all your riches when you are dead???????

Grocery Store Shelves:


What awaits North American's if we Loot and Riot:

Food Lines:



The World Factbook