Saturday, July 2, 2016

German Oil Execs Tell Eu To Get Lost - With Nord Steam 2



Video: Germany Industry Tells EU To Get Lost - Goes Ahead With Nord Stream 2 - YouTube

While we are watching a huge move to across Europe to leave the European Union and to reverse this flow of Muslim Human Scum coming onto Europe German Oil Companies are moving ahead with projects that the EU Commission does not agree with.

In fact - not only are most nations in the EU in disagreement with the EU on their orders they are also disobeying the orders of NATO to move troops to the boarder with Russia and start a war.

Back to Nord Stream 2

Several years ago the German Oil Company Executives signed an agreement to bring Natural Gas in from Russia in an Oil Pipeline that will supply Germany with 55 million Cubic Meters of Gas per year.

The project was completed using a special flexible Stainless Steel Pipeline running through the Baltic Sea and it appears it is now working well.

The Deal - Nord Stream 2 will trade German Made Goods for Liquid Natural Gas.

Please keep in mind that Secretary of State John Kerry (#1) made a slip in a speech not long ago and stated the Marshal Plan developed just after World War 2 is alive and well and the German Economy is moving ahead at Full speed thanks to YOUR Tax Donations.

Which means - you the American tax Payer are paying for this.

So while the united states of America is teeming with untouched pockets of Natural Gas (Like the one under Dalles, Oregon which is absolutely Huge) And oil is selling for $1.50 a barrel in North Dakota Germany has been set up to buy Oil and Natural Gas from Russia at your expense
The Nord Stream 2  Pipeline, made of a flexible coated Stainless Steel Pipe developed by the US in WW2, was completed in March of this year and should be in full operation within a few days

So although it appears that the EU and NATO may not go away - they may become irrelevant as individual nations regain their sovereignty.

The Main Underground City that runs the world is located under the Jungles of Brazil

Pray that those who make the decisions for what goes on -  on the Surface of Planet Earth - are changed so that they either disappear or that their decisions they make benefit us “Slaves” who live on the Planet’s Surface

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Then there are the Pyramids growing across our Solar System...

Gazprom agrees Nord Stream 2, asset swaps with EU partners, closer to YPF deal - Natural Gas | Platts News Article & Story

Gazprom’s Management Committee reviews progress of Nord Stream 2 project

Gazprom’s Management Committee reviews progress of Nord Stream 2 project

Gazprom’s Management Committee reviews progress of Nord Stream 2 project


NATO Says It Might Now Have Grounds To Attack Russia | Zero Hedge

NATO - Topic: Collective defence - Article 5

Air, land, sea, cyber: NATO adds cyber to operation areas

Cyberwar - does it exist? (NATO Review) - YouTube

1ST - kill key Russian players

2ND - Claim Russia hacked NATO Computers

3RD - Invade using Small Scale Nuclear Strikes on Russian Command Centers

Putin - Medvedev - you failed to do as GOD has directed- you are open to HE has said it - so it shall be. Any questions?

German Oil Execs Tell Eu To Get Lost - With Nord Steam 2



Video: Germany Industry Tells EU To Get Lost - Goes Ahead With Nord Stream 2 - YouTube

While we are watching a huge move to across Europe to leave the European Union and to reverse this flow of Muslim Human Scum coming onto Europe German Oil Companies are moving ahead with projects that the EU Commission does not agree with.

In fact - not only are most nations in the EU in disagreement with the EU on their orders they are also disobeying the orders of NATO to move troops to the boarder with Russia and start a war.

Back to Nord Stream 2

Several years ago the German Oil Company Executives signed an agreement to bring Natural Gas in from Russia in an Oil Pipeline that will supply Germany with 55 million Cubic Meters of Gas per year.

The project was completed using a special flexible Stainless Steel Pipeline running through the Baltic Sea and it appears it is now working well.

The Deal - Nord Stream 2 will trade German Made Goods for Liquid Natural Gas.

Please keep in mind that Secretary of State John Kerry (#1) made a slip in a speech not long ago and stated the Marshal Plan developed just after World War 2 is alive and well and the German Economy is moving ahead at Full speed thanks to YOUR Tax Donations.

Which means - you the American tax Payer are paying for this.

So while the united states of America is teeming with untouched pockets of Natural Gas (Like the one under Dalles, Oregon which is absolutely Huge) And oil is selling for $1.50 a barrel in North Dakota Germany has been set up to buy Oil and Natural Gas from Russia at your expense
The Nord Stream 2  Pipeline, made of a flexible coated Stainless Steel Pipe developed by the US in WW2, was completed in March of this year and should be in full operation within a few days

So although it appears that the EU and NATO may not go away - they may become irrelevant as individual nations regain their sovereignty.

The Main Underground City that runs the world is located under the Jungles of Brazil

Pray that those who make the decisions for what goes on -  on the Surface of Planet Earth - are changed so that they either disappear or that their decisions they make benefit us “Slaves” who live on the Planet’s Surface

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Then there are the Pyramids growing across our Solar System...

Gazprom agrees Nord Stream 2, asset swaps with EU partners, closer to YPF deal - Natural Gas | Platts News Article & Story

Gazprom’s Management Committee reviews progress of Nord Stream 2 project

Gazprom’s Management Committee reviews progress of Nord Stream 2 project

Gazprom’s Management Committee reviews progress of Nord Stream 2 project


NATO Says It Might Now Have Grounds To Attack Russia | Zero Hedge

NATO - Topic: Collective defence - Article 5

Air, land, sea, cyber: NATO adds cyber to operation areas

Cyberwar - does it exist? (NATO Review) - YouTube

1ST - kill key Russian players

2ND - Claim Russia hacked NATO Computers

3RD - Invade using Small Scale Nuclear Strikes on Russian Command Centers

Putin - Medvedev - you failed to do as GOD has directed- you are open to HE has said it - so it shall be. Any questions?

Friday, July 1, 2016

White House Vs Planet Earth - Shooting War Has Begun



Video: White House Vs Planet Earth - Shooting Has Begun - YouTube

Over the last 7 years since the current president took power there has been an undeclared war on Planet Earth

Under the command of his handlers the staff in the White House has been waging war against life itself on this planet

Here in the states and in Canada huge amounts of Chemicals have been sprayed on every living thing - Criss-Crossing the continent day after day killing life, creating GMO Foods, poisoning us with Chemicals in the food, etc.

Overseas the White House has funded ISIS, the Killing of Political Leaders world wide, conducting war after war around the world, and recently in a Shoot-Out in front of the US Embassy in Moscow it was revealed a US Mercenary company run by Triple Canopy LLC (White House Hit Men, part of Black Water, a subsidiary of the CIA)  is purchasing weapons on the Black Market to Kill Russian Prime Minister Medvedev on his next visit to a Russian Naval Base.

This means the CIA - using money found in Hillary’s Clinton Foundation - is now being used to Kill Russian Leaders.

The problem is - Hillary still does not have any passwords to secure her private Emails as she Commands the death of those who stand in her way and in this case she saw Prime Minister Medvedev as a threat.

If PM Medvedev is a target you can guess the PM of China and Iran are also targets at this very moment - so - keep your head down

1) Li Kenqiang of China

2) Hassan Rouhana of Iran

Be ready folks - buy extra food and water, stop eating GMO Foods, incorporate Immusist, Citricare and Sea Weed into your diet and be healthy.

Pray for Hillary Clinton and the Rothchilds Family  is turned to GOD immediately

Thank you for reading and when you subscribe the ad money goes to help keep the price of the products that cure cancer and Autism down.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Russian FSB guard attacked U.S. diplomat outside Moscow embassy - The Washington Post

Obama's Private Hit Men:

Obama's Blackwater? Chicago Mercenary Firm Gets Millions for Private "Security" in Israel and Iraq | Alternet

Hillary #2 Makes A Ruling:

Hillary Turned Over Embassy Security to Hired Guns | Frontpage Mag

US Attny General Implicated In Hit On Medvedev:

Lynch: 'No discussion' of email probe in private talk with Bill Clinton | Washington Examiner

White House Vs Planet Earth - Shooting War Has Begun



Video: White House Vs Planet Earth - Shooting Has Begun - YouTube

Over the last 7 years since the current president took power there has been an undeclared war on Planet Earth

Under the command of his handlers the staff in the White House has been waging war against life itself on this planet

Here in the states and in Canada huge amounts of Chemicals have been sprayed on every living thing - Criss-Crossing the continent day after day killing life, creating GMO Foods, poisoning us with Chemicals in the food, etc.

Overseas the White House has funded ISIS, the Killing of Political Leaders world wide, conducting war after war around the world, and recently in a Shoot-Out in front of the US Embassy in Moscow it was revealed a US Mercenary company run by Triple Canopy LLC (White House Hit Men, part of Black Water, a subsidiary of the CIA)  is purchasing weapons on the Black Market to Kill Russian Prime Minister Medvedev on his next visit to a Russian Naval Base.

This means the CIA - using money found in Hillary’s Clinton Foundation - is now being used to Kill Russian Leaders.

The problem is - Hillary still does not have any passwords to secure her private Emails as she Commands the death of those who stand in her way and in this case she saw Prime Minister Medvedev as a threat.

If PM Medvedev is a target you can guess the PM of China and Iran are also targets at this very moment - so - keep your head down

1) Li Kenqiang of China

2) Hassan Rouhana of Iran

Be ready folks - buy extra food and water, stop eating GMO Foods, incorporate Immusist, Citricare and Sea Weed into your diet and be healthy.

Pray for Hillary Clinton and the Rothchilds Family  is turned to GOD immediately

Thank you for reading and when you subscribe the ad money goes to help keep the price of the products that cure cancer and Autism down.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Russian FSB guard attacked U.S. diplomat outside Moscow embassy - The Washington Post

Obama's Private Hit Men:

Obama's Blackwater? Chicago Mercenary Firm Gets Millions for Private "Security" in Israel and Iraq | Alternet

Hillary #2 Makes A Ruling:

Hillary Turned Over Embassy Security to Hired Guns | Frontpage Mag

US Attny General Implicated In Hit On Medvedev:

Lynch: 'No discussion' of email probe in private talk with Bill Clinton | Washington Examiner

White House Vs Planet Earth - Shooting Has Begun

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Global Reset Nears, US Ports Re-Open

The Global Dollar Reset is near as US Ports open across the nation

Video: Global Reset Near, US Ports Re-Open - YouTube

The negotiations between the East and the West are moving ahead very quickly

So as you can see - the Tacoma Port is now open and has been for about 10 days.

The 2 month "Silent Embargo" has reopened a bit for the importation of critical parts - like Car Parts.

That is Great News!!!!

Some other great news is that:  It was reported that Deutch Bank had filed bankruptcy papers six months ago and this would destroy the Euro. What we did not know is that quietly the Chinese Bankers (Red Dragons)  got ahold of these bankers  and are dealing with their $75 Trillion in Worthless Hedge Funds and Derivatives.

In addition - the BREXIT Vote (Real Vote Was 67 to 33) is designed to have England pull out of the Euro Zone and draw close to the Untied States Corporation and away from the European Union Corporation.

This is why all those who spoke to the Public in English at the latest meeting of the Eurropean Union are in favor a a quick exit of Britain form the EU. They wish this whole economic mess to be fixed as soon as possible.

One other thing that slipped form the mouths of these Euro Nation folks at the Conference Yesterday (Merle's Assistant) is that the Euro Nations are run out of Washington DC.

The Links are provided below.

Thus both NATO and the Euro Nation Corporation are controlled out of the White House - or more correct - CIA Head Quarters at Langley

One last thing that the Langley Fudge Boys must realize - if it is not done GOD's way it will fail and they will be the ones GOD is going to go after.

Just be ready for two things:

1) Huge Inflation - food prices double withing 1 year - perhaps go up by as much as 4 times.

2) Food Shortages - Empty Shelves. This is why the US army is training to restock food shelves and round up looters during Jade Helm 16

Be ready folks -

Look at the links below and save on food and please subscribe.

The more subscribers - that more money we can spend to help those with Cancer, Autism, etc.

On a personal note - when a person calls back and says they can See again or their cancer is gone or their Autistic Child says their first word -  - what a real joy it is. It is at those times your faith really goes up.

That love they show "I Can See Again" - it makes up for all the harassment I receive trying to put out these videos so thank you....

When an assassin is stopped from killing Trump, Or Obama, or Putin then we know we are on the right track -

And than you for all your prayers.

Pray your family will be safe and that those on top are turned back to GOD, even Hillary and Obama's Handlers.

We will win - I read the last chapter.

Dr William B. Mount

Global Reset Near, US Ports Re-Open