Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Be Ready - Food And Water

Just get ready for what is coming -

Video: Be Ready - Food And Water - YouTube

The News You Must Have

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, May 16, 2016


Dollar Rejected Worldwide - Putin Said Petro Dollar Is Dead

The US Dollar has been rejected around the world.


Yesterday at a restaurant we watched a ship loaded with goods leave the Port of Tacoma --- they refused US Dollars and went home.

Last night we listened to Jim Willie - an Economist - on "Ochelli Effects"and he clearly stated ships are sitting off of California loaded with goods and they refuse payment in Dollars.

About 48 hours ago Putin ordered the Gas to be shut off of Europe because he refused to accept the Petro Dollar as payment and the Euro is backed entirely by the US Dollar

As you recall last week China refused to allow a US Carrier Group to dock in Hong Kong because all they had to pay with for the Docking Fee and Fuel was US Dollars.

There appears to be about 25 countries - currently occupied by forces of the United States Corporation - that Are still accepting the US Dollar.

The US Dollar is issued by the Federal Reserve System and Jim Willie, and other economists, think that both the IMF and Federal Reserve System are now controlled by the Chinese now so they are apparently calling the shots now.

Be Ready America - Be Ready

BE READY - YouTube

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Coming To America - Venezuelan Economy


What is planned for America is the same things we now see in Venezuela

Please Get Ready

Video:Coming To America - Venezuelan Economy - YouTube


It seems as if our own government is now the instrument of our own destruction

This is a very hard concept to swallow

All Governments (Except London, Russia, Hutt River, Sea Land) are run by Corporations controlled by the United Nations and do as they are told via treaties.

Thus the Governments of the world have been ordered what to spend their money on, what they can produce, import. Export, etc.

For example: The US has enough oil under the Mississippi River to run the world for over 100 years - nice, sweet crude - but it is not allowed to be pumped. This creates a deficit internationally that has now led to the destruction of our economy via the United Nations.

Something happened when President Kennedy was shot in 1963 - a huge CIA take over of the nation, music turned bad, morals plummeted,  Our Nation started going into debt -- our nation went “Cadywhompus”
What we are seeing in Venezuela what we will soon see here and is a combination of:

1) US interference due to a Cocaine War in the Jungles of Columbia and Venezuela which creates cash for the CIA to kill and destroy worldwide

2) China buying up most of their farmland and shipping 1/3rd of their produce to China --- which is being allowed to happen here as we speak

3) China’s Need for Cheap Oil - since they have plenty of it

4) Corrupt Government - taking Bribes and not giving the Oil Profits to the people

5) Elimination of Welfare and Mental Disability and Refugee Pay - now what happens when half the mother in a country loose their welfare???

6) Social Security is considered a “RIGHT” under UN treaties but raises in Social Security and Old Age Pensions are not a “Right.”
The average amount of Social Security people receive is about 1,600 Bolivar a month --- which 3 years ago was worth about $600/month and is now worth $160.

7) So pensions funds were seized and the people are now given Social Security - A “Human Rights” issue.

Could you live on $160 per month???

These words must now be heeded:

Karl Marx Communist Doctrine: “”Any government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it away - and it will eventually do that””

Benjamin Franklin: “”Man is inherently evil, thus are  Governments. Therefore it is necessary to keep the Governments as small as possible to limit their evil actions””

Hitler’s NAZI Mantra: “” The need of the many over the rights of the individual””

General Jackson’s and Lee’s Warning in 1862: “”This war is about individual rights over commerce - the control of the people by large European Corporations. If the North Wins they will try and control the world through their corporations. “ “

Obama: We will have 10,000 Muslim Refugees inside the US by 9/11 of this year (2016)

Henry Kissinger and Adolf Hitler: Control Oil And You Control Nations. Control Food And You Control The Population

Follow The Money: The same forces that stripped China of her Gold form 1717 to 1945 through Opium Imports are now stripping the Unites States and Canada of their wealth through the Federal Reserve
System and Cocaine Imports

Follow The Money - and it leads back to the Unholy alliance of Bankstas in Rome, Jerusalem, Frankfurt, Paris, London, New York and DC as Protected by the Jesuit Scum and the Cocaine Import Agency - CIA

Remember: Zeig Heil, all Hail Lucifer (Hitler) in WW2???

Same People - Different Decade

What is happening there - food riots, Massive  Homelessness, people eating their neighbor’s pets … CIA Agents agitating the riots…is planned for here

Pray that those destroying America and Freedom are themselves destroyed immediately and their plans fail.

Prepare - Get your family ready for what is to come. Be like your Grandfather the Farmer - Prepare.

Watch the video BE READY
Almost Forgot Intel Folks:

June 17th,  Another 35KT Present From the Rothchilds, Deepest Part Of Old Subway Under New York - “The Hollow City” and a shooter to take out Obama #3, the Moron - he is a liability.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

All Dollars Earned go to help those with cancer
Russia Shocked Over Chinese Plan To Start Rationing Food To American People In 2017

China proposes development zones for business in US | World Finance

Why is China Bankrolling Venezuela? | Foreign Policy

China plants bitter seeds in South American farmland - Washington Times

Columbia Conflict

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Putin: If Hillary Is Elected We Will Destroy America

Putin: If Hillary Is Elected We Will Destroy Americ


Video:Putin: If Hillary Is Elected We Will Destroy America - YouTube

One thing we know about the Russians - they have no sense of humor and they say what they mean. With Medvedev and Sergio (Chief of Staff) on Personal Messenger I assure you this is no joke.

The rest of the world is tired of being pushed to the brink of disaster

If this Wicked Witch of the West - what the Russian Leadership calls Hillary and her Handlers - is allowed to take office it will be Nuclear War

.Either way - we may end up looking like Venezuela by September - just before the election ---- looting just to get bread, meat, oatmeal…..

Hang on folks - it could get a little rough

Draw close to GOD and trust in HIM and watch HIS hand now go to work across the Globe

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

TASS: Science & Space - First rocket launch from Russia's Far Eastern Vostochny spaceport

Putin Warns Military Commanders: “If It’s Hillary Clinton, It’s War”

Russia Calls New U.S. Missile Defense System a ‘Direct Threat’ - The New York Times

Venezuela looters target chicken, flour amid worsening shortages | Reuters

Friday, May 13, 2016

Inhalers Rot Your Teeth Out

We have been baffled as to why my teeth are getting soft and beginning to have allot of cavities.

Inhalers Rot Your Teeth Out - YouTube

Sound Familiar?

So we asked the VA Doctors and Nurses and they states it is because of my Diabetes - but my blood sugars are good - in fact since using Immusist and Citricare - GREAT.

So the VA Doctors and Nurses lie to sell their Inhalers -- yes, sell. They are a Private Corporation paid by the IMF.

So - we thought we would ask around and find out why - why the sudden change in my Dental Condition.

So we asked some folks who work at a Dental Clinic we personally know.

Every person they know who uses an Inhaler have their teeth literally rot out of their heads - causing all sorts of expansive dental problems, not to mention an enormous amount of pain.

You see - an Inhaler is used when you get Athesma - a condition caused by some Allergic Reaction to the air - is a steroid.

So we spoke with 3 people we know who have really bad dental problems - all 3 of them have really bad tooth problems.

But..... how do you get rid of an inhaler when you have Athesma?????

So we MUST either stop using the Inhaler or face huge dental problems and allot of mouth pain.

So in this video you will see what causes your teeth to rot out, how to reduce the use of an inhaler, how to stop your teeth from rotting, and how to deal with the pain caused by bad teeth.

The News You Absolutely Need

Dr William B. Mount