Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Red Dragons - GOD Is Never Wrong

Red Dragons - this one is for you.

Look up - My Help Cometh From Above.

The sky over you head is filled with fire and the ground under your feet is shaking. Your god could not stop this - we challenged him here on this news sight, on You Tube, on TV dozens of times and on the radio countless times and yet you follow Lucifer - Unbelievable but true....

The Ground under your feet will continue to shake World Wide.

GOD Will Not Be Mocked and Red Dragon Family You Will No Longer Lie - Fund These Humanitarian Projects. GOD Will Now Hold Your Feet To The Fire - Put Up Because You Will Not Shut Up.
On the brighter side - had a call form a gal who had a brain tumor. The doctors wanted to give her Chemo, Radiation, Operation..... they were going to destroy her. She ate 16 drops of Immusist a day  three times a day and she just called. After 2 months no tumor - they scanned her brain twice.

This old Black Gal beat Brain Cancer with Immusist.

I do not know exactly how it works or why - I think it has allot to do with the changing of the structure of the water - but her Brain Cancer is gone.
So while the Red Dragon Family is angry because their Pinhead Boss Lucifer can't stop the Sun Spots and Earth Quakes - Lots more quakes to come - the rest of us are getting rid of Diabetes, Cancer, etc.


Current Sun Data: Thank you Dr Will P Wilson - three huge Sn Spots tonight., aimed directly at China. Maybe - just maybe - the Red Dragons should listen to the Living GOD, Maybe?

Until you do as you were asked - the Humbling has just begun for you, so HE has said it, so it shall be.

Current Solar Data: NOAA data

Monday, June 22, 2015

Red Dragons - They Lied Again

The following story is not going to make those happy who truly believe the Red Dragon Family is going to ride in on a White Horse and save the day. This is Poppy Cock Horse Pucky.

OK - we can expect an enormous amount of criticism by the Red Chinese and their paid Hench men about this article but you need to know the truth about who they are and what they want.

(((Please pray that those who are destroying Freedom in America are immediately immobilized for life - all of them.)))

The Red Dragon Family is supposed to be the family line of Ghengis Kahn and stretch form central China to Rome and up into London. In their St Germain (Marco Polo) Trust fund they claim to have;


1) Well - Fist of all - their "Ambassador" has an Italian Accent - he is from Rome.

2) Second - Today, currency is made up on a computer so to give some one say - a Million Dollars - they just make it up.

3) Third - When I went to college in 1978 I watched US Engineers at UC Berkeley GROW Iron out of the ether and guess what - I known, and know of,  several people who have grown Gold out of the Ether such as Senator Jack Metcalf.

So to run around and say your have a Gajillion billion Trillion Dollars is both irresponsible and dishonest.

Several months ago weo presented on this "Ambassador"  to the Red Dragon Family  many Humanitarian Projects to fund,  such as:  building a Water Powered motor and Tacheon Generators.

As you recall - the 1181 P-51 Engine in WW2 was water powered. Duh.

The Ambassador's Official Response on the radio was that Humans are "Not Spiritually Advanced" enough to have these toys.

In other words - they do not intend to fund anything - they are liars and thieves just like the Rothchilds.

Well - since then we have called them out and\the Chinese  economy is crumbling. GOD will not be mocked - even by them.

They were told what GOD expected for them to do and they ignored it - so yesterday, today and tomorrow we shall see the Sun spit fire and their cities in Japan and China shake along with the Islands just north of New Zealand so you know who I speak for.

Lucifer himself has not been able to stop these events - he is powerless before the Living GOD, yet Morons still follow him,

During the past week the Red Dragon "Ambassador" was once again confronted at two press conferences - this time we had posted the videos THE CURE FOR CANCER, THE CURE FOR DIABETES. etc and he was asked why he is not funding clinics to push these techniques.

His response was: I want a full business plan and see how we can make money off of these clinics.

In other words - his bosses are liars and thieves. All they want to do is make money. Their Bajillion, Million, Trillion dollars is there's and they do not intend to share it with anyone.

Further - he stated that is Humanity does not rise spiritually fast enough in the next 3 years they will destroy 90% of Humanity.

This is your Red Dragon Family - arrogant, greedy murderers.

Now remember - the "Ambassador" is just a Messenger for some pretty rich folks - and their money leads to  lead to Rome where Lucifer is worshiped by the Pope - see his June 0214 Mass to his Master Lucifer. .

The Red Dragon Ambassador is just a Mouth Piece - like Joseph Goebbles was for Adolf Hitler. He is a PR person, hired to apparently spread lies and distort reality and make the Red Dragons look kind and gentle and caring. It must grade on him every time he has to lie.

A small fact in politics: All politicians lie and I can't stand any of them. They should speak the truth and maybe we won't have so many wars.

If the Red Dragons were serious why would they not promote the Video: THE CURE FOR CANCER?


So here is what GOD says: "You will fund the programs my servant brought forth by 1 August or my protection of you is over."

Big deal they think - right?

Do we forget 8 February when the US torched off a Nuke in the Eastern Ukraine and sent 3 more hurdling to other targets?

Did we forget that in  March Obama ordered a "Limited Nuclear Strike" against Russia but he had lost control of our 65,000 Nukes so it never occurred? (See Sorcha this week)

Did we forget that the Russian Federation and the Red Chinese are now fully deployed to nuke the US at this very moment?

Also - Obama plans a Full Scale Test of our Nuclear Arsenal in early August and if an accident does not kick off WW3 he plans a limited Nuclear Strike under CONPLAN 2010-13 on both Russia and China in Early October followed by an invasion of Russia?

Not to wander - but China and Russia are now fighting about the Silk Highway and who will invest in the Former Soviet Nations for the construction of factories?

So Russian and Chinese Oligarchs - you did not do as GOD directed and we are on the verge of a Nuclear War and you are fighting among your selves?

Do your leaders have half a brain to figure this out?

Do you think that if you have your next Red Dragon Meeting in Hong Kong anything will change?

China - look out your windows - your economy is crumbling, your cities are shaking, your allies realize now you are liars and you mock GOD.

GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED Red Dragons, Russian Leadership.

Putin - I warned you who was going to take a Pot Shot at you and they did - are your stupid?

Did you need me to come to Moscow and dance in front of your office with a sign - "Hey President Putin, a Really Fat Oligarch Close To You Is About To Shoot You."

Last time I left Moscow you had me poisoned for what - stopping Moscow from being Nuked and from you loosing $750,000,000 personally?

Have you all gone stupid?

The Living GOD will now handle you directly. John Kerry lies in a COma, Joe Biden's SOn was killed - now more will die, so HE has said it, so it shall be.

So here is a little surprise: Your 3 rail lines you are updating are your weak point - 30,000 Miles of Rail Line and one squad with a match can tear up you Rail Lines and bend them in a fire.

GO ahead - ignore what GOD has directed you to do and see what happens.

You Fallen Angels who inhabit these leaders - you will never get back to heaven, ever. You do not even know how the Speed Of Light changes as you go up the Harmonics and you plan to waltz back into Heaven?

It is simple Mathematics in a Logorythmic Scale related to Sacred Geometry.

You can't even follow simple instructions from the Living GOD while you are here in this lower Material Plane!

You will need to go down 2 more planes until you can follow simple instructions, form the Animal to the Plant Harmonics.

The Living GOD has spoken and when his SON returns you are toast - literally. That could be today, it could be tomorrow, or it could be in 3 weeks - only GOD knows when and that is what is driving you nuts, isn't it?

Enough - 1 August and your protection from above is pulled for both Russia and China and India will begin to splinter even further and Israel will begin to get hit hard by the Living GOD.

Enough - You have my number.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

China wants Central Asia and it's not just about Russia - Business Insider

Rail Silk Highway

China Russia Train Map


Sunday, June 21, 2015

How The IMF Works - Currently Run By Red Dragons

The following is a film that shows how the IMF works.

Please keep in mind that the Red Dragon Family (Chinese) now control the IMF.

Please keep in mind that the head bankers are not Jewish but they worship Lucifer, they are Demon Possessed "Human Sacrificing Satanists" and do not represent the Jewish Rank and File.

Please Pray - Visualize - that these Satanists are made so sick immediately that they cannot even speak for the rest of their lives.

How The IMF Really Works - YouTube

The IMF is now run by the Red Dragon Family and both hte Red Dragon Family and IMF are about to be taken down a huge notch by the Living GOD for not paying on the debts they were asked to pay on. They owe the money but refuse so they will be dealt with by GOD.

This morning, for example, the New Saudi King signed a series of treaties - trade deals really - unifying themselves with Russia ad leaving the US Corporation in the Learch.

New Saudi King Signs 6 Trade Deals With Russia, Forms Russia/Saudi “Petroleum Alliance”

For The SVR:

Before the Untimely Demise of John Kerry - he was told right here what he did to his wife will be done to him by the Living GOD and now he is kept alive with Tubes and Wires - a series of events to attack South Western Russia was planned, and is as follows:

From Cuma weapons will be transported (Mule Train) to Llisu State Reserve, North to Tsakhur and down to Vladikavkas Mosque - a small one, old one made of stone. Lots of hiding places in the building.

Form there to Grozney within a Fortnight and a small attack is planned on a building on a building on an Island form the East Side of the bridge leading to the building - a Planned Prezzie for Putin.

There is a blue dome on top of the Building they plan to shoot at.

It is at Tsentralnyy Park, Kuntury i Otdykha.

Only a couple pf shots need to be fired to raise the SVR Cockles.

If you actually worked with me I could more than likely give you more details - Oh Well.

Do a few fly overs and you may be able to stop the weapons transfers.

Also - more weapponms moving from Baku up E119 through Quba, Derbent, Izberbash and them moving West for holding for future attacks.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Aerial Spraying: Who, What, And Why

Following is a video explaining who is spraying us, where they live, what they are spraying us with and why they are spraying us.

Any questions?

Please pray - visualize - that those planes spraying us wit toxic material have they electrical instruments burn out in the sky so they must land their planes immediately.

Aerial Spraying: Who, What And Why - YouTube

Dr Will Wilson is right - focus you mind to stop these people from spraying us.

Aerial Spraying: Who, What And Why - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS - NASA Lied Again - No Fireballs From The Sky Last Night as we are all still alive.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Stroke During a Stroke President Obama

President Obama: It's called a stroke.

The dizziness you are now feeling in Palm Springs is caused by a Stroke induced by an outside party.

This is why you are having a headache.

Get out of the sun and go sit down and have a Manhattan - it will act as a surfactant to calm your "Nerves."

Perhaps you should have a little Immusist in your tea - it will clear it right up really fast and reverse the damage.

You never should have declared yourself as god on the Golf Course -- even as a joke.

The lower left part of your brain has a small clot induced by one of your enterage' of security guards - change them immediately.

Have a nice day in Palm Springs Golfing as your handlers are begging for more places to sell their US Bonds in Europe.

Dr Mount

Friday, June 19, 2015

Greek Bank Run And How It Effects You

Today the Greeks ran to the bank trying to pull out as many Euros as they could because rumors in the Rothchilds Controlled Media stated that the banks will take a "Bank Holiday" on Monday.

We know it was fed by these Rothchilds (Bauers) because all across the world the stories about this were the same and most of them contained the words:  "Game Over".  So please keep in mind that the Greek Government knows who is destroying their people and refuses to stop this by arresting the perpetrators. Either they are Cowards or paid off to destroy Greece.

(((Please pray - Visualize - that those who are blocking your ability to get the news are immediately made so sick they can not speak or move for the rest of their lives. I mean really pray that they cannot move or speak.)))

After three months of paying the Greek Bill the IMF just announced that Greece is broke?

This is all planned.

Like we stated months ago:

1) Greece will fall.

2) Next the PIGS Nations - Portugal, Italy, and SPain.

3) France next.

4) Germany will fall.

5) Finally: The US will tumble.

6) Then these nuts plan to shoot "Jesus" out of the sky (Not Kidding) and barring this


7) Russia will nuke the US and invade since those in the White House are traitors and sold out completely.

Russian Plans Atomic “First Strike” As “False Flag” Racial Massacre Pushes America To Brink Of Insanit

What this means for you is: You need to throw away the TV and listen very hard for GOD. Ask HIM what to do.

If you are listening and IF you throw your TV out the window then you will be able to hear and your family will be readied for what is coming.

Like Y2K - the only thing that may happen is prices simply go up and we are stuck with a Fascist Pig in the White House for a few more years.

Either way it is not a bad thing to ba prepared for a power outage or your water supply being cut due to a Earth Quake or other disaster, right?

YOUR job is to listen to the Living GOD and prepare your family for any event that may happen. That is all. The news is simply a device used to tell us what time it is - how close we are to the return of our savior. That's All.

BE READY - YouTube

Game Over For Greek Banks: Depositors Yank €2 Billion In Past Three Days | Zero Hedge

The News You Need

Dr. William B. Mount

About 5 minutes after I posted last night's story I received a Sun Spot Alert and the ground began shaking all over the world, GOD IS NEVER WRONG:

Russian First Strike Map:

The Sun Today:

Image Unavaliable

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jade Helm - Why Now

Why is Jade Helm being conducted at this very moment.

Every piece of military hardware around the world will be deployed by 1 September 2015 - a full world wide deployment.

Simply this - This Deluded Lucifer Nut Case, and his allies, believe  (according to all the predictions) that the Messiah is returning 13 September and they think they can shot his fleet down with Missiles and Lasers.

Just watch the video.

Failing that these deluded Lucufarians plan to kill 90% of the world's Population between 2015 and 2025 and then build a temple to Lucifer on the North Mount in Jerusalem and declare Lucifer as god in the year 2032.

The Mormons believe that this is the time when the Evil will destroy the Evil, after the war the Messiah will return and set up the New Jerusalem in the center of what is left of the United States.

Well surprise, surprise, surprise - the time of the return of Jesus the Messiah (Yeshua) is known only to the Father. Further - Lucifer does not even know how the Universe is structured so hwo does he plan to shoot down GOD with Lasers and Nukes?

Those who follow Lucifer are insane deluded freaks.

Jade refers to the Jade Rabbit which is the goddess of the Moon who will assist Lucifer

Helm - refers to the Earth inhabitants - the Helmet of Protection.

It gets more bizaar when you really listen to these world leaders. I mean bizaar beyond belief.

For Example: The Red Dragon Family Ambassador just told a friend of mine yesterday that the Dragon Family does not intend to fund and real prosperity projects because man is not mentally advanced to understand them,. In fact he stated they plan to kill 90% of humanity in 3 years.

So this entire"Red Dragons Save The Planet" stuff is pure unadulterated crap.

Please pray (Visualize) that all of Lucifer's Plans to kill and destroy fall flat on their faces.

The Video: Jade Helm - Why Now

Jade Helm - Why Now - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount