Showing posts with label Shocking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shocking. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2016

Censorship In America??? - C & D



VIDEO: OMG! Can We Say That? Cuss & Discuss - YouTube

In the past You Tubers and those who blog have been free to talk about anything as long as it was not vulgar or a lie.

Things have changed now that Google and You Tube have now merged.

What does this mean to the content of the stories you read?

Well - we will have to re-title our videos to avoid using terms that they do not approve of like… War, Hillary, Billary… and a dozen other words we are only now learning about

Does that mean our stories will be wishy washy????

Absolutely not.

We will, as a team of viewers, learn to get the truth in this new Politically Correct Environment.

This is YOUR channel and we will learn to adapt - not assimilate - but adapt.
Since this is the Smartest, most active audience in the world it is likely that there will not be a problem.

Further - our Cover Pictures will be a little bit more “Cutesey” (Boaring, Milk Toast) rather than hard hitting - so be aware of that.

You deserve the news - and we will get it to you somehow.

Rather than stating things outright we may make references - like calling Hillary: “Coo Coo Pants“, or the “Unpopular Candidate“, or the “NWO Presidential Candidate.”

For those of you know us we are unique - we talk about things that are about to occur to try and stop them. Our goal here is to prevent Presidential Assassinations, Nuclear False Flags, and the preservation of Freedom and America and to get America ready for whatever they can throw art us. For example -

1) 15 September (+- 3 Days) there will be another attempt on Obama - someone trying to charge him with a knife - to create a distraction for a Kidnapping - and if our stories are pulled or suppressed and the President is injured in any way it will not go well for those suppressing these stories.
2) There is another Nuke being brought into DC near the Washington Memorial - a small one - the size of a large soft ball - about 8 inches in diameter. It is scheduled to be left on 3 October but may be delayed for 2 weeks due to logistical issues. Now if this goes off and this story is suppressed then those messing with these stories will be in big trouble, right?

Either way - we still wish to comply with these new “Unknown” rules before they are fully implemented.

The stories of the day are:

1) $56 Million In Cocaine found in a Coke A Cola Factory in France

They put the Coke back in Coke

Actually - the Cocaine was not used in the Coke but in fact was secretly packaged in with other material

2) Jim Willie and the Dollar

A friend went shopping today in a Tourist Town and allot of the stores are closed.

She finally realized the Economy is - well - to be politically correct - Dying in the outhouse, down the drain, in poopsville, toast, Fried (Can we say that?)   ……

3) Hanjin Shipping lines are Bankrupt, ships are held in port and the inventory has been seized - they contain mostly electronics

You may kiss your Christmas TV good by

And you can kiss your F-15 Spare parts good by.

4) The Presidential debate may see The Trumpster discussing the issues with someone on a TV, or himself,  as the Other Candidate may be too “BUSY”  to appear at her own debate.

And never forget - we must stay politically correct

You do the math as to why she does not appear

5) There are also rumors floating around that the “Unpopular Candidate”  will try an Fake her own Assassination 23 September (+- 3 Days) and blame Donald, just like her staff tried several weeks ago (We all saw it on TV) when someone rushed the stage wile she was speaking. As you recall - we warned her 2 weeks earlier.

Obama: It’s all still George Bush’s Fault

6) Weather

Pensacola - Dead On
Savannah - Dead On
Charleston - Dead On
DC - Dead On

Just like we said a week ago before they turned 90* to the right

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
Be Ready:

All references were lost when this story was erased


Be ready folks:

Product Links:1) FOOD:

Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -


Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!



Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Sustainably Harvested and Certified Organic


Essential Oils | Uncle Harry's Natural Products

My apologies to Before Its News for a Racey Article. It has been cleaned yup - thank you.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

How The Dollar Is Maintained

What you are about to learn is how the Dollar is maintained.

Video: Amazing - How The Dollar Is Maintained - YouTube

The CIA was established right after World War 2 to maintain the US Dollar as a World Currency.

The charter of the CIA is to both maintain the US Dollar as the world Currency but to remove governments that oppose the United States Corporation

For about 70 years they have done a very good job, unfortunately - they have gone rogue and are now supporting those that wish Full Scale Nuclear War.

This Nuclear War may maintain the Dollar as the World Currency but when the Unholy Alliance is Nuked (New York, DC, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Rome, Jerusalem) there goes the US Corporation as well.

So for now we have contained the Nuclear War and helped stop many, many assassinations of World Leaders... but that may all change very soon - but that is for a different day.

Our goal for this channel is to keep YOU informed about what is really going on around the world, to prepare you for what is coming, and to pray to stop this evil on this planet.

That is all.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, June 17, 2016

Another Shocking Intel Dump


Video: Shocking Intel Dump - YouTube

It Appears that the FASCISTS that now hold power over the world through the United States Corporation are now in a form of Desperation

They will do anything to maintain their power base.

President Obama’s Handlers have until the Election in November to destroy America or loose complete control - less than 150 days away.

So here is what is happening as of Today:

1) Hillary and Billary are now being investigated for such things as Fraud, Drug Dealing, Murder  and the missing $100 Billion Dollars no one seems to know where it went out of the Clinton Foundation by both the FBI but by Private parties who are tired of  all of this. As exposed by John B Wells Wednesday Evening

2) What this means is that if you are one of the 631 Super Delegates of the Democratic Socialist Party and you vote for Hillary after this story comes out you will be guilty of Treason. If any money can be traced to you from the Clintons  you are guilty of Tax Fraud as well treason.

3) In addition - it was just announced that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is funding 20% of Hillary’s Campaign - which is illegal for Hillary to receive --- yet she is still a candidate?

4) Another 100 tons of weapons is being flown and then trucked into Syria for what is left of the US Backed ISIS through several back doors - some through Turkey and a whole lot through the road  into m Tallulah (Iraq) in through Al-Quim.

5)  The United States Corporate State Department under John Kerry #2 has again shipped another  150 Nukes to North Korea- they came through a specially designed port near what I believe is Kimchaek and are currently being transported to their Nuclear facility to be activated. Thanks to Obama’s Handlers North Korea now had 157 “Working” Nukes.

6) Keep Trump Hidden on the 14th of August as Hillary has again put out another hit on him at some speech he is to give.

7) China, and the rest of the world, are now dumping US Treasuries and Stocks - but the US Stock Market is 65% AI Controlled so do not expect it to fall - expect it to become --- irrelevant
Again -

With the recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2016  the President has been given full authority to start wars without the consent of Congress - both INSIDE and outside the United States Corporate Controlled Areas

The goal here is to create enormous amounts of destruction so he remains in power. Watch for:

1)  Paid US Rioters at more “Trump Rallys” The problem here is Hillary’s Foundation has been frozen so this will have to be paid out of funds controlled by the White House - US Treasury Exchange Stabilization Fund.

2) Another 50,000 Paid Violent Muslim Criminals (From Prison)  swarming in to the US on UPS Planes

3) More cuts in the EBT Card and Social Security - he will attack the most vulnerable: Old, Physically Disabled and Handicapped living on their own

4) Large numbers of Street Closures at critical areas

5) More attempts at creating Earthquakes - especially in the Portland to Seattle area - as can be seen on the map below

6) More rolls for Women in US Military Combat Units

7) US Paid Riots at the Democratic and Republican Conventions

8) Destabilization of the US Dollar with planned Riots/Looting No Later Than 15 September 2016

9) More strange weather

10) - AND - Riots world wide as both the food chain distribution centers break down and welfare and Government Hand Outs get slashed worldwide

One last note - the “Earthquakes” (Explosions) continue in the Puget Sound as can be seen at “PNSN Recent Events” - look for the links below. The Orange Dots represent Quakes in the last 24 hours.

Be Ready

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tomorrow we may discuss the current Computer Hacking attempts to expose just exactly what the US Corporation and all it’s minions have been doing

Pray that the Evil people are  changed and they begin following GOD

Obama Prepares To Unleash World War III To Protect Hillary Clinton

Caravan To Midnight

First Treasuries, Now China Is Also Liquidating US Stocks | Zero Hedge

PNSN Recent Events | Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

Police Arrest 16-year-old Boy Who Hacked CIA Director

Alarming Trend of Cybersecurity Breaches and Failures in the U.S. Government

CIA admits it broke into Senate computers; senators call for spy chief’s ouster | McClatchy DC