Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hitler. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ship Leaves Tacoma Loaded - Dollar Refused


Video: Ship Leaves Tacoma Loaded - They Refused The Dollar - YouTube

It is one thing to talk about, it is another to actually see it happen

Most of Europe and several south American Nations - like Brazil that recently had a US Sponsored Coup -  are still accepting the US Dollar and a few International Corporations so things have not hit Critical Mass yet.

Yes - the Brazilian Coup was sponsored by the US and done using the CIA

A Rather Bloodless Coup - they will now obey their masters in London

Brazil is the second largest economy in the Western Hemisphere and boasts a $2 Trillion Dollar Economy.

Their loss to the BRICS Nations signals a huge change in international policies and in the acceptance of the US Dollar. The CIA Coup in Brazil was so successful that the nation is even planning on putting it’s last president in jail for participating in the BRICS Treaty.

So for now the BRICS will be the RICS nations as the BRICS Treaty has been temporarily placed on hold in Brazil

We shall see how the rest of the BRICS respond

One more step closer to the nation states as described in the book “1984”

Maybe things will just keep going and we have nothing to worry about - we can only hope and pray

Be ready folks

We have been shown what is coming.

There is a story in the Bible about 10 virgins - 5 had extra oil, 5 did not

Those with extra oil were taken in an married while the 5 without extra oil had to go to town and buy more oil for their lamps and when they returned they were left out in the cold

Be ready folks -

For posterity - the VW XL1 gets 280 MPG - that’s 280 MPG using diesel -- not available in US. It’s in Wikipedia under Volkswagen 1-liter car

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

VW XL1 - 280 MPG:

Volkswagen 1-litre car - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Fact Sheet: The U.S.-Brazil Economic Relationship |

New President of Brazil, Michel Temer, Signals More Conservative Shift - The New York Times

Higher Prices In Brazil in 1946 after a US Sponsored Coup in 1945

Second Brazilian Republic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prices Rise in 1946 in Brazil - so history repeats itself

October 14, 1946 - INFLATION PUTS BRAZILIAN FOOD ON A SKYROCKET | Chicago Tribune Archive

Sunday, May 1, 2016

US Attempt To Destroy UPS

US Attempt To Destroy UPS


US Attempted Destruction Of UPS - YouTube

Under the theory of Creative Destruction - or what one might call “Bail Ins” the US Department of Labor is demanding that UPS support the failing Teamster’s Pension Fund @ AFL-CIO Pension Fund.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) is the largest Union  in the world and encompasses Canada, the US and Puerto Rico. It includes truck drivers, police, custodians, toll collectors, airline pilots, etc.

Teamsters Unions began uniting around 1899 when the Team Drivers International Union (TDIU) received a charter form the American Federation of Labor  and anyone who drove a team of horses could join.

In 1902 the Teamsters National Union (TNU) was formed in Chicago.

Ion 1903 the  TDIU merged with the IBT and became know as the Teamsters.

By 1915 the membership hit 60,000 and 15 years later hit 105,000. Wages increased, hours decreased.

By 1933 - in the depression, membership hit 75,000.

By 1940 as War Production increased Union membership hit 456,000 as the Teamsters continued to push truck stops nation wide and began to displace Railroads as the primary source in intra state commerce.

In 1955 - the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) merged.

In 1958 the IUE-CWA  Pension Fund Began

In the early 1980s - Under president Ronald Regan trucking was deregulated - which meant that as a trucker you did not have to belong to the AFL-CIO.

In 1997 the younger Jimmy Hoffa won elections with the AFL-CIO and began forming coalitions with environmentalist and the new Democratic “Nahzional Soshaleest”  (NAZI) “Progressives”

In 2005 the teamsters pulled out of the AFL-CIO, and along with them UPS due to corruption and their stealing from the pension funds - “Loans“ to their high ranking Officials, huge political contributions to the NAZI Progressives, etc..

However - the US Department of Labor (Foreign Owned Corporation) and the US Treasury Department (Foreign Owned Corporation) clearly stated that the Teamsters (And UPS) would have to support the AFL-CIO retirement System if it ever had to reduce benefits due to lack of funds.

So fast forward to 2016 where the AFL-CIO retirement program and Teamster’s Retirement Programs are failing ----- due to loans to it’s leaders and political contributions to the Democratic Progressives (NAZIs) ---- UPS must now pay a bill of almost $4 billion dollars as part of a BAIL IN - one company supporting another.

The Financial Obligations of these Central States Funds are so large that if the fund fails - as it is doing - it would swamp the Pension Benefit Government Corporation  (PBGC) - the Government Back Stop for Private Sector Pension Funds - and result in huge benefit cuts. The PBGC multi employer program is expected to be insolvent by 2024.

Now the US Senate Finance Committee has rejected a Bail Out of this huge program in violation f it’s original charter and has thus violated it’s original contract by changing the law under a New Pension Reform Act

Thus the Treasury Department and US Department of Labor are being forced to act by using those corporations that run a profit to bail out the thieves who illegally fund the NAZIs through illegal political contributions to these Progressive NAZIs.

This type of National Socialism (NAZI) ideology -- where inefficient companies are not allowed to fail --- usually until you run out of other people’s money and then the  system always collapses in upon itself and thus necessarily leads to War.

This is exactly what Hitler did to create the NAZI regime that the world came against in WW2

Here in America the US Corporation --- we are the  New NAZI’s

We are the ones leading the world into a CREATIVE DESTRUCTION

IE - World War 2, Churchill, Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt, Stalin

IE - The current collapse of Iraq

In response UPS has now set up UPS Stores across the country as it plans to cut thousands of drivers and deliver packages to these UPS Stores for you to pick up

Keep in mind that the US Corporation is currently shipping in thousands of Muslim Terrorists into New Orleans using UPS Jets.

Thus the US Creative Destruction Policy may lead to thousands of drivers being laid off permanently.

This might actually work out very well for most UPS customers.

As Welfare gets cut due to budget constraints crime will sky rocket - and UPS deliveries to your homes during Business Hours will be in jeopardy.

This might work out well for most people. As they come home from work they could stop by their “UPS Store” and pick up their deliveries in a secure manner - safe from street thugs, and US Corporate Sponsored Riots such as Grocery Store Strikes, Race Riots, NAZI riots against Non-NAZI politicians like Trump, etc.

So as the US Unleashes it’s “Creative Destruction” Policies against UPS they might actually increase their business.

Pray that all attempts to destroy UPS and lay off their drivers fail and that anyone who tries this is flattened for life immediately.

There is now a curse from the Living GOD against any and all people and beings acting to destroy America both spiritually and physically. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

Subscribe for future updates and be part of the Solution.

Also - never cruise the net under

Use instead in the top bar --


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount
UPS Braces For $3.8 Billion Charge As Treasury's Pension Benefit Decision Looms | Zero Hedge

UPS Moves To Break Up Central States Fund

Pension checks to be cut in half for Teamsters retirees

Teamsters did pull out of AFL-CIO | BrownCafe - UPSers talking about UPS

Where Did All Our Pensions Go?


Central States Pension Fund Prepares To Slash Hundreds of Thousands of Workers’ Pensions - Working In These Times


IUE-CWA | Links

Watchdog arm of Congress to probe oversight of pension fund -

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Obama's Remaining Allies Praise Hitler

President Obama and his few true allies he has left are now praising Hitler openly.

See Video:

Obama's Last Allies Praise Hitler - YouTube

Pretty Revealing?

It's No Surprise That Turkey's Erdogan Likes Adolf Hitler's Government | John A. Tures

Incirlik Air Base - Home

It's No Surprise That Turkey's Erdogan Likes Adolf Hitler's Government | John A. Tures

Azov Battalion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ukraine AZOV Battalion Training In Colorado Air Force Base

2nd SS NAZI Panzer Division

Turkish Leader And Hitler - Related?

Image result for nazi turkish  flag

Obama The Messiah, the NEW Hitler - Do You Believe?

Newsweek: Obama The Messiah May 21 2012 - THE FIRST GAY PRESIDENT
Image result for obama the messiah

Campaign Poster
Image result for obama the messiah

Official Symbol - Muslim Messiah Symbol
Image result for obama the messiah

Obama: President And Messiah
Image result for obama the messiah

Remember - they are now using his second Clone - so


For Us Lesser People:

As the economy tumbles and silver goes down in price the best investment is in GMO free food.

Get food. Go to:

I do not know where else to go to get GMO free food that lasts more than a year and testes good and is cheap.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, December 21, 2015

Jim Willie - Currency Wars

This video discusses the Currency Wars that are going on right now.

All currency wars have led to War.

Pray the evil fails to start their Nuclear War.

The Video:

Jim Willie - The Currency Wars - YouTube

The News You need

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Obama, Stalin and Hitler's Tactics To Create War Exposed!

What you are about to see are the techniques used by Obama, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler to create revolutions and start world wars.

Obama, Lenin, Stalin and Hitler's Tactics Exposed - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Connecticut Declares Medical State Of Emergency


Connecticut declared in state of ‘public health emergency,’ prepares for quarantine

The State of Public Health Emergency allows bureaucrats to detain and force-vaccinate people without due process.

(Source: Participant Media)
(Source: Participant Media)
HARTFORD, CT — Governor Dannel Malloy has declared Connecticut to be in a state of public health emergency, enabling the indefinite suspension of certain civil rights. State bureaucrats have been granted the broad authority to forcibly detain suspected sick people without due process. The declaration came preemptively, as Connecticut has not yet seen a single case of the virus it purports to stop.
The governor’s October 7th declaration read as follows:
“In response to the epidemic of the Ebola virus currently affecting multiple countries in western Africa, and in order to provide the Commissioner of Public Health and other appropriate officials with all authorities necessary to prevent any potential transmission of the Ebola virus within the State of Connecticut, I hereby declare a public health emergency for the State, pursuant to the Connecticut General Statutes Section 19a-131a, for the duration of the epidemic. Specifically, in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes Section 19a-131b, I authorize the Commissioner of Public Health to Order the isolation or quarantine, under conditions prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Health, of any individual or group of individuals whom the Commissioner reasonably believes to have been exposed to, infected with, or otherwise at risk of passing the Ebola virus.”
– Governor Dannel P. Malloy, October 7, 2014
Rationalizing his actions, the governor said in a statement: “We need to have the authorities in place that will allow us to move quickly to protect public health, if and when that becomes necessary. Signing this order will allow us to do that.”
The recipient of most of the newly-imparted power is Jewel Mullen, Connecticut’s Commissioner of the Department of Public Health (DPH). By having this measure in place, Commissioner Mullen explained, “we don’t have to scramble in the event I need to take action.”
The actions that authorities might want to “scramble” to use is the forcible quarantine of citizens — without charges or trial.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 19a-131a spells out the powers that may be used during the state of public health emergency:
“[While] the emergency exists [the state] may do any of the following: (1) Order the commissioner to implement all or a portion of the public health emergency response plan developed pursuant to section 19a-131g; (2) authorize the commissioner to isolate or quarantine persons in accordance with section 19a-131b; (3) order the commissioner to vaccinate persons in accordance with section 19a-131e; or (4) apply for and receive federal assistance.”
As noted above, the Commissioner may issue an order of mass vaccination at his or her own discretion.
Section 19a-131d states that any individual who refuses to comply with any portion of the order may be punished with with fines and imprisonment for up to one (1) year.
Fending off a police state requires constant vigilance against efforts to desecrate civil liberties. As the current scenario has shown us, a climate of fear — fear of disease, terrorism, foreign threats, etc. — makes it all-too easy to suspend constitutional rights with minimal public resistance. Many people actually feel grateful to see the government absorbing greater powers; taken with the promises of keeping them safe.
The state of public health emergency will remain in effect indefinitely until lifted by the governor.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Roundup Of American's Has Begun, Zeig Heil

The Round Up of American's has begun. No trials, no warrants, no charges - just round up the homeless and put them in FEMA camps.

Please pray that those in charge of the US are immediately replaced with GODLY men.

We are seeing more and more evidence that the Homeless are being rounded up and sent permanently to FEMA camps.

Remember Hitler:

First the Homeless

Next the Blacks

Then the Jews and Gypsies.

Can we Zeig Heil now:

Rather than Belabor this here are two excellent videos showing exactly what is going on?

1) FEMA camps are open for business, The Homeless Are Being Rounded Up.

2) Homeless Roundup Has Begun, Agenda Depopulation!!!

The real problem is: Once they get tot the FEMA camps there is no further trace of them. No graves, no body bags - nothing!

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Can We Zeig Heil Now?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hitler of Obama - You Decide

Following is the summary of private conversation with a particular politician.

You must decide whether this is President Barack Heusein Obama or Der Furher Adolf Hitler.
"The wholesome aversion to the colored races in general, including the Jews, the existence of popular Injustice, and the naivete' of the average American but also the skepticism of certain intellectual circles who have found their wisdom in vain, scholars who have studies immigration and have gained an insight, by means of an intelligence test, into the equality of all races - all these strains are the insurance that the United States will awaken.

Our struggle against the English and French Lords and our struggle for the NEW WORLD ORDER is one and the same.

We cannot set limits here or there as we please.

We shall succeed on making this new political and social order the universal basis for life in the world or we will be destroyed in the struggle against these who currently hold the power and the treaties they never bay.

Nothing will be easier than to produce a bloody revolution in North America. No other nation has so many social and racial tensions.

North America is a medley of races. This ferment goes on under the cover of Democracy, but it will not lead to a new form of freedom but the process of decay to contain all the disintegrating forces. America will soon be no threat to any one."
Was the above said by President Obama to the New World Order in Davos (Switzerland) a few days ago or was this a private conversation between Hitler and the US Ambassador to Germany right after Hitler took power?
For You Intel Geeks

1) President Putin: As you read this there is an American man in Bagdad selling machine guns, rocket launchers, pistols, rifles, ammo... to the Sheite's and Suni's to the tune of Billions of Dollars. He is supported by the American Mission in Iraq and US troops still in Bagdad. Delivery will be withing a few weeks, if not a few days. The weapons are off shore.

2) Jon Shapirro, Ast Secretary of State, US, 1 June 2012: The Purpose of the State Department is to sell weapons.

3) These weapons will then be brought north in truck caravans to both Eastern Syria to kill Syrians and then north to the Dagastan region in Russia via Iran and Eastern Turkey.

4) May I suggest, Russia, you "Encourage" the Turkish and Iranian governments cut these route off immediately to arms smuggling. Please be specific concerning Rasht and small planes flying over Hakkari regions.

5) SVR: If you fail to protect the Olympics effectively I will be all over you like stink on poop. Your psychics and others desperate for money or to stay out of jail have proven fairly useless. GOD has the answers you seek. Ask.

6) Russia: Put ONE man in charge of the entire security force and keep the Irish, French, UK, US Union (I F/UK/US U) out of the security network.

7) As for the Super Bowl - nothing has changed. You screw up on this one FBI and I again will be all over you like stink of poop, and so will the entire internet. Every body knows.

8) The Nuke the NCIS and Euronews talid about 21 Sep (I told you about in June) was real.

9) The Nukes going off 3 October in the Atlantic causing a 4.5 Earthquake in Charleston (SC) Senator Nelson talked about, along with the Euronews and DC and SC papers talked about -- I warned you about.

10) The Nuke that the CIA retrieved from the Swedish Embassy on 6 December that was sent in the mail I warned you about what - 90 days earlier?

11) Yet you are stupid enough to listen to your psychics and criminals instead of GOD?



Please pray that you are not hurt in what is coming.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Well - was it Hitler or Obama?