Saturday, November 25, 2017

Proof Obama Hijacked The 2016 Election

Proof Of 2016 Election Fraud By Obama

Here you get more now in 15 minutes than anywhere else.




(830) Proof Of Who Hijacked The 2016 Election - YouTube

First - Tiger Stream - that little device that allows you to watch TV, Live Sports, and movies - just created a special Promo for YOU only.

I see what is coming and we all will need to trim pour budget immediately and Tiger Stream now understands.

Buy a Tiger Stream using the Promo Code MOUNT and save $125.

Cut Your Cable Today and save money.

The last President used Tax Payer Funds to rig the 2016 election.

In October 2014 the President sent his White House Chief Technology Officer Todd Park to Silicon Valley to help with the Frazzled Rat’s campaign and to help her implement Facebook Election Rigging Software.

The last President then hired Google Engineer Mikey Dickerson at the White House and created the US Digital Service - which routed All Election Results nation wide through the White House so the President could control the outcome.

Fortunately there was  an Adult there who then rerouted these elections through a Secret Location and gave President Trump the win.

We are talking about Open Treason by those in the White House, those in charge of Face Book and Google.

The article then goes on to describe exactly who was in charge of what part of the Treasonous Acts - a who‘s who of Treason.

What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander - why can’t President Trump use this same system to control the 2018 elections Nationwide?

Time will tell what happens to these individuals.

Please Pray - focus - that those who are committing Treason against the American Public are neutralized immediately.


The United Nations brought forth legislation to force Homosexual Education onto all 10 year olds across the world.

Only one of the 4 resolutions failed.

Further - Abortion will be taught as an alternative to having children as parental Control for their Children’s Education was ruled to be - Antiquated and now illegal.

THE PLAN must be implemented immediately - Complete anarchy, massive world conflict, and the reduction of the world’s population to 500 million.

Do not worry as the US is now  dropping  “Flowers” that go “Boom” on the Somalia “Taliban” and killing one man per $10 Million Dollars of military expenses.

In a Macy’s Parade 4 Illegal Aliens blocked the path. They were arrested but they discussed the 11 Million Illegal Aliens not in America.

Those two Items have Bankrupted America so the Elites expect Chaos  soon to occur world wide.

Please pray that these Elites are Neutralized and for your families that you are ready for any disaster - from Food Shortages to power outages.



Yesterday we received another Intel Dump - a Briefing of sorts.

1) Protect President Putin over the next 4 days - as there is a great threat against him and his doubles.

The Rothchilds have paid a Bounty on his head for seizing their Illegal Syrian Oil Profits.

2) Secret Service - President Trump is about to find out who has been protecting him - Warning him 3 months out as to the threats on his life - and when he finds out you have been screwing with him Poop will hit the fan.

Yes - Secret Service Agents are needed to guard the Northern Alaska.

3) With the deaths of the original Clintons, David Rothchild, David Rockefeller, George Soros , George Bush Senior, Queen of England things are now coming out.

4) China may soon loose liquidity as they are now experience huge debt problems as their economy continues to tumble.

This may mean a pulling in of the Thousands of Billions of Treasury Bonds now out there and the end of liquidity here in the United States.

What that means is Economic Chaos - which means - World Wide Depression unlike the world has ever seen.

If this World Wide Depression does not occur by 1 January - forcing a Huge World Conflict using Huge Firecrackers fired from Iran onto Israel - then there will be an attempt to take out the US President 4 January. This would be a great time not to be in the White House. We shall see about 8 February - hint, hint, hint.

4) Just a note to the President: many bottles of booze are laced with a new Encapsulated Patented Herpes Virus G+. If you insist on drinking then please have your own trusted staff bring it to you.

Any bottle in the White House Booze Cellar with a red dot or smiley face on them - avoid them. The New Virus - meant to take you down in 24 hours with fevers - are activated by stomach acids.

The last CIA and the last 2 FBI Directors were informed about these bottles.

5) In the Sub Basement of the White House there are some Chemical Agents - they are beginning to leak. Get rid of them.

6) There is still a crack on what was just Air Force 1, now #3 on the left landing gear strut - the long metal pole leading to the landing gear. Please replace it.

7) The New Computer Upgrade now being loaded into Air Force One gives Microsoft complete control of Air Force One.


6) There are Moles in the New Rothchild’s Headquarters In Switzerland - White Dragons so to speak. The living GOD will never let you find them and they are speaking out.

7) Finally - President Trump, Putin, Jinping, Rothchilds, etc - Until you do as GOD has directed the world economies will not recover. 




YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.



The Army retirement System is so screwed up that the man in charge of Fort Knox and the US Army Retirement System  - Colonel Kaune - is not able to have anyone on his entire post enter in a correct Birth Date.

It is like everything is breaking down in this nation - even the US Army Retirement System.






Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Absolute Proof: Obama Rigged Elections – American Intelligence Media

FIG. 1: BARACK OBAMA used taxpayer funds to rig the 2016 election. In Oct. 2014 he sent his White House chief technology officer Todd Y. Park to Silicon Valley to help with Hillary’s campaign and to implement her Facebook election rigging software. Simultaneously, Obama hired Google engineer Mikey Dickerson at the White House and in just seven weeks created the U.S. Digital Service. Together, Park and Dickerson routed all election data through the White House, so that Obama could control the entire nation’s election . . . at least the parts that his operatives Bob Creamer, Robby Mook, John Podesta and Terry McAuliffe had not already rigged. See proofs below.

United Nations Plan to Push Sex on Young Children is Defeated as African Nations Fight Back |


US carries out sixth straight day of airstrikes in Somalia | Fox News

Anti-Trump policy protest briefly blocks Macy's parade route - NY Daily News

“I was scared of being arrested, I was scared of losing my job,” Hernandez said. “But once there, I felt empowered, having them with me, and knowing it wasn't just for me — it was for everyone, not just the Dreamers, but all 11 million.”

Friday, November 24, 2017

Breathtaking Events Now Occurring Worldwide

Breathtaking Evil Events Now Occurring Worldwide

Here you get more now in 15 minutes than anywhere else.




(781) Breathtaking Events Now Occurring Worldwide - YouTube

Before we begin we must tell you about the Black Friday Weekend Sales.

We will begin with Virtual Shield - something I will not go without and could not get this story for you unless it was active on my computer.

A NEW feature they are now offering will allow you to turn off our Computer’s Camera.

Apparently computer cameras across the planet are now being hacked - including mine - even though there is camera on my computer screen - is is there?

Virtual Shield’s New Program blocks anyone form looking at you through YOUR computer camera.

So not only can you get 30% off all Virtual Shield products today but also sign up for this extra protection.

I find it essential to cruising the internet and if I go overseas my Cell Phone will show my location as Seattle Washington no matter where I travel in the world.

This means I can cruise the Internet or send a Video Home without interference form any local government.

Pretty cool ….


What we have been told is coming will shock you.

We see huge layoffs very soon as the Feds begin cutting grants across the globe.

Welfare will be almost terminated as Illegal Aliens get cut off and a new Work Requirement is implemented for those left on the program.

In Utah Alone - within 30 days of implementing the Work for Welfare Recipients their rolls were cut by over 50%.

There will be a huge cut in Jobs as several things occur:

1) Federal Grants are cut to almost nothing.

2) States, Counties and Cities will then be left with little money to implement their Affirmative Action programs and many will be defunded.

3) Large numbers of US military coming home as they are no longer able to spend $6 Trillion Dollars they create out of thin air as everything is laid bare.

4) Those companies connected to any Government will then begin layoffs as contracts are not renewed due to budget constraints.

5) Those Huge sucking sounds you hear from the Cities, Counties , States and  the Federal
“Government” (Corporations) will begin to slow considerably.

6) If the World Wide supply chain does not break then simply expect a huge devaluation in the dollar - things will just cost more to buy.

To maintain this economy the Deep State is planning to increase this Deep State War to sell weapons world wide and avoid any change away from the US Dollar.

This can be seen no more clearly than France arresting a Russian Senator Sulemon Kerimov who is setting up a New World Currency based on Gold and owns a Huge Gold Mine in Russia - containing an estimated 64 Million Ounces of gold.

Apparently the Senator was traveling without his Diplomatic Passport and was released yesterday by French courts.

Further - the World is coming together and now opposing this Continual War put forth by the Deep State as can be seen by President Putin warning Russian Manufactures to prepare for an Ongoing Conflict in the middle East.

To this end - Iran, Turkey and Russia are rejoining the Old Persian Empire to fight the aggression of the West - led by the CIA.

There is more to this story than meets the eye here.

Please keep in mind that the NASA website about a Meteor headed towards Earth leads to the NASA Earth Defense Websight - which leads back to Langley - and the CIA Headquarters.

Pray for President Trumps Safety and for the truth to be spoken about this subject.

CIA - Pegasis still can’t fly right and Ethyl has the keys.



1) In an article in Trunews an FBI Agent dying of cancer is coming clean about the FBI Director’s knowledge of the Uranium One deal with The Frazzled Rat a full year before it actually occurred and did nothing to stop it.

2) According to the former HHS Director (Kathleen Sebelius) the Frazzled rat went after the women who accused President Clinton of rapping them.

3)  Senator Al Frankengroppe now has 2 more women coming forward accusing this Democrat of “Touching Them Inappropriately”


1) Like a True Gentleman - President Trump dined with our Military as the Vice President dined at Walter Reed Army Hospital.

Then - thanks to the Secret Service - he was flown to Mar-a-lago and had his Thanksgiving Dinner away from the White House.

Secret Service - thank you.

2) President Trump announced that he will tackle the welfare Problem next - perhaps implementing the Utah Law which requires Welfare Recipients to work 10 hour a week.

Within 30 days the Welfare Roles in Utah were reduced by 50%.


YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.



The Army retirement System is so screwed up that the man in charge of Fort Knox and the US Army Retirement System  - Colonel Kaune - is not able to have anyone on his entire post enter in a correct Birth Date.

It is like everything is breaking down in this nation - even the US Army Retirement System.






Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


“Deep State” Gold Fears Plunge World Into Crisis After Top Russian Diplomat Arrested

Russia Readies Switch To Full War Production After Saudi “Interrogations” Reveal Vile “Deep State” Plot

Vladimir Putin orders Russian companies to prepare for WAR as he warns them to be ready to switch to military production at any moment

Trump Condemns "Horrible And Cowardly" Egypt Mosque Attack As Death Toll Hits 235 | Zero Hedge

NASA’s space station live feed goes offline again; just after the sighting of a glowing object moving toward Earth –

Planetary Defense | NASA

Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System | NASA

Contact Page | NASA

Secret FBI Informant May Pull The Swamp’s Drain Plug

"They Went After The Women Who Came Forward" - Former Obama HHS Secretary Exposes The Clintons | Zero Hedge

Two more women accuse Democrat Sen. Al Franken of sexual misconduct | One America News Network

Pres. Trump wishes Americans a Happy Thanksgiving | One America News Network

Pres. Trump: Welfare Reform Next Big Priority After Tax Overhaul | One America News Network

America's 1st Thanksgiving - The Real Story

Thursday, November 23, 2017

America's 1st Thanksgiving - The Real Story

America's 1st Thanksgiving - The Real Story


Years ago in a small town named Scrooby England people like you and me would meet in the Great House every Sunday to Worship the Living GOD.

(732) America's 1st Thanksgiving - The Real Story - YouTube

The King could not believe that people would actually worship GOD without being a member of the Anglican Church. After all - did the apostle Peter not come to London to establish the Church here - the Rock Upon Which Christ would build his church?

(Actually - Peter's First Church Is Still Standing In CrimeA Russia - I Have Seen It)

Mathew 5: 10 Yeshua told the Apostles to go to the lost tribes of Israel and they were in Libya and Iraq. He Apostle Peter preached up inot Syria and the Crimean Peninsula and up into Russia. 

So the King sent out Spies all across the land to find out if these “Rumors” were true.

When these spies reached Scrooby the town was so very small that everyone recognized these spies and every time they came the immediately broke up the Religious Services.

Plans were then made to leave England and perhaps settle in Holland where one could worship GOD without being part of the English Official Church.

The first attempt to leave England by around 50 Pilgrims was met with Disaster as the English Soldiers were tipped off and arrested these - these - Traitors and jailed them for 3 months.

The Second Attempt to leave England was also met with disaster as the Ship’s Captain sold out the Pilgrims and again the King’s Soldiers came and arrested all of them for 3 months.

On the third attempt a ship finally came and carried them to Leiden, Holland.

There they lived as Laborers as many more “Pilgrims” left for Holland It was a hard life in this new country and many,  many returned to England but many stayed.

In July of 1620 - 102 of these “Pilgrims” went on a boat named the Mayflower to this “New World” to start a new life.

After 65 days on the ocean they began exploring the coast line - looking for food and water.

Finally they settled on moving into a piece of land that had been a native village only two years ago. Before thy left the ship they wrote the Mayflower Compact - a thank you to God and to the King of England for allowing them to settle here in the New Land.

That winter they began building their “Great House” (20 by 20) where food and protection was available. The Pot was always full there with Clams, Oysters, Crabs and whatever they could find yet many of them died that winter.

In March of the next year only 47 of the original 102 were alive.

As they began to plant their crops a Native named Squanto appeared to the Colonist and he spoke perfect English. He had been capture two years earlier - brought to the Queen of England, used a guide on a ship back to this New Land and escaped - swimming ashore back to his home - only to watch his entire family die that year from some strange disease. He then went back to live with his other relatives in another village.

Squanto soon brought back the leader of all 11 local Tribes - all apparently Viking Descendants - and the Chief Massasoit adopted this “Pilgrim Tribe” as his 12th lost tribe Tribe.

In the fall the leader of the New Colony asked his people to conduct the Biblical “Harvest Festival” and thank GOD - as it says to do in the Old Testament - by celebrating with a large feast.

In the fall of 1621 the Colonists gathered with the Local Indians and held a feast. There were deer, Turkeys and Chickens, and a pot full of Oysters and Clams collected by the children all in a large pot in the Main House for all to eat.

At one point the leader of the Pilgrim Colonies marched 10 men and fired their Muskets all at once - which scared most of the Indians and they had to be brought back to the feast by the Chief himself.

As a side note - Forks did not begin arriving at the colony until a few years later - after our First Thanksgiving.

For over 50 years the Pilgrims lived peacefully with their brothers and traded Cotton Clothing for furs. It was not until the English Puritans Came that this relationship deteriorated somewhat.

It was not until 3 October of 1863 that President Lincoln declared the last Thursday of every month as a “Day Of Thanksgiving And Praise To our Beneficent Father Who dwelleth In The Heavens.”

Fast forward 396 years  and we find President Trump & Declaring today as Thanksgiving - a day of thanks.

The President and his wife also spent Thanksgiving hosting members of our Military in the White House as the Vice President and his wife had dinner at a Military Hospital. In other worlds - they are both safe - thank you Secret Service.

So as you sit back and relax today - remember those who came before you to prepare the way and remember to give thanks for what you have.

And a personal Thank You from Jane and I for watching this video and helping feed people by watching this video.

All dollars earned here help feed people wherever they may be.

Thank you from us and from people you will never meet who today have a full belly.

Pray that GOD blesses your family in the coming year and that you are ready for whatever comes.


The True Story of Thanksgiving - Saints & Strangers Article - National Geographic Channel

Pilgrims (Plymouth Colony) - Wikipedia