Showing posts with label durham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label durham. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2020

TrumP Takes Dem's Candy - Pres To Take Down The Swamp

Our President steal the Democrat's thunder and is preparing to take down the Entire Swamp

This short video explains how President Trump has emasculated every lying Democrat Candidates across the nation.

All they have now is:

1) Raise Taxes

2) Kill Babies

3) Let Rapists and Murderers go

4) Spend YOUR Taxes on welfare for Illegal Aliens

5) Call Each Other Names

6) Global Warming, I Mean Cooling, I Mean Warming.....

That's It

They are arguing about who will kill more children and raise taxes higher than the other one.

VIDEO:  (19) Trump Steals Dem's Candy & Prepares To Clean The Swamp - YouTube

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Dr William B. Mount

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