Showing posts with label ccp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ccp. Show all posts

Thursday, July 22, 2021

China: 3 Dams Failed a& One Factory Nuked Yesterday

 Dams Are Failing & Factories Blowing Up In China

VIDEO:   (326) Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/22/21 - YouTube

1st) The VA Can't Even get 835,000 out of 33 Million vets to use their hospitals - they are that bad

As a disabled vet we have a private doctor and a private dentist - the VA promises to pay and lies all the time to every one so their directors can get bonuses

2nd) Prince Harry's Child does not qualify to take the thrown in England - Megan Merkel's Family lied about their relatives - flat out - to become powerful.

3rd) an aluminum factory blew in China 36 hours ago and had the Same Destructive Signature of

   a) Bakini Atol

    b) Beirut 8 Aug 2020

    c) Caspian Sea 12 Jul 2021

You wish to censor me Google then YOU are responsible for these detonations 

Wake the Heck Up Russian SVR - It Was A F'n Nuke

Wake the hell up CCP In China- It Was A F'n Nuke

Your capitols are now easy targets you idiots

Uncensor me and move me to a location where I can find these Nukes quickly you Morons

Or cash my Russian Bond as a Russian Citizen & I will do it myself

4th) 3 Dams blew in China yesterday. form the videos I saw they were pretty poorly build in the 1st place - crumbling Cement, no rebar (617) no retrofitting to shore up the dam - like the CCP wanted them to fail and kill their own people - wiping out entire towns downstream.

So as we progress into this Planned Take Down of "MAN KIND" - events should speed up considerably

The Wall Of Truth

Dr WilliamB. Mount