Showing posts with label cbd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cbd. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2019

Deep State Getting America Hooker On Drugs

The Deep State is working hard to get us ll addicted on drugs

The CIA/FBI have become nothing but Drug Pushers World Wide - giving guns to their operative to sell these drugs across this planet.

It's what they do - who they are - SLAVES of Lucifer the Pig.

Try to walk out of that Slavery and keep your jobs and your Drug Money - Your a dead man/Woman.

Even as a Doctor - Preach the Truth - and you are a Dead Man/Woman.

From the GMO Foods to the WiFi - w will all soon be hooked on something from Big Pharma

And once hooked on 1 drug

In will come 12 to 15 more to counter the effects of this one drug

Then try to get off them

Withdraws Symptoms and - in many cases - a stroke.

We had a friend try and get off 10 drugs at once - she had a massive stroke massive. She could not speak or drive or see straight. It took 3 weeks to reverse this Stroke Damage.

So now what???

VIDEO:  (928) Deep State Is Getting America Hooked On Drugs - Now What? - YouTube

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