Showing posts with label President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015

Cogress - There's No Place To Hide

Congress, Parliaments - there is no place to hide.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Call To Prayer

For the first time in many years I am worried.

I am able to see through the veil and see what Lucifer is planning for America and it is not pretty.

I am asking every one to pray that those who worship Lucifer/Satan are immediately and completely immobilized for the rest of their lives and that Lucifer himself, the Big Coward, is sent away immediately for a thousand years.

Current Situation:

1) The US did not pay on a Chinese Debt 17 April and, in a Dejure Manner, declared Bankruptcy but vetoes action in the IMF and World Bank.

2) This Veto Action by the US is no longer valid. As it was with the Bretton Woods Agreement hthe US Veto Power ran out 15 July 2014. This is in the original Bretton Woods Agreements, the IMF initiation paperwork and the World Bank Initial Charter Papers. The

3) The treaties are in The Treaty Vault. The US Can No Longer Veto Anything Legally.

4) The US is pitting China against Russia - an action that when the Red Dragon Family finds out and contacts me will back fire on the US State Department.

5) Greece refused to pay on the Euro Debt and will now begin to trade in Rubles.

6) Seventy Years after the destruction of the NAZI Government they are once again rising their ugly heads and stirring up trouble in America and plan on rounding up the Blacks and then Jews. They plan on destroying America, France, England and all  other nations that opposed them in 1945.

7) This is what Baltimore is all about - same actors in Sandy Hook Fake Shooting, Boston Marathon Fake Bombing, Furgeson Fake Shooting and now Baltimore.

8) The American's are the last opposition to the new World Order and Currency.

9) America must be destroyed to bring about this New World Order and unless the Chinese and Russian leaders do as GOD has asked they - along with all other World Leaders - will be terminated with the rest of us.

10) Yesterday a Lowes in Riverdale Geogia was occupied by a bus load of FEMA employees. It has begun and Jade.

11) Further - a Nuke is ready to detonate 17 May just SE of Indianapolis. Apparently the Langley Fudge Boys have about 12 Nukes pre-positioned and ready to detonate.

12) Riddle Me This Li and Putin and Medvedev, Obama and Biden, Bush's: What do those Fascists living underground need with Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressman, Senators, CIA, FBI... - worthless Food Eaters. You will die with the rest of us unless you MAN UP and stop this insanity now and we all know where YOU are going when YOU die, don't we?

Perhaps it is time to work together to stop these Fascist Pigs?

GOD has the answers - all you need to do is ask.

PRAY - YouTube

Do not fear the Mark Of The Beast. Whatever they do to your body can not change your relationship with the Living GOD.

The News You Need

Dr William B,. Mount

Sunday, March 15, 2015


President Putin's Schedule from his President's Page on the web:

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov on March 18

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of the Republic of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov on March 18.

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev on March 16

Vladimir Putin will meet with President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev in St Petersburg on March 16.

The President will participate in a session of the Interior Ministry Board and hold a meeting with Government members on March 4

The expanded session will address the outcomes of the department’s work in 2014, including fighting crime, maintaining public order, countering extremism and fighting corruption, and set priorities for the Interior Ministry’s work in 2015.

On March 5, Vladimir Putin will meet with Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi

Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi will visit Moscow on March 5 at Vladimir Putin’s invitation.

On March 3, Vladimir Putin will take part in a meeting of the Union State Supreme State Council

On March 3, Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who will be in Russia on a working visit, will take part in a meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State.

Vladimir Putin will hold a State Council Presidium meeting on February 24

The President will chair a meeting of the State Council Presidium on February 24.

President of Russia


Any more questions US Intel - like how I knew what happened to him and where he was?

Dr William B. Mount


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Number Of Jobs Created By President

Following  is the number of jobs created during the reign of each president:

1) Clinton: 22.7 Million

2) Reagan: 16.6 Million

3) Johnson: 12.2 Million

4) Carter: 10.3 Million

5) Nixon: 9.2 Million

6) Truman: 8.7 Million

7) Kennedy: 3.6 Million

8) GWH Bush: 2.6 Million

9) Gerald Ford: 2.1 Million

10) George W Bush (JR): 1.1 Million

11) Obama:  -.316 - That is a Minus 316,000 jobs.

Never before in history has a president lost America Jobs since FDR.

You would think that while bombing 7 different nations and placing US Combat Troops in over 100 nations to start wars there would be more jobs?

Instead almost 10 Million Jobs have gone from around $20 per hour to minimum wage at around $8 per hour - a huge loss of wages for those effected.

When the guys get back from killing and get out of the military not only are there no jobs for veterans the VA hospitals are set to not only sell their records around the world but to just give them pain killers and LSD Derivatives like prozac.

Only Lucifer's False Messenger could accomplish this feat. Continue to pray he and his henchmen are made completely inept and thrown off the planet.

By the way - Lady Rothchilds, another major banker and owner of a winery, died last month. Another Banksta bites the dust we did not read about. 12 June Bankstas.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The World Is Waking Up


Seven years ago when I stood in front of Pres Putin's Staff and told them that there were 350 Nukes in Iran built under the Atoms For Peace Program for the Shah of Iran I stood alone.  Fortunately for me not only had they verified what I had said before I even left America they already had plans to seize these weapons.

Six years ago when I stood before a TV Camera and showed Operation evolution and shared with thousands that this is the US plan to terminate Surface Dwellers I stood alone.

In November 2009  when I raised my hands on TV and said the Living GOD will now make the sun break out with Sun Spots to get your attention, and it happened within a few minutes, I stood alone. I thank GOD my producer, Dr Will Wilson and his assistant Kieth Ljunghammer, stood by me.

When I wrote that St Petersburg (Russia) would have a population of 0 in 10 years and Russia will shake to verify this - within minutes an earthquake started in central Russia that lasted for 10 hours - it was a 4.2 quake - I stood alone.

Today the truth is breaking out everywhere, in books, on the net, on the radio, etc...

People like George Noory and others are leading the charge, but they are still few and far between.

Not in the Main Street Press though - they still lie. Yesterday  I looked at yesterdays Wall street Journal showing a burned out house in Africa (Except the roofing metal has no burn marks on them), The Economist with a Muslim standing in the desert (Barefoot and there are no foot prints in the sand) and look and the pictures of the 3 dead Israeli children wrapped in the Jewish Flag (Plastic heads, no bodies) and realize all these photos and fake - a lie - and allot of the world is waking up to this fact.

Today on Sorcha there is an article describing the German Intel Geeks chasing nukes headed for Europe for a False Flag Detonation 28 July.

After the Nuke was found under a bridge in London on the 4th Europe woke up.

There are actually 7 US Corporate Nukes (Old Russian Nukes) headed for the 7 major cities in Europe and detonation time was originally set for 21 July (7AM), and one is again headed for Wall Street and Water Street.

The 7 cities targeted in Europe are: Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Naples (Not Rome), Prague, and 2 others that escape me - sorry Europe.

Simultaneously Greece will be taken down financially by the IMF at 7AM London Time.

The beauty of this is we can now all focus on - pray that - these folks trying to kill us are unsuccessful.

The world is also waking up to the Illuminati's Number Game as well.

Do you not find is strange that on the 7th day of the 7th month of a 7 year (2+1+4 = 7) we exposed the 7th Hit Attempt on Putin (Again, another in 7 hours) and the 70th Hit Attempt on Obama (Tomorrow Morning at 7AM all will be set) in the 7th year after I got involved in politics and the 77 attempt to conduct a false flag in the 7th month in a 7 year exposed by a man who has been a Russian Orthodox Bishop for about 7 years?


That's allot of 7s.!

A note to Governor Rick Perry - the Texas Rangers are nor sold out - get them to change the President's Rout tomorrow - DHS wants an Obama Double dead.

The following video was sent to me by an APFN reader and I was asked to post it. It really describes how we all feel by the US Corporate Government - betrayed.

In Vietnam we thought we were doing good for the people.

In Iraq we thought we were fighting for freedom

What we have learned is that we are merely corporate pawns.

"The Video is: A Cosmic Housecleaning is Going On"

The day before he released the video Lucifer's Kingdom began to fall apart - splinter.

One last note - we are getting calls form folkjs all over the country.

They have worked hard all their lives and have not only lost them they have become very sick.

They go to the doctor and take their pills and get even sicker.

Their boys usually join the military and come back sick and the VA laughs at them.

They are desperate and sick and they are beginning to wake up, turning to GOD for help.

Then they call me asking how to get better so I say go to:


Do not eat Wheat, Dairy and Canola Oil and chemicals like MSG and Aspertane, go organic and eat Immusist and Sea Weed.

The ones that listen slowly get better, the ones that do not listen get sicker.
APFN - thank you for allowing so many people to release their emotions and spill their guts - once they release this they can live normal lives.

For all those who do write how they feel on APFN - thank you.

From one vet to another - thank you.

Dr William B. Mount