Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

China & Russia Tell US To Stop These Wars

Welcome to a Journey Into The Land of the Truth where in a few minutes you will become the smartest, most informed audience in the world.

The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects.

Here you get more news in 15 minutes than anywhere else on the planet.



Russia & China Fed Up With USA Meddling World Wide - YouTube


Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Company for Serious Investors.

With the Financial Reset on the horizon it may be a good time to learn how to make more money???

What we are seeing today is unbelievable but is actually Lucifer’s Plan to destroy the Human Race so as you read this please pray that GOD neutralizes ALL of Lucifer’s Forces permanently.

A Few days ago the CIA ordered US Special Forces to send over 40 Tons of Chlorine Gas to Syria and literally use it to stir up trouble across the seas in Syria and South Western Russia - specifically Dagestan.

Russia immediately had a meeting with the US Joint Chiefs of Staff leader General Dunford and told him and his “Entourage’” that if the US creates another “Incident” in the Middle East Russia will begin sinking our ships and obliterate US forces in the Middle East.


Please pray that the US Military has the Guts to contain the CIA leaders.

For over a century there has been a Psy-Ops force working for every major power using Out Of Body (Remote Sensing) techniques by soldiers not only to observe the “Enemy” but also to conduct battles among these “Warriors” in the Astral Plane.

What this means is that nothing is hidden from any government - that every move one nation makes is watched, and sometimes countered, by the other. So the movement of tons of Chlorine Gas from the United States by the CIA to anywhere is now being fully watched.

When the Soviet Union fell this program also fell but has now been fully rebuilt by the Russians so when the US defends the King Dollar with regional conflicts the  are now seen and countered.

Even the “New Middle Eastern Plan” by the CIA to rebrand rebels across the Middle East as “Freedom Fighters” has already been exposed world wide - all except here in the US and Canada.

All will be revealed in the last days.

These soldiers traveling across the Astral Plain cannot be every where all the time so some things do slip through the cracks - like the next attempts on President’s Putin or Trump.

Remember - Lucifer cannot read minds nor can he and his evil minions be everywhere all the time and their power is very limited.

Pray the CIA’s Plan to create a Gas Attacks across the Middle East and in Russia fails to materialize and those involved just walk away.


US Senator Randy Paul has spent the last 24 hours reading the New 2,232 page Federal Budget and does not like what he is reading.

Apparently one man wrote it and expects everyone in Congress to bow down to Lucifer and sign it.

Just printing it took many hours and several reams of paper and President Trump may not sign it - So Lucifer may get his Government Shut Down after all.

Here are some highlights he has tweeted:

1) The nearest thing to Immortality is a government program.

2) Remember last years $350,000 grant to determine if Japanese Quail are more sexually promiscuous on Cocaine.

3) $12 Million for Countering State disinformation and Pressure?

4) $5 Million for Vietnam Education Foundation Grants

5) $1.371 Billion for Contributions to International Organizations.

Ever winder how George Soros is funded?

6) $51 Million to promote International Family Planning and Reproductive Health - this means abortions.

7) $15 Million in Development Assistance to China?

8) Unlimited Dollars to “Enhance Boarder Security” in Jordan Lebanon, Egypt and Tunisia???

9) No money shall be spent for Permanent stationing of US forces in Afghanistan.

Our forces have been there now for over 40 years - so what does Permanent mean.


Pray that President Trump does not sign this farce of a bill.

Tomorrow we may discuss that a “Financial Reset” may look like with Bob Kyola - and you are not going to like it hwat they have planned for all of us.


1) European Union (Corporation)  approved the merger between the Bayer Company and Monsanto.

Please pray the 366 lawsuits against Monsanto for Murder go forward - the Law calls it “Wrongful Death.”

2) President Trump’s Helicopter broke again - this time it was carrying Ivanka Trump and Jarred Kushner - and had to return to the Airport after one of it’s engines failed - which left their spokesman speechless. Apparently these choppers are all electronic - Opps!!!

President Trump - Sikorsky makes a Helicopter that uses Antigravity and a blade on top we have show on many occasions here on TV and on You Tube.

You might wish to ask for one of those.

3) In a hilarious story showing how worthless the UN really is - the United Nations Narcotics Control Board recently  issued it’s Annual Report stating they are “Deeply” concerned about the legalization of Marijuana and that these nations and states now legalizing Dope are in “Clear Violation” of Global Drug Controls.

Apparently Cannabis is covered in most international treaties and these treaties specifically state that the use of Cannabis for Non-Medical Purposes is not allowed.

Remember - you the American Tax Payer paid for about 85% of their budget.

Pray that the President Line Items out this UN organizations and tell them they can mind their own business and get out of ours.

From a personal standpoint - I find the smoking of Dope, and the use of Illegal Drugs, repulsive and always have. I have seen every friend I grew up with fry their brains on these drugs.

One joint laced with Bad Angel Dust and your toasted for life.

Yes - Immusist and our New SCENAR from Denas Pain Relief Store can allow your body to rebuild your brain - but how many people with fried brains can afford these products???

The real question is: What right does the UN in New York City have to tell some guy in Bohunk California not to some a Dope?

Do you want to take the Red Pill and learn the truth, or the Blue Pill and learn to live a lie???

Pray for President Trump’s safety.




YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.

Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Russia Issues Terrifying “Mercury Retrograde” Warning, Says Strike On America Imminent

If US Plans A Terrorist False Flag Chemical Attack To Justify Bombing Syria, Russia Says It Will Respond | Zero Hedge

Confirmed: US retrains ISIS and ISIS-like jihadists in east Syria and re-brands them 'democratic forces' (VIDEO) - Exclusive

Rand Paul Destroys The "Rotten Crumb-nibus" $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill | Zero Hedge

Senator Rand Paul on Twitter: "Well here it is, all 2,232 budget-busting pages. The House already started votes on it. The Senate is expected to soon. No one has read it. Congress is broken...…"

EU approves Bayer’s $62.5bn takeover of GMO & pesticide giant Monsanto — RT Business News

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner's helicopter suffers engine failure - CNNPolitics

United Nations Report Scolds Countries for Cannabis Legalization | Leafly

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Communist Plan To Destroy America Almost Complete


(73) Communist Plan To Destroy America Almost Complete - YouTube


Brought to you by Trade Genius - a Serious Company for Serious Investors.

What you are about to hear will shock many of you so hang on because if you know the truth you can be ready for what is coming.

Directly after Joseph Stalin took over the New Soviet Union he realized that America was an enemy of his people - funding the Russia Revolution and a few World Wars

In 1963 the Communist Party designed a 45 point plan to destroy America - focusing on the Destruction of our Patriotism, our Morality and our Spiritual Life.

This 45 point plan was read into Congressional records and implemented by the US Communist Party.

Years ago on the UC Berkeley Campus (1977-1980) I used to have long discussions with these Communist Pigs about what they were planning - and - here it is.

When the Soviet Union fell in 1990 China then picked up the mantle and continued with “The Plan“ to utterly destroy this nation.

Today, as the Dollar begins it’s march towards total destruction, “The Plan” to destroy the Once Great God Fearing Nation of America is almost complete and the Chinese are celebrating by having 25 Members of the Red Chinese Communist Party appointing their President as a Permanent “President”  --- The Chinese Emperor has been reborn.

What makes things worse is that American Companies like Ford, Walt Disney, Google, Microsoft, Apple and Facebook help fund this destruction.

This is the mess President Trump has walked into - a nation on the verge of Spiritual, Moral and Economic collapse.

As for our economy - our debt is through the roof and will never be paid back, personal debt is skyrocketing and College Loans have been monetized as few people can live under their burdens.

There will soon be some sort of Economic Reset - and when that happens  we will all need to be ready with Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Ammunition (Bear Spray), Heat and Communications with our Neighbors.

We will also need to store our wealth in Gold and Silver and learn a different way to make money.

The companies we sponsor are here to help us through this coming Reset - like Noble Gold and Trade Genius.

We pray our families are prepared for what is coming and that these Evil Minions destroying America are neutralized immediately.


In a very quiet and subdued manner the Republicans in Congress have formed a Committee to try and save Pension Funds across America.

There are approximately 1,400 major Corporate and Government Pension Funds that are currently going broke and the shortfall that are insured by the Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (PBGC) - managed by the US Department of Treasury.

Due to the PBGC looking the other way and allowing these Pension Funds to act as Political Slush Funds over the last 9 years - they are completely insolvent and are expected to pay out over $500 Billion over the next 12 months to keep many of these funds alive.

There have been no arrests of those who committed felonies and money laundering by authorized the Illegal Campaign Contributions in violation of the PBGC Insurance Regulations.

In essence - over the last 9 years the Directors of the Treasury Department have allowed these Pension Funds to be drained in violation of Federal Laws and now they are in broke.

If the Stock market takes a hard hit - it’s over for many of these funds as they will simply dry up and be turned over to the PBGC.

Please pray that President Trump finds a solution



As world populations in third world nations skyrocket and the world’s economy - led by the US Dollar - continues to tumble as job opportunities overseas crumble.

 This is leading to a breakdown of the societies across the globe.

1) In Venezuela, for example, 30 years of socialism combined with bad economic management has led to almost total anarchy there.

Further - much of the Oil they sold to Cuba has gone unpaid for - Cuba stiffed them on their bill so the nation has literally run out of cash and has now more money to sink more oil wells.

On a personal note - what is so odd about the Cuban Cash Problem is we have a solution and the Cuban Government refuses to respond - almost as if - they want their people so suffer and this Economic Collapse to occur.

It makes one wonder if this is not all planned across the planet.

2) In Jamaica similar conditions are causing huge Gang Violence across their major cities.

3) The nation of Cameroon in Central West Africa has also been rocked with similar Gang Violence - Uncontrolled outright theft for food.

4) Here in America cities like Chicago and Boston are seeing huge Murder Rates as Jobs no longer exist and the welfare moms, strung out on Coke and Cheap Heroin, literally abandoning their kids.

We have a friend who is the director of the Local Lions Club and they go into schools to buy America Kids things like - tooth brushes, jackets, pants, belts, shirts, etc. because their mothers are strung out on drugs provided by the Welfare Departments.

President Trump is trying to stop these horrors from expanding into America by not only closing the boarders to immigrants, eliminating Illegal Immigration of Hundreds of Millions of Refugees,  and stopping the flow of illegal drugs into these American Cities by building a wall on our southern boarder and increasing the patrolling of our waters near the boarders.

Yesterday President Trump literally ordered the US Department of Justice and Federal Prosecutors to seek the Death Penalty for Drug Dealers.

What is happening around the world needs to be stopped at our boarders.

When China implemented the Death Penalty for Drug Dealers years ago the Drug Dealing ceased almost immediately.

We shall see how hard the President pushes for these reforms.

Do you want to take the Red Pill and learn the truth, or the Blue Pill and learn to live a lie???

Pray for President Trump’s safety.




YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.

Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Russia Warns China Now Has Complete Soviet “Master File” Plan To Destroy America From Within

The 1963 Communist Party’s 45-point plan for America - Frederick Douglass Foundation of New York


1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev’s promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.
9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.
10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the U.N. as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo.)
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.
14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.
43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike

Congress Just Quietly Formed A Committee To Bail-Out 200 Pension Funds | Zero Hedge

Federal prosecutors told to seek death penalty in drug cases

Venezuela: a land of political killings and gang turf wars - Telegraph

Black, Green, Gold and Too Much Red: Jamaica’s Struggle with Gang Violence – COHA

As gang violence escalates in Cameroon, residents are 'not safe anymore' | Public Radio International

How violent street gang MS-13 operates in Massachusetts |

Chicago gang members say more police won't stop the murders | Fox News

Friday, February 23, 2018

Strange Things Now Occurring Across the Planet







(66) Strange Things Occurring Across The Globe - YouTube


Brought to you by Trade Genius - Serious Trading For Serious Traders


It is literally getting pretty strange out there.

Here we see Democrats fuming not only over the elimination of Food Stamp Cards to be replaced by actual baskets of real food they are also scrambling over the idea of Low Cost Health Insurance.

President Trump is bringing competition back to the Insurance Business.

Since I worked in the financial Industry for a decade lets explain the changes. No longer will men, and women after menopause,  have to pay for the “Getting Pregnant” insurance clause they will also have the choice not to pay for the “Gowing Crazy” clause.

Further - if you have no Pre-existing Conditions - the cost will go down even further.

These 2 changes alone will reduce the cost of Health Insurance by about 85%.

A friend of mine is forced to pay over  $2,000 a month to insure him and his daughter with a $5,000 deductible.

The cost of his New Insurance will be reduced to around $300 a month.

No more Democratic Insurance Kick backs. Too bad.

Further - since we have cured every single disease (Except Flesh Eating Bacteria Made By the US Bioweapons Labs) costs will also continue to fall.

Mandatory Catastrophic Insurance now runs about $25 a month so once this Obama Care is terminated my friend will be allowed to purchase only 2 Catastrophic Insurance Policies - giving him a net Pay Increase or around $1,950 a month - or $24,000/Yr Tax Free Pay Raise.

What a boom for the US Economy that will be as Millions dump this Mandatory Useless Insurance - just in the nick of time when Food Hyper Inflation is now beginning.

Ta Da Trump

China has over expanded. Not only are they going to have to pull in their Government Spending but another Chinese Mega Corporation has just been seized for being insolvent.

Anbang Insurance Group Corporation has just been seized by Chinese Regulators for being  Insolvent.

The Anbang Corporation began in 2004 as an Insurance Company but literally went on a Buying Spree across the world - gobbling up everything from insurance companies to Hotels.

Then they tried to buy 666 - 5th Ave New York City - the Rockefellar (Rothchilds) Head Quarters owned by Jared Kushner - President Trump’s Son-In-Law.

Now they are run by the Chinese Insurance commission.

The Chinese Communist Party has just called a special meeting to discuss who will lead China in the very near future.

In response to this the People’s Bank of China Governor Zhou Xaiochuan has announced he will soon retire.

Expect a whole lot more changes in the Chinese Leadership very, very soon.


Ho Hum - more proof the Florida Shooting was fake.

Not only did the SS (Secret Service) show up 2 weeks before the shooting to setup a “Fake Shooting Drill” (according to one of the teachers who spoke on TV)  but apparently the two Boward County Sheriffs there during the Fake Shooting refused to enter the school.

Just like Sandy Hook - (the FBI Admitted it was a Fake Shooting) the county is immediately tearing down this school down as well.

You, the Tax Payers, will foot the bill for rerouting these High School Students for 2 years but also the cost of another High School.

Finally - one of the “High School Student Witnesses” named David Hogg actually graduated from Redondo Shores High School in 2015.

FBI/CIA/SERCO/SS - you are becoming the “Bumbling Boobs Of The World” - the “Keystone Cops” of comedy.

President Trump really needs to drain your swamps. May we recommend a 90% cut in the funding or ALL US corporate Funded Agencies. Start at 50% cut this year, 50% cut next year, etc.

And please - give the 100% Physically Disabled Veterans a card allowing them Health Care anywhere but the VA Hospitals.

So another Fake shooting in 5 weeks - right?


1) 14 April - a lone FBI Paid Shooter is headed to take out the President or Vice President - whoever he gets in his sights first. Good day for Pres Trump & VP Pence to take a trip & perhaps they will attempt another 27 March - but that possibility s fading quickly.

Unfortunately President Trump, VP Pence and Rex Tillerson (T Rex) your ability to negotiate anything will be severely curtailed.

You see - I am going to a Coronation for a King to be conducted by the Pope  -- who’s life I have saved 3 times from Nuclear Weapons -- and his honored guests will be fellow Knights of Malta and they will ask why my Military Retirement is a mess and why the VA never fixed me after I was damaged for saving your lives and I will have to tell them the truth.

Not only are the three of you (Trump, Pence & Tillerson) not invited for this Coronation but your  ability to negotiate anything from this day forward will be in the toilet. No one will ever trust you again since you turned on the very individual who saved your lives. So says the I Am That I Am, who was, and is and is to come.

Stupid is as stupid does.

2) On 5 May (+-3 Days) there will be a ship sinking and the press will claim it was North Korea.

What the North Koreans are up to is that in about 30 days they will launch two tiny Mini-Subs undetectable by Chinese Sonar and cause two very large Earthquakes off of the Chinese Coast Line - a test of their Newly Provided CIA Earth Quake Generating Devices.

3) 27 May - Someone just about 5 miles East, and a tiny bit South of the White House,  has home (?) under construction. Allot of lumber is going into the home as a tunnel is being dug by and to go right under the White House. They should arrive around 27 May and then - Poof, White House Gone.

Unfortunately for them their tunnel is slightly “Squiffy” and headed slightly North - oops. Can’t tell you where it’s headed because Google Earth just painted out every land mark.

Maybe some Ground Penetrating Radar needs to be employed to confirm this.

Over 30 years ago we had Hand Held Cell Phones in the military that could read Blood Sugar and Oxygen Levels in the blood and could also detect caves down to 100 feet.

4) The CIA is now attempting to transport more weapons up through the Caspian Sea just like they did before to support the Dagastan Independent Army. You know the drill SVR.

5) Weather is getting worse - hottest summer on record, coldest winter on record. It will get worse until the leaders of the US and Russia do as GOD directs them to do.

So as food prices begin to rise and rise - you know who is responsible.

6) That Meeting 10 February with VP Pence and North Korean Leaders was a Hit Attempt on the VP, we warned him and he cancelled the meeting.

7) What North Korean Generals Fear in the Korean reunification Process is this:

a) What happens to the $20 Billion Dollar A Year Illegal Meth Trade they now have?

b) Will their Emperor Worship religion be outlawed?

c) How do you incorporate the two Armies into one?

The key here seems to be in Family reunions split up after the war in 1954. Once these reunions occur and the Press discusses honoring their ancestors they will realize that once the Koreas are unified they will become a real Economic Power House.


Please pray for your families and for President Trump’s Safety and Success.

You Are So Important - Your Prayers Are Changing The World

Never let Anyone Tell You How Unimportant You Are.

Just by watching us you are feeding 2 orphanages - one in Mexico and one in Peru.

We hope to increase our finding to these kids and help them not just eat but learn to read so they can get a good job.

Hope to see you tomorrow.

To the President’s of Mexico & Peru - We are praying for your successes and thank you for allowing us to feed these kids.

As special prayer for the people of Cuba as Raul Castro prepares to retire.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Dems fume as Trump pushes low-cost, ObamaCare alternative health plans

China's "AIG" Moment Arrives: Beijing Bails Out "Systemically Important" Anbang, Chairman Removed | Zero Hedge

China - Party meeting within days to select China’s next government (& PBOC head)


Broward Sheriff: Armed Officer at High School Never Entered Building During Shooting | One America News Network

Memory Wiping Of American People Poses Grave Global Threat





Monday, February 12, 2018

Anthony Weiner Lists 639 Traitors

Here you get more news in 15 minutes than anywhere else on the planet.





(289) Congressman Weiner Exposes 639 Triators - The List - YouTube


You will see why we sponsor Noble Gold.


Ever since Congressman Anthony Weiner was arrested he has been singing like a Canary to save his own skin.

Six days ago his address book was released to the public and it listed 639 different contacts who have apparently been working with the Clintons to destroy this nation.

Weiner’s contacts have been sorted into 3 groups. Many of these individuals have overlapping roles and interlock to form a clear association of those in the

A) Media

B) Academics and Think Tanks

C)  Democratic Operatives.

This is a literal Who’s Who of those sucking off the Government and trying to destroy America - the list of those who have been committing Treason against the United States.

The problem is sorting through these names as some of these people are what we might call “The Good Guys.”

This list includes such men as:

1) George Soros

2) George Soros Fund Manager Michael Vachon

3) John Podesta

This Computer apparently lists who took orders form whom. It was Congressman Weiner’s: “Get Out Of Jail Free” card.

It is a veritable list of the Chain of Command of those who are now actively trying to not only destroy President Trump but also to take America Down.

The goal of these Traitors is, according tot the Daegel Update, reduce the worlds population significantly by the year 2025. This data comes from the CIA, UN, IMF and US Government

In fact - their goal of these Traitors over the next 7 years is to kill:

1) Americans - 300 Million.

2) Germans - 50 Million

3) French - 24 Million

4) Japanese - 15 Million

5) Canadians - 10 Million

6)  South Korean - 13 Million

7) Spanish - 25 Million

8) English - 51 Million

9) Italians - 17 Million

10) Ireland - 4 Million

11) Israel - 5 Million

The list goes on and on.

Pray that these people planning this Mass Murder over the next 7 years are Immediately and Completely Contained and that these plans fall flat on their faces.


1) US Treasury Note Interest Rates are now spiking and here they are showing an interest rate of nearing 3% -  “Tipping Point” for our economy

2) As for the Dow - expect a wild ride.

3) Gold and Silver remain constant.


Russian Saratov Airlines Flight 703, carrying 71 people, literally had an engine explode in mid-air and when it crashed it exploded again

When the Plane Exploded it literally rattled windows on ht ground.

The plane was on the way to the City of Orsk, Russia.

Expect more news stories on this crash in the future.


1) Yesterday the Emergency Door feel off a Nigerian Airliner as it was landing.

Apparently the door ratted the entire time it was in the air and the pilot refused to land early so when the hit the ground the door just fell off.

Stewardesses tried to seize cell phones from passengers to prevent videos of the incident from leaking out.

2) The Canals in Venice went dry during the last Full Moon du to unusual tides.

3) Finally - Utah State Congressman blame Honey Pots for their recent “Indiscretion.” In other words - these Utah state Congressman had Hootchie Coochie with Prostitutes and blamed these women.

Congressman Vickers claimed that at one point he Fled his hotel room “Lest He Succumb To Her Charms.”

Congressman John Standard called for tougher penalties for Prostitution and was later caught using Tax Payers Dollars and paying for a Prostitute and then resigned after getting caught.

When I was in Russia and the Ukraine these “Ladies of the Night” were everywhere. They hung out at the hotel receptions, knocked on your door in the evenings, and literally followed you around.

If you wished to get rid of these “Ladies Of The Night” all you had to do was start discussing the Bible and GOD, then watch them get angry, and run.

One evening at the Hotel Ukraine in Kiev I walked up to a pack of 3 “Ladies Of Ill Repute” and began discussing GOD’s will for their lives and they all left screaming.

Just keep in mind who you are serving.


Pray for President Trump’s safety.

Those who stand in his way will fall to the wayside - so GOD has said it - so it shall be.



YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.





Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Address book in Anthony Weiner’s laptop includes Soros, Rothschild, journalists and professors | Fellowship of the Minds

Somebody Just Leaked Every Phone Number and Address on Anthony Weiner’s Laptop: 639 Politicians and Media Personalities Doxxed | Squawker

List of Countries Forecast 2025

Treasury Yields Jump After Trump Budget Director Admits Interest Rates May "Spike" On Soaring Deficit | Zero Hedge

Russia plane crash: Saratov Airlines victims named

Video from Russian passenger plane crash

Moscow plane crash: ‘No survivors’ as Saratov Airlines plane with 71 aboard crashes shortly after taking off after take off | The Independent

Airline blames passengers after door falls off plane during landing | The Independent

Venice canals dry up after super blue blood moon and low rainfall cause water levels to drop

From Russia With Love: Utah Republicans Blame "Honeypots" For Lawmakers' Downfall | Zero Hedge



  1. Adam Gopnick, The New Yorker.
  2. Alan Rusbridger, The Guardian.
  3. Alex Gibney, documentary film-maker and owner of Jigsaw Productions.
  4. Allison Silver, New York Times.
  5. Ann Pincus, Center for Public Integrity, a non-profit investigative journalism organization.
  6. Anthony Barnett, Open Democracy.
  7. Anthony Lewis, journalist (d. 2013).
  8. Ariana Huffington, co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post.
  9. Arnaud de Borchgrave: This one is a shocker. Arnaud de Borchgrave is a neo-conservative journalist, former editor-in-chief of The Washington Times, and a founding member of NewsMax.
  10. Becky Gardner, The Guardian.
  11. Ben Gerson, Harvard Business Review.
  12. Benjamin Haas, Harvard Business Review.
  13. Bill Murray, Public Affairs TV.
  14. Bill Richardson, Public Affairs TV.
  15. Brad Whitford, West Wing actor.
  16. Brant Janeway, Penguin Group.
  17. Caroline Marks, The Daily Beast.
  18. Celestine Bohlen, Bloomberg.
  19. Christiane Amanpour, journalist.
  20. Christoper Dickey, Newsweek and Daily Beast.
  21. Chrstine Ockrent, Belgian journalist.
  22. Dan Rather, former CBS anchorman.
  23. Danielle Mattoon, New York Times.
  24. David Brock, Media Matters.
  25. David Carr, New York Times.
  26. David Rosenthal, Simon & Schuster publishing co.
  27. David Talbot,
  28. Desiree Adib, Air America Radio.
  29. Dotty Lynch, CBS News.
  30. Doug Page, Chicago Tribune.
  31. Ed Vulliamy, Observer.
  32. Edward Felsenthal, Daily Beast.
  33. Eleanor Randolph, New York Times.
  34. Elisabeth Sifton, HuffPo, former senior VP of Farrar Straus and Giroux publisher.
  35. Eric Bates, Rolling Stone.
  36. Eugene Robinson, Washington Post.
  37. Evan Smith, Texas Monthly.
  38. Fareed Zakaria, Newsweek.
  39. Frank Mankiewicz, National Public Radio.
  40. Frank Rich, New York Times.
  41. Garry Trudeau, political cartoonist.
  42. Garry Wills, journalist/author.
  43. Gary Kamiya,
  44. George Packer, The New Yorker.
  45. George Weidenfeld, Orion Books.
  46. Greta Van Sustren, Fox News.
  47. Hamilton Fish, The New Republic.
  48. Harry Thomason, Hollywood TV-film producer-director.
  49. Henry Louis Gates, PBS, Harvard U. professor.
  50. Isabel Hilton, journalist, Open Democracy.
  51. Jacob Weisberg, Slate.
  52. Jake Tapper, CNN.
  53. James Fallows, The Atlantic.
  54. James Harding, Financial Times and former BBC.
  55. James Pinkerton, Financial Times.
  56. Jane Mayer, New Yorker.
  57. Jann Wenner, Rolling Stone.
  58. Jeff Seroy, Farrar Straus and Giroux publisher.
  59. Jeffrey Toobin, New Yorker.
  60. Jim Naughtie, BBC.
  61. Jon Lovett, Hollywood producer and screen writer.
  62. Jonathan Larsen, Air America Radio.
  63. Judy Blodgett, Discovery CEO.
  64. Julian Borger, The Guardian.
  65. Julie Sender, Balcony Films.
  66. Katrina Vanden Huevel, The Nation.
  67. Ken Slotnick, Florentine Films (makes documentaries for PBS).
  68. Kerry Lauerman, Salon.
  69. Lally Weymouth, Washington Post.
  70. Laura McClure, Salon.
  71. Lisa Chamberlain, Financial Times.
  72. Lucy Carrigan, Air America Radio.
  73. Lynn Sweet, Chicago Sun Times.
  74. Martin Kettle, The Guardian.
  75. Mike Allen, Time magazine.
  76. Narda Zacchino, San Francisco Chronicle.
  77. Nick Goldberg, Los Angeles Times.
  78. Paul Glastris, Washington Monthly.
  79. Richard Cohen, Washington Post.
  80. Richard French, RNN TV.
  81. Rick Berke, New York Times.
  82. Robert Cohen, New York Times.
  83. Ryan Lizza, New Yorker.
  84. Scott Turow, novelist.
  85. Tom Baldwin, The Times.
  86. Tom Edsall, National Journal.
  87. Walter Pincus, Washington Post.


  1. Andras Hamori, Carnegie Endowment.
  2. Andrew & Leslie Cockburn, Army War College.
  3. Arturo Valenzuela, rabbi, Duke University (and former assistant secretary of state for Western hemisphere affairs in the Obama administration).
  4. Bill Schneider,
  5. Caroline Heldman, Occidental College.
  6. Cass Sunstein, Harvard Law School, Obama’s administrator of White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
  7. Charles Tiefer, U. of Baltimore.
  8. Charlie Kupchan, Council on Foreign Relations.
  9. Dan Freifeld, NYU.
  10. David Greenberg, Rutgers U.
  11. David Lesch, Trinity U.
  12. Derek Shearer, Occidental College.
  13. Douglas Brinkley, Rice U.
  14. EJ Dionne, Brookings Institute.
  15. Elaine Kamarck, Harvard U.
  16. Gayle Smith, American Academy in Berlin.
  17. James Galbraith, U. of Texas.
  18. Robert Riech, U.C. Berkeley, Bill Clinton’s former Secretary of Labor.
  19. Gary Sick, Columbia U.
  20. Geoffrey Cowan, U. of Southern California.
  21. Jack Bass, College of Charleston.
  22. Janet Napolitano, president of U. of California, Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security.
  23. Jessica Stern, Harvard U.
  24. Jim Steinberg, U. of Texas.
  25. John Sifton, Human Rights Watch, One World Research.
  26. Joseph Stiglitz, Columbia U
  27. Juan Cole, U. of Michigan.
  28. Lari Martinez, Florida International U.
  29. Larry Diamond, Stanford U.
  30. Laura Tyson, U.C. Berkeley, chair of Bill Clinton’s White House Council of Economic Advise
  31. Martha Camp, Princeton U.
  32. Michael Janeway, Columbia U.
  33. Michael Sheehan, NYU.
  34. Michael Vachon, Soros Fund Management.
  35. Michael Waldman, NYU.
  36. Paul Krugman, Princeton U.
  37. Peter Beinart, City U. of New York.
  38. Peter Singer, Princeton U., the celebrated “moral philosopher” who says it’s okay to rape the mentally disabled, among others of his atrocious beliefs.
  39. Peter Steinfels, Fordham U.
  40. Philip Bobbitt, U. of Texas.
  41. Ralph Whitehead, U. of Massachusetts.
  42. Richard Parker, Harvard U.
  43. Robert Pape, U. of Chicago.
  44. Robert Scheer, U. of Southern California.
  45. Robert Jay Lifton, psychiatrist and notable author.
  46. Ron Steel, U. of Southern California.
  47. Sarah Chase, Harvard U.
  48. Sean Wilentz, Princeton U.
  49. Sheldon Hackney, U. of Pennsylvania.
  50. Stephen Holmes, New York U.
  51. Stephen Schlesinger
  52. Ted Widmer, Brown U.
  53. Timothy Garton Ash, Oxford U.
  54. Todd Gitlin, Columbia U.
  55. Tom Frank, U. of Chicago.


  1. Andrew Shapiro, Senator Hillary Clinton.
  2. Ben Jones, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
  3. Bruce Lindsey, Bill Clinton’s White House assistant, current chair of the Clinton Foundation.
  4. Bill Gates (unnamed assistant of).
  5. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, member of Ford Foundation board of trustees.
  6. Cheryl Mills, secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff.
  7. David McKean, secretary of state John Kerry’s assistant, former U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg (2016-2017).
  8. Deborah de Shong, Democratic National Committee (DNC).
  9. Denis McDonough, Obama’s White House chief of staff.
  10. Doug Band, Bill Clinton’s White House deputy assistant and counselor.
  11. Ed Miliband, leader of UK’s Labour Party.
  12. Ellen Chesler, Soros NY.
  13. Gara LaMarche, Democracy Alliance, former VP of Soros’ Open Society.
  14. Gary Hart, former US senator, McGovern’s VP running mate, Obama’s US special envoy for Northern Ireland.
  15. Harold Ickes, Bill Clinton’s White House deputy chief of staff.
  16. Henry Waxman, former Congressman.
  17. Hillary Clinton.
  18. Howard Wolfson, Democratic Party political strategist.
  19. Huma Abedin.
  20. James Carville.
  21. James Rubin, Bill Clinton’s assistant secretary of state.
  22. Jason Miner, DNC.
  23. John Podesta.
  24. John Rich, World Nuclear Association, founded in 2001 on the basis of the Uranium Institute.
  25. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, chair of American Bridge, non-profit that raises funds for Democrat Party.
  26. Lanny Davis, Bill Clinton’s White House special counsel.
  27. Laura Graham, COO of Clinton Foundation.
  28. Lynn de Rothschild.
  29. Marc Dunkelman, Clinton Foundation.
  30. Mickey Cantor, Bill Clinton’s secretary of commerce.
  31. Paul Begala, Bill Clinton’s adviser.
  32. Philippe Reines, Sen. Hillary Clinton’s senior adviser in Obama State Dept.
  33. Richard Blumenthal, US senator.
  34. Richard Holbrooke, Obama’s special envoy, Bill Clinton’s UN ambassador.
  35. Robert Rubin, Bill Clinton’s treasury secretary, current chair of Council on Foreign Relations.
  36. Sarah Hurwitz, speech writer for Michele Obama, Hillary Clinton and other prominent Demonrats.
  37. Soros.
  38. Stephanie Streett, Clinton Foundation.
  39. Steve McMahon, Democratic media consultant.
  40. Susan McCue, worked for Sen. Harry Reid.
  41. Tamera Luzzato, former chief of staff to Senator Hillary Clinton, now Pew Charitable Trust’s senior vice president of governmental relations.
  42. Terry McAuliffe, Gov. of Virginia.
  43. Tony Blinken, Obama’s deputy national security adviser who flicks his tongue like a snake.
  44. Wes Boyd,