Showing posts with label Debt Note. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debt Note. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013


For 56 days the US Treasury Debt Clock has stopped at $16, 699,396,000,000.00.

We know that before the clocked stopped the US Treasury was issuing $2.5 Billion Dollars a day over it too in - so we think the debt is now around $17,750,000,000.00 - but we do not know.

The US (Corporation) has not had a budget since Obama became president.

This means we do not know who is spending what - or even who should spend what. 

Based on what a DOD employee in budgeting told me a few weeks ago - there is NO budget, we just make up money on the computer.

It is over - this Obama Regime has driven the US Economy into the ground and he has even decided he will have a third term.

This means Economic Collapse and a Nuclear War.

Alas - we stated this would happen on APFN in the following stories:;article=143126;article=143126;article=143139;

There are no other options unless thy come for GOD's Solution.$16,699,396,000,000.00-56-days
Please Pray that the Obama Regime collapses immediately.

Dr William B. Mount