Showing posts with label Aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aliens. Show all posts

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Obama Dances as Empire Burns

While the Real Unemployment Figures clearly show over 108 Million Eligible America's not working president Obama is dancing in the Lime Light.

Please Pray that those on top are evicted form their lofty position and Godly men take their places.

Dupont Circle Shake Shack

The Threat to the President will not be over until the 18th - so this is actually a great place for him to be.

Here we see Obama playing GOD:

Obama poses as Iron King

Not to be undone - VP Biden has placed his son in charge of the Ukrainian Oil Company Burisma while John Kerry's Son In Law's Close Friend Devon Archer) also gets placed on their Board of Directors.

John Kerry’s friend joins the Board of Ukrainian gas producer, same company as Joe Biden’s son

In the mean time the BLM is conspiring to take more land form Cattle Ranchers, form Texas to New Mexico. Here we see another Land Grab because of a "Jumping Mouse?"

Lincoln National Forest, NM

Just keep in mind Michelle Obama has an Adams Apple: She is a he:

By hte Way Dumb Dumb John Kerry - the world now knows about your War Preparations and your planned destruction of Damascus just so you can kill. You are evil to the core, and a coward to boot. You try anything and it just may boomerang.

Now a personal Message: The folks form Aldabaron in the Taurus Constellation working with the Vrilyah's (Agarta) underground through the Great White Brotherhood in the Bohemian Grove (Southern Germany) are about to get their wings clipped - so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

David Rothchilds (Bauers), has given the orders to kill Putin, Medvedev, the head of the Martial Arts Organization, and Benjamin Fulford, and many others. You also have failed to follow the advice of 6 zeroes.  What YOU started GOD will allow them to finish you Old Evil Entity - your time here is over: "Get off this planet while the gettin's good or it shall be for you and your followers as it was in Jasenovac in WW2." So HE has said it, so it shall be.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr WIlliam B. Mount


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Aliens and Demons View Humans as Stupid Little Creatures

The Aliens (Demons) on this planet view Humans as stupid little creatures - no greater than an Octopus - to be eaten and cast aside like food.

Please pray with me - really visualize - as you read this that the Demons (Archons, Grays, Annanauki) are expelled form this planet immediately and all Lucifer does comes to naught.

These creatures that come form a higher dimension view us as cattle - slave labor - less than they are --- as we view, say, an Octopus.

So please defer to this story of a film of an Octopus opening a jar to get out and opening a jar to get it's food.

The story is: Octopus vs Jar

Guess an Octopus is not so dumb after all?

I would also like to remind these Aliens that it is here on APFN that we successfully outlined over 100 plots to kill world leaders and start WW3 using a Nuclear False Flag.

You were not mentally capable of deciphering this - and would you not have been blown to Kingdom Come if any of these plots had worked?

So was it your intelligence that stopped your own destruction or some lowly Human's Intuition - something YOU can never have?

It is here on APFN we described their magnetic drive systems for their space toys.

It is here we successfully outlined ways tro extend Human Life to over 700 years.

Sure - we are suppressed - for now, but have we not shown through this that we are not mere Octupi and when we get a chance we will break your bonds and cast you out like chaff in the wind?

Perhaps that by no realizing this - that convincing world leaders to follow your inferior minds - that we will eventually over come.

There are others out there (GOD's Angels) that will eventually destroy you.

Aliens - is it not true then that you are leading yourselves down the road to Perdition?

We shall see how long it takes for the evil to reach such heights that your species is cast back into the abyss where you all belong.

Let us hope it is very soon.

Let us pray - really focus - that it is now.
You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

(((((When you read the next story about the UN broadcast please realize I am a reporter and am only reporting on a news story. Besides - today's seminar was very boring.)))))

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Alien Disclosure From President's and Defense Minsters Around the World

The US administration is under orders to keep their mouths shut about Alien Species visiting this planet so there will be NO admission from them. They made an agreement to lie.

As a Captain in the US Army I am tell you every month the UN discloses information about the alien species here on Earth.

I am still in the US Government as a Captain - but do not expect any other officer to reveal this - they have been denuded by Affirmative Action and are no longer men but Officers.

I personally invite these aliens to interact with me as a wing of the US Government and I will tell all if the actually do even bother with me.

SO here are a few others who have openly stated that aliens are here:

1) President Medvedev. As you recall on Sorcha Faal the Prime Minister f Russia was caught on tape talking about the Aliens here on Earth.

2) The former Defense Minister from Canada openly talks about the Aliens that are visiting the Earth.

3) Fox News UFO sighting - oops:

4) More FOX News and Mexican Defense Department admits ET UFOs and Dying CIA agent admits contact with UFOs.

5) Charles Hall - a lowly Enlisted Man for the USAF. You know - just because he is enlisted does not make him any less credible than a Captain or an Ambassador - in fact he may be more credible. He sure humbles me.

We could go on all night - but you get the picture.

The US Government will reveal nothing and these aliens do exist.
I openly invite these Alien species to work with me and APFN to reveal who they are and what their goals are here on Planet Earth - so please pray that they do come. Their DNA has been permanently damaged by the GMO food they were fed in ways they cannot even imagine and they need to know how and why.
They may be smart but not as devious as Lucifer.

Dr William B. Mount