Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Internal Civil "Conflict" Erupts In America

Monday, July 31, 2017

Internal Civil "Conflict" Erupts In America

Civil War Breaks Out In America

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

We started this channel to garnish prayer to change to help save America and stop the coming World Conflict and so far, so good.

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There is a Civil Was that is now going on at the highest levels of America.

The two sides are pitted against one word: Freedom.

This war has been going on from the beginning of time and has reached a Pinnacle with the advent of the Internet.

Slavery is nothing new and it has been going on since the beginning of Man Kind.

Even today we see the slaves coming up on camel to Casablanca and being sold on the open market.

Heck - in Los Angeles another Pedaphile ring was just broken up using young women as Sex Slaves.

As for America between 1618 and 1775 the British imported 500,000 blacks and 300,000 Irish Slaves into north America to work as slaves.

In 1857  in the Dred Scott Decision the US Supreme Court - 7 Democrats and 2 Republicans - ruled Blacks were inferior to Whites and were therefore better off as slaves and Slaves became Property.

It took a huge Civil War to end that ruling.

Six years after the Civil War ended the Supreme Court of Virginia - after the 1871 Incorporation of the United States in the Organic Constitution -  ruled that if you have committed a Felony you became a Slave of the state.

The wording was later changed to “Ward Of The State” but it means the same thing.

So today - the United States is importing huge amounts of Immigrants to act as Slaves in the factories that will be built to reindustrialize America.

Today an immigrant will work for $8.00 an hour with no benefits and put his whole family to work and the father then takes the money and redistributes it as they see fit.

So in order for this to work the elites must eliminate those who demand air wages and would compete with these huge corporations.

That is exactly what is being done.

Just keep in mind:

…a) 13th Amendment Abolish Slavery - 100% Republican Support, 23% Democratic Support

…b) 15th Amendment - Right To Vote:  100% Republican, 0% Democrat

14th Amendment: Free Slaves: 944 Rep, 0% Dems

4) Obama Care: 0% Rep, 86% Dems

Today almost all of Congress and the Senate - they all are n Worshipping, Human Sacrificing Democrats at heart.

Time for some arrests.

You really should read the article.

In other news:

1) 1,800 Tone of Radioactive Waste has An Ocean View And No Place To Go.

Over 890,000 Used Nuclear Rods sit in a containment ponds just South of Los Angeles at the San Orofre Nuclear Plant - which is now closed.

These Nuclear Rods will now have to be care for on a Major Fault Line for the next Million Years.

The last President blocked all attempts to find a permanent place to put them and the New President is trying to locate a permanent Place to house them - 80% of all Used Nuclear Rods in the nation.

The most likely place is in caves under the areas the US blew up over 2,500 Nuclear Weapons - Nevada. You can simply put them there and block the entrance to the caves.

A Second place could be Yucca Mountain, Utah.

Every time a new place is mentioned every Federal and State agency blocks the transfer of these deadly Nuclear Rods.

President Trump has 5 choices:

…a) Leave them there until after a Major Earthquake and let them sink into the ocean. With currents this means the entire Southern Pacific Ocean would be dead in 10 years.

…b) Move them to a permanent storage facility in the South Western US Desert

…c) Hit them with Lighting 15 times through Geoenginerd storms and eliminate their radioactivity.

…d) Use Radionics machines to dissolve the radioactivity

…e) Use Brown’s Gas to neutralize the Used Nuclear Rods.

2) Russia throws out 755 US Diplomats leaving 458 remaining in the Moscow Embassy.

The reason is clear - there was a plot to kill President Putin and his staff and it was traced right back to the US Embassy.

One of the odd things the Russian’s Discovered is when the American’s Left they abandoned a Bio Weapons lab right there in Moscow.

The RNA Samples that were collected were from prominent Russian Citizens were being used to create a Virus to kill Russians.

So - Good Job President Putin. If you had done as GOD asked tyou to do this never would have happened.

The course Congress has recently set, thanks to in part Senator Traitor McCain, is to completely isolate the United States form the rest of the world financially, economically, socially, politically,  and even in all forms of trade.

3) Vaccinated Children Are Sicker hat Unvaccinated Children.

Vaccinated children are:

…a) 2 ½ Times More Likely to have Chronic Illnesses

…b) 4 Times More Likely To Have Autism

…c) 5 Times More Likely To Have Learning Disabilities

…d) 30 Times More Likely To Have Allergies.

4) Finally - The First Human Embryos Were Genetically Modified In US.

Please note that when you read this article this was done with a Chemical - and could be given to full grown adults.

For them to admit it means those in the Underground Complexes have been doing this for over 70 years.

Please pray that congress falls flat on their faces and is neutralized.

Send Love and Gratitude into the Water supply in Washington, DC.

Whatever state you live in - send Love into their water systems so the Governors will authorized the money in their state CAFR be released to pay their State’s bills.

Open each Governor’s eyes as to how much money is really available to him to pay his bills and to begin obeying US laws.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family take the necessary steps to prepare for all of the planned events.

We The LITTLE People (UN Term) will win - we have over ½ a million people praying every day.


Again - This program is brought to you by:

Tiger Stream

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This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Trump Becomes Lincoln As New Civil War To Free America From Slavery Begins

1,800 tons of radioactive waste has an ocean view and nowhere to go - LA Times

Russian Puts All US Diplomats Under “Strict Surveillance”, Orders 755 To Leave Country

"It's Time To Retaliate": Putin Expels 755 U.S. Diplomats | Zero Hedge

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess Who Is Sicker? » Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated: Guess Who Is Sicker? | Geoengineering Watch

First Human Embryos Edited in U.S. - MIT Technology Review

Tiger Stream | Products

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Financial Armageddon August 2017 - Pray

August Financial Armageddon In US



Folks - time to pray hard. What is planned for next month in August is horrible.

First - On August 22nd all states must begin paying hospitals back for the dollars they have spent under the Affordable Health Care Act - “Obama” Care.

When the Affordable Health Care Act was passed Congress did not set any money aside to pay for this Huge health Care Bill and now that there is actually a “Budget” proposed for 2017-2018 Congress has not set aside any funding for this Health Care Act.

The cost of this Affordable Health Care Act has exceeded $4 Trillion Dollars each year.

Since most states average 25% of their State Budgets for Health Care - reimbursed by the United States - they have simply taken the money the Feds have sent them and spent it on other things such as supporting Illegal Aliens on welfare.

According to a Federal Court Ruling given 22 May 2017 in which President trump asked for 90 days to implement this request and only one state has thus far complied - Illinois.

The State of Illinois has been ordered to do just that last month and the literally have stopped paying their bills.

Of course - if you look at the State of Illinois Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Not their budget) you will realize they have literally Billions in Stock, bonds, and cash in banks - but this is obviously not being used to pay off these hospitals.

This will be the situation in every other state as they try to hang onto their huge assets.

Instead they are trying to do it using their annual budget to pay for this Heath Care and it si solely inadequate to do so.

It remains to be seen what the courts will do to force these states to begin paying back the Hospitals for the moneys they have illegally “Re-Appropriated” for their own pet projects.

It is all a big show where the Elites get richer and we - the public - get poorer so we pray.

2) This all came about as the US Senate voted to reject the Republican Health Care Bill.

As the story goes - Vice President Pence held the Senate Chambers opened until Senator Traitor  McCain came waltzing into the chambers to vote at 2AM against the Republican Health Care Bill.

So - this Senator went in to have a Huge Brain tumor Removed, walked out fo the Hospital to vote???

And Vice President Pence waited until 2Am for the Senator to waltz in and vote?

It is all a big show.

3) Second - This should be of great concern to all of us as the Chinese are now leveraging their Yuan to force the acceptance of their New Gold backed Yuan to pay for Oil - thus challenging the Supremacy of the US Dollar as the World’s reserve Currency.

If you go to the “Golden Jackass” website you will learn that this may mean  a new US Dollar will be issued and that will be devalued by 50% within the first few months of being issued and then face a devaluation of 30 % every year after that.

3) As for Crypto Currencies - they are easy to hack. And who is to say that these currencies - now being regulated and taxed by the US - will not simply double the amount of Crypto’s just line the Banks do --- just add digits to their accounts to increase profits.

If you don’t hold it ain’t yours.

With one exception - physical Gold and Silver in a secured and insured vault - like Noble Gold.

Since it is nontaxable and simply a holding place - it is not subject to any state or Federal interferences.

In other news:

A) In the recent Drama in Washington D.C. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has agreed to testify against the Big “H” in the DNC Leak Investigation is exchange for Immunity - something about dead attorneys and a body on the beach that all are connected to her after the FBI raided her house and found lots and lots of evidence.

B) Another Holistic Doctor (Dr Glenn Scarpelli) and his wife Patricia Colant) were is found dead on the side walk with suicide notes in their pockets in plastic baggies.

Apparently there was a whole lot of screaming and fighting in their Manhattan High Rise Apartment and then they both went flying out of their Hugh Rise Apartment windows.

The count of murdered Medical Doctors now practicing Holisitc Medicine has reached 60...

C) Former White House Chef Walter Scheib - hired by the Big “H” - was found dead in Taos, New Mexico in the desert mountains. Cause  of death - Drowning.

Think about it.

D) President Trump fired Reince Priebus - White House Chief Of Staff - for leaking Classified Information.

Ta Da Trump

E) In a current conference hackers were asked to attack our voting machines and they have had great success in doing so - proving the Electronic Polling Machines are worthless.

Yeah - think about it.
For You Intel Geeks;

1) 15 August you plan to torch off 25KT Firecrackers across the nation? - it has been stopped

2) 15 August you plan to place an Encapsulated Slow release bio-weapon in a City water system just north of Fort Collins perhaps Laramie?

Please pray that the governor of as Wyoming is ready for this potential disaster and send Love to his office in Cheyenne.

3) 22 August you will crash the States and shut down all non-essential state services.

4) You are planning to begin buying Oil using the Gold Backed Yuan from Saudi Arabia - thus challenging the Supremacy of the King Dollar.

…5)  28 August - an attempt of Both Trump and Pence - it will fail miserably as Congressman Debbie Wasserman Schultz begins to testify and release information on the Awan Brothers.

Please pray that congress falls flat on their faces and is neutralized.

Send Love and Gratitude into the Water supply in Washington, DC.

Whatever state you live in - sent Love into their water systems so the Governors will authorized the money in their state CAFR be released to pay their State’s bills.

Open each Governor’s eyes as to how much money is really available to him to pay his bills and to begin obeying US laws.

Please also pray that if we do have an economic “Crash” that you and your family take the necessary steps to prepare for all of the planned events.

We The LITTLE People (UN Term) will win - we have over ½ a million people praying every day that not only does the United Nations closes down and President Trump succeeds in his endeavours but that those following Lucifer either immediately Repent and do what is right in the eyes of GOD or leave the Planet immediately.


Again - This program is brought to you by You Tube’s William Mount Cooking.

Here we show you how to save money on your grocery bill and eat well using Freeze Dried Foods.

We may be introducing a New Food Company soon so stay in touch with our channel.




This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Leftist Insanity In America Erupts As Trump Prepares To Unleash “August Armageddon”

GOLDEN JACKASS.COM - The Golden Jackass Knows Gold, Currencies & Bonds"

July 29th: topics covered include USDollar fake corrupt support with QE, the coming dual universe of USD vs RMB in coexistence (which cannot be stopped), the coming IMF control of the International Dollar from Chinese offices, the global currency reserve risk of loss, the USFed bloated balance sheet at $4.5 trillion in toxic assets, the weak areas in the USEconomy in cars & pensions & energy sector, the Saudi-Qatar conflict as hint of Petro-Dollar fracture with late stage demise, the potential for Chinese oil purchases from Saudi but paid in RMB terms with powerful effect, the New Scheiss Dollar factors at work, the Trump America First reality with no progress on re-industrialization of the United States


Famous Holistic Doctor & Wife Allegedly Jump to Death off Manhattan Office Highrise- Leave Typed Suicide Notes

Reince Priebus Is Ousted Amid Stormy Days for White House - The New York Times


Former White House Chef Died From Drowning, Autopsy Shows - ABC News