Sunday, September 11, 2016

Hillary Collapses In Manhattan - Its 79 Degrees



Video:  HLLRY Collapses In 79* Heat - YouTube

According to the Clinton Campaign she “Overheated”

This means she had Heat Stroke

This Healthy 68 year old Democratic Candidate had Heat Stroke in in Manhattan in 79 Degree Weather in the shade while leaving a 9/11 Memorial

Not much more can be said except she left a shoe behind - so
“Cinderella” has collapsed

The Clinton Campaign said she was rushed to her daughter's apartment and she in fine - she "Overheated."

Pray that she turns towards GOD immediately.
The News You Need

 Dr William B. Mount

Clinton Campaign Issues Official Statement: Hillary "Overheated" During 9/11 Ceremony | Zero Hedge

Video Emerges Of Clinton Fainting During "Medical Episode" | Zero Hedge

Friday, September 9, 2016

Prepare To Be Laid Off


Video: Prepare To Be Fired - YouTube

Prepare to be laid off

Refocus away from the election and on to what really matters - YOUR job, YOUR income, YOUR family.

In case we have not noticed - for the last 7 years America has been going down a self-destructive road. Over 25,000,000 foreigners have displaced Americans in their jobs

First - the Women replace the men back in the 80.

Then the Minorities replaced the Women

Now we see Foreigners replacing Everyone

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics

In America we have:

124 Million Full Time Employees

26 Million of them are now Foreigners

98 Million are Americans

33 Million are Part Time Americans

26 Million Americans looking for full time work

In other words - the current US Regime has taken a Fragile Economy and brought in foreigners to destroy Americans

To add to the  worry:

1) Wells Fargo just laid off 5,300 Employees who were “Cooking the Books” - adding credit card account and bank accounts in people names- it is called Fraud combined with Identity Theft to the tune of $Billions. Wells Fargo will be fined $185 Million and No One goes to jail and NO ONE will fix the accounts.

The executives knew about this - they just got caught by the Office of Comptroller of Currency.


Can you see the Lawsuits coming against Wells Fargo?

And They will revalue the Iraqi Dinar?????

We have Life Lock for Identity Theft and many Home Owner Policies will pay you for the cost of restoring your identity.

2) The New York Stock Exchange tanked as a Massive Sell Off occurred with the understanding that the Feds plan to crash the economy in a few weeks - “Plan To” - we shall see what GOD allows.

Outside my window are some pretty serious jets from McChord Air Force Base looking fro something they can not see. They are loaded for Bear. Something is really getting their attention.

3) Finally - and most importantly - Dell Computers - which just bought EMC - is laying off 2,000 - 3,000 Employees and bringing in around  5,093 workers form India they can pay below minimum wage and avoid paying Health Care.

Pray for your family

Be Ready - Please - Be Ready


The News We All Need

Dr William B. Mount

All Hell Is Breaking Loose on This Friday: America Is Being Occupied - Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show

Dell Fires 3000 US Employees, Requests 5000 Visas For Foreign Workers | Zero Hedge

Wells Fargo Fires 5,300 Employees for Opening Millions of Phony Accoun | Vanity Fair

DJIA Indexes - Dow Jones Industrial Average - Wall Street Journal

8th Month in a Row: More than 25 Million Foreign-Born People Employed in U.S. - Breitbart


What On Earth Is Going On - Cuss & Discuss

What On Earth Is Going On With People - Cuss & Discuss


Video: What On Earth Is Going On - Cuss & Discuss - YouTube

What the heck is going on around the world?

Has everyone lost it?

We sit at home and try to have some peace and quiet while this incredible evil is operating all around us.

Just at home we had 4 really strange experiences you might fully understand:

1) We got T-Boned last month by a young gal who T-Bones someone else the week before when she ran a stop sign during rush hour traffic.

2) We finally got the Title for our Truck from Capitol One after 14 years.

3) We joined a Museum and was then told by a young kid we cannot enter until tomorrow? Bizarre…

4) We have a contract with You Tube to place ads on our videos and they have refused to honor the contract?

Are you experience similar Bizarre experience you are having right now?

It’s like everything has gone insane in America???
Here are some examples in the news today:

1) Two cases of Leprosy have been found a California School - Indian Hills School in Riverside, California. It is spread by contact with bodily fluids and the school refused to tell the parents or even send the kids home

2) Two new vaccines are being introduced: Leprosy in India and Zika Virus in the US. They use LIVE viruses in these vaccinations (Attenuated) so  be ready for your kids to come home from school with some pretty nasty diseases as the rest of the  world sends their terminally ill to America.

3) The internet is being destroyed by the CIA - which now owns Google and You Tube. That famous picture from Vietnam over 45 years old of a little girl running down the street naked after being sprayed with Napalm was pulled from the  internet a few days ago.

What else do you expect them to do - they kill and destroy - this is what the Lucifer and the CIA/FBI/NSA and UN do… they kill and destroy. We are - after all - the “LITTLE PEOPLE“.

4) Hanjin Employees are left stranded in their ships - unable to refuel or even buy food for their crews - all done by one South Korean Judge?

5) Now Russia and China, leading the BRICK nations, are creating a New Alliance called the Russian Treaty Alliance - “RUTA” to counter NATO and are sending troops into Bolivia to counter the Food Shortages there and eliminate the Rebels after Bolivia banned GMO seeds and joined RUTA…

The US Led Coup in Brazil a few months ago is now backfiring on those who created it as South America is beginning to units against this.

6) The BRICS Nations are also forming not only their own monetary system (not including the dollar) and forming a BRICS Treaty Alliance - BTA - or “BRITA” to counter NATO?

Allot of insane things happening today.

Pray that your family is safe and these Evil World Leaders turn to GOD immediately.

This story is brought to you by Get The Tea - we literally wake up to the Life Change Tea with Colostrum in it and one Gymnema and an Allicin tablet.

To the smartest, most engages audience around the world - thank you for participating.

YOU are making the difference - a million people praying to change these Evil people - thank you.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

TASS: Military & Defense - Russia, Bolivia sign agreement on military cooperation

Thousands Of Russian Troops Rushed To US Northern Border And South America

Bolivia to Fight Food Shortage with Non-GMO Seeds

"Dear Mark Zuckerberg. No, I Will Not Remove This Picture..." | Zero Hedge

Has LEPROSY hit California? Two elementary students 'diagnosed with the rare disease' | Daily Mail Online

World’s first leprosy vaccine, developed in India, to go on trial - Times of India

Effects Of Leprosy:

Image result for picture of leprosy

Image result for picture of leprosy

Image result for picture of leprosy

Effects Of Zika Virus

Image result for picture of effects of zika virus

Image result for picture of effects of zika virus

Image result for picture of effects of zika virus

Image result for picture of effects of zika virus

Image result for picture of effects of zika virus in adults

Be Ready Folks: Batten Down The Hatches
Be ready folks:


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!



Essential Oils | Uncle Harry's Natural Products




Jane Mecklenburg - Thrive Life Consultant

Thursday, September 8, 2016

US Led ISIS On Bombing Spree

US (ISIS) Goes On Bombing Spree


Video:  US Led ISIS On Bombing Spree - YouTube

Jim Willie is right - it really is the King Dollar Reign off Terror

Hitler: A FASCIST Government must have continual war to survive

Over the last 2 weeks US led ISIS forces led out of the US Embassy in Ankara Turkey have killed 53 people and wounded hundreds

The attacks involved 6 different bombings and it pretty much every major target in Syria

This meant targeting area way outside of ISIS control - including some pretty heavily guarded area - for example a Damascus Suburb that houses military officers and their families.

These blasts not only targets Syrian Military sites but also sites belonging to the Kurds

In the mean time Syrian and Russian forces are slaughtering the  US Led ISIS murderers

In addition, US led Al Kada forces (AlQueda) in Kabul torched off 2 bombs in Kabul Monday and one yesterday at a bank in the Capitol city.

The latest bombings killed 24 people and injured over 100 people.

Further - a US Drone Strike killed 6 people in Yemen. Of course - they were “al-Queda”

How do we know they were US led?

First - remember the Video where Obama states he is increasing  the funding of ISIS (al-Queda) (Al Kada)

Second - there are leaks out of the Ankara Embassy stating they are US Led.

Finally - All US Computers have a Malware where every time you do anything it is fed into a Russian Computer.

Note that Coo Coo Pant’s (We cannot say her name) Computer had this Malware in her personal email server.

So everything the US Military did, everything the US State Department did, over the last 10 years is now in the Russian, Chinese, Finish, and 10 other National Intelligence Computers around the world. Every little Sexual Encounter, ever murder - all recorded and stored in these computers.

Everything - and it can be pulled up at a moments notice in seconds.

She also had an ear piece in her left ear and was told what to say last night after each carefully chosen question.
Please pray that these leaders on top turn to the Living GOD immediately

Pray also that your family is well taken care of in what is coming.

The News You Need

Dr William B Mount

ISIS Launches Flurry of Bombings Across Syria, Killing 53 -- News from

Third bomb strikes Kabul, Afghanistan | News - Home

Syrian conflict - airstrikes - Five years of war in Syria - Pictures - CBS News

U.S. drone strike kills 6 al-Qaida suspects in Yemen's Marib - Xinhua |

The rogue private army that handed an oil field to ISIS on a plate - Times of India

US Led ISIS burning Oil Fields all over Syria - literally sterilizing the desert for 1,000 years.

Smoke rises from burning oil storage tanks in the port of Ras Lanuf. (Reuters photo)

Captured Cigarettes Ready To Set Ablaze ---

Ma'rib - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US Consulate, Istanbul - Its Huge..


US Embassy in Ankara...Its' Huge....

Tel-Dan in the Golan Heights - who's door way is named Al one said the CIA was creative -- just Evil to the core.....underneath is filled with caverns and bases - this is where Lucifer landed when he and his Evil Minions were thrown out of Heaven. Legend states that it is here (Underground Laboratories) they took part of the Tribe of Dan and made the "Giants" - see the caverns under the Grand Canyon.

18th century BC mud-brick gate at Tel Dan

US State Department Computers were hacked and every transmission is sent to a Russian Computer and then world wide to 12 other computers ,,, and they can't find the "Malware."

BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!

Until these US Corporate Leaders of the FBI/CIA/NSA "Plug the Hole" exactly lie we said they need to then these leaks will continue and the Living GOD will block their ability to stop this.

""The AP report noted that investigators discovered among Clinton’s cache of released emails malicious software aimed at transmitting data to three overseas computers, including at least one in Russia. This malicious software was reportedly activated by clicking on it; but in October it was not clear if Clinton actually opened these messages or not, per the AP.""
Coo Coo Pants Earpiece

People Noticed Something BIZARRE on Hillary Clinton's Head... DO YOU SEE IT!?! - The Political Insider

 ""NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors""

Thank you - to whoever stopped the interference to my computer by those trying to stop my writing of stories. Too bad I am not in an area conducive to getting more information in a more timely way. 

Be ready folks:


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!



Essential Oils | Uncle Harry's Natural Products




Jane Mecklenburg - Thrive Life Consultant

US (ISIS) Goes On Bombing Spree


Video:  US Led ISIS On Bombing Spree - YouTube

Jim Willie is right - it really is the King Dollar Reign off Terror

Hitler: A FASCIST Government must have continual war to survive

Over the last 2 weeks US led ISIS forces led out of the US Embassy in Ankara Turkey have killed 53 people and wounded hundreds

The attacks involved 6 different bombings and it pretty much every major target in Syria

This meant targeting area way outside of ISIS control - including some pretty heavily guarded area - for example a Damascus Suburb that houses military officers and their families.

These blasts not only targets Syrian Military sites but also sites belonging to the Kurds

In the mean time Syrian and Russian forces are slaughtering the  US Led ISIS murderers

In addition, US led Al Kada forces (AlQueda) in Kabul torched off 2 bombs in Kabul Monday and one yesterday at a bank in the Capitol city.

The latest bombings killed 24 people and injured over 100 people.

Further - a US Drone Strike killed 6 people in Yemen. Of course - they were “al-Queda”

How do we know they were US led?

First - remember the Video where Obama states he is increasing  the funding of ISIS (al-Queda) (Al Kada)

Second - there are leaks out of the Ankara Embassy stating they are US Led.

Finally - All US Computers have a Malware where every time you do anything it is fed into a Russian Computer.

Note that Coo Coo Pant’s (We cannot say her name) Computer had this Malware in her personal email server.

So everything the US Military did, everything the US State Department did, over the last 10 years is now in the Russian, Chinese, Finish, and 10 other National Intelligence Computers around the world. Every little Sexual Encounter, ever murder - all recorded and stored in these computers.

Everything - and it can be pulled up at a moments notice in seconds.

She also had an ear piece in her left ear and was told what to say last night after each carefully chosen question.
Please pray that these leaders on top turn to the Living GOD immediately

Pray also that your family is well taken care of in what is coming.

The News You Need

Dr William B Mount

ISIS Launches Flurry of Bombings Across Syria, Killing 53 -- News from

Third bomb strikes Kabul, Afghanistan | News - Home

Syrian conflict - airstrikes - Five years of war in Syria - Pictures - CBS News

U.S. drone strike kills 6 al-Qaida suspects in Yemen's Marib - Xinhua |

The rogue private army that handed an oil field to ISIS on a plate - Times of India

US Led ISIS burning Oil Fields all over Syria - literally sterilizing the desert for 1,000 years.

Smoke rises from burning oil storage tanks in the port of Ras Lanuf. (Reuters photo)

Captured Cigarettes Ready To Set Ablaze ---

Ma'rib - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

US Consulate, Istanbul - Its Huge..


US Embassy in Ankara...Its' Huge....

Tel-Dan in the Golan Heights - who's door way is named Al one said the CIA was creative -- just Evil to the core.....underneath is filled with caverns and bases - this is where Lucifer landed when he and his Evil Minions were thrown out of Heaven. Legend states that it is here (Underground Laboratories) they took part of the Tribe of Dan and made the "Giants" - see the caverns under the Grand Canyon.

18th century BC mud-brick gate at Tel Dan

US State Department Computers were hacked and every transmission is sent to a Russian Computer and then world wide to 12 other computers ,,, and they can't find the "Malware."

BREAKING: Hillary Just Received The Worst Possible - Putin Is Smiling!

Until these US Corporate Leaders of the FBI/CIA/NSA "Plug the Hole" exactly lie we said they need to then these leaks will continue and the Living GOD will block their ability to stop this.

""The AP report noted that investigators discovered among Clinton’s cache of released emails malicious software aimed at transmitting data to three overseas computers, including at least one in Russia. This malicious software was reportedly activated by clicking on it; but in October it was not clear if Clinton actually opened these messages or not, per the AP.""
Coo Coo Pants Earpiece

People Noticed Something BIZARRE on Hillary Clinton's Head... DO YOU SEE IT!?! - The Political Insider

 ""NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors""

Thank you - to whoever stopped the interference to my computer by those trying to stop my writing of stories. Too bad I am not in an area conducive to getting more information in a more timely way. 

Be ready folks:


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!



Essential Oils | Uncle Harry's Natural Products




Jane Mecklenburg - Thrive Life Consultant