Friday, July 24, 2015

Queen Elizabeth Is Dead?

I have been hearing reports from England that Queen Elizabeth - the real one not the doubles - is dead. and that Lord Lyons of Scotland cannot Certify Prince William Mount as "King" because the Windsor Family is made up of Pretenders.

(Please pray that those who wish to destroy America and Freedom are themselves destroyed)))

If this is true the United Kingdom is dead unless Lord Lyons can come up with another man to fill the spot and if this is true the United States Corporation must go away and return as a Republic by Law and by Treaty and the Money (Stuart Trust) of the crown must be redistributed to the people of America and England. Further - the Rothchilds may now be arrested and tried for treason and their assets seized by the English Government.

The violation of these treaties is punishable by death by the English Parliament.

Here is a portion of an Email I received:

From: Sir David Andrew <>
Date: July 18, 2015 at 10:39:31 AM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: An Introduction to the Geneva Bible
However, King James was not the son of Queen Mary.  His name was James Erskine, a Knight of Templar, who murder Jacob VI, the son of Mary, some time between 1585 and 1587.  This murder was documented in 1987 during the renovation of Edinburgh Castle when the body of Jacob VI was discovered.  however, if Jacob VI was a bastard child he would not have been allowed to succeed to the Throne, since illegitimate children do not have the right of inheritance.

Another Knight of Templar, Sir Francis Bacon, convinced Queen Elizabeth to behead Mary in 1587, thereby, completing the coupe d'etat of Scotland without firing a shot.  Mary died with her Rosary in her hands.  It was then just a matter of time (16 years) before the death of Queen Elizabeth and the coupe d'etat of England was also complete, without firing a shot.  Because of these facts and others, Lord Lyons has disqualified all of the present Queen Elizabeth's children and grand children from inheriting the the English Throne.

When Queen Elizabeth II dies it is the end of the British Empire as we know it.  I have reason to believe that Queen Elizabeth died in June 2015, and her family is concealing her death in order to remain in power.  Just as I have reason to believe that the deaths of Henry Kissinger (December 7, 2010), Hillary Clinton (May 2011) and George Bush (January 2014) are being concealed in the United States, at least until Jeb Bush, a slave trader and an absolute tyrant, becomes president in 2017.

Queen Elizabeth II was forced to abdicate the Throne of Scotland in fall of 1996, and she return King David's Throne Chair to Edinburgh Castle in May 1997.  The Throne of Scotland has been vacant ever since.  I have every reason to believe that that Throne will again be filled in 2017, if not, it most likely will be filled, come October 2027, in the year of Jubilee by a mighty King, who will destroy the NWO and its minions.

It should be noted that Michael Brown wrote this Introduction 1988, at that time there were very few people, who knew about the murder of Jacob VI; and even now, nearly thirty years later, very few people are aware of Jacob VI murder by James Erskine.  The government public fool indoctrination centers have done a great job in brainwashing the sheople into near total stupidity.

This might explain why Queen Elizabeth has been in seclusion - she is dead.

TV News Broadcaster Kieth Ljunghammer and Call For Investigation TV Producer Pat Schupe - Good Luck in England. I hope Lord Lyons entertains you and your thoughts.
The News You Need

Dr. William B. Mount

Just a note: Somebody is working really hard to prevent YOU from reading this story - so it appears to be true.

Long live my fathers' 15th Cousin Queen Elizabeth. May she rest in peace.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Social Security Disability To Be Cut 19% In 2016

The Trustees of the Social Security Corporation have just stated in the New York Times that the 11 Million people on Social Security Disability will have their benefits cut by 19% next year unless Congress raises taxes.

This means that since the average Disability Income is $1,017/Mo their incomes will be cut by $193/Mo to a total of $820/Mo.

(((Please pray that (Visualize) those trying to destroy America are destroyed themselves in their folly)))

This article in the New York Times is a complete lie by the CIA (Langley Fudge Boys) and is meant to scare you into submission. This article  is the  kind of article Adolf Hitler had his Fascists publish way back in 1938.

First of all - there is NO social Security "Trust Fund" - this is a complete lie and therefor the "Trustees" do not exist.

Social Security takes in the funds form you and transfers them to the English Royalty in accordance with the 1793 treaty between the "united states of America"... which was changed to the "United States Corporation" in 1871. Thus this type of fund transfer was made illegal by the transfer - but it was too lucrative to stop. A little money here, a little money there - and voila - the money keeps rolling in.

After the English royalty receives the money it then turns around and creates the Social Security Funds on a Computer - "Computer Money."

This is why 65 Million Non-American's receive $4,000/mo as Social Security Refugee Pay plus Welfare plus Free Housing plus Free Home Improvements, Plus Free Dental and Full Medical for them and their children and only half live in the United States.

Th non-Americans these $65,000,000  thus receive around $650,000,000,000/Mo or around $8 Trillion Dollars a year. These funds run many world economies and when the US Dollar stops funding these programs - World Wide Economic Collapse.

Liberalism At It's Best. Go Obama!

The actual numbers that have been given to me are much higher and may account for around 10% of the entire globe's GNP.

The 11 Million (Number ifs now 15 Million, mostly Mental) costs the economy around $11,000,000,000/mo or around 170 Billion Per Year.

You do the math.

That is not to say the Obama Administration will not cut Social Security Disability by 19% and then give you a .000001%  raise to shut you up, but it is unlikely Social Security Physical Disability will be cut.

So the next time you see a Main Stream Media story - think it through - it is likely to be a lie.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Social Security Disability Benefits Face Cuts in 2016, Trustees Say - The New York Times

PS: Thank You For The Spelling errors US Army Cyber Command.

HR 1599, Frankin Food Bill

As you read this the US Congress is about to bypass the 2nd Court of Appeals and pass the Safe Food Act.

(((Please Pray (Visualize) that those who are about to vote for this bill are severely disciplined for their actions against American's.)))

The Safe Food Act is written in such a way that if you sell Genetically Modified Foods to the public you do not have to disclose this fact. It is the largest Full Scale Attack on Americans in history. Congress and the President are sold out and apparently want you dead.

When I called several Congressman and Senators I made their aid aware of the fact that:

1) Frankinfoods (GMO Foods) shut down their liver and kidneys causing them to get fat and become Diabetic.

2) You have the right to know what is in your foods.

3) If the Dollar Revaluation occurs this year I was promised by Chinese Intel that their would be an 80% layoff of Congressional Staff - no money in the coffers.

4) In the past in America when the industry has shut down the Federal Government  could always bring money into the Federal Coffers by selling agricultural products (Food, Fish and Timber) around the world - not so today. No one wants America's Killer Wheat, Killer Corn, Killer Canola Oil, Killer Soy Beans and Killer Beat Sugars. So the coffers are empty.

6) Fukushima has killed the Pacific Ocean and the Fishing Industry so no money coming into the coffers there.

7) The Conscent Decree 1 March 1980 by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals killed small towns and the Timber Industry forever and it will remain locked up until this is overturned - not likely with a "Liberal" Fascist in office. This means no revenue for Congress from this avenue.

8) This assures that when the Lay-offs occur those answering the phone will loose their jobs - an who wants to hire an E--Government Worker, right?

9) Finally - if this leads to war the Underground Bases meant for Congress and their staffs are built as Tombs - Graves. In a dictatorship Congress is not needed - study the history of Germany under Adolf Hitler.

The Congressional Staff under Congressman Mike Pompea, Adam Smith and Derek Kilmer, and Senator's Murray and Cantwell were stunned when I put the pieces together for them, and grateful. This bill passes hte last source of revenue to Congress goes away and when the Dollar exchange occurs - they get their walking papers in a few months.

What really bothers me is the Bill's Sponsor is a Republican (Mike Pompea) who immediately turned into a Fascist Pig after being elected - a Turn Coat For Money.....A Traitor. There goes his bid for the President in 2020.

(As it stands Jeb Bush is scheduled to be appointed US Corporate President in 2016 as Hillary looses her money flow several months before the election. Donald Trump will be destroyed by the Fascist US Corporate Press.)

So how did the "Frankin Food Bill" get to Congress and get put on the floor for a vote so quickly?

About $150 Million Dollars In Grant Moneys traced to the US Corporation funneled to Monsanto to "Study Foods" that has been used to payoff Congress.

Money Talks, BS walks.

Please keep in mind that there are over 12 companies that work what Monsanto to do the same thing - Poison people around the world and under the Bretton Woods Agreement this is the job of the US Corporation under the IMF: Maintain a sustainable population by and and all means. IE: Homeland Security, CIA, NOAH Hit Men - Yes - NOAH is a Hit Man Corporation. It is all in the original agreement signed 14 July 1944.

Victoria Nuland from the US State Department did not become known as the KILLER ANGEL without reason and John Kerry (The Thin Chinned Kerry) was not shot a few weeks ago and is still on Ventilators without reason. He was warned not long ago, just like we warned President Lulu, The PM of Greece, Putin, before they got shot.)
For You Intel Geeks

Kudos to the Secret Service for getting Obama out of the White House 4 July and keeping him away form a Golf engagement in New York 17 May ---- the Shooters were very disappointed though.

On 17 August we see this all over again - except please keep in mind that:

1) There are 2 loose chairs on Air Force One - they rattled loose a it. Use finger nail polish GEL instead of "US Air Force Lock Tite" when you tighten the bolts- it does a better job.

2) The guy who is supposed to torch off the nuke on that day in Chicago on the water front directly East of the Chicago Mercantile may just drive to Time Square and do his dirty work. You see -all the Hit Men who do Big Jobs for the CIA/FBI/DHS/NOAH/Etc seem to end up dead and word is out you kill your Hit Men.

3) The Bankstas are "desperate" to get a Race Riot started an destroy America, beginning in Chicago or Cincinnati - so they need a Dead Obama Double to be posted all over the Main Stream Media.

Despite the Ungodly amount f money offered to blow up a city or kill the President on that day with three Sniper Rifles (Triangulated) - no one trusts these Corporations any more. No one.

So you offer $80 Million to blow Chicago - after the "JOB" is done he gets paid, moves to Granada or the Grand Caynmans  and ends up dead. It is not worth it. It is better to sell  the nuke to - say - Poland or Nigeria for cash and become a citizen of another country --- you will live, and live well.

When I was in the Ukraine 2 Stolen US made Nuclear Rods sold to Iran for  $65 Million - 80 pounds of Raw Nuclear Material.

Imagine what a 25KT Nuke would sell for to - say - the state of Palestine?

Wake Up Israel - Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, and DC are the primary Targets and these Palestinians are insane, utterly out of their minds with hate. There is a reason I recommended a Nuclear Desalinization Plant to create farms in the Sinai Peninsula to move the Palestinians to ..... but no - YOU new better than GOD Israel.

Let us see what happens now Israel Defense Force.

This time FBI/CIA - you have stepped over the line.

OK - Too Much Info.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Please keep in mind that my articles are meant for the World Leaders and intended to stop the coming Nuclear War - so far so good, 8 years and counting.

I very much appreciate the public staying informed.

You have a right to know.

PS - Thank You US Cyber Command for the 15 Spelling Errors after shutting my computer down. GOD will now deal with your perverts, and yes - most of them are perverts if you ever met them.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Planned Parenthood Selling Body Parts - Again

And you wonder why America is going down?

(((Pray (Visualize) these evil people bringing America down are immediately and completely immobilized)))

Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

For those who are awake: Be Ready: BE READY - YouTube

Monday, July 20, 2015

UN States It Will Turn Up The Heat

Over the last two weeks the United Nations has had a series of Very Private Meetings to which I have had the opportunity to listen to at in the comfort of my own home.

As one following the Living GOD I find myself in a very unique position of being able to listen to and, to some small point, participate in meetings held by those who work directly for Lucifer and his bunch and as such am able to transfer that information to those who are actually following the Living GOD - a position similar to a Messenger and as such I will be very respectful to those who have allowed me to listen to their meetings.

During their latest meeting they echoed what their plans are for Humanity in the next few months and they stated that they will now "Turn Up The Heat" --- More murders, famine, diseases, false flags, environmental disasters, financial disasters like Greece.......until Humanity wakes up.

If you are a world leader - what this means is you either do exactly what the US Corporate Leaders State or you will die because you are too cowardly to fight for your people and kill all Jesuits - as their leader Hanz Kovlenback said you need to do 4/14/2000. You are spineless little slaves following your master Lucifer.

For the poor schmucks (Jewish for Sh.. Head)  like you and me that means watch the video BE READY on You Tube and prepare.

BE READY - YouTube

So now the US Corporation will "Turn Up The Heat" in a big way.

They do not fear us anymore. Over 95% of the people in America eat GMO foods, bring murderers and Child Rapists into our home every night on out TVs. They are Brain Dead.

So they no longer fear exposing the truth like:

BUSH SLIPS UP - Bush Admits to Explosives Used at World Trade Center 9/11 (Long Version) - YouTube

Obama Admits US is Training ISIL (ISIS) - YouTube

Pentagon Missile Strike 911: Plane Crash or Pentagon Missile? US people Fooled on 911! - YouTube

The Lucifarians Do Not Fear Us - America Is Brain Dead and Ready For The Harvest, so says the I AM That I Am, who was and is and is to come and those who destroy America, or could have stopped it and did not,  will spend an eternity in Hell. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Speech That Got Judge Nepalitano Fired

Following is a 5 minute speech that got Judge Nepalitano fired form FOX News.

5 Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

5 Minute Speech that Got Judge Napolitano Fired from Fox News - YouTube

Can We Zeig Hiel yet

Sunday, July 19, 2015

HOW TO: Extend The Life Of Your Roof

The following shows you how to extend the life of your roof. With the coming dollar devaluation this technique will become more important than ever for home owners.

My House Roof is 15 Year Tab and the back roof is over 30 years old and the front roof about 25 years old.

Every year I spray my roof with Polyacrylic.

Polyacrylic comes in a Blue Can and it is water soluble.

It works OK on Metal and very well on Tile and Cedar Shake roofs - although the Cedar Shakes require allot more Polyacrylic.

Watch the Video:

How To Extend Your Roof Life - YouTube

The News YOU need

Dr William B. Mount