Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Cure For Athesma

Over the last 5 years we have refined the cure for Athesma to the point where it is now fully usable and can be done in about 3 days

The video will show you where to get all the products you need to help with Athesma and COPD.

Yes - I still need the inhaler sometimes, but the use has decreased by about 80% and it no longer effects my heart.

If you have COPD your sentence to Hell on Earth has just ended. You can actually now have a life.

The Video on You Tube: The Cure For Athesma

The Cure For Athesma - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Obama Thugs - Coming To A Store Near You

Coming to a town near you - Obama Thugs.

These Paid Agitators, fresh out of jail, are now coming to harass customers in every city across America.

They work in packs of 2 or for.

When these Thugs and Cowards get out of jail they receive AUG and AUX Welfare for 1-5 years - their rent is paid and they get over $1,000/mo.

So - along comes the NAZI Brown Shirts to pick on little old ladies and little old men with their BS Ballots.

If you are a guy and a MAN then get in their faces and film them. If you see them harassing a small old lady then film it, get in their faces with a camera, and dial 911.

Stand up like a MAN with some stones below your belt. Let them throw the first blow but make sure it is on camera first because they lie in packs.

So far we have spotted them at a Fred Meyers, Safeway, a Walk For Life event and a smaller grocery store. They target Higher end places because they can use their Thug Tactics on the Upper Class and get away with it.

Stand Up America - sand up like MEN. I did - see the video.

Obama Thugs - Coming To A Town Near You - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, June 12, 2015

World Wide Prayer For Project Camelot

For the last year somebody has been attacking those who are running Project Camelot. Even those who run the website have been personally attacked.

Please - pray - Visualize - that those who are attacking those associated with Project Camelot are themselves immediately flattened for the rest of their lives.

Apparently they have exposed too much that the United States Corporation has done.

Withing the last month their website has also been taken off line allot.

It is not just the website andf Dr Wislon's All Day Live TV Program, Pat Schupes Call 4 Investigation TV show and Don Grams TV show that have been attacked.

Even Jeff Rense form was also viciously attacked by these Cowards who work at the Fudge Factory at Langley - the CIA.

So pray with me - Visualize hard - that those "Cowards" who would dare attack these people who are trying to save America are themselves immediately flattened for the rest of their miserable little lives.

They truly are cowards. They hide in the shadows like freaks and children and use YOUR tax dollars to pop out and shut down decent websites that are trying to expose the truth. So pray they are all taken down immediately.

These cowards are so afraid they even took down APFN and many other websites like the USGS Earthquake Map and Iris Earthquake Maps, and even NASA websites showing pictures of the sun.  These CIA freaks need to be flattened - so pray for it.

Again - pray (Visualize) that these Cowardly Fascists are themselves taken down immediately and for life - and pray even if we get taken down.
This is how perverted these Fudge Packers (Liars) of the CIA and FBI really are:

We have discussed the nuke being brought into DC tomorrow (+- 3 Days) so these perverts are now reading my blog and may just bring in the Nuke in 4 days - not 3 days - so they can kill a maximum amount of people and start WW3 and say: Mount was wrong.

There is no end to their perversion and evil so pray against them and watch GOD rip them a new rear end. It is time. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Rumors About Jade Helm

Over the last few week hundreds of rumors have sprouted up about Jade Helm.

Keep in mind that GOD has it handled. If you are with HIM  then why worry?

 I use GOD and Yeshua interchange-abley because in the Angelic Realm their minds are really connected and they act as one.

(((Please pray - Visualize - that those who would come against Freedom and America are immediately and completely immobilized for life)))
So here is what we are seeing:

1) Thousands of Nukes from Yucca Mountain being deployed across the nation

2) Flint Michigan the people are being harassed by large explosions and the sound of Machine Gun Fire. A typical Fascist Pig move to scare the people.

3) Retrofitting of buildings belonging to the factions that call themselves "Government Departments" adding structural reinforcements and Bullet Proof Windows.

4) We hear about a large Comet that will hit the Earth. Please keep in mind that 70 years ago the US torched off 2 Atom Bombs in Japan and here, 70 years later, cracking a Comet in half is an easy task using Californium 252 surrounded by an accellerant like Lithium 6. So if a Comet does kill billions of people then the US Corporate Government wants it to kill Billions.

5) NASA is now reporting an unexpected "Eclipse" to occur on the 18th of June - it is on their website.

6) All of those "Government" Departments that track the sun (N3KL.ORG, SOHOWWW.COM, and SDO) have stopped showing us recent pictures. They have all stopped.

7) Someone who clams to be high up in the Government and has several You Tube Videos is now telling us that the Meteor Shower expected on 20/21 June (Summer Solstice) will shower huge amounts of Burning Sulfur on us and 95% of us will die. Again - 65 years ago the US was torching off 20Mega Ton Nukes in the upper autmosphere and we have the ability to destroy all incoming meteors. If this does occur then the Obama Administration wished it to occur.

Evil is evil - call the US Corporate Administration Fascist Pigs, Satanists, Lucifariais - they are all the same and they hate Humans and Planet Earth. They hate life and they get high off of your fears.

Please keep in mind that if these Fascists are planning to hide underground and kill us off the Living GOD will destroy the caves they are hiding in and destroy them; so HE has said it, so it shall be AND there is still that Rogue Nuke out there and the one that may be delivered 12 June to DC so the Obama Administration should be VERY careful about what they are planning because it may just backfire.


So what can YOU do?

Your goal is to learn how to take care of your family if the US Corporation decides to bring destruction to your town.

Store up some food - a 50 pound bag of Rice packed with Diatamatious Earth you buy from the Feed Store.

Drain your Hot Water Tank every year and there is 50 gallons of water - but be sure to turn the power off before you use it.

If necessary - you can barricade your door if times get rough.

Do not fear the chip - Lucifer has no ability to destroy your relationship with the Living GOD and HIS SON. They  can tattoo you, cut you, chip you, cut off your ears - your relationship can not be destroyed and he hates that.

Just because you smoke or drink or use Dope - that in no way destroys your relationship with GOD and do not let any preacher get in your way - this is between YOU and GOD. If GOD wanted you to stop smoking or drinking or using Dope HE would stop you. So stop feeling guilty for having a Vice - we all have them, big deal.

I voted for the legalization off Dope because it helps many veterans get rid of the Bad Dreams and it makes no sense to throw a Combat Vet in prison for chewing, or smoking, a natural plant however your ability to drive has been severely restricted as with any drug - so the ones I know use the buses and life seems to work for them.

So relax and be ready for anything the US Corporation will now throw at us and join the fight to put these Fascist Pigs in their place - and please stay away from the coming riots - the Cops are already on High Alert and you do not need to agitate them.

So relax and watch the fireworks as GOD begins to deal with these Fascist Pigs around the world ever so abruptly. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

Again - thank you for your prayers.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

It is better to die on your feet when fighting for freedom than do die on your knees a slave.

So I fight in the press. Join me.

The Sun Today - it gets weirder by the day:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Interview With Olga

The following is an interview I did a few years ago with a Woman from the Ukraine named Olga. When I first met her she tried to "Date Me" and I was a bit stand offish because she was on welfare, had a child, and topped 300 Pounds at 5 Foot 4 Inches. I did, however, remain friends with her for many, many years but lost contact with her a few years ago.

(((Please Pray - Visualize - that those who purposely slowed my computer down and wish this Insane WW3 are immediately and completely immobilized for the rest of their lives)))

One day we just sat down and talked - just talked - and here is a summary of what she said:

ME: Olga, how did you get here. You came here with a child and I know you hated the father and threw him out and then you moved here.

Olga: Yes - I had a child and I threw my man out. I hated him but he gave me a child and I got Welfare. One day my church came to me and asked me to move to America and there become part of a Large Church in Tacoma and make now thousands of dollars a month.

Me: So then what?

Olga: The Church set it up and someone there sponsored me and swore they knew me even though they did not and I came to America and lived in the Church Housing. I finally figured out English and went to the Welfare Office and I got this house, free rent, really cheap utilities, a card for about $600 a month for food, a check for over $2,500 every month and then Social Security gave me another one for over $2,500 a month. So I bought stuff for the house and a brand new car.

Me: You could not have come unless your dad had committed a crime and how did you drive if you never had a car?

Olga: My dad had raped some kids when he was a doctor but got out of jail when the Americans came so I was told it is OK to immigrate to America. It was fun - all paid for by the church. When I got here someone drove me around and they told me they got $25 an hour and mileage to drive me around all over - So I made lots of friends and she made hundreds of dollars every week with me so we could go have fun.

Me: Tell me about your job:

Olga: Well - the Welfare people got me a job for $25/hour and I kept my Social Security check. We made food and it was fun.

Me: Are you a good cook, was the food good?

Olga: We made it for allot of folks and especially the Tacoma Prisons. Everyone who ate our food got really bad diarrhea so I did not eat what I cook there. I do not want diarrhea. We kept feeding it to them until we shut down - that was 3 or 4 years.

Me: So they kept getting sick and you kept feeding them and then your contract ran out, your pay got cut, and then you went back to Welfare and Refugee Pay.

Olga: Yes. I go cut from $25/hr to $12.50/hr and then the whole company went away - we lost our Government Contract and I went back on Welfare. I like it better that way - no more work. I still get full medical and dental and this card worth $600 a month and I have to spend it or it goes away. I can use it for anything - candy, gambling, McDonalds - wow.

Me: Olga - you go to food banks and do not have to buy food

Olga - Yes - I go to 6 different food banks a week  and get all sorts of food.

Me; How much food and is this what you feed your 40 chickens you keep in your small garage and how did you get to go with a full time job and where are all these Food Banks?

Olga: I get about 20 loaves of bread a week and feed my chickens with it and all kinds of other free food. Work gaves me time off to pick up the food and it is mine. I get to keep it and they have to give me the food because I am on Welfare. So I go in and they look me up and give me all sorts of meat and vegetables and rice and stuff.

Me: So is that why your house of so full?

Olga: Yes - I do not have room for all the free food.

Me: What do you do with your $600/Month in food stamps?

Olga; Oh, we like to go out and my daughter loves candy - lots of candy.

Me: So you buy lots of candy, use your Food Stamps to go out and eat allot, and then your house is full of free food. Is that why you throw 5 or 6 loaves of bread over my fence every week?

Olga: Yes - or it goes rotten and  fills my garbage can. I have a Welfare Support Group every week and they all have kids from the Ukraine and we have people in the Welfare office who help us get more money when we can. Those are the gals you met last night.

Me: Why did you date me if you get so much money?

Olga: Your house is bigger than mine. If I date you and move in I get your house. The county said I could kick you out after a few months and you have to pay the mortgage plus they pay me rent too - so I get a bunch of extra money - but I like you. I wouldn't kick YOU out and I still get the rent money to buy the house. If I pay the rent for 2 years the county then gives me your home and I get to keep my home. I get two homes.

Me: But then where would I live if you get my home and all my stuff?

Olga: You can get an apartment. Apartment's are OK. You have money - you can buy more furniture.

Me: So the county would take everything I own and give it to you after you get me thrown out of my house and put in jail for what?

Olga: The church teaches us how to do this in classes at the church but if you are good to me I will not do that.

Me: Wow - so lets stay friends forever but --- you would loose too much if you moved in with me and married me - you loose all that money. That's allot of free money. You don't want to loose all that money by marrying me - do you?

Olga: You're Right really - I would loose all that money.

Me: What about the people who work to pay for you on welfare, what about America?

Olga: Well -  the church says that everyone in In America  is rich.  I bought a car and drove to the motor vehicle office and they gave me a test in Russian and a gal to help me take the test, and had a short test where I drove around the block and I go my license - see. If I hit someone somebody pays to fix my car. Everyone in America has lots of money.

Me: So what about America and what happens if they cut off your welfare like they are supposed to after 5 years?

Olga - Oh, they just re-signed me up again after 5 years. They will never cut me off. If they do I will go back to the Ukraine - they still have welfare there.

Me: What happens when your daughter moves out, don't you loose allot of money?

Olga: I get paid until her college is done. If she gets on Welfare when she reaches 18 she gets free college too and since she was born in the Ukraine she gets Refugee Pay too. They have to take her because she is a Refugee - they can;t say no to her.

Me: So you will both get $3,000 a month for doing nothing.

Olga: Well - yes. It's a free country. She can get it too. The church will show us how and we go to our people there and she will get it. We just pay our church 10% and they do all the rest for us.

Me: Wow. OK. Wow.
OK - that is about it.

Screw America and go for the Big Welfare Dollar and Refugee Pay Check

Today Olga receives:

1) $2,500/mo Welfare Cash,
2)  $800/Mo Food Stamps she can go gambling with at the local casino,
3) $4,000/mo Social Security Refugee Pay
4) Free Medical for her and her daughter - $500/Mo
5) Free Dental for her and her daughter - $1,000/Mo
6) Reduced Utility Rates - Saves about $200/Mo
7) Reduced Phone Rates - Saves about $15/Mo
8) Free Food at 8 different Food Banks - $1,000/mo
10) Free Home Repairs under Habitat For Humanity - a mandatory tax for all American Born Home owners. About $500/Mo.
11) Her daughter is about to receive $4,000/mo plus free college tuition and the University of Washington, Seattle.
12) Free Bus and Train Pass - About $50/Mo
13) Free National Park Pass - $5/Mo
14) Her home was given to her at no tax consequence and she has never paid a dime of income tax her entire life.

So for 17 years this woman has soaked the system for over $11,000 a month ($134,000/Yr) in today's dollars.

When her daughter comes on line the cost for those two will rise to about $200,000 per year tax free to do absolutely nothing but watch TV.

Multiply that by over 70 million people (Only half live in the USA)  and now you know why the system is crashing under the Cloward-Pivens Model. I has too.

Under Obama this number has risen from 35 Million to 70 Million and is rising about 1 Million a month now

. This is what is holding the American Economy up and is also destroying it.
The News You

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rabbi Discusses The Destruction Of America

Rabbi Finklestein openly discussed the destruction of America.

To those Israelites who follow the Torah you will be angered to the core at his flippant answers to some pretty basic questions.

For the Israelites who follow Talmud, the Kabbalah, and other books written by Lucifer - the Living GOD says not only are your days numbered but your influence around the world is about to collapse as your money is taken away - so HE has said it, so it shall be.

Even Lucifer fears the name of Yeshua - just start chanting his name the next time you go into a Lucifarian Group like a group of generals on Fort Lewis. They FEAR even his name. Cowards.

So here is the link that will guide you to a one hour long radio interview with now of Lucifer's most evil followers.

What amazes me is that without really even understanding how the Universe if structured they plane to Blast GOD out of existence?

And yes - Human DNA has been found in Burgers and McDonalds. This means that your DNA has been changed (CODON 127 changed to CODON 129) and you WILL get Alzheimers. Period.

May I highly suggest you watch our films on Alzheimer's Reversed.

Alzehimers Reversed - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Stevia Causes Sterility

For the last year we have been eating allot of Stevia to replace our sugar intake - thinking it was OK, it came form a plant. I even grew a Stevia Plant years ago and it's leaves were very, very sweet.

(Please keep praying (Visualize) that those wishing to Harm America are immediately flattened forever)

So - things began to happen in my body that I did not like - like No Sex Drive.... this is not good --- same with my wife. Even when I used 10 MG of Testosterone a day - nothing....nothing.

(Of course - since I eat Immusist I do not worry about my blood getting too thick due to sugar or testosterone levels)

You try to eat the beast things you can and provide for your family the best you can and every once in a while you hit a land mine and have to change course.

So we investigated Stevia. The original sweetener is made up of Ground Leaves and this product is, of course, green. It is very sweet and ALL NATURAL --- but All Natural Stuff is not always good for you. Consider Organic Hemlock Tea and Hipocrates.

It turns out that China, realizing that Stevia Sterilizes Humans, began a process for making the product white in color and mass producing it for the masses: IE - Population Control.

It must then occur to you that if Stevia makes you temporarily sterile what else does it do to you?


Any good waitress will tell you that if a person uses artificial sweetner in his tea or coffee he eats more - these artificial sweetners  all seem to make you very hungry.

So here are some Sweeteners and some side effects:

1) Stevia - Green Packets - Sterility, and who knows what else?
2) Aspertane - Blue Packets - A nerve Agent developed by the US Army to kill rats.
3) Saccarine - Pink Packets - Used to Fatten Pigs
4) Splenda - Yellow Packets - Several patients have told me when they had an operation and they were using Splenda their Liver Lobes and Kidneys appeared White --- this is not good.
5) Sugar - Usually from GMO Beets, who knows since the GMO Genes keep being modified.
6) Xyletol - Most of it is made from GMO Corn so who knows?
7) Corn Syrup, it will kill you. The man who invented it did a TV show and apologized for developing it in tears.

Good Sweetners:

1) C&H Pure Cane Sugar from Hawaii - Dark Brown, unprocessed.
2) Coconut Sugar
3) Xyletol Sugar from Birch Wood--- hardens your teeth as well
4) Maple Syrup
5) Honey

So since I am now down from 295 to 210 pounds we must be doing something correct - right?

My wife has also lost 25 pounds - ohh laa laa.

I eat 6 - 8 Full Meals per day and am down 85 Pounds in about 3 years --- so follow what we recommend on THE CURE FOR CANCER video and have fun loosing weight and getting healthy and watch out for the Land Mines like Stevia.
The White House Press Corps was evacuated today to move a very Private Guest from the Oval Office to the Palm Room and then evacuate them. More on the US/NATO Planned Invasion of Russia later as over 10,000 Nukes are being deployed across America. Sorry Putin and Medvedev - later.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


A Brief But Interesting Early History of Stevia | All Body Ecology Articles

Gee Whiz - no interference when writing a story on Stevia.