Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Need For Hydration To Aviod Heart Attacks and Strokes

When we first ran into the idea of eating a food grade Surfactant to make our water wetter we had no idea how important it wt really was.

We settled on Immusist because of how effective it really is in hydrating the Human Body and the stories about how it helps people keep pouring into their website.


So here is a simple story about water:


How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during the night.Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this ! Interesting...….

Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor - Gravity holds water in the lower... part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc.) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!

I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water...Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!

Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack

I can also add to this. My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.Mayo Clinic Aspirin Dr. Virend Somers, is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic, who is lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon.. Having one during the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame.

1. If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night.The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour "half-life"; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system.

2. FYI, Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest, for years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).

Please read on…

Something that we can do to help ourselves - nice to know. Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue.They work much faster than the tablets.Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It's about Heart Attacks.

There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also occur less frequently.

Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.

If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.Afterwards: - Call 911. - Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by.- Say "heart attack!" - Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins.

Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and ...DO NOT LIE DOWN!

A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved!I have already shared this information. What about you?

Do forward this message. It may save lives!

"Life is a one-time gift."

And Yet Even More Waste Fraud And Abuse at the VA

We are tracking yet another veteran who has had his life destroyed by bad health care at the VA.

The Vet is a male, age 50+. He was exposed to the weapons used in the First Gulf War and is amazingly still alive.

His use of the VA dental began after the gulf War Bio Weapons dissolved about 35% of his tooth matter so not only is the Vet 100% physical and totally disabled as a result of war time injuries he is also 100% dental Service Connected.

He is a Priority 1A for not only his disability but his service connected dental problems, total and permanent disability.

The VA began repairing his teeth not in 1992 when he was injured in 1997. It took this long for the VA to "Process Him In" to their Health Care System - 5 years.

A first they repaired his teeth. Then he asked for outside dental work because ALL the VA installed fillings fell out.

For about 4 years he went to a local clinic run by a retired Army Colonel - then the VA dental Clinic demanded he come back to the VA because their employees were making up dentists in their name and paying themselves for filling dead vets teeth.

Out of 14 people in the Seattle VA Payee Office - 10 were guilty - TEN. One went to jail.

After a few years at the Va the fillings again began falling out so the vet stopped going.

A few years ago the VA "demanded" he be seen by the local Dentist - so he went. Again ALL the VA installed fillings fell out so he stopped going and "demanded" outside dental care.

The vet went to a local dentist he knew personally and the VA approved his outside dental care.

When the head of the VA dental received a bill for $20,000 they immediately denied the vet dental work.

The head of the local VA dental Office in Tacoma called the vet in and after discussing this the VA stated they will spend a total of 8 hours working on hiss teeth over the next 150 days.

In the mean time the Vt is in constant pain caused by BAD VA DENTAL CARE.

So now the vet has in his mouth the following different dental type fillings, causing high levels of
Gavlanic Action.

1) Gold, Silver.Mercury and Porcelain fillings form the VA form 1997, different compounds used than today.

2) Gold, Silver/Mercury and Porcelain fillings from the first private dentist.

3) Gold, Silver/Mercury and Porcelain fillings from the VA again - and they are all falling out one by one due to Galvanic Action - the metal is dissolving due to dissimilar metals touching.

4) Gold, Silver/Mercury and porcelain fillings from a private dentist he paid for.

That is 12 different metal compounds in one mouth all dissolving due to Galvanic Action.

Are the VA Dentists that stupid - no, they just do not give a Rat's Rear.

This has caused this vet an enormous amount of pain and injury, sickness and disease, and the loss of 5 teeth.

The VA is murdering out Veteran - plain and simple.

If the director of the Seattle VA walked into a room with me I would remove his teeth on the spot but he is a coward and hides behind his security. so instead i tell you, the APFN reader.

It will not change, not today, not tomorrow, not every because we as Americans are lazy to do anything about it.

What you are about to hand over to your grand children is a nation of Lazy Cowards who deserve to be slaves and die young - and you did this to them.

Deal with it.
In about a week the Winter Olympics will begin in the town of Sorcha Russia along the Black Sea.

Games will focus on such things as Skiing, Figure Skating (My Favorite) and all sorts of sports played in, and around, the snow.

We have recently discussed the terrorist threat to the Olympics and how Pres Putin needs to assign one man to run hte entire seciurity team - to consolidate this effort or it will fail.

There exists a about a 45 year old woman who knows the Governor of the region fairly well and wished him to introduce her to Pres Putin the last time he came to the region to his huge home - he refused and she has the "Hots" for Putin.

This 45 year old looking gal is cute and well off, born in Moldov and currently living about 2 miles East of the Main Town.

Without a recent detailed map I will not pin point the place she is staying.

She is planning a series of explosions using US made explosives that look like Soviet explosives.

This is in addition to the other things I have told you about - again, without working with your security forces I can tell you no more.

When she is done "Making Her Point" she will move back to her home town in Moldov. She may visit friends on Iran before traveling home so she may have recently applied for an Iranian Visa.

Tag and bag those at Davos (Switzerland) and you will find your information - but you would rather see a Nuclear WW3 than tag 1,500 scum bags - am I correct on this one?

Davos is just up a road form Bohemia, Germany.

Then be cowards.

You listened to GOD on 21 September 2013 and recovered the Nuke.

You listened to GOD on 3 October 2013 and detonated the 30 Nukes in the Atlantic.

You listened to GOD on 16 Dec 2013 and recovered the Nuke.

Let us hope, and pray, you listen to GOD again.

You DID NOT listen to GOD on the bombs in Volograd. Many Russians are dead now because of your arrogance.

Pres Putin and PM Medvedev: YOU screwed up in Volograd - One mistake and the press will be on you like stink on a Skunk's Rear, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come - ad so will GOD.

I hope you have every trail, every rock, every tree, every cave, every car, every plane, and every arena totally secured.

A military Fly Over would be nice, and ensure Air Security by the way.

Remember - Assassination attempt on Bush 4 July with Chemical Weapons - from the air - in Texas - it was neutralized?

Oops. You forgot about the air.

Odachie Russia.
Look up.

The New GMO food that has been fed to all of those weary wayward travelers topping in for a stay here on this inhospitable planet - your DNA has been effected in as you cannot even imagine.

You have all been double crossed and your species is in danger of going away. GOD has the solution, but my guess is all of you are too arrogant to ask.

Did you really thing Lucifer was honest?

UFO activity should sky rocket in the next few months as these highly advanced idiots look as they try and find out information form all the Dead Bio Weapons Lab managers that have recently been terminated on orders of the Great White Brotherhood in Bohemia.

They are all dead - and with them the solutions to your problems.

I will give you a 2 hints -

1) 1/2 of all Americans have eaten Human Brains and their CODON 127 has been changed to CODON 129 - they will get Alzheimers.

Keep looking wayward visitors.

2) Your DNA can be changed with very high frequencies your equipment cannot even detect.

You do not come, your species is set to go away, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

We all die.

Too Bad, So Sad, Touche'.
Please pray that the Russians are not too arrogant to ask for assistance.

You heard this first here on APFN.

Dr William B. Mount

By the way - the Governor of Florida has ordered Mandatory Drug Testing for welfare - he owns the Drug Testing Company.





Note: One Wart Obama:



Gives you a real reason to stand up and fight, he did:





The New Homeland Security Round:


Final thought of the day:


Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Fox And Th Hound

 Meet Tinni (the dog on the left) and Sniffer (the fox on the right).
They are truly the BEST FRIENDS who live together in the Norwegian Forest ..
Photographer Torgeir Berge is Tinnis guardian and has watched the
development of his dogs incredible relationship with this wild fox.
Torgeir and his writing partner Berit Helberg are planning on publishing a
book for children and adults full of fairy tales and Berges beautiful photos.
These two must have been destined for friendship!
The author and the photographer agree that some of the proceeds of the
book will be donated to an organization that combats fur practices that
harm animals like Sniffer.
As Helberg writes, in this way we can be the voice of the animals.
One thing is abundantly clear:
Sniffer and Tinni LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH.
They love to play.
And they love to rest.
They could talk for hours.
They have similar interests (traipsing, jumping, stick carrying, hanging out with
each other).
Berge explains that while Tinni and Sniffer might seem like an unlikely duo,
they are actually very much the same.
And anyone who looks at these pictures can see the affection and understanding
that they share.
If only humans could all be as kind and accepting as this pair.
Love is love.
And when youre the best of friends, the rest of the world stands still.


Sending Emails through Your Fridge

Don't Laugh.

I persinally accessed the internat through somebody's printer a few days ago. The following.

If one reads CONTELCOPRO you will find that every appliance in your house has not only internet capabilities but many have the ability to produce Holograms - like a Talking Jesus - on top of your stove.

The following actually happened: and is very scary:

Somebody Hacked A Fridge To Send Spam

Is nothing sacred?


A Probably-Not-Hacked Fridge
Have you heard of the Internet of Things? It's, like, the most important Internet since the first Internet.
It's a series of connected devices. One day soon, when your alarm clock goes off, your coffee pot will turn on. When you're having a rough week, your toaster will deliver life-affirming aphorisms to your Kindle, probably. But there is a dark side to this Internet.
A team of security researchers at Proofpoint uncovered a botnet--a potentially malicious team of infected computers--used to send email spam. The botnet infected 100,000 home gadgets, including televisions, routers, and "at least one" fridge, according to the company. Three-quarters of the emails were sent from regular computers, but the rest were from Internet of Things stuff, like the fridge.
A botnet isn't a new form of attack: by controlling computers from multiple IP addresses, hackers can make spam more difficult to block. In this case, no more than 10 emails were sent from each IP. Most of those devices were inflitrated for simple security reasons, like users failing to change default passwords on devices, Proofpoint says.
So the idea of a hacked fridge might be silly, but it's not so far-fetched when you're essentially stuffing an email-capable computer inside of an oven. Perhaps now try responding to all Nigerian prince letters asking if they are an appliance.
[Business Insider]

Two Monkeys Pain Unequally


Currency Collapse Around the World

Are We On The Verge Of A Massive Emerging Markets Currency Collapse?

Michael Snyder
Activist Post

This time, the Federal Reserve has created a truly global problem.  A big chunk of the trillions of dollars that it pumped into the financial system over the past several years has flowed into emerging markets. But now that the Fed has decided to begin "the taper", investors see it as a sign to pull the "hot money" out of emerging markets as rapidly as possible.  This is causing currencies to collapse and interest rates to soar all over the planet. Argentina, Turkey, South Africa, Ukraine, Chile, Indonesia, Venezuela, India, Brazil, Taiwan and Malaysia are just some of the emerging markets that have been hit hard so far.  

In fact, last week, emerging market currencies experienced the biggest decline that we have seen since the financial crisis of 2008.  And all of this chaos in emerging markets is seriously spooking Wall Street as well.  The Dow has fallen nearly 500 points over the last two trading sessions alone.  If the Federal Reserve opts to taper even more in the coming days, this currency crisis could rapidly turn into a complete and total currency collapse.

A lot of Americans have always assumed that the U.S. dollar would be the first currency to collapse when the next great financial crisis happens.  But actually, right now just the opposite is happening and it is causing chaos all over the planet.

For instance, just check out what is happening in Turkey according to a recent report in the New York Times...
Turkey’s currency fell to a record low against the dollar on Friday, a drop that will hit the purchasing power of everyone in the country.
On a street corner in Istanbul, Yilmaz Gok, 51, said, “I’m a retiree making ends meet on a small pension and all I care about is a possible increase in prices.”
“I will need to cut further,” he said. “Maybe I should use my natural gas heater less.”

As inflation escalates and interest rates soar in these countries, ordinary citizens are going to feel the squeeze.  Just having enough money to purchase the basics is going to become more difficult.

And this is not just limited to a few countries.  What we are watching right now is truly a global phenomenon...
"You've had a massive selloff in these emerging-market currencies," Nick Xanders, a London-based equity strategist at BTIG Ltd., said by telephone. "Ruble, rupee, real, rand: they've all fallen and the main cause has been tapering. A lot of companies that have benefited from emerging-markets growth are now seeing it go the other way."
So why is this happening?  Well, there are a number of factors involved of course.  However, as with so many of our other problems, the actions of the Federal Reserve are at the very heart of this crisis.  A recent USA Today article described how the Fed helped create this massive bubble in the emerging markets...
Emerging markets are the future growth engine of the global economy and an important source of profits for U.S. companies. These developing economies were both recipients and beneficiaries of massive cash inflows the past few years as investors sought out bigger returns fostered by injections of cheap cash from the Federal Reserve and other central bankers.
But now that the Fed has started to dial back its stimulus, many investors are yanking their cash out of emerging markets and bringing the cash back to more stable markets and economies, such as the U.S., hurting the developing nati ons in the process, explains Russ Koesterich, chief investment strategist at BlackRock.
"Emerging markets need the hot money but capital is exiting now," says Koesterich. "What you have is people saying, 'I don't want to own emerging markets.'"
What we are potentially facing is the bursting of a financial bubble on a global scale.  Just check out what Egon von Greyerz, the founder of Matterhorn Asset Management in Switzerland, recently had to say...
If you take the Turkish lira, that plunged to new lows this week, and the Russian ruble is at the lowest level in 5 years. In South Africa, the rand is at the weakest since 2008. The currencies are also weak in Brazil and Mexico. But there are many other countries whose situation is extremely dire, like India, Indonesia, Hungary, Poland, the Ukraine, and Venezuela.
I’m mentioning these countries individually just to stress that this situation is extremely serious. It is also on a massive scale. In virtually all of these countries currencies are plunging and so are bonds, which is leading to much higher interest rates. And the cost of credit-default swaps in these countries is surging due to the increased credit risks.
And many smaller nations are being deeply affected already as well.

For example, most Americans cannot even find Liberia on a map, but right now the actions of our Federal Reserve have pushed the currency of that small nation to the verge of collapse...
Liberia's finance minister warned against panic today after being summoned to parliament to explain a crash in the value of Liberia's currency against the US dollar.
"Let's be careful about what we say about the economy. Inflation, ladies and gentlemen, is not out of control," Amara Konneh told lawmakers, while adding that the government was "concerned" about the trend.
Closer to home, the Mexican peso tumbled quite a bit last week and is now beginning to show significant weakness.  If Mexico experiences a currency collapse, that would be a huge blow to the U.S. economy.

Like I said, this is something that is happening on a global scale.

If this continues, we will eventually see looting, violence, blackouts, shortages of basic supplies, and runs on the banks in emerging markets all over the planet just like we are already witnessing in Argentina and Venezuela.

Hopefully something can be done to stop this from happening.  But once a bubble starts to burst, it is really difficult to try to hold it together.

Meanwhile, I find it to be very "interesting" that last week we witnessed the largest withdrawal from JPMorgan's gold vault ever recorded.

Was someone anticipating something?

Once again, hopefully this crisis will be contained shortly.  But if the Fed announces that it has decided to taper some more, that is going to be a signal to investors that they should race for the exits and the crisis in the emerging markets will get a whole lot worse.

And if you listen carefully, global officials are telling us that is precisely what we should expect.  For example, consider the following statement from the finance minister of Mexico...
"We expected this year to be a volatile year for EM as the Fed tapers," Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray said, adding that volatility "will happen throughout the year as tapering goes on".
Yes indeed - it is looking like this is going to be a very volatile year.

I hope that you are ready for what is coming next.

This article first appeared here at the Economic Collapse Blog.  Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.

The Cure For Diabetes Update 2

Let's switch. to a really positive story now.

Over the last 18 months we have watched 7 people regrow their pancreas and eliminate the nasty blood sugar disease called Diabetes.

There appear to be two types of people: Those who really are looking for a better life and those who just do not care, go to the doctor, and die broke.

About 95% of America seems to be the latter. Let us focus in on the former and discuss how you can stabilize your blood sugars and "Cure" Diabetes.

What we mean by "Cure" is that you eat the right food sand your body heals itself - if it can. In a few rare cases, about 2% (2/100) this proves to be a challenge - but for the other 98% following these steps has proven extremely effective in eliminating blood sugar problems.

--------------Print This Out as it maybe removed soon---------------

1) First - stop eating GMO food. No wheat, no corn, no soy bean oil, no Canola oil, no beat sugar. No White Rice Noodles - only organic.

2) Eat meat grown without grain.

3) No dairy. Hey - it's your body. You want to get well you follow these steps. I love cheese so this one was very hard for me and I still eat some form the Loleta Cheese Factory in California.

4) You can eat Spelt Bread - Spelt was the original wheat - but be careful. I buy Famous Dave's Spelt Bread.

5) Eat 1000 MG Gymnema per day - not the extract, but the Gymnema. Himalayan or R-U-Ved are good brands. Studies have shown that eating this herb helps your body regrow it's Pancreas - the organ that makes Insulin. It's an herb - so you get your daily greens.

6) Eat Sea Weed - .1 OZ per day.

7) Put a teaspoon of cinnamon in your coffee or tea in the morning and at night. Cinnamon has been shown to help control blood sugar levels. I use 1000MG Cinnamon with Chromium form Purity Products twice a day.

8) Eat 30-45 drops of Immusist per day. This food grade surfactant makes all of the above possible. Without it you will struggle forever like I did with little to no results. Start with 1-2 drops per day and work up.

I encourage you to go to Ed Skilling's web site and also to check out Patch Adams Book - if you are feeling down maybe you need to join him in a clown trip or help him open up his next non profit hospital.

By the way - APFN readers - it is YOU who have helped him fund his two free hospitals - than you.






Today I ate some chocolate and my blood sugar level are great.

Yummm - Chocolate - guilt free.

Dr William B. Mount
