Tuesday, January 7, 2014




When the Living GOD speaks we should listen.

Last year GOD stated that the weather will be Hot/Cold.

Last week in Minnesota a Radio Host (A Great Radio Host) told me it would be weather good enough for shorts.

Today - WOW - it is cold. In fact - tonight it is -16 degrees there.

With a little Humor - here is the weather report for our Northern States:

We need to prepare for what is coming - hot, cold, windy, wet - as is we were farmers that could be snowed in for 3 months.

US Treasury - and all corporations associated with your outfit - when GOD states you are going down unless you pay the people you owe money to - HE means just that. Your Thursday morning $100 Billion bond sales are flat. Wake up.
King of Saudi Arabia Pictures:

No wart on Right Hand:


Wart of Right Hand in upper right hand corner, this double is fat:


Wart in Middle of Hand:


Sounds allot like Obama doubles?

They are US puppets and Allah would be embarrased.
Please pray - visualize - that you are given the materials to survive their going down because they are just not smart enough to comprehend what YOU already know.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, January 6, 2014


What we mean by CURE is to create within your body an environment where your body heals itself.


William Mount
Fri Mar 30, 2012 04:56

1) What is HIV

Way back in the early 1960's the US Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with the Plum Island US Army Bio Weapons Program, went to Montana and collected samples of Sheep Wasting Disease. It was broght back to the lab and grown.

This bug is what we refer to as a "Super Virus."
2) How did it get released?

During the Metal Wars of the 1970's the Russians placed a "Ring of War" around Rhodesia and South Africa, forcing Millions of Blacks to move into these nations. This overload of population was meant to over stress their economic systems and force the closing of Chrome Mines in these countries.

South Africa responded by mining their northern boarder - but too many Elephants were blown up on the northern boarder so, due to international pressure, the mining ended.

In response the US sent Hep B vaccinations to give to the population around the Rothschilds Chrome and Diamond Mines laced with HIV.

Rhodesia was invaded by Cuba, they came back and sent their Sick Gay Troops (Being GAY is illegal in Cuba) who got HIV in Rhodesia to Miami, New York and San Francisco.

For many years in the Intel Community it was a joke: AIDS is not working fast enough to kill off the liberals.
3) How can I get HIV:

First - sex with another HIV carrier. Condoms do no good to prevent the spread of HIV.

Second - Mosquito or tick bite. It a Mosquito bites an HIV carrier and bite you then you have a 5% chance of getting HIV. This was determined in an internal US Army Study. It is available on the VA restricted Archives to VA doctors and nurses only.

Third - Blood Transfusion.

Fourth - A Kiss. Yes - a kiss can spread all sorts of VD, including HIV. Think about it.
4) So how do I get rid of this horrible HIV?

Remember - Magic Johnson Announced he had AIDS way back in 1991m, and he is still alive after 21 years.

First - see your doctor and treat yourself for all the other diseases you have picked up.

Second - there are several products that eliminate HIV. If the FDA or a state outlaws them there are 100 waiting in the wings. I will simply republish this article. These products are:

a) Ed Skilling Photon Genie. It runs about $3000 and kills all HIV cells in your body.

b) Hyperbaric Chamber - this is very effective. They run around $24,000 but do so much more for your body.

3) Citricare form Vim and Vigor. This runs about $40 shipped to you and knocks back the HIV virus into infinity. They make no claims about this - but I do.

I wish I had a million bottles of this to give to our dying troops who came back from the First Gulf War. Many were given the HIV Virus - see the Senate and Congressional Reports we talked about last night on APFN for verification.

Over 100,000 of the 660,000 Gulf War ground Troops were Dying or dead within 2 years of coming home.

4) Immusist. Try it. Go to Immusist.com. Read the testimonies. Cost: $100 shipped. Just do it.

5) Tumeric. Just use it - it reduces inflammation.

As in all "Cures" you need a vitamin base - I recommend starting with 1 Centrum Silver every other day.

If you can afford it - use 5 -10 Kelp Tablets a day instead of Centrum. The added minerals will keep you from getting HIV Associated Cancer.
By the way - we in the US Army have had the cure for HIV/AIDS since before it was released. Now you know - we have gone public. It was in our US Army Field Manuals before the First Gulf War.

After the First Gulf War most references to Nuclear/Chemical and Bio weapons were burned. Even President Ronald Regan's First Army Film as a Second Lieutenant - a film on Foot care - was burned.

Remember - HIV can lay dormant in your cells for years so keep this stuff around just in case it comes back. No disease is ever really CURED, just knocked back long enough to let your immune system recover.
The Cure for HIV was published in Honor of Michigan Governor Snyder and Michigan Senator Randy Richardville for purposely destroying the small farmers in Michigan.

This article would not have been published without them - so call them and thank them.

Thank you for reading the: SNYDER/RICHARDVILLE CURE FOR AIDS.


Pray - Visualize p- that you go sown a path that leads you to being healthy - whatever path is right for you.

You Deserve the Truth

Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malta - Not a Catholic Pretender
Cpt (Ret) USA


BY CURE we mean that we create a situation within your body that encourages your own body to gheal itself.

Even when GOD directs me to lay hands on folks to heal them it is GOD who heals them, I am only a tiny conduit for HIS great power.



Following is a video showing how FEMA uses Pastors, priests, and other clergy to help violate your rights:



In 1881 the Organic Constitution was passed and the "These united states" became a corporation named: "The United States" or "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".

Here in Washington the original governor was killed, the capitol building in Cle-Elem was burned down, and the New Corporate Government was moved to Olympia and two years later a new constitution was written.

William Mount is a person and does not STAND UNDER or UNDER STAND the UCC laws but comprehends tehm.

The Dead Person, Registrawed (Straw Man) WILLIAM MOUNT is dead - but has a birth certificate that sells as a stock certificate on the NY Stock Exchange and a SS Number.

In essence - unless you are black and born inside DC you are still a slave.

So here is the real story:
There have been no legal amendments to the Constitution since the Thirteenth and even that was bastardized and re-written.   It is not the original 13th.  If we went by the original 13th, there would be NO attorneys in Congress today.  The 13th prevented attorneys from holding office.  It is a conflict of interest to legislate laws that they would be defending and creating more business for themselves.  It is a tragedy that the People are not interested enough to be more informed about these matters.  Most of the lack of education started taking place when good ol' Jimmy Carter brought in the US Dept of Education.  The dumbing down of the students accelerated rapidly like it was on steroids.  Pitiful!!!!!  Now you may understand why the government is always attacking the homeschoolers.  M
There is No "Fourteenth Amendment"!
David Lawrence
U.S. News & World Report
September 27, 1957
A MISTAKEN BELIEF — that there is a valid article in the Constitution known as the "Fourteenth Amendment" — is responsible for the Supreme Court decision of 1954 and the ensuing controversy over desegregation in the public schools of America. No such amendment was ever legally ratified by three fourths of the States of the Union as required by the Constitution itself. The so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" was dubiously proclaimed by the Secretary of State on July 20, 1868. The President shared that doubt. There were 37 States in the Union at the time, so ratification by at least 28 was necessary to make the amendment an integral part of the Constitution. Actually, only 21 States legally ratified it. So it failed of ratification.
The undisputed record, attested by official journals and the unanimous writings of historians, establishes these events as occurring in 1867 and 1868:
  1. Outside the South, six States — New Jersey, Ohio, Kentucky, California, Delaware and Maryland — failed to ratify the proposed amendment.
  2. In the South, ten States — Texas, Arkansas, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana — by formal action of their legislatures, rejected it under the normal processes of civil law.
  3. A total of 16 legislatures out of 37 failed legally to ratify the "Fourteenth Amendment."
  4. Congress — which had deprived the Southern States of their seats in the Senate — did not lawfully pass the resolution of submission in the first instance.
  5. The Southern States which had rejected the amendment were coerced by a federal statute passed in 1867 that took away the right to vote or hold office from all citizens who had served in the Confederate Army. Military governors were appointed and instructed to prepare the roll of voters. All this happened in spite of the presidential proclamation of amnesty previously issued by the President. New legislatures were thereupon chosen and forced to "ratify" under penalty of continued exile from the Union. In Louisiana, a General sent down from the North presided over the State legislature.
  6. Abraham Lincoln had declared many times that the Union was "inseparable" and "indivisible." After his death, and when the war was over, the ratification by the Southern States of the Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery, had been accepted as legal. But Congress in the 1867 law imposed the specific conditions under which the Southern States would be "entitled to representation in Congress."
  7. Congress, in passing the 1867 law that declared the Southern States could not have their seats in either the Senate or House in the next session unless they ratified the "Fourteenth Amendment," took an unprecedented step. No such right — to compel a State by an act of Congress to ratify a constitutional amendment — is to be found anywhere in the Constitution. Nor has this procedure ever been sanctioned by the Supreme Court of the United States.
  8. President Andrew Johnson publicly denounced this law as unconstitutional. But it was passed over his veto.
  9. Secretary of State Seward was on the spot in July 1868 when the various "ratifications" of a spurious nature were placed before him. The legislatures of Ohio and New Jersey had notified him that they rescinded their earlier action of ratification. He said in his official proclamation that he was not authorized as Secretary of State "to determine and decide doubtful questions as to the authenticity of the organization of State legislatures or as to the power of any State legislature to recall a previous act or resolution of ratification." He added that the amendment was valid "if the resolutions of the legislatures of Ohio and New Jersey, ratifying the aforesaid amendment, are to be deemed as remaining of full force and effect, notwithstanding the subsequent resolutions of the legislatures of these States." This was a very big "if." It will be noted that the real issue, therefore, is not only whether the forced "ratification" by the ten Southern States was lawful, but whether the withdrawal by the legislatures of Ohio and New Jersey — two Northern States — was legal. The right of a State, by action of its legislature, to change its mind at any time before the final proclamation of ratification is issued by the Secretary of State has been confirmed in connection with other constitutional amendments.
  10. The Oregon Legislature in October 1868 — three months after the Secretary's proclamation was issued — passed a rescinding resolution, which argued that the "Fourteenth Amendment" had not been ratified by three fourths of the States and that the "ratifications" in the Southern States were "usurpations, unconstitutional, revolutionary and void" and that, "until such ratification is completed, any State has a right to withdraw its assent to any proposed amendment."
What do the historians say about all this? The Encyclopedia Americana states:
"Reconstruction added humiliation to suffering.... Eight years of crime, fraud, and corruption followed and it was State legislatures composed of Negroes, carpetbaggers and scalawags who obeyed the orders of the generals and ratified the amendment."
W. E. Woodward, in his famous work, "A New American History?" published in 1936, says:
"To get a clear idea of the succession of events let us review [President Andrew] Johnson's actions in respect to the ex-Confederate States.
"In May, 1865, he issued a Proclamation of Amnesty to former rebels. Then he established provisional governments in all the Southern States. They were instructed to call Constitutional Conventions. They did. New State governments were elected. White men only had the suffrage the Fifteenth Amendment establishing equal voting rights had not yet been passed]. Senators and Representatives were chosen, but when they appeared at the opening of Congress they were refused admission. The State governments, however, continued to function during 1866.
"Now we are in 1867. In the early days of that year [Thaddeus] Stevens brought in, as chairman of the House Reconstruction Committee, a bill that proposed to sweep all the Southern State governments into the wastebasket. The South was to be put under military rule.
"The bill passed. It was vetoed by Johnson and passed again over his veto. In the Senate it was amended in such fashion that any State could escape from military rule and be restored to its full rights by ratifying the Fourteenth Amendment and admitting black as well as white men to the polls."
In challenging its constitutionality, President Andrew Johnson said in his veto message:
"I submit to Congress whether this measure is not in its whole character, scope and object without precedent and without authority, in palpable conflict with the plainest provisions of the Constitution, and utterly destructive of those great principles of liberty and humanity for which our ancestors on both sides of the Atlantic have shed so much blood and expended so much treasure."
Many historians have applauded Johnson's words. Samuel Eliot Morison and Henry Steele Commager, known today as "liberals," wrote in their book, "The Growth of the American Republic":
"Johnson returned the bill with a scorching message arguing the unconstitutionality of the whole thing, and most impartial students have agreed with his reasoning."
James Truslow Adams, another noted historian, writes in his "History of the United States":
"The Supreme Court had decided three months earlier, in the Milligan case, ... that military courts were unconstitutional except under such war conditions as might make the operation of civil courts impossible, but the President pointed out in vain that practically the whole of the new legislation was unconstitutional. ... There was even talk in Congress of impeaching the Supreme Court for its decisions! The legislature had run amok and was threatening both the Executive and the Judiciary."
Actually, President Johnson was impeached, but the move failed by one vote in the Senate.
The Supreme Court, in case after case, refused to pass on the illegal activities involved in "ratification." It said simply that they were acts of the "political departments of the Government." This, of course, was a convenient device of avoidance. The Court has adhered to that position ever since Reconstruction Days.
Andrew C. McLaughlin, whose "Constitutional History of the United States" is a standard work, writes:
"Can a State which is not a State and not recognized as such by Congress, perform the supreme duty of ratifying an amendment to the fundamental law? Or does a State — by congressional thinking — cease to be a State for some purposes but not for others?"
This is the tragic history of the so-called "Fourteenth Amendment" — a record that is a disgrace to free government and a "government of law."
Isn't the use of military force to override local government what we deplored in Hungary?
It is never too late to correct injustice. The people of America should have an opportunity to pass on an amendment to the Constitution that sets forth the right of the Federal Government to control education and regulate attendance at public schools either with federal power alone or concurrently with the States.
That's the honest way, the just way to deal with the problem of segregation or integration in the schools. Until such an amendment is adopted, the "Fourteenth Amendment" should be considered as null and void.
There is only one supreme tribunal — it is the people themselves. Their sovereign will is expressed through the procedures set forth in the Constitution itself.
[OCR'd text from U.S. News & World Report, September 27, 1957, page 140 et seq.]

hen the 14th Amendment was passed it was ushered into Corporate Law, not These united states laws.


UN Report Says Small-Scale Organic Farming Only Way to Feed the World

Image: eatdrinkbetter.com

Nick Meyer | AltHealthWORKS

Even as the United States government continues to push for the use of more chemically-intensive and corporate-dominated farming methods such as GMOs and monoculture-based crops, the United Nations is once against sounding the alarm about the urgent need to return to (and develop) a more sustainable, natural and organic system.

That was the key point of a new publication from the UN Commission on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) titled“Trade and Environment Review 2013: Wake Up Before It’s Too Late,” which included contributions from more than 60 experts around the world.

The cover of the report looks like that of a blockbuster documentary or Hollywood movie, and the dramatic nature of the title cannot be understated: The time is now to switch back to our natural farming roots.

The New UN Farming Report “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late.”
The New UN Farming Report “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late.” Click here to read it.
The findings on the report seem to echo those of a December 2010 UN Report in many ways, one that essentially said organic and small-scale farming is the answer for “feeding the world,” not GMOs and monocultures.

According to the new UN report, major changes are needed in our food, agriculture and trade systems, with a shift toward local small-scale farmers and food systems recommended.

Diversity of farms, reducing the use of fertilizer and other changes are desperately needed according to the report, which was highlighted in this article from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

It also said that global trade rules should be reformed in order to work toward these ends, which is unfortunately the opposite of what mega-trade deals like the proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the U.S.-EU Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) are seeking to accomplish.

The Institute noted that these pending deals are “primarily designed to strengthen the hold of multinational corporate and financial firms on the global economy…” rather than the reflect the urgent need for a shift in agriculture described in the new report.

Even global security may be at stake according to the report, as food prices (and food price speculating) continue to rise.

“This implies a rapid and significant shift from conventional, monoculture-based and high-external-input-dependent industrial production toward mosaics of sustainable, regenerative production systems that also considerably improve the productivity of small-scale farmers,” the report concludes.

You can read more about the report from the Institute by visiting their website here.


Dr William B. Mount


The story you are about to read is true - no names have been changed unless otherwise stated.

A pastor has come forward to explain what the FEMA FREAKS and now doing.

As a Pastor you are apparently called into a training course and told to preach :OBEY YOUR MASTERS so after the release for the new virus you may be led into a FEMA as they burn you home behind you, vaccinated, killed and pushed into an already made ditch.

Here is the story: Unbelievable but true::
Welcome to The Truth News.Info

Right out of a Nazi play or movie, you just cannot get more fascist than this. The churches are being forced to go along with FEMA, with loosing their 501c3 tax exemption to prepare their communities to relinquish their firearms and obey their officials and leaders by taking Romans: 13 out of context. Below are articles links and a news report on this outrageous assult on America!

Freaky News Report About Clergy Used In US Martial Law

The 501c3 Church being Muzzled Part 3

A Pastor has come forward to blow the whistle on a nationwide FEMA program Link

A Pastor has come forward to blow the whistle on a nationwide FEMA program which is training Pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to "obey the government" in preparation for a declaration of martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.

In March of this year the Pastor, who we shall refer to as Pastor Revere, was invited to attend a meeting of his local FEMA chapter which circulated around preparedness for a potential bio-terrorist attack, any natural disaster or a nationally declared emergency.

The FEMA directors told the Pastors that attended that it was their job to help implement FEMA and Homeland Security directives in anticipation of any of these eventualities. The first directive was for Pastors to preach to their congregations Romans 13, the often taken out of context bible passage that was used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into supporting him, in order to teach them to "obey the government" when martial law is declared.

FEMA training document for pastors (PDF) 33 pages.

It was related to the Pastors that quarantines, martial law and forced relocation were a problem for state authorities when enforcing federal mandates due to the "cowboy mentality" of citizens standing up for their property and second amendment rights as well as farmers defending their crops and livestock from seizure. It was stressed that the Pastors needed to preach subservience to the authorities ahead of time in preparation for the round-ups and to make it clear to the congregation that "this is for their own good."

We have received confirmation from other preachers and Pastors that this program is a nationwide initiative and a literal Soviet model whereby the churches are being systematically infiltrated by government volunteers and used as conduits for martial law training and conditioning. The Pastor was told that over 13,000 counties were already on board.

It falls under the umbrella of the NVOAD program which is training volunteers in a "Peer to Peer" program in a neighborhood setting.

Pastors were told that the would be backed up by law enforcement in controlling uncooperative individuals and that they would even lead SWAT teams in attempting to quell resistance.

Click the play button on the player below to Listen to Interview.



About three months ago, I was invited to become a part of a group implementing federal FEMA/Homeland Security directives in our county. I couldn't pass that up!

Lots of interesting and bothersome info being discussed at these meetings...

* Local FEMA's ('across the US' according to a spokesman at our local meeting) are gathering Ministers (Pastors) to help in the event of a "declaration of Martial Law or like police action following a declared emergency or quarantine due to an act of bioterrorism". The discussion centered around the need of 'locals' to "quell the cowboy mentality" of farmers who may have their stock or crops confiscated and subsequently destroyed.

* FEMA and other Disaster Agencies (NVOAD in particular: http://www.nvoad.org)/ are training volunteers in a "Peer to Peer" program. That program trains people to assist FEMA in a neighborhood setting--teams reach out to neighbors in a declared emergency and "get their neighbors to obey authorities". According to our spokesman, Ministers will be especially helpful because "you guys and gals can use Romans 13".

These are but two highlights and I would like to share more with you should you find this helpful.

Plum Island is a CDC/USDA effort to stop "Foreign Born Diseases" from coming into the US. They also test domestic diseases. Since the island sits in International waters, our spokesman said "anything sent to them can be declared 'foreign born' and could initiate a quarantine by the fed's". He added, "that would help us all".

By the way, I am a Pastor. You all know one of our congregation******** a blessing to our church and my family.

The next meeting (FEMA) is set for May. I will attend as they will be giving out printed material on this plan. Want a copy?

Name deleted to protect the Pastor by Webmaster



By PastorErnieSanders


You have heard it preached from the pulpits of the churches all across America: "Christians must obey Civil Government; that is what the Bible teaches." [Were the Jews taught this lie in the 1930's Germany?] This is a false teaching filled with error. The truth is that the Bible teaches that man and Civil Government must obey God or suffer the consequences. Did you ever ask yourself, "Where did we get the institute of Human Government?" Let us go back to Genesis, Chapter 9 and the Noahic Covenant. Here God establishes the sovereign institution of Human Government as ordained by Himself. Four points of Law were clearly defined. First, the Covenant Law was with all mankind for perpetual generations. Second, the intent of Human Government as ordained by God was that man was to govern for God. The third purpose of Human Government was to preserve the image of God, that being man. Fourth, the means that man was to use to govern for God were God's Laws, statues, precepts, covenants, commands, ordinances and promises. (Genesis 9:9, 12, 1

God's command was very clear. He gave man complete dominion over the earth environment (Geneses 9:1-3) but kept dominion of man for Himself. (Genesis 9:4-7) The statue of the death penalty was given in Genesis 9:4-7. The purpose of the death penalty was to preserve life. (Genesis 9:6)

But doesn't the Bible teach that we must always obey government, even a Godless, corrupt government? No, a thousand times no. (Acts 5:29-32) [The true and loving God would never ask his people to obey evil, never, this is a lie perpetrated by blind leaders of the blind preachers.]

But why do so many preachers teach that Romans 13 says we must obey even a Godless, corrupt government? There are several reasons for this false teaching. The main reason is what is known as a 501c3 tax statue that is issued by the state to religious organizations. To receive a 501c3 tax statue, a church or ministry must enter into a covenant with the state. The church at this point ceases to be a church and becomes a corporation.

The structure of the corporation under a 501c3 is as follows: The state is the head, and the pastor of the corporation is an agent for the state. The corporation must have a board of directors and a constitution. The state has the power to revoke the 501c3 status of the corporation, if the corporation violates the state's rules. The state then can confiscate the property of the corporation, such as buildings or anything else owned by that corporation. This is the reason for the misrepresentation of Romans 13 by so many pastors from the pulpits of 501c3 corporate churches.

When a pastor or the members of a 501c3 corporate church takes a biblical stand against that which is not lawful according to God, but yet legal according to the state, they run the risk of losing their property. When the state takes that which is unlawful according to God and makes it legal by license, they commit an act of high treason against God. The state at this point sets itself up as a rival god. This is a violation of the first Commandment. (Exodus 20:3)

A close look at Romans 13 reveals what is a legitimate government ordained of God, compared to that which is illegitimate by acts of disobedience to God's Laws.

Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God; the powers that are ordained by God."

Ask you're self, is you're government today ordained by God? If so, why is the state removing the Ten Commandments from government institutions?

Romans 13:2 "Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive unto themselves damnation."

This verse clearly states that to resist a Godly lawful government (in compliance with God's Law) is to resist God. To obey ungodly government that resists God's Laws is to transgress the Law, and that is called treason.

Romans 13:3 "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same."

Since God's purpose in ordaining government in the days of Noah was to restrain evil and promote virtue, we are to be in subjection to any government that fulfills this purpose. Our Founding Fathers rejected King George the third's government for punishing good and rewarding evil. Christians are never under subjection to injustice, not to a government of wickedness. We are to reject any government that legalizes such evils as abortion, sodomy, gambling, pornography, child-theft, unjust and unlawful taxes, etc.

Romans 13:4 "For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."

The officer of the state is ordained of God to minister that, which is good. Therefore, the town's mayor is as much a minister of God as the local pastor, but in a very different way. The mayor is to conduct his office in a manner that is in subjection to God's Laws. For example, if an abortion mill sought permission to open its doors in a local town for the purpose of killing babies, the mayor, in obedience to God, must deny permission. When a police officer is called to arrest Christians for rescuing babies at an abortion mill, that police officer is obligated not to hinder the Lord's work. (Proverbs 24:10-12) He is also obligated to protect such Christians from those who kill babies. (I John 3:16 When a pastor tells a police officer that he must obey the government and arrest Christians for rescuing children, he commits several sins. First, that pastor becomes a fearful liar. (Revelations 21:8) Second, he hinders the Lord's work. (Proverbs 24:10-12) Third, he causes that police officer to sin by obeying man rather than God. (Acts 4:19 and 5:29)

Romans 13:6-7 "For this cause pay ye tribute also: For they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."

Tribute is a tax that is levied ... We must pay that which is lawful according to the Word of God. Custom is a tax on imports and exports. Again, we must pay that which is lawful according to the Word of God. Fear: Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather, fear him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell." The Word of God tells us that we are to be bold. (II Timothy 1:7) Honor: We are to honor those who are in obedience to God. To honor the wicked just because they are the officers of the state is a sin. (Proverbs 24:23-26, Jeremiah 15:1-4) [If the Jews wouldn't of obeyed the nazi government, some of them might still be alive today] We must obey God rather than man. To do otherwise is sin.

Cilck here for more research on this




Please pray that the Living GOD intervenes immediately and destroys FEMA.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount