Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Dirty Little Secret - Underground Bases for Politicians

The video about this Dirty Little Secret you are about to watch will explain what in in the heart of THE BEAST - the Trilateral Commission.


This beast - which is run by Lucifer Himself - plans on the total destruction f Humanity - Including all Politicians and Department Heads world wide



Either we work as one Global Entity to destroy Lucifer and his followers or we all Perish together

Those who worship Lucifer must be contained and destroyed, the UN Uprooted and moved and all of it's leaders fired and arrested or this destructive pattern will just continue until there is no more Planet Earth

All Eyes Are Focused On President Trump-- Will he arrest those now committing Treason and be man enough to stand up to the task

Or Will President Trump himself be replaced with a Double 3 January and then have his entire family killed and replaced by doubles

Stay Tuned for more exciting events in the future

VIDEO:..  (639) The Dirty Little Secret - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Here Is The Medical Device Used By NASA in space (PEMF) and the Russia medical Device Used In Space (PMC6) and hte "Wellness Table" used by o Undergroundd Space Program (Sedona).

USA Headquarters for DENAS Products, Support & Training

We just called Coach Jimmy K At 503-395-4142


Operation Devolution: A Govt Without the People

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Stunning Revelation: Why Our Medical System Is Falling Apart

Operation Devolution: A Govt Without People

Operation Devolution - A Govt Without The People

In 2003 FEMA was created and immediately began on a project to create a Government Without the People

By 2005 the Underground Government Headquarters was updated and completed at Mount Weather in the Shenandoah Mountains - a 60,000 Square Foot Underground Palace

Then in 2010 FEMA Operation Devolution was complete - a Plan to run our US Government Agencies form under ground without a Surface Population

We did several TV Shows on this

FEMA then began forcing all US Corporate Government Office - like HUD - to build undergound complexes tied into this FEMA Command Bunker.

Thanks to the aid of Computers - Trillions Of Dollars were created out of thin air to build the 412 Underground Rail System and bury our Every Agency and Department underground

The idea of:

"A Government
Of The People
By The People
For the people
Shall Not Parish"

FEMA Is Now Planning To Be

"A Government Without The People"

That's Why It's All Coming To A Head - Food Production, Economy, Politics - Everything

So - If the United Nations manages to destroy the Surface Population through War, s Plagues and Natural Disasters fear not - for our Government Without the People will be fully Functioning.

As of today every Government Agency and Department - all Corporations - are ready for the destruction of the Surface Dwellers here in America

So as the Insurance Companies cancel Homeowners Fire Insurance - FEMA is burning people out of house and home - killing many along the way

Poisonous US GMO Food is being shipped in mass to China to ensure higher food prices now

And Diseases like Leprosy are being re-introduced through Illegal Aliens into the homeless communities Nation Wide

This is why the UN (Lucifer Trust) discussed Death at length - We Should Welcome Death AS Our Savior as it allows our personal evolution into the "Higher Planes."

The push to destroy America using FEMA - Part of Homeland Security - will now increase

This is why General Milley, William Barr, and our President do not arrest those murdering and raping American Children - it's all about the destruction of Humanity

A Government Without The People

Here Is The Caveat - Once These Government Workers go Underground - with no surface population to control - they will all be killed - including members of the White House and Congress

All of those in the SEs, all of those Congressman, Members of the DUMAS, Kinesset and other Parlisments into their undergound palaces and promptly be terminated - killed

All of these undergound bases - Oxygen Exchange Systems are nor run by FEMA - and they are there only to Murder - and that is exactly what they will do after these Bureaucrats are safely in their beds.

I have seen the Cyanide Canisters ready for US Congress after their evacuations ... little Stainless Steel Red Canisters

So unless these Idiots awaken we can ensure much more destruction to come in hte next 2 months

And President Trump WILL NOT stop the fires in Southern California with rains wither from NASA of the US Navy - PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL STOP THIS

Prove Us Wrong???

FEMA will continue to burn down homes and kill civilians until somebody has the guts to shoot back - then they will retreat like Girly Boy Cowards

VIDEO:  (622) Operation Devolution: A Govt Without People - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount

PRAY for your families and GET READY


As the World Falls Apart We Are Not Experimenting With Anti Aging

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The Cure For Trump Derangement Syndrome

We have "THE CURE" for Trump Derangement Syndrome

Either you will drive them insane or they will be cured with the truth

Video: (2618) Got Trump Derangement Syndrome? There Is Hope -------- William Mount Channel, You Tube - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Brought To You By:

You Tube - William Mount Channel