Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2017

You Tube Announces More Censorship

Welcome to the smartest, most active, and the most loving audience in the world.

Isiah 6:8 : I Heard The Voice Of Adonai (Lord) Whom Shall I Send, Who Will Go For Us, I said “Here I Am”

You are my friends and Family - I will go.

We will do our best to help you prepare for what is coming.

This show is brought to you by Ronnie at GETTHETEA.COM


(1326) You Tube Announces More Restrictions On Content - YouTube


Both You Tube and Google are now introducing more restrictions on what you can watch.

Videos on Porn are OK

Videos on how to hack into a bank are OK

Videos pertaining to starting riots and killing are OK

Videos telling the truth about Vaccines and Prescription Drugs are now being banned.

Sounds allot like NAZI Germany in 1935, right?

Create ONE News Outlet then restrict what can be said on the news.


New algorythms are now being introduced into You Tube to search your “Words” on exactly what you say.

Further - Google (You Tube Owners) are hiring lots of NGO’s (Non Governmental Organizations) to watch your You TUBE Vides and either remove them or make them or make them unavailable to the public.

For Example: we can no longer publish a video that says: The Cure For Hepatitis and the one we did put out was simply removed - along with about 20 other videos You Tube found “Controversial.”

The problem in all of this editing is we never know what we can and can’t say so what we said yesterday may be banned today.

The now “TRUSTED FLAGGER” program will bring in 15 different Left Wing FASCIST organizations to identify “Extremist” speach - such as the “THE CURE FOR CANCER” video and flag it, then pull it.

Imagine if you exposed the Rape Culture that is allowed under Shariah Law - your video gets pulled. A law, by the way, that would clear out the roads in one day. You see - under these restrictions:

1) Women can’t go to school
2) Women are now allowed to drive
3) Women can’t work outside the home
4) A woman may be raped by anyone if she looks provocative
5) A woman may be beaten like a dog women are property.
6) A woman cannot give a speech.

The most Holy Muslim Mosque has these words inscribed at the entry way:


So here we go again - NAZI Lefties restricting news.

Please pray that You Tube and Google Executives are changed to allow us to produce the truth every day for YOU or are removed from their positions of power.

Please also pray that the Google Stock Holders and Advertisers have their eyes opened as to why they are loosing money - the censorships - and that they take actions to remove those who are destroying their income from Google.


1)  It has been confirmed - President Trump left the White House so that listening devices and explosives may be removed form the walls, floors and ceilings.

2) Rahm  Emanuel, mayor of Chicago, is suing the US Corporation to force them to fully fund “Sanctuary Cities.”

This Perverted Mayor refuses to take action to stop the 3,000+ shootings a ear in his city, now he wants more Illegal Immigrants so they can work for new factories for SLAVE wages.

It’s all about bringing in a New Groups of people to work as Slaves in their factories.


3) The United Nations has now officially sanctioned North Korea.

Do you really think these sanctions will hurt the Elites in Power?

All it will do is allow China to sell more goods overseas instead of North Korea.

4) More Microchipping of Humans

First we traded Freedom for Security, now we are trading Privacy for Convenience.

Finally - Factory Chickens grown in the US are rotting before they are killed.

Think about ti the next time you go to the Grocery Store to buy a chicken.

We wonder what FAKE NEWS SERCO will publish this after noon.

Please pray that the CEO, and the other staff, of the SERCO Corporation either Immediately Repent or are thrown out of power.


This show is brought to you by:

This morning I already ate the Gymnema to control my Blood Sugar Level, Allicyn C to help reduce fevers, and Life Change Tea.

As  for Anti - Aging we are still eating Immusist and Get The Tea’s 8th Element for Resveratrol.

When I entered the hospital they opened me up pretty good and rerouted everything from the ribs to the hips. The original opening for the wound was about 10 inches in diameter. We have pictures. It was pretty gnarly.

When  I left 25 days later it was still a pretty large wound - too large for any rehab center to take me. They all said NO - so I asked to go home.

Today - 5 weeks later - several nurses and two doctors have told us they have never seen anything heal so fast.

So between your prayers, our overly positive attitude,  and the 8th Element and Immusist the outside wound is now only about 3 inches by 3 inches. Inside - will take some time. I still get dizzy when I walk more than about 10 minutes.

Apparently in about 4 months I will have to go in for a series of short surgeries to re-rout everything and these are likely to last fro about 18 months - but with the healing going on so fast - they should be a simple in/out procedures.

One last thing - I have not been able to wear glasses for about 10 weeks now my eye sight is back to where it was 10 years ago - so I am wearing my 10 year old glasses.

 Your prayers really work.

Words cannot express my gratitude to you, the viewers.

You are the best.

Please pray your family is safe and well fed in all of this “Economic Upheaval.”



If they terminate your subscription - then stand up and be heard and - re-subscribe


This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM

This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount



YouTube just announced new rigging scheme that will allow it to censor videos about vaccines or statin drugs –

Trump Evacuated From White House After Massive 9/11 Spy System Discovered



Chicago Sues Justice Department Over Efforts to Deny Funding to Sanctuary Cities - NBC Chicago

Microchipping Humans: First They Traded Freedom for Security, Now It’s Privacy for Convenience

Factory chickens grown in the U.S. are too heavy to stand on their own feet; meat begins ROTTING even before they’re killed –

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Google, Facebook Furious Over New Bill

To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences on the net - welcome

And to the coolest Audience.


(300) Google, Facebook Fuming Over New Bill - YouTube

For years this Politically Correct group of Internet Controllers has been selling personnel information about it’s users - from food tastes to bank account data.

So linked has this become that after opening accounts up on the Video Channels Daily Motion, Vidme, and Steemit my accounts were blocked within 24 hours of posting my first videos - kittens playing.

In fact - they have tied several accounts together without my permissions - linking bank account numbers with other bank account numbers.

Now the BROWSER ACT has been introduced by Republican  Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee that mandates that people must explicitly give permission before they sell their information or tie Bank Accounts together.

Of course - Google, Facebook and Amazon will fight back and are likely to ignore any legislation that restricts their use of the Internet for Their Purposes.

This bill will, of course, give President Trump a good reason to arrest the leaders of these Mega Corporations for Treason come this October.

In other news:

First: White House Communications Director has resigned. Yup - Mike Dubke is leaving simply because he has gathered all of the Information about all of these leakers and will now work directly with some special prosecutors to build cases against these 3 Leakers.

These 3 Traitors, and all of their accomplices, will now go down in about 5 months.
Finally: There were several dozen Illegal Aliens protesting outside the Texas Legislature and the Governor
 did nothing.

Governor Greg Abbot sat back and watched like a Literal Simpleton.

Apparently Congressman Matt Renaldi had had enough of this Violent Protesting dialed 911 and Called ICE.

Democratic Congressman Nevarez, after finding out what he did in Private, became upset and threatened to kill him when he went out to his car - to which Congressman Renaldi said: Got For It - I am armed you creep.

Oh Governor Simpleton Greg Abbot of Texas - you have an Obligation to have Congressman Nevarez - you have a “Duty To Engage” and arrest Congressman Navarez arrested for Assault and Battery???

Hello Governor Abbot - Hello Wimpy Simpleton Abbot???

As an Ambassador - Governor of Texas - Simpleton Abbot - you are a disgrace to Texas and to America. You making those who fought at the Alamo turn over in their graves.

For You Intel Geeks:

One of the three people who leaked FAKE stories about President Trump while he was in Europe also has access to his Calendar and she is very busy trying to set up this meeting between the President and Vive President 8 June (+-3 Days).

You will find that one of her contacts is Military and has access to Micro Nukes.

Please pray that President Trump is protected.

Please also pray that your family is protected in what is coming.

Please also pray that President Trump is informed that his brain leaks - is easy to read - and as long as he continues on this course he has my 100% support.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Blackburn's Browser Act: Google, Facebook Need Data Consent | The Daily Caller

Trump's White House Communications Director Has Resigned

Texas Democrat Threatens To Kill Republican On Legislative Floor After He Called ICE On Protesting Illegal Immigrants | Zero Hedge

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hacking Program Backfires - Feeds Wikileaks


Hacking Program Backfires - Feeds Wikileaks - YouTube


Apparently the Executives of Google and You Tube joined forces several years ago to create a hacking program that could be used to change election results, retrieve Top Secret Documents, steal hits on You Tube, and all sorts of other Nefarious Actions.

Fortunately for President Trump the program was countered during the Presidential Election by “Friends From Out Of Town” - thanks, in part - to the VA selling military records world wide. The Liberals thought this was a Great Idea - Compromise American Security and again this little act backfired on them as well.

Over the course of Obama’s NAZI Regime Google was seen entering and leaving the White House over 427 times - which is more than once a week.

The hacking program is called Crowd Strike and can be accessed by typing in the words

This program has been used quite openly to release all sorts of Top Secret Documents stored deep in the CIA’a Base at Langley unrenowned to those who created the program.

Apparently one of the trusted DNC Managers assisted Wikileaks in obtaining access to this program and was summarily killed for it - Seth Rich. Head of the DNC - who was shot twice in the back as an apparent “Suicide.”

Another Hillary Dead Body - but please keep in mind that Hillary is merely an Actor as the Original Hillary is dead and her handlers do all the Dirty Work.

So the Hillary Campaign had him killed by the Mormon’s “Danites” and are invoking his name to bring about “GUN CONRTOL.”

Every thing is now being exposed - the CIA False Flags, the SVR False Flags, every thing - just like the bible states.

So the curse against the leaders and owners of Google, Facebook and You Tube are in full swing as the evils they perpetrated are now coming against.

Here we see Wikileaks exposing another 8,761 Top Secret CIA Documents exposing False Flags, Internal Operations - a virtual “Who’s Who of Murder and Mayhem” from around the world.

Noting like getting hung by your own computer hacking program, right???

Let me state this once more - those who are coming against those who are trying to stop this Nuclear War will now be destroyed, so GOD has said it, so it shall be.

Do Not kill my president’s, do not start a nuclear war, and do not crack my planet in half. If you suppress anything, or any body, that is trying to stop these things from happening you will be dealt with by the Living GOD immediately -  So  HE has said it, so it shall be.

In a funny story today - CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Fox News Tucker Carlson discuss President Trump’s Tweets about the Wire Tapping differently.

They are both now caught in a Canary Trap - so they will both have to Sing Like Canaries and turn States Evidence immediately  and reveal their Secret Sources or they may face Real Jail Time.

Although Tucker Carlson form FOX News may cooperate with authorities it does not appear that  CNN’s Anderson Cooper is smart enough to ask for Clemency and turn State’s Evidence
In other news it is International Women’s Day.

America’s Women On Strike And Refuse To Spend Money - Men Rejoice.

Another Liberal Farce that has again backfired.


Stop going out - many restaurants are experience a real slowdown in their business and their food I getting old and going bad.

The last 3 times we went out we both got butterflies in out stomach  and had to reach for Get The Tea’s Colostrum so now we eat before we go anywhere.

Please pray that those who are suppressing people who would preserve Planet Earth, are immediately are dealt with  by the Living GOD - I mean immediately.

A note to President Obama; My personal Recommendation - your order to hack Trump’s Telephone Lines has been exposed and it is best if you keep your mouth shut on the issue or face some real Jail Time for Obama #3, 4, and 5 and your handlers - which have all now been chipped and identified and are  beginning to turn State’s Evidence.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Moun


Full Wrath Of CIA Warned Ready To Hit America After All Their Deadly Lies Exposed



Crowdstrike - SaaS Endpoint Protection - Threat Intelligence

Google workers met had 427 meetings at White House over Obama presidency | Daily Mail Online

PressTV-‘Berlin attack probably CIA false-flag operation’

Vault7 - Home

Wikileaks says it has only leaked 1% of the Documents! – InvestmentWatch

CNN's Anderson Cooper and Fox News' Tucker Carlson run down Trump's wiretapping claims, differently

America's Women Go On Strike, Pledge To "Avoid Spending Money" (Men Celebrate) | Zero Hedge






NSA Whistleblower Bill Binney Says Trump Is Absolutely Right About Wiretap Claims | National News | US News

Wednesday, December 21, 2016



VIDEO:  Trump Hires Private Security From Russia - It's Over NWO - YouTube

Lots of very interesting news occurring today.

1) Donald Trump is getting some real assistance from the former owner of Black Water. He has just hired the Russian Security Firm RSB-Group to provide him with his own Private Security Forces.

About 170 Private Police are heading to New York on 7 charter flights to protect the Trumpster.

2) Unknow to the public these are highly trained people who will now begin scouring the Tunnels under New York for these Nuclear Weapons PLanted by the Rothchids. That tunnel built for the second New York Subway that was dug through a Red Mud that proved too unstable for the Subway still has a speaker in the upper side of it containing a Nuke.

3) Russia is sending in 20,000 Mercenaries to round up ISIS in Syria. They may even spill into Iraq a bit.

4) Benjamin Fulford believes: David Rockefellar and Baron Rothchilds are dead and George Soros went into Deep Hiding, but I believe he was replaced by a double and the Double will reappear when it is convenient to the Satanic Elites. They refused to cooperate with whatever is back here.

5) Further - the CEO and his staff out the Deutsche Bank - the Bank of the Holy Roman Empire for 1,100 years - is scheduled to be replaced by Doubles within 4 months unless the do as they were instructed to do.

6) The Trumpster has also met with the leaders of Media around the world - like Sputnik News in particular  - and they all are agreeing to dump the Fake CIA news Stories.

7) A message to the Local Police: Here is a video inside a Hotel where Hillary Protesters are having a Sit In and the Police do nothing. Peaceful protests are allowed on sidewalks - not in private businesses. May I highly suggest local Police - Highly Suggest - with the threat of loosing all Federal Grant Moneys - that next time these PAID Hillary Protester spend a few nights in jail?

Paid Protesters is the definition of Terrorists Local Police.

These “Elite” New World Order Protesters ARE the problem.

8) Hillary’s Campaigns for President - and now California Governor in 2020 - is in big trouble.

In Michigan alone there are 37% more voters that there are people.

Governor Pervert Snyder of Michigan has already lost his bid to go into the White House by killing Pigs on Private Pig Farms - now he faces arrest for not stopping voter fraud.

In addition he and his family are scheduled to be replaced by Doubles within 5 months - unless he arrests those who conducted Voter Fraud immediately.

What happens to Governor Perv Snyder after he is arrested is not my problem.

9) It is all coming out about the Main Stream Fake News.

Here we see Egyptian Police arresting those who are making fake news

Here we see fake videos - for - the European and North American Satanic NAZI News Agencies.

10) The Pacific Plate continues to destabilize was we see a 7.9 earthquake just under where the US launched a Nuke back in the 1950’s.

11) Finally - Antarctica - the NAZIs will help cleanse these New World Order NAZIs or their Underground bases will begin to shift ever so horribly. Not kidding. Go ahead - test GOD in this. You shot down allot of US Planes down in 1946 under “Operation High Jump” - and I would love to see your bases crumble - but my job is to warn even you to save lives.


Please - be ready for anything, There was a huge Snow Storm in the Midwest last night and it is hard to get groceries right now. Be ready.

Pray that these Elite Satanic (Lucifarian) NAZIs fail at every evil plot they can think of.


The News You need

Dr William B. Mount







Trump Begins To Move 370 Elite Troops From Russia To Protect His Life And Family

11 Private Security Firms Guarding Donald Trump - The Daily Beast

Inside Trump's 'privatized mercenary force' - POLITICO

No Hate in Our State - 2 - YouTube

Hillary’s in BIG TROUBLE: Michigan Recount! 37% more Votes than VOTERS! Something DOES NOT ADD UP! – InvestmentWatch

Egyptian Police Arrests Photographer for Making Staged Pics of ‘Wounded Children from Aleppo’

Fake Syrian Rebels are going to Hollywood! – InvestmentWatch

Seismic Monitor - Recent earthquakes on a world map and much more.


Magnitude 7.9 Earthquake off Papua New Guinea

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Google As A Weapon, Vows To Pull Ads



That is correct.

Several year ago we discussed how the US Department of Defense has weaponized commercial airliners.

They have, for example, been placing in their fuel tanks of commercial airliners chemicals that change when burned to effect local populations - making them sick. In addition, chemicals containing things like GMO DNA is currently being sprayed from these jets to destroy Russian Wheat Crops, or flat our spraying populations with parasites, viruses ond Nano-Computer chips to fulfill whatever evil deeds the US Department of Defense of US State Department has at the time.

Now the ideas are spreading to the Internet.

Google - a CIA created Company began back  in 1996 at Stanford University an was led by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google went public on August 14, 2004 and currently controls 64% of the entire Internet Search Engines.

The other 2 major Web Search Engines, Bing and Yahoo, have similar back rounds and literally control exactly what you pull up on the internet.

Percentage of Internet Traffic going through these 3 Search Engines:

Google: 64%
Bing: 20%
Yahoo: 13%

With a combined total of 97% of all Internet Traffic YOUR internet Search Results are literally  controlled by the 3 CEO’s of these 3 companies.

Kind of sounds like a Monopoly to me, right?

Merger of Government with Corporations - FASCISM, right???

In comes the US Military.

A global conference of senior military and intelligence officials is currently taking place in London this week and their discussions seem to be focused on how they can make social media a new “WAR FRONT” and tool for the armed forces.

These Military Geeks have been literally controlling exactly what you get on the internet for years and are now literally going public about it.

So here are several stories about what exactly Google is doing to your ability to search the Internet: and what it means to you:

 1) The US Government No Longer Controls the Internet

The Internet Search Engines are now run by ICAAN - an international corporation run by a whole lot of Foreign Entities. This may not mean much as Google, Bing and Yahoo still control how the Search Engines react when something is typed into your computer.

2) Your Government Wants To Militarize Social Media To Influence Your Beliefs

Since Google, Bing and Yahoo were all set up by funding through the CIA this may not mean much. What is now being exposed has been going on since the creation of the Internet.

3) Trump left out of Google Search for presidential candidates

OK - this was a really stupid move by Google but shows you the power they have.

There are people who do not reside in America - those that we call “Out Of Towners” - who may be stepping up to the plate to sort of change these rules for the better for the entire globe.

In an odd twist that may change how these 3 CEO’s think and react:

Those who support this “Censorship” may now be guilty of being an “Accessory To Murder” and this changes the entire internet world with the election of Donald Trump simply because he will now hold these CEO’s responsible for their actions.

For example: When Google, Craigs List, Yahoo and Bing openly support these riots now occurring across America they become responsible for their results.

Recently an Anti Trump Rally stopped an Ambulance from getting to the Hospital and a man died in the Ambulance as a result - making those CEO’s Accessories To Murder.

So we may see some real changes in the very near future and the: “FEAR OF GOD” is instilled in these CIA controlled CEOs.

Time will tell.

Either way - Our role remains the same here on the internet: Save Lives and stop these Mad Men from cracking this planet in half by starting a war either through a Nuclear False Flag or the killing of a Major politician.

For example: two months ago we warned Obama to leave the White House on the 17th of November due to a threat on his life in DC - just get out of town. He is now in Germany playing with Angela Merkel.

So far so good.

As a personal note: I am grateful to You Tube and Google for allowing me to post on THEIR sites to help stop this destruction of Planet Earth.

No matter who is in the White House or who is President of Russia - if we have a planet to live on we can discuss politics.

No planet - No Political Discussions.

Finally - US Department of Defense - please dismantle MAD MAN - the Nuclear Weapon that sits at the Bottom of the Mariana’s Trench ready to crack this planet in half at a moment’s Notice
Please continue to send Love and Gratitude to every drop of water in the White House and in the Pentagon - right down to the bottom floor 2,500 feet down.

Pray your families are ready for any emergency - including a Blizzard.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Go visit a Feed Store Today. We recently purchased a 100 pound of Organic Split Peas for about $50 and a 50 pounds bad of Diatamatious Earth for $30, a 50 pound bag of wheat for about $40 and a bag of Tetracycline for about $5 along with some other really good stuff.

The savings at your local feed store, and the niceness of the employees, may surprise you.


                          Your Government Wants to Militarize Social Media to Influence Your Beliefs | Motherboard

Google Bans Weapon-Related Listings From Google Shopping

Google Says It Plans to Pull Ads From Fake News Sites

Trump left out of Google search for presidential candidates |

The U.S. government no longer controls the internet

Yahoo! Search - Wikipedia

Google - Wikipedia

Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Resulting In Death Of 4-Year-Old Girl's Father | Zero Hedge

There is No CIA protection or Draconian Protection that can stop what the Living GOD will now hold these CEOs accountable for, so GOD has said it, so it shall be:

CEOs accessories to murder:


Friday, September 30, 2016

America's Last Day Of Freedom??


Video:  America's Last Day Of Freedom? - YouTube

We are being hit with so many negative stories from the TV, the Internet, News Papers, Magazines, and the Radio that we are almost  completely immobilized with fear.

We walk around in a daze afraid of our own shadow as we are pummeled with reports that scare us half to death.

It seems as if the world has been turned upside down and as we become more and more fearful the Fallen Angels thrive off of the frequencies we send off.

Here is what they are hitting us with now:

1) WAR: US Secretary Of State John Kerry has stated that they are cutting off Diplomatic Relations with Russia - a thing only done when you plan to attack that nation.

The news is so Censored we have no idea what is really going on.

For example - all news about t the Syrian War is being sent out by one guy and he has not been in Syria for 15 years - Rami Rahman - who is paid by British Intelligence - to give every major news outlet his stories about Syria.

Further - Rick Wyles on Trunews had a member of Obama’s Staff clearly state they are planning to start blowing up  Russian Cites if they do not get out of Syria

The Pentagon really wants the New Middle East as they have drawn it or it is all out war.

The Obama Regime - from the top to the Bottom is suicidal and insane.

If they can’t have THEIR Oil Pipeline they plan to blow up the world

This is who they are - absolutely caddywhompus crazy and insane.


The world is on the verge of Economic Collapse

So here are 2 Fear Mongering Stories to scare us all to death:
Deutsche Bank is the German Bank of the Holy Roman Empire - run out of the Vatican - a Bank with a cross on top.

A)…..Yesterday it was announced that Deutsche Bank would collapse today so last night it’s stocks tanked.

Everybody Panicked over a story released by Super Station 95.1 in New York City.

After huge selling offs and buying by the BIG BOYS who announced the Bank Collapse it was announced that the Bank will not fold because it will re-negotiate its $14 Billion Dollar Fine with the US Department of Justice.

Deutsche Bank hold $75 Trillion in Hedge Funds - so - what is $14 Billion????

The world holds $1,000 Trillion in Hedge Funds so even if Deutsche Bank fails - big whoop.

B)…..Just spotted in front of the New York


……State Dismantling Corporation with their number on the side of the truck

No - the US Dollar will loose value - yes, but not collapse.


Tomorrow the Internet will be in the hands of the ICCAN Corporation located in Los Angeles California

They have a hub office in China, Turkey and Singapore, Brussels, Geneva, Montevideo (Uruguay), Soul (S Korea) and Washington DC

This is an international organization wet up in 1998 by Pres Bill Clinton to allow a member state with 108 representative s to control the search engines.

What the transfer will do is stop the Cencorship and Contrlo of the Internt by Google and You Tube

They will, as of tomorrow, be required to stop their Censorship of storeis on the internet.

Heck - if we want to cruies the net we goto

So the Foreign Search Engines - run right here in the United States and have huge amounts of unused Band With - are free from Censorship.

SO in a last ditch attemopt to keep control of the Internet Servers the US Based Companies that are paid to Censor the Internet are throwing a Temper Tantrum.

Thank GOD the Internet Search Engines are being taken away form these Demon Possessed NAZIs in the United States Corporation in DC.

Oh - and the Dinar will revalue tomorrow - right????

Please pray that your family will be safe with what is coming.

Please also pray that the leaders of the United States Corporation cast off their handlers and turn to the Living GOD immediately.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

“Level B” Russian Ministries Ordered To Bunkers After US Threat To Cut Off Diplomacy

Land Destroyer: West's Syrian Narrative Based on "Guy in British Apartment"

EXCLUSIVE: Man who runs SOHR admits to RT he last visited Syria 15 years ago — RT News

Russian Ground Troops in Syria Fighting Jew-ISIS in the Name of Justice – Daily Stormer

Stocks Soar After French Press "Confirm" Deutsche Bank Near Settlement With DOJ | Zero Hedge

Insider "Deutsche Bank COLLAPSE Tomorrow - Friday 9-30-2016" - Will Wipe out banking system worldwide!

4 States Sue To Block Obama's Internet Transition Set For Tomorrow Night | Zero Hedge

ICANN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Contact - ICANN

ICANN Memorandum that started the Internet Transfer created in 1998 by the Clinton's ... Dirty Hellry's Project ... screws Google and You Tube out of Billions and control of the Internet.

This document constitutes an agreement between the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC or USG) and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a not-for-profit corporation.
A. Background
On July 1, 1997, as part of the Administration's Framework for Global Electronic Commerce, the President directed the Secretary of Commerce to privatize the management of the domain name system (DNS) in a manner that increases competition and facilitates international participation in its management.
On June 5, 1998, the DOC published its Statement of Policy, Management of Internet Names and Addresses, 63 Fed. Reg.31741(1998) (Statement of Policy). The Statement of Policy addressed the privatization of the technical management of the DNS in a manner that allows for the development of robust competition in the management of Internet names and addresses. In the Statement of Policy, the DOC stated its intent to enter an agreement with a not-for-profit entity to establish a process to transition current U.S. Government management of the DNS to such an entity based on the principles of stability, competition, bottom-up coordination, and representation.
B. Purpose
Before making a transition to private sector DNS management, the DOC requires assurances that the private sector has the capability and resources to assume the important responsibilities related to the technical management of the DNS. To secure these assurances, the Parties will collaborate on this DNS Project (DNS Project). In the DNS Project, the Parties will jointly design, develop, and test the mechanisms, methods, and procedures that should be in place and the steps necessary to transition management responsibility for DNS functions now performed by, or on behalf of, the U.S. Government to a private-sector not-for-profit entity. Once testing is successfully completed, it is contemplated that management of the DNS will be transitioned to the mechanisms, methods, and procedures designed and developed in the DNS Project.
In the DNS Project, the parties will jointly design, develop, and test the mechanisms, methods, and procedures to carry out the following DNS management functions:
    a. Establishment of policy for and direction of the allocation of IP number blocks;

    b. Oversight of the operation of the authoritative root server system;

    c. Oversight of the policy for determining the circumstances under which new top level domains would be added to the root system;

    d. Coordination of the assignment of other Internet technical parameters as needed to maintain universal connectivity on the Internet; and

    e. Other activities necessary to coordinate the specified DNS management functions, as agreed by the Parties.
The Parties will jointly design, develop, and test the mechanisms, methods, and procedures that will achieve the transition without disrupting the functional operation of the Internet. The Parties will also prepare a joint DNS Project Report that documents the conclusions of the design, development, and testing.
DOC has determined that this project can be done most effectively with the participation of ICANN. ICANN has a stated purpose to perform the described coordinating functions for Internet names and addresses and is the organization that best demonstrated that it can accommodate the broad and diverse interest groups that make up the Internet community.
C. The Principles
The Parties will abide by the following principles:
1. Stability
This Agreement promotes the stability of the Internet and allows the Parties to plan for a deliberate move from the existing structure to a private-sector structure without disruption to the functioning of the DNS. The Agreement calls for the design, development, and testing of a new management system that will not harm current functional operations.
2. Competition
This Agreement promotes the management of the DNS in a manner that will permit market mechanisms to support competition and consumer choice in the technical management of the DNS. This competition will lower costs, promote innovation, and enhance user choice and satisfaction.

3. Private, Bottom-Up Coordination
This Agreement is intended to result in the design, development, and testing of a private coordinating process that is flexible and able to move rapidly enough to meet the changing needs of the Internet and of Internet users. This Agreement is intended to foster the development of a private sector management system that, as far as possible, reflects a system of bottom-up management.
4. Representation.
This Agreement promotes the technical management of the DNS in a manner that reflects the global and functional diversity of Internet users and their needs. This Agreement is intended to promote the design, development, and testing of mechanisms to solicit public input, both domestic and international, into a private-sector decision making process. These mechanisms will promote the flexibility needed to adapt to changes in the composition of the Internet user community and their needs.
A. DOC has authority to participate in the DNS Project with ICANN under the following authorities:
(1) 15 U.S.C. § 1525, the DOC's Joint Project Authority, which provides that the DOC may enter into joint projects with nonprofit, research, or public organizations on matters of mutual interest, the cost of which is equitably apportioned;
(2) 15 U.S.C. § 1512, the DOC's authority to foster, promote, and develop foreign and domestic commerce;
(3) 47 U.S.C. § 902, which specifically authorizes the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to coordinate the telecommunications activities of the Executive Branch and assist in the formulation of policies and standards for those activities including, but not limited to, considerations of interoperability, privacy, security, spectrum use, and emergency readiness;
(4) Presidential Memorandum on Electronic Commerce, 33 Weekly Comp. Presidential Documents 1006 (July 1, 1997), which directs the Secretary of Commerce to transition DNS management to the private sector; and
(5) Statement of Policy, Management of Internet Names and Addresses, (63 Fed. Reg. 31741(1998) (Attachment A), which describes the manner in which the Department of Commerce will transition DNS management to the private sector.
B. ICANN has the authority to participate in the DNS Project, as evidenced in its Articles of Incorporation (Attachment B) and Bylaws (Attachment C). Specifically, ICANN has stated that its business purpose is to:
(i) coordinate the assignment of Internet technical parameters as needed to maintain universal connectivity on the Internet;
(ii) perform and oversee functions related to the coordination of the Internet Protocol (IP) address space;
(iii) perform and oversee functions related to the coordination of the Internet domain name system, including the development of policies for determining the circumstances under which new top-level domains are added to the DNS root system;
(iv) oversee operation of the authoritative Internet DNS root server system; and
(v) engage in any other related lawful activity in furtherance of Items (i) through (iv).
Both DOC and ICANN have a mutual interest in a transition that ensures that future technical management of the DNS adheres to the principles of stability, competition, coordination, and representation as published in the Statement of Policy. ICANN has declared its commitment to these principles in its Bylaws. This Agreement is essential for the DOC to ensure continuity and stability in the performance of technical management of the DNS now performed by, or on behalf of, the U.S. Government. Together, the Parties will collaborate on the DNS Project to achieve the transition without disruption.
A. General.
1. The Parties agree to jointly participate in the DNS Project for the design, development, and testing of the mechanisms, methods and procedures that should be in place for the private sector to manage the functions delineated in the Statement of Policy in a transparent, non-arbitrary, and reasonable manner.
2. The Parties agree that the mechanisms, methods, and procedures developed under the DNS Project will ensure that private-sector technical management of the DNS shall not apply standards, policies, procedures or practices inequitably or single out any particular party for disparate treatment unless justified by substantial and reasonable cause and will ensure sufficient appeal procedures for adversely affected members of the Internet community.
3. Before the termination of this Agreement, the Parties will collaborate on a DNS Project Report that will document ICANN's test of the policies and procedures designed and developed pursuant to this Agreement.
4. The Parties agree to execute the following responsibilities in accordance with the Principles and Purpose of this Agreement as set forth in section II.
B. DOC. The DOC agrees to perform the following activities and provide the following resources in support of the DNS Project:
    1. Provide expertise and advice on existing DNS management functions.

    2. Provide expertise and advice on methods and administrative procedures for conducting open, public proceedings concerning policies and procedures that address the technical management of the DNS.

    3. Identify with ICANN the necessary software, databases, know-how, other equipment, and intellectual property necessary to design, develop, and test methods and procedures of the DNS Project.

    4. Participate, as necessary, in the design, development, and testing of the methods and procedures of the DNS Project to ensure continuity including coordination between ICANN and Network Solutions, Inc.

    5. Collaborate on a study on the design, development, and testing of a process for making the management of the root server system more robust and secure. This aspect of the DNS Project will address:

      a. Operational requirements of root name servers, including host hardware capacities, operating system and name server software versions, network connectivity, and physical environment.

      b. Examination of the security aspects of the root name server system and review of the number, location, and distribution of root name servers considering the total system performance, robustness, and reliability.

      c. Development of operational procedures for the root server system, including formalization of contractual relationships under which root servers throughout the world are operated.

    6. Consult with the international community on aspects of the DNS Project.

    7. Provide general oversight of activities conducted pursuant to this Agreement.

    8. Maintain oversight of the technical management of DNS functions currently performed either directly, or subject to agreements with the U.S. Government, until such time as further agreement(s) are arranged as necessary, for the private sector to undertake management of specific DNS technical management functions.
C. ICANN. ICANN agrees to perform the following activities and provide the following resources in support of the DNS Project and further agrees to undertake the following activities pursuant to its procedures as set forth in Attachment B (Articles of Incorporation) and Attachment C (By-Laws), as they may be revised from time to time in conformity with the DNS Project:
    1. Provide expertise and advice on private sector functions related to technical management of the DNS such as the policy and direction of the allocation of IP number blocks and coordination of the assignment of other Internet technical parameters as needed to maintain universal connectivity on the Internet.2. Collaborate on the design, development and testing of procedures by which members of the Internet community adversely affected by decisions that are in conflict with the bylaws of the organization can seek external review of such decisions by a neutral third party.3. Collaborate on the design, development, and testing of a plan for introduction of competition in domain name registration services, including:

      a. Development of procedures to designate third parties to participate in tests conducted pursuant to this Agreement.

      b. Development of an accreditation procedure for registrars and procedures that subject registrars to consistent requirements designed to promote a stable and robustly competitive DNS, as set forth in the Statement of Policy.

      c. Identification of the software, databases, know-how, intellectual property, and other equipment necessary to implement the plan for competition;

    4. Collaborate on written technical procedures for operation of the primary root server including procedures that permit modifications, additions or deletions to the root zone file.5. Collaborate on a study and process for making the management of the root server system more robust and secure. This aspect of the Project will address:

      a. Operational requirements of root name servers, including host hardware capacities, operating system and name server software versions, network connectivity, and physical environment.

      b. Examination of the security aspects of the root name server system and review of the number, location , and distribution of root name servers considering the total system performance; robustness, and reliability.

      c. Development of operational procedures for the root system, including formalization of contractual relationships under which root servers throughout the world are operated.

    6. Collaborate on the design, development and testing of a process for affected parties to participate in the formulation of policies and procedures that address the technical management of the Internet. This process will include methods for soliciting, evaluating and responding to comments in the adoption of policies and procedures.7. Collaborate on the development of additional policies and procedures designed to provide information to the public.8. Collaborate on the design, development, and testing of appropriate membership mechanisms that foster accountability to and representation of the global and functional diversity of the Internet and its users, within the structure of private- sector DNS management organization.9. Collaborate on the design, development and testing of a plan for creating a process that will consider the possible expansion of the number of gTLDs. The designed process should consider and take into account the following:

      a. The potential impact of new gTLDs on the Internet root server system and Internet stability.

      b. The creation and implementation of minimum criteria for new and existing gTLD registries.

      c. Potential consumer benefits/costs associated with establishing a competitive environment for gTLD registries.

      d. Recommendations regarding trademark/domain name policies set forth in the Statement of Policy; recommendations made by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) concerning: (i) the development of a uniform approach to resolving trademark/domain name disputes involving cyberpiracy; (ii) a process for protecting famous trademarks in the generic top level domains; (iii) the effects of adding new gTLDs and related dispute resolution procedures on trademark and intellectual property holders; and recommendations made by other independent organizations concerning trademark/domain name issues.

    10. Collaborate on other activities as appropriate to fulfill the purpose of this Agreement, as agreed by the Parties.
D. Prohibitions.
1. ICANN shall not act as a domain name Registry or Registrar or IP Address Registry in competition with entities affected by the plan developed under this Agreement. Nothing, however, in this Agreement is intended to prevent ICANN or the USG from taking reasonable steps that are necessary to protect the operational stability of the Internet in the event of the financial failure of a Registry or Registrar or other emergency.
2. Neither Party, either in the DNS Project or in any act related to the DNS Project, shall act unjustifiably or arbitrarily to injure particular persons or entities or particular categories of persons or entities.
3. Both Parties shall act in a non-arbitrary and reasonable manner with respect to design, development, and testing of the DNS Project and any other activity related to the DNS Project.
The costs of this activity are equitably apportioned, and each party shall bear the costs of its own activities under this Agreement. This Agreement contemplates no transfer of funds between the Parties. Each Party's estimated costs for the first six months of this Agreement are attached hereto. The Parties shall review these estimated costs in light of actual expenditures at the completion of the first six month period and will ensure costs will be equitably apportioned.
This Agreement will become effective when signed by all parties. The Agreement will terminate on September 30, 2000, but may be amended at any time by mutual agreement of the parties. Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing one hundred twenty (120) days written notice to the other party. In the event this Agreement is terminated, each party shall be solely responsible for the payment of any expenses it has incurred. This Agreement is subject to the availability of funds.

Joe Sims
Counsel to ICANN
Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue
1450 G Street N.W.       
Washington, D.C. 20005-2088
J. Beckwith Burr
Associate Administrator, NTIA
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, D.C.  20230

Costs to be borne by ICANN over the first six months of this Agreement include: development of Accreditation Guidelines for Registries; review of Technical Specifications for Shared Registries; formation and operation of Government, Root Server, Membership and Independent Review Advisor Committees; advice on formation of and review of applications for recognition by Supporting Organizations; promulgation of conflicts of interest policies; review and adoption of At-Large membership and elections processes and independent review procedures, etc; quarterly regular Board meetings and associated costs (including open forums, travel, staff support and communications infrastructure); travel, administrative support and infrastructure for additional open forums to be determined; internal executive, technical and administrative costs; legal and other professional services; and related other costs. The estimated six month budget (subject to change and refinement over time) is $750,000 - 1 million.
Costs to be borne by DOC over the first six months of this Agreement include: maintenance of DNS technical management functions currently performed by, or subject to agreements with, the U.S. Government, expertise and advice on existing DNS management functions; expertise and advice on administrative procedures; examination and review of the security aspects of the Root Server System (including travel and technical expertise); consultations with the international community on aspects of the DNS Project (including travel and communications costs); general oversight of activities conducted pursuant to the Agreement; staff support equal to half-time dedication of 4-5 full time employees, travel, administrative support, communications and related other costs. The estimate six month budget (subject to change and refinement over time) is $250,000 - $350,000.

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Saturday, April 30, 2016

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The News You Must Have

Dr William B. Mount
PS - Just got a call, the Nuke we discussed was just knocked out by the Russians off the coast of New York City. Very bad time to go swimming around New York today.

Thank you SVR.