Wednesday, May 31, 2017

US Frenemies With Syria, Sharing Presents With ISIS

Trump's Enemies Fall To His Side

Trump's Enemies Fall To The Wayside

Welcome to the smartest, most active and the coolest Audience on the planet.



(369) Trump's Enemies Fall Like Rats - YouTube

We are watching President Trump’s Enemies fall before him.

Consider those who have died after Trump became the Republican Front Runner

1) David Rothchilds
2) David Rockefellar
3) The Original Big H
4) George Soros - His Double Is So Bad
5) The Original George Bush Sr. - The Doubles are so very bad.
6) Four members of the Ruling Council - 3 more within 22 days
7) Brazinski - the Meanest, Most Evil of them all.

Now he has arrested several key figures like Congressman Anthony Weiner and is preparing cases against at least 100 Key Politicians in DC - Like Senator McCain and His Rat Pack in Arizona.

After President Trump met with the Roman Pope he was - shall we say been “Anointed.”

What he managed to do was change the plans of the Jesuits so as not to destroy the populations of America and Japan - but to bring them into Economic Prosperity.

As you can see from the Front Cover of the Economist Magazine - a Prelude of things to come - President Trump will now take away the Economic Leadership from Angela Merkel and shift it to the United States.

He will lead Christian Revolution in America and Russia, tear down to Old World Order, reshuffle the major players of the world and make Europe pay it’s fair share for it’s own defense.

Within a year those who remain in the media will no longer be lying skunks and those who support Trump will be as the stars.

So now - thanks to his visit to Rome, he has been Anointed - no - Consecrated - to lead the world into a New Era with --- remarkable enough - with the blessings of the Jesuits and Catholic Church.

For those who do not know - Lucifer the Loozer has been defeated and his Demons are on the run.

In Other News:

First - The Government of El Salvador is Furious as President Trump is sending their criminals back to where they came from.

Rather than releasing these Criminals after their Conviction onto our streets like the last President Did for the last 8 years the New President has decided to send these Illegal Murders and Rapists Home Per International Law states.

Already 398 have been sent back to El Salvador and they must now deal with these criminals.

This is actually happening across the globe as the New President has already arrested, and processing for return to country of origin,  over 41,318 Illegal Criminals.

Finally - in a story near and dear to my heart: Lawmakers in Washington State propose defunding Evergreen State College.

Apparently Professor Bret Weinstein questioned the school’s decision to remove all white people from the campus for a day of Diversity Training and was severely chastised for it.

Well - that was enough for Washington State Law Makers.

If you ever manage to go to Evergreen State College you will realize just how nasty their staff is. They do not teach - they Indoctrinate.

It is about time they got fully defunded.

For You Intel Geeks:

With Brazinski Dead the members of the Council will be replaced shortly. Then - 5 days later the next council member. 16 days later the next member.

Their replacements will have identical DNA but those replacing these Council members have control of the Computer System anyway.

End game CIA - Put up or shut up.

My guess is your leaders are too arrogant to act.



Thank GOD for Ronnie’s Get The Tea

Today - despite fevers all night - I am working thanks to his Colostrum, Ceylon Cinnamon, and Allicin-C.

I will restart the Life Change Tea today.


Please pray that President Trump is protected.

Please also pray that your family is protected in what is coming.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

El Salvador Freaks Out As Trump Deports Hundreds Of MS-13 Gang Members


Lawmakers propose defunding Evergreen State amid protests

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Google, Facebook Fuming Over New Bill

Google, Facebook Furious Over New Bill

To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences on the net - welcome

And to the coolest Audience.


(300) Google, Facebook Fuming Over New Bill - YouTube

For years this Politically Correct group of Internet Controllers has been selling personnel information about it’s users - from food tastes to bank account data.

So linked has this become that after opening accounts up on the Video Channels Daily Motion, Vidme, and Steemit my accounts were blocked within 24 hours of posting my first videos - kittens playing.

In fact - they have tied several accounts together without my permissions - linking bank account numbers with other bank account numbers.

Now the BROWSER ACT has been introduced by Republican  Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee that mandates that people must explicitly give permission before they sell their information or tie Bank Accounts together.

Of course - Google, Facebook and Amazon will fight back and are likely to ignore any legislation that restricts their use of the Internet for Their Purposes.

This bill will, of course, give President Trump a good reason to arrest the leaders of these Mega Corporations for Treason come this October.

In other news:

First: White House Communications Director has resigned. Yup - Mike Dubke is leaving simply because he has gathered all of the Information about all of these leakers and will now work directly with some special prosecutors to build cases against these 3 Leakers.

These 3 Traitors, and all of their accomplices, will now go down in about 5 months.
Finally: There were several dozen Illegal Aliens protesting outside the Texas Legislature and the Governor
 did nothing.

Governor Greg Abbot sat back and watched like a Literal Simpleton.

Apparently Congressman Matt Renaldi had had enough of this Violent Protesting dialed 911 and Called ICE.

Democratic Congressman Nevarez, after finding out what he did in Private, became upset and threatened to kill him when he went out to his car - to which Congressman Renaldi said: Got For It - I am armed you creep.

Oh Governor Simpleton Greg Abbot of Texas - you have an Obligation to have Congressman Nevarez - you have a “Duty To Engage” and arrest Congressman Navarez arrested for Assault and Battery???

Hello Governor Abbot - Hello Wimpy Simpleton Abbot???

As an Ambassador - Governor of Texas - Simpleton Abbot - you are a disgrace to Texas and to America. You making those who fought at the Alamo turn over in their graves.

For You Intel Geeks:

One of the three people who leaked FAKE stories about President Trump while he was in Europe also has access to his Calendar and she is very busy trying to set up this meeting between the President and Vive President 8 June (+-3 Days).

You will find that one of her contacts is Military and has access to Micro Nukes.

Please pray that President Trump is protected.

Please also pray that your family is protected in what is coming.

Please also pray that President Trump is informed that his brain leaks - is easy to read - and as long as he continues on this course he has my 100% support.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Blackburn's Browser Act: Google, Facebook Need Data Consent | The Daily Caller

Trump's White House Communications Director Has Resigned

Texas Democrat Threatens To Kill Republican On Legislative Floor After He Called ICE On Protesting Illegal Immigrants | Zero Hedge

Monday, May 29, 2017

Trump Busts 3 More White House Leakers

Understand This - Understand The Level Of Lies

To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences on the net - welcome

And to the coolest Audience.

What you are about to see has been on the internet -- off and on -- for about 6 years.

The American’s pull it off, the Russians put it back on.

When I was living in the Ukraine I can confirm that before the Censorship Google has been conducting over the last 10 years -- this landing was real.

The video:

(157) Us-Ussr Landing On Mars 1962 Using Alien Technology - YouTube

The Woman Behind Hitler's Flying Saucers | Maria Orsic [Orschitsch], the Vril Society and Aldebaran | Stillness in the Storm
In other news:

As for the grid failures reported today - isn’t it interesting they are all occurring in the cities the Intel Told us they would occur 3 years ago.

Current Solar Data: NOAA data

Powerful Geomagnetic Storms Hit Earth - Will Stocks Fall Next Week? | Zero Hedge

Please pray that your family wakes up and that it is ready for what is coming.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Trump Busts 3 More White House Leakers

To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences on the net - welcome

And to the coolest Audience.


As President Trump drains the swamp he has apparently identified 3 more leakers working right there in the White House.

Before he left on his trip to Europe and demanded European Leaders  pay America what they are contractually supposed to pay America he left behind a few “Tidbits”

These Tidbits were actual Fake Internal Documents.

Each suspected Leaker was left a different story so when the story broke President Trump’s Team then knew:

1) Who the leaker was

2) Which Reporter received the Top Secret Fake Story

3) Which News Network Director approved the airing of this FAKE Top Secret Story.

So through these 3 Leakers President Trump now has a Pack Of DC Rats who have participated in Treason - Busted -  and there is No Room to Squirm.

These Simpleton Leakers - busted.

These people were identified already by Congressman Anthony Weiner and Huma Abadeen - but the legal system needed that “Extra” bit of evidence before they are sentenced to 20 years to life in prison.

Now he has that evidence.

He will act quickly, quietly and under the radar.

Ta Da Trump

As part of Yesterdays Technological Revelations - here are the Latest Tacheon Generators being produced - one in Russia, one in Australia - although the Australian Bunch has been shut down.

Kind of goes along with the Water Powered P-51 Aircraft in 1941- right?

The two videos:


I have been down for about a week.

First I cut myself with a rusty knife from the shop, then I ripped off part of  my tow playing with the cats outside.

So - I ate too much Immusist and Citricare together - max we are learning is 30 drops of each per day.

Then I rediscovered Get The Tea’s Allicin C.

Fevers are gone.

Last night I woke up with a horrible dry throat so after trying other brands I finally ate 3 Get The Tea’s Ceylon Cinnamon tablets. Within one hour my Dry Mouth was gone.

Every time I turn around I am amazed at Ronnie’s Get The Tea Products.

I now know to sue the Citricare and Immusist sparingly as they are very powerful

I now know how very powerful Get The Tea’s Cinnamon and Allicin C is.

Just access them through this video and say “Mount” sent you.

Please pray that your family learns from this video to be ready.

Please also pray that Sean Spicer has the Moxy to continue in his roll as White House Press Secretary.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Three Leakers Of Classified White House Information Said To Be Identified, Expected To Be Fired | Zero Hedge

(207) Russians Create Free Energy Device! It's REAL! - YouTube

(207) Lutec Australia Proof Of Concept - YouTube

Sean Spicer - Wikipedia

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Trump Rips EU Leaders New Rear End

The Trump Song

Trump Defends America Across Europe

Welcome to the smartest, most active --- and the coolest audience on the planet …. You make the difference


That is correct.

In several meetings across Europe President Trump has torn these European Leaders a New Rear End.

First - He wants them to pay up what they owe NATO to defend their nations. This amounts to 2% per year of the enter EU budget.

Second - The EU will not charge America with a Tax to subsidize their military under the GLOBAL WARMING Initiative - and the latest Paris Agreement - a Non - Binding agreement we might add.

Finally - In what has angered German Prime Minister Angela Merkel (Hitler’s Daughter) and the New Child of France Macron (Election Thief Himself) -- after 72 years President Trump is eliminating the Marshal Plan. Trillions of American Dollars will no longer flow into European Banks to help hold them up.

This means that $Trillions of American Dollars will no longer subsidize German Car Manufacturers to sell their cars in America.

This also means that $Billions of America Dollars will no longer be used to transfer Tens of Thousands of Western European Businesses to move form Western Europe into  Eastern Europe.

The Day of American Subsidies is Over.

Europe will pay up for what they owe NATO or their imports will be given a Tariff. They will pay what they owe, one way or the other.

We beat these NAZIs in 1945 on the ground, and we will now take them on and crush them financially by December.

Apparently the Leaders of Eastern Europe still remember the Communist and NAZI heavy hand.

Poland’s Prime Minister gave a blistering speech slamming the UE for being soft on Terror.

Let us hope the other Eastern European Leaders never forget what the NAZI’s and Communists did to their people.

In other news - there was apparently a shooting in Egypt killing 25 people.

The initial films were pulled - but in them there were no busses, no roads, the Body Bags used were those used in America not Egypt, and every one was hit in the head form someone firing a Machine Gun?


Within minutes the initial films were pulled.

Very sloppy work SERCO - sent through the Entrust Company.

Finally - In a story that has been banned form Western Media Apparently the Indian Nuclear Power Plant has been leaking radiation into the river for the last 5 months.

Apparently their pipes used to carry Coolants to the Reactor Core are - well - made of a very  high tech material - and - it is -  disintegrating.

Apparently the Reactor has been “Shut Down” way back in March - but that actually takes 4-6 months so until then it will continue to leak a High Stream of radiation isn’t to the Tapi River.


We got the creepy crud - fevers and chills. First time in 10 years.

So - we reached for the  Citricare and Immusist.

We are eating

1) 50 drops of Citricare twice a day for 3 days

2) 50 drops of Immusisit per day for 3 days

Within a Day the chills were gone

Within 2 days the fevers were gone.

Now we are waiting for the slowness to go away.

Both Immusist and Citricare can be found on Ebay

I am still reeling from the fact that after using Uncle Harrys Tooth Powder I had no cavities - and yes - you can get this on Ebay as well.

Please pray that those who called me and threatened to take President Trump and myself out are changed. He made allot of threats in that call.

Please also pray that your family is not caught up in what is coming.

For You Intel Geeks: Within 10 days another member of your ruling Council will be Replaced, then exactly 5 days later one more, then 16 days later one more. This will mean that on your Ruling Council you will have 7 Doubles.

DNA that is indistinguishable.

CIA - you did not do as GOD asked -- so you will loose Nominal Control of this Ruling Council as they will obey their NEW Handlers.

You, in the CIA, will take no action to stop this because you are - well - Arrogantly Ignorant - Simpletons at the top.

Powerful, but stupid.

You are not mentally capable of fixing the problem because you believe GOD is a myth.

After the next 31 days - and the first may even die as early as tomorrow (Replaced, Sorry) and you will become SLAVES of this council, not rulers.

You are too stupid to stop this - something about a few 211s, 5444Es, Russian Bonds ---


31 Days Max…..

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Merkel Furious With Trump After "Unprecedented" G-7 Failure To Reach Consensus On Climate Change | Zero Hedge

Trump chastises fellow NATO members, demands they meet payment obligations - The Washington Post

Trump scolds NATO allies over defense spending -

Trump Slams "Very Bad" Germans For Selling Millions Of Cars In US: "We Will Stop This" | Zero Hedge

Poland's Prime Minister Delivers Blistering Speech Slamming the EU for Being Soft on Terror ⋆ The Constitution

BREAKING: Gunmen Open Fire On Coptic Christians In Latest Egypt Attack, At Least 23 Dead & 25 Injured – InvestmentWatch


Egypt retaliates with strikes at militant locations in Libya - Al Arabiya English


Scientists probe mysterious leaks as Gujarat’s nuclear plant contracts ‘small pox’ | india-news | Hindustan Times

In a highly-guarded Indian nuclear reactor complex, toughened radiation resistant pipes have contracted ‘small pox’.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

A Wake Up Call For America

A Wake Up Call To America - Welfare Goes Away

Welcome to the Smartest, Most Active and one of the largest audiences in the world.

And might I say the coolest - the salt of the Earth.


(5132) A Wake Up Call For America - YouTube

Forget about the riots now in dozens of nations and the fact that this is what these elites are planning for America - Canada, US, Mexico.

Forget about the fact that the Prime Minister of England is a liar and pretending that the latest Manchester Attack was real - and is now deploying military troops across England.

She is an Elite Satanic NAZI Pig - Pray that she is exposed and goes down immediately.

Forget about the fact that ALL of the Main Stream Media is lying about the latest attack in England - the Victims, as we showed yesterday - are alive and well.

The whole thing was fake.

These Main Stream Media Lying Outlets will continue to push this GSA/SERCO/ENTRUST Corporate Stories until they are told to stop.

Pray that those in SERCO are all immediately arrested for Treason and jailed forever.

What is coming here to America will shock you.

First of all - the US Treasury Debt Note - our Bonds - are being rejected world wide. What this means is that the Unites States Corporation needs a Budget - and one with NO deficit.

In a  Preliminary Budget we showed yesterday put together by the Office of Management and Budget Corporation - the First Budget in 9 years - it shows an awful lot of Federal Programs will no longer be there.

What we will be left with is:

1) Defense Budget

2) SS For Retired Folks and those Physically Injured as a result of a Job Related Injury

3) Retired Military Pay

4) Physically Disabled Veterans Pay

5) US State Department Corporation

6) White House Discretionary Fund - which will pay the Senators and Congressman. More than likely their staff will be cut by 90%.

The day of Welfare has come to an end.

The day when Illegal Aliens can get money from Social Security and Welfare is over.

The day of Federal funding of Colleges and Universities is over.

All these liberal programs are going away - forever.

The state I live in - Washington State - will be hit exceptionally hard. They have been attracting Welfare and Mental Disability Cases and Illegals getting on Social Security and Welfare for years.

No more.

Plus - like all Liberal Satanic NAZIs - they have ignored International Protocols.

Like most Satanic Liberals - they are Simpletons, Morons - they have a Mental Disease. They purposely promote programs that would destroy their own states.

Powerful - yes. Stupid - yes.

Not only will the Current State Governments loose all those Federal Grants but foreign companies will now move to the Conservative States where Normal Protocols are followed.

Further - since no one is currently buying US Bonds or State Bonds - the Governors will face Jail Time if they approve State Budgets with Deficits.

The Day Of Reckoning Hits 1 October 2017.

Either Congress will agree to this Budget or it will pass by Executive Order.

Congressman Paul Ryan - you may be arrested for Treason by November … your actions will determine your fate.

Here is a preliminary list of those programs being cut.



With any luck we will be able to interview the owner of Nobel Gold tomorrow and discuss the fact that no one is currently buying US Bonds as Crypto Currencies soar around the world.

Today Bitcoin rose from $2,000 to $4,000 in value.

May we recommend you buy Bear Spray - the $50 a can - and learn how to use it just in case the riots begin.

You will need to travel out of town to rural areas to shop and please establish a relationship with the Food Companies we now sponsor.

You have 3 months to prepare.


Please pray that the funding for SERCO, the GSA and Entrust dries up immediately and that everything they do is exposed.

Please also pray that those in the VA in Seattle who hate vets and wish President Trump dead are dealt with ever so harshly - ASAP.

Please pray as we have an opportunity to do a 30 Minute TV show every week. It’s allot of work.

Pray that your families are not caught up in this economic melee coming.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Never Wavering

Dr William B. Mount

And for some humor:

Did I tell ya … the Dinar will revalue tomorrow… blaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa


66 Programs Eliminated in Trump’s Budget – Obamanomics Is A Legacy of Wasteful Spending – InvestmentWatch

Troops deployed, ministries evacuated as violent protesters smash govt buildings in Brazil (VIDEO) — RT News

Venezuela prosecutor chides government over military tribunals | Reuters

French riot police in battle with Calais migrants, in pictures - Telegraph

'Anti-fascist' protesters clash with Paris police in riot after Marine Le Pen French presidential success

Police Confirm Upcoming Protest in Jakarta Regarding Ahok's Case

66 Programs Eliminated in Trump’s Budget – Obamanomics Is A Legacy of Wasteful Spending – InvestmentWatch


Agriculture Department — $855 million
·       McGovern-Dole International Food for Education
·       Rural Business-Cooperative Service
·       Rural Water and Waste Disposal Program Account
·       Single Family Housing Direct Loans
Commerce Department — $633 million
·       Economic Development Administration
·       Manufacturing Extension Partnership
·       Minority Business Development Agency
·       National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Grants and Education
Education Department — $4.976 billion
·       21st Century Community Learning Centers
·       Comprehensive Literacy Development Grants
·       Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
·       Impact Aid Payments for Federal Property
·       International Education
·       Strengthening Institutions
·       Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants
·       Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants
·       Teacher Quality Partnership
Energy Department — $398 million
·       Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy
·       Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program and Title 17 Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program
·       Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility
Health and Human Services — $4.834 billion
·       Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
·       Community Services Block Grant
·       Health Professions and Nursing Training Programs
·       Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Homeland Security — $235 million
·       Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program
·       Transportation Security Administration Law Enforcement Grants
Housing and Urban Development — $4.123 billion
·       Choice Neighborhoods
·       Community Development Block
·       HOME Investment Partnerships Program
·       Self-Help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity Program Account
Interior Department — $122 million
·       Abandoned Mine Land Grants
·       Heritage Partnership Program
·       National Wildlife Refuge Fund
Justice Department — $210 million
·       State Criminal Alien Assistance Program

Labor Department — $527 million
·       Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Training
       OSHA Training Grants
·       Senior Community Service Employment Program

State Department and USAID — $4.256 billion
·       Development Assistance
Earmarked Appropriations for Non-Profit Organizations
·       The Asia Foundation
·       East-West Center
·       P.L. 480 Title II Food Aid

State Department, USAID, and Treasury Department — $1.59 billion
·       Green Climate Fund and Global Climate Change Initiative

Transportation Department — $499 million
·       National Infrastructure Investments (TIGER)
Treasury Department — $43 million
·       Global Agriculture and Food Security Program
Environmental Protection Agency — $493 million
·       Energy Star and Voluntary Climate Programs
·       Geographic Programs
National Aeronautics and Space Administration — $269 million
·       Five Earth Science Missions
·       Office of Education

Other Independent Agencies — $2.683 billion
·       Chemical Safety Board
·       Corporation for National and Community Service
·       Corporation for Public Broadcasting
·       Institute of Museum and Library Services
International Development Foundations
·       African Development Foundation
·       Inter-American Foundation
·       Legal Services Corporation
·       National Endowment for the Arts
·       National Endowment for the Humanities
·       Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
·       Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Regional Commissions
·       Appalachian Regional Commission
·       Delta Regional Authority
·       Denali Commission
·       Northern Border Regional Commission
·       U.S. Institute of Peace
·       U.S. Trade and Development Agency
·       Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Americans still don’t know history.
Obamanomics: A Legacy of Wasteful Spending


False Flag Filmed, Ready For Release: London

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

False Flag Filmed, Ready For Release: London

False Flag Filmed,,Ready For Release: London

Welcome to the Smartest, the most active and one of the Largest Audiences on the net - and the coolest

Thank you for coming  where all we ask for is prayer


(5057) False Flag Filmed, Ready For Release: London - YouTube

What you are about to see will shock many of you but this is how it is done.

The GSA releases money to SERCO - they subcontract around the world and hire companies to hire Crisis Actors and pre-film False Flags.

Then - when they are ready - they release the False Flag and claim it was a School, or Mall, or Airport Shooting.

So this expected Terrorist attack to hit England - it has already been filmed and is currently being edited.

The beauty of this is that everyone now has a Cell Phone and can record these “FAKE” shootings and then send them to TV stations outside North America and Europe and they will then be published.

So this expected “FALSE FLAG” set up to occur in England over the next few days has already been filmed and is currently being edited.

When Completed - it will be sent to the ENTRUST Corporation and then sent to every major news agency in the world through the US Sponsored Program called Demon.

Thank you Abel Danger for this report.


As for the Seth Rich Investigation - Sorcha has released some Emails showing just how Foul Mouthed these Elite NAZIs are that run the Politics of America, especially the Democrats.

These will murder, swear, harass and steal for fun and the FBI is used as their personal Henchmen - their Whores and Pimps - to do their Dirty Work.

After these Murdering Whores are pimped out by the FBI Chiefs they are then killed by FBI Henchmen.

Dead men tell no tales

Follow The Money

The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer.

Even the FBI Agent’s Salary seems to be shrinking under this inflation we are now seeing.


I used Get The Tea’s Anti Aging formula we discussed yesterday and the Tooth Powder from Uncle Harry’s.

Yesterday -


First time since 1992.

Getthetea’s Number: 928-308-0408

Uncle Harry’s Number: 1-866-781-0815

Immusist ad Citricare can be purchased on E-Bay

Please pray that the funding for SERCO, the GSA and Entrust dries up immediately and that everything they do is exposed.

Please also pray that those in the VA in Seattle who hate vets and wish President Trump dead are dealt with ever so harshly - ASAP.

Please also pray as we have an opportunity to do a 30 Minute TV show every week. It’s allot of work.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Never Wavering

Dr William B. Mount


Intel Geeks: If you land ytour Transport at the Kiev military airport today youer large Nukes will be Neutralized US Navy Top Secret Stealth SHip Program.

What happened North of Donetsk 5 Feb 2015 - a 35 KT Nuke - will no longer be tolerated.

AS for those supplying the Ukraine NAZIs with Micronukes: They will now dry up and those manufacturing them and transporting them will be - shall we say - be forced to face GOD directly as the Dog Food Companies receive large amounts of Human Meat.

The UWS Use of Micronukes against Civilians is now loner going to be allowed.

As for the 138 Dooms Day Bombs (+1 in the Marianas Trench that can crack this planet in half - they are being Neutralized as you read this.

The US one in the Marian's Trench has been Neutralized, along with the one 6 Miles South and East of Tel Aviv, and the one in the Tunnel just East of Vancouver you Simpletons lost.

North Korea - any more testing of US Made Minute Man 1 rockets and the thing may land on your Palace - killing the US Military Personnel Public Relations people currently living there.





(5057) (CR)ISIS actors practicing false flag Hoaxes | Manchester, UK - YouTube

BBC: Get Used to Your Kids Getting Blown Up – InvestmentWatch

BREAKING: Operation Tempora Activated In UK – Full Military Deployment On The Streets – Threat Level- Highest – Imminent Attack Is Highly Likely – InvestmentWatch

(5057) Manchester Bombing False Flag - Dead Victim is Alive! - YouTube

Seth Rich “Trap” Fallen Into By FBI Directory Comey Warned Ready To Be Sprung






Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Another Huge Radiation Leak At Hanford - Be Ready

Huge Nuclear Leak At Hanford - Again

Welcome to the Smartest, the most active and one of the Largest Audiences on the net - and the coolest

Thank you for coming  where all we ask for is prayer.


(4969) Another Huge Radiation Leak At Hanford - YouTube

There has been yet another Massive Nuclear Leak at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.

It seems that after we did our initial Story on Hanford they have and a Nuclear Emergency about every month.

This Nuclear Reservation - this Octopus of Death - is literally falling apart.

In a private discussion with someone very close to the situation we saw..

1) Barrels of Nuclear Material completely dissolved

2) Trenches along the Columbia River where Nuclear Rods are dissolved leaking directly into the Columbia River - the bottoms and sides of the Cement Tanks had crumbled.

3. Train Car Loads of Nuclear Material headed to Bonner’s Ferry to be dumped on the Forests - polluting Northern Idaho Water with HUGE amounts of Nuclear Radiation and a Governor who does not care one little bit about it.

Governor C.L “Butch” Otter - you get the Golden Poop Award from this Ambassador you murdering freak.

4) Again - the Entire Water Well System on the Spokane Indian Reservation is contaminated with Plutonium - a man made product - as trucks from Hanford dump huge amounts of Dissolved Nuclear Rods at Wellpinit and into other Old Silver Mines.

Governor Jay Inslee you get the Super Golden Poop Award from this Ambassador for allowing this.

5) Further - huge amounts of radiation are now leaking into the Columbia River from these Dissolved Nuclear Tanks. They dump the Used Rods into the tanks, dump in the radiation - and the entire slurry has leaked into the Columbia River by morning.

For over 50 years the Columbia River has so much radiation it rises in Temperature 2* after it passes Hanford - and now it is also very radioactive .

The Radiation Levels in the Columbia at the Blue Bridge - something they have been measuring daily now fro over 70 years - is now spiking.

You see - Nuclear Radiation dissolves everything.

In 1945 at Hiroshima during the Atomic Blast a Taylor’s Shop was destroyed. His Sewing Machine blown into the River. When he came back a week later to recover this Sewing Machine it dissolved in his hands.

We spoke to a Nuclear Expert several weeks ago and here is what he said: Our Nuclear Facilities across the globe are literally falling apart. Walls are collapsing, built up gas pockets blowing up, floors turning to dust.

Our Nuclear Powered Naval Ships last 20 - 40 years before the core begins to melt down. Many of our Nuclear Facilities are over 60 years old and they too are literally dissolving and have absorbed so much radiation the employees are dying of cancer at younger and younger ages.

To eliminate the radiation they can:

1) Hit a site with lightning 15 - 20 times and their radiation is discharged

20 Bring in Radionics Machines to dissolve the radiation

3) Use Brown’s Gas to dissolve the Radioactive Material

4) Deny Everything and continue to watch cancer rates sky rocket world wide.

Please pray that those in, and around Hanford - eat Sea Weed and Immusist - as these products have been shown to CURE cancer.

In other news -

1) The Office if Management and Budget - (OMB Corporation) has put out a Preliminary Federal Budget for 2018 -- The First Budget in 9 years.

The Preliminary Federal Budget is set for around $3.9 Trillion Dollars assuming a 3% Growth Rate. Yea - Right.

Deficits will go from $1.5 Trillion Per Year to around $600 Billion.

This budget may be trimmed another $600 Billion by October as few will now accept the US Dollar.

Social Security for Retirees will not be cut, although the Medical Programs will be.

If you are on Welfare - time to get a Job.
2) In a remarkable move - President Trump met with 55 Muslim Nation and the real topic was the Acceptance of the US Dollar over the next 8 years.

Rather than a Huge Economic Crash President Trump is going to slowly sut the Federal Budget as he signs Treaties to force over 60 Nations on Earth to continue to accept US Dollars for Payments AND opens the door for the rebuilding of their infrastructures using THEIR money and American Companies AND opens the door for them to build factories in America using American Steel, American Workers and American Products.

If they do not comply their Regimes are overturned.

Two more Campaign Promises Fulfilled

Ta Da Trump

3) The  Prime Minister of Britain told the EU - they are not succumbing to their demands and will leave the Euro Nations with NO payments due to the EU.

4) Bye to Super Station 95.

Google has purposely lied about the number of people visiting their website and cut their ad budgets. They are closing their Internet Page.

If you expect to make money by telling the truth on You Tube, or other News Sites - forget it - that ship has sailed.

Here we do not want your money - just your prayers.

Please pray that your family is protected in the coming years.

Please also pray that those who live near Hanford learn about eating Immusist and Sea Weed to reverse their Cancers and Neurological Diseases they now have due to this Radiation.



Trade Genius - learn how to make money in your spare time…we are.

Also - be ready for a Hotter Summer and a Colder Winter as the Sun expands. At a minimum you will need a hat and Sun Glasses.


The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Never Wavering

Dr William B. Mount


Emergency at US Nuclear Site: “Unusually high” radiation levels reported — Worker: “Everybody’s freaked, shocked, surprised” — Governor: “Alarming incident” — TV: “Major event… Sign the plant is falling apart” (VIDEOS) « – Energy News


Watch Live: White House Releases Details Of Trump's 2018 Budget Proposal | Zero Hedge

Trump & 55 Muslim-majority states sign pact pledging 34,000 troops to fight ISIS in Iraq & Syria — RT News

Eliminating terror requires unity, says Trump in historic address to the Muslim world

H.R.2366 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Discharge Student Loans in Bankruptcy Act of 2017 | | Library of Congress

Governor C. L. “Butch” Otter - The State of Idaho


"Serious Situation" After Tunnel Collapse At WA Nuclear Facility; Evacuation Ordered, No-Fly Zone In Place | Zero Hedg

Monday, May 22, 2017

Congressional Traitors Now Being Jailed

Congressional Traitors Now Being Jailed

Welcome to the Smartest, the most active and one of the Largest audiences in the world

And the coolest folks around



(4883) Congressional Traitors Now Being Jailed - YouTube

The arrests of Congressman who have been shown to be Traitors have now begun.

Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner was sent before a Secret Grand Jury and was found guilty of Sexting a 15 year old and agreed to a 2 year sentence in Federal Prison in Philly and to be listed as a Sex Offender for the rest of his life.

Of course - his loyal wife immediately filed for divorce upon learning of his conviction.

Congressional Immunity usually continues for life - unless there is Treason Involved so there is a whole lot more to this story that meets the eye.

In order for the Treason Charges to be dropped he would have had to turn over some really special, and condemning,  evidence about his fellow Congressman.

One down - 22 to go.

This specially rebuilt part of the Philly Federal Prison allows those who are to be arrested the opportunity to come clean on all their involvement and then relocated to a safe place to live out their little miserable lives.

The arrest, trial, conviction and sentencing was done so secretly that no one was able to Kill Congressman Anthony Weiner for testifying against the Big H and her Drug Dealing Organization.

One down, 22 to go.

Pray that the Traitor Congressman John McCain joins him for selling out America.


In other news:

1) President Trump is now telling nations across the globe: You want US Weapons - no more give aways. You buy them.

Since ALL Boeing Jets Sales are paid for by the US Tax Payers - I wonder if he will make nations like China now pay for their Jet Orders???

For example - When China orders 10 - Boeing 737 Jets the US pays Boeing $870 Million of the order. A completely subsidized company.

Nazhional Zozhaleesm (NAZI) at it’s finest.

And we thought they actually got money from China for these jets - how silly of us.

Finally -

Barnem and Bailey’s Ringling Brothers Circus has closed it’s doors.

The Circus survived Recessions and Depressions but did not have the Legal Fees to survive the Democratic Party’s Lawsuits over Animal Rights. Yup - the Circus has been killed by the Democratic Socialist Party - the Party of Chuckie Schummer, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of these NAZIs.

It is a sad day indeed when the Biggest Show On Earth is shut down by US NAZIs.


We have added GET THE TEA’s Super Protein and Colostrum to our Anti aging Mix.

The Super Protein kills our bunger and the Colostrum protects our stomachs from the really bad food we are now getting.

The Eighth Element is what we are currently using for Reservation - although we in our next batch we will try Pine Bark Extract as a source just to mix it up a bit. The Immusist really drives it into the cells.

Their number is 928-308-0408 - but their lines are down so you will have to access it through our Video Channel.

Loosing Wrinkle is - kinda nice

Felling good is even better.

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Never Wavering

Dr William B. Mount


Most Secret Grand Jury In American History Paralyzes Washington With Fear

Anthony Weiner pleads guilty to sexting teenage girl and faces prison sentence | US news | The Guardian

No More Money for Nothing: Trump’s Budget Proposal May Frustrate Ukraine, Others

Ringling Bros. circus packs up its tent after 146 years - Story | WNYW


Anthony Weiner - Wikipedia