Monday, October 31, 2016
VIDEO: Hillary: More Murders, Emails And War - YouTube
Very exciting story this morning so hang on.
Apparently there are two more dead people associated with Hillary - so the count rises by 2.
First - Eric Braverman, former director of the Clinton Foundation, was to meet with a Russian Consulate in New York City last night and missed his appointment.
He is assumed dead.
Something does not feel right about the whole incident.
That high level of a target would have been ushered into the Russian Embassy in a Second.
If this Russian Consulate really did “Make An Appointment” to meet with Eric Braverman rather than handling it immediately then he will be shot within the week.
So - there is something that is not right here with this story?
2) E. Lee Hennessee was found dead in her apartment at the Trump Estates. She was a huge part of the Billy Graham Crusade, Created Campus Crusade, had business dealings in Saudi Arabia, helped in the Bush Jr Campaign for President and was a primary fund raiser the Trump Campaign.
Apparently she and her husband has a spout ans he left the apartment to stay as a hotel.
She dialed 911 and when the police arrived they found her drunk, so they called the fire Department and htey put her to bed.
The next morning her husband found her dead - in the living room - apparently beaten to death.
The Apartment Cameras will clearly show who killed her - but no one is talking.
Hang on folks because this will be a very busy morning.
First - there may be 2 more deaths related to the Hillary Campaign
1) Eric Braverman, former Director of the Clinton Foundation, applied for Political Assylum with a Russian Consulate in New York City. He missed his appointment with the Russian Consulate last night and is assumed dead.
Why did he need to wait for an appointment with a lowly Consulate?
It does not pass the Smell Test.
ad a fight and he left and went to a hotel. and she got smackered and called 911. When the police came they called the Fire Department - who calmed her down and then they left.
She was found dead in the morning by her husband - who’s location was recorded all night.
The initial Police Report clearly states she was beaten to death.
The Internal Cameras at their apartment clearly shows who killed her but no one is talking.
Second - Anthony Weiners Laptop Computer, seized by the FBI, magically holds over 650,000 Emails pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s Illegal Activities
So - the real question is - How did he get all of Hillary’s and Huma’s emails?
This one year old Laptop holds all of Hillary’s and Huma’s Emails for the last - what - 10 years?
How is that even possible?
How can you keep 10 years of Emails on a 1 year old laptop and how did he get access to Huma’s and Hillary’s Email Accounts???
Something does not pass the smell test.
As Sherlock Holmes would say: “Something Is Amiss Dr Watson
Finally: As we are all focused on the Evils of the Clinton Crime Family Super Station 95.1 is reporting that all across the nation there is an Emergency recall of all members of the National Guard.
They believe this is in preparation for the Coming False Flag.
One good Nuke and all eyes are off the election as a Huge War Erupts.
The internet has begun roaring with postings from people all over the nation reporting very large military convoys on the move
National Guardsmen were beginning to be recalled at 3:30 Am Saturday Morning and all major military bases are reported to have allot of activity in the in the United States only.
Further - Obama, Biden and Hillary have cancelled all personal appearances after 31 October.
Looks like war?
A Personal Message To President Vladimir Putin: If you, or Deutsche Bank, had done as GOD had asked you to do years ago then Russia would not be facing this Terror cause by your Tyrannical Masters.
Deutsch bank is now run by your “Allies” in China.
Now the people of Russia, and China, are on the verge of total annihilation thanks to your lack of courage.
It is not to late - but very close to it.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
VIDEO: Hillary: More Murders, Emails And War - YouTube
Very exciting story this morning so hang on.
Apparently there are two more dead people associated with Hillary - so the count rises by 2.
First - Eric Braverman, former director of the Clinton Foundation, was to meet with a Russian Consulate in New York City last night and missed his appointment.
He is assumed dead.
Something does not feel right about the whole incident.
That high level of a target would have been ushered into the Russian Embassy in a Second.
If this Russian Consulate really did “Make An Appointment” to meet with Eric Braverman rather than handling it immediately then he will be shot within the week.
So - there is something that is not right here with this story?
2) E. Lee Hennessee was found dead in her apartment at the Trump Estates. She was a huge part of the Billy Graham Crusade, Created Campus Crusade, had business dealings in Saudi Arabia, helped in the Bush Jr Campaign for President and was a primary fund raiser the Trump Campaign.
Apparently she and her husband has a spout ans he left the apartment to stay as a hotel.
She dialed 911 and when the police arrived they found her drunk, so they called the fire Department and htey put her to bed.
The next morning her husband found her dead - in the living room - apparently beaten to death.
The Apartment Cameras will clearly show who killed her - but no one is talking.
Hang on folks because this will be a very busy morning.
First - there may be 2 more deaths related to the Hillary Campaign
1) Eric Braverman, former Director of the Clinton Foundation, applied for Political Assylum with a Russian Consulate in New York City. He missed his appointment with the Russian Consulate last night and is assumed dead.
Why did he need to wait for an appointment with a lowly Consulate?
It does not pass the Smell Test.
ad a fight and he left and went to a hotel. and she got smackered and called 911. When the police came they called the Fire Department - who calmed her down and then they left.
She was found dead in the morning by her husband - who’s location was recorded all night.
The initial Police Report clearly states she was beaten to death.
The Internal Cameras at their apartment clearly shows who killed her but no one is talking.
Second - Anthony Weiners Laptop Computer, seized by the FBI, magically holds over 650,000 Emails pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s Illegal Activities
So - the real question is - How did he get all of Hillary’s and Huma’s emails?
This one year old Laptop holds all of Hillary’s and Huma’s Emails for the last - what - 10 years?
How is that even possible?
How can you keep 10 years of Emails on a 1 year old laptop and how did he get access to Huma’s and Hillary’s Email Accounts???
Something does not pass the smell test.
As Sherlock Holmes would say: “Something Is Amiss Dr Watson
Finally: As we are all focused on the Evils of the Clinton Crime Family Super Station 95.1 is reporting that all across the nation there is an Emergency recall of all members of the National Guard.
They believe this is in preparation for the Coming False Flag.
One good Nuke and all eyes are off the election as a Huge War Erupts.
The internet has begun roaring with postings from people all over the nation reporting very large military convoys on the move
National Guardsmen were beginning to be recalled at 3:30 Am Saturday Morning and all major military bases are reported to have allot of activity in the in the United States only.
Further - Obama, Biden and Hillary have cancelled all personal appearances after 31 October.
Looks like war?
A Personal Message To President Vladimir Putin: If you, or Deutsche Bank, had done as GOD had asked you to do years ago then Russia would not be facing this Terror cause by your Tyrannical Masters.
Deutsch bank is now run by your “Allies” in China.
Now the people of Russia, and China, are on the verge of total annihilation thanks to your lack of courage.
It is not to late - but very close to it.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Anthony Weiner Fully Cooperates With FBI
VIDEO: ....Weiner Rises To Cooperate With FBI - YouTube
Congressman Weiner is fully cooperating with the FBI in their investigation into the Hillary’s “RAT PACK.”
This network of scum stretches across the globe
In recent developments it was revealed by the Main Stream Press that: Apparently over 100,000 emails sent by Huma Abadeen and Congressman Weiner and were stored on Anthony’s Computer.
Now - sit down and think..
How many Emails have you sent in your life time?
If they updated their computer every 4 years - that means they would have to send out 25,000 Emials every year - or around 70 individual Emails per day - every day - for 4 years knowing they were being sent through Servers primarily owned by the CIA???
Could you and your wife - using the same computer - send out 70 Emails per day every day - 35 separate emails per person per day???
And - their computer is likely only 2 years old - meaning that would be 140 separate emails every day of the year from 1 Computer?
Doesn’t make sense, does it?
We also know that all Emails are run through servers and stored there and then sent to 3 different companies in Israel thanks to a “Memorandum of Understanding” Obama initiated with Israel in 2009.
I have a close friend - known him since the day I was born - who worked with the CIA and he called me 21 years ago and had a print out of a telephone conversation I supposedly had with an Uncle I did not know.
So - not only are your Emails and Phone Calls stored but fake ones are apparently made up about you just in case the CIA needs to “Contain You“.
So why has the FBI brought these emails up 11 days before the election???
Here is their plan and here is what we need to pray against:
1) Appoint Hillary as President in accordance with the 1871 Organic Constitution signed by the Traitor President Grant.
2) Pardon Hillary and let her go into Oblivion and - more than likely her and her doubles will be terminated within a year to hide this and a NEW Hillary Double will be brought on line.
3) Appoint Jesuit Scum Tim Caine as President after Hillary resigns in late January to bring in the revolution, a man connected to the following terrorist organization.
1) Muslim Brotherhood
2) Muslim American Association
3) Islamic Society of North America
4) Muslim Student’s Association
5) The list goes on and on and on.
Both the 1793 and 1871 Constitutions make it a crime of Treason to bring anyone into the nation who wishes to over throw the American and US Corporate Governments - and the Koran says that the Muslims must do exactly that.
So the mere participation in organizations which wish to Kill Americans and leaders of the US Corporation automatically convicts Virginia Senator Tim Caine of both Treason and Murder.
If the FBI or Naval Intelligence (The Only Ones Legally Allowed By The Constitution To Stop This Madness) had stones below their belts they would stop these mad men and do just that - but the leadership is filled with Demon Possessed Cowards.
This Demon Possessed Jesuit Tim Caine Democratic VP Candidate is not just participating with them but is a Board Member on many of these organizations planning to kill members of the government of the US Corporation.
IE - case and point - on 31 July Major General John Rossi - new commander of the Army Space and Missile Command - was found murdered in his home on base in Alabama.
All of these murders across the world are done by Jesuit Scum.
Like Hanz Kovlenback - Chief Jesuit General - stated in an interview on 4 April 2000: “Kill all of the Jesuits and you get your nation back and you get your money back, But world leaders are too cowardly to do this - especially Wimpy, Gimpy Putin.”
He also stated that if a Man Of GOD rises to challenge them if any Jesuit touches him in any way - physically, financially, or any other way - the Jesuits are under orders to kill them.
Leaders across the world: You must kill this snake or be replaced by clones or doubles very soon. Wake up.
I challenge Tim Caine’s boss Lucifer on TV, I challenge Lucifer on the radio, I challenge Lucifer in print in the name of the Living GOD and have been doing so for 9 years: Stand down Lucifer and your Whores or face the wrath of the Living GOD. Period.
Your prayers are what is taking these Monsters down.
Just keep on praying and please keep your family ready with silver, a full pantry, extra water and a faith in GOD that is unshakable.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Anthony Weiner Said To Be Cooperating With FBI Investigation | Zero Hedge
NSA Forwards Inteligence to Israel–all our phone calls, emails, databases, IDs, accounts, passwords, etc. | Dregs of the Future
Attorney General Lynch 'Pleads Fifth' On Secret Iran 'Ransom' Payments | Zero Hedge
HOW did this go un-noticed?!? Army General commits “suicide” two days before taking command of missile defense system. 4chan anon speculates linkage to knowledge of Clinton/Obama treason (weapons to ISIS) – InvestmentWatch
Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine’s Islamist Ties - Breitbart\
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) - Nat'l Headquarters
Muslim American Society (MAS)
Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center
New Dominion Political Action Committee - Listing - Arab America
Timothy Kaine :: Islamist Money in Politics
VIDEO: ....Weiner Rises To Cooperate With FBI - YouTube
Congressman Weiner is fully cooperating with the FBI in their investigation into the Hillary’s “RAT PACK.”
This network of scum stretches across the globe
In recent developments it was revealed by the Main Stream Press that: Apparently over 100,000 emails sent by Huma Abadeen and Congressman Weiner and were stored on Anthony’s Computer.
Now - sit down and think..
How many Emails have you sent in your life time?
If they updated their computer every 4 years - that means they would have to send out 25,000 Emials every year - or around 70 individual Emails per day - every day - for 4 years knowing they were being sent through Servers primarily owned by the CIA???
Could you and your wife - using the same computer - send out 70 Emails per day every day - 35 separate emails per person per day???
And - their computer is likely only 2 years old - meaning that would be 140 separate emails every day of the year from 1 Computer?
Doesn’t make sense, does it?
We also know that all Emails are run through servers and stored there and then sent to 3 different companies in Israel thanks to a “Memorandum of Understanding” Obama initiated with Israel in 2009.
I have a close friend - known him since the day I was born - who worked with the CIA and he called me 21 years ago and had a print out of a telephone conversation I supposedly had with an Uncle I did not know.
So - not only are your Emails and Phone Calls stored but fake ones are apparently made up about you just in case the CIA needs to “Contain You“.
So why has the FBI brought these emails up 11 days before the election???
Here is their plan and here is what we need to pray against:
1) Appoint Hillary as President in accordance with the 1871 Organic Constitution signed by the Traitor President Grant.
2) Pardon Hillary and let her go into Oblivion and - more than likely her and her doubles will be terminated within a year to hide this and a NEW Hillary Double will be brought on line.
3) Appoint Jesuit Scum Tim Caine as President after Hillary resigns in late January to bring in the revolution, a man connected to the following terrorist organization.
1) Muslim Brotherhood
2) Muslim American Association
3) Islamic Society of North America
4) Muslim Student’s Association
5) The list goes on and on and on.
Both the 1793 and 1871 Constitutions make it a crime of Treason to bring anyone into the nation who wishes to over throw the American and US Corporate Governments - and the Koran says that the Muslims must do exactly that.
So the mere participation in organizations which wish to Kill Americans and leaders of the US Corporation automatically convicts Virginia Senator Tim Caine of both Treason and Murder.
If the FBI or Naval Intelligence (The Only Ones Legally Allowed By The Constitution To Stop This Madness) had stones below their belts they would stop these mad men and do just that - but the leadership is filled with Demon Possessed Cowards.
This Demon Possessed Jesuit Tim Caine Democratic VP Candidate is not just participating with them but is a Board Member on many of these organizations planning to kill members of the government of the US Corporation.
IE - case and point - on 31 July Major General John Rossi - new commander of the Army Space and Missile Command - was found murdered in his home on base in Alabama.
All of these murders across the world are done by Jesuit Scum.
Like Hanz Kovlenback - Chief Jesuit General - stated in an interview on 4 April 2000: “Kill all of the Jesuits and you get your nation back and you get your money back, But world leaders are too cowardly to do this - especially Wimpy, Gimpy Putin.”
He also stated that if a Man Of GOD rises to challenge them if any Jesuit touches him in any way - physically, financially, or any other way - the Jesuits are under orders to kill them.
Leaders across the world: You must kill this snake or be replaced by clones or doubles very soon. Wake up.
I challenge Tim Caine’s boss Lucifer on TV, I challenge Lucifer on the radio, I challenge Lucifer in print in the name of the Living GOD and have been doing so for 9 years: Stand down Lucifer and your Whores or face the wrath of the Living GOD. Period.
Your prayers are what is taking these Monsters down.
Just keep on praying and please keep your family ready with silver, a full pantry, extra water and a faith in GOD that is unshakable.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Anthony Weiner Said To Be Cooperating With FBI Investigation | Zero Hedge
NSA Forwards Inteligence to Israel–all our phone calls, emails, databases, IDs, accounts, passwords, etc. | Dregs of the Future
Attorney General Lynch 'Pleads Fifth' On Secret Iran 'Ransom' Payments | Zero Hedge
HOW did this go un-noticed?!? Army General commits “suicide” two days before taking command of missile defense system. 4chan anon speculates linkage to knowledge of Clinton/Obama treason (weapons to ISIS) – InvestmentWatch
Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine’s Islamist Ties - Breitbart\
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) - Nat'l Headquarters
Muslim American Society (MAS)
Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center
New Dominion Political Action Committee - Listing - Arab America
Timothy Kaine :: Islamist Money in Politics
Donations History
Date | Name | Affiliation | Amount | Recipient's Party | Office Sought | State | Confidence |
2011-11-30 | Khalique Zahir | ISNA | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2011-12-20 | Hisham Altalib | SAAR, IIIT, SAFA | $1000 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-03-28 | Ahmos Hassan | MPAC | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-10-05 | Ibrahim Moiz | CAIR | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | Medium |
2012-10-13 | Rizwan Jaka | ISNA, CAIR | $300 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-10-15 | Hisham Altalib | SAAR, IIIT, SAFA | $2500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-10-15 | Khalique Zahir | ISNA | $2500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2016-06-27 | Muna Jondy | MPAC | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2016-06-28 | Yahya Basha | MPAC | $250 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2016-06-28 | Yahya Basha | MPAC | $250 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
Anthony Weiner Fully Cooperates With FBI
VIDEO: ....Weiner Rises To Cooperate With FBI - YouTube
Congressman Weiner is fully cooperating with the FBI in their investigation into the Hillary’s “RAT PACK.”
This network of scum stretches across the globe
In recent developments it was revealed by the Main Stream Press that: Apparently over 100,000 emails sent by Huma Abadeen and Congressman Weiner and were stored on Anthony’s Computer.
Now - sit down and think..
How many Emails have you sent in your life time?
If they updated their computer every 4 years - that means they would have to send out 25,000 Emials every year - or around 70 individual Emails per day - every day - for 4 years knowing they were being sent through Servers primarily owned by the CIA???
Could you and your wife - using the same computer - send out 70 Emails per day every day - 35 separate emails per person per day???
And - their computer is likely only 2 years old - meaning that would be 140 separate emails every day of the year from 1 Computer?
Doesn’t make sense, does it?
We also know that all Emails are run through servers and stored there and then sent to 3 different companies in Israel thanks to a “Memorandum of Understanding” Obama initiated with Israel in 2009.
I have a close friend - known him since the day I was born - who worked with the CIA and he called me 21 years ago and had a print out of a telephone conversation I supposedly had with an Uncle I did not know.
So - not only are your Emails and Phone Calls stored but fake ones are apparently made up about you just in case the CIA needs to “Contain You“.
So why has the FBI brought these emails up 11 days before the election???
Here is their plan and here is what we need to pray against:
1) Appoint Hillary as President in accordance with the 1871 Organic Constitution signed by the Traitor President Grant.
2) Pardon Hillary and let her go into Oblivion and - more than likely her and her doubles will be terminated within a year to hide this and a NEW Hillary Double will be brought on line.
3) Appoint Jesuit Scum Tim Caine as President after Hillary resigns in late January to bring in the revolution, a man connected to the following terrorist organization.
1) Muslim Brotherhood
2) Muslim American Association
3) Islamic Society of North America
4) Muslim Student’s Association
5) The list goes on and on and on.
Both the 1793 and 1871 Constitutions make it a crime of Treason to bring anyone into the nation who wishes to over throw the American and US Corporate Governments - and the Koran says that the Muslims must do exactly that.
So the mere participation in organizations which wish to Kill Americans and leaders of the US Corporation automatically convicts Virginia Senator Tim Caine of both Treason and Murder.
If the FBI or Naval Intelligence (The Only Ones Legally Allowed By The Constitution To Stop This Madness) had stones below their belts they would stop these mad men and do just that - but the leadership is filled with Demon Possessed Cowards.
This Demon Possessed Jesuit Tim Caine Democratic VP Candidate is not just participating with them but is a Board Member on many of these organizations planning to kill members of the government of the US Corporation.
IE - case and point - on 31 July Major General John Rossi - new commander of the Army Space and Missile Command - was found murdered in his home on base in Alabama.
All of these murders across the world are done by Jesuit Scum.
Like Hanz Kovlenback - Chief Jesuit General - stated in an interview on 4 April 2000: “Kill all of the Jesuits and you get your nation back and you get your money back, But world leaders are too cowardly to do this - especially Wimpy, Gimpy Putin.”
He also stated that if a Man Of GOD rises to challenge them if any Jesuit touches him in any way - physically, financially, or any other way - the Jesuits are under orders to kill them.
Leaders across the world: You must kill this snake or be replaced by clones or doubles very soon. Wake up.
I challenge Tim Caine’s boss Lucifer on TV, I challenge Lucifer on the radio, I challenge Lucifer in print in the name of the Living GOD and have been doing so for 9 years: Stand down Lucifer and your Whores or face the wrath of the Living GOD. Period.
Your prayers are what is taking these Monsters down.
Just keep on praying and please keep your family ready with silver, a full pantry, extra water and a faith in GOD that is unshakable.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Anthony Weiner Said To Be Cooperating With FBI Investigation | Zero Hedge
NSA Forwards Inteligence to Israel–all our phone calls, emails, databases, IDs, accounts, passwords, etc. | Dregs of the Future
Attorney General Lynch 'Pleads Fifth' On Secret Iran 'Ransom' Payments | Zero Hedge
HOW did this go un-noticed?!? Army General commits “suicide” two days before taking command of missile defense system. 4chan anon speculates linkage to knowledge of Clinton/Obama treason (weapons to ISIS) – InvestmentWatch
Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine’s Islamist Ties - Breitbart\
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) - Nat'l Headquarters
Muslim American Society (MAS)
Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center
New Dominion Political Action Committee - Listing - Arab America
Timothy Kaine :: Islamist Money in Politics
VIDEO: ....Weiner Rises To Cooperate With FBI - YouTube
Congressman Weiner is fully cooperating with the FBI in their investigation into the Hillary’s “RAT PACK.”
This network of scum stretches across the globe
In recent developments it was revealed by the Main Stream Press that: Apparently over 100,000 emails sent by Huma Abadeen and Congressman Weiner and were stored on Anthony’s Computer.
Now - sit down and think..
How many Emails have you sent in your life time?
If they updated their computer every 4 years - that means they would have to send out 25,000 Emials every year - or around 70 individual Emails per day - every day - for 4 years knowing they were being sent through Servers primarily owned by the CIA???
Could you and your wife - using the same computer - send out 70 Emails per day every day - 35 separate emails per person per day???
And - their computer is likely only 2 years old - meaning that would be 140 separate emails every day of the year from 1 Computer?
Doesn’t make sense, does it?
We also know that all Emails are run through servers and stored there and then sent to 3 different companies in Israel thanks to a “Memorandum of Understanding” Obama initiated with Israel in 2009.
I have a close friend - known him since the day I was born - who worked with the CIA and he called me 21 years ago and had a print out of a telephone conversation I supposedly had with an Uncle I did not know.
So - not only are your Emails and Phone Calls stored but fake ones are apparently made up about you just in case the CIA needs to “Contain You“.
So why has the FBI brought these emails up 11 days before the election???
Here is their plan and here is what we need to pray against:
1) Appoint Hillary as President in accordance with the 1871 Organic Constitution signed by the Traitor President Grant.
2) Pardon Hillary and let her go into Oblivion and - more than likely her and her doubles will be terminated within a year to hide this and a NEW Hillary Double will be brought on line.
3) Appoint Jesuit Scum Tim Caine as President after Hillary resigns in late January to bring in the revolution, a man connected to the following terrorist organization.
1) Muslim Brotherhood
2) Muslim American Association
3) Islamic Society of North America
4) Muslim Student’s Association
5) The list goes on and on and on.
Both the 1793 and 1871 Constitutions make it a crime of Treason to bring anyone into the nation who wishes to over throw the American and US Corporate Governments - and the Koran says that the Muslims must do exactly that.
So the mere participation in organizations which wish to Kill Americans and leaders of the US Corporation automatically convicts Virginia Senator Tim Caine of both Treason and Murder.
If the FBI or Naval Intelligence (The Only Ones Legally Allowed By The Constitution To Stop This Madness) had stones below their belts they would stop these mad men and do just that - but the leadership is filled with Demon Possessed Cowards.
This Demon Possessed Jesuit Tim Caine Democratic VP Candidate is not just participating with them but is a Board Member on many of these organizations planning to kill members of the government of the US Corporation.
IE - case and point - on 31 July Major General John Rossi - new commander of the Army Space and Missile Command - was found murdered in his home on base in Alabama.
All of these murders across the world are done by Jesuit Scum.
Like Hanz Kovlenback - Chief Jesuit General - stated in an interview on 4 April 2000: “Kill all of the Jesuits and you get your nation back and you get your money back, But world leaders are too cowardly to do this - especially Wimpy, Gimpy Putin.”
He also stated that if a Man Of GOD rises to challenge them if any Jesuit touches him in any way - physically, financially, or any other way - the Jesuits are under orders to kill them.
Leaders across the world: You must kill this snake or be replaced by clones or doubles very soon. Wake up.
I challenge Tim Caine’s boss Lucifer on TV, I challenge Lucifer on the radio, I challenge Lucifer in print in the name of the Living GOD and have been doing so for 9 years: Stand down Lucifer and your Whores or face the wrath of the Living GOD. Period.
Your prayers are what is taking these Monsters down.
Just keep on praying and please keep your family ready with silver, a full pantry, extra water and a faith in GOD that is unshakable.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Anthony Weiner Said To Be Cooperating With FBI Investigation | Zero Hedge
NSA Forwards Inteligence to Israel–all our phone calls, emails, databases, IDs, accounts, passwords, etc. | Dregs of the Future
Attorney General Lynch 'Pleads Fifth' On Secret Iran 'Ransom' Payments | Zero Hedge
HOW did this go un-noticed?!? Army General commits “suicide” two days before taking command of missile defense system. 4chan anon speculates linkage to knowledge of Clinton/Obama treason (weapons to ISIS) – InvestmentWatch
Clinton VP Pick Tim Kaine’s Islamist Ties - Breitbart\
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) - Nat'l Headquarters
Muslim American Society (MAS)
Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center
New Dominion Political Action Committee - Listing - Arab America
Timothy Kaine :: Islamist Money in Politics
Donations History
Date | Name | Affiliation | Amount | Recipient's Party | Office Sought | State | Confidence |
2011-11-30 | Khalique Zahir | ISNA | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2011-12-20 | Hisham Altalib | SAAR, IIIT, SAFA | $1000 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-03-28 | Ahmos Hassan | MPAC | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-10-05 | Ibrahim Moiz | CAIR | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | Medium |
2012-10-13 | Rizwan Jaka | ISNA, CAIR | $300 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-10-15 | Hisham Altalib | SAAR, IIIT, SAFA | $2500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2012-10-15 | Khalique Zahir | ISNA | $2500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2016-06-27 | Muna Jondy | MPAC | $500 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2016-06-28 | Yahya Basha | MPAC | $250 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
2016-06-28 | Yahya Basha | MPAC | $250 | Democratic | U.S. Senate | VA | High |
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Video:UN Intel Brief: Hillary Has Been Appointed - YouTube
Today I spent 6 hours listening to some Internal United Nations Briefings not available to the public
There were about 50 people attending and another 140 people watching from our Cell Phones - like me.
I am very grateful that as an Ambassador I can listen to these broadcasts.
Most of the speakers discussed very relevant things - such as the continuity of songs and how the vibrational frequencies are heard by those in higher dimensions and how we can relate to those beings using sound andd light andhow they can relate and communicate to us.
Towards the end a speaker came and discussed his methods of Conflict Resolution, discussing how we need both a Left and Right Side or we cannot even move forward.
Left foot, right foot analogy.
What I got out of this is that Hillary has already been appointed as President and they will use unlimited amounts of money to keep her there.
Every precept - every thought - believed by Adolf Hitler - is now the platform for both the United States and the United Nations.
We Are NAZI Germany here in the US and Canada.
There are already 22,500,000 votes counted for Hillary and 100% democrat and our polls have not even been opened.
How can you count 22 Million Votes before the polls open?
The UN Leaders Feel that we need to embrace this new idea of FASCISM and be happy, learn to grow in it.
What do FASCISTS Do - They murder. They kill Blacks and Jews and start Massive Wars to stay in power.
Then I went to a Gun Show and - well - that is for tomorrow.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Be Ready Folks
Yesterday we tried feeding our Dog some of our Gluten Free Pasta with Chicken in it -from Food For Liberty.
After we were done eating we gave some to our Malamute DiDi some and she loved it. - and so did our little cats.
It is very important not only to save food for your family but also your pets.
So go below the Video and get ready folks while you can.
Video:UN Intel Brief: Hillary Has Been Appointed - YouTube
Today I spent 6 hours listening to some Internal United Nations Briefings not available to the public
There were about 50 people attending and another 140 people watching from our Cell Phones - like me.
I am very grateful that as an Ambassador I can listen to these broadcasts.
Most of the speakers discussed very relevant things - such as the continuity of songs and how the vibrational frequencies are heard by those in higher dimensions and how we can relate to those beings using sound andd light andhow they can relate and communicate to us.
Towards the end a speaker came and discussed his methods of Conflict Resolution, discussing how we need both a Left and Right Side or we cannot even move forward.
Left foot, right foot analogy.
What I got out of this is that Hillary has already been appointed as President and they will use unlimited amounts of money to keep her there.
Every precept - every thought - believed by Adolf Hitler - is now the platform for both the United States and the United Nations.
We Are NAZI Germany here in the US and Canada.
There are already 22,500,000 votes counted for Hillary and 100% democrat and our polls have not even been opened.
How can you count 22 Million Votes before the polls open?
The UN Leaders Feel that we need to embrace this new idea of FASCISM and be happy, learn to grow in it.
What do FASCISTS Do - They murder. They kill Blacks and Jews and start Massive Wars to stay in power.
Then I went to a Gun Show and - well - that is for tomorrow.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Be Ready Folks
Yesterday we tried feeding our Dog some of our Gluten Free Pasta with Chicken in it -from Food For Liberty.
After we were done eating we gave some to our Malamute DiDi some and she loved it. - and so did our little cats.
It is very important not only to save food for your family but also your pets.
So go below the Video and get ready folks while you can.
Why are we all distracted by Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton - who should both be behind bars for the rest of their lives
Why is the Main Steam Media simultaneously putting these stories in front of everyone when we all know the FBI should have locked them up years ago just to silence them so as not to expose the FBI Agents - like Comey - of the Treason they are committing????
Why did the head of the FBI call President Putin and ask: Is Anthony Weiner Yours?
To which he responded: “Ask Alexander Poteyev” - another Double Agent.
Did we not cover yesterday who Congressman Weiner is really working for?
Here is what these FASCISTs are really covering up:
The FASCISTS in the White House will do anything to stay in power.
To this end we are seeing:
1) Millions of Millions of Fake Votes now being counted across the nation with NO FBI or local Police stopping these Treasonous Acts.
Not one Girly Boy from the FBI has made any moves to stop this treason.
2) The Open Arrest and holding of a Diplomat named Victor Bout - inciting Potential War with the rest of the world.
3) Huge US Troop Build Ups along the Polish/Bellarusian Boarders as Poland prepares to invade the Ukraine
4) The open claiming of Economic Collapse on the Horizon and US Attempts to fine foreign banks into Oblivion to cause an economic collapse
5) Release of trillions of Zika Infested Mosquitoes by the Department of Agriculture so that Monsanto can manufacture trillions of gallons of Toxic Spray to kill and cripple millions of Americans across Florida and South Carolina to create an “Epidemic” to cancel the elections.
6) The sending of 4 carriers groups to try and engage Russian Jets to start a war. In fact - yesterday two almost collided.
7) Attempt to initiate a war with North Korea, who received over 140 Nuclear Weapons from the Hillary - it was in all the North Korean Papers and we did several TV Stories on this event way back around 2010.
8) Now the attempt by Hillary to import over 175,000 weapons to kill local Police and FBI Agents.
9) Now we have this Anthony Weiner Scandal to hide the FBI Director James Comey’s and US Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Treasonous Acts that are allowing this Voter Fraud.
Please pray with me that these FASCIST Pigs - James Comey and Loretta Lynch - either repent or are immediately held responsible for their treason.
USC 18, sec 793, 794 and 796.
The recent destruction of the bases under Northern Italy should be a sign to them that they should change their ways as their Underground Support is quickly dwindling.
As a side note - if Northern Italy was a seismic zone do you really think those underground caves would have lasted hundreds of thousands of years???
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Finally - a request to those in Kansas who hacked Twitter a few days ago using Refrigerators and stoves to slow the servers.
If you really wish to get these FASCIST Pigs upset - have every refrigerator and stove click on every video we have produced.
If you do this you will create such a sensation that the truth will be forced to get out there - like the cure for cancer, diabetes, and what is really driving these New World Order Creeps.
It’s up to you hackers
Nuclear war or peace?????
FBI Director Comey Asks President Putin: “Is Anthony Weiner Yours?”
Russian Politician Thinks US Faked Double Agent's Death | The Daily Caller
Russian girls trapped in sex-slave nightmare — RT News
Russia seals agreement to hold session of world’s oldest parliamentary union — RT Russian politics
Carlos Danger's porn-star jump-off tried to chase him down last night...

IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!
Why are we all distracted by Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton - who should both be behind bars for the rest of their lives
Why is the Main Steam Media simultaneously putting these stories in front of everyone when we all know the FBI should have locked them up years ago just to silence them so as not to expose the FBI Agents - like Comey - of the Treason they are committing????
Why did the head of the FBI call President Putin and ask: Is Anthony Weiner Yours?
To which he responded: “Ask Alexander Poteyev” - another Double Agent.
Did we not cover yesterday who Congressman Weiner is really working for?
Here is what these FASCISTs are really covering up:
The FASCISTS in the White House will do anything to stay in power.
To this end we are seeing:
1) Millions of Millions of Fake Votes now being counted across the nation with NO FBI or local Police stopping these Treasonous Acts.
Not one Girly Boy from the FBI has made any moves to stop this treason.
2) The Open Arrest and holding of a Diplomat named Victor Bout - inciting Potential War with the rest of the world.
3) Huge US Troop Build Ups along the Polish/Bellarusian Boarders as Poland prepares to invade the Ukraine
4) The open claiming of Economic Collapse on the Horizon and US Attempts to fine foreign banks into Oblivion to cause an economic collapse
5) Release of trillions of Zika Infested Mosquitoes by the Department of Agriculture so that Monsanto can manufacture trillions of gallons of Toxic Spray to kill and cripple millions of Americans across Florida and South Carolina to create an “Epidemic” to cancel the elections.
6) The sending of 4 carriers groups to try and engage Russian Jets to start a war. In fact - yesterday two almost collided.
7) Attempt to initiate a war with North Korea, who received over 140 Nuclear Weapons from the Hillary - it was in all the North Korean Papers and we did several TV Stories on this event way back around 2010.
8) Now the attempt by Hillary to import over 175,000 weapons to kill local Police and FBI Agents.
9) Now we have this Anthony Weiner Scandal to hide the FBI Director James Comey’s and US Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Treasonous Acts that are allowing this Voter Fraud.
Please pray with me that these FASCIST Pigs - James Comey and Loretta Lynch - either repent or are immediately held responsible for their treason.
USC 18, sec 793, 794 and 796.
The recent destruction of the bases under Northern Italy should be a sign to them that they should change their ways as their Underground Support is quickly dwindling.
As a side note - if Northern Italy was a seismic zone do you really think those underground caves would have lasted hundreds of thousands of years???
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Finally - a request to those in Kansas who hacked Twitter a few days ago using Refrigerators and stoves to slow the servers.
If you really wish to get these FASCIST Pigs upset - have every refrigerator and stove click on every video we have produced.
If you do this you will create such a sensation that the truth will be forced to get out there - like the cure for cancer, diabetes, and what is really driving these New World Order Creeps.
It’s up to you hackers
Nuclear war or peace?????
FBI Director Comey Asks President Putin: “Is Anthony Weiner Yours?”
Russian Politician Thinks US Faked Double Agent's Death | The Daily Caller
Russian girls trapped in sex-slave nightmare — RT News
Russia seals agreement to hold session of world’s oldest parliamentary union — RT Russian politics
Carlos Danger's porn-star jump-off tried to chase him down last night...

Published on Oct 28, 2016
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Rejuvenate Your Blood Cells Here -
Earn Extra Income To Take Care of Your Family!
Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -
IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!
Friday, October 28, 2016
VIDEO: Weiner Takes Down The Hill - YouTube
Apparently Anthony Weiner has been under investigation from the FBI now for over 2 years
In their latest revelation he apparently hit up on a 15 year old gal.
Well - Former Congressman Anthony Weiner is still legally married to Huma Abadeeen, Hillary’s Top Election Aid, and knows all.
So - Huma Abadeens Private Emails were also opened up and exposed by both Wikileaks and the FBI and what they exposed was so treasonous they have to re-open the investigation against Hillary
Upon early investigations it appears that Huma Abadeen may not only be working for Hillary but also either the Saudi’s or Israel as a Double, or even triple, Agent - but we LITTLE PEOPLE do not know yet do we.
So now everything is exposed about both Hillary and Huma Abadeen and if they were working to destroy America and take down the FBI, CIA and Department of Defense as we have stated dozens of times then there will be some very heavy changes over the next few weeks.
This means that both Monica Lewinski - an Isreali Spy, and Huma Abadeen have penetrated deep into the White House - no puns intended and US Security is in the toilet.
Now - to save his hide - Congressman Weiner will spill all.
My guess is that this Pervert Congressman Weiner was used by sectors of our Intelligence Community to stop Hillary and the coming Nuclear War she demands over and over again in her emails.
So, it appears, that Congressman Anthony Weiner will, in the end, get the last laugh
He may not only bring down Hillary but most of THE HILL - High Ranking DC Politicians
Let the Arrests begin.
Please pray that your family is ready for what is coming.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
New Clinton Emails Emerged As Part Of Probe Into Anthony Weiner's Electronic Devices: NYT | Zero Hedge
The Truth about Huma Abedin that Media Matters Doesn't Want America to See - Breitbart
Report: Weiner Caught Sexting Again; 'Catfished' by Republican Man - Breitbart


VIDEO: Weiner Takes Down The Hill - YouTube
Apparently Anthony Weiner has been under investigation from the FBI now for over 2 years
In their latest revelation he apparently hit up on a 15 year old gal.
Well - Former Congressman Anthony Weiner is still legally married to Huma Abadeeen, Hillary’s Top Election Aid, and knows all.
So - Huma Abadeens Private Emails were also opened up and exposed by both Wikileaks and the FBI and what they exposed was so treasonous they have to re-open the investigation against Hillary
Upon early investigations it appears that Huma Abadeen may not only be working for Hillary but also either the Saudi’s or Israel as a Double, or even triple, Agent - but we LITTLE PEOPLE do not know yet do we.
So now everything is exposed about both Hillary and Huma Abadeen and if they were working to destroy America and take down the FBI, CIA and Department of Defense as we have stated dozens of times then there will be some very heavy changes over the next few weeks.
This means that both Monica Lewinski - an Isreali Spy, and Huma Abadeen have penetrated deep into the White House - no puns intended and US Security is in the toilet.
Now - to save his hide - Congressman Weiner will spill all.
My guess is that this Pervert Congressman Weiner was used by sectors of our Intelligence Community to stop Hillary and the coming Nuclear War she demands over and over again in her emails.
So, it appears, that Congressman Anthony Weiner will, in the end, get the last laugh
He may not only bring down Hillary but most of THE HILL - High Ranking DC Politicians
Let the Arrests begin.
Please pray that your family is ready for what is coming.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
New Clinton Emails Emerged As Part Of Probe Into Anthony Weiner's Electronic Devices: NYT | Zero Hedge
The Truth about Huma Abedin that Media Matters Doesn't Want America to See - Breitbart
Report: Weiner Caught Sexting Again; 'Catfished' by Republican Man - Breitbart


Unbelievable - yet true,,,VIDEO: MEDIA SEES THE LIGHT - DARES TO TELL THE TRUTH - YouTube
Then Main Stream Media has now turned against the us Led Nazhional Socileests (NAZI) Regime in the White House.
The old interview last night released on Before Its News with Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcox stated that this would happen 3 months ago
We all have now been praying for almost 2 years that GOD would change things
So here is what has happened over the last 20 hours:
First: Michelle stated Hillary was high on Amphetamines
Second: Rush Limbaugh interviewed the Donald Trump yesterday
Finally: The following newspapers released the truth about the Clinton Foundation almost simultaneously.
1) New York Post
2) New York Times
3) Wall Street Journal
4) The Washington Post
5) The Boston Globe
6) The Atlantic Journal
7) The Washington Times
4) The Charlotte Observer
Further - All of the Bundies were simultaneously acquitted by a jury on all charges.
In the mean time tens of thousands of Russians and Chinese head to the War Front in anticipation of an attack led by Forces Loyal to the Obama Regime just before the election.
Further - the “United Nations Highest Levels” is considering the Expulsion of the United States from their organization for arresting, and detaining for several years, a Diplomat named Victor Bout.
Victor Bout was further pardoned by a Russian Bishop from Russia for all crimes and under US Corporate Laws he must now be released and all monies seized returned to him that by the US Department of Justice.
Time to get active now in your prayers.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He has sifted forth the hearts of Men before HIS Judgement Seat
Oh be swift my soul to answer him
Be Jubilant my feet
For GOD is marching on.
One last prayer - that the Handlers that control the President after the election are completely neutralized and those who oppose FASCISM and NAZIism are set loose to clean up America, England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
And keep praying that your families are ready for whatever disaster comes.
Those Clinton Foundation $175 Million in weapons are still headed to Terrorist Cells America and Canada.
And yes - the strike on America I was privy to when 12 nations met under Moscow a few days ago is still on unless the US stops this march towards WAR to stop this FASCIST - NAZIs Axis from destroying Planet Earth.
Finally: Two trains collided in Chester Pennsylvania a few hours ago so let’s pray for their speedy recovery.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Russia Confirms Supercomputer Findings Showing Donald Trump Landslide Victory
Wikileaks too big to ignore! “Bill Clinton Inc.” scandal is on the front page of today’s NYPost, NYTimes, WashPost, WSJ, and Boston Globe! MSM looking like it is trying to appear journalistic and fair before the Trumpslide. – InvestmentWatch


World Series 2016: Chicago Cubs to host Game 3 against Cleveland Indians at Wrigley Field |
4 Hurt After Freight Trains Collide Head-On In Delco « CBS Philly
Ammon Bundy's long testimony may have swayed Ore. jury to acquit - NY Daily News
Young Russians called up for national service as tensions between Putin and the West rise | Daily Mail Online

Unbelievable - yet true,,,VIDEO: MEDIA SEES THE LIGHT - DARES TO TELL THE TRUTH - YouTube
Then Main Stream Media has now turned against the us Led Nazhional Socileests (NAZI) Regime in the White House.
The old interview last night released on Before Its News with Benjamin Fulford and David Wilcox stated that this would happen 3 months ago
We all have now been praying for almost 2 years that GOD would change things
So here is what has happened over the last 20 hours:
First: Michelle stated Hillary was high on Amphetamines
Second: Rush Limbaugh interviewed the Donald Trump yesterday
Finally: The following newspapers released the truth about the Clinton Foundation almost simultaneously.
1) New York Post
2) New York Times
3) Wall Street Journal
4) The Washington Post
5) The Boston Globe
6) The Atlantic Journal
7) The Washington Times
4) The Charlotte Observer
Further - All of the Bundies were simultaneously acquitted by a jury on all charges.
In the mean time tens of thousands of Russians and Chinese head to the War Front in anticipation of an attack led by Forces Loyal to the Obama Regime just before the election.
Further - the “United Nations Highest Levels” is considering the Expulsion of the United States from their organization for arresting, and detaining for several years, a Diplomat named Victor Bout.
Victor Bout was further pardoned by a Russian Bishop from Russia for all crimes and under US Corporate Laws he must now be released and all monies seized returned to him that by the US Department of Justice.
Time to get active now in your prayers.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He has sifted forth the hearts of Men before HIS Judgement Seat
Oh be swift my soul to answer him
Be Jubilant my feet
For GOD is marching on.
One last prayer - that the Handlers that control the President after the election are completely neutralized and those who oppose FASCISM and NAZIism are set loose to clean up America, England, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
And keep praying that your families are ready for whatever disaster comes.
Those Clinton Foundation $175 Million in weapons are still headed to Terrorist Cells America and Canada.
And yes - the strike on America I was privy to when 12 nations met under Moscow a few days ago is still on unless the US stops this march towards WAR to stop this FASCIST - NAZIs Axis from destroying Planet Earth.
Finally: Two trains collided in Chester Pennsylvania a few hours ago so let’s pray for their speedy recovery.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Russia Confirms Supercomputer Findings Showing Donald Trump Landslide Victory
Wikileaks too big to ignore! “Bill Clinton Inc.” scandal is on the front page of today’s NYPost, NYTimes, WashPost, WSJ, and Boston Globe! MSM looking like it is trying to appear journalistic and fair before the Trumpslide. – InvestmentWatch


World Series 2016: Chicago Cubs to host Game 3 against Cleveland Indians at Wrigley Field |
4 Hurt After Freight Trains Collide Head-On In Delco « CBS Philly
Ammon Bundy's long testimony may have swayed Ore. jury to acquit - NY Daily News
Young Russians called up for national service as tensions between Putin and the West rise | Daily Mail Online

Thursday, October 27, 2016
Are $175 Million In Weapons Headed To Terrorists In US
Video: $175 Million In Weapons Headed To Terrorists In US??? - YouTube
It’s Getting Hot Now Folks - Whoooo Weee!!!!!
Apparently the Clinton Foundation just used Victor Bout to purchase $137 Million in illegal weapons and they are headed to the NGO’s set up by Goerge Soros and the Clinton Foundation in Mid-November.
First - where did the Clinton Foundation get $1.8 Billion Dollars to give to the Central Bank of Qatar?
Secondly - where did the Foundation get $137 Million to buy weapons from.
Finally - how do they report to the IRS the purchase, and distribution, of illegal arms sales to Corporations here in the US without any transfer paper work.
Doesn’t the FBI and BATF get involved in this?
To put that in perspective - an M-16 (Glock Pistol) with ammo runs about $1,000 a piece while an On-Sale AR-15 runs around $500 a piece.
At $1,000 a piece this is around 175,000 Pistols and Rifles to be placed in the hands of Terrorists paid for out of CIA funds.
FBI - BATF - Boarder Patrol - you are about to get out gunned and out manned in about 3 weeks.
They will cut you to pieces like a hot knife through warm butter.
My guess - they have a few Stinger Missiles mixed in with these weapons.
What the heck do you suppose is going to happen to your families when this all breaks loose around Thanksgiving Time - your Children and Grand Children?
Finally - if Victor Bout has Diplomatic Immunity how can he be held in a US Prison?
Is that not an Act Of War against all nations that have signed on to the United Nations Charter and under this UN Treaty is this not a reason for Immediate Dismissal from membership - no vote needed?
Let me remind you one last time United States Corporation (US Inc):
The Arrest and Holding of a Foreign Diplomat is automatic grounds for immediate dismissal from Membership of the United Nations - including the Security Council.
Victor Bout is a Diplomat - I have seen the paper work.
Expect the following Corporations to be involved in the Arms Smuggling:
1) Open Society Foundations
2) Media Matters
3) American Institute For Social Justice
4) New American Foundation
5) The Migration Policy Institute
6) Tides Foundation
7) Clinton Foundation
8) American Red Cross
9) World Vision
Be sure and check their warehouses in, and near, ports along the Eastern Sea Board.
Of course - these coming attacks on America’s Infrastructure will be blamed on the local Muslims.
Pray that these weapons shipments are all destroyed by foreign powers as they are coming in through Charleston, New York, Savannah and a few other Eastern Sea Ports.
Now that this is information is out the ships may be re-routed so check Original Manifests - a re-routed ship is a dead give away.
I see arms being stored in what looks like furniture.
To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences in the world - we very much appreciate your prayers.
Please also pray we are able to set up a free cancer clinic in the Kalispell Montana Area.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms?

Judge Jeanine: 'Clinton Foundation a Money Laundering Op, Not a Charity' | Fox News Insider

Election Fraud Watch 2016 | 2016 Democratic primary election fraud evidence hub
Security Council ∙ Structure ∙ President of Russia

Video: $175 Million In Weapons Headed To Terrorists In US??? - YouTube
It’s Getting Hot Now Folks - Whoooo Weee!!!!!
Apparently the Clinton Foundation just used Victor Bout to purchase $137 Million in illegal weapons and they are headed to the NGO’s set up by Goerge Soros and the Clinton Foundation in Mid-November.
First - where did the Clinton Foundation get $1.8 Billion Dollars to give to the Central Bank of Qatar?
Secondly - where did the Foundation get $137 Million to buy weapons from.
Finally - how do they report to the IRS the purchase, and distribution, of illegal arms sales to Corporations here in the US without any transfer paper work.
Doesn’t the FBI and BATF get involved in this?
To put that in perspective - an M-16 (Glock Pistol) with ammo runs about $1,000 a piece while an On-Sale AR-15 runs around $500 a piece.
At $1,000 a piece this is around 175,000 Pistols and Rifles to be placed in the hands of Terrorists paid for out of CIA funds.
FBI - BATF - Boarder Patrol - you are about to get out gunned and out manned in about 3 weeks.
They will cut you to pieces like a hot knife through warm butter.
My guess - they have a few Stinger Missiles mixed in with these weapons.
What the heck do you suppose is going to happen to your families when this all breaks loose around Thanksgiving Time - your Children and Grand Children?
Finally - if Victor Bout has Diplomatic Immunity how can he be held in a US Prison?
Is that not an Act Of War against all nations that have signed on to the United Nations Charter and under this UN Treaty is this not a reason for Immediate Dismissal from membership - no vote needed?
Let me remind you one last time United States Corporation (US Inc):
The Arrest and Holding of a Foreign Diplomat is automatic grounds for immediate dismissal from Membership of the United Nations - including the Security Council.
Victor Bout is a Diplomat - I have seen the paper work.
Expect the following Corporations to be involved in the Arms Smuggling:
1) Open Society Foundations
2) Media Matters
3) American Institute For Social Justice
4) New American Foundation
5) The Migration Policy Institute
6) Tides Foundation
7) Clinton Foundation
8) American Red Cross
9) World Vision
Be sure and check their warehouses in, and near, ports along the Eastern Sea Board.
Of course - these coming attacks on America’s Infrastructure will be blamed on the local Muslims.
Pray that these weapons shipments are all destroyed by foreign powers as they are coming in through Charleston, New York, Savannah and a few other Eastern Sea Ports.
Now that this is information is out the ships may be re-routed so check Original Manifests - a re-routed ship is a dead give away.
I see arms being stored in what looks like furniture.
To the Smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences in the world - we very much appreciate your prayers.
Please also pray we are able to set up a free cancer clinic in the Kalispell Montana Area.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Russia Asks CIA: Why Did Hillary Clinton Just Buy $137 Million Worth Of Illegal Arms?

Judge Jeanine: 'Clinton Foundation a Money Laundering Op, Not a Charity' | Fox News Insider

Election Fraud Watch 2016 | 2016 Democratic primary election fraud evidence hub
Security Council ∙ Structure ∙ President of Russia

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