Showing posts with label hot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hot. Show all posts
Friday, October 29, 2021
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Monday, July 1, 2019
The Reset - What Is About To Happen
We have been briefed - So as of This Morning ----
President Trump's Plate Is Full - so while he is dealing with
1) New Nuclear Treaties with France, Russia, China, England, etc.
2) While Turkey is about to be thrown out of NATO
3) While War looms with Iran and Libya
4) while We Have A Huge Economic Expansion While The World Is Falling Into AA Huge Inflationary Depression
5) While The American Traitors Do Not Go To Jail - Especially In The DOJ, MSM and Social Media Platforms
60 While The Threat To Trump's Life Accelerate Because The Traitors Are Not In Jail
7) While Oil Refineries Explode Across The Globe
8) The Distraction Of Running For President
President Trump has come up with a plan to stabilize the US Economy during this coming RESET - that is currently planned for ending in November - Maybe, Possibly
That is if the Traiterous Lunatic Liberals Do Not Get In The Way
At that point Gold should hit $9,000/Ounce and Silver $800/Ounce
However - Those Unarrested Traitors do plan to get in the way so ....
The real question is - When will President Trump arrest those 20,000 US Traitors like Mueller, Comey, Rosestein, Shift, Pelosi, etc???
If There Are No Immediate Arrests - It may All Fall Apart
VIDEO: (560) The Reset - What Is Planned - The Briefing - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William b. Mount
Noble Gold's Promo Code "Influencer 25"
Goto: Home - Noble Gold Investments
Or Call 877-646-5347

President Trump's Plate Is Full - so while he is dealing with
1) New Nuclear Treaties with France, Russia, China, England, etc.
2) While Turkey is about to be thrown out of NATO
3) While War looms with Iran and Libya
4) while We Have A Huge Economic Expansion While The World Is Falling Into AA Huge Inflationary Depression
5) While The American Traitors Do Not Go To Jail - Especially In The DOJ, MSM and Social Media Platforms
60 While The Threat To Trump's Life Accelerate Because The Traitors Are Not In Jail
7) While Oil Refineries Explode Across The Globe
8) The Distraction Of Running For President
President Trump has come up with a plan to stabilize the US Economy during this coming RESET - that is currently planned for ending in November - Maybe, Possibly
That is if the Traiterous Lunatic Liberals Do Not Get In The Way
At that point Gold should hit $9,000/Ounce and Silver $800/Ounce
However - Those Unarrested Traitors do plan to get in the way so ....
The real question is - When will President Trump arrest those 20,000 US Traitors like Mueller, Comey, Rosestein, Shift, Pelosi, etc???
If There Are No Immediate Arrests - It may All Fall Apart
VIDEO: (560) The Reset - What Is Planned - The Briefing - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William b. Mount
Noble Gold's Promo Code "Influencer 25"
Goto: Home - Noble Gold Investments
Or Call 877-646-5347

Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Are We Really Living In The Last Days ???
Are we really living in the last days?
Can Total World Peace be just around the corner?
Is the National Socialist (NAZI) Party in the US, the party of slavery - really going to be contained?
The following must happen for this to occur: (316) Are We Living In The Last Days? - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
GOTO: DENAS PCM 6 Sale Includes Bonus Lifetime Certified Training
Can Total World Peace be just around the corner?
Is the National Socialist (NAZI) Party in the US, the party of slavery - really going to be contained?
The following must happen for this to occur: (316) Are We Living In The Last Days? - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
GOTO: DENAS PCM 6 Sale Includes Bonus Lifetime Certified Training

Monday, February 4, 2019
Global Warming - Really Folks?
Global Warming, Really???
1st Day -53*
Two days later +50*
Two days alter -50*
Same Place Here In The USA
Just watch the video
VIDEO: (1710) Global Warming On Steroids - YouTube
The Wall of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Our House:
60* 3 Days Ago
Last Night - Was 11* and Snow

Saturday, October 29, 2016
Why are we all distracted by Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton - who should both be behind bars for the rest of their lives
Why is the Main Steam Media simultaneously putting these stories in front of everyone when we all know the FBI should have locked them up years ago just to silence them so as not to expose the FBI Agents - like Comey - of the Treason they are committing????
Why did the head of the FBI call President Putin and ask: Is Anthony Weiner Yours?
To which he responded: “Ask Alexander Poteyev” - another Double Agent.
Did we not cover yesterday who Congressman Weiner is really working for?
Here is what these FASCISTs are really covering up:
The FASCISTS in the White House will do anything to stay in power.
To this end we are seeing:
1) Millions of Millions of Fake Votes now being counted across the nation with NO FBI or local Police stopping these Treasonous Acts.
Not one Girly Boy from the FBI has made any moves to stop this treason.
2) The Open Arrest and holding of a Diplomat named Victor Bout - inciting Potential War with the rest of the world.
3) Huge US Troop Build Ups along the Polish/Bellarusian Boarders as Poland prepares to invade the Ukraine
4) The open claiming of Economic Collapse on the Horizon and US Attempts to fine foreign banks into Oblivion to cause an economic collapse
5) Release of trillions of Zika Infested Mosquitoes by the Department of Agriculture so that Monsanto can manufacture trillions of gallons of Toxic Spray to kill and cripple millions of Americans across Florida and South Carolina to create an “Epidemic” to cancel the elections.
6) The sending of 4 carriers groups to try and engage Russian Jets to start a war. In fact - yesterday two almost collided.
7) Attempt to initiate a war with North Korea, who received over 140 Nuclear Weapons from the Hillary - it was in all the North Korean Papers and we did several TV Stories on this event way back around 2010.
8) Now the attempt by Hillary to import over 175,000 weapons to kill local Police and FBI Agents.
9) Now we have this Anthony Weiner Scandal to hide the FBI Director James Comey’s and US Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Treasonous Acts that are allowing this Voter Fraud.
Please pray with me that these FASCIST Pigs - James Comey and Loretta Lynch - either repent or are immediately held responsible for their treason.
USC 18, sec 793, 794 and 796.
The recent destruction of the bases under Northern Italy should be a sign to them that they should change their ways as their Underground Support is quickly dwindling.
As a side note - if Northern Italy was a seismic zone do you really think those underground caves would have lasted hundreds of thousands of years???
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Finally - a request to those in Kansas who hacked Twitter a few days ago using Refrigerators and stoves to slow the servers.
If you really wish to get these FASCIST Pigs upset - have every refrigerator and stove click on every video we have produced.
If you do this you will create such a sensation that the truth will be forced to get out there - like the cure for cancer, diabetes, and what is really driving these New World Order Creeps.
It’s up to you hackers
Nuclear war or peace?????
FBI Director Comey Asks President Putin: “Is Anthony Weiner Yours?”
Russian Politician Thinks US Faked Double Agent's Death | The Daily Caller
Russian girls trapped in sex-slave nightmare — RT News
Russia seals agreement to hold session of world’s oldest parliamentary union — RT Russian politics
Carlos Danger's porn-star jump-off tried to chase him down last night...

IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!
Why are we all distracted by Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton - who should both be behind bars for the rest of their lives
Why is the Main Steam Media simultaneously putting these stories in front of everyone when we all know the FBI should have locked them up years ago just to silence them so as not to expose the FBI Agents - like Comey - of the Treason they are committing????
Why did the head of the FBI call President Putin and ask: Is Anthony Weiner Yours?
To which he responded: “Ask Alexander Poteyev” - another Double Agent.
Did we not cover yesterday who Congressman Weiner is really working for?
Here is what these FASCISTs are really covering up:
The FASCISTS in the White House will do anything to stay in power.
To this end we are seeing:
1) Millions of Millions of Fake Votes now being counted across the nation with NO FBI or local Police stopping these Treasonous Acts.
Not one Girly Boy from the FBI has made any moves to stop this treason.
2) The Open Arrest and holding of a Diplomat named Victor Bout - inciting Potential War with the rest of the world.
3) Huge US Troop Build Ups along the Polish/Bellarusian Boarders as Poland prepares to invade the Ukraine
4) The open claiming of Economic Collapse on the Horizon and US Attempts to fine foreign banks into Oblivion to cause an economic collapse
5) Release of trillions of Zika Infested Mosquitoes by the Department of Agriculture so that Monsanto can manufacture trillions of gallons of Toxic Spray to kill and cripple millions of Americans across Florida and South Carolina to create an “Epidemic” to cancel the elections.
6) The sending of 4 carriers groups to try and engage Russian Jets to start a war. In fact - yesterday two almost collided.
7) Attempt to initiate a war with North Korea, who received over 140 Nuclear Weapons from the Hillary - it was in all the North Korean Papers and we did several TV Stories on this event way back around 2010.
8) Now the attempt by Hillary to import over 175,000 weapons to kill local Police and FBI Agents.
9) Now we have this Anthony Weiner Scandal to hide the FBI Director James Comey’s and US Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Treasonous Acts that are allowing this Voter Fraud.
Please pray with me that these FASCIST Pigs - James Comey and Loretta Lynch - either repent or are immediately held responsible for their treason.
USC 18, sec 793, 794 and 796.
The recent destruction of the bases under Northern Italy should be a sign to them that they should change their ways as their Underground Support is quickly dwindling.
As a side note - if Northern Italy was a seismic zone do you really think those underground caves would have lasted hundreds of thousands of years???
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Finally - a request to those in Kansas who hacked Twitter a few days ago using Refrigerators and stoves to slow the servers.
If you really wish to get these FASCIST Pigs upset - have every refrigerator and stove click on every video we have produced.
If you do this you will create such a sensation that the truth will be forced to get out there - like the cure for cancer, diabetes, and what is really driving these New World Order Creeps.
It’s up to you hackers
Nuclear war or peace?????
FBI Director Comey Asks President Putin: “Is Anthony Weiner Yours?”
Russian Politician Thinks US Faked Double Agent's Death | The Daily Caller
Russian girls trapped in sex-slave nightmare — RT News
Russia seals agreement to hold session of world’s oldest parliamentary union — RT Russian politics
Carlos Danger's porn-star jump-off tried to chase him down last night...

Published on Oct 28, 2016
Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -
Rejuvenate Your Blood Cells Here -
Earn Extra Income To Take Care of Your Family!
Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -
Rejuvenate Your Blood Cells Here -
Earn Extra Income To Take Care of Your Family!
Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -
IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Heat Waves Melt Roads Across The Globe
Video: Heat Wave Cause Roads To Melt - The Sun Has Gone Nuts - YouTube
A Heat wave caused roads to melt in India and the United Kingdom last May?
So what is going on with the sun?
Remember when we were kids the sun was yellow in color ?
The sun is now white - so - what is going on?
In 1993 the Sun began to burn more Helium than Hydrogen and so not only is the structure of the Sun changing but so are the wavelengths that now are hitting the Earth.
Ever notice that on a cold day it can feel like your arm is burning even though the 60th and 55 Airwing, Drysden Air (NASA) are not creating Chemtrails?
The sun is now different, and it feels different.
Within the last 10 years the amount of solar energy that is coming into my 480 Watt Solar System has doubled. Thus - my paycheck has also increased. On a $7,500 investment I make a whopping $120/year.
((((Not to downgrade solar of course - and if I spent another $1,500 on Panels that would increase my income to around $500/year . Thus on a $9,000 investment I would yield a $500 payout - a 6% return on investment and have more power if we had a Power Outage. New systems are actually cheaper now ))))
So as the sun changes we see more strange effects in plants, roads, etc.
As a Forester and then Army Engineer I have put in allot of roads - from steep mountain roads using Calcium to stabilize the roadbeds and Lignin on top of the road beds with a 6% grade to paving roads with Cement or Tar to repairing airfields.
About 50 years ago we had heat waves where I lived just East of San Francisco and the Asphalt would occasionally melt and bubble. Not a big thing - but it made walking to school one pain in the rear.
You do not use asphalt in areas that exceed 120* Fahrenheit as it melts. Now that the sun is changing take that down about 20 degrees. What you use is the Road Surface they use just North of Lake Tahoe out of Susan Ville - high grade Tar with allot of rock in it and if you screw up this rock surface can be added later.
What we are looking at that is melting is a Tar with very little aggregate in it - almost no small rocks - just pure asphalt. So we have a combination of Stupid Road Engineers and a change in the sun.
The solution is to add fine aggregate to the tar and/or add cement dust to the melting Tar to stabilize it. Period.
For you Intel Geeks:
1) Queen Elizabeth has stated she needs to resign or WW3 will happen - she dies
2) The Drop Dead Date for killing and replacing these Bankstas one at a time (Including Congress, Senate, Dumas, etc) is 1 June when the dollar cracks. They have exactly exactly 60 hours to comply and do all that GOD has stated they must do.
3) It does not matter what they promise or what else they do. They were given certain things they needed to do by 1 June or things will be set in place to skin them alive and replace them - this will not be changed by the Living GOD. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
The White Dragons cannot change this.
The Red Dragon Family cannot change this.
Queen Elizabeth cannot change this.
The US Military cannot change this.
Intel Geeks - do you understand this????
2) The White Dragons put a hit our on the Rothchilds on the 24th of May and right before they were going to nail him to an Ashera Pole in Zug Switzerland he called the White Dragons to “Negotiate” - we shall see. You cannot `trust Evil - you must contain it or destroy it.
The White Dragons have put out a Reward of 1 ton of Gold Payoff to “Persuade” Nathan Rothchilds to “Negotiate” a surrender - and he did.
The gold will now be redirected to feed those who can not afford rice.
On a side note:
Mars and the Moon both have a breathable atmosphere - the Holograms are coming down
Enough….your attempt to Nuke 3 cities (Chicago, NYC, DC) by submarine 27 Aug will be stopped.
When President Putin stated the Dollar will die 28 May on Russian TV he lied and the ripple effect of this lie is enormous.
Pray that the Evil is thrown off this planet immediately
Pray that your families are safe, warm, well fed and healthy.
Look below this story - prepare.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
The UK heatwave is on its way...
India’s roads melt as record-breaking heat wave continues | Asia | News | The Independent
India heatwave kills 800 as capital's roads melt | Daily Mail Online

Video: Heat Wave Cause Roads To Melt - The Sun Has Gone Nuts - YouTube
A Heat wave caused roads to melt in India and the United Kingdom last May?
So what is going on with the sun?
Remember when we were kids the sun was yellow in color ?
The sun is now white - so - what is going on?
In 1993 the Sun began to burn more Helium than Hydrogen and so not only is the structure of the Sun changing but so are the wavelengths that now are hitting the Earth.
Ever notice that on a cold day it can feel like your arm is burning even though the 60th and 55 Airwing, Drysden Air (NASA) are not creating Chemtrails?
The sun is now different, and it feels different.
Within the last 10 years the amount of solar energy that is coming into my 480 Watt Solar System has doubled. Thus - my paycheck has also increased. On a $7,500 investment I make a whopping $120/year.
((((Not to downgrade solar of course - and if I spent another $1,500 on Panels that would increase my income to around $500/year . Thus on a $9,000 investment I would yield a $500 payout - a 6% return on investment and have more power if we had a Power Outage. New systems are actually cheaper now ))))
So as the sun changes we see more strange effects in plants, roads, etc.
As a Forester and then Army Engineer I have put in allot of roads - from steep mountain roads using Calcium to stabilize the roadbeds and Lignin on top of the road beds with a 6% grade to paving roads with Cement or Tar to repairing airfields.
About 50 years ago we had heat waves where I lived just East of San Francisco and the Asphalt would occasionally melt and bubble. Not a big thing - but it made walking to school one pain in the rear.
You do not use asphalt in areas that exceed 120* Fahrenheit as it melts. Now that the sun is changing take that down about 20 degrees. What you use is the Road Surface they use just North of Lake Tahoe out of Susan Ville - high grade Tar with allot of rock in it and if you screw up this rock surface can be added later.
What we are looking at that is melting is a Tar with very little aggregate in it - almost no small rocks - just pure asphalt. So we have a combination of Stupid Road Engineers and a change in the sun.
The solution is to add fine aggregate to the tar and/or add cement dust to the melting Tar to stabilize it. Period.
For you Intel Geeks:
1) Queen Elizabeth has stated she needs to resign or WW3 will happen - she dies
2) The Drop Dead Date for killing and replacing these Bankstas one at a time (Including Congress, Senate, Dumas, etc) is 1 June when the dollar cracks. They have exactly exactly 60 hours to comply and do all that GOD has stated they must do.
3) It does not matter what they promise or what else they do. They were given certain things they needed to do by 1 June or things will be set in place to skin them alive and replace them - this will not be changed by the Living GOD. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
The White Dragons cannot change this.
The Red Dragon Family cannot change this.
Queen Elizabeth cannot change this.
The US Military cannot change this.
Intel Geeks - do you understand this????
2) The White Dragons put a hit our on the Rothchilds on the 24th of May and right before they were going to nail him to an Ashera Pole in Zug Switzerland he called the White Dragons to “Negotiate” - we shall see. You cannot `trust Evil - you must contain it or destroy it.
The White Dragons have put out a Reward of 1 ton of Gold Payoff to “Persuade” Nathan Rothchilds to “Negotiate” a surrender - and he did.
The gold will now be redirected to feed those who can not afford rice.
On a side note:
Mars and the Moon both have a breathable atmosphere - the Holograms are coming down
Enough….your attempt to Nuke 3 cities (Chicago, NYC, DC) by submarine 27 Aug will be stopped.
When President Putin stated the Dollar will die 28 May on Russian TV he lied and the ripple effect of this lie is enormous.
Pray that the Evil is thrown off this planet immediately
Pray that your families are safe, warm, well fed and healthy.
Look below this story - prepare.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
The UK heatwave is on its way...
India’s roads melt as record-breaking heat wave continues | Asia | News | The Independent
India heatwave kills 800 as capital's roads melt | Daily Mail Online
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Things Ain't So Hunky Doory- Sh.. Has Hit The Fan
Unbelievable Video - just unbelievable
Things Ain't So Hunky Doory - YouTube
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
News you will never see any where else.
Things Ain't So Hunky Doory - YouTube
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
News you will never see any where else.
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