Pres Trump - The "Rock Of DC" - YouTube
Since Donald Trump announced his bid for Presidency this channel has stood behind him and his team.
If we ever want to restore this nation we need to, as a nation, stand behind those who wish to “Drain The Swamp.”
We have had one goal here ever since getting involved in Politics: Do not destroy my planet and do not assassinate any president that would lead to the destruction of Planet Earth.
President Trumps team is the only one that can help in this cause.
Now that Donald Trump is President we are learning that he, and is allies, stand as a the “Rock in DC.” His team is set on not only draining the Swamp but cleaning out the sewers of American Corruption as well.
Yesterday alone President Trump - The Rock Of DC:
1) Granted 872 Refugees Waivers to enter the United States.
2) Fired the Acting Director of the US Attorney’s Generals Office - Traitor Ms Yates.
3) Placed a ban on travel to Saudi Arabia
4) Fired the head of ICE for being a Double Crossing Traitor to America
5) Called Out Senator Chuck Schumer for his Fake Tears yesterday - the New York Senator is a Liar and Pres Trump called him out.
6) Cemented his relationship with all Masons and American and Russian Knights of Malta.
Please keep in mind that the Knights of Hospitaller of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta were people who came from all over Europe to act as Hospital Security Guards in Israel to protect the sick against roaming Muslim Marauders who would swoop down on a Hospitals filled with the sick, kill everyone, and ride away with everything they would carry.
Many of these Knights were Pagan, many worshipped Zeus, and many were non-Catholic Christians who hate the thought of Muslim Raiding Parties randomly killing and Murdering sick people for monetary gain.
They protected the Hospitals for years and were beaten back to the Islands of Rhodes, then Malta, and then the King went to St Petersburg Russia - where this order actually became part of the Russian Yearly Budget in 1815 and have remained ever since.
Those in Malta supported by the Roman Pope are from a New Order created by the Pope after the fall of Malta by Napoleon in 1798.
Uniting the Free Masons (HQ, Scotland) Donald Trump has united all sorts of these Factions in an attempt to rebuild what 28 years of absolute corruption and liberal Nazhionaal Zozhaleesm (NAZI) has done to America.
His support is outstanding and he is now going after those who would destroy Planet Earth.
His Hired Security is working with Intelligence Offices around the world in locating, and neutralizing, and Nuclear Threats to this planet - including a continuing search for active Nuclear Weapons under DC and New York.
Lucifer has lost and has always desired to Destroy this Planet so we must stand strong and support those who are going after this Charlatan Loozifer.
In a stunning Internal UN Broadcast yesterday they apparently support the Jesuits in their goals of: Reducing the population of America to around 50 Million people and Japan to around 20 Million People by the year 2025 for their “Great Enclave” and then building the Temple to Lucifer on the North Temple Mount in the year 2032.
During the Next Election - if the United Nations has not moved to Astana Kazakhstan - they will “Place” a woman in the White House who will support these goals.
Finally - here is a picture of the sun today. It has been burning more Helium that Hydrogen since 1993 and as such is beginning to expand and put out a different color light.
Either we come together as a Planet or we, as a species, cease to exist.
Signs of the Coming of the Messiah - Birth Pains???
Please Pray (Visualize) that all of these Evil Deeds of these NAZI leaders across the globe fail and those at the top are exposed for their Folly.
Please also prey for you and your families as the Sun is going nuts and food production is being hurt across the globe - so expect huge food price increases starting tomorrow.
For the last 5 years food has been going up in cost by 19% per year.
That’s one heck of a return on your investment - 19% a year - and this is about to increase considerably.
A container of food that lasts for 25 years will go up in value at this same rate. Thus an investment in food has a Great Return - plus - unlike Silver and Gold - you can eat it.
As for me and my house - we will serve King of Kings and Lord of Lords who was, and is and is to come despite any “Titles” anyone gives me. My loyalty is to GOD and GOD alone.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount

I smell a suit case bomb - a tiny silver colored device in a Brief Case the size of a pack of Marlborro Cigarettes capable of taking out a room.