VIDEO: (198) Why They Are Planning A 2nd Market Crash - YouTube
There are 4 factions fighting over this planet.
1) WHITE HATS - They wish to preserve Humanity and contain every sane individual on this planet
2) FALLEN ANGELS/DEMONS - They wish to kill off the Human Race. They include The Major Drug Dealers (Bush's, Clinton's, Etc). They Promote WAR and Planetary Destruction, Chemtrails, Etc.
3) Rothchilds. Their Desire is to Control, Power. If The Market Keeps Going tit will Rev Up, Interest Rates will go way up and the Rothchilds will use this to buy everything across the planet - Complete Planetary Control. They also work for Lucifer. as the Governors order the Closing Down Of assets it is destroying them. They Own The Federal Reserve Banks & System.
4) Trump Group - Make America Great Again. they are trying to stabilize the entire World Economy using techniques condoned by Lucifer himself, not by GOD. then - Voila - Mandatory Vaccinations and we all become Living Cyborgs. They currently "Control" the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve System and most of the US Military.
As the governors order the lock down to continue - the Toxic Assets are being purchased by the "Federal Reserve Banks" Until Voila - Bankruptcy. The Rothchids loose their wealth and are terminated forever.
And Their HELL Will Be - Forever - So GOD Has Said It, So It Shall Be.
The Flyer
FACE MASK FLYER 2.pdf - Google Drive
The Wall of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
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