Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Breaking News: Get Your Familly Ready Now
Thursday, July 20, 2023
UN: 52 Nations Are Bankrupt Including The US - Now What?
Monday, February 20, 2023
Food Production Collapses as 21 Nations Ban Food Exporting - Entertainme...
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Sunday, May 1, 2022
Friday, March 18, 2022
Monday, November 8, 2021
US Companies Are Fleeing China
VIDEO: Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment Reset News 11/8/21 - YouTube
These Companies are fleeing due to:
1) massive crack down on Us News Media Lying Companies
2) Massive Attempts to take over US companies there
3) Massive fraud being perpetuated by any larger US Corporation there as China peels away the Onion and examines each US Corporation for it's lies
4) Many products are simply no longer available - the factories are under water
5) The Evil CIA is now attempting to use all Large Companies to act as spying agencies - and many companies refuse so they leave China all together
6) Taxes in China are going through the roof
7) Regulations in China are going through the roof - too many, too fast and too restrictive
So China may no longer be a Major Manufacturer soon
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William Mount
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
UN: Food Prices Soaring World Wide
VIDEO: (333) Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/28/21 - YouTube
1st - Pry Those Censoring Us Are removed form Planet Earth Immediately & their AI's Are Destroyed
On to the Stories:
Food Prices across the planet are soaring.
Low harvests combined with China buying up everything in sight have raised Grave concerns about the coming mass station in Emerging Nations
Funny - Ethiopia has been around for over 3,500 years and it is still considered an "Emerging Nation" despite the fact that the US NAZIS broke Eutrea, Somalia and Dijubuti away from their nation
Droughts, floods, Locusts have all contributed to this food crisis now hitting
The cost of basic necessities like Rice has almost doubled on local markets over the last year in the areas like Lagos, Nigeria
So for the most vulnerable in Africa, South America, etc basic Necessities have double in price
So take a guy earning $40 a week in the Ukraine and food prices double???
These shortages will creat a class that eats and a class that does not eat
The Eaters & the Non-Eaters World Wide
This is what the UN says in their latest reports
IE; COVID Vaccine - 80 Mortality Rate in 3 years, complete Sterilization of this who took it forever
Tomorrow we will give the actions by China & Russia to try and stop NASA and DARPA from destroying their nations through excess heating and massive drought & rain
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Friday, June 18, 2021
XXX - Massive Insect Die Off + Slowing Ocean Currents = Food Hyperinflation
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What You Are About To See Will Shock You
VIDEO: (376) What You Are About To See Will Shock You - YouTube
The Information here is not for the Faint Of Heart
Not only are we facing an Unprecedented Assault by Loozifer Himself but the sun is also getting larger and pulling the planet too and fro causing huge earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and magnetic disruption world wide
Hunker Down And Prepare For Hyperinflation And Massive Job Losses without any Unemployment being paid.
Many of our Viewers are doing the best they can for what they know is coming and to these Viewers - we applaud you.
It's hard living on the Edge - Not having even $500 in an emergency - yet - it must be done.
for many years I had 2 jobs - then I retired, then went back to work
I do not do 1 video - I do 2 every day
So YOU can be ready for this coming economic disaster.
We will continue to use our funds in our nonprofit to help keep folks from being homeless and find American's jobs to the best of our abilities.
This month we just finished training 5 people and they now work 40-50 hours a week. we are so proud of these kids.
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Jut Be Prepared

Friday, May 15, 2020
VIDEO: (198) Why They Are Planning A 2nd Market Crash - YouTube
There are 4 factions fighting over this planet.
1) WHITE HATS - They wish to preserve Humanity and contain every sane individual on this planet
2) FALLEN ANGELS/DEMONS - They wish to kill off the Human Race. They include The Major Drug Dealers (Bush's, Clinton's, Etc). They Promote WAR and Planetary Destruction, Chemtrails, Etc.
3) Rothchilds. Their Desire is to Control, Power. If The Market Keeps Going tit will Rev Up, Interest Rates will go way up and the Rothchilds will use this to buy everything across the planet - Complete Planetary Control. They also work for Lucifer. as the Governors order the Closing Down Of assets it is destroying them. They Own The Federal Reserve Banks & System.
4) Trump Group - Make America Great Again. they are trying to stabilize the entire World Economy using techniques condoned by Lucifer himself, not by GOD. then - Voila - Mandatory Vaccinations and we all become Living Cyborgs. They currently "Control" the Federal Reserve Banks and the Federal Reserve System and most of the US Military.
As the governors order the lock down to continue - the Toxic Assets are being purchased by the "Federal Reserve Banks" Until Voila - Bankruptcy. The Rothchids loose their wealth and are terminated forever.
And Their HELL Will Be - Forever - So GOD Has Said It, So It Shall Be.
The Flyer
FACE MASK FLYER 2.pdf - Google Drive
The Wall of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Get Herbs Buy Best Organic Herbal Tea Online | Arizona Herbal Refreshing Tea
Get Ancient Life Oil The Best and Healthy Cbd Oil For Anxiety- Buy Now
Get Food 2-Week Emergency Food Supply

Monday, March 30, 2020
Deep State - You Are Loosing
3 1/2 Million People praying you and your Demons get of our planet - whatever you are
Visualizing a Planet without these Evil Aliens
VIDEO: (35) You're Gonna Loose Deep State - YouTube
You have been fully exposed for who and what you are pure and naked evil
Your people are either Flipping Or Cripting going 6 feet under
Your institutions - like the Clinton and Bush Drug Cartels - are being broken apart
The Original Frazzled Rat is dead
The Original Obummer Is Dead
The Original Pelosi is Dead
So many have chosen to e Cripted rather than switching
Too bad, so sad, touche'
Pray this accelerate - that they either turn to GOD and do good are removed form this planet immediately
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, March 1, 2020
Food Shortages Begin In Prep For Quarantines
They are all experiencing Cost Increases and Shortages
Most of the food lasts 25 years - so buy today, eat in 20 years with no loss on nutrition
Video: (54) Stock Up While You Can - Panic Food Buying Has Begun - YouTube
So here's the Low Down:
1) Preparewithwilliam.com
8 Week Delay In Food Delivery
Very Inexpensive
2) Simplycleanfoods.net
No Delays - Lots Of Food In Stock
Call 737-400-2066
Tell Chance Dr Mount Sent You For Any "Deals"
We do allot of free ads for this company because we want YOU well prepared
3) Thrive Life
Jane Mecklenburg - Thrive Life Consultant
Short On Allot Of Foods,
Some Delays In Shipments
Cut Consultant's Commission By 50% To Keep Costs Low
All Profits We Make Keep Americans From Becoming Homeless
We Are Not Allowed To Touch One Dime Of It
The Orphans In Mexico We Support Comes Out Of My Retirement Income As The Demand For Funds To Keep People In Their Apartments Increases
Once They Hit The Streets - So Hard To Pull Them Back
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, November 28, 2019
How We Got Thanksgiving
VIDEO: (99) Where Did Thanksgiving Come From ? - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
5 Eyes Intel Agencies Imploding
About 30 years ago the US Embarked on a Deadly Game of Affirmative Action.
the Security Checks were cancelled to acquire Top Secret Security Clearances for all Non-Whites to create "Diversity" within the world place.
Since 1992 ALL Us Top Secret Developments have been passed to the Chinese by their own citizens working in Top Secret labs in the US. Australia, Canada, UK and New Zealand.
to add insult to injury - ALL Military Records are sold by the VA for grant money for testing New Drugs on our veteran and Active Duty Personnel.
Our entire nation has been Compromised - and not ONE Arrest
Not only has the US DOJ refused to arrest these Traitors who set this up - our President ignores this as well.
To make it even worse - the President refuses to stop the Suppression in You Tube so even the warnings of Nuclear Detonations and Presidential Assassinations may be removed 10 December
Time will tell - pray Trump/Putin a& Xi Jinping wake up - their very lives depend on it very soon.
VIDEO: Five Eyes Intel Agencies Collapsing From Within - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Stock Up On Food AS Storms Now Wage Across The Western US and more and more farmers declare Bankruptcy.
Goto: 2-Week Emergency Food Supply

Thursday, November 21, 2019
Political Armageddon In 18 Days !
Like a huge wave ready to wash away everything in it's path
On 9 December the Much Tauted and Feared Horowitz Report will be released to the world - we think
What ever happened tot the FISA Report (April 2019)
From previous reports form the head of the US Senate the report will include Indictments for several Obama Officials.
Oooooh - up to 20 people may be arrested- not the 20,000 Murdering, Raping Demon Possessed Freaks that were exposed by Jefferey Epstein.
the bad part is the CIA/FBI "RATTFINKS" are planning to release their Rioters upon America somewhere around the 20th - Big operation - and increase the hits on the Real red Tied President Trump.
Further - with 6 Rogue Nukes the CAI could now strike anywhere
Why give away their locations if the US/Russia/Chinese Intel are no longer on board with stopping this mess - which makes DC, NYC, Moscow,, Beijing and London Primary Targets --- no loss there.
It should be a very interesting next 39 days
Remember - 39 days to the UN Planned World War and 47 Days to their Planned Nuclear War.
Pray the UN Fallen Angels fail and are thrown off this planet immediately.
VIDEO: (214) Political Armageddon In 18 Days - Tic Toc Tic Toc - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
The Future Of America Is Not given
Be Ready With A Work Station That Is Recharged Form The Sun
Use Promo Code MOUNT - Save 20%

Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Half Of America Can't Pay Their Bills - William Mount Channel
In a poll we found that almost 60% of all Americans were drowning in debt - primarily form the Credit Card and Car Loans
So While JP Morgan can suck the Feds dry of over $6 Trillion Dollars in "CASH" the American People re becoming Debt Slaves
College Loans - $1.5 Trillion - 8%
Home Loans - $15 Trillion - 3 - 10%
Car Loans -- $1.4 Trillion - 1-14%
Credit Card Debt - 14 Trillion - 29%
So While JP Morgan can suck the US Economy Dry of $6 Trillion Dollars A Month the Feds refuse to pay off the above loans
We are entering an era of DEBT SLAVERY
So While We Are All Getting Deeper & Deeper Into Debt - The Bankstas Are Raping The Planet
Yes - It's Better Under Trump - But Not Much
As for the Clown Show in DC - The Demon-Rats & Rhine Republicans Like Mitt Romney Are Openly Trying To Kill President Trump
Despite the military backing our President - He Does Nothing
Except Tweet, Tweet, Tweet
VIDEO: (386) Half Of America Can't Pay It's Bills - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Tomorrow we will release the information on what many are calling the "ALIEN HEALING TABLE"
This table is merely a set of very powerful magnets that are used in the PEMF
The difference is the NEW Table is now about $6,000 and has several different types of waves and frequencies
And with coach Jimmy K's Training this becomes a great tool that allows your body to heal itself
for the PEMF Go To: EarthPulse™ PEMF Therapy Device - Denas
Then call him at 503-395-4142
For The New "Healing Table" or "Wellness Table" - you will have to wait until tomorrow
Remember - according to some Fascist US Departments we can only call it the "Wellness Table"

Monday, October 14, 2019
Warning By Feds - Buy Gold & Food NOW!
The head of the Dutch Central Banks stated that if we have an Economic Reset it will happen quickly and the economy will be built on Gold.
If it does happen there will be a period of time where food may not be available either
Either way - since President Trump has left these Treasonous folks in place the Hits on him just keep rolling in.
President Trump will either begin to arrest these Treasonous Pigs within a week or GOD may see him Face To Face - so HE has said it - so it shall be.
I am personally Pro-Trump - but we see these Traitors surround him in DC and he takes NO action against them.
Well - either the President Acts or GOD will deal with President Trump
Please Pray that President Trump Awakens VERY, VERY fast, especially after someone once again tried to kill him Thursday at the rally he attended.
My job is to try and protect Pres Trump and Putin and stop Rogue Nukes from being detonated world wide - like the one that went off north of Murmansk, Russia 2 months ago because the Russian's ignored us - but I cannot over ride GOD.
VIDEO: (128) Warning: Feds - Buy Gold/Food Now! - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Don't Let Your Family Pay For your Final Expenses!
Ge Here: https://www.ratefamily.com

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Don't Get Caught With Your Pants Down
As the Dollar is being rejects World Wide
As the US Treasury prints up the new "Treasury Dollar
To replace the US Dollar and then it will be devalued horribly
Stock up while you can
Video: (2141) Don't Get Caught With Your Pants Down - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Ambassador, Dr William B. Mount
Monday, March 18, 2019
29 March Gold/Silver Become Money
Central banks can now consider Gold 7 silver as Money - along with Sovereign Debt
So what happens when you add $700 Trillion Dollars in cast to a World Economy of around $100 Trillion?
That is Trillions with a Capitol "T".
And what happens to us little people?
Video: (718) In 11 Days Gold & Silver Become Money - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount

What I use instead of Nasty Insulin
Search results for "take down tea" | Life Change Tea
Then I add their 8th Element and my energy goes through the roof