The head of the Dutch Central Banks stated that if we have an Economic Reset it will happen quickly and the economy will be built on Gold.
If it does happen there will be a period of time where food may not be available either
Either way - since President Trump has left these Treasonous folks in place the Hits on him just keep rolling in.
President Trump will either begin to arrest these Treasonous Pigs within a week or GOD may see him Face To Face - so HE has said it - so it shall be.
I am personally Pro-Trump - but we see these Traitors surround him in DC and he takes NO action against them.
Well - either the President Acts or GOD will deal with President Trump
Please Pray that President Trump Awakens VERY, VERY fast, especially after someone once again tried to kill him Thursday at the rally he attended.
My job is to try and protect Pres Trump and Putin and stop Rogue Nukes from being detonated world wide - like the one that went off north of Murmansk, Russia 2 months ago because the Russian's ignored us - but I cannot over ride GOD.
VIDEO: (128) Warning: Feds - Buy Gold/Food Now! - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Don't Let Your Family Pay For your Final Expenses!
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