Showing posts with label Immusist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immusist. Show all posts

Saturday, May 9, 2020



VIDEO:  (551) HR 6666 - Mandatory Testing, Vaccination, & Contact Tracing - YouTube

The Bill is sponsored By 44 Democrats & One New Jersey Republican

The Bill was then referred to the House Energy Committee, Why?

It literally allows the CDC to come into you r home and conduct mandatory Testing - with swabs acting as the Vaccination - stuck up into your Brain Cell.

If they determine someone is sick - your child, your mom, your wife or husband - these folks haul you away to a FEMA Camp never to be seen again - those gates only work one way.

We shall see what the Sheeple of America do.

I Will Not Take The Vaccination - I Am The Resistance

I Stand For Freedom

After all the Shenanigans and the Coming RESETS - Only Gold & Silver will remain as a Currency.

Noble Gold still can source both Silver & Gold as we speak

Call & Order At 877-646-5347 Immediately.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount



Saturday, January 25, 2020

Stupid-Peachment Flops As Corona Virus Spreads World Wide

This Stupid-Peachemnt was an absolute flop

the Senate Gallery is only half full

The TV gets only around 300,000 views

Next week begins President Trump's Defense as You Tube and Google deplatform all websites that show the Stupid-Peachment

Further - Next Week Rudy Giuliano will begin releasing his evidence on Treason committed by Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden and the Illegal President Obama

In the mean time - this American Embarrassment was created simply because President Trump refuses to arrest those committing TREASON against our nation.

So as this National Embarrassment continues - the Corona Virus is spreading world wide.

So rather than working to prepare America for this crisis our politicians are just plain distracting us - acting like incompetent morons - form congress all the way up to the White House

As for this Corona Virus - Models show it should be world wide within 2 weeks and we will know just how nasty this Pneumonia really is.

VIDEO:   (600) Shampeachment Flops As Corona Virus Spreads World Wide .......... William Mount - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Just get ready

Food, Water, TP, Ammo, Heat, Communications

Food From:

Immuisist - From Ebay

Citricare =- From Ebay

Astraxantim, Take Down, and Pine Bark, Sea Vegetables  From

Bitter Worm Wood - Artemesia Annnua - Form Ebay


Food For 3 Months From: 2-Week Emergency Food Supply



Sunday, November 10, 2019

Trump Cries" I Caught The Entire Deep State

Our President has just made a Huge Statement - that he has caught the entire Deep State

The Lynch Pin was the FBI Agents that were in prison in Iran

As Trump pit more and more pressure on Iran they eventually Broke and are releasing these FBI Agents into US Hands so they can spill the beans and confirm the statements by the New Ukrainian President Zelenski

More On the Video:  (978) President: I Caught The Swamp, I Caught Them All - Now Watch - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount
we own the PEMF and are now personally testing the Sedona Bed - 17 TESLA Coils

EarthPulse PEMF - USA Sales, Support and Training

We are very excited and hope to interview Coach Jimmy K about it soon - very soon

Call Him At 503-395-4142

Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday Cuss And Discuss 15 July 2016


Video: Friday Cuss And Discuss 15 July 2016 - YouTube

The news seems to be going from bad to worse

Please keep in mind that we posted a video where Obama states he supports ISIS

1) A Muslim Truck Driver tried to blow up the Eifel Tower yesterday, killing over 80 people and the French Intelligence just stood there and watched it happen

2) Turkey is sending 200,000 Muslim “Refugees” to the Ukraine to invade Crimea - where Peter built his first church - The Church Upon Which Christ Will stand

3) Muslim Male “Refugees” (20 - 45) are now being sent all around Europe to rape and destroy

4) Here in America in a few hours there will be Black Lives Matter rallies across the nation - sponsored by the White House Defense Stabilization Fund

5) Businesses are closing at an alarming rate here in America as the Langley Boys (Funded through O the White House) puts the screws to all Americans

6) At the Dallas Fake Shooting 127 people were rounded up and sent to FEMA Camps - they will not return. The intended Round Up Number is 40 Times 150 = 3,000 Blacks. The CIA is trying to determine in anyone will even notice.

7) NATO and the EU - both run out of Washington DC (Follow the Money) - are not allowing information out about the attacks all across the world by these Evil Muslims ---- Rape, Murder, Destruction - typical Muslim stuff.

What can YOU do::

1) Do not go to any Rally/Riot

2) If you are black, leave tour Cell Phone OFF as frequencies will now be broadcast to turn you into a Raging Maniac. Leave it off until Sunday morning.

3) Unplug your TV as many will now be targeted to go “temporarily Insane”

4) Do not turn on Rap or Rock and Roll Stations - leave them off until Sunday Morning.

5) Stock up on Food, Water, Ammunition, Toilet Paper --- to limit your trips to the grocery store.

6) Pray that those who are involved in starting these rallies stop.

If you feel you must be armed - know your laws

Pepper spray is very effective at 12 feet - not those stupid little sprayers - but get Pepper Blaster and the $40 Bear Spray Canisters. Check with local state laws and be VERY discrete and the Cops are on HIGH ALERT and you do not want to make them angry




Buy Food:

Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -

Clean Out Your Body:

Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -


IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!


citricare - Google Search

Buy clean Sea Weed Inexpensively:

Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Sustainably Harvested and Certified Organic


Dr William B. Mount

The News You Need

The second we finished the video the computer died - the CIA does not wish you to have the information - so most references were lost.



News Blackout Descends After Eiffel Tower Attack Begins Horrific Terror Onslaught In France

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Cure For Breast Cancer

Here we describe how to "Cure Breast Cancer."

You  can never really CURE cancer but create a situation in the body where your body heals itself.

So - here is the Video:

The Cure For Breast Cancer - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Per our viewers request - we have published this. Send it to every one.. every one.....

Thursday, January 7, 2016


This Video shows you moms what can be done to help your children with allergies without spending huge amounts of money on doctor's appointments, drugs and more drugs.

The Video:


These stories are "Viewer Driven" - we discuss what YOU want us to discuss and we love doing it.

The News You Ask For

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thrive Cooking For Fun #3, Soup and Salad

Here we show how to make Soup and Salad in an inexpensive way that is nutritious and healthy.

I know it is hard to focus whole the world seems to be falling apart but these cooking  videos will teach you many ways to  to cut your food costs and travel expenses.

One last thing that is very important - if we do have Planned Riots and Food chain Disruptions if you are a member of Thrive Life you simply pick up the phone and order the food and it comes UPS to your front door.

UPS is now working with the US Post Office to ensure food deliveries around the nation.

Just go on  line to : and wither buy using my number of join and save 5%.

All of my profits are either going to Patch Adams Free Hospital or to our Cancer Camps we are not developing.

When I get a suitable home in either Kalispell Montana or Jackson Hole Wyoming Area I will immediately begin inviting people to come a learn how to cure cancer, autism, etc.

Give me your stage 4 and 5 Cancer Children and we will walk them out of Cancer at NO cost. Your ordering Thrive and your watching my videos will pay for this. All we need now is a home.

Both Immusist and Citri Care can give out my number and it is on THE CURE FOR CANCER video.

God bless your family.

Dr William Mount

The Video: Thrive Cooking For Fun #3 on You Tube
Thrive Cooking For Fun #3 Soup & Salad - YouTube

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Old 15 Year Old Malamute Puppy

Our 15 or 16 year old Malamute dog has a new life, we fed this to our old 16 year old Rescue Cat and his seizures stopped in 48 hours.

Dr WIlliam Mount

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

So You think Your Cell Phone Is Secure

So you think your Cell Phone is secure?

When you turn off your phone do you feel safe - like no one can hear you or send frequencies through the phone ot mess with you?

Think again.

Today while writing my story my phone kicked me off the internet and the phone remind off line until I complete the actions using another phone. So it appears whoever hacked my phone wants this little CIA/FBI/DHS Terrorist Plot to succeed on Christmas. Trace the URL of the hackers and you have teh network of US Corporate terrorists.

When I called Verizon they were shocked this happens so frequently - and that it only occurs while I am writing a story. They could not believe what I was saying. So here is what I learned from them:

1) If you have an Application like Solitaire on your phone you have just downloaded a hidden App that will allow almost anyone to track you, download your data, track your location, ofr send your a frequency that will disable you or kill you or shut your computer down.

Yesterday while my phone was in the room and I was playing CIV 4 on my computer my entire computer shut down. It was not until I turned the phone completely off an took it out of the room that my computer stopped shutting down.

As you recall - about 18 months ago a friend in the CIA gave me a stomach flu using my Cell Phone - it activated an imbeded virus on the GMO Wheat and I was down for 2 days - nice friend, eh?

Once I figured out what he had done it took 24 hours to cure but it took me buy surprise.
2) Unless you can remove the battery your phone it is never really off. I downloaded an App that allows me to improve battery life ---- when you battery says 10% and shut down you actually have about 50% of your battery life left. So if your phone off it still tracks you and can send out signals without your phone being on.

This is why at a Hardware Store my phone - while it was off - did a Factory rest and my data. The reset took well over 30 minutes. After the reset my data was erased, then 5 minutes later my data was reloaded.

We all watched this odd thing occur at the Hardware Store..\

Strange - Yes - but apparently not uncommon.

Most of the newer phones have built in batteries to force you to be a Slave of the phone and the few that remain that have removable batteries have internal batteries that last for days after pulling out the battery.
3) The phone can actually charge by itself from signals being sent through the airways.

When I do a Whopper of a story -- like the last one - my power rating often goes from 90% to 30% in about 30-45 minutes as Intel Agencies access my phone.

Occasionally it goes back to 50-60% without being placed on a charger - so like several radio chargers - you phone only needs to be NEAR on of these hidden charging stations and it recharged - - or it can be done through the airways.
4) In the Army in 1995 we had Smart Phones that lasted 7 days without a recharge, would work world wide, and could read minerals down 100 feet AND read your Blood Sugar levels and Oxygen Levels instantly.

The Phones were not allowed into the Public because you were "Not smart enough yet to accept this kind of technology."

5) Finally - the technology for these phones is being given to the phone companies as if their leaders are Slaves of one big colony.

Cell phone techies that work for Verizon, or any other American Based cell Phone company,  do not have the technology to find out who hacked me - or who is currently hacking me - which means they are only given so much technology and that is all.

I will set my phone down and you can watch it cruise the internet and the settings actually change s it is sitting there and my cell phone carries - Verizon - cannot see who is in my phone or that it is actually cruising the internet.

We set it on the table and watched it do this.

Yet when I do it they can tell me what I am doing on the phone.

So suppose you are Angela Merkel and you take the phone battery out of you phone - and you have a phone made by a company based in America - your entire conversation is not only taped but video taped as well and Iris Pattern recognition Software identifies those you are talking to.

Want to play in the bedroom - so you set your cell Phone on the dresser turned off - it is video taped.

Angela Merkel - your New New bedroom is very noisy - too many talkative guards.

6) American Made Electronics are not high tech - they are  is made to track you, record where you go,  who you see, make you sick, and kill you.

The frequencies they broadcast at are almost the same as your Microwave Oven - or "Radar Ranges" as they used to be called.

Read COINTELCOPRO to confirm what was just said.

This is why you must get a new phone when you come back to America - just in case your phone is NOT made by an American Company.

7) So what do we do?

We turn our phones off at night and put them in a different part of the house and  we sleep so much better at night.

BRIC Nations - you need to look at my last story to get the jist of the US Corporate planned Jet terrorist Attacks --- your Latest Christmas Present from the US to you.

1) No GMO foods - Spelt bread is OK as it is the original wheat.
2) No Chemicals - If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it.

3) Lots of Sea Weed.
4) Lots of Immusist -

Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Ammunition, Heat, Communications

For Medications I keep Immusist and Citricare and Kelp Uncle Harrys essential Oils for Breathing, and lots of cheap Cinnamon Tablets for those who have sugar problems. They run about $5 for 60 through Puritan foods.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Cure For Autism Update 16

Cure For Autism Update 16 The Finger

As you recall in previous stories we are tracking the progress of two families and their Autistic Children.

First of All - for autistic Children do not feed them any GMOs and chemicals as they they seem to be  really sensitive them. So avoid: Wheat, Soy Products, Corn, MSG, Food Dies, Propylene Glycol, Beet Sugars, and any other chemicals you cannot pronounce.

Eat instead: Spelt Bread (Yum), and all organic food as chemical fertilizers seem to prevent their forward progress.

Di not forget to include 2 Ounces per week of Kelp in their diet as well - as it is a perfect mineral base.

We also use Pink Himalaya Sea salt as it is loaded with minerals. I am going to begin giving this away to local moms with Autistic Children as it is very inexpensive.

We also add a Surfactant as this helps in the process considerably.

The best Surfactant I have found is Immusist. Go To

As you recall - the Mom we are focussing on  today  is a Doctor who spent many years in the military and now has 3 children.

First - Girl about 13, perfect High Achiever just like Mom.

Second - Girl now 11. She began talking 30 days after using 15 drops of Immusist per day and reading - sort of - after a year of 15 drops of Immusist per day. She is a real character - playful, heppy, and fun to be around.

Third - Boy, 7. He learns different than other children. He is an indigo CHild and requires one on one in the learning process  - his mind works incredibly fast. He is an Indigo Child.

This story is courtesy of all those in the Autistic Field who pour their hearts and souds into these special children.................................

The Little Girl we will call Amy, was unable to even dress herself 18 months ago. Now she is a playful little girl thanks to her mom and the use of Immusist.

About two weeks ago she was jumping on her mom and dad's bed and poked a hole in the wall. Opps - it happens.

Grand Dad held his tong pretty good - he was only there for a month and then he went home os he did not wish to get too angry.

Her Grand Dad was there and so Mom and Grand Dad ran down to Home Depot and got all the things needed to patch the hole

The Doctor's Husband, an Engineer, barely noticed the hole and works 12 hour shifts mainly at night.

The very next day hte Grand Dad smoothed out the hole, filled it in, used the putty knives to smooth it out, and then went down to show his daughter how nice the repair job was.

Little Amy was watching and as soon as Grand Dad left she put a finger hole in it and ran away laughing.

When Grand Dad took Mom up the stairs to see his work - there was a finger hole in his fine work..

Grand Dad reluctantly got the stuff again and filled the hole and then both Grand Dad and Mom hid  around the corner pretending they went down stairs.

No sooner did they leave the Bed Room than little Amy came in and put her finger in the hole again and laughing and giggling like little girls do ran away and hid. ell - she got caught..

Mom and Grand Dad took Amy down stairs and played with her while Grand Dad patched the hole a Third Time. Well ----------- it got late, mom took a shower, Grand Dad sat in his chair and turned on the TV and ------- Amy giggled her way upstairs and put her finger in the hole again.

When Mom went to bed there was a finger hole big as day.

Mom then went to Grand Dad and they met with little Amy - laughing and Giggling. As Grand Dad tried to chew her out - well, she laughed and giggled. It sort of turned into a Giggle Fest.

The next day little Amy went off to school - now a High achiever for an Autistic Child.

Well.....Grand Dad finally got to patch the hole and when Little Amy got home it was dry.

If your child is Autistic you are not a failure mom.

I do not know much about all these chemicals people feed their kids to help them, or the mud baths, or cold laser, or sodium what do I know.

We do know that if you eat Organic Real Food (No GMOs) and then use a surfactant to drive the nutrients into the cells these children - all 202 of them we have worked with - have shown incredible improvements ---- most beginning to speak in 30 days and recognizing words within a year.

God Bless the Moms and Dads who take the time with their children - they are fun to help and work with.

I thoroughly enjoy helping these people - especially the Vets with children who are born "Different."

The day I charge for this will be the day I die.

Freely I received, freely I give. GOD gave it to me, I give it to you.

Please Pray for the Manufacturer of Immusist that Moms and Dads across the world use it to help walk their children out of Autism.
The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount
27 October 2014


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Can Marijuana Cure Cancer Update 1

We have raised hte question:Can Marijuana be made to cure cancer?

We have two very important update on this tonight as we have hear directly from Dope Users what their experiences are.

First - Sea Weed in food laced with Dope.

The comments are all the same - the cancer stopped spreading but dod not fully go away.

The did not recall what type of Sea Weed they used or how much they used, or even where they got the Sea Weed.

They also continued to smoke - Dope, Cigarettes, etc.

Second - Immusist.

The results here are very promising.

When 3 drops of Immusist were placed in their food they got higher, they stayed high for a longer period ot time, and they had no bad after effects when they came down ---- no Hang Over.

They also felt that they could cut their Dope use in half and get just as high.

Further - the Cancer stopped. It just stopped growing.

In other words - rather than spending $400 a month on Dope they could now spend $200 a month on dope with the same high.

At 3 drops per day, 1400+ drops per bottle - a $100 bottle lasts about 1 year - net saving to Dope users is about $2,300 per year.
So these are the Preliminary Findings of this current ongoing investigation.

Dr William B Mount

IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Are We Ready For A Dollar Exchange?

Are we ready for a dollar exchange?

(((((Pray -- visualize hard - that those ELitists in charge are run off Planet Earth immediately)))))

Are you ready for a dollar exchange?

The Federal Reserve Bank has been ordered by the IMF to begin printing US Treasury Notes and begin exchanging $100 dollar bills around 1 July with Asset Based Currency.

The Federal Reserve Bank, IMf, and US Treasury are all corporation owned by the Rothchilds, but few folks realize this. See USC 5, Sec 103 and check out the organizations the US Corporate President may manage - only Homeland Security.

The Asset Backed US Treasury Note will be backed with will be Unharvested Oil, Gold Futures and SIlver Futures ---- in other words ----- thin air.

If they go ahead wirth the exchange then it will begin something like this:

a) The First Week you can exchange $100 Federal reserve Notes for $92 US Treasury Asset Backed Dollars

b) Week 2 it will for to $88 US Treasury Backed Dollars for $100 Federal Reserve Notes

c) Week three it will be $79 US Treasury Backed Dollars for every $100 Federal reserve Notes.

d)  So on and so forth until their ration becomes 10/1 where it will remain.

Federal Reserve Notes held overseas will not be exchangible for the New US Treasury Asset Based Dollars and will be exchanged through the SWIFT accounts at roughly a 10/1 ratio.

The gap will be used to pay of the Federal Reserve Debt - which YOU do not owe - "Caudio Fejisoriao."

At the same time both China and Russia will issue their Gold Backed Rubbles and Yuan.

Either way it is all designed to screw YOU and benefit the Luciafian Elitists.

This is a spiritual battle and it must be won in a much higher Harmonics.

For You Intel Geeks:

1) You have evacuated Peace Corps volunteers form the Ukraine and planning to send many of them to Thailand. Are you insane, they just had a Coup?

2) Then you offered to send many to Argentina knowing that the US is trying to stir up riots, a and a Coup there to kill those who wet the current Pope up in power (Dead Men Tell No Tales), are you mad?

3) Auto Tellers across the nation are running out of money due to the outsourcing of servicing the Auto Tellers, this the machines are only allowing $200/day to be taken out, not $400/day. Do you think this Outsourcing of Bank Services causes a Security Issue?

The finding of a $4 Billion Dollar Error in the Bank Of America last month -- wasn't that due to outsourcing as well?

Well - uh - Duh!

Wake Up Office of the Comptroller of Currency.

4) A Prelude To War: Jordan ejects Syrian's Ambassador, Syria ejects Jordan's Ambassador yesterday in a Tit For Tat.

5) 1 June comes awful quick - buckle up You thing releasing Fukushima's radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean yesterday is bad, that the Carlsbad Caves having a Melt Down is bad - you ain't seen nothing yet.

6) Operation American Sprikng came and went - not one word in the media --- not one word except that General LD Dempsey (DOD Commander) caved in and did nothing --- which makes him a Coward and a Liar.

7) Atlanta Craig's List is advertising for "Players In A Mock SImulated Disasters June 27-29 . Pay is $100 per day."

Sounds an awful lot like a Mock Shooting of Muslim Extreme Attack, Doesn't it?

I wonder what the DOD and Homeland Security has dreamed up for them?
More Miracles From Our Creator - the Living GOD:

I wish some extra prayer. I have a friend who refuses to use EDTA and Immusist and eat Sea weed, yet he is laying in bed dying. I do not know what to do?

We just won another Veteran's Case. A friend ran a vet through the DAV and not only has he started eating Immusist and gave up 12 Cokes a day it looks like he will be awarded 100% VA Physical Disability Service Connected and receive enough Back Pay to buy his house back. From the streets to a nice home ---- all done by the owner of Immusist. He did it at his own expense.

All I did was point Jim form Immusist  in the right direction. He did the rest. He stuck with this guy through Thick and Thin but look atthe results......

And you winder why I believe in Jim and in  Immusist?

It works and Jim brought a Vet form the pits to a very respectable place.

Never give up on a Vet - they were there to help you when you needed it, maybe in a forest fire, maybe in a flood. Now I stick by them every chance I get.

By the way - this month Immusist has just received  quite a few calls of how of the children of Alzheiemrs Patients are sneaking 4-5 drops of Immusist per day into their parents Juice and they are "Coming out of a fog", begin walking to dinner, going out and getting the newspaper, dressing, going to the bathroom themselves ---- the list of these Alzheimer's Patients just goes on and on and on.

The surfactants in Immusist are similar to those found in Kelp, only more concentrated.

Form what I have seen it changes your body chemistry - 2-5 drops per day - and your body then begins to heal itself.

Folks - you can't afford Obama Care - stay healthy.

I would not have believed it if I did not see it for myself.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Read

Dr William Mount

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Cure For My Wife's Migraines

For years my wife has suffered from migraine Headaches, sound familiar?

(((((Please pray - visualize - that your eyes are opened.)))))

At first she though it was from over work and stress. She ran 2 gas stations in Tacoma, Washington.

When I met her she had several types of cancer and high Blood Pressure.

We began eating Sea Weed for her cancer and EDTA for her High Blood Pressure.

We ate the Sea Weed every day and only ate 1,000MG of EDTA once a week.

Her cancer went away and her blood pressure went form 195/175 to 150/130 - a great improvement.

We then discovered IMMUSIST - a surfactant very similar to that found in Kelp.

After 1 year of 15 drops of Immusist a day her Blood Pressure dropped to 120/80 after a large cup of coffee.

Her Headaches continued.

We eliminated Gluten, Dairy and Canola Oil and her headaches dropped off a bit but she still used 4-6 Advil per day.

I noticed her nerves were becoming a jumbled mess in her head and she was forgetting things ----------- Pre-Alzheimers. I am a Medical Intuit.

Realizing that 1/3rd of her calories per day were from sugar I began having her eat 400Mg of Gymnema every day - not the Extract but pure Gymnema.

The headaches were gone in 4 hours - permanently.

Apparently the High Intake of Sugars causes the nerve cells to degrade and fat to be added on to the body.

Our experience shows that if she keeps eating the Gymnema tablets, Sea Weed and Immusist her brain will be fully healed within one year.

She has also decided not to eat large amounts of Chocolate and Gummy Worms (Organic Gluten Free) and concentrate on things like meat, vegies, etc.

What you have read is very important. Here is why:

The VA Hospital is a prelude to what you will get with Obama Care. I am on the NO TRAEAT list because I refuse to take any LSD derivative and participate in their silly studies.

I have a patient record who received Breast Reduction Surgery at the Seattle VA for a treatment for Malaria - this i snot a joke.

You need to know ways to stay healthy so you do not need the VA Health Care or you will get VA type treatment that is more than likely going to kill you.

I watched an 86 year old man go into Tacoma General Hospital 2 years ago from a head injury. The Hospital gave him a flu shot and he died 5 days later.

The attending Physician told us that the hospital had chosen to let him die. If he was younger they would have treated him but he was too old to save.


The bill for the 86 year old man for the week he was in the hospital when they killed him was over $100,000. Thank GOD we had put all of his assets in an Irrevocable Living Trust (Cost $2,000) - they could not be touched.

So learn to stay healthy or you will pay with your pocket book and your life.
If I had the money I would buy Ed Skilling's Machine and boost my immune system even more.

For now IMMUSIST and an Ion Cleanse(Electronic Foot Bath)  machine form E-Bay will do.

If I could have just two items it would be Sea Weed and Immusist.

The News YOU are not supposed to get.

Dr William B. Mount