Are we ready for a dollar exchange?
(((((Pray -- visualize hard - that those ELitists in charge are run off Planet Earth immediately)))))
Are you ready for a dollar exchange?
The Federal Reserve Bank has been ordered by the IMF to begin printing US Treasury Notes and begin exchanging $100 dollar bills around 1 July with Asset Based Currency.
The Federal Reserve Bank, IMf, and US Treasury are all corporation owned by the Rothchilds, but few folks realize this. See USC 5, Sec 103 and check out the organizations the US Corporate President may manage - only Homeland Security.
The Asset Backed US Treasury Note will be backed with will be Unharvested Oil, Gold Futures and SIlver Futures ---- in other words ----- thin air.
If they go ahead wirth the exchange then it will begin something like this:
a) The First Week you can exchange $100 Federal reserve Notes for $92 US Treasury Asset Backed Dollars
b) Week 2 it will for to $88 US Treasury Backed Dollars for $100 Federal Reserve Notes
c) Week three it will be $79 US Treasury Backed Dollars for every $100 Federal reserve Notes.
d) So on and so forth until their ration becomes 10/1 where it will remain.
Federal Reserve Notes held overseas will not be exchangible for the New US Treasury Asset Based Dollars and will be exchanged through the SWIFT accounts at roughly a 10/1 ratio.
The gap will be used to pay of the Federal Reserve Debt - which YOU do not owe - "Caudio Fejisoriao."
At the same time both China and Russia will issue their Gold Backed Rubbles and Yuan.
Either way it is all designed to screw YOU and benefit the Luciafian Elitists.
This is a spiritual battle and it must be won in a much higher Harmonics.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) You have evacuated Peace Corps volunteers form the Ukraine and planning to send many of them to Thailand. Are you insane, they just had a Coup?
2) Then you offered to send many to Argentina knowing that the US is trying to stir up riots, a and a Coup there to kill those who wet the current Pope up in power (Dead Men Tell No Tales), are you mad?
3) Auto Tellers across the nation are running out of money due to the outsourcing of servicing the Auto Tellers, this the machines are only allowing $200/day to be taken out, not $400/day. Do you think this Outsourcing of Bank Services causes a Security Issue?
The finding of a $4 Billion Dollar Error in the Bank Of America last month -- wasn't that due to outsourcing as well?
Well - uh - Duh!
Wake Up Office of the Comptroller of Currency.
4) A Prelude To War: Jordan ejects Syrian's Ambassador, Syria ejects Jordan's Ambassador yesterday in a Tit For Tat.
5) 1 June comes awful quick - buckle up You thing releasing Fukushima's radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean yesterday is bad, that the Carlsbad Caves having a Melt Down is bad - you ain't seen nothing yet.
6) Operation American Sprikng came and went - not one word in the media --- not one word except that General LD Dempsey (DOD Commander) caved in and did nothing --- which makes him a Coward and a Liar.
7) Atlanta Craig's List is advertising for "Players In A Mock SImulated Disasters June 27-29 . Pay is $100 per day."
Sounds an awful lot like a Mock Shooting of Muslim Extreme Attack, Doesn't it?
I wonder what the DOD and Homeland Security has dreamed up for them?
More Miracles From Our Creator - the Living GOD:
I wish some extra prayer. I have a friend who refuses to use EDTA and Immusist and eat Sea weed, yet he is laying in bed dying. I do not know what to do?
We just won another Veteran's Case. A friend ran a vet through the DAV and not only has he started eating Immusist and gave up 12 Cokes a day it looks like he will be awarded 100% VA Physical Disability Service Connected and receive enough Back Pay to buy his house back. From the streets to a nice home ---- all done by the owner of Immusist. He did it at his own expense.
All I did was point Jim form Immusist in the right direction. He did the rest. He stuck with this guy through Thick and Thin but look atthe results......
And you winder why I believe in Jim and in Immusist?
It works and Jim brought a Vet form the pits to a very respectable place.
Never give up on a Vet - they were there to help you when you needed it, maybe in a forest fire, maybe in a flood. Now I stick by them every chance I get.
By the way - this month Immusist has just received quite a few calls of how of the children of Alzheiemrs Patients are sneaking 4-5 drops of Immusist per day into their parents Juice and they are "Coming out of a fog", begin walking to dinner, going out and getting the newspaper, dressing, going to the bathroom themselves ---- the list of these Alzheimer's Patients just goes on and on and on.
The surfactants in Immusist are similar to those found in Kelp, only more concentrated.
Form what I have seen it changes your body chemistry - 2-5 drops per day - and your body then begins to heal itself.
Folks - you can't afford Obama Care - stay healthy.
I would not have believed it if I did not see it for myself.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Read
Dr William Mount