Thursday, June 27, 2019

Insanity Sweeping Planet Eart

The World seems to be going insane.

As President Trump travels across the globe to try and stop both a Nuclear War and a Financial Melt Down the rest of the world seems to be going insane.

1) The Russian Legislature tore up the Intermediate Range Nuclear Treaty

2) Russia also banned Poisonous US Grown and manufacture foods

3) India is increasing it's Tariffs on American Goods - forcing Trump to counter these Tariffs.

4) The American Main Stream media and Colleges have turned Communist - something the DOJ should have stopped 40 years ago.

5) While President Trump is trying to stop this Insanity the FBI sends a shooter after him so the White House went on Lock Down a few days ago

Video.....(492) Things Have Gone Insane Across the Planet - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Cure For Cancer - Update 9/18

We Have Reached Critical Mass

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


We Have Hit Critical Mass

Planet Earth Has Reached Critical Mass

We are now at the point where we wither begin to disintegrate both politically and economically or we turn the corner and fix things.

Now that Iran has 6 Nuclear Missiles things are completely different - as the plan a launch on Israel.

The Spiritual leaders of the Muslims -Imams - ISLAM (People Of Slavery) - believe that a Nuclear War will bring back their Great Messiah.

The Leaders Of Israel the Chief Priests - feel a Nuclear War will bring back their Messiah.

They are absolutely Suicidally Insane and Demon Possessed

Further - President Trumps inability to contain the Lunatic Left and their desire to start WW3 has reached a tipping point where these DemonCrats are using their Tax Dollars to start this Insane Nuclear War and other nations may be moving in to assist in their removal

To this end the Political Leaders of the Nuclear Nations are meeting in Private in Jerusalem, Moscow and soon to be in Tokyo to try and stop this insanity

IE - We have Reached Critical mass

Video:  (460) We Have Reached Critical Mass - YouTube

The Wall Of truth

Dr William B. Mount

Brought To You By Something every Financial Planner Should Have At His Finer Tips:

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Top Secret Intelligence Unit On The Move

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Top Secret Intelligence Unit On the Move

There is yet another Intelligence Agency that is on the move.

Termed "The Activity" in Comic books, the 17th Intelligence Group is now on the move

A few days ago they Blew a car up in a parking lot near where 5 charges were planted in a Refinery in Philly.

The Car Bomb was to be used by members of a Local Mosque working with elements of the FBI to create Terror around the nation.

the ship that was seized b the Boarder Patrol first unloaded allot of weapons the FBI is now transporting to Mosques across the nation to be used to kill Americans randomly through REAL shootings and random bombings.

Wither these Muslims are sent home with their welfare in tact, or we will have a Brand New America as their religious leaders will now attempt to topple the US Corporate Government as the run illegal drugs across America.

As an Ambassador I have been to the mosques and seen this First Hand.

As for the CIA involvement in this Terrorism - they are the ones that pay for, and send out, the weapons and monitor the FBI to ensure Lucifer's Call to destroy America is accomplished.

Either way - there are allot of those in the Intelligence Agencies that do not want to see this coming Nuclear War.

Many do not wish to see their parents, their children and their Grand Children cooked in a wave of Radiation that will surely sweep across the planet.......

Currently World Leaders are meeting to try and stop this insanity.

GOD states if they want this war they will be replaced with doubles. This is not the time to disagree with GOD for death is Death and Hell is for all eternity.

VIDEO: (440) Top Secret Intelligence Unit On The Move - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Goal of this channel is to prevent WW3 using Nuclear Weapons and thus we try to stop Rogue Nuclear Weapon's Detonations and Major Presidential Assassinations

As for the Nuclear Detonations in Major National Capitols - we will wait on notifying you until the conference currently going on is over

Remember - Donetsk, Ukraine 5 February 2015 Nuclear Detonation or 11 Nov 2011? where a Nuclear Cruse Missile was launched on SAC HQ???

We tracked both of these for at least a month.....

This channel was designed to reach Intelligence Branches capable of stopping this insanity as World Leaders ignore what GOD wishes them to do --- so they are at risk of being replaced with Doubles.

IE -

1) 6 Hillary's
2) 2 Trump's
3) 2 John Kerry's
4) 7 Obama's Now
5) Etc

Too many distractions - cannot focus on the detonation points set for September - The Major World Leaders Did Not Isolate Per GOD's Request.

Oodachie People Of DC, Moscow, Paris, Being, Tokyo, Etc if your Intelligence Geeks Miss This One.

To do this effectively i need a large house with few electronics - hopefully near White Fish Montana to keep the wife happy.... Intel Agents - YOU want to live, you make this happen by first asking what is needed - then complying - or kiss your families bye bye.

What Good is money if you have no planet???

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