Showing posts with label Galactic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galactic. Show all posts

Friday, January 19, 2024

Will Trump Take Over As President In 4 Days? - Kent Dunn Update . Entert...











The Wall Of Truth
Dr WIlliam Mount

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Top Secret Intelligence Unit On the Move

There is yet another Intelligence Agency that is on the move.

Termed "The Activity" in Comic books, the 17th Intelligence Group is now on the move

A few days ago they Blew a car up in a parking lot near where 5 charges were planted in a Refinery in Philly.

The Car Bomb was to be used by members of a Local Mosque working with elements of the FBI to create Terror around the nation.

the ship that was seized b the Boarder Patrol first unloaded allot of weapons the FBI is now transporting to Mosques across the nation to be used to kill Americans randomly through REAL shootings and random bombings.

Wither these Muslims are sent home with their welfare in tact, or we will have a Brand New America as their religious leaders will now attempt to topple the US Corporate Government as the run illegal drugs across America.

As an Ambassador I have been to the mosques and seen this First Hand.

As for the CIA involvement in this Terrorism - they are the ones that pay for, and send out, the weapons and monitor the FBI to ensure Lucifer's Call to destroy America is accomplished.

Either way - there are allot of those in the Intelligence Agencies that do not want to see this coming Nuclear War.

Many do not wish to see their parents, their children and their Grand Children cooked in a wave of Radiation that will surely sweep across the planet.......

Currently World Leaders are meeting to try and stop this insanity.

GOD states if they want this war they will be replaced with doubles. This is not the time to disagree with GOD for death is Death and Hell is for all eternity.

VIDEO: (440) Top Secret Intelligence Unit On The Move - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Goal of this channel is to prevent WW3 using Nuclear Weapons and thus we try to stop Rogue Nuclear Weapon's Detonations and Major Presidential Assassinations

As for the Nuclear Detonations in Major National Capitols - we will wait on notifying you until the conference currently going on is over

Remember - Donetsk, Ukraine 5 February 2015 Nuclear Detonation or 11 Nov 2011? where a Nuclear Cruse Missile was launched on SAC HQ???

We tracked both of these for at least a month.....

This channel was designed to reach Intelligence Branches capable of stopping this insanity as World Leaders ignore what GOD wishes them to do --- so they are at risk of being replaced with Doubles.

IE -

1) 6 Hillary's
2) 2 Trump's
3) 2 John Kerry's
4) 7 Obama's Now
5) Etc

Too many distractions - cannot focus on the detonation points set for September - The Major World Leaders Did Not Isolate Per GOD's Request.

Oodachie People Of DC, Moscow, Paris, Being, Tokyo, Etc if your Intelligence Geeks Miss This One.

To do this effectively i need a large house with few electronics - hopefully near White Fish Montana to keep the wife happy.... Intel Agents - YOU want to live, you make this happen by first asking what is needed - then complying - or kiss your families bye bye.

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Incredible Galactic Conference March 2017

Special Report:

There is an incredible conference coming to Olympia this 10 - 12 March 2017

VIDEO:  Incredible Upcoming Conference In Olympia Wash - YouTube

The Galactic Wisdom Conference

The conference will be held at the Olympia: Land and Yacht Harbor RV Park only minutes away from the I-5 Nisqually Park Exit.

Hotels and restaurants abound in this area.

The conference will be hosted by Ted Mahrs, who himself has a radio program on 1150AM called ”Out Of This World” and has over 150,000 listeners world wide.

He has also just started a TV Program that is on COMCAST.

Last year when Jane and I attended it was wild. Imagine an entire weekend filled with UFO-logy, Spiritual Healing and the like.

If you have any questions about what an Alien is, what is out there, why are we here, and why is this planet is not one “Big Ball of Flames” right now this is the place to start.

Speakers include, although they are subject to change:

1) Billy Woodard - Former Commander of Area 51 and a Retired Colonel, US Army. He is one very nice guy and fun to talk to. He is actually a Hermaphrodite. Please treat hi with respect because he is also a retired US Army Colonel.

2) Scott Lemriel - Author and a fascinating man in his own right and f8n to talk to as well.  He is in contact with the Seres. I am told that they are from Dimensions way above anything our military has actually interacted with.

3) Ariana -  A Star Child - Who speaks to those in higher Dimensions and a very personable gal and fun to talk to.

4) Professor Gerald Pollack - University of Washington. His experiments are leading to powering large US Navy ships by using the 4th Phase of Water rather than Nuclear Reactors

5) Michiko Hayashi and Dr Yoshi - From Tokyo, Japan - who are working on both healing your body through frequencies and cleaning up large bodies of water using these same frequencies - a type of “Radionics”  - very high frequencies.

6) Greg Sullivan - Commander of the SETI Program of Japan - very nice fellow to talk with. He may come, maybe not. There is so much activity out there right now he may be tied up. He was there last year - a very young guy with an enormous amount of enthusiasm.

7) Emma Loiuse Hansen - From Norway - She came from Andromeda Galaxy and is who is currently being visited from folks from there and has pictures of these folks she is interacting with. Wow - I look forward to meeting her.

8) Simon Parks - an incredible guy from England who’s mother worked for MI5 and father worked for MI6 - the James Bond People. He is in contact with several alien races and has a unique perspective on the US Secret Space Program and will come via Skype.

9) Jim Mars - The Author of so many books. No introduction is even needed. This guy is incredible.

Friday night is free and the cost of the entire conference for Saturday and Sunday is $197.

Last years conference blew our minds.

If you do not go then how will you know???

We saw some really strange things there last year.

In the sky, for example,  there were some very strange ships that showed up on our Cell Phones.

Apparently the  Galactic Alliance is supposed to be there this year so hang on to your hats and prepare for a low fly-over.

If you have any questions please go to:

See you there.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Ashtar Command - Who Are They?

Ashtar Command is a group of Extra Terrestrials that - well - watch the video and find out:

Ashtar Command - What Is It? - YouTube

The News You Absolutely Must Have

Dr William B. Mount