One by one - the people involved at the top will be removed form Planet Earth and their chief demons sent to He..ll
CERN has been taken down and there is now way out for these Deviants
They must now, out of necessity, go down
The Demons have violated a Blood Oathe and we are asking GOS to force their hand
They are powerful - but stupid
When you cut the head off of a snake it slithers around for for a while - then it ides
When you cut the head of a Chicken off it runs around the yard and finally dies
Lucifer is about to get his head cut off - but in his slithering he can make life very rough for us
He is going down as you read this and he will try to destroy the Earth on his way down, just lik he did to Planet Mars and Planet Marduke, and hte people of: Hyperboria, Lemuria, and Atlantis
This time - he and his pigs will fail.
GOD outsmarted Lucifer on the cross
GOD again outsmarted them as Masons violating their primary Blood Oathe as masons, Knight templars, etc..
These snakes will Squirm, slither and hiss and try to turn the tables - but they have now been fully exposed and their masters must be terminat,: So Says The I AM THAT I AM, Who Was, And IS and IS to Come.
So hang on as Lucifer tried to destroy Planet Earth and Man Kind.
The Wall Of truth
Dr William Mount
This time - no one will bail the US Corporation out again
We are the War Machine for the Octagon group and Lucifer
The world is tired of Wars
The idea of wiping out the Human Race is off the table
Those involved will now be dealt with
Those Censoring the Truth will also be dealt with
Media Moguls will be dealt with
As the US Government is dismantles piece by piece Lucifer's Control over Planet Earth will also be dismantled
Either Way - we have 6 dark months ahead of us
Our goal is to stop the destruction of Planet earth by stopping Key Presidential Assassinations and Nuclear detonations that lad to an all ourt Nuclear exchange
Any of these actions could cause planet Earth to crack up into 1 million Pieces - A meteor Sower floating in the cosmic winds
Several days ago the director of the United Nations - Secretary General Anthony Guterres - explains exactly how they are creating flooding across the globe
This fallen angel explains exactly what they are doing to flood humans out of rural areas.
You see- we live in the Puget Sound and look at ocean levels about once a week by going to a local restaurant on the water.
Ocean levels have not risen - but local tides have become more erratic.
So when Anthony says Ocean Levels are rising - what he really means is that they are warming up the oceans to make ocean levels rise. using Microwaves - that also cook the life in hte ocean - Whales, salmon, plankton, sea weed, etc.
We can obviously see what the results are across America with the recent massive flooding now occurring in the Puget Sound.
We encourage everyone to convert their IRA's to gold and silver IRA's so that as stocks fall you maintain your own personal wealth - an important strategy as we are beginning to see signs of Hyper Inflation world wide.
We go to:
Or Call Charles/Collins/Andrew and the rest at 877-646-5347
They still have Physical Gold and Silver
When Trump gave the United Nations $120 Million Dollars to continue operation in US Soil it allowed the United Nations to begin hiring "Specialists"
1) Disarm Americans
2) Reeducate Americans
3) Kill those Americans who do not conform to these Lucifarian Fallen Angels
Pray that those trying to destroy America and her Bill Of Rights and Constitution are removed from Planet Earth immediately.
Pray hard that President Trump grows some Testicles and stops this madness immediately.
Remember - without President Trump's Funding to Virginia National Guard or to the United Nations none of this would be possible.
So we pray hard he stops this before it goes too far
One more american Dies due to illegal Gun Laws and GOD will start killing President Trumps Family... so HE has said ti - so IT shall be.
GOD also says that the head of the Supreme Court - Roberts - will suffer the same losses as Presidnet Trump - but Roberts is a hardened Demon Possessed Blue Blooded Freak.
(((The goal here is to keep this planet in one piece - and that means no Presidential Assassinations that would lead to Nuclear War or any form of Nuclear War.)))
Their goal has been, and will continue to be, the death of 90% of humanity and complete and total control of the other 10% - to begin 21 December 2019
The Democrats under Obama imbedded these agendas so deep in US Law that it may not be stoppable
So we pray
We pray that all those coming against America are neutralized immediately and forever.
This includes - especially - those on FOX News purposely giving only half of the truth
Dr William B. Mount
The Bestest Christmas Present
The Trump 2020 Coin - Pure Silver
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It is of our humble opinion that the death of Xi Jinping and Putin #4 would not initiate a Nuclear War so we are going to drop all Assassination Attempts of these "Leaders" than you Sergio Lavrov
So for now - we will focus on Trump - Be Careful in 14 -17 Days Sergio Lavrov and Vladmir Putin - Shooter Alert and change your Food Testers NOW
There is yet another Intelligence Agency that is on the move.
Termed "The Activity" in Comic books, the 17th Intelligence Group is now on the move
A few days ago they Blew a car up in a parking lot near where 5 charges were planted in a Refinery in Philly.
The Car Bomb was to be used by members of a Local Mosque working with elements of the FBI to create Terror around the nation.
the ship that was seized b the Boarder Patrol first unloaded allot of weapons the FBI is now transporting to Mosques across the nation to be used to kill Americans randomly through REAL shootings and random bombings.
Wither these Muslims are sent home with their welfare in tact, or we will have a Brand New America as their religious leaders will now attempt to topple the US Corporate Government as the run illegal drugs across America.
As an Ambassador I have been to the mosques and seen this First Hand.
As for the CIA involvement in this Terrorism - they are the ones that pay for, and send out, the weapons and monitor the FBI to ensure Lucifer's Call to destroy America is accomplished.
Either way - there are allot of those in the Intelligence Agencies that do not want to see this coming Nuclear War.
Many do not wish to see their parents, their children and their Grand Children cooked in a wave of Radiation that will surely sweep across the planet.......
Currently World Leaders are meeting to try and stop this insanity.
GOD states if they want this war they will be replaced with doubles. This is not the time to disagree with GOD for death is Death and Hell is for all eternity.
The Goal of this channel is to prevent WW3 using Nuclear Weapons and thus we try to stop Rogue Nuclear Weapon's Detonations and Major Presidential Assassinations
As for the Nuclear Detonations in Major National Capitols - we will wait on notifying you until the conference currently going on is over
Remember - Donetsk, Ukraine 5 February 2015 Nuclear Detonation or 11 Nov 2011? where a Nuclear Cruse Missile was launched on SAC HQ???
We tracked both of these for at least a month.....
This channel was designed to reach Intelligence Branches capable of stopping this insanity as World Leaders ignore what GOD wishes them to do --- so they are at risk of being replaced with Doubles.
IE -
1) 6 Hillary's
2) 2 Trump's
3) 2 John Kerry's
4) 7 Obama's Now
5) Etc
Too many distractions - cannot focus on the detonation points set for September - The Major World Leaders Did Not Isolate Per GOD's Request.
Oodachie People Of DC, Moscow, Paris, Being, Tokyo, Etc if your Intelligence Geeks Miss This One.
To do this effectively i need a large house with few electronics - hopefully near White Fish Montana to keep the wife happy.... Intel Agents - YOU want to live, you make this happen by first asking what is needed - then complying - or kiss your families bye bye.
What Good is money if you have no planet???
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Unable to trust either the FCC or the FTC the President has ordered the DOJ to begin investigating both Google and the Alphabet Company for violating Anti-Monopoly Laws
My guess is that nothing but a few fines will occur
So the attack on his convoy 19 days ago - leaving 3 Louisiana Troopers on the ground - did not wake him up maybe the 4 attempts on his life we outlined will..
Either way - is seems unlikely that this President will do anything productive towards uncensotring the truth
If President Trump does not listen to GOD he may just be replaced in December with a Double - not kidding.
A Complete CIA controlled puppet, and not by the good side of the CIA.
Just in time for the supposed 'Economic Crash" to bring about a Demon-Rat into the White House and a massive Nuclear War.
We wish this was a joke but after 3 more UN Broadcasts from those who run the UN - this is their plan and the US is still funding these Fallen Angels in the UN.
President Trumps Life May depend on him doing as GOD has asked him to do.
In fact - all of our lives may depend now on whether President Trump does as GOD has directed him to do.
So we pray for President Trumps Safety and that he does as GOD has asked him to do.
The first thing he asked him to do is remove the Internet form ICANN and stop censoring the truth and go after Election Fraud and shut up and build THE WALL
First - Tiger Stream - that little device that allows you to watch TV, Live Sports, and movies - just created a special Promo for YOU only.
I see what is coming and we all will need to trim pour budget immediately and Tiger Stream now understands.
Buy a Tiger Stream using the Promo Code MOUNT and save $125.
Cut Your Cable Today and save money.
The last President used Tax Payer Funds to rig the 2016 election.
In October 2014 the President sent his White House Chief Technology Officer Todd Park to Silicon Valley to help with the Frazzled Rat’s campaign and to help her implement Facebook Election Rigging Software.
The last President then hired Google Engineer Mikey Dickerson at the White House and created the US Digital Service - which routed All Election Results nation wide through the White House so the President could control the outcome.
Fortunately there was an Adult there who then rerouted these elections through a Secret Location and gave President Trump the win.
We are talking about Open Treason by those in the White House, those in charge of Face Book and Google.
The article then goes on to describe exactly who was in charge of what part of the Treasonous Acts - a who‘s who of Treason.
What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander - why can’t President Trump use this same system to control the 2018 elections Nationwide?
Time will tell what happens to these individuals.
Please Pray - focus - that those who are committing Treason against the American Public are neutralized immediately.
The United Nations brought forth legislation to force Homosexual Education onto all 10 year olds across the world.
Only one of the 4 resolutions failed.
Further - Abortion will be taught as an alternative to having children as parental Control for their Children’s Education was ruled to be - Antiquated and now illegal.
THE PLAN must be implemented immediately - Complete anarchy, massive world conflict, and the reduction of the world’s population to 500 million.
Do not worry as the US is now dropping “Flowers” that go “Boom” on the Somalia “Taliban” and killing one man per $10 Million Dollars of military expenses.
In a Macy’s Parade 4 Illegal Aliens blocked the path. They were arrested but they discussed the 11 Million Illegal Aliens not in America.
Those two Items have Bankrupted America so the Elites expect Chaos soon to occur world wide.
Please pray that these Elites are Neutralized and for your families that you are ready for any disaster - from Food Shortages to power outages.
Yesterday we received another Intel Dump - a Briefing of sorts.
1) Protect President Putin over the next 4 days - as there is a great threat against him and his doubles.
The Rothchilds have paid a Bounty on his head for seizing their Illegal Syrian Oil Profits.
2) Secret Service - President Trump is about to find out who has been protecting him - Warning him 3 months out as to the threats on his life - and when he finds out you have been screwing with him Poop will hit the fan.
Yes - Secret Service Agents are needed to guard the Northern Alaska.
3) With the deaths of the original Clintons, David Rothchild, David Rockefeller, George Soros , George Bush Senior, Queen of England things are now coming out.
4) China may soon loose liquidity as they are now experience huge debt problems as their economy continues to tumble.
This may mean a pulling in of the Thousands of Billions of Treasury Bonds now out there and the end of liquidity here in the United States.
What that means is Economic Chaos - which means - World Wide Depression unlike the world has ever seen.
If this World Wide Depression does not occur by 1 January - forcing a Huge World Conflict using Huge Firecrackers fired from Iran onto Israel - then there will be an attempt to take out the US President 4 January. This would be a great time not to be in the White House. We shall see about 8 February - hint, hint, hint.
4) Just a note to the President: many bottles of booze are laced with a new Encapsulated Patented Herpes Virus G+. If you insist on drinking then please have your own trusted staff bring it to you.
Any bottle in the White House Booze Cellar with a red dot or smiley face on them - avoid them. The New Virus - meant to take you down in 24 hours with fevers - are activated by stomach acids.
The last CIA and the last 2 FBI Directors were informed about these bottles.
5) In the Sub Basement of the White House there are some Chemical Agents - they are beginning to leak. Get rid of them.
6) There is still a crack on what was just Air Force 1, now #3 on the left landing gear strut - the long metal pole leading to the landing gear. Please replace it.
7) The New Computer Upgrade now being loaded into Air Force One gives Microsoft complete control of Air Force One.
6) There are Moles in the New Rothchild’s Headquarters In Switzerland - White Dragons so to speak. The living GOD will never let you find them and they are speaking out.
7) Finally - President Trump, Putin, Jinping, Rothchilds, etc - Until you do as GOD has directed the world economies will not recover.
YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.
The Army retirement System is so screwed up that the man in charge of Fort Knox and the US Army Retirement System - Colonel Kaune - is not able to have anyone on his entire post enter in a correct Birth Date.
It is like everything is breaking down in this nation - even the US Army Retirement System.
Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.
This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM
This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU
Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.
FIG. 1: BARACK OBAMA used taxpayer funds to rig the 2016 election. In Oct. 2014 he sent his White House chief technology officer Todd Y. Park to Silicon Valley to help with Hillary’s campaign and to implement her Facebook election rigging software. Simultaneously, Obama hired Google engineer Mikey Dickerson at the White House and in just seven weeks created the U.S. Digital Service. Together, Park and Dickerson routed all election data through the White House, so that Obama could control the entire nation’s election . . . at least the parts that his operatives Bob Creamer, Robby Mook, John Podesta and Terry McAuliffe had not already rigged. See proofs below.
“I was scared of being arrested, I was scared of losing my job,” Hernandez said. “But once there, I felt empowered, having them with me, and knowing it wasn't just for me — it was for everyone, not just the Dreamers, but all 11 million.”
Hurricane Harvey appeared out of no where - in a matter of 12 hours the worst Hurricane in recorded history just appeared out of nowhere.
From just north of Cuba a huge Tropical Storm developed and quickly headed towards Houston Texas, where it has stalled and is dumping huge amounts of rain every where.
Roads are blocked
Power is truned of to millions
Emergency 911 services are unable to be dispatched
Emergency Helicopters cannot fly due to huge winds
Many grocery store shelves are empty
Forget about any medical supplies as even UPS trucks cannot get through the roads
Many municipalities are cutting off water as their water distribution centers loose power due to flooding.
The long term effects of this Hurricane is to shut down Us Oil Exports from Texas for at least several years - thus driving the price of oil up world wide and creating gas and oil shortages across the US.
Sure - the US could increase oil production by increasing well production in North Dakota or in California - but that is not happening right now - is it?
No matter who created this storm - no one seems to be dispersing it as it destroys an area 4 times the size of New Jersey.
Please pray with me that those controlling the weather will stop this insanity immediately.
Focus your mind on calming Hurricane Harvey immediately and stopping the winds and rains.
Please prepare yourself for these disasters.
In other news:
The Left is art it again:
1) Maxine Waters - that old dried up prune - says she is coming for President Trump.
Oh Girly Secret Service Boys and Girls - why is she not in jail for openly threatening the President?
Secret Service - are you afraid of a 90 pound old woman?
2) In other news - ANTIFA is now striking across the globe at every rally.
Make no mistake - the are a well funded, well organized Globally Funded organization htat is claiming everyone who is not part of ANTIFA is a NAZI.
They and their leaders intend to shut down every free speech rally in America and shut down as much of the internet as possible.
Already the have posted on Wikipedia that all White males are racist, homophobic, anti-feminist, male oriented, Muslim hating insane people.
In response - the United Nations has announced that it is now ready to send in troops to Charlottesville to take over the city simply because the Virginia Governor and City Mayor are purposely inciting riots.
So why has President Trump not called in the 1st US Special Forces or our Engineers to come in and arrest these Globalist Pigs?
GOD only knows.
Pray that President Trump gets his head on straight and begins arresting these nutcases fir treason.
Over 700,000 Federally Hired Contractors are beginning to stop work.
Apparently the last president left the US Corporation in a pickle and destroyed it’s ability to issue Secret Security Clearances.
As of today - there are over 700,000 Federal Employees who have applied to get a Secret Security Clearance and may have to wait well over 450 days to get one.
In the mean time - they are shutting down projects across the nation because they are not able to continue working without the clearances.
It will take at least a decade to clean up what the last 4 presidents have done to our nation.
And by the way - it’s still all George Bush’s Fault.
Please be ready for any disaster folks with:
Food - Watch William Mount Cooking
This includes medicine - which is why we sponsor Immusist, Citricare and
If you are diabetic please have Gymnema on hand from GETTHEHEA.COM just in case you cannot get Insulin like in Houston right now.
Water - Water Filters
Toilet Paper - Or Colostomy Bags
Ammunition - We recommend Bear Spray
Heat - To heat your home and to cook with.
Communications - To get help from any neighbors or to help them.
Please pray that your families wake up and prepare.
Please also pray that the plans of these elites are thwarted and your families are safe.
This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM
This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU
Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.